Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Journal 10/14

🇸🇮So I got up and finished my mega cyborg hand🤖🤚 And then I had a late breakfast (like 10:00 late) And then later finished my Hagrid's Hut Lego And then Oliver broke my cyborg hand👿😡👿😡👿😭:⁠'⁠(  >⁠.⁠<  And then we had dinner which was coconut curry chicken🤢🤮🤮 And that's about it bye🇸🇮

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Mom's birthday

Today is my mom's birthday. I got up this morning and played on my tablet. Mom mom and Pop Pop were here and then they left. I worked on building the cyborg hand I had for my birthday. Then we went to the Smiths for dinner and that's about it.

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Today is my birthday. I had an awesome photo shoot for a newborn baptism. Then tonight we went to our friend's house for dinner and we're about to play games. What fun!

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Today my parents were in town and we went geocaching and I had two photo sessions which went well. I have a long one tomorrow for a baptism which should be lovely! 👼💦🕍

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So today Mom Mom and Pop Pop were here and I play Zelda in the morning and then we went to pickup my uncle's dog, Max, and then we went geocaching. We got Wendy's for lunch which was good. Then we went to Mass tonight and had tacos for dinner and I had a Minecraft cake for my birthday and that's about it. Goodnight. 

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No tea

Today was supposed to be the tea ceremony but it was postponed. Such a bummer! Looking forward to a busy weekend with 5 hours worth of photo shoots!

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So this morning I got up and had some breakfast and then Theo's eye started hurting him because it was already swollen from yesterday. I'm not sure if I did a journal yesterday. Okay anyway, nobody's going to be reading this for sure but we called the doctor And the doctor got a prescription that was like eye drops 👁️💦 which we got before movie night started cuz this is Friday and one of my presents actually came late So I got that like late today And it was actually a Wii Zelda game which is kind of cool. So anyway, I played it before we started the movie and it's actually pretty cool. I kind of like it. Anyway. That's about it

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Chibi Chewbacca

🇸🇮So today I got up and had a croissant for breakfast with Nutella🥐🥐🥐🥐🍫 But basically just sorted clothes. And we're actually like getting into the winter clothes. So we're sorting out all the summer clothes and going into the winter stuff So we got a bunch of stuff down from the attic and sorted it👚🧦🧥🧤🧣🎽 okay that's basically it. Bye 🇸🇮

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My birthday

So today was my birthday. I got up this morning and opened some presents. I got a Harry Potter Lego and some books and I'm really excited about getting a starter kit for dungeons& dragons. Then we went geocaching we got Chick-fil-A for lunch and we went to the airport overlook. Then we went to mass tonight and I went to Fraternus. They sung to me and it was awkward .My mom and I finished watching iron Man before I went to bed. Good night! 

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Henry is 12!

Today was Henry's birthday! I can't believe he's 12!! We had a fun day geocaching.

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Peter's blog

today I went to school and played flag football and basketball. Then I went to after-school and got taught a lesson. Then I went to tkd and went as a white belt, and it was an interesting experience.

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University Pete

🇸🇮 So today I got up and had breakfast and basically just laid around playing so yeah And it's actually my birthday tomorrow🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🧁🧁🧁🧁 So yeah That's basically the highlight of the day my brothers went to taekwondo (I didn't because it's a couple days after cycle ended so yeah and they worked on poomsaes And we broke out the telescope 🔭 but that's about it bye🇸🇮

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Today is Master Marcus and Master Natasya's first anniversary!!  We had a lovely day at home today doing school, baking bread, and working on Handicrafts. 

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Peter's blog

Today I learned about construction. I also learned about the different career paths I could take and what would be best for me, and most benefital for me.

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So today I got up went to chess club and I beat my friend Joseph and stalemated my friend Joshua, although it was actually a very close call♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️

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Today I feel more rested and my wrist is no longer sore. Huzzah. I worked this AM and then Henry and Oliver went to chess club tonight while Theo and I went to the park. I worked on my hand embroidery, which I'm loving! Making Christmas ornament gifts with this skill! 

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Final Thoughts on the Cycle

It's over.  We're done.  Hopefully everyone did well and passed.  The mat during the Tea Ceremony is going to be crowded, though, that's for certain. This Cycle was so different from the rest.  While I did, occasionally, question my sanity for signing up to do this all over again, I never actually found myself wanting to quit.  Both times before I had to remind myself, "Always finish what you start," in order to push through.  This Cycle was also full of injuries.  I sprained my ankle before it even started and that prevented me from getting back into sparring class prior to the start in July.  Then I damaged my finger in sparring class during Week 2.  Gabe tried to adjust her roll during Friday night's testing to avoid rolling into someone - and hurt herself in the process.  (For everyone following along at home, she's mostly fine.  Nothing is broken...

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Peter's blog

Yesterday was the public test and I broke 2 bricks. Then I went to the after party and that was very fun and the food was good too. Then I went to my friends house and played games and had fun.

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Tea ceremony, here I come

Finally done with all of the glory, work, crap, and tears of the cycle. I had such a good time at the open testing, finally rested up. I have a bruised hand (brick break), bruised leg (thanks Abraham), and a bruised side. See you all on the 11.

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I broke a brick.

I'm still in shock. Last night and this morning was overnight testing. Then we had public testing today.i didn't even realize we got to try to break a brick. Even moreso I had no idea I was capable to doing so. But I did. I broke a freaking brick.🤯🤯🤯 So glad we're done now though. Shew. 

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Today was public testing and I broke my boards but not my brick. 😕My mom broke a brick. 😁😲😲 I'm so tired...😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 Going to bed.😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 Goodnight.

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Journal - Day 50

Good evening, everyone! As the last day of this cycle finally comes, it feels so abnormal. I know even though I am not testing tonight, I am super nervous, jittery, and excited for you all. I wish you all the best of luck, and I know you’ll do great! Congratulations for officially completing this cycle! Have a wonderful rest of your day and testing!!

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Clouds happen happy

🇸🇮So I got up and basically just practiced most of the time. Then later I took a nap for a few hours 😴😴😴and then we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner and then that's where we are now. Later we're going to go to a gas station to get snacks and stuff for the final test. And we're just gonna how that we don't fall asleep halfway through it. 😁😁😁😬😬😰😰🇸🇮

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Today's the day!!!! I wasn't nervous but then took a nap this afternoon and woke up nervous. Henry and I are getting Chick-fil-A for dinner before picking up snacks and heading to KT.

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Tonight is the big night

Yes we have made it!😃 All we have left is tonight, Saturday, and the tea ceremony. I wish you all good luck tonight.  

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Peter's blog

Today I'm going to my overnight testing and I know all my stuff going into this so I hope it goes well. Also some of my friends are going to the testing tomorrow and want to see me break my brick and my board.

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October 4th (The final stand)

Today is the over night test, also known as the last stand. Try your best and bring everything from food water to, weapons and pain killers. It has been an honor being pushed with every student here taking the cycle these past 4ish months.

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Hey guys, It's the big day and I'm 100% faithful that we will all pass and do excellent. Don't forget anything and keep practicing. I'll see everyone tonight. It was an honor doing cycle with everyone.

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Day #83- 10/3/2024

Day #83- 10/3/2024 Today I’m put finishing touches on my essay. Rest day before testing. Light stretching.

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LMP Oct 4

Final journal of cycle 1......   I'm 12 weeks of 24 weeks in on my Master's journey.  Yes, there was a time I wanted to give up, and it was early in the cycle. However,  I put my big girl dobok pants on and kept going.  I know more now than I did 12 weeks ago.  I'm going to continue my mentoring sessions do I'm ready in the spring.   I have 2 easier essays, and two more challenging essays left. I plan on getting my easier essays completed sooner rather than later.   Im also going g to continue to meetvwith my mentee.  To all those testing tonight.. work hard and impress your Master's! I'll see you tomorrow in Belmont.    Until the next cycle, this is LMP signing off. 

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Update- I just had dinner which was french fries and hotdogs which were delicious. Goodbye

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One For the Road

Like everyone else, I'm sure, I didn't have any requirements to check off today.  I finished up the last little bits of that yesterday so today was workout free and just reviewing as much as I could in the time I had after work. It's funny how the last couple of weeks I was ready to go and wanted to get testing over with.  Now that it's staring me in the face, it's unnerving even though I know that I know my required curriculum.  Now all that's left is to pack up everything I need for Friday night and maybe a little bit more review tomorrow.  And to get all my snacks and everything else together tomorrow as well.Get some sleep, everyone, and I'll see you tomorrow night at North Charlotte.

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Hi King Tiger Family... it is the night before testing... I keep reviewing things through in my mind and ensure I remember things. I feel like I have prepped, but it never feels like you have done enough. I plan to practice a little tomorrow and just stay healthy. Eat and get energy up!!! Get ready to show all you learned and have some fun too. It is okay to enjoy this but take it seriously too. Have a great night. Get some rest.

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Journal - Day 49

Good evening, everyone! As the end of the cycle is approaching, I would like to say congratulations to everyone for all the hard work and effort that we put in this cycle. We all did amazing, for pushing through the toughest, surviving and overcoming bad days, triumphing over difficulties, and learning throughout this journey. Though this is only my audit cycle, I feel accomplished and ready for the next cycle. Congratulations everyone again and I hope you all the best of luck for the overnight testing. Have a wonderful day!

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Today I woke up and did my requirements for taekwondo. Then I did my chores and school. My grandma got here and I did a bunch of science stuff with her.  Now I am done with the day GOOD NIGHT!!!

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Today I slept in for a while then I got up and went to the dentist.  At the dentist I got my teeth cleaned and had no cavities. After that I went downstairs to see the orthodontist. I will need Invisalign but will only have to wear them for about a year or so.  Then I came home.  I worked on some requirements and then went to class and sparring.    Going to head to bed early tonight.  

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one more day

Tomorrow is the overnight testing and i am a little bit anxious. I am still excited though because it is the big day. technically night but whatever. I am also going to a bonfire on saturday with my youth group. it will be good because my youth pastors dad has a farm and we will be playing manhunt on the entire property. also there will be a hayride and pizza. goodnight.

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Almost done

🇸🇮So today is The last day before black belt testing which I'm very nervous for😰😬😬😬😰 But I think that I can get through it. And honestly I think at this point I'm just ready to get it over with and so today there was this practice session thing at King Tiger (obviously) But then later we went to class and I worked on my board break a lot. I think I'm getting pretty good. I Didn't quite break the practice board ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ But I think I might be able to break it at testing So I feel pretty confident, although I know I shouldn't But anyway, that's about it bye🇸🇮

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Today I woke up early at 3:30 then I watched some YouTube videos then played some games ate lunch then took a class and did a extra mentor session then I ate dinner then did some kicking defenses and good luck to everyone testing tomorrow. Good night everyone 😴💤.

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Today we went to King tiger to practice a bunch of stuff this afternoon which was really helpful! Thank you to Instructor Jen for her great feedback and tips. Tomorrow is the big day!!!!!!!!!!

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October 3rd

Today I woke up went to school and had a pretty decent day. Im off to taekwondo about to be 100% ready for tomorrow.

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Good luck fellow candidates!

Just wanted to say good luck everyone! See you Friday night at North Charlotte!

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Today I woke up and went to school. It was the same as any other day and we did not really do much. After that I went to baseball then home where I went to work and went out to dinner because of Callen’s birthday

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Journal - Day 48

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I wasn’t able to get my journal in yesterday, but all good since I made it up today. Today, had a lot of fun at school. This week is our HOCO spirit week, and we were able to dress up per the day. Monday was Country vs Country Club day, yesterday was Y2K, and today was White Lies. I finished all my requirements for the day, but not much to do now. I have myself mentally prepared and ready for the weeks ahead. Have a wonderful day!

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Today we had co-op and then Henry had Fraternus this evening. Looking forward to lots of practice tomorrow for testing on Friday!!

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today was BBC at Grand master Evins's Dojang. on Thursday and maybe Friday there is going to be an extra practice session yay.

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October 2nd

Today I went to school and had my benchmarks which is a big test, hopefully I got a good score. I also finished my mentor sessions today.

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Today I am at my grandparents house. Tomorrow I have an e-learning day “Hooray”. This is my last journal hurrah. I didn’t go to taekwondo today because straight after school I went to my grandparents Lakehouse. See you later.🥋

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I went to school then played some games then watched some YouTube then I went to taekwondo then got a dessert. Good night 

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Last one

I got free money this am for my Amazon shift because there were no more routes. This is always a great start to the day. I was back home and in bed by 4am. I had a mentoring session with my mentee tonite, and I'm still taking it a little easy because of my back. Hopefully I will be up to full speed tomorrow.

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Day #82 - 10/2/2024

Day #82 - 10/2/2024 Still stretching and keeping fit. Ran another quick 3 miles, probably the last one before testing this Friday. Still putting the final touches into my essay.

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Day #81 - 10/1/2024

Day #81 - 10/1/2024 I bounced back into workout mode, stretching and completing calisthenics. Ran a quick 3 mile, then went in early to class for some mentor/mentee and leadership sessions.

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Day #80 - 9/30/2024

Day #80 - 9/30/2024 Got some rest today as I started putting finishing touches on my essay. Went in for a dental procedure earlier.

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Day #79 - 9/29/2024

Day #79 - 9/29/2024 Didn’t miss Sunday mentorship session this week. Went in and demonstrated my special form for auditing, got some nice feedback! We then practiced staff forms.

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Day #78 - 9/28/2024

Day #78 - 9/28/2024 Testing day! Woke up early and arrived at the track at 5minutes past 6am. Went straight into jugging mode and finished at 6:35am. Drive to school and completed the physical and written tests. Went directly into the normal weekend training afterwards. Phew!

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Day #77 - 9/27/2024

Day #77 - 9/27/2024 Friday sparring day. We had some fun doing rotation sparring, literarily on the pillars like Shaolin monks do in their training. Only we used kicking pads as pillars, and the normal class may as the lava.

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Day #76 - 9/26/2024

Day #76 - 9/26/2024 Got plenty of rest today, and plenty of stretching.

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Creative Form

I went to King Tiger to help with class and practice my forms with the full mat. Creative form is completely finish! I'm excited to finish testing. 

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Today was good because i got 100 on 3 quizzes and i had my favorite chips for lunch. After school i chilled until it was time for trail life where we worked on the first aid badge. Then i went home and i had ramen for dinner. goodnight.

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Today I woke up and went to school.  It was the same stuff as usual.  After school I had baseball.   Where I was working in the outfield.   They had a machine throwing as fast as it could go. They had us running from the infield to the outfield fence.   We had to do that for an hour.   Then I was dispose to have a baseball camp in Charlotte but the other team did not show up.  We ended up having a practice instead.  Lots of baseball today.  

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Peter's blog

Today I had after-school and played games and then played basketball. Then I went to tkd and got 2 credits. Then I got home and did my stuff. Now I'm going to sleep.

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I went to school then I took a class then did a mentee session then I played some games then ate dinner watched some Yt after eating good night everyone 😴🌙.

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Just a few more days

Today I worked and cleaned. I also put up Halloween decorations. My back is getting better, but still onjured, so I'm still being very careful. 

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Two day school week

Today was my first day back at school for our two day school week, there was a storm on Monday and Thursday and Friday are teacher workdays so only Tuesday and Wednesday are school this week

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Today I did my last class assistance. I got to work with the white belts which was lots of fun. I love using Master knights tips to do kwon sool different ways. We did it on slow motion and super fast, which they loved.

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October 1st

Good evening everyone I just got my written test score back I got a good score and passes, Not bad for a 1st timer. I'm proud of my self.

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Why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why does the cycle have to be soo long because it just means there is more time to forget some parts of your poomsaes and other stuff.

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Today was a normal day at school.  I was so happy to find out I got a 107 on my math test yesterday.  I can't wait for testing this week.  See everyone Friday!

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Ben Karki Day 80

I did decently on the final written and physical exam. Today, I woke up, went to school, and came home. After coming home, I got a mentee and mentor session done. After that, I finished my homework and realized that I still had one more journal to make, and that day 77 was not the last journal. This is the last journal I am writing. Prepare for the black belt test and I wish you all the best of luck. Have a good night.

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Nice day

Today was pretty good. I woke up and went to school unlike some schools. But school wasn't bad and we did a lot of stuff. We played capture the flag in PE which was good but my team had horrible defense. After school I played video games until I had to go to tkd which was good and I worked on boch special to get better at it, because master evins said I needed a little bit of work on it. But today was good overall. Goodbye

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Today I woke up and played some games with Callen and we had to work together but Callen wasn’t very good at following directions and was always making us restart but after we completed around two levels we were asked to air rate and put down grass seed so we did that for a while until I had to go to work where I helped with two classes then I had to go give some supplies to my grand dad and my aunt but we got stuck in traffic and it took for ever to get there but we are heading home now

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peters blog

today i went outside and played basketball with my friends. then we played bean boozle and i got all the bad flavors. then i dunked on one of my friends and they caught it on camera. now im going to sleep.

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I ate breakfast then went to school then I did some guitar then took a 6:45 class and did some staff then I ate dinner and watched some TV. Good night everyone 😴🌙 

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Not much to report today. Work was okay. My back has been sore since Saturday, so I'm resting it a bit. saw a good movie tonite-Wild Robot. I highly recommend it.

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Today was like any other day aside from the fact that I didn’t have school because of weather, I did go to dinner and see the movie”wild robot” which was pretty cool

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I went to a Bengals game they won 34 to 24 then I came home and did some pull ups

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Empire blue buckle

So today I got up and and did minimal school work and I found this new book that I liked but anyway this evening mom was a  bit rough I think she kind of needs her psychiatrist appointment tomorrow😁😅 so yeah

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Magnificent Monday

I hope it was a magnificent Monday and tomorrow will be a terrific Tuesday!!! today I went to school and it was PJ day! After school, I had to go get my allergy shots and then had to do a bunch of homework. When I finished, I went to girls Scouts! After I got home, I got ready for bed. I hope it was magnificent. Monday for all good night!!! P.S. Today is National Chewing Gum Day!!! ~Magnolia~

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I'm feeling very stressed today. I practiced a lot of kicking defenses and survival's trust though want I'm feeling better about those. 

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September 30th

Good evening everyone, hope your day is going well. I woke up with immense muscle pain from the pre test (even though it was Saturday) mostly my core and arms which is great, a big sign of improvement. I will post my pull ups tomorrow when my arms loosen back up again cause the pain is not letting me do my pull ups correctly.

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Journal - Day 47

Good evening, everyone! This week has been good for the most part. My leg has been killing me for the last couple of days, and today it just so happened that I lost my voice. I am trying my best to recover during these times and push through the last week of only the start of my audit. Have a wonderful day!

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today I had a Math quiz. There's only one question I knew I got wrong because I couldn't figure it out Number 16. when I got home I did homework. I finish the sheet because I didn't want to do it later. that was my day. See you later.🥋

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Today I woke up and went  to school for lunch I had yogurt and granola after school I whent home and ate diner at knight kids I did my requirements and I was relly good at them.Thats all for my day peace.✌🏼

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Had a great night tonight at my mother culture night learning how to hand embroider.

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I am very sore from yesterdays run because its the fastest ive done a mile. But today we went to visit my sister at college in Boone because they got the worst of the storm so we just checked in on her and she showed us the campus. then we at and left. goodbye.

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Today I woke up and I got breakfast.  I was kinda tired all day.   We went to the Panthers game.  They lost but have done better than they have been in a while.  I was kinda upset that I was going to have to go to school tomorrow. But as I was driving home my mom told me school was cancelled due to the damage from the storm.  One the way to the game my aunt called and told us she was able to talk to her husband and he is safe. From the storm.  My aunt is going to try and get home Tuesday. This should be the day my g.  But since they have no power she called to see if we could get some groceries for her and my granddad.  My granddad should be able to go home from the hospital on Tuesday.    Mom went to the store tonight and we are planning on taking these to her tomorrow night.   

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Google brother

🇸🇮So this morning I got up and did mentee session with Aidan and then went to a Panthers game(they lost but not by much) but then I went to Grandma and grandpap's and had burgers🍔🍔🍔🍔 and sausage and tater tots and fries🍟 and then we went to Harris teeter and got ice cream and that's about it 🇸🇮

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Long day

today, I went two hours to Greenville sc for an escape room and lunch, both of which were closed so we drove two hours BACK home only to go and watch football at 8pm. I’m ready for bed

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Sunday Funday-Kind of

We decided to go do some escape rooms that we have been wanting to do for awhile. They were in Greenville, SC. I made the reservations and paid for them yesterday. I also made a reservation for lunch. When we got there, the restaurant was closed and so were the escape rooms. In fact all of Greenville was basically shut down because of the hurricane. I didn't realize the extent of the damage, and I wasn't notified by either the restaurant or escape room that they weren't open. Good thing I like driving and have good music to listen to. Watching the Ravens game right now. Pretty good day anyway.

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Final Journal

Hello all, today is my last journal of the cycle, and it was nice writing experiences that other people could view and see. After the physical I was pretty much sore, but not as much as the last time I did this, and it felt expected. This is also our last week and I will feel thankful that it is over with. I am going to rest for now, goodnight.

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Today I woke up and got ready for poomsae class. after class I got food then I went to my cousins house for my cousins birthday after the birthday we went out for dinner then we came home that’s all for my day Peace.✌️

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I ate breakfast then played some games then I went to poomsae team did some more games then watched nascar then ate dinner then called my friend. Im going to just relax for a while now good night 😴🌙.

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Today was my cousin’s birthday so I went to her house. She had a birthday cake ice cream and pizza. I had everything. Their new dog is called Ruby. And I fell in love with that dog. She has that cherry wine color. We played a game with them. We also played a game we brought.  See you later.🥋

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Special Sunday

Hope everyone had a special Sunday and is excited for magnificent Monday!!! Today I got up and went to church I came home and At lunch. I have words I played with my friends and my dog. Then I painted my nails and got ready to go to my youth group At church. I got to see a bunch of my friends and got to catch up with a few hadn’t seen in a while. After I went And ate dinner with my family. When I got home, I took a shower and got ready for bed. I hope it was a special Sunday for all good night!!! P.S. Today is National Coffee and Goose Day!!! ~Magnolia~

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I went to a Bengals football game they won then I came home and did my requirements and entered my stuff

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September 29th

Today I woke up did a bit of chores, watched a movie and ate of course. And now I just finished my school homework. I should be fine for tomorrow at school.

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Hi King Tiger Family, Today was a good day. Got a bunch of items finished and have some more to do tomorrow. Loaded all the essays to dropbox. Good to go. Now to finish requirements and get ready for Friday!!! Stay healthy and keep practicing. Take care.

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I woke up early and ran the 2 miles then did all the stuff at grand master Evins then I did 2 essays then just chilled the rest of the day. Good night 😴 🌙 everyone.

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Physical Test Day

I woke up early today for the start of our physical test. I got up early so I could start my run sooner than later and manged a decreased time limit from the previous physical, than we did our pushups, sit-ups, v-situps, burpees, high planks, and jump rope. On the test, I knew every answer but forgot some others when we started, the worst thing it was out of order which I knew would be the case. After all was over we had our class and I went home to rest and passed out.

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Special Saturday

I hope everyone had a super sad and his anxiety for a special Sunday!!! This morning, I got off and packed all my stuff up so I can leave to start my run. When I got there, there’s already at least 10 people running, but they were all seconds or thirds. After I finish my mom mom drove me up to north Charlotte. There we finished our pretest and took the written test. Afterwards, I took Saturday morning, black book class, and then went to get Dunkin’ Donuts. With my friends for the rest of the afternoon And When we came over to my house, we played on my trampoline. When I had to go I had to get ready to go eat dinner at the melting pot for my mom‘s birthday! It was amazing food and when I came back, I hung out with my family! I hope it was...

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