Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

missed classes

Couldn't make classes today and i had to take my son to camp at 1pm and so didn't get to bed until close to 3pm. 

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Day #14 - 7/26/2024

I wasn’t feeling well today so I took a break. I will play catchup in the coming days.

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Day 14

I can’t believe it’s already been 2 weeks on the cycle, it really flew by! No classes today, so I stayed home and just did my physical requirements as usual. I’m feeling a little more sore than usual but should get used to it soon.

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Peter's blog

today I went to jog but it was raining all day so I ran in the rain and then I went to play basketball with my friends. Then I went and did my requirements and then I went an watched a movie, and now I'm going to sleep

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Got up early to prep for my "first" Real actually early black belt class. Practiced what i could remember from pma and did my forms before running errands all day. Got home did my last physical requirements and German before bed.

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Dat 14

It's already been two weeks and what a two weeks it's been.  We've started working with our mentor and learning 2nd Dan 1-step and Special.  I hate the way all my movements are so slow this early in learning a self defense.  I know I'll pick up speed but testing doesn't seem far enough away to catch it up in time. I went to Urgent Care this morning because I hurt my finger yesterday.  They put it in a splint and told me to go to OrthoCarolina after work.  Apparently I managed to damage the ligament that runs to the bone at the end of the finger.  It doesn't require surgery but it has to be held perfectly straight for six full weeks and then four more weeks at night while it "scabs up" and reattaches.  Between the ankle sprain earlier in the year and now this, it feels like something...

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Practice with your friends!

I feel like I have a bit of a cool thing going on when I'm on the cycle-i have someone who is my belt rank to practice with when I need to.  Self defense are more fun to do and I feel I learn a lot more when you can go up to someone in your house and say "hey, throw a punch at me, I want to do X" and they a)know why you want them to throw a punch, b) they won't actually land it, c) they can give you immediate feedback on how you did, and d) they usually ask you to punch them back.  It also helps keep you on track and accountable when you might be tempted to skip it and make up time the next day, because if they walk up and say "hey, do forms with me", "time my kicks", or "let me toss...

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6th Journal Entry

Today i was at camp and got all my requirements done like usual. We went bowling today. I kinda walked off and got in trouble with my friends but besides that it was fun. I almost forgot to do my journal until i realized when i was laying in bed. Tomorrow i'm going to my first black belt class and i'm ready. Okay i think i'm done now.

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Journal #14 making a new meal

Today was a new day. At first I went to the doctor then I worked on my requirements, then I made my new meal shrimp and pasta. By the way it was delicious but sadly we were late to taekwondo but after black belt class and advance sparing we did our run. After the run we came home and had dinner then went to bed.

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Friday BB Class

So today I woke up pretty late and started to read. I played with my brothers today and then went to TKD for a class assistance credit, bb weekday credit, and a mentor and mentee session. Me and Instructor Nate worked on color belt poomsae and then I worked with Caleb on kicks. See you guys in the morning. 

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This weekend we are taking care of our friends dog.   After class we went over to their house and walked him.  The dogs name is Cooper Joe. He is old and did not want to go for a walk. Then when we got home we went and walked our dog Smokey. Then my brother made nachos for dinner. 

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This morning I woke up and took my drivers Ed class.  Today we took a couple of tests on the last 4 chapters we read. They were 16 questions and I am pretty confident I got them right.  I had to leave class at 5 to make it to black belt class.  After class I came home and walked my friend’s dog.  I walked with my mom and little brother.   After that we walked our own dog Smokey.  I showed them a new route to get some extra miles in.  It made Smokey really tired.  Then we went to the store to buy stuff for nachos.   I made na his for me and my little brother.  Then I am heading back over to let Cooper out one last time before bed.  

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Ben Karki Day 14

Today, I watched the Olympic games ceremony at 1:30. Then, I finished my requirements and went to my black belt class and advanced sparring class. After the class, I rested and ran for one mile. I will see you on Saturday.

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bad hit

Today i went to advanced sparring and my fello candidate abraham kicked me very hard in the head and nuts. i had my cup on but it was falling out of place when he kicked me and i couldnt fix it unfortunately 👎. but we worked on cancellations and mobility. i had black belt class and it was fun. I only ran one mile tonight. declan made a pasta dinner with shrimp in it. it was good. today was good.

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day 14?...

Good evening to all. Another long day of hard work for the cycle complete. Make sure to do everything that you need to do. Don't get caught behind!

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Hi King Tiger. Good day today. Work was interesting as usual but got some hiring items in the pipeline. Basically, I need to hire a new group of leaders to help with some Transformation work. I am excited about that. I got my car to the auto body shop for appraisal. Please pray that it can be repaired. Heading back to NYC next week for work. Doing some requirements in the NYC. Great BB class today. Working on belt level items which was awesome. Looking forward to the weekend. Have a great weekend and take care. 

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Today was a fairly productive day. Started my day off with a swim workout, followed by some requirements. I then went for a run and did even more requirements. After all that I went to Black Belt Class and we worked on 3rd Dan specials (belt) self-defense, which I definitely needed a refresher on. I then came home, relaxed, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up this morning and I did some of my 5th grade work so I be ready for fifth grade, after that I did some of my coding and typing. I went running and did my exercises. Then I practiced some taekwondo and reviewing my pommases and self defense. Last I went to taekwondo for my black belt class and advanced sparring and I also got my leadership credit while I was at the sparring class. Last I am very proud that I am on this cycle because I worked hard to get here. I hope everyone achieves their black belt.

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Today I woke up to go to the movies and then returned home to do my requirements and read for my essay. Not much else happened, except I participated in rolls and falls and found my missing sparring gear helmet from yesterday's sparring class. I did learn 2nd Dan specials which was new for me since I never learned it until now.

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Cake pops

Today when I woke up, my sitter came over and we played, did my requirements at Champions, ate lunch, played some more.  When she left I went to Taekwondo and I brought my cake pops to share with the class.  This was my "new skill".  My sister can make them, but I never have.  I made them with vanilla cake and chocolate on top with sprinkles. When I got home I realized I forgot to give them out.  Master Natasya put them in the fridge so they will be there on Saturdays class.  If you are reading this - come to Saturdays class for a cake pop!  See you tomorrow. 

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Workout Day

Today, was a lot of working out, because in the morning I went to Crossfit to weight lift. Me personally, I love to weight lift, it's always my favorite day. So I did a lot of bench press, and really working shoulders lats and triceps. After that I crashed at home and did some requirements before going to the Dojang, and doing black belt class which was a great class today. Following the Advanced Sparring Class with Instructor Madelynn teaching the class. She does a wonderful job in teaching drills that they did in the Olympics, which is very hard, and why I said a Workout Day. Lot's of strengthening and high cardio, but a awesome class highly recommended.

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Today I woke up and did my requirements for taekwondo. Then I did my chores and listen to music. Then my mom turned on the Olympics and we watched the Olympics. Then I played with my dog. Then I watched a little bit more of the Olympics. Then I went to taekwondo and did two classes. Now I’m done for the day.

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Went to the pool yesterday then headed to sparing class. Decided to take the day off today for a change of pace and will be back on track tommorow.

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Pacing Myself

I have fallen behind in my requirements which has happened before. Even though I need to get them done, I also need to listen to my body. It is important to let the muscles rest and repair itself. I will be able to pick up again soon. I work tonight and if it is a good night (fingers crossed), I'll be able to fit some things in. Have a good day/night, all!

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LMP July 26

Super proud of myself....I assisted in two classes back to back, then stayed for my sparring class.  Anxiously awaiting my pullup bands, thanks to a fellow blackbelt candidate.   Today begins the opening ceremonies for the summer 2024 Olympics,  so at camp today, all games and activities will be centered around that!  Super excited. Javelin toss( pool noodles), jump rope competition,  hula hoop competition,  bowling competition (knock down cones) and lots of crafts!  With the competitions, I'll easily get my physical requirements in!!!  Happy Rainy Friday 🌧 

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Good morning, hope everyone is doing well. Anyone going to see the new Deadpool movie. Taekwondo in the Olympics is August 7. Cant wait for the ceremony at 1:30. Starting my requirements soon. 

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So Tired

Hey guys, today, I'm a little bit beat up because of sparring obviously, but my mom doesn't believe that I did my requirements! I only had my push ups and my run left, but now I need to do them all over again! anyway, I'm not working today, so I should be able to relax more and today should be more chill. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day and I want all of you to know that you've got this. If I have to do my requirements 2 times in one day, you guys can gets them done easy. Have a good day, bye!

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Today I’m at king tiger I’m going to the park and I have to do double of everything for my requirements because I forgot to do it in the morning and I had sparring in the afternoon but today I have time because I don’t have as much things to do.

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Hello everyone It is the morning o I don't have much to write about, I haven't even had breakfast. But yesterday I went to sparring and it was fun, once we got home I had dinner and went to bed. bye everyone.

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Journal - Day 13

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. After finishing my requirements and a lot of my assignments, I played a game with my mom and my brother. After that, the rest of the day was easy and simple and we just rested. Today, I woke up pretty early and have already gone on my run. I am about to go take a shower and soon head over for summer camp. After summer camp, I am hoping to take the rolls and falls class, followed by Black Belt class. Hopefully, I can get a mentor or mentee session today since I have a lot to work on. I am hoping to finish my requirements and civics assignments after I come back. Have a wonderful day!

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still working

Trying my best to get the requirements done but i am falling behind a bit. My schedule is still all over the place due to the construction in my house. 

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Day #13 - 7/25/2024

A lot happened today. After completing what seemed like a terrible attempt to workout, I decided to go shopping for another treadmill. I had managed to break the old one with my recent increase in incessant running. My little minion hurt himself while we were out shopping, and cried a lot. And this really got me feeling melancholic till the end of the day. So much that I could barely get enough energy to write this post.

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The majority of my day was spent at a waterpark with some relatives. When I got home, I did some requirements and rested for a little before heading to the dojang to help out with class and take sparring class. It was a very big class today, many cycle people were there.

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Thursday sparring

Thursday is sparring day-well, at least for now.  The dojang 's schedule is getting ready to change so we can add Muay Tai, so sparring will move to Friday.  Also got a mentoring session in while we were there.  I think I need a new pair of gloves along with the stick bag I need to buy for myself.  I had forgotten how much the gloves shed when you use them.   It's like I'm the soot monster, raining soot and punches wherever I go.  My por stick bag has a hole in the bottom, so I have to be careful not to have a stick sneak out like a teenager sliding out of their window meeting their friends after midnight.  

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Day 12(a)

Or Thirteen, if you prefer.Today was another busy work day.  I was going to try to get some miles in over lunch but right at noon the skies opened up.  I did manage to get some in later (I took a late lunch) and once it hit 5pm, it was off to the dojang for helping and then sparring. Still not a big fan of sparring - I'm too methodical and analytical for something that happens that fast.  But I'm learning new things so it's all good.  But now it's off to bed and back at it again tomorrow.

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Chill Day

Today was a nice chill day, because I was able to rest and do my requirements and just hang out and enjoy my family. I did go to get my brothers car inspected though from a super nice guy named Johnny. He does inspections for cars for a living, after that I went home and saw some super cute puppies from next door and hung out with them for a while. Then I went to work which was a pretty long day with a lot of classes for the most part. While we were out the power went out at home and we had to fend for ourselves for food, but everything turned out well.

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Got my requirements done early and took a nap until about 4 pm. Practiced some forms before going to the 6:20 class to help out for a credit. Then after than we did sparring class. My THIRD ROUND I had to spar 2 people at once but I think I did ok. After sparring did some work with my mentee and did my German while walking back home  to help with the running / walking miles.

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Today I woke up late since I did not sleep much while on vacation. I went for a run, which sucked; I felt so bad today, had to stop twice and stretch my calves. I took this as a lesson that even when you are "good" at something you still can have bad days. I then did some requirements before going to a couple of appointments. I then went to sparring where I took a turning side kick to the groin (luckily I had a cup on). I then came home and now I am here. 

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Pushing Forward

I was able to get my requirements done early. My knees were feeling pretty tight....more than likely from jumping rope. I iced my knees and took some ibuprofen in preparation for sparring later. That helped tremendously! Afterwards, Instructor Gabe helped me with staff form 2. It is SO long, but I think I will really like it when I get it down pat. Rest up!!!

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I woke up late and went down to the pool then went down to the beach and walked 2 1/2 miles then played some games had dinner then played some games of Skip-Bo. Good night 

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5th Journal Entry

Today i went to camp as always. I basically did class twice because me and a couple of friends did a lot in the morning. I knocked out my requirements and started my day. I'm feeling good about this cycle and i'm getting my mentor Saturday.  Still working on my mentee situation. Besides from that i didn't really do anything. Okay i'm done blogging.

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Journal 13: A hilarious day

Today was a very funny day. Last night Flynn was watching chicken little and then he found one of the most ugliest characters in the movie. Then we just started to die in laughter. It’s been fun with my friend but we get it down when it’s time for requirements.

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Ben Karki Day 13

Today, I finished my requirements before assisting a high belt class. I got both a leadership credit and a class assistance credit. After the class, I ate dinner and ran outside for 1.5 miles. I am considering running outside in the morning instead of the evening. I will see you on Friday.

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normal day

normal day. did requirements, played games, went to class, and ran. the ac guy came over today. I worked on hapkido for my mentor. my mentee wasnt there so i  had to ask someone else.then i ran 2 miles. declan got 18 min i got 22 min.

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Getting There

During the day, I did some requirements, then read my book before going to class for leadership credit and sparring class. After that I played video games and then rested after all the kicking I did. Tomorrow I'm going to see Deadpool & Wolverine premiere day.

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Today I woke up this morning and did some of my 5th grade work and some of my typing skills on my computer. Then I did some taekwondo and just reviewing my poomases and self defenses. I ran a mile with my Dad and exercises. Last I went to the jr tiger class to get my assistant credit and went to the senior tiger class to get my leadership credit.  And now I need 5 more leadership credit and assistance credit then I have finished those requirements. I will still go and help students. 

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Today is my birthday I am 10!! Today I woke up, thinking I was getting breakfast in bed But I got pop tarts. At least they’re the brown cinnamon Am I right? Anyways, I had to do requirements I know on your birthday. After requirements, we picked up Caleb to go to dinner, baby! We went to kung fu noodle. I think I’m full but I have Room for ice cream cake Yum Yum Yum! I’m super excited for all my birthday presents. They’re all awesome! Anyway, that was my day. See you later fans!

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Journal 6

Today was my brother Ethan‘s birthday first he woke up and gave us a bunch of hugs Then then I gave him his birthday present for me. He loved it then he opened one from the whole Family then we did our requirement we picked up Caleb and went to dinner Then we went to taekwondo and helped out with a class. I almost told everybody that was Ethan’s birthday. After that we did sparring at the end of sparring we got to sing happy birthday to Ethan and Kick Ethan 

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Hey guys - I went to sparring today and it was fun. We worked on stretch kicks, cupcake kicks, jumps, twist jumps and lots of other stuff.  When I came back home I watched Olympic Rugby.  It looks awesome, I would like to try rugby.  I'm getting ready for bed now.  See you at black belt class tomorrow. 

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First Sparring Class

Hey guys, today was a very chill day, I played video games with my brothers, drew, and read. I went for a walk and I went to sparring class. I got a leadership 1 and 2 also. I now have both my mentee and mentor now and plan on doing a session with each tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!

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Interesting day! Work was not bad but a ton to do. Especially getting back from time off. Trying to get a crown tooth fix today and they need to replace. And someone hit my car in way home today. All is good and everyone was okay. So trials are what make us stronger. I did miss Sparring so will need to figure that out now. Going to do some requirements and move on. Tomorrow is a new day. Take care. 

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Today I woke up and did my requirements for teakwondo. Then I did my chores and the rest of my school. Then I played with my dog Wesley. Then I played a game with my sister and watch a movie with her. Then I went to teakwondo and did 2 classes. Now I’m doing for the day.

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Good afternoon, hope your are all doing well. Hope the rain will stop. Doing my requirements right now.

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Day 13

Good morning everyone! I have just made incredible progress. I used to jump-rope very slowly like 15-25 per minute but now, i can go 50-65 per minute! lots of progress is in the works.

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LMP July 25

Tired is an understatement.  Trying to balance camp, home, blackbelt cycle, classes......going to be a real challenge once school begins.  Anxiously waiting my new sneakers and hoping they work. 

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What Today Brings

Today guys, guess what! I get to go to work! Again! It shouldn't be that bad, today I'm working 2:00 to 7:30, and I hope I make it through the summer camp hours. I've already finished my requirements, and I'm now getting ready to play some games, then later head over to TKD. Anyway, I hope your guy's days aren't this long and busy, but I hope you all have a great day and make sure others have one too! Bye!

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Journal - Day 12

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a great day. I finished off a lot of my civics assignments, and I am finally on the last module! Yesterday was also my dad's birthday and we had a lot fun yesterday. His form of fun is to sleep and me, my mom, and my brother to give him a massage. After that, I finished my requirements, and we decided to stay at home instead. Today, I woke up pretty late and my goal for today is to finish all the assignments for my civics class. I really hope my schedule for school comes in today, because it's been getting delayed. After I finish most/all of my assignments, I will meet my requirements. Have a wonderful day!

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Production morning

Finished one of my black belts essays, I was half way finished in the first cycle, so I’m glad I completed it. Especially with the pre-Korean history one I have started in yet. I will probably revamp/edit the others ones I have completed, just because my life has change so much, even from the beginning of the year. I also made a study guide poster of the Korean flag. I worked on my very small garden (two blueberries bushes, and a blackberry) I kind of fell off with consistency taking care of them, so I repotted them and cleaned them up. One of the blueberry bushes looks like a stick in a pot. The other two look much better. I really hope the makeover rejuvenates them.About to go bed, but I’ll wake up an do requirements before I go to work. 

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Very low energy

More distruptions at home with the construction and i had to get up early so i had very low energy at class tonight. But I'm glad i went. 

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Day #12 - 7/24/2024

Black belt class today at North Charlotte. We practiced combinations and poomse. Got some requirements done earlier, still going easy on the muscles.  

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Day 12

Today went by very quickly. I got many of my requirements done earlier than usual so I spent some time relaxing. I went to the dojang early to help out with class and get a mentor session in. Then black belt class and a mentee session. 

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Day 12

We're a dozen days in.  I think this cycle is 12 weeks so... we're 1/7th of the way done? I think I'm almost done wrapping up my current tasks at work (which is good) before I can start in on the big quarterly regression testing (very time consuming).  I'm really going to have to get better about making time for my requirements.  I'm not having problems with the daily ones but I'm starting to fall behind on the weekly ones (mileage, planks, etc.) Black Belt Class is getting quite big at this point.  I know some of it is from the cycle but I know not everyone's there for that.  Plus Instructor Courtney came to North Charlotte and we've got some new faces of our own as well.  Once of which I have, apparently, picked up as a second mentee. After class we were mentored and reviewed Second Dan special and then...

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Wednesday 7/24

I went to Master Evins school for Wednesday black belt class. It was a great class, and I'm really glad we worked on our jumping kicks.  Besides that, and going to Lake Norman King Tiger to assist with class, I'm kind of tired. After work, my friend wanted to skate for a little bit, so we did. Then I went home to sleep. Then I ran a few errands and prepare for our trip next week. Then Taekwondo. Then I came home and napped some more. I'm a bit more awake now, I think I'm going to clean for a bit. It so easy to get cluttered during the weekday. We moved recently and the bigger space and the decluttering helps alot with not feeling overwhelmed. Just building easier cues that lead to less clutter.  Going to make brownies for my partner when he comes home, I promised to do that...

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Today was spent mostly traveling. From where we were stating to the airport was about 2 hours and then a 2 hour flight home; followed by an hour to taxi, get our bags, and drive home. Overall, I had a very boring day as I spent most the day on my phone or sleeping during our traveling, but before we left New York we went on a nice 3.5 mile hike in the mud (was surprisingly very fun). 

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Needless to Say...

I had my usual full day....not a minute is wasted on the BBC. I met with my mentor and I am feeling better about my bolo form. Also, I met with my mentee and worked on poomsae and self-defense. Afterwards, black belt class led by Grandmaster Evins with plenty of kicks and poomsaes to practice and I was quite sweaty. Peace out!!

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Ben Karki Day 12

Today, I finished all of my requirements after lunch. Then, I attended my black belt class and had my first mentor session. After the class, I ate dinner and ran for 1.5 miles. Have a good night.

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I woke up and I did my usual things in the morning went for my run and just relaxed. Our neighbors next door just got some new puppies and I have to take care of them for a little bit while they are gone. The nice thing is that I am excited to do so because I love puppies so much and it will probably be pretty easy. Then I went to work and that is always fun and that was about it. When I came home my mom made amazing chicken parmesian for dinner and it tasted as good as it looked.

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One Day at a Time

When I woke up today I started with doing my pull-ups, I rested for a bit before starting the rest of my exercises, I am getting used to the procedures for this cycle at this point. An hour after all that I once again start reading my book for the essay.

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I woke up around seven and went down to the beach and got in a walk I Went up to the pool then did my exercise then I went to the arcade. Good night 

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Today I woke up and got caught up on some requirements.  I practiced my viola before my lesson. After my lesson mom and I went to Ben and Jerry’s for ice cream.  Then we had to go to Target because they messed up moms order last week. I have finally gotten my charging cord that broke.   I also took my dog for a walk.   Now I am going to bed.  

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Today I woke up and did my Requirements for teakwondo. Then I woke up my friend and then we ate jello and pancakes for breakfast. Then we played just dance on the Nintendo. Which is a dancing game. Then we played with my dog Wesley. Then we played a game on the Nintendo again. Then I went to the pool. Then I went to teakwondo with my dad and we did two classes and now we are done for the day.

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Today I had a drivers Ed class for 5 hours.  We learned about signs, their colors and what each color means.   I will have class again tomorrow before class and sparing.   

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Happy for uniforms

I got to the dojang too late to really help with class.  I did get there in time for black belt class and got a mentor session in with Master Cavazos before leaving. Lots and lots of kicks today, and looking forward to Saturday to train for single stick forms.  We take a LOT of classes, on the cycle or not.  Recently my uniform is soaked even after one class, so we are constantly doing laundry just to have a fresh one for class.  No, we don't febreze uniforms and put them back on (you're welcome, those of you who take class with me!)

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24 24. Got up early today (1:30 pm) and did my run / walk. Went home and did some practice and physical requirements. Helped out with the youth class at 5:40 and took black belt class for a total of 3 credits today. Got home and did my German before going to sleep.

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Journal 12: soure day

Today was a very sour day. we first woke up then went to visit my Popple in the hospital. then we got ready to go and get our requirements done. Then we head to taekwondo and after we went to do our run.

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day 12

Today we  went to the hospital to see Declans grand dad. Then we went home and did our requirements and played a game for a little bit. Then to class to get our credits and mentor/mentee.Then our run. I did 2 miles tonight because I am going camping 

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This morning me and my dad went to the park to run my mile and then I did some of my 5th grade work since I am going to 5th grade. I went to taekwondo to help jr Tigers and take some classes for my leadership credit and class assistance. Last I am thankful I get to do this cycle because this will help me get stronger and this will push me to get better.

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Day 12

Good evening to everyone, another average day in the cycle. My muscles started to get sore again but i'm sure its normal. Keep doing all you're requirements!

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Journal 5

Today I woke up and ate pancakes and eggs and then played with Callie and Ellie. Kiki‘s grandchildren Kiki is our babysitter. Tomorrow is my birthday happy birthday to me. I have so much fun stuff planned tomorrow. After I went home, I ate dinner, which was hotdogs and hamburgers, and then Went to taekwondo, then help out with the class and then had a mentor session with master Marcus, and that was my day today!!

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Journal #5

Today I got Back from my favorite person’s house Kiki! She has grandchildren And they are babies so we got to play with them and then we went home ate hotdogs for dinner. I had a mentor session with Master Chelley when I got to taekwondo, and that was my day.

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4th Journal Entry

Today i got my requirements done mostly in the morning. I'm feeling like my arms are turning into spaghetti but i'm gonna push on. i ran a mile in 7.06 minutes :D. I was at camp alot of the day and went to the gym to do some more requirements like pull ups and jump rope. Okay i'm done now todays entry was a little short because nothing really happened.

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Today I went to king tiger and went swimming and then went back and helped out in classes

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Hi guys today I will be talking about today and how I played outside. first I ran my mile of course. after that I played tag with my friends then came inside to write this journal

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Todays, Tomorrows, and Yesterdays

hey again guys, I just wanted to say thank you to Asa for saying what he did, it lifts my spirits that you think of me that way Asa thank you. Anyway, This week has been pretty busy for me, so far, on Monday I woke up at 6:30 to go and work with summer camp, then on Tuesday, I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to do requirements and go work in the summer camp. Today was slower, I woke up at 7:30 and ate breakfast, got my requirements done, and played some videogames so everything is good. After my gaming time, me and Jack went to go to a Chiropractor appointment and got ourselves fixed up and fine tuned, plus, we still have like 25 free visits there, might as well use them. When we got back, I played some more games then went to work. I started...

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Today when I woke up I had a good breakfast.  I went to Champions and did all my requirements.  My sister, my sitter and I went to Lake Norman putt-putt mini golf. I didn't get a hole in 1, but I did get some in 2. After that we got a snow-cone and came home.  I went to Taekwondo and did a mentee session.  Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

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The farmers market

Hello everyone, I was same routine as I do everyday, wake up, eat workout, repeat. Today I had the same cereal, and went to the gym to do my exercises. I like doing exercises because it can help you get stronger and show you places that you need to improve, It can also help do things you never thought you could do. Then we went to a farmers market outside our gym, we got some tomatoes and spices for skin. Once we got home I played some games, hung around my house, and then went to TKD. As usual, I helped with the first class and took the next one, I was able to get stuff marked off and 

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Day 7

Good afternoon, I just started my requirements for the day. I have a Back Belt class. I also got started on my essay on Atomic Habits by James Clear. Hope everyone is doing good.

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LMP July 24

I'm up and doing some of my physical requirements.  I'm still struggling with pull ups  / hanging for a few reasons......1. I played soccer, so no upper body strength.  2. Due to health conditions, I've never been permitted to do pull ups...maybe a resister band would help?  I've also ordered a pair of 'Altra' running /walking sneakers.  I hope these help with my knee and having to use the sidewalk.  I really don't want to waste money at a gym.  Few more requirements and off to camp to meet with my mentee. I'm so proud of her! She knows the first 10 steps to her poomsae and can do it on her own! She is also beginning to remember numbers 1-3 in her self defense.  Better yet, she gave me a hug and thanked me for helping her!!! 🤗   

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Hi King Tiger. Have been away in NY. Missed a few journals but doing one today. The weather is great and getting good runs in with my daughter (Lexi) and Nate. The elevation is not terrible but we found a few crazy hills. I think we are going hiking today as well. Love NY this time of year. Back to NC tomorrow. Take care.

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Journal - Day 11

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. My requirements are starting to build on me again, and sometimes I feel so sore that it's just numb at that point. I am starting to focus more on the technique and form of my requirements than just knowing them. After finishing only 2 of my civics course assignments, I headed to TKD. As usual, I helped out with summer camp, and then classes started. On my way back home, my brother loves to do random things in the car, and we had a lot of fun with that. Today, I woke up pretty early, and I'm about to start finishing my civics assignments. I'm going to say I will never take an online course again, but I'll probably end up taking one. Later today, we will probably go out since it's my dad's birthday, and I will finish my requirements sometime today....

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Day #11 - 7/23/2024

Each day is a huge achievement. I was able to get some requirements done after work, but could not run because I broke my treadmill. The soreness went down a notch and I was relaxed for most of the day. Had lots of protein. I also spent some time entertaining the wife and kids today.

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Sweaty and covered in grass

I feel like I have spent the whole day sweaty.  Took Samuel to an appointment this morning and while I was waiting for him to finish up I worked on requirements in the waiting room (it was just Rachael and me there so I didn't have to be concerned about being stared at).  Then we went to the gym for an hour of spin class, then home to try and cut the grass before it rained.  It looked like the clouds were building a bit so I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the pool before the storms hit.  So more sitting outside, covered in sweat, with little pieces of grass in my hair and over my skin.  Then helping with class, taking class and PMAA class after that.  I had forgotten just how sweaty you can be ALL.  DAY.  LONG.  

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Day 11

Today was just another repetition of yesterday. I’ve officially accepted that the rest of my days will look like this. The requirements have kicked my butt and every now and then it hurts to move.

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Tuesdays always the long day, made my way to TKD to help out with the 8-12yr old class for a credit. Then took the advanced and pma class. We worked on my breaking kick (Hurricane back kick) and did some good stick drill. Practiced my German and finished up my essays when I got home.

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I woke up today and did more requirements, then headed to class today to do leadership credits.  After class, I did a mentor session with Master Marcus for 2nd Dan self-defense. Unfortunately, our WiFi went out, so we’re left without most of our tech working for a while.

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Day 11

Ah, yes, Tuesday.  This is the "long" day, even outside of the Cycle.  Today I got a bunch of work done for work and finished up my physical requirements before we headed down to the dojang.  I helped with class, then took color belt class, and then we had PMAA.  Master Evins is focusing primarily on kicks this week as review so we got paired up and the Bo-Chos got to start working on their hurricane back kicks.  I'm often reminded that I wish I had started this when I were younger and it was easier to do things but that just makes me relish the fact that we did start when we did and we're still active.  As Master Weeks often says, it's better to hurt from doing martial arts than to hurt just from trying to get up off the couch.  Then after PMAA, I worked with my mentee...

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Struggling to find time

Do to the nature of when i work i'm struggling to find the time to do all the requirements daily. I work 3rd shift so i typically go to sleep around 9:30 in the morning and sleep until 5:30pm. Get up make dinner for my wife and kid then head to class. After class I shower and then log into work at 11pm. There is a gap there between about 8 and 10:30 but having not been a person who exercises this much i'm not sure how to do more when i'm so worn out from class? I log off at 7am but during the summer with no school this is the time between 7 and 9am when i get to interact with my son the most. On top of that all of this construction and mold remediation going on in my house isn't helping with trying to get a routine down...

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Today was the last full day of vacation in the Adirondacks, New York. I have really enjoyed this vacation. A few highlights from today was going out on the boat and quickly turning back because it started down poring. I also did a run workout with my sister, it was good, except I ate it on a hard turn since the roads were soaked; got myself a nice mark on my hip, luckily I did an amazing side fall. I also saw the new Twister movie in this old and antique cinema. Overall, this trip has been amazing and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. 

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Ice Ice Baby

I was able to get some requirement done, Leadership 1 & 2 , a session with my mentor, TKD class and PMAA class. I can do no more. My Mom records Jeopardy on my work days. Right now, I got the ice packs on my knees, top and bottom, and I am enjoying the shows. Have a goodnight, everyone!

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Journal 9 - Terrific Tuesday

Today was an amazing day!! I went to taekwondo and I hung out with my puppy. I also played with my friends. I hope everyone had a terrific Tuesday and tomorrow will be a wonderful Wednesday. Good night!!! P.S. Today is national lemon and Grandma day!!! ~Magnolia~

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