Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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So here I am, assistant instructor at the current overnight Jr. Instructors Camp, which might I add, is going suspiciously well......


I             HATE                OPERA!


So out of the five classes I decided to take a mental health day on (sleep and pay no attention to the Charlie Brown babbling from the teachers), I decided that I would pay some attention to my chorus teacher. He did not have anything planned for us today besides working on our sustained upper range. As I stated in a previous journal entry (becuse I am sure you all read my extensive and jambled journals), my range goes up to a C6, which is where many Sopranos tend to top in their un-trained vocals. My teacher decided "oh yeah he would love some opera" and gave me 'The Curse' which tops at an astounding A5. So for me to healthily hit these ABSOLUTELY DIABOLICAL notes, I need to conserve my voice with water and a total of an eight minute vocal warm up. I topped today at an A#5, which is an extremely good day for me. I, on average, top my falsetto at a G5 and belt at a G#4. But today, I belted at a G#4 and like I said, falsettoed at an A#5. Now I sang this song fully, but it took thirty-five minutes to get the notes down. Now singing opera is admitably fun, especially when you nail the notes and the vibrato and the emotion and the tecaher gives you that smile of approval that makes you go "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." Despite this however, what I hate about singing opera the most is how your voice need to be treated afterwards. Whispering can damage your vocal cords after pushing them so hard, and screaming can cause permanent vocal tears, damage, and possible loss. This means you need to drink water A WHOLE BUNCH along with taking a vocal rest with little talking for about a half-an-hour. This is partially why I hate very sharp roles such as Middle Noah from The Notebook, as the amount of care a voice needs after a large use of falsetto and falsetto-belt-mixing is immense. The tradeoff: IT SOUNDS ANGELIC!




I am now here at Jr. Instructors Camp at the North Charlotte location. I will, in a few minutes, be assisting Master Natasya's Poomsae lesson of the camp, which will then transition into Master Marcus's High-Energy Workout (truly a couples combo). So I will journal tomorrow after my well deserved and NEEDED nap. 


Nighty Night Girlies :D!








Friday here...Yippee