Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Journal 10/14

🇸🇮So I got up and finished my mega cyborg hand🤖🤚 And then I had a late breakfast (like 10:00 late) And then later finished my Hagrid's Hut Lego And then Oliver broke my cyborg hand👿😡👿😡👿😭:⁠'⁠(  >⁠.⁠<  And then we had dinner which was coconut curry chicken🤢🤮🤮 And that's about it bye🇸🇮

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Mom's birthday

Today is my mom's birthday. I got up this morning and played on my tablet. Mom mom and Pop Pop were here and then they left. I worked on building the cyborg hand I had for my birthday. Then we went to the Smiths for dinner and that's about it.

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So today Mom Mom and Pop Pop were here and I play Zelda in the morning and then we went to pickup my uncle's dog, Max, and then we went geocaching. We got Wendy's for lunch which was good. Then we went to Mass tonight and had tacos for dinner and I had a Minecraft cake for my birthday and that's about it. Goodnight. 

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So this morning I got up and had some breakfast and then Theo's eye started hurting him because it was already swollen from yesterday. I'm not sure if I did a journal yesterday. Okay anyway, nobody's going to be reading this for sure but we called the doctor And the doctor got a prescription that was like eye drops 👁️💦 which we got before movie night started cuz this is Friday and one of my presents actually came late So I got that like late today And it was actually a Wii Zelda game which is kind of cool. So anyway, I played it before we started the movie and it's actually pretty cool. I kind of like it. Anyway. That's about it

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Chibi Chewbacca

🇸🇮So today I got up and had a croissant for breakfast with Nutella🥐🥐🥐🥐🍫 But basically just sorted clothes. And we're actually like getting into the winter clothes. So we're sorting out all the summer clothes and going into the winter stuff So we got a bunch of stuff down from the attic and sorted it👚🧦🧥🧤🧣🎽 okay that's basically it. Bye 🇸🇮

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My birthday

So today was my birthday. I got up this morning and opened some presents. I got a Harry Potter Lego and some books and I'm really excited about getting a starter kit for dungeons& dragons. Then we went geocaching we got Chick-fil-A for lunch and we went to the airport overlook. Then we went to mass tonight and I went to Fraternus. They sung to me and it was awkward .My mom and I finished watching iron Man before I went to bed. Good night! 

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University Pete

🇸🇮 So today I got up and had breakfast and basically just laid around playing so yeah And it's actually my birthday tomorrow🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🧁🧁🧁🧁 So yeah That's basically the highlight of the day my brothers went to taekwondo (I didn't because it's a couple days after cycle ended so yeah and they worked on poomsaes And we broke out the telescope 🔭 but that's about it bye🇸🇮

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So today I got up went to chess club and I beat my friend Joseph and stalemated my friend Joshua, although it was actually a very close call♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️

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Today was public testing and I broke my boards but not my brick. 😕My mom broke a brick. 😁😲😲 I'm so tired...😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 Going to bed.😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 Goodnight.

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Clouds happen happy

🇸🇮So I got up and basically just practiced most of the time. Then later I took a nap for a few hours 😴😴😴and then we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner and then that's where we are now. Later we're going to go to a gas station to get snacks and stuff for the final test. And we're just gonna how that we don't fall asleep halfway through it. 😁😁😁😬😬😰😰🇸🇮

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Almost done

🇸🇮So today is The last day before black belt testing which I'm very nervous for😰😬😬😬😰 But I think that I can get through it. And honestly I think at this point I'm just ready to get it over with and so today there was this practice session thing at King Tiger (obviously) But then later we went to class and I worked on my board break a lot. I think I'm getting pretty good. I Didn't quite break the practice board ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ But I think I might be able to break it at testing So I feel pretty confident, although I know I shouldn't But anyway, that's about it bye🇸🇮

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Empire blue buckle

So today I got up and and did minimal school work and I found this new book that I liked but anyway this evening mom was a  bit rough I think she kind of needs her psychiatrist appointment tomorrow😁😅 so yeah

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Google brother

🇸🇮So this morning I got up and did mentee session with Aidan and then went to a Panthers game(they lost but not by much) but then I went to Grandma and grandpap's and had burgers🍔🍔🍔🍔 and sausage and tater tots and fries🍟 and then we went to Harris teeter and got ice cream and that's about it 🇸🇮

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This morning we had the physical test and the written test and I think I did okay. I beat most of my times and I think I got most of the answers on the written test right. I might have mixed up some of the terminology but I did okay on the rest. Tonight is September fest at church and it's so fun. I love playing Mario kart!!!! 

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Number turbo

🇸🇮So this morning I got up and went to feast and we were actually working with jigsaws and we cut out parts of this owl sign that was for the littler kids that for if they get lost in the woods signs will point them back to the building so we also got pretty far with the tempest we are now in act 2. And then later I came home and Trump is actually in town so so part of 485 🛣️was blocked off🚧🚧🚧🚧 so it was a little bit longer of the drive to get home but afterwards I went to fraternus and we had pizza for dinner as usual and that's about it bye 🇸🇮

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Chicago baby

🇸🇮So this morning I got up and I wasn't really feeling 100%. So I got breakfast and then I laid down in bed for a little while and then I went to my mom's room and laid down there and then after a little while I was feeling a little bit better. So I went downstairs and made myself some toast and then that made me feel a little bit better and then for the rest of the day I helped out in the class I did A mentee session with Ethan, who's one of my various mentees And we had sloppy joes for dinner and we got muffin mix But that's about it bye🇸🇮

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Scooby-Doo bop

🇸🇮So this morning I got up and got to the DJ box in cut the rope➰ and then we went to Mass and then later Oliver wasn't feeling 100%🤒🤧 but then when are we watched the football game🏈🏈 Panthers won 36-22 versus the raiders the first three quarters we completely destroyed them📣🤩😄ᕙ⁠(͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ👍 and we had chicken patties for dinner and that's about it bye 🇸🇮

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🇸🇮 so this morning I got up and had some screen time I got to a new box in cut the rope➰ and went to Black belt class and it was a video class ☹️ 😠 🤬 and then later we listened to spy ski School and then we had teriyaki chicken for dinner and that's about it bye 🇸🇮

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Today I had school and then this afternoon we went to target before black belt class. Then we went to class and worked on self defense which was good. I worked with Dylan. Then we got pizza and watched a movie.

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🇸🇮So today I got up and went to feast and we were working with jigsaw in handicrafts class which I think was the highlight of the day and then I went to fraternus and I actually lost track of my fraternus book but I wrote my name all over it so let's hope it turns up 😁🍀 but that's about it bye 🇸🇮

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🇸🇮 so this morning I got up and had breakfast and then did some school work and and I actually got most of it done before lunch time which was nice 👍 but we've been bunking down on getting poomsae ,self-defense ,kicks and stuff really ingrained in our heads and we still need to learn the basic blocking form but we had tacos for dinner😋😋😋 and that's it bye🇸🇮

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🇸🇮 so today I got up and I was not feeling 100%. So I had a light breakfast and then I went back to bed and tried to sleep But I couldn't so I played on my tablet a little bit but then I was feeling a little better later so I got up and me and my mom went to Lowe's to get our shrubs and we finally settled on this thing I think it's called a green boxwood not Japanese boxwood as it recommends but green🌿 I had dinner which was chicken and 40 cloves (of garlic) and then then we played killer bunnies (which is a game) and now I'm here so bye👋👋🇸🇮

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🇸🇮So this morning I got up did some requirements and did some school work and then later I helped out with testing and we went to showmars for dinner 😋🇬🇷🍽️ and then I watch the other testing at my one of my mentees Ethan was testing so I got to see him test and oh and I forgot to mention I got a milkshake😋🤤 but that's about it bye 🇸🇮

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Today we had Feast (co-op) and then testing, which I helped out with. I had Fraternus tonight and we played a real fruit ninja game, which was fun!

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🇸🇮 so today I got up and had a cinnamon roll and then my standard breakfast waffles banana I did some school work actually completed most of my stuff before lunch time which was nice and I had a ham and cheese sandwich with mustard and now I am here and I'm actually doing this about like midday so there's probably going to be a part two later I'm not sure anyway bye🇸🇮

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Today we did our requirements and went to the park and then went to Harris teeter for dinner. 

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🇸🇮 so today I got up went to Blackwell class and it was a video class☹️😠🤬:⁠-⁠[and then I did the first class of my white belt challenge and then went home had lunch and then we went to the kick-a-thon which was tiring and then we went to hobby lobby and Aldi and we got cinnamon rolls 🎉🎉🎉🎉 and then we went home and had chicken patties for dinner 👍 and now I'm here bye🇸🇮

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Boston cream

🇸🇮 so today I got up did some requirements and we got Boston cream donuts 🎉🎉🎉🎉🍩 🍩 🍩 🍩 so I had one and it was awesome 👍 👍 👍 😎 😎 😎 and then I did some school work actually knocked most of it out before lunch time which was nice and then later we went to class and I did sparring and we had an "awesome" time and got really tired and went home and now I'm here🇸🇮

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🇸🇮So this morning I got up and I realized that we are out of apple cider donuts 😫😒 but then my brother's got up and we listened to waste of space for a little bit and then we went and did some school and I actually got all my subjects done by lunch time which was nice so then we listened to waste of space for a while and and then mom came home and now I'm here but anyway tomorrow is our first day of feast which is like a Charlotte Mason co-op and it's also my first day of what's called fraternus which is a program at our church that's for boys my age to just hang out Wednesday evenings but that's about it🇸🇮

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I started my school work early today because I knew we were having friends over this afternoon. Got my requirements in. We went to class tonight and I did punches and kicks.

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DMV part 1

So today I got up and had some breakfast and then I did some school work and then we did morning time and then I finished my school work and worked on  the grit workbook and then I worked on one of my essays and then my mom went to the DMV to get our car license plate registered at least I think that's what it was something like that but anyway we finished watching onward and we watched Luca and then my mom went to the store and got broccoli for the teriyaki chicken tonight and now I'm here journaling

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Today we went to black belt class and then helped at family class.

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Today I slept late because we got home really late last night from the beach. This evening we went and helped at class and I did punches and kicks. We took class and did sparring and then got Chick-fil-A for dinner! Whoo!

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Yesterday I played at the beach with my new kite which was awesome. I also played the Switch with my cousins, which was really fun. My mom and I worked on requirements together. We are leaving to go home this afternoon. 

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Yesterday I went to the beach and I practiced poomsae's at the beach house in front of my cousins and my mom and I went for a bike ride on the beach in the evening.

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To the beach

So today I got up did some requirements and then went to mass and then got the rest of the way packed up and we got in the car and started driving to the beach We go to sunset Beach So that's not outer Banks but like closer inward. But it's still like a 4-Hour drive but when we got there we unpacked and then went for a walk on the beach and barbecue for dinner and went for a walk on the beach and then we went home. We had dessert and then I started journaling and that's where I am right here

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First day of school

Today was my first day of school which was okay. Then tonight we went to class and I did a mentee session.

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Run, run,run!

🇸🇮So today I got up and did some exercises and then went for a run with our dog which was actually longer and faster than usual thus the title and then later I practice  some poomsaes and no I'm journaling so that's about it.................... bye!!!!!!🇸🇮

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Pizza incident

so this is actually part 2 of my journal because I actually forgot to do part two yesterday but anyway I did some requirements and then helped out with a little tigers class and then did the rules and falls class and then did the black belt class and then we usually have a movie night every Friday night and we always get Domino's but apparently they were very jam-packed so they couldn't get it to us so we had to wait until like 9:00 to get it but we watched WALL-E and that's about it

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Pizza incident part 1

So this morning I got up and had some breakfast and then did some requirements and then practiced some magic tricks and then I had lunch and did a few more of my requirements

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So this morning I woke up to a big storm and we did not end up doing a run today because it was storming but we actually we did a little Wii and then we did some requirements we worked on koryo quite a bit but we did not end up going to sparring class because it's storming and it's actually still storming right now but that's about it

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Slow day today but yesterday was busy. Helped with a class, took a class. And had a mentor and mentee session. Learned our staff form. 

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Week 3 day 4

So today I got up and a breakfast played with my brothers a little bit and later I went to my dragon club at my library and then I went to the 6:45 class and then went to weapons and that's about it.

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Week 3 day 1

So today we got up and we went to Black belt class and did a mentor session and then we helped out with the family class and that's about it

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Week 2 day 3

So today I got up and went on a walk with my family and later I went to taekwondo and helped out with the class and then did my mentor session and that's about it  

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Day 4

Today me and my mom went for a bike ride for over 3 mi and then we took a walk for about a mile with our dog and my brother's and then we went to class tonight and I helped out with punches and kicks.

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