Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Catch-Up Part 2

I couldn't think of a title.  I'm still catching up on stuff.  This semester is a lot.  I had no idea it was going to be like this.  It's also super cold outside.  The high is 253.7 Kelvins.  That's -3 degrees Fahrenheit.  I wonder if one of these days I can try pouring boiling water out and letting it freeze, provided it can eventually reach that temperature.  I don't know if it usually gets that cold though.  It's gonna have to dip about 30 more degrees (Fahrenheit, not Kelvin), but I wouldn't be surprised.

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I went to school today and discussed top 10 most serious crimes you can commit. I spent the rest of my afternoon catching up on all of my economics homework and mathwork.

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I went to school this morning, as usual, unfortunately my school did not have an off day. There was testing at the dojang today so I wad able to take an almost day off. Luckily I had no homework so I took a nap with no worries.

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Journal #36--2/17/25 NO SCHOOL!!

Today we didn't have school!!! So we didn't have to get up as early! When mom woke up she got me and Anthony off electronics and we had breakfast.  Then we packed our lunches.  Then mom dropped us at King Tiger a little early.  I traded pokemon with Nixion.  Then we did roll call and split into to groups big kids and little kids, the big kids played big matt games first.  Brien came and picked me and Anthony up at 11, earlier than we thought he was coming.  So we took our lunches with us.  We hung out a Brien's for the day and had a Mario Kart tournament.  Later on he had to bring us back a little earlier than planned because he had something come up for work.  When I got back to KT I ran a mile and then played some video games.  Then I did a...

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time travel

So, I am behind schedule, so I need to pretend that it's the 13th.  Today Is the day before Valentine's Day but my school is celebrating it.  so, it just kind of norm in-between classes we put candy in buckets but that's pretty much it.  then I went to a bible study.  on the way home I saw A DOG that was lost we tried to catch it, but it ran away. I hope it is found.  

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Today, i went to a cave tour where they bring us inside a cave. I saw bats, cockroaches and other bugs. Also, i did all this in Puerto Rico, and today I travelled back to North Carolina.

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boring "_" '-'

Today I did schoolwork spent like 3 hours texting my friend and did some exercises nothing much.  I actually did learn at kt that you can only do one class assistance per day, so I was like CRAP i have a lot to do.         

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Washington's Birthday! 02/17/25

Easy and short today! I did requirements and got a mentor session! Had some funny moments with my friends and supported one when she had to so her white belt challenge which was funny. Overall had a really draining day and I have such a busy day tomorrow so I'm off to bed!!!!

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We had off of school today, because of President's Day. Today we had to drive back from the beach/grandma's house. The drive wasn't that bad, it was only 4 hours...but it felt really long! I was really tired, so I had so left over pizza and then just relaxed before TKD. TKD was good, I got some leadership stuff and a mentor meeting. Now we are home I took a quick shower, and I am getting g ready for bed. ♥

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Today I ran 3 miles and did my other physical requirements. I also went to class and got in a mentee session and led warmup stretches. Now I just want to sleep and dream of somethig other than Poomsae.

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2/17/2025 17/50

today has been funny. the problem is that I had shortened class because of testing on wednesday. I enjoy the knowledge that frauds are found out. Because when they are it always leads to something better. My problem is that it's easy to become a fraud. Famous frauds include Andrew Wakefield(Caused the anti-vaxx & Vaccines cause autism movment), Victor Lusting(sold the eifile tower), & Melissa Caddick(ponzi schemes)

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I had today off of school because of the holiday. This morning, we left my grandma's house and the beach to get home before TKD classes. It was 4ish hour drive, but it felt longgg. We got home around 3:15 and did some unpacking. I just relaxed when we got home because I was really tired. I ate a snacky dinner before going to TKD. I got a mentor and mentee meeting in along with some leadership credits. I didn't get to running today, but I will catch up with that tomorrow. I am about to take a shower and get my requirements done before going to bed!

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Happy President's Day! or as I like to call it, a Day out of School!!!! Today I spent time with a friend, got some things done, went to class and started my white belt challenge. It was different to do white belt again and be in the back of the class.  It was a good weekend but I am looking forward to seeing my friends at school tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow night. 

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LMP Feb 17

Long day. Very tired from being cold during 8 hour workshop.  I’m going to bed. Sorry this isn’t more detailed. 

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Today I got 2 essays done so I am feeling really good and I only have 3 class assistance left. now I am going to bed. see ya !

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Sunday Journal Entry

Yesterday my day starts by going to church. When I got home I did my laundry, and went for a run. I didn't keep exact track of my run, but from my apartment I ran all the way up Old Statesville past Davidson, and then I saw a pizza shop and I realized I went to far and was in Moorsville. I turned around, when I got home my dad told me that I did about 16 miles. I was using my phone to listen to music which I never did before so I think I just got distracted and ran to far. I never got tired, but I was jogging and not running very hard. I did the rest of my exercises later in the day before bed, and spent most of the day doing school assignments. There is no school today, so I slept in late. 

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Journal - Day 13

Good morning, everyone! I woke up kind of late this morning because it's a day off and I just needed it. I have a lot planned today. My main goal is to get mostly all of my essays done by tonight because I know I won't have time later on. I am planning on going out today for a bit, then coming back and going on a run in my neighborhood. After that, I'll head to TKD and start work there. I still have one assignment to finish up, but I can do it tomorrow. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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No school!

There is no school today! ( for me at least) I wish there were only four days of the week and three days of the weekend all the time. ☹️😢 Today I have to do more then I have been doing this weekend. ( meaning more chores etc.) Today my plan is basically to eat breakfast 😋 hang out/ play piano 🎹 do my requirements for the day💪then do some chores relax/ eat lunch 🍔🍟 read book/ play game 📙 go for a run 🏃‍♀️ with my mom 👩 take a shower if i have time 🚿 go to Starbucks on the way to king tiger LKN i will do class assistance a leadership and then take class. That is basically what I will be doing today might be in slightly different order 🙃 😅 but we don't talk about that... Have a great Monday!

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No physical requirements today

A 50+ foot tree fell in the yard last night while we were out to dinner (no injuries or damages).  I'll get my workout stripping, chopping, and moving it today (thank goodness for a bank holiday) so I don't see myself doing any pushups, situps, etc.  

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National Almond Day! 02/16/25

For starters, who doesn't like a good almond? I mean, if you're allergic I could understand that. Otherwise, happy national almond day! (with some chocolate on top) Today I ran a rather lot with my sister. We went down the trail and then saw a pond full of ducks.... and just ran from house to house all day to hang out with some friends. I was SOOOOOO TIRED, my sister got to be on a bike the whole time while I had to use my two FEET! We came back some and had some time to louse around. I started a new crochet projects for some friends at TKD today! I hope to get it done before Wednesday. I'm too tired to continue I'm really cutting it short tonight.. (It's 11:45 P.M.) GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!

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Today I decided not to do my homework and save it for tomorrow solely because it is a Sunday. I also have criminal justice discussion first thing tomorrow morning about top ten crimes committed, so it shouldn't be a hard day. 

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I wasn’t able to rest all too much today. I had to go to church and a youth event. When I got home I had to do the cycle stuff and then some leftover homework. 

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2/16/2025 16/50

I am terrible at bieng creative. I am doing good in the cycle & now I have to get to work on branching out. The cycle has proven as expected, difficult but fair. the next thing I have to work on is getting a protoge. so I'll work on that. bye!

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Yeah, I know it has been some time since I have journaled. But now, with my sickness of Type A Flu being over and life for me skewing back to being somewhat normal, I am ready to write for y'all again.   CARIBOU IS SO DELICIOUS!   So this new coffee spot by Birkdale Village called Caribou opened up recently, and I am obsessed. I have been getting the iced mint mocha which is probably the best coffee I have ever had. It is so delicious, so addictive, and yes I should not be drinking coffee at the ripe age of sixteen. I bought myself a large iced mint mocha to drink throughout poomsae class today, and I also bought my mom a malted mocha which she found delicious. This is some amazing coffee, and I highly recommend buying a coffee from Caribou as a treat on your way to King...

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Homework Sunday

I don't really know what other people do on Sundays, but for me, it's homework and more training sessions.  I typically wake up very late on Sunday mornings, usually at around noon, but over where I'm at, nobody wakes up early on weekends anyway.  I tried to go to the gym and then to breakfast the first Saturday morning I was here at around 7:45 AM and I was literally told to go back to sleep.  Anyway, I am still doing homework as we speak, chilling in the lounge with some friends.  I will see everyone later since I have to get up tomorrow, and the sooner I can do homework, the sooner I can sleep.

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the need to sleep

Today was kind of boring I did a ton of workouts finished blue beetle and played the drums.  After that my friend came over and he got a world record for reaction time at 0.00 and I got 0.03.  Tomorow is Presidents' Day, but I still have schoolwork "_".  hope I can hang out with my friend tomorrow/SOOOOOOOO tired.     

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Journal #35--2/16/25

Today I woke up and had cheese toast for breakfast, mom FIANLLY got more bread! Then we got ready for church.  When we got to church I went to my Sunday school class, and I accidentally ate a really small cinnamon roll, oops!! I forgot that I wasn't supposed to be eating any extra sweets (this is soo hard)!!! Mom had nursery today but no one came, so after a little bit we went over to the church.  After church we had lunch from Zaxby's, I had a salad! Then I relaxed at home and watched some YouTube and played some video games.  I also ran a mile and a half (still have another mile and a half to complete for last week)!  I also painted my pinewood derby car.  And mom asked me all the test questions again.  I relaxed some more and then we had dinner.  Then I took...

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Today I got to sleep in, it felt good. We’re still at my grandma’s house. Today started out gloomy and rainy but by the end of the day it was sunny and really nice outside. Today I did my second digital detox day, now I finally finish up my essay. So this morning we played games and chocolate dipped some strawberries while it was raining. I also got some requirements done. Then we cruised around and went to the horse barn, the playground and drove down the beach road. Then, we came home and ate a snack. Once we digested we went to go run our daily mile(s) on the beach road. It was so beautiful. We hung out at the beach for a little while before coming back to the house to eat dinner. Once our digital detox period was over I called my friend and played iPad. The. We ate...

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Today was really fun, we are at our  grandma’s house which is at a beach and we did our digital detox. In the morning it was raining so we played bingo, which was really fun. Then later in the day it was got sunny so, we went to the horse farm, and they have some really cute barn cats. Then we went to a play ground, and then we ran our mile on a beach road, which was nice. When we got back we got some pizza and relaxed. Now to bed! ♥

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2/13 Dreiman, Dominic #26

Today was a Thursday but we have Friday off so it was basically a Friday to start off. I had PE in the morning we switch from indoor soccer and have started doing nitro ball. Nitro ball is kind of like volleyball, but you're supposed to let it bounce. In my opinion, indoor soccer is a little bit more fun, but I still had a great time after PE I had had English. I finished up my personal narrative, submitted it and got it finished after English. I had science. We're working on periodic table. Got that finished this week and for my last class. AKA well second to last class was math we had a test today but it was fine after math I had social studies. Finished up my writing response. I think I did very well.

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ping pong

today we went to see a musical and had a fun time. after that I was looking at my rock collection. I realized that I had some rare rocks. we went to our grandparent's house and played ping pong.all in all it was a fun day

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LMP Feb 16

Had a great training this morning with the Sunday black belt crew. I actually remembered my 1st Dan 1 steps and I think I have my 2nd Dan 1 steps down. I M slowly getting through the curriculum. Starting to feel more confident and pleased with my progress. Was able to get my requirements done in between the raindrops too. Hoping for a good week. 

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February 16th

Today I worked on some on the essays> I am also excited about a sleep over at my friends house. I have workday tomorrow so no school and I always have fun at her house. It is so windy today. Bye!

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I did not realize there were so many essays I mean I saw but I didn't realize there were so many! It will be interesting  today I did two essays and I already had finished one. ✅️ I did digital detox, who is your role model and why and healthy food change for 30 days. I feel pretty good about the essays though it might take a while to finish them. Yesterday other than class I just relaxed the rest of the day. Today I did my requirements watched harry potter 7 part 1it was really good 👍 I painted some blank wooden nesting dolls white as their first layer later I will make their faces and unique designs/ patterns. I'm so happy it's a three day weekend!

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Today's practice

A great small group practice today.  2ish hours of practicing and helping (and a healthy dose of joking around too).  I feel a lot more confident with 2nd and 3rd 1-steps now as well.        

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Today I woke up late and so I also started working out late. I have most of my things done and am lookig to finish an essay today. Hoping to finish beforr I go to MaxLife. I did finish with time to spare. I also managed to complete 2 miles and I am making my way back up, even though I am slightly behind.

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Journal - Day 12

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was an easy day. I woke up really late yesterday because we came back from temple really late the day before, so I wasn't able to make black belt class. I was really tired when I headed to the dojang, but eventually came back to my normal self and had fun teaching yesterday. Today, I have a lot of work ahead for myself and am planning on finishing all of it before I go to sleep tonight. I am planning on focusing on the techniques of my requirements from now on. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Saturday Journal Entry

Today I started off my day by waking up at 8AM and going to blackbelt class. I started off by doing my staff form 1 and 2 then went on to start doing poomsae's which was honestly fun at the end of class where you had to do as many poomsae's you could in 3 minutes. After class I went home and ate breakfeast and then did a morning jog for 1.7 miles then I did my jump rope and my pushups, situps, and squathrusts. Most of the day went on normally then at the end of the day i did some excercise before i went to bed and practiced some poomsae's. Tomorrow is church in the morning, and spend the rest of the day at home doing school work. We have off Monday and Tuesday and I had to leave school early on Friday to go to the track meet,...

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Going to the dentist today and what not drained my energy. My gums have been aching all day, but hopefully tomorrow the pain will go away.

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I didn’t do much today. I went to black belt class in the morning, then the dentist, got food, and practice for a youth group event. When I got home, I took a big nap and then spent the rest of the day mostly relaxing.

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National Gumdrop Day. 02/15/25

Today was kinda a mess. Actually, a really big mess. I woke at the crack of dawn and couldn't sleep so I just loused around. When it was about 7:15 A.M. I got up and ready to go to Saturday Black Belt Class. After that I had to race out of there sadly and get into the car so we could pick up my mom's two friends from the airport. When we got home I took a very warm, probably boiling, shower and just stayed home. I did some more drawings from characters I liked and added them to my collection on my door and let my sister do my hair so it would be natural. Now I put a face mask on and I'm off to bed! Sorry I missed yesterday's journal but now if anyone was wondering it was National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day yesterday. I hope everyone has a good...

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2/15/2025 15/50

I got to relax, Finally. Today I had black belt class & then I was free so I did that & had my fun. I now sit writing this after a day spent relaxing & playing video games. I haven't gotten a chance to relax all week so I am very satisfied. The only thing to make this better is if I could bake stuff.

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2/12 Dreiman, Dominic #25

Woke up to a cold Wednesday this morning.  Today I have every single class, but mostly thinking about math integer exam. I also had to work on science where we are working on this superhero element or super villain element project. I am the evil Montague mg magnesium. After school, I assisted in Taekwondo, then had basketball practice, then was back to taekwondo for Black Belt class.

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Journal #34--2/15/25

When I woke up I went to KT for black belt class, and the pre black belt 1st poom/dan and up class before regular class.  Then I did some work on my essays and got caught up on my pull-ups for last week while mom worked, I was going to run but it started raining, boooo.  We finally got to leave at about 11:15.  Next we left and dropped my uniform top off at Mrs. Laurens to get my 4th star sewed on from Jr Instructor camp!  After that we stopped at Food Lion for a couple things then we went home and I had lunch, left over pizza and wings from Jets, YUUUMMMM!  Then mom asked me all the test questions and I got most of them right, just the 1st dan section I really need to work on more.  I got the flag 100% on the first try!  I...

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Poke Mon

today I was playing Poke Mon violet and scarlet.i did my requirements and had a fun day. I mostly chilled and watched movies with my mom and dad.but now I have to go to bed so see ya 

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Average sdaturday

THE WEEK IS OVER AND NOW IT'S SATURDAY! I wake up feeling great so I get to black belt class early and Grandmaster Evins starts class early today, so I get an extra 15 minutes of black belt class! After that I went home and then ate breakfast and then went on a small run. I did my black belt requirments after that and then chilled for a bit till 7:00 and I went to a 130 sauna to cycle on a bike for 30 minutes and it felt to tiring and I almost died. After that I took a shower to get the ocean of sweat off of me and then now im just playing some games till I go to sleep! Good nights!

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LMP Feb 15

Saturday black belt class started at 0800.  JTs was review for their upcoming test next week. I was hoping a specific little one would show so I could possibly mentor her older brother who is a camp yellow. Mine hasn’t shown since January 28th….. had a good mentoring session. I think I have figured out a way to remember my 1st Dan one steps…..we’ll find out tomorrow morning.  Night all. 

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This morning I got up early to go to black belt class. Class was good, and I got a mentor meeting in. After black belt class we packed up the car and got on the road to my grandma’s house in Daufuskie Island, SC. we got her around 5:00. I just finished eating dinner and dessert, now I’m playing iPad and relaxing before bed!

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Journal - Day 11

Good evening, everyone! It's been so long since I've written in my journal and tracked on the website. From last time, I have a lot of updates. I've been seeing improvement in my requirements, and they've been progressively getting easier this past week. I also finished my dietary restriction challenge last Sunday! School assignments have been getting a bit more difficult, so I need to make sure I'm staying focused and concentrated. Overall, I had a pretty normal (packed) week, but I guess I'm used to it now. I am going to take advantage of this long 4-day weekend to catch up on some work and finalize my essays. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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02/15- Sid

Today, I went to a beach in Puerto Rico. It was fun, and i played in the water for hours. Then i finished my cycle and slept.

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Today I woke up early for BBC weekend and then ot my physical requirements completed for the day. Then, I went to community service and played bingo with elderly people in an assisted living center. I was supposed to go to my Uncle's house, but he was not feeling well and the visit was postponed Now I am home.

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February 15th

This morning I had black belt class and worked on self defense, poomsae, staff and kicks.  It was a lot but I had fun. I am hoping for snow this week when I looked at the weather it said maybe towards the end of the week. I am working on my essays and learning the test answers. Have a good night yall.

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Physical! Physical! Physical! /"_"

Today I did an INSANELY large amount of physical stuff to get caught up I spent about two one-hour sessions of nonstop running /pushups / sit-ups/ burpees / jump rope / Pome Sae / self-defense / kicks / pullups / plank /. Well, you get the point after that I played fortnight with my dad and now, I am about to go for a third tonight we will eat out again and I will have a rest day.     

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Family weekend

This weekend is going to be a family weekend. Although I did have to go BBC today I learned more bb specials and did sticks! It was fun! I wasn't able to mentor Xander because are BBC ran over a bit so and he had to do class so I went to Harris Teeter and then home. I relaxed and watched Instagram then I had lunch at home with my family. This weekend is just going to be a chill, relaxing weekend other than when I did class this morning 🌄 Hope everyone has a great relaxing weekend with their family's! <..> .^.:);)

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Super tired and my head hurts and I don't know why so I'm heading to bed and hoping I'll better tomorrow. I have a dentist appointment after blackbelt class tomorrow and some youth band practice, will be fun.

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Friday Journal Entry - Valentine's Day

Today was the track meet for states. I went to school in the morning. I had to skip seminary to get a couple of extra hours of sleep because I knew I was going to be up late. - it's 10:30PM and I'm just getting back from Winston Salem from the meet. The meet was a lot of fun, the runners at the state meet are incredibly fast. Our school runner's did OK, but we didn't come in first in any of the heats. It was a good experience for me to be there. I should be able to make state next season, I'm confident about that. I have to still get in my regular exercises, so I can do these at home before heading to bed. I'll be at Saturday class tomorrow morning! 

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2/14- Valentine’s Day!

Today was a pretty good day overall! My cat successfully turned 18 and of course, Valentine’s Day. Before school, mom and dad gave me a gift and candy. At school I got goody bags and candyyy! I’ve had a lot of sugar today. After school I relaxed until it was time for black belt class. Black belt class was fun. When I got home I ate dinner, sang happy birthday to my kitty, and ate Valentine’s Day (and birthday) cake! I also packed a little bit because tomorrow we’re going to visit my grandma at the beach for the long weekend. I’m looking forward to a fun weekend! Happy Valentine’s Day! 

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Valentine's Day

I don't really know what people do on Valentine's Day.  For me, it's training.  Oh, and snowball fights, at least now that I'm in a place with a lot of snow.  And, of course, Cobra Kai, because it came out yesterday, the last part of the last season.  I am about to watch it.  And I came prepared with a lot of chocolate.  That's the other thing to do on Valentine's Day.  Cobra Kai Never Dies!

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Valentines' day!

Today was Valentine's Day! It was actually surprisingly okay I don't know how it is for most people but today I went roller skating with my homeschool group and I actually cooked latter they played a song that me and my friend requested and guess what it was thick of it!!! yep, thick of it by ksi one of the most brain rot/hated songs ever and yet everyone went wild but anyway then I came home and ran like 5 miles so now we are about to go to bed. 

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2/14/2025 14/50

valentines day! Valentines day is well known for sucking for singles but today was actually fun. I listened to bad love songs on repeat, watching my friends with significant others, & ran to class. If I ever had the chance to do valentines day I would spend time with the person drink coffee with the person, listen to bad music with them, have food with them, & eat cake in bed with them. idk what people do on valentines day.

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LMP Feb 14

Happy Valentine day to everyone! Had a pretty good day. Awards Ceremony, planted seeds with the students, then had our valentine party that we are really supposed to have.  Have black belt at 8am then JTs at 930, then get to have my mentor session at 10!  Waaaaaay to much school work due for next week, so it looks like I’m going to be doing that this weekend. I still need a new mentee, I hoping to speak to a parent tomorrow and start Tuesday. Hope I can get enough sessions in. 

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Today was fun, I really liked exchanging the Valentin's day things. It was also our cat's birthday, he turned 18! After school I had some of my candy, and then then we went to rolls and falls/black belt class, which was really fun. When we got home, we made our cat birthday cake and celebrated him. Tomorrow we are going on a trip, so I am packing and getting ready for bed. Happy Valentin's Day! ♥♥♥

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Journal #33-2/14/25

Today I woke up and had breakfast at home because I didn't go to school.  Mom took Anthony to school then came back and picked me up and I hung out with her at KT I did some pull ups and ran around the mat for my mile, I still have some to catch up on for this week because of the rain and being sick.  I watched a little YouTube before all the other kids started coming from school.  I helped with little tigers class then did rolls and falls class and then Friday bbc.  Then we finally went home and had Jets pizza for dinner, its soooo good!!! Then I took a shower and relaxed some and played some video games before bed.  See ya tomorrow morning!   Happy Valentines Day,  I still have to pass mine out next week since I missed school today.

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Valentines day!

Happy Valentines day everybody! Today was really fun we exchanged candy or small gifts at school. My Valentine gave me a big box of hersey kisses Snoopy/ Valentines day edition! I gave him a Clemson stuffed a bracelet and some Lego stuff. Today for some reason the guinea pigs were more scared than yesterday. Very jumpy! Today I did a mentor session with Ms. Jen then I did rolls and falls before taking Friday blackbelt. Today's black belt was really fun I practiced more Korean because I don't know the whole thing. I just had Viva chicken 🐔 then came home watched TV and now I'm doing my journal. Happy Valentines day sleep tight. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow!

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valentine's day happy!

we had a valentines day party and had a fun time.i did black belt Class and rolls and falls I am going to bed so see ya   

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Happy valentimes day!!

So I woke up feeling good and I finnished up my homework for the week and went to school and today I had a sub for spanish which was so nice. The rest of the day was pretty easy then I went to home and ate some food then went toi class and came home now im chilling. GOOD NIGHT

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Today I got up early and went to the eye doctor. When I got home, I finished most of my physical equirements. Then, I went to my friends house and played some video games.

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February 14th

Today was fun at school. We got to exchange valentines. I am happy today was Friday too. I am ready for the weekend and this weekend I will be outside and playing with neighbors and getting excersies done too. I am looking forward to black belt class tonight and then having heart shaped pizza for dinner and heart shaped cakes too with my neighbors. Have good evening yall! 

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02/14 - Sid

I went to Puerto Rico ,and went a beach and stayed there for a few hours 

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Thursday Journal Entry

It was another long day, and today I have a track meet. I was so tired yesterday that I had to skip seminary this morning. When we have track meets we leave school early, and the meet is in Winston-Salem, and we get back around 10PM. I have extra food in my lunch box, to eat all day today. I just got back from a morning run. I jogged one time around the neighborhood, and got my situps and chin-ups in before going to school. Going to school now, I'll post again tonight about the meet. 

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2/11 Dreiman, Dominic #24

So today I had math where we are learning integers and getting ready for a test.  I also had PE where we got to play soccer. After school, I was going to have soccer but sadly it got canceled because of the freezing rain and that was my day.

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Thursday’s always feel longer than they actually are. I had a chemistry test today, I did pretty well on it. I did some calculus after and then went to help with class.

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Aiden journal entries 12-16

#12  2/4/2025 Today I shall talk about football. I usually go for the Detroit Lions, but since they started playing like they were a high school football team, I’m now going for the Eagles to defeat Kansas City. Let’s go Saquon! Anyways here are the words of Ultron. “Nobody has to break anything, clearly you’ve never made an omelet.” #13 2/5/2025 Today was sparring and black belt class. After doing some speed drills, we did some Tae Kwon Do sparring. We are not allowed to do head kicks. After sparring there was black belt class.  We did turning/spinning kicks and I nearly fell over multiple times. I also had a session with my mentor Master Opey. He showed me sticks and staff forms. Here are some wise words: if you’re not failing, you’re not trying. #14 2/6/2025 I’m going to have to say rolls and falls are my least favorite thing...

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Today was good, we had to get up early for quire, which was fun. After school I did my requirement and had a snack, then I work on my Valentin's day box (I still had three more sides to do) and did some homework. We went to sparring and when we got back, I did more work on my box and...I finished it! Now I am just getting ready for bed. So excited for tomorrow! ♥

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Journal Entries Aiden

#7 1/22/2025 Today I had my first mentor session with master Opey and Areese (I hope I spelled his name right). We worked on stances and went over the black belt cycle book. I did my second weekday blackbelt class where we worked on form. Here’s a quote from snapiyy “nothing stops the A train.” #8 1/24/2025 Today since I have no classes, I’m going to do some physical requirements. I’m going to run two miles and that will be the last of my running for this week. I am continuing to look for the test answers. I am trying to finish the book and do my rolls and falls. Here’s a quote from our good friend with the metal arm, Winter Soldier “Armed and dangerous!”   #9 1/31/2025 Today was my first time at junior instructor’s camp. There were 62 kids from several different schools. After we got our shirts,...

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Journal Entries-Aiden

Aiden Sutardji Daily Journals.

# 1 1/13/2025    

I am 3 days into my blackbelt cycle and here’s what I’m doing this week. 7 classes, my digital detox is almost complete. I have started the nutrition challenge, and I should do 3 essays and the pretest. Also, I’m trying to put a quote on each journal entry so here’s one: Life is soup and I’m a fork.     

#2 1/14/2025

My required reading book has arrived, plus a neck gator, to use for running, but it was too big, so I just looked like a ninja. Also, I found a mentee and I’m pretty excited for who I chose. I also got my black belt book, so I started writing in it today. To end today, here’s a quote I found. If life closes a door, open it back up, because that’s how doors work.

#3 1/15/2025

Today was my first black belt class. I was very nervous. Everything was good except I’m horrible at bow staff. I ordered one to practice with so hopefully I won’t hit myself with it. (foreshadowing?) Next Wednesday is my first mentor meeting with Master Opey.  Finally, here’s some wise words “I’m a bird” from my friend Quan.

#4 1/16/2025

I have to admit, I am a little nervous about the pretest on Saturday. I have never had a test like this before. I am home-schooled and I have never had PE. This was very funny when I first started TKD I had to do jumping jacks. I looked like a starfish trying to jump out of water. Here’s something I found

#5 1/18/2025

I’m halfway through my required reading and it’s a good book. I give it a seven out of ten. I did my pretest today. I did pretty good on the physical and forms but did terrible on the written test.  I am going to print it out and search for the answers. Here are the wise words of Tony Stark: “What is this, Shakespeare in the park? Does mother know you weareth her drapes?” Avengers, 2012.

#6 1/21/2025

Today I printed out the test and I’m searching for answers. Also, we tried a place called kpot bbq and hotpot for dinner last night. It is where you cook your food on a little grill, and it was really good. I recommend it if you like to eat Korean food. Here’s some advice I found, are you tired of boiling water? Just boil a few gallons and freeze for future use.       

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It seems that I am the first person to write a journal today.(no im not, also do you guys all write yours at the same time?! there was none and in 5 mins 7 appeared!) Today was a very tiring day. I got to school a little bit late, but not late enough for a tardy. We went to the gem theatre for a field trip and saw night of the museum. when we got back we found out that we had skipped social studies/history, ELA, math, and science. when I got home I ran 2 miles and then practiced the trumpet. I went to TKD, hoping to assist, but was not allowed to so I wasted my time. When I got home I spent a long time making up some of the exercises That I missed out on yesterday while also finishing up today's requirements.

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Journal #32--2/13/25

When I woke up mom asked how I felt and took my temperature.  I didn't have a temperature and I felt ok....still a little sore but not bad.  I had some breakfast and did some bbc stuff.  I played on the switch some today.  I also read a lot and finished an essay!  I had lunch spaghetti and meatballs/garlic bread, that everyone else had last night!! Then MiMi took me to the doctors.  Good news I don't have the flu!!!!  When we came home I did some more reading (finished 2 books) and then Mom and Anthony got home we had dinner and I took a shower and now I am heading to bed.  No school again for me tomorrow since I had a random fever at the doctors office, he said I can go back Monday, but haha we don't have school. I missed sparring tonight, so I think I...

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Happy day before Valentines Day! I hope everyone had a great day. It was good to see all the girls at class tonight. Sparring was fun tonight.  After eating, I just got done with my shower and hair and I'm getting ready for bed.  Friday's off would be nice!! 6am is early for me but at least its after my parents.  I hope everyone has a good night and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone tomorrow. See ya at Black Belt class LKN. 

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Tomorrow is Valentines day! Can't wait to see what my Valentine brings me, I already have his present. This week has been odd yesterday I didn't get to go to sparring at north Charlotte place cause it was raining to much to drive all the way, I wish I could do it at the lake Norman location all the time ( no offense ) but I have dance on Thursdays so today I had to skip it to do sparring at LKN king tiger. It was really fun. I have been doing great on my requirements just got to catch up on a bit of running though but that is okay 👍 👌 Tomorrow will be interesting having my first valentine or the first Valentine brave enough to ask me. Another boy Lincoln was gonna ask me but I already said yes to lucas.🙃now I feel bad.😔opps!!!

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Galentine's - 2/13

i feel horrible. i've been sick off and on since October and today my ear is hurting so bad! i cant even stand up without being dizzy. i had to miss self-defense class tonight but REALLY didnt want to. we had to get 10 classes in but there's only 10 weeks in this cycle, right? i'm really worried about missing any more classes and hope i'm better tomorrow. so i'm taking lots of medicine and falling into bed. hope everyone else is staying healthy.

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loooooooong day

So I was wide awake and headed downstairs to do some homework then got ready and now school, I had cycling for my 1st class which I have Mrs. Ford which honestly probally she is my best teacher ever. After that I had 4 really long classes then after like 20 hours of school I went to sparring and it was pretty easy today and now im sleeping! Good night.

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This morning, I had to get up earlier than usual again because my sisters had Choir. I was supposed to have a science and math test today, but my science teacher was out. I got a good grade on my math test, and I have an ELA test tomorrow. I am excited for tomorrow because it's my cat's 18th birthday and of course, love day! Anyway, I just got back from sparring class and got a mentor session in. Now I am eating dessert and getting ready for bed!

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at school we learned that we have two projects to do.I did sparring with Nixon.We are having burgers for dinner and we are having a fun I am going to bed now so see ya. :D

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LMP Feb 13

Today was a better day than yesterday.  It stopped raining long enough for me to get my requirements in. It was nice to get outside…being stuck in doors due to the weather, the walls can close in real quick.  I feel a little more comfortable with the self defense and working hard to be ready by March.  once again,I am going to be short mentee meetings because mine has not shown up since late January, so I need another.  This is extremely frustrating. 

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2/10 Dreiman, Dominic #23

Today was a great day it started out by me eating breakfast today and then at school my friend porter had a buddy that he had to show around. I had science, history, then came home to rest a bit before I went to soccer practice.

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2/13/2025 13/50

I am late again & can't afford to be. Today is fun but I had 2 classes yestarday. today we will have house guests who I enjoy having. We are going to have pav bajhi. pav bajhi is vegetables with spices ground together & served with toasted bread rolls. This will be fun

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Wednesday Journal

Today was a good day, as usual I started my day around 5AM, and I did my run in the morning, 1.5 miles. I got home and got ready for seminary and school. At school I use the weights and I am practicing dead lifts and chest press. After school today we had track practice in the rain. I didn't make state, but I'm going to the meet as an alternate this Friday. I probably won't get a chance to race, but it's still important to cheer the team. During track practice I ran about 5 miles. When I got home I was exhausted and took a nap, and now I'm up again to do homework. It's past midnight, so I'm going to be totally off tomorrow. 

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Today I got to catch up on sleep.  I finally got in an afternoon nap.  It felt good after taking a test at 8:30 in the morning, although the test itself was way easier than I thought it would be.  Went to another tea social.  Other than that, I didn't really do much out of the ordinary today.

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It was raining the whole day today. Recess was indoors. Practiced my black belt book todo’s. Heading to a vacation tomorrow. Excited!

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2/9 Dreiman, Dominic #22

so today I woke up ate a banana and went to soccer I scored then came home and ate steak for lunch it was delicious then I went to a friend's house to watch the super bowl then came home took a shower and slept

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Today was long like every Wednesday.  I got home from school, ate something, finished up some exercises then went to King Tiger.  I had a mentee session then sparring class then black belt class, then came home ate and finished up more physical requirements.  It is 10pm and I need to get to bed.

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Regular long Wednesday, no breaks whatsoever. It's always around the midpoint of the cycle where I feel super tired and over everything but I have to stay strong and persevere. It also rained all day, which I usually enjoy from indoors but I had to walk outside today so I was not enjoying the weather today. 

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Hug Day! 2/12

I'm exhausted. The rain isn't helping either. I am working hard on school and this cycle work but it is catching up with me. So i'm headed to bed to sleep as much as I can.  Hope you all are hanging in there and Happy Hug Day to everyone! 

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LMP Feb 12

Sparring and black belt. Not sure what to say tonight. Black belt class was good. We worked on Bo ho and bocho specials. I did a lot of falling and feel slightly more comfortable with it. Time for a shower and bed. Night all. 

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So I woke up and got started on some homework then went to school and today wasn't that boring or fun it was just kinda mid. To be honest spanish was way funner than usual today! Like we did a whole fun thing which is hard to explain but then I had a math test right after and I felt ready for this test and after I finished I felt like I got a 100 but I won't know for a while because I took it on paper but a few classes later in my last class I had history and I felt really lightheaded then I felt like I was gonna pass out so I went to the nurse and left, I had the same feeling on sunday during class which was bad, I hope that doesn't keep happening, but whatever. After I came home I decided not to go...

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Today was good, but the weather was not. At school my student teacher was teaching math and she let us play some games, which was really fun and in ELA we finished the book that we were reading (Daniel story), it ended well. We got picked up a little early so when I got home, I did my requirement and studied for a test of Friday. Then in played on my iPad for a little bit and had some dinner. We went to TKD, and now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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Journal #31--2/12/25--SICK

Well today wasn't such a good day.  I was supposed to have a field trip today but as we were riding on the bus I threw up on the bus :(  so my mom had to come and pick me up.  I didn't throw up anymore today but I have a headache and my legs hurt and I am REALLY tired.  I slept some when I got home and watched some soccer on TV.  I ate a little dinner and I am gonna go back to sleep.  Mom said she is gonna try and get me a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning.  I am glad I am ahead on all over my requirements except running so I wont get to far behind.  Today is also my LaLa's (grandpas) birthday.  Hopefully I'll feel better by this weekend so we can celebrate.

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Today was another yucky rainy day.  Today at school it was teacher appreciation day, so I got to help celebrate my mom. I went to class this afternoon and got some more leadership completed.  I'm ready for this rain to go away. See some of you tomorrow for sparring. 

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Today I finally met the new guinea pig!!! We were supposed to meet her yesterday but we still didn't until... ToDaY! She is so cute she wasn't as scared as are teacher said she would be she came out but when the bell rang it scared her and she ran back inside her house. But princess was out all day and she was not scared. Little one/ the new one was making adorable noises the whole day it was so cute! Lucas is afisaly my Valinetine 💝 It's a good thing cause I already bought him something. 

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