Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Journal #24-2/5/25

Today I got up and got ready for school.   I had 2 pop tarts as we walked to school. When we got to the cross walk this morning we started to cross and there was an old lady who was still going pretty fast but had waved us across and she still hadn't stopped when we were about to walk in front of her car but she waved again, like we were going to slow.  Mom wasn't very happy and yelled (she said a cuss word) at her as she grabbed my arm and sorta pushed me out of the way.  At school we did blocks, it was a normal day.  Then I rode the bus to KT.  I ran with Carter and Nixon today, then had class and did a mentee session.  I finished off my pull ups for the week and did some requirements.  I also did some of...

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Good evening, I hope everyone is having a good day.  Today I got some physical requirements done at school during PE and recess. I was able to get several more done this afternoon at classes.  See you tomorrow for sparring. 

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LMP Feb 5

I’ve never been a fan of sparring, the only reason I’m going is because it’s required for the cycle. After I get my days in, no more for me. That goes for burpees too. I don’t like them. I’m also short on patience today…. off to feed my kitty. See you in black belt class. 

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I've been doing the work, but slacking on journaling and data entry.  I need to focus on that improvement.  

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2/4/2025 7/50

Today I was able to relax because of the fact I had no pe today. Today my dad comes home from Raleigh from work training. I did all of my tkd for today back to back so I was very tired before we left. when my dad got home he brought a cup of m&ms & chocolate covered pretzels. it was a good day

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Today I woke up and went to class.  Couldn't focus on the class much.  Had stuff I was dealing with yesterday.  I realized I needed to change my Chinese lab schedule, but I then promptly had to change it back after realizing that this one wasn't going to work.  Guess things are going back to business as usual.  Well, hopefully without distractions, that is.  I got a lot of homework to keep myself busy.  That and Martial Arts Club.  Didn't exactly make it to Shoreview today.  Had a lot to do.  Yesterday left me a lot to do.

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Why was it so hot today. It’s February, it’s winter, theres no good reason it should be 70 degrees outside. Anyways though, I’m still sick, I have this interesting cough. School was normal and requirements felt more tiring today.

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Had a tiring day editing today and finally finished my economic personal finance project. Tomorrow is my Mother's Birthday so I now must prepare for that.

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So (sips coffee aggressively), after the unfortunate illness that decided to form throughout my body yesterday, I am back with a RANT GIRLIES!   THE NEW SLANG DON'T MAKE SENSE!   I need this new slang explained (oh my lord I sound so old reading back on this). I feel like I am losing any sense of braincells when I hear some of these kids talk in a "normal" conversation. Not only are some of these new slang terms, words, and phrases extremely annoying to listen to, but every single kid I have asked about the definition of the new slang cannot even define the new slang without using the word in the definition or literally cannot even provide a definition. Now, I don't know about y'all, but slang should just be a quick way to get something common across, or juts is a phrase that inflicts comedic affect CONSISTENTLY! Unfortunately,...

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Journal #23--2/4/25

Today I woke and got ready for school.   Mom packed me a lunch, my Mexican leftovers!!!  At school we did blocks, at recess we played soccer and my team won 6-1.  I couldn't wait for lunch today...it was SOOOO GOOD!!!! When I got to KT I did bbc stuff and helped out with class, ran with Carter and did a Mentor session with Master Chelley, that ended up being with Sri because Master Chelley had to do a make up testing that she thought was tomorrow (oops!!).  Then we got Wendy's on the way to scouts.  At scouts we got our pinewood derby cars and got them cut. Hopefully this year my car will be really fast. We only have 2.5 weeks to get it ready!  Now I am headed to bed.

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Tuesday 2/4

Today was a harder day than usual.  I didn't feel too good, but still got all my requirements finished.  I was slow to finish my mile.  I did get to lead warmups for class so got one more signature in my book.  It was a good class and I liked the way we were able to practice the self defenses.

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2/4 Dreiman, Dominic #17

So today I went to school btw I skipped breakfast went to school and had band in the morning went well was great worked on Beethoven ninth practice sheet and other things then went to history ate shrimp for lunch then I went to Chinese then science I'm studying magnesium but then school was up I went home then ate then I went to taekwondo then home to sleep .

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National Stuffed Mushrooms Day - 2/4/25

Stuffed mushrooms? Gross. Do people actually eat those things? Anyway, today was a long day. I had a terrible headache after school and a ton of homework so i wasnt able to go to TKD class. I have to write a 4 page memoir for school and decided to write about my first black belt cycle experience. It's pretty fun to share and a good reminder that hard work pays off. So I'll keep working hard on this cycle too. Remember everyone - all our hard work will pay off! Keep going.

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LMP Feb 4

How difficult is it to bring up a trash bin….you literally walk by it to walk the dogs….. school was ok. We still have a teacher out and hopefully she will be back tomorrow. My mentee wasn’t at class tonight, but I did manage to get credit for helping some yellow belts with their self defense. Then I stayed for the 7:15 class.  Time for a shower before I turn into a pumpkin. Glad I have half day planning tomorrow. 

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book fair

today at school we had a book fair!But before that I woke up and did some requirements than I had breakfast.at school we had specials and had a fun day.at recess we finally won our first football game!now we have 1 win and 11 losses.at king tiger I ran with Braxton and played games there.then me and my brother went home.we ran together with another friend.then my dad's friend came over for dinner.I did more bbc stuff.now I am going to bed and going to read.    :D

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Today I had to get up earlier than usual to get to school. At school it was a fairly normal day, I have to put on a short play for my social studies class on Thursday, so we practiced that. It's about the Industrial revolution and traditional, Market economies. After school was the usual routine with going to the gym and running. When I got home, I played iPad because I didn't do double classes today. At class I got a leadership credit in. Tomorrow, I have my first mentee meeting, finally. Now I am getting ready to read and go to bed. 

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So I don't know how to start today but I actualy woke up at 4:00 today and got some stuff done and then went to school, and when I say this I mean it, MY EYE HAVE BEEN HURTING FOR THE ENTIRE DAY!!! It's like each time I blink it feels like a peble was shot in my eye, my left eye. I didn't think of it to much during the morning cause like maybe I just sleeped on my eye or something but like halfway through the day it was really starting to make me mad and I didn't want to go home because I have like 10 missing days so I just waited for the day to end the I put some eye drops in my eye and it felt way better and I went to go on a run and for some reaosn my body is just not...

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Today was good, but I had to get up early because I had to go to jump rope team practice and tried out for a solo at performance at a basketball game and... I got in! I was really happy because of that. After school we went to the gym and I did my requirement, then we went to TKD. Now I am going to get ready for bed and read. ♥

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Today was a great day! The sunny weather made it nice to get outside and do some requirements. I went to class and got both leadership requirements done today and thank you to Instructor Jen for some Mentor/Mentee time.  See you tomorrow.  Ash

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Class pet

Today we got a 6 month old guinea pig! She is so cute! Now we have 2 guinea pigs, one fish and over 3 snails as are class pets! They are all so adorable especially the guinea pigs. The one we had first was donated from one of my class mates and her name is Princess, but we have named the 6 month old yet for now we are calling her little one. The fishes name is Buba because his mouth always goes buba buba. We have to many snails to name them all so we call them all Shelly.🐹🐟🐹🐚🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐚

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Today was a drag.  The last part of today was a drag.  I just spent 6 hours dealing with things I wish I didn't have to deal with.  I was going to check out the Creative Writing club, but I couldn't bring myself to go.  I couldn't really bring myself to do much after 6 today.  Some of the stuff from last semester is starting to affect this one.  And now I'm sick of falling down.

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Hey y'all, I am feeling extremely sick and nauseous right now, so I cannot squeeze out a elongated journal today. Hopefully I am better when I wake up so I do not feel so ill. I will see y'all later.

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It’s been a rough day, I woke up feeling a little bit better and I lasted until 4pm. I got my braces off though, it’s nice to be without these hunks of metal in my mouth. However, I do have to wear a retainer full-time for a week.

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2/3 Dreiman, Dominic #16

So here's what happened to say I woke up ate some biscuits and hoped on tom Clancy rainbow six siege with my friends because we have today off after that I go eat biscuits for lunch then I get back on siege play soccer in my backyard then go to soccer practice get home eat dinner sit around and go to bed

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Today was a pretty good day, I finished my project and started studying for my math test

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Today I continued with my routine of getting some of my physical requirements completed in the morning before school.  This makes it easier in the evening to get everything done plus classes and school work. Today we had a sub for Reading class, we worked on endless paper assignments.  I showed up to Tae Kwon Do class early to work on my poomsae.

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Woke up, went to school, played pickle ball and sprained my toe. Ran 2 miles, while I was running I sprained the toe.

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National Golden Retriever Day! 02/03025

#Bread3 Was a total success! A lot of people seemed to like it! I liked making the blueberry cream cheese prosses a lot more and I learned some new techniques like flouring the blueberry's so they don't sink and folding them so they don't smush. Over all today was a rather fine day. I was nice out and I got some running and requirements done and I just had a really peaceful day. I'm super tired from all this work and I am soooooooo ready for a four day weekend. I started on a little gift for master one of my masters so I'm super excited to finish it! I hope everyone is having a good 4th week and I hope that you guys all get some goood rest!

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2/2/2025 6/5

Today is the last day before Monday. I have to run 3 miles which I did in 30 minutes. I enjoy the running because I have an iPod which as a 32-bit device can handle 2 tb of storage. The news is crazy with cutbacks & measures across the board due to the president.  

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This morning, I was still super tired from the weekend and not ready for Monday... but it was okay. I had a test in ELA today and I feel pretty good about it. Straight from school I went to the gym to run and do requirements. When I got home I had about 45 minutes to eat some quick dinner and get ready for taekwondo. I got a mentor meeting in, finally arranged my first meeting with my mentee and got a leadership credit. Now I am getting ready for bed.

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So to start off my wonderful monday BY WAKING UP LATE :O I mean this has been like the 3rd day off the cycle i've woke up late. I don't know whats wrong with me right now but I need to fix myself. Not only did I wake up at 8:00!!! I'm also like very very dehydrated. I can't be all sorry for myself and whatever because it is my fault I don't drink nearly as much water as I need to, so I skip school today and this will be my 2nd to last day I will skip school this year and I have to skip it on a friday in April for a race I have to go to. Anyways I have felt very dizzy, with a headache and my skin is pretty pale so I basiclly 100% knew I was in a lack of water (I'm having a...

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Today I was really tired, so I wasn't happy for Monday, but I got through it. After school we went to the gym and I did my requirements, then I had a snack a got ready for TKD. I help out and got a leadership credit. Now I am relaxing and getting ready for bed. ♥

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Journal #22--2/3/25

So when I woke up I got ready and walked to school.  At school we did blocks and had recess and today was game day (soccer).  Me and my friend Calvin had to play good if we want to get into our friends group.  I think I did good, I hope so at least!  Then at the end of the day I rode the bus to KT and did my bbc stuff, Carter and I ran and did pull ups.  I also got both leadership credits this evening at the 515 class.  I also got to try some of Graceyn's bread...it was REALLY good!  Finally we went home and had dinner and then I took a shower.  I am working on the test for a little bit then I am going to bed.  #BREAD

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# Bread

today we played football we lost 28-22.we would've won but one kid on my team sold so hard.my mom was sick today so my dad took me and my brother to school.we have a book fair this week so I am going to go on Tuesday.i ran with Braxton today at king tiger and I made a present for my mom and she loved it.            :D

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LMP Feb 3

Yay….another day of fun. Had a teacher out which means we had to disperse.  Found time to do my requirements at school during recess by walking the field perimeter with some of my students. Tried calling my dad again today, and left another message….he usually calls me back, but hasn’t yet. Getting a little worried.  Hubby tried to help me do a pull up today, but that won’t look good on an ‘end of cycle physical’…..sooooono pulls ups for me. My cardiologist says..no. 

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Today was a really warm day at school, so I got to get outside and run. After school I got to go to TKD class and help out with the 445 class. I then came home and finished some exercises and ate salad for dinner.  I hope everyone had a great day. 

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Monday :(

I hate Mondays!!!!! I hate Mondays it's the first day back to school and work it is just the worst. (to me at least) it means I have to get up around 6 do my requirements and mile run get dressed for school eat and get on the bus THAT IS TO MUCH WORK!!!!! So know I'm here waiting till my bus comes even though it doesn't come till 8:15.

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I went to Church and spent the rest of my day at home editing and working on schoolwork. I have a math test this week and a early midterm next week so I must prepare.

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Ok so before I get the cops called on me, I am NOT a serial killer. I have no intentions (currently :D) to commit a vile crime on the life of another. However, to explain this title and to not be arrested before I can even find a tolerable human being I just decide to spend the rest of my life with,   THE CHILDREN ARE SICK WHICH MEANS I AM NEXT?!   So, my sister during Jr. Instructors camp came down with a viral illness that caused her so much pain that it put her and myself into tears. She vomited and was to exhausted and ill to the point where she had to leave Jr. Instructors camp early. So, she got to suffer in a comfortable bed while I spent the overnight stay fighting with my near un-chargeable computer (I think the charger be broken me lads) juts to...

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Unfortunately, I am still quite sick so I mostly stayed in bed today. I don’t know if I’m going to go to school tomorrow, it depends on how I feel in the morning. Hopefully I won’t be sick for much longer.

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National Groundhog Day! 02/02/25

Today I woke up to the absolute worst news.... THE GROUNDHOG SAW IT'S SHADOW!!!! I DON'T WANT ANOTHER 6 WEEKS OF WINTER! LET ME BE FREE AND HAVE A GOOD TIME BY THE POOL ALREADY! Anyways! I've had a lot of fun today but had some disappointment when I realized I didn't do my requirements today... Today was pretty chill. I woke up at around 10:05 and had some pineapple for breakfast. (I'm starting the 30 day nutrition challenge) Today was my grandma's birthday! (Love you grandma <3) I also went shopping today, mostly cause my sister wanted some new clothes, I didn't get much just some gum and a drink. Then right after my family had dinner at a diner at about 4pm, It was a little early. On my way back home I grabbed some ingredients for my bread for tomorrow, the flavor is a secret for all my...

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calm sunday

So im like really really really dyhrated and I NEED WATER. I don't know why or how I forget to do the most basic life skill of drinking water but it's ok. Anways I woke up really late at 8:00 then went to class then after class I waited for my phone to charge so I can go on a nice fresh 3.33 miles run and then just didn't do much the rest of the day then ate dinner and did my black belt stuff! Good sleeps!

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Friend's Birthday Party

Today I went to my friend's birthday party. And it was so fun; we went to ninja nation. Afterwards, I went to a track to run a mile and came home and did a lot of kicks.    

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Sunday 2/2/25

2/2/25 Today I rearranged my time at home to get all my TKD daily requirements done.  I spent time on Bo Cho Dan special because I needed to work on it.  I also got another essay finished.  I spent time with my friend playing basketball and gaming.  I then went to MaxLife which is a Christian middle school program at my church.

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Today was fun, but I was/am still tired form yesterday. The weather was great today, so I played outside, did my requirements, worked on an essay and played with our friend. We had some dinner and desert, and we are now watching the Grammys. ♥

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Cyber Tournament

So today I went to church, came home, and played with my cousin who just left.  After that I played some fortnight.  When I logged on, I saw that there was a tournament, so I played some games and when I got out, I saw that I had 68 points!!!  Now I am about to go to sleep and hopefully I make it to the next round.           

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Journal #21--2/2/25

When I woke up this morning I got on the switch and played some Pokemon.  After that we had to get ready to leave Brien's and head to church.  We had Bojangles on the way to church.  I went to Sunday school and then mom had nursery but no kids came so we went over to church.  Today is the 1st Sunday so it was communion day.  At the end of the service me and another kid got to split the left over bread!  Then we headed home and had lunch.  I did my bbc stuff and relaxed an played some more games on my switch.  I had dinner a little while ago and took a shower now I am heading to bed.

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I'm glad that this morning I could get up without any alarm. It felt good to get some rest after a long day/night. Today was a pretty relaxed day, I was still super tired, so we didn't do much. My mom made us a delicious breakfast and after that I spent some time playing outside and getting some requirements in. Around 3:00 I had to say bye to my dad; he's going on a business trip until Thursday... I miss him. Then, my sisters and I played with our neighbor for the first time in a few weeks. Then we ate dinner and tonight we're watching the Grammy's.

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Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope everyone had a great day. I enjoyed the day and got outside to do some requirements. I'm looking forward to the nice weather this week. Looking forward to seeing the LKN group tomorrow.

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LMP Feb 2

So as the cycle continues, I have my curriculum sticker, that we never received, that is more like a list of things I need to be able to do. Working one of the other black belts, he came up with a great idea…make a list with 3 check boxes…..1st box, I know it. 2nd box, I can do it. 3rd box,I’m confident. I have a lot of work to do. I’m jealous of anyone that has someone they can work / practice with at home….because I don’t.  ps…I still despise burpees. They are horrible. 

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Journal - Day 9

Good evening, everyone! I've been slacking on writing my journal every morning, but I am determined to start writing it every day now. This weekend, I helped out with JR Instructors camp, and it went pretty well. I've been getting pretty tired and lazy recently, which is not great at all, so I am persevering through it every day and determined to get my work done. I have a lot of schoolwork to finish and requirements to do for the day. I am very happy because my nutritional diet challenge is coming closer and closer to a conclusion, meaning I can have some room for sweets again. I have a class to attend to in an hour and am planning on finishing up a few more assignments. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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2/1/2025 6/50

today is Saturday. I did mt tkd & went on a 4-mile run. I had fun & listened to music on the way. I don't understand taxes because why would the government who knows what you own not tell you & companies make you pay for software to tell you how much you owe? that is all.

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Bounce place

Today i woke up and went strait to my parents room to hang out in the morning then we watched TV. I went downstairs completely forgetting about my black belt requirements 😩 So I eat breakfast and got dressed to go to a bounce park with one of friends named Michael! It was so much fun we went to "fear less" before heading to a park after that. Then we drove Michael home it is very convenient because we live in the same neighborhood so after I went home to. Then I did my running for the day and played piano! Sofar I still haven't done my other requirements for the day, BUT I will do them later.DONT YOU DOUBT THAT!!!

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pine wood derby

me and my dad were working on my pine wood derby car today.the race is in 5 days.we are pretty confident that I am going to win.we are probably going to stay up all night working on it.i also did my black belt stuff for the day.:D

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I went to the rec center yesterday. I used some of the weight machines, and ran indoors. I'm practicing jump roping more, but still not that good at it. I started looking at online videos of jump ropers, and its pretty amazing what they do. I visited with a friend later in the day. Today, Sunday is my birthday. We don't celebrate birthdays like we did when I was little, so it's a normal day, but it stinks because I went to bed last night with a sore throat and woke up feeling alot worse. The plan for today is bed rest, and Walmart chicken soup. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WTo9lCCxi-1my1mYf79GXliGiFt4zYIt/view?usp=sharing

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Today I woke up to go skiing with my aunt.  Now that I am closer to where my aunt lives, I can go skiing more often.  I had plans to invite someone else last time I went but it kind of fell through.  Both times I have skied within the school year were fun though.  Skiing takes my mind off all this workload I have.  After that I went to my usual gym session to get in requirements and also because I like torturing myself (Again, takes my mind off things).  I finished the day with some schoolwork and a session of Mario Party with my friends.

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I spent today editing my film and working on my pull-ups. My sister is sick from school so I'm going to have to keep my distance from her in the house according to my Mother.

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Journal #20--2/1/25

Today I woke up at 6am and started Jr. Instructor camp. We had breakfast with Master Lloyd. Then we did stick and knife with Grand Master Evins. Team building was next with Inst. Jen and Inst. Rob. After that was board breaking with Master Hartle and helping with class with Master Chelley. Then we had lunch. After lunch was dynamic kicks with Master Marcus and Master Natasya. Then everyones parents came and we got our certificate and patches. After camp we went to Brien's and played football with some of his family.. It was really muddy and the game ended in a tie.. Then we had Mexican for dinner. I played a little Pokémon and then headed to bed! 

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So today I ran a 5k and just sat around watching stuff and playing video games.  My cousin came over and she and my sister and brother are making a HUGE racket.  And if I don't join them, they will probably trash my room based on experience. So, PEACE OUT.         

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Best day of the week

So I woke up at 5:00 and then waited till 6:00 to get ready and I left at 6:45 so I can ride my bike to king tiger and I took a different route today and I ended up being 50 minutes early so yea I just kinda sat there for 50 minutes until class started, and it was a small class today and was pretty easy too. I litterly couldn't ride my bike uphill in the grass with a bad chain for like 3 miles so I just got picked up and I went home and sleeped then took my dogs out then went to dinner and now am doing nothing! 

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National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day? 02/01/25

After a LONG night of J.R. Instructors camp I'm finally able to get a good amount of sleep. Everything hurts, I forgot how bad it hurts to stand on concrete for 12 hours and also having screaming kids everywhere. I had a little trouble with some kids and I obviously can't help that fact but It's whatever I guess. I didn't do very many requirements today and I just hopped straight into bed and slept for a good 4 hours. I really don't feel myself right now and everything is really catching up to me and I feel like I'm taking a lot of things rather seriously and not having a good time as a kid anymore so I'm just really sad about that right now. I just need someone that I can trust to talk to. I have a lot of problems but I feel like after my 3 hours...

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I can’t believe I’ve spent the first day of February bring sick. I wasn’t able to do much today, given that I am sick, but luckily I am a little ahead in requirements so I don’t have to do any catching up. Hopefully I will be somewhat better tomorrow.

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Hello, from after camp time. I enjoyed a great Jr. Instructor camp. This was my second camp, so I knew what to expect. I had a great time getting in the exercise, training and being with great friends. My favorite parts of training were the nunchucks and gymnastics.  I actually got some sleep too! It was quick and I'm tired, but it was a great time.  Thank you to our Masters and Instructors for a fun Jr. Instructors camp.  Tomorrow will be back to normal.  Have a good Sunday tomorrow. 

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02/01/25 for 01/31

HI, sorry I missed yesterday but I didn't get the chance before going to Jr. Instructors camp.  My Friday started at 6am because I had to be at school earlier than normal for book club. The weather was nice so it was a good day at school.  I got home, finished some requirement and checked my bags and when my brother got home we headed to KT LKN.  I got to see my Mom for a little over an hour before heading off to camp. She was gone to a training class all week too. I will hit camp in the next post. 

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LMP Feb 1

Happy first day of February. January was soooooo long. Felt amazing to be able to sleep in a  little today.  Got up and did all the things. Was able Togo get my nails and piggies done for the first time since before winter break from school. Took a nap, got a jog in and my requirements. Not sure about meeting tomorrow morning, haven’t heard from anyone yet….

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Jr instructors camp over :(

jr instructors camp is over it was sad but I did get my 5th star.today was fun we went to see the dog man movie today.We had dinner at the cinemas and was just a good vibe.the movie was really good:)

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Today was day two of Jr. Instructor's camp. I woke up at 6:00, I only got 6 hours of sleep.... so, I am really tired. However, it was a good experience, and I had fun helping out for my first time, even though I was shy and nervous. As soon as I got home, I cleaned myself up and just relaxed all evening. I will have to work double tomorrow to catch up on my requirements because I was too tired to come home and do them. Night night!

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Feb 1st

Today I went to black belt class at the Huntersville location and led warm-ups.  We practiced Bo Cho Don special. It was a very helpful class.  When I got home I started my exercises.  I ran two miles in a new record time.  I also got one of my essays done.  I'm looking forward to reading my kindle today.

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1/30/2025 5/50

It is Friday so I get to go home & I have exiting things. My sister is going to her first rotc military ball with other schools. When I get home I am done with this week of the cycle so I am closer the last 2 things I need are a mentee & the dropbox link so I am nearly done!

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Jr. Instructors camp

I just got back from Jr. Instructors camp it was really fun this time. My favorite part was doing gymnastics, nunchucks, and breakfast. I also am so glad that so many of my friends were there to support each other.❤️💜💙🩵This was my third time at Jr. Instructors camp which means I got my green star. I look forward to next time!! 

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More Rocketry

Hello again everyone!  It's finally Friday.  This week was hard, but it's finally over.  I plan on going skiing with my aunt tomorrow.  Today after my normal onslaught of 3 classes in a row, I was working on learning how to code the electronics for our high-power rocket, a part of the rocket that I have not done before, but I am interested in learning how to do.  After that, I went to do a gym session and went to this semester's club fair and signed up for a few clubs.  I don't know if I will have time for them on top of what I'm doing, but I have found that being kept busy is good for me.  I went to an event for the first years, and I found a lot of my friends there, although I did feel a bit out of my element.

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Going to try and make tamagoyaki tomorrow for breakfast and begin editing my film. We didn't finish all the filming so I'm going to need to allocate some time next monday to film and finish editing.

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Friday here...Yippee

My days start early at 5:30am, and I'm out the door at 5:45am. But we are dog sitting for a friend, and I have to walk the dog in the morning, so my day is starting at 5:00am for now. We are dog sitting a 4 year old chihuahua named Beau Diddley. I'll try to upload a photo later. For my running I got in just over 2 miles during track practice today. I also did my exercises for this week, including my planks and checked it off in my book. I finished my day with black belt class, and I focused mainly on staff forms.    

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So here I am, assistant instructor at the current overnight Jr. Instructors Camp, which might I add, is going suspiciously well......   I             HATE                OPERA!   So out of the five classes I decided to take a mental health day on (sleep and pay no attention to the Charlie Brown babbling from the teachers), I decided that I would pay some attention to my chorus teacher. He did not have anything planned for us today besides working on our sustained upper range. As I stated in a previous journal entry (becuse I am sure you all read my extensive and jambled journals), my range goes up to a C6, which is where many Sopranos tend to top in their un-trained vocals. My teacher decided "oh yeah he would love some opera" and gave me 'The Curse' which tops at an...

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1/31/25 Today when I woke up I did not feel well. I began my exercises anyway because I do not have time to take a day off. In math and reading it was hard to keep paying attention. I went to a BBC weekday class today. We worked on sticks and staff.In gym I worked on cup stacking and I am considering choosing it as my new skill.

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LMP Jan 31

Good day. Spent some time focusing on my jog and was able to get in 2 miles in roughly 20 minutes. I’ll take it. Also spent some time working on my stances and trying to improve my kicks…however, my focus should really be on the curriculum. Looking forward to this weekend. 

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1/31 Dreiman, Dominic #15

Today started off by me waking up at 6:00am and eating and then going to school we had a math test that I think I did ok on and after we had this thing called winter social which me and my friends played flag football and basketball. Then my dad pick me up to go to taekwondo at Harrisburg and go home and that's my day.

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Journal #19--1/31/25 JR. INSTRUCTOR CAMP!!

Today I woke up and got a poptart to eat on the way to school because I had math group again this morning.  After school I went to KT and helped with little tigers and did some bbc stuff and then hung out with Nixon and Carter.  We are about to leave KT LKN for Master Evins school or Jr. Instructor Camp!! 

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National Hot Chocolate Day - 1/31/25

That's right, it's National Hot Chocolate day -- um yum! I'm so excited for today because it is Jr Instructor Camp day and I get to help. I love assisting the other students although not thrilled about watching Trolls at midnight (probably).  I also decided to start my Electronics Detox for my essay today.  So far it hasn't been too bad but I'm realizing just how much i rely on my phone.  Anyway, I'm off to help with camp and fit in all my physical requirements along the way.  

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Today at school I had a field trip to baily middle school...so big, but it was fun. Then we had early dismissal because we have to get ready for Jr instructor's camp. We are going to get some food and then we are leaving. I am excited for camp! ♥

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I am writing my journal a little earlier today because tonight I will be helping at Jr. Instructor's camp. I got picked up early from school today to prep and pack. I did some requirements, and soon we will leave. Before the bus ride me and my family are going to get an early dinner/late lunch. I'm excited for camp!

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Junior instructors camp

Today after school I'm going to junior instructors camp but fornow I'm getting ready for the bus ride to school. Today at school I have the Chinese market for lunar new year. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR BY THE WAY!!! I will be early dismissal from school to get ready for Junior instructors camp because my school doesn't end till 4:30🫠

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Jr Instructors camp

I am going to Jr instructors camp today so I am writing my journal early.today at school we had art and we played football at recess.we also worked on a science project about habitats.i am going to run 2 miles today so I can catch up on my miles.:D

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1/30/2025 4/50

I went home after today & did practice after school but changed up the order. I had fun at school but unfortunatley my math teacher will not be there. She left videos for us to do. My math class is looking very fun & I am exited to learn more. Have a nice day.

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Another long night of homework

Today went by kind of fast.  I was hoping to have a lot of free time, but that kind of went down the drain with the amount of homework I found out I had.  Taekwondo at Shoreview was good again today.  I get an idea of what I need to work on when I'm there.  Also, I had my first high-power rocketry club meeting of the semester!  We might be doing a competition at the end of the semester, so stay tuned...  Will probably work on more of that tomorrow.  Anyway, it's 4 minutes to midnight here, so I'm going to get off and continue with my homework.   #bread

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Today I did some filming in school today for an economic project. This project is due next tuesday and tomorrow is potentially the last day for filming. (my group is only 40% done filming). Even after we finish the filming, we are tasked to edit all the clips together into one compilation. 

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So alongside being a teacher at taekwondo, I am also a teacher for LNC's Elementary (third grade) and Middle (eighth grade) schools. Today, I had to grab kids from various third grade classrooms for their advanced class with me. I have a total of sixteen that I teach at the Elementary school. But on the way to Mr. S's classroom to collect four of his students, I had the most appalling welcome to his classroom.   CLEAN (clap) YOUR (clap) FLIPPIN (clap) CLASSROOM!   I step into his elaborately star-wars themed classroom and am met with a crunch. I look down and realized I had stepped on a pile of cinnamon toast crunch cereal pieces. There was food and trash all over Mr. S's classroom. Not to mention as he was teaching, kids were running around and goofing off the entire time. I got the kids in his classroom as quickly...

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Journal #18--1/30/25

This morning I got ready for school and I ate 2 pop tarts on the way to school because I had morning math group (working on 6th grade math with Ms. Darr the TD teacher) and I didn't have time to grab breakfast at school.  We are working on Pi, circles, radius and circumference.  We just finished adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing negative numbers.  Then we did blocks and we played bobble.   Then I rode the bus to KT and did my BBC stuff, then we had sparring tonight.  When we got home we had dinner and I showered and got ready for bed.  I also just finished my Book for cycle tonight!  I'm watching a little YouTube before I had to bed...See everyone at Jr. Instructor camp tomorrow!!

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Jan 30th

Today was a running day.  First, in gym class some kids were goofing around so we had to run extra, probably 9 or 10 laps.  Then I ran 2 miles when I got home to fulfill black belt requirements.  Today I set a personal record for my 2 mile run by doing it in 19:45. I also had to do extra of each physical activity for missing some of them yesterday.  I feel spent.

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National Croissant Day! 01/30/25

I believe I should make all my titles for this cycle that national whatever day. Previously I would run to specific songs for my mile but this time it's in my title. Today was bland. I did more school... Wrote another memior... did 2 test... did requirements... get hurt in class... All that good stuff. I did land on my hip funny and it's really starting to hurt so I took some medicine but it still hurts for now. It's only one more day till Jr. Ins. Camp and I'm really excited. I hope everyone is ready for the second to last day of the third week!

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3 hours till friday!

So I finally woke up at a decent time (5:00) and got some black belt stuff done! I had to go school school and start the day of with gym class! I love gym, I have Mrs. Ford who is the 2nd best teacher of all time and today we had our fitness test which usually last like a week and today we did our push ups and planks, I didn't get the maximum 30 push ups but my form was really good, and my plank time I got the maximum 3 minutes pretty easil. Anyways the rest the day up till American history was pretty boring and easy, I mean I litterly took notes in sciences then got to play games the rest of class, but anyways time to talk about history class... I currently am working on a mini project which it's basiclly a one pager and honestly I...

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At school we played soccer.my team lost 1-0 but it was a really good game.At recess we played football but we lost 35-14.Today was fun I did sparring and talked with Braxton and Nixon about PokeMon.today was just a really fun day.

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Today was the first normal day at school in a while (schedule wise). I had a science test. but it was fairly easy since my teacher let us use our study guides. When I got home, I did my requirements, ate a quick dinner and went to TKD. I'm super tired now. I'm also doing some packing for Jr. Instructor's camp tomorrow. I will be helping out. Now I will go get a good night of sleep.

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Feeling better

Today I'm feeling much much better coughing is better temperature is back to normal still have a bit of a stuffed nose but it's already much better than last week on thursday .Hope that we are all 100% and are ready for another day of black belt requirements! Sleep tight don't let the ( totally real and not at all sarcastic ) bed bugs bite.🛏🪲🐞🐛🤪

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Today was another nice day. I finished reading a book to be ready for book club at school in the morning. I also got daily requirements done. Classes were fun tonight at KT LKN, it was really busy too.  I'm looking forward to Jr. Instructor camp tomorrow and Saturday.  See some of you tomorrow!

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Today at school there was only subs because all the teachers were planning. At school I did a lot racing with my friends, which was fun. After school I did my requirements, then had a snack and relaxed and the then got ready for TKD. ♥

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Today I woke up at 6:10 and did my requirements and running then I had to get ready because today I have choir at 8:00 At school. So WE GOT A GUINEA PIG FOR ARE CLASS PET!! ITS SO FFFLLLLLUUUUFFFFFFFYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!Then after school I had dance from 6:00 -7:30 know I'm at home relaxing.

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1/30 Dreiman, Dominic #14

so today started off by me being not being sick and going to school I had math and English in math intergers and English I'm writing a personal narrative about a incident that happend in a RV today I had to miss soccer but I will be ready for all of my sports to come.

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LMP Jan 30

3 weeks in already…..getting better at all the curriculums I need to know…but I really don’t know if I’m going to be ready by March. I still need SO much. I don’t want to be fussed at at testing or hold up the test. I may need another cycle……

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Another Track Meet

I ran in another school track meet yesterday. This was the first track meet that we didn't have to take a bus t Winston Salem, and it was held right here in Spartan Park, which is owned by the school in Huntersville. I ran a 500m, and I came in first in my heat! Against 8 other runners. I ran it in 1:16:00 the 2nd place runner came in at 1:20, so I was 4 seconds ahead. There was multiple heats, and across all of the 500m heats I was in 8th place, so not bad for a beginner. I ran the 4x800 relay too, but the scoring didn't post our individual scores, the team ran it in 11:16:32, we were the only school running the 4x800m relay and there were 2 heats, we did better than the runners in the 2nd heat, so I dont think its the best time,...

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