Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Matthew....you should be able to continue to Journal until you get home in May.  We are looking forward to having you back and you have been missed.  I know that it is hard to be away, but you are doing great and you will be stronger for it!  Please know that you can call/text any time.  You will be back "home" before you know it!  


To all the candidates...Congratulations on a great weekend.  

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March 24th

I've been working on trying to turn my lemon into lemon meringue pie. I think I found a place that will be able to make the necescarry repairs on this vehicle. In the meantime I've been resting and relaxing after a strenuous and fun black belt testing. It was a very rewarding experience and I was grateful to be able to participate. I'm feeling much more revitalized after a weekend of watching march madness with my Pops. I'm going to start dedicating the proper focus and time to work on accomplishing my daily logs and other requirements soon so I can keep working towards my goals.

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Spring Break is over...

Congratulations on everyone testing!  I wasn't there to see it but I know everyone did a great job.  The tea ceremony is next week, so I am excited to see people getting their new belts, if anyone wants to send me pictures.  Shoreview is closed this week because it's their spring break, so I won't be making it there this week unfortunately...

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Pleeez tell me I passsed pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Today was the fnal test day. Sadly, I hurt my foot in sparring and could not break the brick. I am anxious for the irdict to pass and Hope I get my 1st Poom.

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Audit Reflection

This is the end of the spring cycle... for many of you, it is testing day.  For me, I still have farther to go with a lot of things.  This cycle was by far the most challenging of all my black belt cycles thus far for many reasons.  Now that I'm at a place much different from anything I've had at home, I had to get used to what my life now is, and I've had to deal with things that I've never come across before at home when I had a set way of doing things for years.  I started the black belt cycle strong and was very excited to take the next step in my Taekwondo journey after feeling disconnected from the community I had at home for the first time.  This community has been there for me for most of my life in a way that no person...

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LMP Mar 21

This is it!!!!! Time to go and show how much I’ve improved since last July. 

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my final journal!!!

I feel like this cycle has been good over all i have put in the work gone to the classes and i am ready to earn my black belt.  I hope that i and everyone else passes the test tonight.  also, one more thing......... GO KING TIGER TAE KWON DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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nervous again

today I was double nervous but my mom packed me a ton of snacks so I will not go hungry. I know I will do really good but I am still a little nervous. I will go to bed extremely late so see ya :D 

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test day!!!

today is the day of the test and i am felling nervous on yuk and sa Chang i hope i do good and pass.   

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today is the day. I had to sit in a meeting about my math skills. It was not fun. Today I got to make pasta for me & my sister. I think that pass or fail I will come out of this cycle stronger & better than before. In any case this is my goodbye. bye! & thank you for reading my journey.

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today I had to do a ton of school since my friends are coming tomorrow and we will not be able to do school Monday or Tuesday so today did School School and school!!!

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Good luck!

Good luck tonight to everyone testing. I’m nervous and excited!!

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I am super nervous and excited for testing… it’s weird mix of emotions right now. Anyway I just wanted to post and say GODD LUCKKKK. I know that we’ll all do great! We can do this! Here we gooo! 👍👍👍👍👍😁😁😆😆😆

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So nervous

Yesterday I was really exited but now I'm just 😓 nervous. Right now I'm out eating dinner and then I will head over to Grand Master Evins. I'm nervous but also happy it's almost over! I'm just trying to remember to take a deep breath and try your best.

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Journal - Day 35

Good evening, everyone! Today was a relaxing, yet stressful day. I am very excited and nervous for testing today. I wish everyone the best of luck for testing. We got this!  

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I don’t know why but school was extra tiring today. When I got home I took a nap and rested up. Whether you’re  ready or not, see everyone tonight.

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I feel nervous and excited for testing. I feel that I am prepared enough but worried about the breaking kicks. I am going to go in and finish strong! Good luck to everyone.

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Good days lead to better days. 03/21/25

Hello to everyone reading this. My name is Graceyn and this journal is meant for the people who start their cycle and see it at some point. I, Graceyn, am testing tonight at 9 P.M. for my second degree black belt. I just wanted to drop by and say a few things before I go missing for two years. See when I had my first attempt at the cycle I started somewhere in the summer of 2023. I had a whole lot planned out during that summer and was already several weeks behind. Then I traveled out of state for a few weeks and once again I tried the best I could to run in 100 degree weather with the constancy as needed to do more than just 2 miles a day. Slowly and slowly I got worked out too hard and ultimately quit that cycle. I was so beat and thought...

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Testing night, honestly already feel pretty tired from school and I didn't even really do anything. I watched some march madness in class cause I bored. Gonna head to the dojang early to grab a spot and stretch. “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need fear not the outcome of 100 battles” - Sun Tzu

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Practiced my creative form at the dojang and gave peer reiview for an essay today in school. Going to rest up and relax until tomorrow night,.

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It wasn’t much of a busy day at school today. I got home around 4pm and ate before I went to the dojang. See everyone tomorrow.

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March 20th

I'm typing up somewhat early this evening at least for me. I'm hoping to get a good nights rest. I spent the morning studying and practicing. Then I went outside to give myself a break and clear my head to make sure that I actually remembered anything at all. I remembered more than I expected and I can tell that the practice has been paying off for sure especially with blocks and stances. Still if anyone knows me they understand I'm just as nervous as everyone else. I think more I have no real problem fighting in a cage but poomsae is terrifying to me. I'm much more comfortable with doing it so much throughout the cycle so I'm hoping to notice improvements. I'm excited to make the journey tomorrow and look forward to working hard with all of my peers to reach our goals for the day. I know everyone...

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Testing 2morrow! today I didmy math benchmark and assisted, and had a mentee session. I am not ready and am esspecially worried about the kyukpa.(breaking.)

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I am not going to be able to sleep tonight mainly because I will be nervous all night but I am excited. I am going to try to get as much sleep as I can tonight see ya :D 

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Good Luck everyone!!!

Its finally here.....THE END OF THE CYCLE!!!!  We made it.  I am done with all of my stuff, all my journals and all my essays and letters of recommendation are submitted.   All that's left is the overnight tomorrow!  I've been through it before so I'm not as nervous this time, but still ready for it to be over.    GOODNIGHT EVERYONE, see you tomorrow night, be there early.

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Nervous and exited

I'm mostly exited but also really nervous! I'm jealous that some kids don't have school tomorrow but I do! I'm still going to sleep good and take the day easy! I also get to bring my class pet guinea pigs home for a week! By the way today my bus broke down. Sleep tight everybody stay well rested but don't forget to practice but most of all try your best!

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LMP Mar 20....LAST ONE

So it's the night before the exam. Double checking my book and online. Exhausted, but grateful for the last few mentor sessions. according to the book, i'll be short mentor sessions, however, we have met every Sunday with the  rest of the 'Sunday park black belts'   according to online, I am only missing two leaderships...i tried my best. 

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grrrand prts

today my grand prnts came over and we played base ball and rested.  

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Now, before I go on about the benefits of these journals this time around, I have to write this out, hopefully, for somebody to see. I have written fifty journals, tallied next to my bed on the days I have done them. However, the website only shows I have thirty something journals. This website has just been a pain, and it has done this with my requirements as well. This is my fiftieth journal, and aint no way this website just not working this time around is gonna cause my downfall :D   GOODBYE MY GIRLIES!   So, last year, I found these journals to be a waste. I was plagued by the death of my dog, Abby, who I have known since I was literally born. These journals just felt like a fake jotting down of whatever joy I could find. This time around, I worked to complete another cycle...

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March 19th

I spent the majority of my day taking care of my father as he wasn't feeling well. I just took some extra time to take care of him, he has a health history that requires him to get extensive rest. He's been frustrated because he has new things to look forward going to but his health can be a factor in whether or not he can safely participate. I found time to still workout for myself. I also found time to study up on all my curriculum watching videos practicing drawing out steps etc to gain a better grasp of the concepts. In my downtime I've been walking to store daily and re-watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Hope everyone is well. Stay positive and strong y'all. 

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Today was not a good day. I missed lots of questions on my benchmark, forgot my mouthpiece for sparring, and received criticism during BBC. I think I just feel burnt out.  I am going to bed and will do my best tomorrow.

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Today I went to school, and played Pickle Ball. When I dame back home, I went to taekwondo class and helped out in class. After class I went to swimming class. It was tiring but i swam, and slept peacefully.

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Lake Norman Peeps

I am bringing my Oreo marshmallow squares tomorrow to sparring class!!! I am also bringing them to overnight again like last year!  All it is is crushed up Oreos and melted marshmallows with a little bit of butter to help the marshmallows not stick to everything.  Goodnight!!

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today has been funny because we have a new record temp & high uv. UV radiation is funny because it's all just gamma decay from the sun. it shows how the electromagnetic force works with photons in valence shells. Gamma decay is what happens when electrons move from a high shell to a low shell & release a high charged photon.

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almost test day!!!

I am honestly very nervous about the final test in a couple of days I hope that I and everyone else on cycle finishes the test and gets their BLACK BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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trips trips trips!!!

So, as you can see from the title a bunch of "other" "people" ARE going on trips and coming here.  my grandparents are coming tomorrow but just for the night. and on the test day our friends are coming.  PS they are both from Ohio!!! 

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read like your life depends on it!!!

today i skipped school so.... since i was aparently "behind" on reading so i witeraly read allllllll day!!!!

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sick day

today I had to stay home since i had fifth disease.  

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today i went to tea kwon do and did tae kwon do sttuff 

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today at scouts me and my friends made a roller coaster that could hold up 10 marbles. earlier today we went to Raleigh and we went to some museum and we also went to the state capital. chill day but I am going to bed see ya :D 

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Journal - Day 34

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I got all of my work done today, and got a lot of practice in for Tae Kwon Do. I am extremely tired today and am going to go to sleep after writing this. Otherwise, today was a great day overall. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Theres been a flu been passing around my campus and unfortunately I think I might've caught it. I still fine for now but I've recognize finding myself having low energy with sinus. Hopefully I'll feel better.

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Aiden journals 41-49

#41 3/5/2025 Today I had a sparring and black belt class. I miss Instructor Max, he made sparring so fun. Master Opey was the teacher today and it was fun too. With Master Opey we went over hurricane side and back kicks. The hurricane back kick is my kick for breaking. I am working hard to get it right. #42 3/6/2025 Today we completed the community service project. I love being able to help people. This was one of the best parts of cycle. Mom is always telling us to be helpers. We shopped, put the bags together and took them to Lake Norman. I hope to go to a class there soon. #43 3/8/2025 Testing day. I passed!!!! I ran my mile in 9 mins, 35 seconds faster. I made an 84 on my written test, I am so glad for that one. One part I worked hard for was...

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# 50 and good luck at testing-Aiden

#50 3/19/2025 Today is black belt class, sparring and mentor sessions. I am completing my last mentee session. I want to thank everyone who has helped me with my black belt journey. Especially: Master Opey for being my mentor. I have learned so much! Master Weeks for telling me to get my stances right. Mikey, Zeke, Roman and Sabrish for being mentees. Leo for being my testing partner this weekend. Antoine for answering my questions. I really enjoyed this cycle and all the work. It was hard and fun! Good luck to everyone testing this weekend!!!  

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LMP Mar 19

Things I've learned on my journay to becoming a 4th Dan.... 1. Not all mentee's will be reliable.                           For example, my mentee disapeered for over a month. I picked up 2 more mentees, then realized you can only 'chart' one mentee session per day. However, there have been days, that I have menteed 2 brothers and just last night, their grandma asked me to mentor her. (no, I didn't track all 3, I will only track 1, however, I mentored 3 last evening)    2.  No matter how much you practice, you are going to forget something.                         This is a great example of my last few mentoring sessions with my amazing mentor, Master Dege. She has taken SO much time out of her personal life to help...

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Tuesday Journal Entry

Im up way to late, I have to get to sleep. Today was a normal day, seminary at 6AM, school at 8AM, track practice at 4PM, Taekowndo at 6PM. Home, physical fitness, at track I got in almost 4 miles today. Tomorrow is a track meet, and I'm entered to run the 200m and 400m, so tomorrow will be a long day, we get out of school early at 1:15 and take a team bus, the meet is in Waxhaw about an hour drive, the meets end around 8, so the team will stop to get something to eat probably on the way back, and the bus gets back to the school around 10PM, that is a typical meet. Sometimes the meets are farther away, and we just get back much later. 

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I went to piano and did my homework afterschool today. The cycle is almost over, just a few more days! The days have started to mush together but it’s alright.

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Literally, I have nothing to write about today. What, my work experience? I taught kids taekwondo, and everyone was super well behaved, there is absolutely nothing eventful I can write about in today's journal. The luxury yet also the curse of my spring break is the fact I sleep all day, work, get home and fall asleep. That's it, the title explains all that happened for me today. So there ya go, a nice short journal, and now I am back to fall asleep :D

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Today I went to School and was assigned a project on the sino-japanese war in social studies. we went outside in gym today. Then I went to TKD and assisted, took class, and worked on self defense.

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Journal - Day 33

Good night, everyone! Today was a good day for the most part. School went well, and so did work. I was so exhausted when I came back home and slept on the car ride to work. I got the last part of double stick form 2 down, and now it's just practicing everything from here. Other than that, I had a pretty nice rest of my day. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Oatmeal Cookie Day. 03/18/25

I believe thia ia my last journal I need so I'm overjoyed. I'm a little scared of testing this friday because I have benchmarks all this week and I'll be so tired on Friday but it's whatever. Speaking of tired I'm very tired right now and I have my reading benchmark tomorrow so I'll be sleeping well tonight.

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I got a new book today. it's about life lived diffrentley in a mind that dosen't comprehend the same way as most people. It's very funny probably because it's from a commedian. it's interesting to hear his perspective on the world around him & how her reacts to it. I like it.

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today in Fortnite I cooked a kid in red vs blue and beat him 63-14. :D I had baseball and I was really happy. bed time bye 

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LMP Mar 18 - my half birthday

It was today in the year 1980 when I turned blue. Dad was at work and mom was home with me. I was 6 months old. Mom rushed me to strong Memorial in rochester, NY and was told I was going in for open-heart surgery. (Dad made it to the hospistal before they took me back, so I have been told) At that time, open heart surgery was rare, not to mention on a 6 month old. Both my cardiologists told my parents I had about a 5% chance of surving the surgery and growing up.  (Back track to September of 1979, I was born with CHD - congential heart disease, my heart is basically backwards in my chest. My aorta and pulminary vein are reversed and I only have 3 chambers verses a 'normal heart' with 4 thanks to the mustard procedure i had at 6 hours old) Fast forward...

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Just got done finished researching and writing my draft essay on the fall of the textile industry in Charlotte and the rise of banking in 1960-1965. Going to head to bed and hoping to receive some good peer review tomorrow morning class.

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I spent all night last night on the bus from Saint Paul to Chicago.  Today I walked around the city with my friends.  We weren't sure what to go to, so I ended up calling up my dad, as he knows the city and I don't.  Last time I have been to Chicago I was 1 year old.  We visited a park in the suburbs and a Chinatown mini-market.  I got my sisters birthday presents for their birthday coming up.

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After a short 3 hour call the previous night with my....best friend.... I got a PHENOMENAL amount of sleep, and the break could not be off to a better start!   I (clap) LOVE (clap) MY (clap) SLEEP (clap) GIRL (clap)!   See, getting to fall asleep is the most difficult part for me, usually taking me an hour just to fall asleep, but once I am asleep, GIRL, I AM KNOCKED OUT! Truly, sleep is what I am most excited to do when I get home from work. Especially when I go from an eight-hour day at school STRIGHT to work, like, sleep over homework every single day, I am being so for real girl. My fellow Americans, stand with me to ensure people get the amount of sleep they deserve, NOW :D   Anyways, I am downing an iced coffee and watching Hairspray, cause I be living the life...

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March 17th

Spent most of my day yesterday attempting to figure out the issue with my car. I'm fairly certain that I'm gonna need a new motor. Either get a new used car and hope it doesn't do a similar move or repair this car and hope that nothing else major occurs (decisions decisions). Still honestly just fortunate to be in good health. I spent time working on my blocks stances and working on my balance. I've been watching Are You Being Served? and playing my Gamecube. I will probably attempt to source some motors and or junk my car ASAP so I can get things back on the right track. 

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It was a regular school day today and I got lunch with my friends afterschool. After that I went and did my requirements and showered. I didn’t have much homework so it was a rest night.

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National Irish Food Day March. 03/17/25

Today was fun. I had some strawberry bread with glaze for Lake Norman today and did some more requirements. I fell forward onto my knee pretty badly and now it has a big bruise so thats what I needed right before cycle. I'm so tired now and I want sleep.

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Journal - Day 32

Good night, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. I went to a birthday party and got a lot of work done, which made me very happy. Today, I went to school, and I finished a lot on my first day back from spring break. I am pretty nervous about testing this Friday, but I am confident I will do well on it. I have the last bit of double-stick form two to review, but otherwise, I think I will be fine. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Today I went to school and it was very boring. When I got home, I assisted And took class rightaway, Leaving For TKD almost immediately. Now I will finish homework and sleep.

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today was a great monday! today I did my tkd & worked on my idea for my comp sci class. my idea is to make a torreting software what uses libtorrent for the torrents & gtk for the ui. this project will be written in c++ & will take some time but I think it's be worthwhile

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Almost testing day!

Hello peoples....The site says I haven't finished my journals yet but really I have done 52 (well now this is 53) and have had them done sine beginning of March.  Finish up this week strong.  If you can get your week done early so you can practice things you really want to practice then do that!!!!  Also get lots of rest before the overnight so you don't fall asleep!!  I am brining my oreo/marshmallow bars like I did last time! They are really yummy, they are just crushed oreos mixed with melted marshmallows and a little butter.    #Bread

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Today was pretty normal i just did school and cykle stuff.   

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Had a nice rainy morning today and it made me feel so lazy. Lucky the rainy weather went away and I got to work on my research paper for HIST. Had some trouble searching for primary sources dated back to 1900s, but I will continue to work on this tomorrow.

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So, I am going to be participating in the tournament in Anaheim over the summer, and I will be competing in the basic Poomsae's. However, I am doing both the standard and ELITE poomsae competition, as I am used to and completely able to do both. However, I am the old age of sixteen, and because My Poomsae's are decided by my age and not by my actual belt ranking, I was hit with such an unfortunate reality.   THE POOMSAE DILEMA!   So I have known Taebeck for quite some time, as I needed to know the form for a previous competition, again, because of my age. However, for the Anaheim tournament, and due to my age, there is a possibility that I could be drawn Pyung Won (I know I butchered the name) for my poomsae. This is, of course, terrifying as I have heard that the form, while...

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It was a simple day for me, nothing out of the ordinary. I went to church and did whatever requirements I needed to. I spent the rest of my day enjoying  the last of my weekend before school tomorrow.

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Great Wolf Lodge

today my friend had a birthday party at great wolf lodge and it was really great. we had a great time. bye :D 

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Today I worked on my taekwondo a lot because it was the last weekend before testing. I also played a lot basketball but it was hard to play because it was kind of windy. I also biked a lot today. 

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Today was good, but I was really tired! We had a sleepover with our friend last night and we stayed up really late. In the morning we just play and relaxed. Then we walked around the Davidson College campus, which was cool. We also watched some of the Davidson girls lacrosse game, and they won. For the rest of the day we just played outside and relaxed. We had a good dinner and some dessert. Now we are watching American idol. Also, this is my last journal! ♥

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National Artichoke Hearts Day. 03/16/25

I just wrote my journal 2 times before this and forgot to post it so I'm not bothering anymore. All it said was the amount of things I still have to do this week and the hour of poomsaes I did today which made me realize how many there were.

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First of all;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. I love the backwards slash. Today was chill; I stayed home from church to finish my requirements. Then, I went to sparring. Then I went to Maxlife.

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today i preeetty muc just did church stuff al day.                

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Journal - Day 31

Good night, everyone! I'm going to keep it very brief today. I went to a birthday party, and I practiced my poomsaes and self-defenses all day. Overall, it was a great day. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Last journal of the cycle and first of I'm sitting here doing this and my keyboard keeps tpying the letter l by itself and its doing it every 5 seconds so I have to keep deleting so ima make this journal a bit short. I just went to class and got home at 12:00 and I then did 100 pull ups then did 4.5 miles run then biked 10 miles and it lasted the whole day after 12;00 so now I go sleep. GOOD NIGHT

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LMP Mar 16

MMMMMMM.....we are down to the last week before testing. I have completed 1 part of my black belt exam; part two is Friday evening, beginning at 9pm. I am hoping we all do well and are not testing into the 'wee' hours of Saturday morning.  I have come a long way since I began this journey last July. I am looking forward to the exam. I feel much more confident in my self-defenses and poomsaes, along with all the weapon

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Spring Break

Today was the start of Spring Break.  Everything was very slow.  Most people have left, and unfortunately the gym is closed, so I'm doing a lot of requirements either in my dorm or outside.  That was fine though, since today was a pretty good day outside.  The meal hours at the buffet are weird now.  I spent a lot of the day catching up with friends and trying to solve things that I wouldn't be able to think about with school on.

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National Peanut Lovers’ Day! 03/15/25

So sorry for those who can't have nuts. Its a luxury only us people who aren't allergic can have. Anyways. I was productive today with workout and prectice. I got my last mentor session today. My mom told me were going to work on at least an hour worth of self defence and poomsaes starting monday so that's fun... otherwise I still have some things to memorize then I'll be all set.

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GAMING (in real life)!!!!

I have had an EXHAUSTING day for the absolute best reasons possible! A phenomenal Saturday if I do say so myself!   ITS A BIRD, ITS A PLANE, NO, ITS PICKLE BALL!   So my mom got the family to play pickle ball at a park court for over three hours today, and OH MY GOD IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! The family had a blast, and we want to play as often as we possibly can. It was truly a blast, yet I was drained afterwards. I was so exhausted and tired, but it was so worth it! My parents took my and my siblings to Cracker Barrel afterwards, plus we got Italian ice. Truly, a fantastic Saturday.   Plus I'm on spring break, so YIPPERR

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I went to black belt class in the morning as usual then headed to the chiropractor in the afternoon. Today I did mostly poomsae and self defense. Later in the day I went to watch a movie with my siblings.

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Today I woke up early and went to black belt class and practiced all the color belt poom saes, koryo, bo cho dan 1 step and bo co dan specials. Then after black belt class I played a lot of basketball and rested because it was a Saturday. 

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Saturday Journal Entry

Today I woke up early to go to black belt class. I got to practice poomsaes which was nice and after that I went home to go back to sleep. I then did some house work and my physical requirements for today by running a mile which took 5:23. I went to a friends house later in the day by bike, and I got home a little while ago. I'm looking forward to church tomorrow morning and one whole day of rest. 

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Busy Saturday

So I woke up at a normal Saturday time and didn’t bother doing anything to get ready except get my uniform in my bag then I went to class and then after I got a haircut then went to my aunts house to meet up with family for like 5 hours now I am tired and want to sleep!

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Journal - Day 30

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I went to black belt class in the morning, and we got a lot done, which was great. Afterward I worked on double stick Form 2, which I really need to get down by Thursday. After class, I went home and had lunch with my family. We went to the temple today, which was great because I felt like I really needed it. Otherwise, the rest of this week is full of review. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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I am NOT apologising for yesterday's journal. That was awesome. Today I went to my dad's friend's friend's house. I shucked oysters but did not eat them. It was fun. Now I will game and then sleep.

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community service project

today me and my friends raised money for bags of hope and we made 126 $ for bags of hope. I had ramen for dinner and I played Fortnite after. bed time bye :D :D :D :D :D 

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March 15th

Welp, all things considered I still had a great day. I woke up heading towards Charlotte for the day normal drive abnormal but ordinary carpool karaoke ensues. I make it right up to my exit to 5 mins from the Dojang and wouldn't you know it's the used car sputter, stall, all of the lights on the dashboard emote and then the wheel locks up (yippee). Thankfully I am a okay and that's all that matters I was able to get myself to shoulder of the exit safely and start looking for a tow home. Everything else was actually very smooth the tow ride home was more pleasant than expected and the tow was relatively inexpensive tbh on the lemon. Hope that class went well I certainly missed everyone and all the fun. Once I got home I Uber'd to the store so I could make dinner and then walked back...

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Finished my midterms early today and got to chill out. My friend pied his brothers face before the exam and they were handing out free energy drinks this afternoon on campus.

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I am, still, slowly getting better as the days go by, that my sickness how simply now transformed to strange coughing and painful swallowing. But I don't care about that right now, but simply, I care about.....   SPRING BREAK PEOPLE!   A week long break from the stresses of school and trying to stay awake throughout the day?! Like, yeah, Imma take that. But I am looking forward to this very chill break. This break could not come at a better time, as black belt testing is next week, and I am so eager to get it over with. I am ready to be a 2nd Dan and to finally be on par with my co-workers. I want to prove that I am just as good as all of the other instructors and masters at my school, as I am the lowest rank and I am just ready to no...

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  99 Hits

Pi Day

I am finally done with the first half of the semester!  And I am ready for spring break.  I got the $3.14 pizza, but this year, it was at Tono's, not at the Blaze near UNCC that I got it at in years past.  Speaking of food, I got all-you-can-eat fish and chips with my aunts and my friend, which was fun.  Anyway, I hope this spring break is restful and the next half of the semester goes better than the first.

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It was a nice Friday at school, not too much work. I took a nap when I got home then did the usual. I can’t believe the test is literally next week but I hope everyone is ready. 

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National Potato Chip Day! 03/14/25

Today was pretty chill. I'm really tired  though and I want sleep. My mom tried explaning to me about how I March 10th is Mario dayduring my workout but I still don't get it. Good night.

  78 Hits

March 14th Blog

Had a great Thursday of classes got to teach and help out with class instruction. I then got enjoy my Muay Thai class. It's a different experience so as always I feel like a complete novice but that part of the fun. I always work up an appetite after doing all of my classes for the evening so after driving straight home and taking a frigidly cold shower I was desperate for something extremely delicious. I made myself an exquisite mushroom risotto and promptly passed out for the evening. I started my Friday morning off with some MMA training, yoga , then meditation. It's my lazy day so back to bed until I wake up naturally. Woke up in the late afternoon and decided I would get my second coffee and try to work on somethings I know I need to practice for repetition after going over it in class previously...

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  73 Hits


Today I went to school and had a technology lessen where I got to see A. I dogs. It was really cool, be cause they were robots and they were moving. Then after school, I went to black belt class and practiced for testing ng.

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1 week till testing!

So it’s a Friday it’s almost summer it’s already spring and I know nothing today can’t go wrong so I started off the day with looking at some Ironman races which are just triathlons and I want to do one of those. After the part were I did not much in school I went to class really quick and got a mentor session and then cycled 8 miles on a stationary bike in 120° I then ate dinner and now I’m sleeping!

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Today I went to stars&strikes and also BBC weekday. Today was a boring day for me and I am not sure if I can test well.  

  109 Hits


today I went to tae kwon do and went to a national park I can't wait to sell stuff with carter tomorrow. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  97 Hits

Journal - Day 29

Good night, everyone! Today was a good day. My leg has a huge bruise from sparring yesterday, and it hurts very bad, so I'm hoping it gets better soon. I also uploaded my last essay yesterday night, so I have everything on Dropbox. I am super excited and nervous for testing next week. Today, I was working on my creative and got the last part of my form down. Now, it's just practice and tweaking it from here. I went to black belt class, and we reviewed all of our material for testing next week. I need to work on my breaking kick a bit more, but otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  44 Hits