Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

All know the way; few actually walk it. by Bodhidharma
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Requirements: What You Can Expect

While each King Tiger Black Belt testing cycle is different, there are several consistent elements: a pre-test, belt rank curriculum and core requirements, physical and written exams, and, of course, the belt rank examination.

Should you decide to participate in a testing cycle, this is what you can reasonably expect:


Candidates must pass a pre-test to be officially on a KTA Black Belt testing cycle. The pre-test, administered within the first weeks of a testing cycle, consists of both a written exam of KTA color belt curriculum knowledge and a practical exam of KTA color belt poomsae and self-defense knowledge.

Candidates who do not pass the pre-test will NOT be able to continue the testing cycle. While the testing cycle fees are not refundable, candidates may apply the fees to a later testing cycle and re-take the pre-test at that time.

Belt Curriculum and Core Requirements

During the course of the 10-week testing cycle, candidates will learn and perfect their belt rank curriculum (poomsae, self-defense, weapons, etc.) as well as complete the core requirements outlined below.

Core Requirements

Physical Requirements
Candidates must perform a myriad of physcial challenges throughout the 10-week testing cycle, including run/walk 105 miles, 10,000 push-ups and sit-ups, 1,000 burpees/squat thrusts, 1,500 poomsaes, 1,500 basic kicks, 210 rounds of jump rope, 210 sparring rounds, and 350 pull-ups.
Leadership Requirements
Candidates must demonstrate leadership through mentoring, assisting and leading.
Written Essay Requirements
Candidates must write minimum one pages essays on a number of topics, including community service, empathy, being a white belt, their heroes, and learning a new skill. Candidates must also write essays specific to their belt rank, including a minimum five page essay.
Additional Classes*
Candidates must attend additional specialzed classes, including Black Belt classes during the week and on Saturdays, sparring classes, Black Belt Club classes and PMAA classes.
Other Requirements
Candidates must perform other requirements such as daily journaling, random acts of kindness, obtain letters of recommendation and obtain and care for a tree.

*These are in addition to your normally scheduled weekly classes.

Physical and Written Exams Towards the end of the 10-week testing cycle, candidates will need to pass both a physical and written exam. The physical exam consists of elements from the core physical requirements, either timed or a minimum number of repetitons. The written exam consists of questions provided to the candidates that must be researched.

Candidates who do not pass the physcial or written exams will be allowed to re-take them at the discretion of the testing cycle adminstrators. Candidates who have still not passed the physical or written exams will NOT be able to continue the testing cycle. While the testing cycle fees are not refundable, candidates may apply the fees to a later testing cycle and re-take the pyhsical and written exams at that time.

Belt Rank Examination At the conclusion of the 10-week testing cycle, provided the candidate has passed the physical and written exams and has completed the core requirements, an over-night belt rank examination is administered. Candidates start the practical examination in the evening and are tested on their belt rank curriculum (poomsae, self-defense, weapons, etc.) well into early the next morning. The examination concludes in the afternoon with a public exhibition of selective belt rank curriculum, sparring, and breaking.
Tea Ceremony and Retreat

For those candidates that successfully complete the testing cycle, their new rank will be awarded during a traditional tea ceremony.

To celebrate the completion of the testing cycle and their new ranks, successful candidates are invited to a retreat.

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Requirements: Spring 2013 Cycle

In addition to your belt rank curriculum, the following core requirements must be met:

Physical Requirements

Run Candidates must run/walk at least 105 miles total. (1.5 miles daily for 10 weeks)
Push-ups Candidates must perform at least 10,000 push-ups total. (1,000 CORRECT FORM per week)
Sit-ups Candidates must perform at least 10,000 sit-ups total. (1,000 CORRECT FORM per week)
Burpees/Squat-thrusts Candidates must perform at least 1,000 burpees/squat-thrusts total. (100 CORRECT FORM per week)
Basic Kicks Candidates must do 10,500 basic kicks.(front, side, round house). That is 150 kicks daily: 50 of each kick per day, 25 per leg.
Poomsae Challenge Candidates must perform poomsaes at least 1,500 times.
Self-Defense Challenge Candidates must perform self-defense (complete belt levels) at least 1,000 times.
Sparring Rounds Candidates must complete at least 210 rounds, 90 seconds per round. Can be down with a partner, on a bag, shadow etc.
Jump Rope Candidates must do 210 rounds of jump rope, 1 min per round
Meditation/Quiet Time Candidates must spend at least 500 minutes in meditation or quiet time.
Pull-ups Candidates must perform at least 350 pull-ups total.

Leadership Requirements

Mentoring Candidates must meet with one person that you mentor at least 10 times for a minimum of 15 minutes per session. Candidates must also meet with someone that trains them at least 10 times for a minimum of 15 minutes per session.
Assisting Candidates must assist in a King Tiger class for a minimum of 20 days. Candidates must stay consistent with the class they choose.
Leading Candidates must lead at least 10 class activities, i.e. opening, warm ups, kicking etc.

Written Essay Requirements

Community Service Candidates can choose to do their own, but it will be MANDOTORY to do the group Community Service project. Candidates must write a minimum one page essay on their experience.
Empathy Training Candidates must go one day either blind, mute or in a wheel chair and then write a minimum one page essay on their experience.
Living Hero Profile Candidates must choose two living or non- living heros, someone they admire, and then write a minimum one page essay on each.
White Belt Challenge Candidates must attend classes for one week as a white belt and then write a minimum one page essay on their experience.
New Skill Candidates must choose a new skill to learn, maybe it is tackling the rubik's cube or learning a new language or instrument, and then write a minimum one page essay about the new skill.
Book Reading Candidates must read one book dealing with personal, physical or environmental development and write a minimum one page essay on the book read.

Additional Classes*

Master Quest/Dream Team Candidates must attend Black Belt Club training classes, 10 Master Quest classes for adults and 10 Dream Team classes for youth.
Sparring Class Candidates must attend 15 scheduled sparring classes
PMAA Candidates must attend 8 scheduled Philippine Martial Arts Association (PMAA) classes in order to learn their stick curriculum.

Other Requirements

Daily Journaling Candidates must enter at least 50 daily journal entries, a minimum five days per week.
Random Acts of Kindness Candidates must perform at least 200 random acts of kindness. Go above and beyond for your parents, friends, strangers etc. Do extra chores, pick up trash, take back a cart, help with loading groceries.
Recommendation Letters Candidates must have two letters or recommendation from NON-FAMILY members explains why they should be a candidate for black belt.
Tree TBA


Warning! Please Remember the black belt journey is not an easy task at King Tiger Tae Kwon Do.

We want to elevate the standards for wearing a Black Belt earned at King Tiger Tae Kwon Do, so that you can be even more proud to wear your Black Belt. Our testing system is designed to give you some challenge, but nothing beyond your limit. We believe it is all within your capacities. Just stretch your mind a little more; get out of your normal comfort zone. Believe in yourself!!

Believe you can do it! Remember! This is a true challenge that you will be proud of for the rest of your life.