Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Now, before I go on about the benefits of these journals this time around, I have to write this out, hopefully, for somebody to see. I have written fifty journals, tallied next to my bed on the days I have done them. However, the website only shows I have thirty something journals. This website has just been a pain, and it has done this with my requirements as well. This is my fiftieth journal, and aint no way this website just not working this time around is gonna cause my downfall :D   GOODBYE MY GIRLIES!   So, last year, I found these journals to be a waste. I was plagued by the death of my dog, Abby, who I have known since I was literally born. These journals just felt like a fake jotting down of whatever joy I could find. This time around, I worked to complete another cycle...

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  41 Hits


Literally, I have nothing to write about today. What, my work experience? I taught kids taekwondo, and everyone was super well behaved, there is absolutely nothing eventful I can write about in today's journal. The luxury yet also the curse of my spring break is the fact I sleep all day, work, get home and fall asleep. That's it, the title explains all that happened for me today. So there ya go, a nice short journal, and now I am back to fall asleep :D

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After a short 3 hour call the previous night with friend.... I got a PHENOMENAL amount of sleep, and the break could not be off to a better start!   I (clap) LOVE (clap) MY (clap) SLEEP (clap) GIRL (clap)!   See, getting to fall asleep is the most difficult part for me, usually taking me an hour just to fall asleep, but once I am asleep, GIRL, I AM KNOCKED OUT! Truly, sleep is what I am most excited to do when I get home from work. Especially when I go from an eight-hour day at school STRIGHT to work, like, sleep over homework every single day, I am being so for real girl. My fellow Americans, stand with me to ensure people get the amount of sleep they deserve, NOW :D   Anyways, I am downing an iced coffee and watching Hairspray, cause I be living the life...

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So, I am going to be participating in the tournament in Anaheim over the summer, and I will be competing in the basic Poomsae's. However, I am doing both the standard and ELITE poomsae competition, as I am used to and completely able to do both. However, I am the old age of sixteen, and because My Poomsae's are decided by my age and not by my actual belt ranking, I was hit with such an unfortunate reality.   THE POOMSAE DILEMA!   So I have known Taebeck for quite some time, as I needed to know the form for a previous competition, again, because of my age. However, for the Anaheim tournament, and due to my age, there is a possibility that I could be drawn Pyung Won (I know I butchered the name) for my poomsae. This is, of course, terrifying as I have heard that the form, while...

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GAMING (in real life)!!!!

I have had an EXHAUSTING day for the absolute best reasons possible! A phenomenal Saturday if I do say so myself!   ITS A BIRD, ITS A PLANE, NO, ITS PICKLE BALL!   So my mom got the family to play pickle ball at a park court for over three hours today, and OH MY GOD IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! The family had a blast, and we want to play as often as we possibly can. It was truly a blast, yet I was drained afterwards. I was so exhausted and tired, but it was so worth it! My parents took my and my siblings to Cracker Barrel afterwards, plus we got Italian ice. Truly, a fantastic Saturday.   Plus I'm on spring break, so YIPPERR

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I am, still, slowly getting better as the days go by, that my sickness how simply now transformed to strange coughing and painful swallowing. But I don't care about that right now, but simply, I care about.....   SPRING BREAK PEOPLE!   A week long break from the stresses of school and trying to stay awake throughout the day?! Like, yeah, Imma take that. But I am looking forward to this very chill break. This break could not come at a better time, as black belt testing is next week, and I am so eager to get it over with. I am ready to be a 2nd Dan and to finally be on par with my co-workers. I want to prove that I am just as good as all of the other instructors and masters at my school, as I am the lowest rank and I am just ready to no...

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  99 Hits


So I am getting my mom and brother to watch Epic: The Musical, and it is such a good musical!   SAGAS!   There are different sagas in the musical that separate each big event that occurs within the musical. In Act 1, there are five sagas to get through: The Troy Saga, The Cyclops Saga, The Ocean Saga, The Circe Saga, and The Underworld Saga. Out of all of these first five sagas, my favorite saga is the Ocean Saga, due to it having some of my favorite songs, such as 'Keep your Friends Close' and 'Luck Runs Out' and, of course, my third favorite song in the whole musical, 'Ruthlessness'. Poseidon's songs are always so good, and it is a huge reason I believe everyone should listen to Epic, now, RIGHT NOW! :C

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So I took a FIVE HOUR TEST TODAY and I was extremely exhausted by the end of the ACT test (hoping for a 30 or above).   BUT BIRKDALE!   After the test, me and my friends went to birkdale and got some Cava. I love Cava and it is a superior Chili's (fight me if you disagree). I also got this deliciously sweet lemonade that put me to sleep on the chair I was sitting on. I woke up around two, went to Barnes & Nobles and bought thid ADORABLE 'Max' Funko Pop from the book 'Where The Wild Things Are'. A childhood memory I will never forget.   And I now go to sleep :D

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THIS IS THE VOICE (somehwat returning)!!!!

So I have been, and still am, sick for the past, like, two weeks now. It has been extremely miserable and I have disliked every second of it. However, I have some good news in terms of the healing component of my sickness....   MY CHEST IS BACK BABY!   So my chest voice singing, no head voice or mix has come back yet, however, I can sing comfortably in a very basic tenor register when it comes to choir level tenor ranges. I am extremely happy I can sing somewhat normally again, even if I do have to cough afterwards.

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This journal has nothing else to talk about other than.....   MY THROAT :C!   My voice hurts when I talk, when I swallow, when I cough, which, I CANT STOP COUGHING! It hurts so much, I just cannot. I have to take these disgusting cough drops that have this gross jelly in the middle that just makes me wanna gag :C   That's it, a short journal for this miserable sickness of mine that just won't go away :C

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So yesterday was the physical and written test, plus I had a vigorous rehearsal the same night, and y'all I am so sore today, it is not even funny. I have been in my PJ's all day playing video games, dreading the pain I have to endure walking all over the place and working tomorrow.   BUT WHY AM I STILL SICK!!!???   I am exhausted and still sick. Maybe it is because I haven't had time to rest, but oh my god I cannot seem to get or feel better AT ALL! It is ridiculous. Hopefully I feel better by tomorrow so I can work with no issues. But that is all for today, so adios everybody!

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So I just woke up........ three minutes ago. Yeah I woke up at 5:35 and finished work at 1:45, went to the store to buy 3/4 ich insulation pipes for my physics project, went to Chopt and got a salad (I probably won't go back because it was overpriced and not that good) then came home to immediately crumble to my bed and falling asleep. But here I am.....awake.....   BUT HEY WE GOT CAKE!   My mom bought an Angel Food Cake, probably my favorite type of cake when it comes to the consistent taste of the cake. I woke up to a slice of cake that I was so ready to devour (love you mom <3). Not only that, but on top of a delicious slice of cake (also my dad just brought me donut holes tee hee I am so spoiled :D) Master Chelley just let me know that...

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  30 Hits

CHILLS FROM MY SICKNESS (insert cool Jennifer Hudson esc vocals)!!!!

I am having the most painful coughing and have been on and off asleep. I will be alright, just gotta finish some homework and this beautiful journal :D   I KINDA LIKE SPARRING NOW!?   So I have never liked sparring, like, at all. However, something today just hit different. I felt like I connected with sparring when it came to teaching other kids sparring in the moment. I know a lot about sparring, the point system, all that jazz. Yet, I still somehow never fell in love with it like I feel like most others around my age do. But I taught this high red belt some of the basics and feedback on what he was already doing (which was very impressive) and it just hit. I find the good and enjoyment in things I do when I get to teach it. I love my job :D   Now it...

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So I have been pretty ill and just plain tired the past week, and I have just had o energy to do anything that I don't have to mandatorily do. Now with this sickness that seems to keep returning into my immune system as some sort of test against my humanity, journaling has been the last thing on my mind, but I have come back and am ready to write my comedy once again!   BEING SICK MEANS EVERYTHING HURTS!   Teaching has been the literal death of me this week, as talking, singing, yelling, anything that utilizes my voice just hurts. I just wish I could be completely well, right now, no illness or cold or whatever is affecting my vocal cords right now. Tons of coughing, mucus, ya know, the gross stuff :D   So imma get my sleep and catch y'all tomorrow!

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So tomorrow is Instructors Camp, and this journal is a good luck to everybody going! This will a fun yet extremely tough day tomorrow and I truly believe everybody will do a phenomenal job at staying alive :D   MORE DEMO WRITING!   I recorded another Demo for the musical I am writing, this time, for the cat named Terrence in the song 'You Better Run' which is my FAVORITE SONG THAT I HAVE WRITTEN so far. Again no spoilers, but the rage and vibrato in this song is just amazing and I would love to see which actor I choose for this character once I publish auditions!     But anyways, good luck to everybody tomorrow and GET THE NECESSARY SLEEP PLEASE :D

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I have some exciting news :D   THIS SHORT LIFE OF OURS HAS BEEN BEEN PROMOTED!   So I am writing a musical and I have posted a Demo of one of the songs my character, Shepard, sings. No spoilers of course, but I have finished two of the ongs for this musical that I have named 'What Brings Us Together' and I am SO EXCITED to finish writing, producing, and finlly filming this musical! I am going to try and finish a duet song next between Shepard and another unamed character tomorrow! But yeah my day was taken up by writing two songs for this musical, and I am excited to write even more to get this produced. Just gotta find some more voice actors/singers.   But yeah, not much else today. I did sing Hold Them Down again today and I did not mess the song up once. Pretty...

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  89 Hits


I'm finally back to journaling after ANOTHER break due to mass studying for huge tests in school. But hey, music nerd journal today! Enjoy me going way too in depth with a song :D   HOLD THEM DOWN IS SO TERRIFYING!   So the song my vocal teacher had me sing today was in response to me saying that I would LITERALLY KILL to play Scar on Broadway (Top 3 Dream Roles) so he gave me a song from 'Epic: The Musical' to sing in order to build my intimidation while singing. The song is called 'Hold Them Down' which is SLIGHTLY inappropriate to discuss the details of what is happening in the song as well as the words, however, I can speak of the tone and vocal choices that I took to invoke intimidation. Generally, intimidation comes from low notes when it comes to males. That is why the most...

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  67 Hits

IT (clap) IS (clap) TOO (clap) COLD!

So we have come back to the freezing cold that I thought would be avoided when my aprents moved my two year old self from Ohio to North Carolina. But NOPE! Weather goes crazy man.   I HATE ONLINE SCHOOLING!   So I had online learning today due to the "severe weather" which might I add, we definitely did not need to be off of school today. But when I am at home trying to do any form of schoolwork, I just have no energy or desire to do anything. The school enviornment really helps, and I feel like I can only do schoolwork IN SCHOOL! My gardes and intelligence when it came to my education plummeted due to Covid, as isolation and inability to focus in the confinds of my own home occured. Disassociation occured during Covid (if you know, I am truly sorry for what you had to experience...

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  76 Hits


I am once again.............obsessed with a song that I keep playing on repeat :D   LUTHER BABY!   'luther' by Kendrick Lamar featuring SZA has got to be my favorite song of 2025 so far. It is a song I highly recommend to everyone, as any song with a Kendrick and SZA duo makes me weep. Such amazing songwriting and vocals that have me putting any duo song of theirs on replay. I am in love with this song, and it will probably be on repeat from me for the next week or two.   SO I GUESS IT'S GONNA SNOW!   I am not a fan of snow days because I feel like it will just put me behind on my AP work, but hey that means I get to get caribou tomorrow before work! I also will get more time to record and write more of my song, so...

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Yeah, I know it has been some time since I have journaled. But now, with my sickness of Type A Flu being over and life for me skewing back to being somewhat normal, I am ready to write for y'all again.   CARIBOU IS SO DELICIOUS!   So this new coffee spot by Birkdale Village called Caribou opened up recently, and I am obsessed. I have been getting the iced mint mocha which is probably the best coffee I have ever had. It is so delicious, so addictive, and yes I should not be drinking coffee at the ripe age of sixteen. I bought myself a large iced mint mocha to drink throughout poomsae class today, and I also bought my mom a malted mocha which she found delicious. This is some amazing coffee, and I highly recommend buying a coffee from Caribou as a treat on your way to King...

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  81 Hits


Si probably the reason for my migraine is the stress of going back to school after missing two days, writing a musical, writing a song, and starting another project.   THE WILD HORSE PROJECT!   If you have read through the instructors book, there is a story called 'The Wild Horse', which I have started making a miniature musical for. I have to write the music and all dat, but I am extremely stressed out with all these music and acting projects I am currently doing. I need to take school slow tomorrow to preserve my energy.   So I once again apologize for another short journal, however, I truly eblieve tomorrow will have more to write about, since it would be more eventful. Oh I guess I did post a "The Star Spangled Banner" cover to celebrate Superbowl Sunday. The Half-Time show was phenomenal and OH MY GOD SZA I...

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Still sick, I am currently extremely nauseous and have a huge stomachache. But I would like to not make this, once again, short journal focus on my flu pains throughout the entire day, because that would turn this journal into a Michael Crichton novel.    CHAMPIONS!   So the musical I am currently writing is called 'CHAMPIONS', which is a Hamilton and Epic inspired musical. The musical follows six warriors who are placed in a gladiator arena and have to fight to the death for the audience's entertainment. I have finished the first song, which is the intro song, and I am working on the second. I do already have some people who are already wanting to audition, which I am so grateful for. The music, so far, I am very proud of, and I am so excited when I am able to start promoting this musical. I have a YouTube...

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  72 Hits


So firstly, I have the flu, which means for the past two days I have been sleeping, vomiting, gaming, repeat until the day is over. I am not only extremely upset by the fact I cannot work the job I love and make money, but the fact I missed a huge math test that I didn't study for and still plan not to study for because I hate myself :D.   SO YES ITS ANOTHER SHORT JOURNAL BUT WHAT AM I GONNA WRITE ABOUT?!   Like seriously, besides the fact I am writing a musical right now and the first song is almost done being written, what else is there to say. Oh I guess I did audition for a role in a horror short film two weeks ago and I got a message saying I got the role of the character Milo, who is terrified of the dangerous spirit haunting...

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  68 Hits

another apology

Hey y'all, I am feeling extremely sick and nauseous right now, so I cannot squeeze out a elongated journal today. Hopefully I am better when I wake up so I do not feel so ill. I will see y'all later.

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So (sips coffee aggressively), after the unfortunate illness that decided to form throughout my body yesterday, I am back with a RANT GIRLIES!   THE NEW SLANG DON'T MAKE SENSE!   I need this new slang explained (oh my lord I sound so old reading back on this). I feel like I am losing any sense of braincells when I hear some of these kids talk in a "normal" conversation. Not only are some of these new slang terms, words, and phrases extremely annoying to listen to, but every single kid I have asked about the definition of the new slang cannot even define the new slang without using the word in the definition or literally cannot even provide a definition. Now, I don't know about y'all, but slang should just be a quick way to get something common across, or juts is a phrase that inflicts comedic affect CONSISTENTLY! Unfortunately,...

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  66 Hits


Hey y'all, I am feeling extremely sick and nauseous right now, so I cannot squeeze out a elongated journal today. Hopefully I am better when I wake up so I do not feel so ill. I will see y'all later.

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Ok so before I get the cops called on me, I am NOT a serial killer. I have no intentions (currently :D) to commit a vile crime on the life of another. However, to explain this title and to not be arrested before I can even find a tolerable human being I just decide to spend the rest of my life with,   THE CHILDREN ARE SICK WHICH MEANS I AM NEXT?!   So, my sister during Jr. Instructors camp came down with a viral illness that caused her so much pain that it put her and myself into tears. She vomited and was to exhausted and ill to the point where she had to leave Jr. Instructors camp early. So, she got to suffer in a comfortable bed while I spent the overnight stay fighting with my near un-chargeable computer (I think the charger be broken me lads) juts to...

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  64 Hits


So here I am, assistant instructor at the current overnight Jr. Instructors Camp, which might I add, is going suspiciously well......   I             HATE                OPERA!   So out of the five classes I decided to take a mental health day on (sleep and pay no attention to the Charlie Brown babbling from the teachers), I decided that I would pay some attention to my chorus teacher. He did not have anything planned for us today besides working on our sustained upper range. As I stated in a previous journal entry (becuse I am sure you all read my extensive and jambled journals), my range goes up to a C6, which is where many Sopranos tend to top in their un-trained vocals. My teacher decided "oh yeah he would love some opera" and gave me 'The Curse' which tops at an...

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So alongside being a teacher at taekwondo, I am also a teacher for LNC's Elementary (third grade) and Middle (eighth grade) schools. Today, I had to grab kids from various third grade classrooms for their advanced class with me. I have a total of sixteen that I teach at the Elementary school. But on the way to Mr. S's classroom to collect four of his students, I had the most appalling welcome to his classroom.   CLEAN (clap) YOUR (clap) FLIPPIN (clap) CLASSROOM!   I step into his elaborately star-wars themed classroom and am met with a crunch. I look down and realized I had stepped on a pile of cinnamon toast crunch cereal pieces. There was food and trash all over Mr. S's classroom. Not to mention as he was teaching, kids were running around and goofing off the entire time. I got the kids in his classroom as quickly...

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  56 Hits


So yes, these journals are going to get very 'music' oriented and focused, so expect me to nerd out on many things that I will not elaborate on because I am just so quirky :D.   MY VOICE BE CHANGIN' GIRLIES!   So I am a tenor, which an average tenor has a range of a B2 to a C5. My range, however, is an A2 to a D6. This is mostly due to musical theatre songs being far more demanding than an average choir or pop song, though there can be exceptions. This training is even more rigorous because theatre songs require emotion in order to work. If you want to sing a song in a way that makes you sound far better than what you blank-slate voice is, add flavor and emotion. The lower you sing, the more emotion you are directing towards the audience, as if you are...

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  70 Hits


So basically the screaming is because I am tired, forgot to journal over the weekend, and I still cannot put my requirements online. No biggie right?   GOODBYE AND WHY IT'S NOT SO DIFFICULT!   So, basically, during my free periods I either do homework or go to mmy chorus teacher's room and just hang. Today, myself and some others who are just some teeny-weeny-minor theatre nerds wanted some practice as we do have rehearsal tomorrow for the school play we are doing, '8 Minutes Left', where I play a character named Patterson. But that is not for today, today is for my acting while SINGING. Now, I don't usually struggle with this, but with fast and upbeat songs, I tend to just sing the words and not the emotion. 'Goodbye' from one of my dream shows, Catch Me If You Can, stars one of the biggets tenor inspirations in the...

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  168 Hits


So guess my song of the day...........   IT'S STILL BLOODLINE!   But hey 'Locked Out Of Heaven' is up there. I did just see a message from a certain someone who wanted ME to be their MENTEE (c'mon that's some bars). I should probably respond :D.......................Maybe when I feel like being social, ya know? Anyways this bout to be a short journal because really, I gotta rant. No hate, but.........   THIS WEBSITE IS SO ANNOYING!   Tell me why I am unable to log in my requirements? There isn't even a button at the top of the requirement weeks to log anything. I feel behind, and I am panicking, but the my blessed boss herself, Master Chelley, said she will get everything fixed for me. #BestBoss :D. This website has been kinda buggy this cycle, but I do have some faith that things will get better............   wow I...

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  66 Hits


Hello everyone, and welcome to another boring day where the only way I can get any sense of enjoyment of writing and reading this journal is to force myself near asleep so that my thoughts pour onto the screen like Hurricane Katrina. Also #BREAD!   SO SILLY ME :C   My APUSH (AP U.S. History) exam today ended with an open-ended question that asked to "name a muckraker." Now, at the time, I completely forgot what a Muckraker was, so I typed my teachers name as the answer. LISTEN, JUST HEAR ME OUT! It was funny and I may get pity points by comparing him to the likes of Upton Sinclair, so actually I was complimenting/bribing him for the point on that question :D.   WOW I GOT NOTHING TO SAY   So as I once again listen to 'Bloodline' by Ariana Grande for probably another few hours as I fall...

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Everyone on their next journal, let us spam #bread to commend how good Instructor Graceyn's bread was (yes I spent $20 on two loafs sue me people). But let me get into my very healthy obsession of the night :D.   DONT WANT YOU IN MY BLOODLINE (I am still listening to it :D)   For those who are so unfortunate, 'Bloodline' is a song by Ariana Grande that came out about eight years ago, and lord I am obsessed. Usually when one finds an obsession, they try and find ways to become sober of their obsession. However, in this scenario, I am perfectly ok with my one-and-a-half-hour-straight listen to this MASTERPIECE of a song. The amount of time I have and probably will continue to pause my writing of this journal to jam to this ABSOLUTE BOP is far too many, and I can barely count to five. *i know...

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  68 Hits


(the rest of the title has been hidden due to language and possible no-no words about global warming :D)     So of course it is cold. I expected nothing less than a continuation of ruining any sense of outdoor freedom I once had. But anyways, I am back! After a few days of not journaling, I have returned with a bit of a shortie. What? You expected a novel on a frighteningly cold Tuesday? Out if your mind I tell you.   WHERE IS MY COFFEE!?   So, after I teach at either the Elementary or Middle school, myself and other cadets in our schools Teacher Cadet program go and get something to eat. So we decide "yo, let us get some coffee in under twenty degree weather, such splendid ideas". I for one suggested some warm burgers and fries from LITERALLY ANYWHERE, but no, coffee it is. Why is...

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No there is not a definition in the dictionary, and no I still do not have a definition for 'Sakatha', but we aint there yet!   MAKING MUSIC!   I am currently in the process of creating a YouTube video for my new channel, which will end with a music number. The video is a comedy commercial on a deodorant called 'Sludge' yeah it- it is not supposed to be a good deodorant at all. With smells called Salmon Sludge and Toxic Sludge, the deodorant is most likely not the best. Now this video is not for everyone, with it geared to people around my age. I am extremely excited to get this video, and song completed. It feels like I am finally living out all of my goals with this video. Young me would be happy.   SAKATHA!   So during black belt class today, the first dans did knife defense....

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  77 Hits


Greetings Pokefans! Nothing memorable today, but let me squeeze out this journal ray quick for yall.   LEMME TELL YA SOMETHING!   I teach third and eight grade students, both in english and for third grade I teach math. I have officially receieved a room that a second grade teacher utilizes to teach sixteen third graders advanced math and literacy (fifth grade level to be exact). I of course have the follow the North Carolina Standard Course Of Study (teachers of any district will understand), but overall I am thrilled to be getting closer and closer to a what I think may finally be what I want to do with my life: a teacher. So I better marry someone rich. I would either teach Elementary School Math and English, Middle School English, or High School Physics.   GUESS WHO ISN'T A FAILURE!   For my AP Physics class, I had to...

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  106 Hits

SHE IS 27 (Just Pretend)

Apologies for no journal yesterday, it was my mothers birthday and she is far more umportant than this entire cycle (fight me if you disagree :D).   HAPPY BIRTHDAY!   My mother has turned 27 (play along even if you disagree), which means just another Mother's Day. Me and my family got her a cake, some makeup products, and alone time (most needed by any mother). While I will not know how good of a birthday she had, I know that she was having a good day. I love my mother so much, and I have nothing but sheer gratefulness towards her!   BUT BACK TO ME!   I am pretty much done with Week 1 of my cycle, which means moving on to Week 2! This same thing happened last cycle, however I hope to get much further ahead this time in order to leave room for essays and general downtime. It...

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It's Cold Out, Who Wants Ice Cream?

First off, it was a very chill Sunday. No compalints about that, in fact I will gladly take more of those. But of course, every morning starts off with.....   POOMSAE CLASS! (the class that continues to give me more insecurities)   Today was more about finding a consistent tempo within our poomsaes, which also applies to performing poomsaes with others. I got the tempo of each combination of moves provided by the end, though I did feel like I was rushing a tad. Though after that, me and my family made the intelligent decision to get a certain sweet treat while it was fourty degrees outside.   SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM!   Ice cream :D. After struggling to keep my footing on the ice outside (because the sun is deciding to be lazy today), I entered the custard shop, Whit's! Of course it took me about fifteen minutes to...

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  100 Hits

Back Again!!!

To think that it has only been a year since my first black belt cycle still has me questioning the reality of time. First off,   IT IS WAY TOO COLD!   Waking up to the roads malformed into frozen puddles made perfect for some not-so-happy accidents down on the highways is such a beautiful nightmare for any driver. The pretty white snow that has the ability to ruin any car in the hands of an irresposible driver. Luckily for me, this eventful Saturday truly does make up for the "storm" that occured the night before.   GET JEALOUS THEATRE NERDS!   I got the extremely grateful opportunity from my parents to to watch Charlotte's Off-Broadway production of Hamilton! The cast was very talented, and Lafeyette/Thomas Jefferson got the most laughs out of me. Eliza's vocals had me weeping in my obstructed chair as the very kind woman next to me...

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  89 Hits

3/14/24- #50 (The End)

Last journal of my first cycle. I am currently writing the last little bit of my last essay. Looking back on my journals, I definitely could have had a better cycle. While most of my problems were out of my control, I just wish I pushed myself more. But despite that, I am proud, and this is to the end of my journaling for the Spring 2024 Cycle. I wish everyone good luck these last few days. Everyone is doing awsome and have improved so much. Keep working, its almost over.......for now........... 

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3/13/24- #49

My second to last journal, I don't know whether to feel relief or if I have the feeling that I might miss these journals. Anyway, I forgot we had Maps testing today, so that was what I did for about half of the day. That did mean I did not get to finish my last essay like I wanted to. I expect to have everything I need in the dropbox put in by tomorrow night or the next morning. I'm a little dissapointed I'm not done yet, but I have been pushing a lot back.............

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3/12/24- #48

I do have a slight headache, but not enough to keep me down throughout the day. I had a blast instructing today, and I got a lot of fun things done with my siblings. I do have two more essays I need to get done before I start putting things into the dropbox, but thats everything for today. Maybe more eventful stuff will happen tomorrow with school starting back up........

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3/11/24- #47

I did a ton of requirements this morning thanks to having no school, as well as got to play video games with my siblings. I am now heading out to go help instruct. I’m finally feeling better from my sickness last week, so I’m ready to get back into instructing…….

  138 Hits

3/9/24- #46

I am very proud of myself. After just healing from my sickness yesterday, I go straight into the Physical and Written test this morning. While I did get slight nausea and the desperate need of DayQuil, I pushed through and beat all of my pre-test scores (though some I had just barely beat though I know if I was not in the condition I was I could have done better). I got an 100% on my written test and so did Braxton and Mrs. Suzanne (congrats 100 squad). I went home and did some chores, got a ton of rest, and am ready to bring my 200% this week. Watch out testers, because I will be at full power these next two weeks. I am bringing my A game, and not another illness is getting to me (let’s hope)…….

  176 Hits

3/7/24- #45

I did not feel super well at school today so I went home early. I rested up, ate dinner, than went into my room. I did some homeowrk before taking my phone and messaged friends in my closet. I am both hoping I am not nauseous but also am nauseous tomorrow.............

  132 Hits

3/6/24- #44

I tried to do some of my requirements despite my nausea; it didn't go that well. I will try and do my requirements tomorrow and Friday, though I hope this nausea passes by Saturday. Otherwise, I am in for a rough time.........

  140 Hits

3/5/24- #43

It’s scary to think that the physical test is this weekend. Of course it’s the week I am sore and ill, I really expected nothing less with the luck I’ve had for my first cycle. But hey, maybe that luck will turn around. Ive finally mastered my skill (not really mastered, I can say a few things in ASL so that I can do my mute day this Sunday), and I’m ready to push myself more than I have all cycle. For everything that has not gone my way these past three months, it’s all about to come to an end soon……..

  161 Hits

3/4/24- #42

Getting over whatever illness I had yesterday and earlier today. Gotta catch up on any requirements I missed and whatever schoolwork I missed as well. Though I do have most of my schoolwork caught up with, my requirements will require me to go to the school gym to get caught up with. Wish me good luck, and everyone good luck with this upcoming weekend........

  148 Hits

3/3/24- #42

I am extremely sore from instructors camp. Every movement is painful. However, I am also sick most likely from breakfast and dinner (which both were Bojangles). Not the best combo to have huh……

  133 Hits

3/2/24- #41

Heading to instructors camp now. I don’t think I will get sleep just because it’s a bit noisy (and I can’t fall back asleep anyways). Just listened to music and preparing for the fun, yet tiring day ahead…….

  181 Hits

3/1/24- #40

Another chill day so far. One more class before I head to King Tiger to help instruct. Im excited for Black Belt class, and a little nervous for Intructors Camp tomorrow......

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2/29/24- #39

So it looks like this week will just be much of the same (until Saturday). A chill day at school as well as a chill sparring class. I am not at home, I just finished writing one of my 2 essays due for school, and now I'm going to sleep. I am once again on call with a friend, so it doesn't look like that will change either.........

  156 Hits

2/28/24- #38

I am currently in science class. I have nothing to do so I might as well write some of my essays that I am still not fully finished with. I am excited for Instructors Camp this weekend, just not super excited for the 4 hour drive. At least I'll have a friend to chat with over text........

  130 Hits

2/27/24- #37

Pretty chill day. Not much happened in school other than a few more homework assignments. Teaching class was enjoyable today, and now I am talking with my friend again. It’s been pretty regular that this schedule happens every day. Weird, isn’t it…….

  137 Hits

2/26/24- #36

Currently, school is very bring and I have not had any intention of putting in y full effort. I have study hall next period though so I might as well review what I have already done in class today. That or I'll sleep the entire period.........  

  147 Hits

2/25/24- #35

Pretty chill day so far. I am going to the movies with a friend in a few hours which should be fun, and Poomsae class got a ton of giggles out of me today! I’m not the brightest for school tomorrow, but the school year will be over soon which means it will be summer time…..

  138 Hits

2/23/24- #34

I am having a good day so far. We are getting study guide questions checked today in black belt class so that is a little nerving (I'm hoping I got most of them right). I also am having so much fun with friends recently, finding myself talking to some of them more and more. This week was a bit sluggish on requirements, but I am getting them all done......

  166 Hits

2/22/24- #33

I had to wake up even earlier than normal because my brother has a field trip today to Old Salem. I am planning to get some requirements done during lunch and study hall (hopefully the gym teacher lets me go to the track). I am planning to start the White Belt Challenge today, so I can't wait for the funny jokes that will be made. Today feels like it is goig to be a good day........

  191 Hits

2/19/24- #32

If this journal could have a title, it would be improvement! I had to watch my siblings today since my mom is sick and my dad was working. After instructing, I went home and sat on the couch with my dog. He is a little lonely after my other dog passed away Friday night. I am feeling much better though, and I need to push forward. Cycle won’t stop for me, and I won’t quit either. I am here to prove I am stronger than I think I am. Just you wait, I am bringing my all, and everyone else should too……..

  164 Hits

2/18/24- #31

It’s been a wild weekend so far, but today was pretty lazy. Didn’t do much today and basically stayed home and got a few requirements done. I might go to bed early to continue the lazy flow…….

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2/16/24- #30

We had online classes today. I did a tiny bit of requirements and then played some video games with my brother and friends. It’s a pretty good day…..

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2/15/24- #29

Yesterdy was a pretty decent Valentines Day. Today at school we were just preparing for a good, long 4 day weekend that unfortunatley starts back up with a science test the Tuesday we come back (because High School just loves to make life difficult). Today was not my best performance in class today but I think I am slowly returning to how my skill used to be in class, just need to stretch a bit more. I had some really successful sparring matches in class today as well. I really want another Friday Night Fights soon (maybe this journal can be taken as a request?).............

  161 Hits

2/14/24- #28

Happy Valentines Day! So far school has been fun. I did forget to put in my rubber bands for my barces but considering I'm recieving candy every few minutes I don't think I'll need them. I gave some of my friends skittles (one of them got more than the others) and my mouth is filled with colors of different candies. I'll probably be sick by the end of the day....

  153 Hits

2/12/24- #27

Today was quite an exciting Monday. A ton of new units for school as well as finishing up some projects for different units. I had fun instructing today and got the message that I made the demo team. It’s very exciting, though I am still very sore from all of it. My chest is what is the most sore right now, but in the end it’s all worth it. I am proud of myself, especially since I was originally not going to tryout. I’m glad I did……

  151 Hits

2/11/24- #26

I am very sore from yesterday. The demo team tryout was fun and very much worth it, but I am extremely sore. I finished my science project and talked with my friend. After watching the killer half-time show, I am now lying in bed whilst talking with my friend…..

  153 Hits

2/10/24- #25

Today was so much fun. I had black belt class while our do jang was on zoom with Master Evins. It was a great class since I got a ton of work on my Bo Cho specials. After instructiong class and little tigers, I went out to lunch with a friend and then came back to the do jang for the demo team tryouts. I had so much fun during the tryouts and Master Osborne is such an enjoyable teacher. I hope I did well, but I really learned how to improve myself especially after my knee recovery and saw where I can improve on both my flexibility, speed, and strength in my techniques.

  201 Hits

2/9/24- #24

Today was pretty fun compared to how the rest of this week has been. School was fun because we had a pep rally, which I usually just do a study hall while it's going on, but I decided to hang out with some new friends and it was a blast. Black belt class today was also qute enjoyable because me and two other Bo Cho Dan's were having so much fun messing up Bo Cho Specials but also did extremely well on our last attempts at it. I am trying out for the King Tiger Demo Team tomorrow and I am so nervous. I just came back from a knee injuury and it still isn't at it's 100%. I just hope everything goes well.......

  147 Hits

2/8/24- #23

School so far is going well. We just had a meeting for CPCC (college) courses if we want to take any in the future. I'm not sure if I will next year, I might wait so that I can do summer courses. Overall another uneventful day. Though I did once again forget to journal yesterday. Another habit I really need to break: forgetting.......

  157 Hits

2/6/24- #22

Another light day. School was a little boring, but we did learn more of our spanish song in chorus today which is nice. Instructing today went well and now I'm back at home doing homework and talking with friends. This week seems like it will be pretty uneventful until the weekend.....

  152 Hits

2/5/24- #21

Today was quite boring in school. We recieved a science project that lasts a whole 2 weeks that will probably bore me. I finally got back to instructing after being out for a week due to my knee. It felt so good to be back (though I forgot how exhausting it can be sometimes). I'm just finishing some homework now and will probably grab a snack. Tomorrow is going to be exciting, especially because my friend apparently has a suprise for me.....

  148 Hits

2/4/24- #20

Started off the day waking up and going to Poomsae class. After taking a week off, I can tell I need to stretch to get the height of my kicks back. I then went to Bao Bao for dinner and it was delicious. I highly reccoment the Pan Fried Pork Buns if you go (just read the ingredients in case your allergic). I then went home and did some requirements while talking to my friend. I also met my old wrestling coach at the Dog Supplies store, it was great to see him again. Now I am at home, will finish up a bit more of my requirements before I prepare for tomorrow. Monday; will probably be tiring like usual....

  149 Hits

2/3/24- #19

I woke up today after getting a decent sleep (way better than the sleep I failed to get last year). I helped out more with Jr Instructors camp and helped with the ceremony. Once I got home, I went out to dinner in Birkdale, came home, and talked with friends. Jr Instructors camp was a blast, and way more fun than last year. I am excited to help out again next year……. 

  173 Hits

2/2/24- #18

Jr. Instructors camp starts today, and I have the wonderful opportunity to help out. All the kids are having a great time and are enjoying their classes with Master Natasha, Master Marcus, Master Night, Master Foster, Grand Master Evins, and all the other instructors helping out. I am having a blast helping out, way more fun than when I helped out last year. We will do some more activities tomorrow and will also have the ceremony tomorrow. Let’s just hope I can get a good nights sleep…..

  151 Hits

2/1/24- #17

Sparring today after not taking class the entire week. It was an awakening I desperately needed. Everyone was teasing (not in a mean way but a fun way) about me being absent the entire week. I got home and talked with my friend some more, and I am now getting ready to help out with Jr. Instructors camp tomorrow. It should be very fun, and I am very excited for my second time doing it……..

  159 Hits

1/31/24- #16

Today was very relaxing. School was very smooth with no hiccups. When I got home, I did some homeowork and knee stretching before I got on call with one of my closest friends for a good three hours. We basically just talked and laughed the entire time. After that I did some Black Belt requirements before writing some more of my Creative Writing story (creeping up on 5,000 words). A very easy day with nothing much going on........  

  156 Hits

1/30/24- #15

I am tired. Maybe it was a bad nights-sleep, but I've been super tired in all my classes so far. I am currently working on a Creative Writing project, researching a topic and tying it into something more sinister. It does have to be non-fiction which is the one of three types of writing that I struggle with writing. I do have another Creative Writing piece that I am having a blast working on (though I'm still on the first draft). It's a short story about a young, adventurous boy who moves into a new house in Germany. He finds a secret room behind a wall that was used during World War ll. That's all the details I'll put here because no spoilers :) . I'm now writing my final draft for my non-fiction piece, lets see how it goes.........  

  162 Hits

1/29/24- #14

All I can remember about today is unbearable pain. School today was fine; nothing bad but nothing super joyous either. When I got home, I immediatle stretched the injured knee I have. However, I was most definitely not doing it as well as I could be. So my Mom introduced me to a massage gun. It was painful, extremely painful; there were two great positives that came out of it though. First off, my siblings took a video of me being in pain (that I admitidley think is absolutely hilarious), but also that my Mom says it is going to feel much better. I do have to endure the Painful-Feel Better tool every night before I go to bed, but it will be useful in the long term. Hopefully, my knee will be better by the weekend........

  155 Hits

1/28/24- #13

Taking it easy this week, only doing the classes that are mandatory. My plan is to get all of week 4 and 5 done this week to make up for the lazy week 3 I had. I did unfortunately have to miss out on Poomsae Class today which is a bummer, but it allowed me to get all of week 4 done this morning. Taking an easy week also means I can put a heavy focus on school, which I think is very much needed………

  161 Hits

1/26/24- #13

Was today good? No. Bad? No. The end of today was the best part. I woke up and had to go to another doctor’s appointment, went to school and overall experience a boring morning to mid-afternoon. Once I got to King Tiger, spoke to friends, laughed and met the new little tiger that joined today my day went uphill. Black Belt class today was also very successful, since I got to learn Hapkido 3 despite my challenges of being able to do it. A “meh” day that I hope improves tomorrow……..

  172 Hits

1/25/24- #12

Pretty good day today! I passed all 3 tests I had today with high B’s (Math, Spanish, and English) which is really good. School overall today was good. After school I had a doctor’s appointment (which went great) and then it was Sparring. Week 3 is almost at a close, though it feels like it’s been much longer than 3 weeks……

  154 Hits

1/23/24- #11

Let’s take a quick shift. I had a doctor’s appointment today and I was told that this Friday that I will see an orthopedist for my knee. Yep, 2 weeks since I wrote about my knee and still nothing has changed. I got 12 minutes of Poomsae in for my week 4 requirements and let pain carry me to my homework. Having 5 classes worth of homework was exhausting, but hey I got it all done. I am taking a shower and going to bed, awaiting whatever happens tomorrow. Although I have a gut feeling it won’t go well…..

  153 Hits

1/22/24- #10

Quite a goofy day today. I had many laughs in both school and at Taekwondo today. While I do think I could’ve been more serious today, I think Mondays are the perfect days to have the laughs. I don’t have much homework to do tonight, and I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so it’s a kind of nerve wracking week coming up. Let’s hope nothing is wrong……

  166 Hits

1/21/24- #9

Good mornin’ everyone! I decided to knock out some requirements early this morning (3 miles and finishing up my Burpees) and I am now preparing to head to Poomsae class. My goal today is to finish up week 3, post the requirements here on the website, finish any essays that I still haven’t done, and start progress on my recommendation letters (I have two people in mind to write it). That’s all for me, nothing much. Good luck to everyone this week…….

  158 Hits

1/19/24- #8

I forgot to post a journal entry yesterday (but to be fair there wasn't much to write about yesterday), but I will say today was quite successful. I learned Hapkido 1 and 2, just now gotta practice and actually remember them this time. It was an enjoyable Black Belt class today, and I am very hopeful tomorrows class will be of the same quality. I am planned to try and finish week 3 tomorrow, allowing me to relax and have a free day on Sunday. I also now know what skill I am going to learn (Thank you Instructor Jen for the idea), I am going to learn how to use chopsticks. Luckily, my dad knows how to use them, so it'll be easier to learn....

  149 Hits

1/17/24- #7

Pretty standard so far. Doing a morning journal today to see how it goes. About 2 minutes till my class starts and we’ll be starting off the day with a reading check for our book “Things Fall Apart” (which I am not a fan of) from chapters 6-8. I’m most likely gonna pass and then be bored from half an hour of conversation about the lack of a plot in this book. But hey, it’s a good morning at the very least…….

  133 Hits

1/15/24- #6

I haven’t stopped smiling today (ignoring the running cause if you are smiling while running your miles I will have questions). Week two is down and we are moving on to week three. I need to get in more sessions with my mentor though which shouldn’t be too hard. But hey, only positive today, until school tomorrow :)………

  135 Hits

1/14/24- #5

Gonna be honest, this is probably gonna be the worst day I have this cycle. My knee injury has not gotten better at all, and in a way has gotten worse. I had to skip out on Poomsae class, something I was looking forward to. I forced myself to try and finish week two today, but my knee made everything so challenging. In the end, I have only 4 miles to complete for week two, but I know had my knee not been injured it wouldn’t be a problem. I just hope it’s tolerable when Grand Master Lee comes to our Do Jang. That’s the day I am most nervous for. That and the fact I have no clue what exactly is wrong with my knee…….

  154 Hits

1/13/24- #4

Sort of a boring day huh? I did unfortunately injure my knee, and I hope it heels for the run in a few hours from when I’m writing this entry. I am just hoping that my knee allows me to finish the mile without any pain. On the bright side, the weekend is here, meaning no school to worry about…….

  169 Hits

1/11/24- #3

I can’t fall asleep, even though I just lied to someone that I was tired. I guess I just needed some alone time to think. I’ve finished week one which feels so relieving and everything is getting easier. School is starting to pile on and more of that “college prep” work is being dropped like a four-hundred degree pan making contact with body temperature skin, burning and leaving a mark on your palm as the pain releases pressure from your muscles, tightened by stress. Except this time, that stress is not there, and there is no contact. There is something to absorb the pain. I think I’m starting to get the hang of the cycle, and it’s about time……….

  165 Hits

1/9/24- #3

Once week one is over, maybe stress and anxiety will be carried away. A train stopping at every requirement to pick up what’s been completed, but drop off what’s next. I know I have plenty of time but yet I am treating everything like the deadline is tomorrow. I still haven’t read my book for English which I am usually super quick on doing, despite it being only 12 required pages by tomorrow. I can knock it out in 15 minutes but I just keep telling myself I’m behind. So which is it? Am I behind or ahead? And why do I feel this way about everything I do…….

  162 Hits

1/8/2024- #2

I’d say that this particular Monday was a successful one. I am learning more and more about the cycle and how I can overcome its obstacles. I had my first mentee session today, and I wasn’t nervous at all. I knew what I wanted to do going in and I learned more about my mentee than I used to. However the stress comes in with my skill. I just can’t seem to come up with a skill that would be exciting for me to learn. By far it is the most difficult obstacle I have right now, and I need a skill soon. Luckily I have almost all day tomorrow (thanks to school being cancelled but because I go to a Charter school we have online class) I can think whilst doing cycle requirements. I have exactly 50 pages left on my book, and then I’ll be essay free for a...

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  174 Hits

Journal Entry #1- 1/7/24

I must say I am proud of myself so far. I have found myself taking this cycle extremely seriously, to the point where I tie what I have learned in the book I am reading (Atomic Habits) to my requirements needed for the cycle. While I am sore from starting the cycle, I know that this first week will be the hardest, but everything that comes after will be much easier. There is a ton of excitement for me with the future of the cycle, primarily since I don’t know what to expect, and there are many other black belts on cycle that make me want to strive to improve. Who knows what the future of the cycle will bring, and I am ready for every second of it……

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