
Master Hartle

Member since: Friday, 06 June 2014
Last Visit: Monday, 29 January 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Overnight Testing

Well, the night time testing is over. I did not do as well as I would have liked to do. Made some mistakes, and had some forgetful moments. This is usual for me when I am up past my bedtime. Really glad that Master Evins was able to do this tonight. Worried about him today, especially for the Tea Ceremony.

  1119 Hits

Big Day

Last minute tweaks to my music, and i think I am done. Ready for tonight and tomorrow afternoon

  1523 Hits

Slept In

Must have done some good work yesterday. I slept for an extra hour and a half this morning. Worked on 3 position snatches for strength WOD: x2 4 Jerks (135lbs) 5 FSquat (135lbs) 6 PCleans (135lbs) 30 Pullups 40 Pushups 50 Situps Practiced a lot of flying side kicks jumping over as high and long of a pile as possible. Will see how this goes at testing.

  1194 Hits

Master's Testing

Went to watch Masters Jackson, Geeson, and Brodie test for their next rank in Goldsboro on Saturday. They did a great job, but didn't give me any great ideas for my breaking routine. Kind of forgot about the Nai Bin Jin forms. Spent some time working on them today. More work to do.

  1175 Hits

Getting Stronger

Having nagging arm/shoulder injuries for the last 7 months, finally healing up, allowed me to get a personal record today with weight overhead. Close to my body weight (I'm heavy). Spent some time working on my breaking kicks today. Mentor session with Master Evins  

  1148 Hits

First Workout Back

Did my first weight class since injuring my hip last week. Kept the weight light, and everything went well. No pain. Ready to keep on working and getting ready for testing.

  1066 Hits


Spent yesterday feeling like an old man. Hurt my hip pretty badly, probably from doing deadlifts. Never had this particular injury, so hoping that ice and rest will heal it up in short time.

  1072 Hits

Another Day

Failed to get 200 lbs twice trying to get a 1 Rep Max on Push Presses. Got 195 lbs WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 TNG Cleans (115 lbs) Pullups TNG Jerks (115 lbs) Touch and Go movements with no pauses. Every pause requires a 100 m run/sprint

  0 Hits

Happy Easter

Busy day today. Not sure if I will have time to get a run in. Family Easter dinner today. Need to keep it real and not eat poorly.

  957 Hits

Axe Workout

Chopped down two trees in my backyard, and cut my Crepe Myrtle back. Then spent hours trimming bushes and cutting firewood with my axe. Pretty exhausted. Going to feel this tomorrow.

  1055 Hits

So Tired

Practiced a lot of dynamic kicks yesterday. Trying to get my 540. Legs and back are so tired. HSPU and weighted plank holds (45 lb) today WOD: 50 calorie row 50 pushups 100 squats 50 push press (95 lbs) 50 calorie row

  1079 Hits

Feeling Good

Think I will work on some dynamic kicking today. Want to get my 540 back (and better). More work on hurricane hook kicks. Black Belt class tonight, and PMAA

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First Workout Back

Back from taking a week off sick. Felt good. 5 lbs short of a PR on Strict Press WOD: 400 m Run 30 OHS (115 lbs) 400 m Run 30 Lateral Burpees 400 m Run 30 Slam Balls 400 m Run

  960 Hits

Art of War

Don't start no war with me... I have the scoop. I finished my book. Very interesting read. Sun Tzu's book is supposed to be the benchmark by which all military leaders must adhere to acheive success. Most of it seems like common sense type of stuff, but, who knows. We see leaders all the time seem to exhibit no apparent common sense.

  1029 Hits

Physical Test

Took my physical test today, since I am unable to attend early on Saturday. Feeling pretty sick, but I was able to get through. Running was the hardest part. Couldn't beat my pretest time (7 sec slower). Hope I feel better tomorrow. Too much work to do.

  935 Hits


No sleep Sunday night. Feeling like I had to throw up most of the afternoon. Still able to work and do some make-up tests. Feel better today, but still not 100%. Got my physical testing tomorrow morning, since we are not able to attend Saturday morning. Hope I feel better tomorrow.

  942 Hits

Lesson Learned

Went for a run this weekend, and stopped a few times to get in sets of pushups, situps and plank holds. It is not unusual for me to add burpees or pushups, etc. to my runs. This time, however, I did my situps on the concrete, wearing only shorts and a tshirt (no jacket). I now have two abrasions on my tailbone from the concrete. Bad idea. 

  975 Hits


I would say my creative form is half done. Need to shoot a video and post it to the facebook site. 16.3 at the box this morning. 5 rounds of 10 hang power snatches (75 lbs) 4 rounds of 5 C2B pull ups Also interesting to do the strength training after the WOD. 2 x 5 thrusters 2 x 3 thrusters (125 lbs) Finished with some ab work, pushups, and stretching.

  1032 Hits

Wall Balls

Worked on HSPU, C2B and ring dips 400 m run 100 wall balls 400 m run More dynamic kicks with Master Evins Testing at Lake Norman tonight

  953 Hits

Physical Test Preview

Worked out at King Tiger with our BBC ladies. 2 mile run followed by 36 pushups, 39 situps, 23 burpees, 26 v-situps, 2 min plank hold

  907 Hits

Instructor Camp

I can feel that I need to rest. We had a great camp with lots of hard training, late nights and long travel. My body tells me when my immune system is compromised, and I try to listen. No workout this morning for me. Will go for a run shortly. Should be back to full strength tomorrow.  

  968 Hits

Another Day

Still trucking along. Fitness feels pretty good. Haven't lost the weight I wanted for this cycle yet. More work to do. Handstand Push Ups are getting better. DU jump ropes not so much. WOD: 3 rnds 30 wallballs (20 lb) 20 box jump 10 Power Clean (135 lb) Hitting extra ab work after every workout, and extra stretching. More Poomse work with Master Evins, and Instructor Camp prep  

  949 Hits

Test Prep

Think I have my brick breaking routine in mind.  13 bricks in multiple breaks. Also been working on my creative form with a cane. pretty happy with my longest run in a while on Sunday (4.5 mile) Today's workout Heavy Push Press - This hurt my shoulder a lot WOD: 800 m run 100 jump rope 25 thrusters (95 lb) 50 KBS (55 lb) 25 thrusters 100 jump rope 800 m run No pain from this workout.

  942 Hits

Crossfit Open

The Crossfit Open started last night. Although I am not a registered participant due to my shoulder injury, I will be doing the weekly open workouts on Friday mornings. 20 Thrusters (135 lb) WOD: 20 min AMRAP (6 Rounds + 27) 25 ft Walking Overhead Lunge (45 lb bar) 8 Burpees Over Bar 25 ft Walking Overhead Lunge 8 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups Post workout sit-ups, stretching and got 5 rounds of jump rope Home for post workout smoothie (see video on FB)

  923 Hits

Creative Form

Spent a lot of time today working on my creative form. Lots of cane twirling, and dynamic kicks. Not able to make Black Belt class or PMAA class tonight. Short-handed but productive day at work.

  933 Hits

Cool WOD

Yesterdays workout had me on my back for almost 10 minutes after, and I didn't even finish. Started with strict press. Got the weight I failed at 2 weeks ago. Still 10 lbs below my PR 50 cal row 25 front squat (115 lb) 50 kbs (55 lb) 50 ab mat situp 50 kbs 25 front squat  50 cal row (only got 30 cal in the 20 min cap) Felt great later in the day. Shoulder continues to heal (I think). Less and less pain.

  989 Hits

Feeling Good

Felt beat up and in a lot of pain this morning. Morning workout went well. Started a new supplement regimen, adding O2 Gold and Bio Charge before and during workouts. Lots of new dynamic kicks with Master Evins. Shoulder not hurting, and back seems better. Even jacked up elbow from last night's BB class isn't hurting much.

  901 Hits

Bad Back

Jacked up my back working out yesterday. Back may have been not right before, but it was definitely spasmed up after my car ride home. A lot of power cleans (new PR on Hang Power Cleans). Felt my back getting tight on Toes-to-Bar. Still able to get lots of work in, and plan to today as well. Probably need to hit the Ibuprofen pretty hard today.

  1062 Hits

Starting to get excited

With so much going on and with deadlines looming, testing will be upon us quickly. I need to start making more headway on my creative things. Think I have a copy of Art of War here somewhere that I have never read. Want to get my book read this week and report written. Also want to get more work done on my creative form for testing.

  948 Hits


Maybe it was the disappointment of the big game, or the less than perfect eating I did yesterday... but I really felt like I needed my morning workout. Warmup: 6 min 100 m  10 Air squats 5 pushups 10 mountain climbers 5 pullups Strength: Heavy Hang Power Snatch 5 x 70% = 95lbs 5 x 75% = 100lbs 5 x 80% = 110lb 5 x 90% = 120lb Workout: Wallballs 20-20-20-20-20 (20lbs) Power Snatch 10-8-6-4-2 (120lbs) Then ran an extra 1.5 miles Back to better, healthier eating today :-)

  889 Hits


Doing my pull ups the last couple of days has got me motivated to get better at this. WOD today Burpee Box Jumps Slamballs Push Press   Strength was alternating pullups and hollow rock/ superman, with warmup of DUs, lunges and T2B.   Training with Master Evins. Lots of work on forms.

  991 Hits


Had a nice couple of Black Belt classes yesterday. Lots of work on forms. Lots of changes to get down.  

  997 Hits

Double Challenge

So Master Chelley had us do the FB challenge yesterday, but she forgot to have us do the poomse before and after each round. So,... we did the challenge a second time with the poomses. Nice quad burn going there. Also ripped the seam of my pants doing the first set of air squats. LOL With about 4 days to go in my initial 24 day challenge, I have lost 9 lbs. Goal is to loose at least 12 more lbs.

  907 Hits


I plan to run my 5K run to get my baseline for the physical exam. Not expecting to break any records. Just getting over (I hope) this cold I have had for the last couple of days. My pre test results were a little disappointing. Push-ups (1 min)    38 V-ups (1 min)         26 Burpees (1 min)      22 Pull-ups                  5 Really need to work on my endurance

  890 Hits

Sick Day

Yesterday was a recovery/get well day.  Continued with 24 day challenge. Let shoulder rest for the day. Plan to do the jump rope challenge this morning after my workout.

  870 Hits

Stupid Shoulder

Slipped on the ice and aggravated my shoulder. Heavy snatches and overhead squats left me in pain all day. I did my pre test, but I was limited by my pain. I will redo today.

  845 Hits

Ice, Ice, Baby

I went out to jog, and the ice was too bad. Hard to even walk. Ended up doing .8 miles of suicides up and down my steep driveway (which was bone dry thanks to my work of the previous days). Also went for a walk and did 150 pushups and 100 situps while outside. Took a little over an hour. Actually nice and sunny today. Probably wait until tomorrow or Tuesday to take pretest.

  839 Hits

Pre Test?

It is motivational to see all of the posts with the candidates pre-test results. Will do mine later this morning. Still don't think I can get my run in today. I will run, but not sure if I want to time my run on ice and snow. Then time to watch some FOOTBALL!

  995 Hits

Snow Day

Nice day to get some requirements and some essays done. Hope I can survive with no bread and milk :-) Hope I have a jump rope at the house :-(

  860 Hits

Death by Thrusters

Actually wasn't that bad. Warmed up with alternating Hand Stand Push Ups and weighted Plank Holds (35 lbs). Got my arms good and tired. Finished 9 rounds of EMOM  3 Burp 1 Thruster 3 Burp 2 Thruster 3 Burp 3 Thruster . . 3 Burp 9 Thruster = 27 Burpees and 45 Thrusters (95lbs) Lots of Poomse work with Master Evins Tiring day.

  928 Hits


MLK Day at the box is always a joy Working off lots of bad eating from Panther Sunday Get back on track with 24 day challenge after a tough weekend.

  795 Hits


Quick weekend in Atlanta for the regional Advocare event. Always a good motivator for goal planning and no excuses work ethic. Almost 11 hours driving really hammered didn't do my body any favors. Got in good workouts Friday before we left, and able to get some pushups and situps in Saturday morning. Eating could have been better. Could have been worse.

  923 Hits


I always seem to oversleep the mornings after sparring classes. Also practiced a lot of jump turning kicks yesterday, so body must have needed extra rest. Nice to see students from other schools come in for class (Inst Dege :-) )

  855 Hits

I Hate Thruster

Pullups and hollow rock/ superman.  30 Thrusters 180 Jump Rope 20 Thrusters 120 Jump Rope 10 Thrusters 60 Jump Rope Resumed a morning smoothie regimen today. Hadn't had one for months before today.

  911 Hits

Not Enough

Or too much? Not satisfied with my eating at this time. Generally clean and healthy, but I think I am still eating too much. Got to start weighing portions again for a while, until I get a better visual idea of proper portion size. Want to get some more runs in this week.

  863 Hits


Lots of snatches in today's workout. Shoulder was really tight to start, but loosened up. No real pain during workout. Starting week two of 24 day challenge. Hang Power Snatch Progression - 85lb-110lb 5 sets of 5 WOD 25 Wall Balls       x3 (20lbs) 20 T2B              x3 15 Power Snatch x3 (95lbs)

  936 Hits


We need to have more of these seminars. Fun stuff. Got alot of requirements in, got my BB booklet, ready to roll.

  921 Hits

Busy Day

Nice to have another restful day to recover from sparring and lots of jump roping. Wish I had had time to get a run in though. Need more conditioning. 24 Day challenge day 4. Doing a pretty good job with the consumption

  846 Hits


I finish a set of 25 pushups through pain, then have to wait for about a minute for the burning in my shoulder to subside. Something definitely not right there :-( First sparring class in a while. I'm exhausted.

  883 Hits

Pood and a half

Got a nice 4.5 mile run in yesterday. Today's workout was  Work to one rep max of Push Press 200 m Run 5 burpees 58 KBS (54 lbs) 200 m Run 5 burpees 51 wall balls (20 lbs) 200 m Run 5 burpees 41 slam balls (30 lbs) Might have some rotator issues with my shoulder.

  892 Hits


Nice to get the bootcamp workout in. It was a pretty light workout, but those are nice every once in a while. Squats (20 lbs) - Bring Sally Up 5 min Farmer's Walk (carrying the heavy bag 60lbs?) 5 min Stair Walk (20 lbs) 10 burpees    1 SU 9  burpees     2 SU 8  Burpees     3 SU 7  Burpees     4 SU 6  Burpees     5 SU 5  Burpees   5 min Self Defense    1 burpee, 2 SU, 3 PU, 4 Lunge (x3 +6)   Not saying Sally didn't hurt though.

  920 Hits


Woke up this morning in lots of pain. Shoulders, traps... All those crazy power cleans and hand stand push ups yesterday. Push ups will be lots of fun today.

  766 Hits


Endurance is my current goal. Hopefully, the extra running and exercises will dramatically affect my stamina and breathing. EMOM HSPU Plank Hold (35lbs) WOD 400 m Run 20 Hang Power Clean (135lbs) 30 HSPU 20 Hang Power Clean 400 m Run

  908 Hits

Struggle is Real

Started the day by stepping on the scale and weighing more than I ever remember weighing in my life. Not the kind of bench mark I want to set. Strict Press to 1 rep max WOD 60 Jump Rope       x 5 = 300 15 Thrusters          x 5 = 75 (@ 75 lbs) 10 Pull Up            x 5  = 50 Ran 1 extra mile after class Spent the day making repairs around school, then laying flooring with my son at his rental property.  

  900 Hits

Team WOD

Team workout yesterday. Finished 5 rounds of: 100 m Run   = 500m 8 Thrusters   = 40 @ 95lbs 8 Slam Balls  = 40 @ 30lbs 8 Burpees     = 40 Still not eating clean. Getting rid of holiday foods ;-(

  870 Hits

Lite Load

Got a few PU and SU in on Christmas morning. Busy morning, then spent the rest of the day in dress clothes. Today will offer a crossfit workout.

  830 Hits


Oops, I did it again... Ate too much Christmas Goodies... Paying the price :-( Need to get a run in this morning, Get in my requirements while watching kids this morning. Think I have through Nebinjin III remembered again.

  862 Hits

Monday - 12 days of Christmas

W.O.D. 100 m Run                 x 12 2 Power Clean             x 11 = 22 3 HSPU                      x 10 = 30 4 Thrusters                 x  9  = 36 5 Jump Squats            x  8  = 40 6 Slam Balls                x  7  = 42 7 Burpees                   x  6  = 42 8 Jerk Press                x  5  = 40 9 Wall Balls                x  4  = 36 10 Front Rack Lunges  x  3  = 30 11 Toes to Bar            x  2  = 22 12 Back Squat    ...

Continue reading
  779 Hits

Tuesday - First Day of Full Cycle Work

Being on the Blackbelt cycle for two years, and having to complete 6 full cycles during that time, has allowed me to get way ahead of schedule just with regular workouts and classes. My goal for this next Black Best test is to be in even better condition. Therefore, I plan to increase my workload as if I am on a brand new cycle, still needing 10 weeks worth of requirements (ie., 10,000 more push-ups and sit-ups, etc.). Today is my first day of full new cycle training.

  849 Hits

Shoulder Treatment

Got my shoulder worked on this morning. I am in a ton of pain tonight. Hope it is just from getting massaged so hard. Good workout this morning. Thrusters for strength, 3 Cindys (5 pull, 10 push, 15 squat) and 3 Nancys (400m, 15 OHS/95lbs)

  699 Hits

Holiday Fitness

Through last weekend, I had hit a high body weight for the year. Had to hit this week and next week with the absolute necessity to drop a few pounds before the Christmas weekend. I refuse to start 2016 over 220 lbs.

  896 Hits

New Cycle

Nice to have the site back up. Time to start scheduling activities. Start my creative form, read a self help book, start researching essay topics

  864 Hits

Slow Recovery

Good workout yesterday. Didn't modify any techniques, just kept the weight down. The range of motion did not appear to upset my arm.

  953 Hits

RX Again

Finally did a hard RX workout yesterday. First time since rehabing my injured bicep. Followed by a great accupunture treatment.

  1001 Hits


Been sick the last couple of days. Sore throat mostly. And tired.

  1077 Hits

3 Wise Men

We did a Hero WOD today for Veteran's Day. The WOD honored the Wise brothers. All Special Forces soldiers, two of which died in battle. Three separate 4 minute workouts. Hang Snatches, Burpees over the bar, Power Cleans, Pullups, Box jumps over the box, and Wall Balls.

  956 Hits

Bus line

In a concerted effort to get more consistant with my logging my journals, I have decided to make it a habit while waiting in bus line.

  1040 Hits

Black Belt Public Exam

Lincoln Charter ES. Testers looking good. Can't wait until it is my turn again.

  993 Hits

Black Belt Testing

Tonight marks the end of the last cycle before mine starts. Excited to know that I will be testing again at the next Black Belt Test.

  882 Hits


Not sure what to do about my chronic arm pain. Thinking about taking a week (maybe longer) off to try to let my bicep/deltoid heal. Back to Todd for some treatment.

  960 Hits

Down Time

Had my first (and last) down weekend of the year.Flooded in the house at OIB, too much eating and drinking and sitting on my butt.Hopefully got a little more injury recovery.

  804 Hits

Down Time

Had my first (and last) down weekend of the year.Flooded in the house at OIB, too much eating and drinking and sitting on my butt.Hopefully got a little more injury recovery.

  817 Hits

Down Time

Had my first (and last) down weekend of the year.Flooded in the house at OIB, too much eating and drinking and sitting on my butt.Hopefully got a little more injury recovery.

  925 Hits

Down Time

Had my first (and last) down weekend of the year.Flooded in the house at OIB, too much eating and drinking and sitting on my butt.Hopefully got a little more injury recovery.

  951 Hits

Down Time

Had my first (and last) down weekend of the year.Flooded in the house at OIB, too much eating and drinking and sitting on my butt.Hopefully got a little more injury recovery.

  887 Hits

Getting re...

Getting ready to travel to Myrtle Beach for PMAA testing for my 3rd Lakan.Not nervous, just not looking forward to the whole deal.

  901 Hits

All Taped Up

Got my kinetics tape on my arm, and ready to go for my morning workout.Hopefully, won't need it any more after Wednesday's treatment.Terrible run yesterday. Supposed to run 10 miles for my half-marathon schedule.No way. Legs and whole body were exhausted.

  939 Hits


Got my second treatment on my tennis elbow today.Looks like one treatment next week will have me fixed up for testing in Myrtle Beach.

  931 Hits

Going to h...

Going to have to see Todd about my elbow.Jerk presses and thrusters were killing me yesterday.

  941 Hits


Between Master Hama testing the limits of our flexibility (or lack thereof), and a crazy speed workout at Crossfit, I went through the better part of a week with pulled hamstrings and groin.That has all since healed, but my elbow continues to kill me.

  803 Hits

Fiber Drink

Started my 24 day challenge today.Tossed fiber drink into shaker and chugged it down.Weird... no taste or texture. What did I just drink? Ah, new unflavored fiber drink.Ready to reach a new fitness level by Labor Day.

  921 Hits

5.7 mile r...

5.7 mile run yesterday.33 back squats60 wall balls40 pullups10 C&J

  846 Hits

Going to s...

Going to start another 24 day challenge soon.Aug 1st.Got good results from the last one, and have only gained back a few pounds.Want to ramp it up again and achieve a leaner physique.

  872 Hits


Feel beat down over the last 4-5 days.Need my Sunday to recoup a little.Only mow the grass and maybe a run.

  913 Hits

Black Belt Cycle

Maybe the start of the 10-week cycle for October testers will get me focused on entering my journals more often.Tired from a long week. 40% through our Summer Camp schedule :-)

  981 Hits

PMAA Weekend

Leaving for Nebraska tomorrow.Still need to put together a self defense presentation for Saturday.Lots of Thrusters yesterday, Owner training, and lots of sparring drills in class.

  875 Hits

One More Week

Gearing up for Summer CampGot to figure out how to schedule my workouts and runs during camp.Not sure I want to workout at 5:00 am

  877 Hits

No Spar

Found out yesterday that I will not be sparring at Kukkiwon Cup.I will be competing in Poomse, and then assisting with judging.Been working alot on endurance and conditioning.Going to try to keep up the sparring workouts.

  914 Hits


2 miles run100 pull-ups200 push-ups300 squatsFelt great! Day after a 3 mile run with 45 burpees and 45 squats. Day after 3.3 mile run with 20 burpees.Worked out hard to counteract the long holiday weekend.

  927 Hits

Minor Pains

Getting through a little groin tightness, and a bit of strained abdominal.Quick Martial Fit workout last night. WOD later this morning.Day 12 of Challenge. The cleanse is over :-(

  876 Hits

Day 9

Day 9 of our 24 Day Challenge.Lost 5.5 lbs so far. Still looking for another 7 lbs.Great Crossfit workout yesterday, followed by mowing my yard.

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24 Day Challenge - Day 5

Doing great on the challenge so far.Doing the meal replacement shakes during the new cleanse phase. Want to get a few more pounds off before competition in the Kukkiwon Cup in a couple of weeks.

  786 Hits

Good Run

Slow pace, but got my longest run in recent memory in yesterday. Still way behind pace for my half marathon coming up in November. Taking a month off with my torn calf muscle really put me off. 6.5 miles yesterday. Next weekend 8?

  0 Hits

Just finis...

Just finished a 4 week paleo challenge. Pretty happy with it.Going to continue for the next month through my 50th birthday.

  883 Hits

Week one o...

Week one of Summer Camp is done.Hard, fun, hot first week.Have a lot (too many?) volunteer counselors.Struggling to find time for runs.

  882 Hits