Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Happy Sunday. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I got to see my grandparents and have lunch at 131 Main with them to celebrate a late birthday for my parents.  We had a great lunch. I then went home and got outside to do physical activity.  I even got in some bike riding with the neighbors and my mom.   It was a good day and our family is looking forward to a great weather week.  

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Journal #42--2/23/25

Today I woke up feeling much better!!!  I played some video games when I woke up then Brien made breakfast, we had eggs and toast.  Then Brien had to leave to put away the chairs at the YMCA (for a church that uses the gym).  We had lunch while he was gone, mom made me scrambled eggs (YUUMM).  Then we hung out at Brien's some more and then we had to head home because Anthony had youth group and we have school tomorrow BOOOO.  I did 2 miles when mom got home from dropping Anthony off at youth, then I took a shower and mom made me a grilled cheese for dinner.  I will go to bed soon. 

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2/23/2025 22/50

I missed another day somehow. I am logging this right before I go on a run. The game fallout new vegas has 4 dlc's. Dead Money has you in a survival horror bank hiest where get to steal tons of money. Honest hearts is tribal warfare. Old World Blues is a homage to 1950's sci-fi. Lonesome road is a cathartic end to the players journey.

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LMP Feb 23

Had a great training with my mentor and another candidate! Reviewed 1st and 2nd Dan one steps. Then reviewed 3rd Dan one-step numbers 1-3 and learned 4. Reviewed hapkido 1-3, learned 4 and 5. Came home, did my lessons for school, and finished my requirements. Burpees and I will NEVER be friends; we will NEVER get along, and I think they should be replaced, or at the least, take out the pushup.  

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I wish...

I wish I did not choose crocheting for my new thing. It is so hard I thought it was going to be easy I didn't even finish my first one. I wish today was Saturday I do not want to go to school tomorrow 😩.  I wish we didn't have requirements. ( even though I did them) The only thing I think is sometimes fun is going for a run with my mom to the nature trail. Today I ran 3 miles! It was the most fun I ever had while running. Know I have to go to... crochet!🥺☹️😢😣😤😡☠️

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Challenge Ball tryouts

today we had challenge Ball tryouts and it was a ton of fun I thought I did pretty well. I played Pokemon and had a ton of fun and I have caught about 150 Pokemon so Braxton and Nixon you better be happy! >:(   then I watched TV with my brother and we watched a ton of movies. I can wait to go to school tomorrow but right now I am going to bed so see ya :)

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Today was any other saturday for me. I spent today reading my HIST readings and that was about it.

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Saturdays always feel so short. I went to black belt class as usual and hit the bed when I got home. I did my chores and requirements after, and then I spent the day resting.

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Saturday Journal Entry

Today was a pretty calm day. I woke up early and went to Black belt class and after that I went home and rested. In the afternoon I went for a 2mile run. I got my exercises in, and then went out to dinner with the sister missionaries from our church. We went to Crafty Burger. By now, it was about 6:30PM and I came home to finish writing a talk that I have to give in church tomorrow. Good day.

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Today was fun, I got up early (for a weekend) and went to black belt class, which was good. When I got back I did my requirements and had a snack. For the rest of the day I just relaxed, I played on my iPad for a little bit and watched some TV.  For dinner we had carnitas which are so good, and for dessert we had vanilla pudding. We are having a camp out and watch a movie, it was my turn to pick and we watch wicked. Now off to bed. ♥

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I got up early and went to black belt class this morning. It was good and I practiced a lot. When I got home I drew and colored before doing my requirements. I rode 9 miles on my indoor bike (3 miles running) so I’m pretty proud of myself. The rest of the day I just spent relaxing. I watched TV, drew some more and helped my parents outside with yard work. We had a delicious dinner and then settled down for movie night! We just finished watching Wicked! I love this movie! It’s pretty late now so I’m going to bed, night!

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Today was a long day. It started with a good Black Belt Saturday morning session. I went with my Mom and met Dad at Lowes and they bought a new oven for the house. Then we went home, and I did my requirements.  This afternoon we met friends from school in Winston Salem for an early dinner and went to the Carolina Thunderbirds hockey game. The Thunderbirds won 9 to 1 so it was a good game with 2 fights. I enjoyed the time with friends and family.  It is time for bed and I hope everyone has a good Sunday.  

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Rock Climbing

Today I did some work on my lab report due Monday.  Aside from that, I was able to go to rock climbing today, the first time this school year where I was able to go.  That was fun but tiring.  I got a big dinner when I got back, and I am currently about to go celebrate my friend's birthday.

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2/18 Dreiman, Dominic #31

So today I wake up get ready to go to school eat breakfast then get to advisory then go to band after that I go to history then science then come home to soccer practice then eat do laundry and go to bed

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Right now I am very tired. I woke up early for BBC Weekend and then had a mentor session before helping out with the jr tigers class. Then I completed my physical exercises. After that, I went to my uncles house.

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Today I didn't do much I got my first victory royal of the season went over to my aunt's house where the food is sooooooo good / #food.     

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Best day of the week but I go to class early and it's not fun at all, I still hurt very bad but then I go to both saturday classes then go home and chill and just take a nap then look at my schoolwork I missed from friday since I was sick. and didn't do much then I caught up a bit on black belt stuff and now im just going to sleep. Good nights!

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Diary of a Wimpy kid.

Today I went with my boyfriend to the Diary of a Wimpy kid musical. It was so good 👍 Before that I went to black belt. Then my boyfriend picked me up and we went to red Robin and then an ice cream place with my boy friend and then went to the play. After I went to the play they dropped me off at my house. Me and my mom went to my grandparents house but my dad stayed home to relax 😌. At my grandparents house I ate the best chowder ever. I did a lot of drawing but we went home early to watch something with just my mom and dad 👨‍👩‍👧. Right know I'm watching raid the cage with my mom and dad. Then we might watch a movie or a another TV show. I know this journal today was not that interesting 😕 SORRY ABOUT THAT!...

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Baseball tryouts

today we had baseball tryouts and I thought I did pretty well. me and my family were playing a murder game where we are working together and try to find the killer. I was reading books up until bed time now I am going to bed. see ya 

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Journal #41--2/22/25

Got up early this morning because we spent the night at Brien's last night so we had about a 30 minute drive to get to class and we had to be there at 8. I started feeling bad during class but was able to finish. I felt ok on the way back to Brien's just really tired. Mom asked me soo many times I'd I felt ok, she said she could tell I didn't feel well.  I took a nap for like 3 hours this afternoon.  And now I don't feel well again so I'm going back to sleep. 

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Solid learning and practicing today in both BlackBelt class and my mentee session.  Really happy with how I'm progressing on my curriculum (still not great with 2nd Dan Specials).  Got home, ran some errands did some housework, and then finished up with physical requirements.  Now I'll be spending the evening watching opening weekend of MLS.  

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Today I woke up early to go to blackbelt class, and then rested at home. I also played basketball and pickle ball.

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Test week is over, I did good overall in my economics test and caculus getting 95s but criminal justice I was exactly locked in and got a 76. Still redeemable.

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It’s finally Friday! I did a timed analysis in english today, it wasn’t too bad. When I got home, I took a nap and then got to work. 

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Journal #40--2/21/25

Today when I woke up we went to school but we drove because Anthony had to be at school early for a meeting and plus it was really cold!! At school we did blocks and recess. Then I went to KT and did my homework and I ran a mile. Next we had blackbelt class. Then we had to rush to church for my pinewood derby race. I got 1st in alot of my races. I didn't win 1st in my den or the pack but I had fun, even thought I thought I should have won. After the race we came to Brien's and I played the tablet and took a shower and then went to bed. 

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National Sticky Bun Day! 02/21/25

Now today is short because of my really bad headache. I did requirements and went to class just to realize I forgot my written test. That wasn't fun. I did class and worked with only the first or higher on stuff for the exam. I wish it was like that more I really enjoyed it. After class everyone on cycle reviewed the written exam (I recorded it). After that i hung out with a friend I haven't seen in a while and I'm off to bed. Good night to everyone!

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I woke up and went through my normal onslaught of morning classes, which meant I was done early, as normal.  I had a few other things to do, but overall, I was able to take a short nap and regain some of the lost sleep from the week.  Martial arts club was fun, and I was able to watch some anime as well with Anime Club.  I'm now going back to my usual Friday schedule.  Maybe I might watch a movie before going to sleep.

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2/21/2025 21/50

I got to go to the other school today. I got to see master foster. The last person to see is master knight. I enjoy the way that people light up when they see something they love. When you see something you like you release oxytocin & other neurotransmitters. This can be released in many ways.

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Today, I went to school and played pickleball. Then, I ran a mile and went to black belt class

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Today was good, I am so happy it’s Friday! This morning our mom surprised us and then we went to school. After school we didn’t have much time, but I had a snack and play on my iPad for a little bit. Then I went to black belt class and I we did a lot of self defense, we also went over the written test. When we got back I had a snack and some dessert. Now I am going to play with my hamster and get ready for bed. ♥

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Daddy daughter date night!

After a long week of SCHOOL, TKD, DANCE, PIANO, with a SNOW DAY and 2 HOUR DELAY thrown in between tonight I had a daddy daughter date night after a mentor session, rolls and falls, and black belt class. I went to Eez in birkdale and ate a delicious 😋 meal. After that I went to Kilwins and had THE BEST ICE CREAM EVERRRR!!! Hope everyone has a great Saturday! ( even though it's still Friday I'm saying this because it's 9:23 so your probably reading it on Saturday! ) Sleep tight! Hopefully I will see you all tomorrow at 8:15 on Saturday! 

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Today at BBC we went over the written test. In gym we played four square. We have seven more Band classes before we perform. I am very nervous.

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Rest day

So I’m still sick and I woke up feeling pretty bad still. But during the entire night I was vomiting every hour so I got maybe like 4 hours of sleep then the night was over finally! So after a not so fun night I woke up very nauseous and I couldn’t even stand up. So I didn’t go to school today and I stayed home and sleeped more and drank a lot of water. So it wasn’t really that fun of a day, since I couldn’t even walk barely so now im going to sleep.

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This morning was a just a regular one, but my mom surprised us with a little treat! I got up and went to school, today I got to make up some tests that I missed yesterday. After getting home I had about 1 hour so I ate some snacks and played iPad. Then I got ready for black belt class. We did a BUNCH of self defense and went over the test. Now time to review that and prepare for the real test! Now I’m just relaxing and making some dessert. Tomorrow is week 7! Night!

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Friday Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to seminary at 5:30. Then I went to school, and on Friday's we end a little earlier - and after school I had to go to track practice. At track I ran 8 laps for todays workout, and each lap is 500m. It wasn't that bad a run, I didn't get tired, but I need to go faster. Track practice is until 5:30 but on Friday's I leave early at 5PM so I can get to Blackbelt class by 5:30PM. Black belt class was good, I got to practice my stick form 2 and now I know all of it which is really make me feel good. I finished up Black belt class and got my book signed, then went home. Pancakes for dinner, and I did some excercise right after eating so I could get those in for the day.

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today I was sick so I took some Pepto but it did not work. I hope that I will feel better tomorrow. I have been watching movies all day but I still feel awful. I had to miss black belt Class today. I was really sad that I missed it. we have skills Day tomorrow for baseball and my brother has swim. but I hope I feel better tomorrow. :(

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LMP Feb 21

Friday night and I usually go to Harrisburg for sparring. It’s not a packed class, but I’m feeling nauseated and not sure I’m going to make it. I took pepto in hopes it helps and that I can still make it. I won’t be able to go next Friday as I will be in Greenville NC for instructors camp!!! I worked with one of the other black belts last night on 2nd Dan one steps. I plan on reviewing both 1st and 2nd Dan one steps this weekend and add in specials for both. I continue to gain ground on the curriculum, but not where I need to be…yet. 

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February 21st

Today was a good day at school. Happy Friday! This week has gone by fast. I am going to black belt class tonight and also practicing the written test right now and going to play cards with the neighbors tonight. We like to play uno no mercy! Its so fun!!

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2/17 Dreiman, Dominic #30

We got the day off for presidents day so I woke up got on with my friend Jack then went to study for my taekwondo essay then ate went outside to play basketball hopped back on then we went to pick my mom up from the airport and that's my day

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Tomorrow is Friday...

And it needed to happen sooner.  I was so sleep deprived that I couldn't do much today and just passed out in my dorm for 3 hours.  Now I'm staying up doing homework, no surprise there.  Gotta lock in for tomorrow and then I can go ahead and... well not sleep, because I have to do black belt cycle requirements to finish the week strong.  This semester is definitely extremely draining, and today it showed.

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I just got done prepping for two test tomorrow and I'm actually just wanting to go sleep. Best of luck to myself future me.-

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When I left my house this morning it wasn’t snowing, but the second I arrive at the school building it starts snowing. It wasn’t that bad of a school day though. My friends and I made a snowman during our free period, that was the highlight of my day. In the evening, I went to help out with class.

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Journal #39--2/20/25

Today was a 2 hour delay for school!! I woke up on my own a little after 7, we had break fast and was able to relax a little before school.  As we were getting ready to leave to walk to school I opened the door and it was SNOWING, pretty good.  Mom and I walked to school in the snow.  We I got to school we did blocks and had lunch.  After school I rode the bus to KT and I did some bbc stuff and then I ran and finished up my homework and played UNO (and won an airhead).  Then I had sparring.  After that we had to run to church to drop off my pinewood derby car since we will be rushing to get to the derby tomorrow night after blackbelt class.  I ran my car a few times with my friend Charlie.  Then we went home...

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Thursday Journal Entry

When I woke up this morning, it was still snowing, but there wasn't much sticking. We had a 2 hour delay, and then it got changed to a 3 hour delay, bit I saw the notice for the 3 hour delay to late and got to school early. At school we had a snow ball fight with the snow that we could use. With the changed schedule, all of our classes ran for 25 minutes, so it was a weird day. I stayed after-school for extra help and to get more work done. With after-school I finished at 4:30. I went to class at 5:30 and stayed for sparring. I got my book signed. With the weather I was not able to run outside, but I got all of my other exercised in at home. I also do chest presses with a chess press machine I got for my birthday, these...

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  64 Hits

National Cherry Pie Day! 02/20/25

So first of all YUM! NATIONAL CHERRY PIE? GIVE ME IT! Today is short and simple Thursday. (like every day) Today I had no school again. It snowed till 12:30 and then just vanished. I did requirements and played a lil in the snow barefooted, which I don't recommend. I went to class and my friend had to leave because he didn't feel well, I really hope he gets better. Other than that class was pretty boring and I honestly didn't feel very much motivation today so I'm just tired. Good night.

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2/20/2025 20/50

2/5ths of the way through the journals! We are getting closer & I am happy for that. There are many great ways to use a computer but the only problem is which operating system to use. Mac fits nice in a walled garden. Windows is always farmiliar. Linux is free & open source. all are good options.

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Today i went to school and played kickball, and we also had a 2 hour delay because of the snow. Then i went to tae kwon do class and help out in class, and then did sparring

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MORE SNOW! Today we had a two hour delay, but we decided to take the day off and play in the snow! This morning I biked 3 miles indoors, and did my requirements. Then I played in the snow for a long time, and our friend came over to play too and we made a big snowman! For the. Rest of the day I relaxed as the snow melted :( and I play on my iPad for a little bit, and had a snack. We went to TKD, I helped out in one class and the did sparring. Now we are back and I had some desert, now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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2 hour delay

Today I had a 2 hour delay. I got to go to my grandparents house because my dad had to go to work and my mom is at work so I got to hang out there and do homework and watch murder mystery 🙃 I LOVE MURDER MYSTERY'S! Yesterday I built a snowman and today I built one at my grandparents house! It was really fun! That was my 4 snowman ever!☃️❄️🏂⛷️ Today if my dance was canceled I would have gone to sparring at LKN KT but it wasn't and I also missed last week's so I needed to do dance. Now I'm a little behind on sparring but if I ever really needed I could do a 2 hour class on Sunday.  Today dance was soooo fun. There was a new girl I have no idea what her name was. She did not talk much but she laughed a...

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I decided to take today off of school because it’s most likely the last snow day. Technically we had a 2-hour delay so early this morning I biked 3 miles indoors before deciding to take today off. I’m so happy I did! My sisters and I made snow cream (it was so good) and took our cats outside to experience the snow. Later I played with my sisters and my neighbor. We built a big snowman! After that we went to her house to do some karaoke on her machine. Around 2:00 we came back home and just spent the whole afternoon relaxing. We ate a quick dinner and then got to TKD. I got a class assistance credit in and did a sparring class. When I got home I ate dessert and now I’m getting ready for bed and a full day of school tomorrow!❄️✌️😊

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Another sick day :(

I woke up a bit later than normal today at 6am. I put my shoes on and a sweater then I went on a nice 3 mile jog. I got back right before sunrise. Then I ate breakfast and finished my weekly math homework. I got ready for school then it started snowing and I'm surprised they didn't cancel school today because it looked like more snow than yesterday when they cancelled school. So I went to school, it was a pretty short day. By my last class, I started to feel very hungry but neasous at the same time.  Once I got home, I ate a small snack then went to the 6 o'cloock class. I assisted and lead warmups during class. Then I went to sparring and about 5 minutes in, I rushed to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to puke. I didn't puke, so I...

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Journal - Day 15

Good evening, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Two snow days in a row! I'm really hoping we have a two-hour delay tomorrow or maybe another day off because I really do not want to wake up early. I've used these past two days to catch up on some work, which is great because I'm actually starting to understand the concepts. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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February 20th

We had a two hour delay this morning because of snow. I got up and went to school early with my mom and brother. it started to snow while we were at school and my mom and I went out and caught snowflakes on our hair and shirts. The snowflakes were perfect! It was neat to look at and watch. The rest of the day was fast but I liked it. The short school day was fun. Now it is really cold outside and I am getting ready for sparring class.

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Snow Day!!! V2

It snowed again!!! I cannot believe it and the snow was very heavy and good for making snowballs, so we spent like an hour doing that then my dad came out of work and ambushed us but unluck for him we had a whole cart of snowballs waiting for him... Now we are about to have a pizza and movie night.      

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Snow day!!!

Today It snowed!!! If you live in North Carolina, you know that that's rarer than winning the lottery. anyway, I came outside to play    and then I did school next I did my tea kwon do stuff and went outside to play in the snow with my friend we started to make a snow man but then we just destroyed it.  After that we played basketball and when we came inside, we had been outside for two hours then I went to kt and got a lead and assist.

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2/16 Dreiman, Dominic #29

Today I woke up then got ready to go to soccer on the car ride I work on my essays then we won 2/1 in our soccer game went home played siege then mini basketball then went out to eat I got steak then came home and slept and that's my day

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I overslept this morning and couldn't get my daily pre-work practice in.  I'll have to do it during my lunch hour today.  

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Hard Semester

I'm starting to get the vibe that it's a hard semester here for everyone.  That's why nobody's showing up at clubs anymore.  That's why there's so much drama and complications all of a sudden here.  That's why I find it hard talking to my friends.  I was on edge about everything thus far.  Today I was on edge about a call with an astronomy professor in Arizona who was working with us on research with Be stars.  I wasn't sure what it was about but I didn't think it was going to be anything good given all of the events of this semester thus far.  However, it turned out that he saw that I was interested in that field of research and called to ask if I wanted to be part of a small group that had a few additional roles in the research over the semester.  I unfortunately had to...

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Snow day today meaning no school! even though it barely snowed after my school hours, I'll take it! I got a lot of my assignments today and took this day to relax. For tomorrow, my classes will be virtual, but atleast I'll be at home.

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IT (clap) IS (clap) TOO (clap) COLD!

So we have come back to the freezing cold that I thought would be avoided when my aprents moved my two year old self from Ohio to North Carolina. But NOPE! Weather goes crazy man.   I HATE ONLINE SCHOOLING!   So I had online learning today due to the "severe weather" which might I add, we definitely did not need to be off of school today. But when I am at home trying to do any form of schoolwork, I just have no energy or desire to do anything. The school enviornment really helps, and I feel like I can only do schoolwork IN SCHOOL! My gardes and intelligence when it came to my education plummeted due to Covid, as isolation and inability to focus in the confinds of my own home occured. Disassociation occured during Covid (if you know, I am truly sorry for what you had to experience...

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  78 Hits


Today my school was canceled because of the snow! I really enjoyed playing in the snow because it was a surprise. I didn’t know if it would snow until i looked through my window . I also liked today because i got rest, and didn't go to school. 

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Journal #38--2/19/25 Remote Day

Today we woke up and ate breakfast and packed our lunches.  Today school was canceled and we had a remote learning day.  Mom dropped me off at the top of the hill at KT and I did a mile and a half.  When I finished I did my school work.  After that I got on my switch with Nixon and Carter.  Then we played some big matt games once all the kids were done with their work.  We had lunch and watched a movie about 1130.  After that me, Carter and Nixon did some rolls and falls, and cinuwalles (I have no clue how to spell that).  Ms. Jen also did a group mentor session with me, Carter, and Aeraly.  When we went home I did another mile and built a mini snowman.  We had dinner and I got ready for bed.  Mom told me we have a 2 Hour delay...

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National Chocolate Mint Day!!! 02/18/25

OH YEAH! CHOCOLATE MINT?? COULD I ASK FOR A BETTER COMBINATION??? (And for those who say "It taste like toothpaste" Hush up because I really couldn't care less.) I'M BACK AT IT AGAIN WHOOOHOOOOOOOO! I started my very non-productive day with me waking up at 6 A.M. and grabbing my phone and going downstairs to have eggs with a bagel for the 25th time since my diet thing started. I cut out thing with a lot of sugar like candy and sweets this includes muffins and cereal so I'm really out of options. I absolutely positively can not go another day like this!!! MY LIFE IS GONE! I NEED SUGAR!!!!!!! only 11 more days to go but I remember what felt like 5 million weeks ago it only said 15 more days... CAN IT GO ANY SLOWWER? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!   It was about 8:30 A.M. when I fell asleep and woke up...

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  59 Hits


I usualy wake up feeling a certain way, either tired or relaxed, today I just felt fine, no special anything, so I just ate breakfast then did my online work for school since school is canceled today. I waited for it to snow at about 12 pm then it snowed a bit, but it wasn't a lot then I went outside and worked out and then did my black belt things until like 2 pm were it started snow a bunch. So I don't like running in snow or rain or extreme cold or heat like most people do but I didn't care and I went outside for a run went it was snowing the most. The fiirst few miles were fine then like at mile 2.25 it started like heavily snowing so it smacked me so much and I couldn't see anything and it was very very cold so I...

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  47 Hits


I definitely enjoyed sleeping in today. It was a very simple day for me, do a few assignments and spend the rest of my day however. It was snowing pretty hard at noon but it didn’t stick so it didn’t really matter. Maybe next time.

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2/19/2025 19/50

I have started my dietary chalange by doing the dash diet. Today has been fun due to not having school or tkd. I still obviously had virtual work but it wasn't that bad. Tomorow I have a 2 hour delay for school which is bad. This week is nearly over.

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I need help. Something terrible has happened. It is the dreaded Poomsae Merge. It started When I was doing koryo and ended up doing chil chang. Now I am confusing my poomsaes. In other news, SNOW!!! (I barely played in it) Today was a remote learning day and I worked from home.

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Wednesday Journal Entry

Today I woke up and ate breakfest and then went to school. All CMS schools were closed and had remote learning, but my school had regular bell time, but we had early dismissal. I wasn't sure it was going to snow, but it started around 12PM, and it looked a little heavy but now it's all gone. Tomorrow we have school, but it's a 2 hour delay. Today, after school I didn't get to run outside, but I got all my exercises in at home. I'm doing planks, pushups, squathrusts, situps, pull ups. Then I did my homework for most of the remaining hours of the day. I'm heading to bed now, and want to be lights out by 9:30PM. It was a good day.

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YAY SNOW! I was really happy to not have to wake up early with a alarm, and super happy for the snow! As I waited for the snow we made muffins, which were really good and I did my remote school work. Then I work on some essays and had some lunch, then I worked ahead on some of the requirements. Finally it snowed so I played outside for a while. Then we went to TKD, and it was a really small class. When we got back I had so candy and I did some reading, now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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I'm so happy, I got to sleep in this morning and not wake up to an alarm because today we had a remote learning day. For breakfast we made muffins, and I was done with all of my schoolwork by about noon. I started working on my new skill, I'm learning how to crochet! after that I biked 6 miles (indoors, not outside in the snow ;), which is equivalent to 2 miles of running. By the time I was done it was snowing hard. I was so excited to I geared up and went outside to play with my sisters and neighbors. I played out there for about 2 hours. When I came inside, I had 1 hour until going to TKD. I ate dinner and then left. My mentee didn't show up for a meeting today, almost nobody was there because of the weather. Despite that, I got my...

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  60 Hits


Today we had another snow day. I pranked my brother today with the snow. we went to d-bat and I got a huge blister but it is all fine. I brought baked goods to King tiger. now I am going to bed so see ya!!!!!1

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LMP Feb 19

Happy snow day...or lack thereof. CMS made the call yesterday at 4:45pm to cancel school. I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't seen a single flake fall. On to more stressful things... I need a new mentee. My mentee has gone MIA and I can't keep waiting for her to show up. I'm running out of time, so I need to find someone quick.  I will get out to do my rin/jog and fill in my charts asap. 

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February 19th

Snow Day! Well not yet. Still waiting on snow but got a day at home. I got my requirements done for the day and remote learning homework. I am really hoping we get some snow today. 

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2/15 Dreiman, Dominic #28

Today I wake up get ready for my basketball game we win 33/12 then me and my dad go get waffle House then come home I play siege with some friends then go practice soccer until it starts raining again then sit inside and fall asleep

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Jump Rope

I'm jumping rope, almost daily, and I don't feel like I'm getting any better.  It's like swimming for me.  I swim laps 3 days a week in the summer, and by the end of summer I'm no faster and it's still just as hard.  I'm doing this jump rope and I still miss jump a lot, I'm not getting faster, etc, etc.  I'll keep going, but it's very frustrating. 

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Remote learning day!

Today I don't have school but I do have remote learning day... but that's OK it will still be fun. I will be spending the whole day at king tiger 🐅 I have some homework  on paper and some on my Chromebook. After I finish my homework I will spend a lot of the time getting ahead on a lot of the black belt requirements. I doubt I will be able to go to the North Charlotte location for sparring if it's icey if I don't then I will take classes at the lake Norman location get class assistance and leadership and take some other classes. 🥋

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Tomorrow is a snow day for both UNCC and CMS thankfully so I won't have any classes. All i have to do is watch 2 videos and create a canva poster about a federal agency and my day will be over tomorrow.

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Back to Shoreview

Today I got to take a break from my homework for a little while for training at Martial Arts club.  Nobody shows up anymore, so the few of us who are consistently there all have various martial arts backgrounds and are pretty decent at sparring, so we just mess around and spar all the time.  There was a time earlier last semester where a lot more people showed up and there were actual lessons, but since nobody is there anymore, that doesn't happen as much.  That's one of the many reasons why last semester was way better than this one.  I miss last semester.  I'm probably not going to shut up about missing last semester, but it's the way things are thus far.  I am trying to fix it by advertising the club and telling people about it, but so far it doesn't seem to be working.  Maybe everyone is as busy as I...

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I am once again.............obsessed with a song that I keep playing on repeat :D   LUTHER BABY!   'luther' by Kendrick Lamar featuring SZA has got to be my favorite song of 2025 so far. It is a song I highly recommend to everyone, as any song with a Kendrick and SZA duo makes me weep. Such amazing songwriting and vocals that have me putting any duo song of theirs on replay. I am in love with this song, and it will probably be on repeat from me for the next week or two.   SO I GUESS IT'S GONNA SNOW!   I am not a fan of snow days because I feel like it will just put me behind on my AP work, but hey that means I get to get caribou tomorrow before work! I also will get more time to record and write more of my song, so...

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School was even more tiring today, it’s just one thing after the other. Luckily though, school is cancelled tomorrow and it’s just some work I need to turn in before 2pm. 

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National Drink Wine Day. 02/18/25

I'm too tired to write a lot today so here's a run down. I woke up early then went to my doctor for my physical. I went to school and was SOOOOO tired. I went home, ram 3 miles, did requirements, and did not go to class today. I was informed that I do not have school tomorrow for the "snow" which will be a tenth of an inch so I'm quite happy. I'M SO TIREDDDD. Good night!

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Monday/Tuesday Journal Entry

Having two days off from school has really thrown me off my sleep. I am up when I'm supposed to be sleeping and sleeping when I'm suppose to be up. Today, was our first track meet practice for the new season for outdoor track. During practice I ran about 2 miles today. Over the last two days I think I ran about 12 miles all together. Today after track practice I went to piano at Learn Music, and now I'm home and have to get the rest of my exercises done. I don't have to wake up tomorrow at 5:30 and can get an extra 2 hours sleep in before going to school. I'm not sleepy now. I have to get back on my regular sleeping schedule. I'll have my exercises done in the next hour and will try to get to bed.

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So I not purposely wake up at 4:25 am right after I had a nightmare, whatever, I go back to sleep until 5:30 then I go on a easy 3 mile run and I start halluctionated, I usualy halluctionate like bunny rabits or small things. At mile 2.5 I see a creepy person, like really creepy, After running by him for like 5 seconds I start to panick and I sprint off then go back home. So morning is interesting then I go to school and I feel HORRRRRRIBLE like I might vomit and I have a headache but im also hungry and I have extreme anxiety so I ask my mama to pick me up then I chill for the rest of the day until I got dinner then went to a trivia place at like 7:00 and it was nice going there, thankfuly no school tommorow so yay! Good...

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Journal #37--2/18/25

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  When I got to school we did blocks.  I also gave out my Valentines since I missed school Friday, I also got to bring mine home today.  We brought our chromebooks home today because there was a chance that we won't have school tomorrow.  And later on at KT I found out school is remote tomorrow!  Hopefully it snows.  At KT I did some bbc stuff and ran with Carter.  I played some games too.  Tonight was scout night and tonight was Cross over.  After the ceremony we went over to the scout hut with the troop and had some treats and sat in on the meeting.  After scouts was over we went home and got ready for bed. 

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Today I had a teacher work day , so had no school today.  I went to tae kwon do class and helped out in class and also finished my mentor and mentee sessions 

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Today I got up early to walk the dog and also completed some physical requirements in the morning. School was boring and we had percussion tryouts in band. I like the trumpet so I did not try out. When I got home I completed the rest of my requirements and then had dinner, showered, and now I am here.

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Journal - Day 14

Good night, everyone! Today was a pretty nice day. I woke up early and was able to wash my hair in the morning before I headed off to school. Today, the middle schoolers came to tour the campus, so I got the chance to help a few kids out if they needed it. After school, I came back home exhausted from a long school day and took a nice nap before heading to work. I am so happy that I don't have school tomorrow! I am planning on taking advantage of my day at home tomorrow to finish up anything. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Today has been a long day. It was back to school after a long weekend and now we are off or remote tomorrow in hopes of snow. I'm saying some snow prayers at bedtime.  I finished day 2 as white belt and enjoyed the time. I am working along on the requirements and working on the essays. I'm almost finished with the leadership 1 as well.  Hoping for snow but planning on being at class! Have a good night

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LMP Feb 18

Happens at least 1 time a cycle….assisted with seniors color belt testing tonight. Helped to clean up. Called a bestie on my ride home. Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow…..I’ll believe it when I see…but school closed,so teacher workday for me.

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Today was good, we had to get up early for jump rope team practice (just like every Tuesday) which was really fun. At school I had a science test that I was really nervous for, but I did good! After school I did my requirements and had a snack, then I just played on my iPad for a little bit. Then we had dinner and I played with my hamster, she’s so cute! Now I am going to bed. ❤️🐹

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This morning, I got up early to take my sister to jump rope practice. At school it was pretty normal, but good. I had a science vocab test, and did good, and I won 2 games in ELA. There was a lot of talk about school being out tomorrow because of snow! I took tonight off of TKD, so when I got home from school, I did homework, got requirements done, and relaxed on my iPad. Then, my mom told us that tomorrow will be a remote day for school! I am so excited because I get to sleep in and be home tomorrow! Then we ate dinner. I just finished reading some more of my book, I'm almost done, and now to bed! Night night!

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2/18/2025 18/50

I do not enjoy how everybody nags at me. I unfortunately have to deal with 3 of these people because they all think I can do what they want when they want to. If they had an iota of understanding for how I feel they would see that I just need time to plan the way I like. The way I like has me chunking & giving breaks. Also apparently I'm supposed to know everything about what they want. They leave my sister the spinnach on the counter & she knows to cut it, but that seems highly illogical because maybe you don't want cut spinach or maybe it went bad or maybe you're about to use it. so why would it make sense to cut the spinach shen you see it on the counter instead of just telling me.

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No school

we found out that we have on school and is going to be a party day. I got a new book and am already 2/3 of the way through it.now I am going to bed see ya   

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2/14 Dreiman, Dominic #27

So today we got the day off and then I wake then Sit on my phone for a lil bit then play games with my friends then go play basketball then come eat dinner and go to bed

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Back to school!

Today we are going back to school! Yay! I love school but I also love a nice long weekend. I'm also really exited to see the guinea pigs again! A boy in my class might bring his valentines because on valentines day  he forgot them. Yesterday I went to a nature trail with my mom and we ran three miles. It was fun but also really muddy. I also went to the 4: 15 class and helped out I did some pull ups when they were doing the 4:45 then I took class at 5:15 and did a leadership. My grandparents were going to come over, but they dicided to stay home and relax I also see them alot because they live 7 minutes away from where I live. I ate dinner watched TV then headed to bed. Have a terrific Tuesday. 

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Tough start to the day

Woke up pretty sore from chopping up the tree yesterday.  Really made the first rounds of pushups and situps hard today.  I'm not sure how much I'll get today.  Poomsae and Self-defense were done really, really slowly.  Worked on my stances and hand placement.

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Catch-Up Part 2

I couldn't think of a title.  I'm still catching up on stuff.  This semester is a lot.  I had no idea it was going to be like this.  It's also super cold outside.  The high is 253.7 Kelvins.  That's -3 degrees Fahrenheit.  I wonder if one of these days I can try pouring boiling water out and letting it freeze, provided it can eventually reach that temperature.  I don't know if it usually gets that cold though.  It's gonna have to dip about 30 more degrees (Fahrenheit, not Kelvin), but I wouldn't be surprised.

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I went to school today and discussed top 10 most serious crimes you can commit. I spent the rest of my afternoon catching up on all of my economics homework and mathwork.

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I went to school this morning, as usual, unfortunately my school did not have an off day. There was testing at the dojang today so I wad able to take an almost day off. Luckily I had no homework so I took a nap with no worries.

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Journal #36--2/17/25 NO SCHOOL!!

Today we didn't have school!!! So we didn't have to get up as early! When mom woke up she got me and Anthony off electronics and we had breakfast.  Then we packed our lunches.  Then mom dropped us at King Tiger a little early.  I traded pokemon with Nixion.  Then we did roll call and split into to groups big kids and little kids, the big kids played big matt games first.  Brien came and picked me and Anthony up at 11, earlier than we thought he was coming.  So we took our lunches with us.  We hung out a Brien's for the day and had a Mario Kart tournament.  Later on he had to bring us back a little earlier than planned because he had something come up for work.  When I got back to KT I ran a mile and then played some video games.  Then I did a...

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