Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Good Luck everyone!!!

Its finally here.....THE END OF THE CYCLE!!!!  We made it.  I am done with all of my stuff, all my journals and all my essays and letters of recommendation are submitted.   All that's left is the overnight tomorrow!  I've been through it before so I'm not as nervous this time, but still ready for it to be over.    GOODNIGHT EVERYONE, see you tomorrow night, be there early.

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Lake Norman Peeps

I am bringing my Oreo marshmallow squares tomorrow to sparring class!!! I am also bringing them to overnight again like last year!  All it is is crushed up Oreos and melted marshmallows with a little bit of butter to help the marshmallows not stick to everything.  Goodnight!!

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Almost testing day!

Hello peoples....The site says I haven't finished my journals yet but really I have done 52 (well now this is 53) and have had them done sine beginning of March.  Finish up this week strong.  If you can get your week done early so you can practice things you really want to practice then do that!!!!  Also get lots of rest before the overnight so you don't fall asleep!!  I am brining my oreo/marshmallow bars like I did last time! They are really yummy, they are just crushed oreos mixed with melted marshmallows and a little butter.    #Bread

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Physical/Written test OVER!!

Congratulations, everyone did a great job at testing.  I was able to beat all of my physical things but a decent amount.  I was faster by almost most 2 mins on my run, even though I swear mom made me run an extra lap!! I got a 99 on my test, I only missed the question about Keumgang I put 29 and not 27 : (  But I am really proud of myself and my mom was really happy too!   FEEL BETTER SRI!!!!!

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What's up everybody??  Good luck on the physical and written test, hope everyone does good.  See everyone in the morning!  

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Journal #50--3/4/25 LAST ONE!!

Today was mid.   I woke up was sooo tired and I didn't want to go to school.  I went to school and my friend Raffi sold again because he wore crocs again and we had PE so we couldn't get the big shoe award.  Then we did blocks and I did my test corrections for my test that everyone had to do even if we got above an 80 (I got a 90, only missed 3 questions).  Then I went to science block and had snack and watched CNN10.   Then I had math for 3rd block and did our work.  Then it was lunch, after lunch we finished math block.  After that was recess and we played soccer, the score was 2-1.  Ben got really mad and was about to cry after.  Then I rode the bus to KT, I did some black belt stuff, played games, did some homework.  I...

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Journal #49--3/3/25

ONLY 1 MORE JOURNAL needed after tonight!  After I got up and got ready for school we walked and I forced mommy to come all the way to the door with me.  For breakfast there was breakfast pizza but on a bagel.  When I got to class we played a few board games and we talked.  We had blocks, lunch and recess.  Next I rode the bus to King Tiger and I ran with Carter because Nixon left early AGAIN. After I ran I did some requirements and I did some of my HW for school.  We went home and had tacos for dinner and then mom had to take Anthony to a scout meeting and I did some more requirements and took a shower and got ready for bed.  Mom just got home and now I am doing my journal and going to bed.

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Journal #48--3/2/25

I was at my dads this weekend, left after black belt class, kinda lucked out it was instructor camp yesterday so I didn't miss class.  I was sleeping this morning when Brooklyn (my sister) woke me up around 4 am : 0  Then I went back to sleep til about 6ish, then I got up and play Fortnite.  Then dad made us get ready for church, but it actually started at 11 not 10 so we didn't have to leave yet so I played more Fortnite.  For breakfast there as cinnamon rolls, but I couldn't have them because I am still on my nutrition challenge : ( so I ate a slice of bacon.  Then we got ready to go to church.  When we got there we had a fruit salad then we had Sunday school but had to leave early to go eat lunch and come home!  When I got...

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Journal #47--2/28/25

Yaay finally made it to Friday.  I woke up and mom packed my left overs from Olive Garden last night for lunch!!! When I got to school we did blocks like normal and I finished my literacy test and got a 90!! At recess we played soccer and we tied but I scored (well helped, it bounced off my back into the goal)!! Then I rode the bus to KT I helped with both little tigers classes and did my pull ups for the week and some other requirements. Then Carter and I ran then it was time for black belt class. We did lots of kicks and then we practiced brick breaking technique. 

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Journal #46--2/27/25

In school today we had a test in literacy and nobody finished it.   Then we had math block where we did an escape room, we broke out but we were the 2nd team so we didn't win a prize.  Next, we had lunch went to recess I played soccer and we tied.  Then I rode the bus to King Tiger, its the last day of testing so we watched a movie! Me and Nixon ran before the movie.  We found something weird on the sidewalk during our run.  After the movie we watched Is it Cake?? Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner with Brien, and he did NOT have Olive Garden behavior, haha! We came home and got ready for bed.  Goodnight!

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Journal #45--2/26/25 HALF DAY!

Today I woke up and got ready to go to school.  Today was a HALF DAY, yaay! When I got to school I went to breakfast then we did short blocks.  Then we had lunch at like 10 : O   We watched the magic school during lunch! Next I rode the bus to King Tiger and I ran a mile and a half with Nixon.  Then I work with my mentee and did some other cycle requirements. My mentee tested tonight!  Then we went to sparring at Master Evins, it was not like I was thinking it would be.  Then we went home and mom made me a delicious grilled cheese and then I got ready for bed!

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Journal #44-2/25/25

When mom woke me up this morning for school, I wanted to stay in bed.  But I finally got up and mom peeled an orange for me to eat on the way to school incase I couldn't eat anything they had.  I didn't eat it on the way but I did eat it with some milk and other mandarin oranges that they had at school.  I was so tempted to eat the honey bun but I was able to resist temptation!! We had blocks like normal, I may have a test on Thursday if my teacher is there, her kids are sick so she may be out.  At recess I missed 2 goal opportunities, we did tie the game though! Then I rode the bus to KT, then I ran with Nixon and Carter.  I did some Poomsae, kicks and self defense.  I also did my LAST mentor session today.  I...

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Journal #43--2/24/25

When I woke up I got ready for school.  I wished I would have had something to eat at home because all they had for breakfast at school was sugary things so I couldn't have any of them because I am still on my nutrition challenge : (  I was pretty hungry till lunch.  We did blocks, recess and lunch like normal.  Then after school I rode the bus to KT and did some requirements and ran with Carter.  I also took class today.  I also was finally able to get with my mentee and make a schedule of when we will work together til the end of the cycle, he has been hard to get time with.  He either leaves early, has alot of homework or lately because of the snow didn't come in to KT.   We finally went home and had dinner then I got ready for bed!

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Journal #42--2/23/25

Today I woke up feeling much better!!!  I played some video games when I woke up then Brien made breakfast, we had eggs and toast.  Then Brien had to leave to put away the chairs at the YMCA (for a church that uses the gym).  We had lunch while he was gone, mom made me scrambled eggs (YUUMM).  Then we hung out at Brien's some more and then we had to head home because Anthony had youth group and we have school tomorrow BOOOO.  I did 2 miles when mom got home from dropping Anthony off at youth, then I took a shower and mom made me a grilled cheese for dinner.  I will go to bed soon. 

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Journal #41--2/22/25

Got up early this morning because we spent the night at Brien's last night so we had about a 30 minute drive to get to class and we had to be there at 8. I started feeling bad during class but was able to finish. I felt ok on the way back to Brien's just really tired. Mom asked me soo many times I'd I felt ok, she said she could tell I didn't feel well.  I took a nap for like 3 hours this afternoon.  And now I don't feel well again so I'm going back to sleep. 

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Journal #40--2/21/25

Today when I woke up we went to school but we drove because Anthony had to be at school early for a meeting and plus it was really cold!! At school we did blocks and recess. Then I went to KT and did my homework and I ran a mile. Next we had blackbelt class. Then we had to rush to church for my pinewood derby race. I got 1st in alot of my races. I didn't win 1st in my den or the pack but I had fun, even thought I thought I should have won. After the race we came to Brien's and I played the tablet and took a shower and then went to bed. 

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Journal #39--2/20/25

Today was a 2 hour delay for school!! I woke up on my own a little after 7, we had break fast and was able to relax a little before school.  As we were getting ready to leave to walk to school I opened the door and it was SNOWING, pretty good.  Mom and I walked to school in the snow.  We I got to school we did blocks and had lunch.  After school I rode the bus to KT and I did some bbc stuff and then I ran and finished up my homework and played UNO (and won an airhead).  Then I had sparring.  After that we had to run to church to drop off my pinewood derby car since we will be rushing to get to the derby tomorrow night after blackbelt class.  I ran my car a few times with my friend Charlie.  Then we went home...

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Journal #38--2/19/25 Remote Day

Today we woke up and ate breakfast and packed our lunches.  Today school was canceled and we had a remote learning day.  Mom dropped me off at the top of the hill at KT and I did a mile and a half.  When I finished I did my school work.  After that I got on my switch with Nixon and Carter.  Then we played some big matt games once all the kids were done with their work.  We had lunch and watched a movie about 1130.  After that me, Carter and Nixon did some rolls and falls, and cinuwalles (I have no clue how to spell that).  Ms. Jen also did a group mentor session with me, Carter, and Aeraly.  When we went home I did another mile and built a mini snowman.  We had dinner and I got ready for bed.  Mom told me we have a 2 Hour delay...

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Journal #37--2/18/25

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  When I got to school we did blocks.  I also gave out my Valentines since I missed school Friday, I also got to bring mine home today.  We brought our chromebooks home today because there was a chance that we won't have school tomorrow.  And later on at KT I found out school is remote tomorrow!  Hopefully it snows.  At KT I did some bbc stuff and ran with Carter.  I played some games too.  Tonight was scout night and tonight was Cross over.  After the ceremony we went over to the scout hut with the troop and had some treats and sat in on the meeting.  After scouts was over we went home and got ready for bed. 

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Journal #36--2/17/25 NO SCHOOL!!

Today we didn't have school!!! So we didn't have to get up as early! When mom woke up she got me and Anthony off electronics and we had breakfast.  Then we packed our lunches.  Then mom dropped us at King Tiger a little early.  I traded pokemon with Nixion.  Then we did roll call and split into to groups big kids and little kids, the big kids played big matt games first.  Brien came and picked me and Anthony up at 11, earlier than we thought he was coming.  So we took our lunches with us.  We hung out a Brien's for the day and had a Mario Kart tournament.  Later on he had to bring us back a little earlier than planned because he had something come up for work.  When I got back to KT I ran a mile and then played some video games.  Then I did a...

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Journal #35--2/16/25

Today I woke up and had cheese toast for breakfast, mom FIANLLY got more bread! Then we got ready for church.  When we got to church I went to my Sunday school class, and I accidentally ate a really small cinnamon roll, oops!! I forgot that I wasn't supposed to be eating any extra sweets (this is soo hard)!!! Mom had nursery today but no one came, so after a little bit we went over to the church.  After church we had lunch from Zaxby's, I had a salad! Then I relaxed at home and watched some YouTube and played some video games.  I also ran a mile and a half (still have another mile and a half to complete for last week)!  I also painted my pinewood derby car.  And mom asked me all the test questions again.  I relaxed some more and then we had dinner.  Then I took...

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Journal #34--2/15/25

When I woke up I went to KT for black belt class, and the pre black belt 1st poom/dan and up class before regular class.  Then I did some work on my essays and got caught up on my pull-ups for last week while mom worked, I was going to run but it started raining, boooo.  We finally got to leave at about 11:15.  Next we left and dropped my uniform top off at Mrs. Laurens to get my 4th star sewed on from Jr Instructor camp!  After that we stopped at Food Lion for a couple things then we went home and I had lunch, left over pizza and wings from Jets, YUUUMMMM!  Then mom asked me all the test questions and I got most of them right, just the 1st dan section I really need to work on more.  I got the flag 100% on the first try!  I...

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Journal #33-2/14/25

Today I woke up and had breakfast at home because I didn't go to school.  Mom took Anthony to school then came back and picked me up and I hung out with her at KT I did some pull ups and ran around the mat for my mile, I still have some to catch up on for this week because of the rain and being sick.  I watched a little YouTube before all the other kids started coming from school.  I helped with little tigers class then did rolls and falls class and then Friday bbc.  Then we finally went home and had Jets pizza for dinner, its soooo good!!! Then I took a shower and relaxed some and played some video games before bed.  See ya tomorrow morning!   Happy Valentines Day,  I still have to pass mine out next week since I missed school today.

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Journal #32--2/13/25

When I woke up mom asked how I felt and took my temperature.  I didn't have a temperature and I felt ok....still a little sore but not bad.  I had some breakfast and did some bbc stuff.  I played on the switch some today.  I also read a lot and finished an essay!  I had lunch spaghetti and meatballs/garlic bread, that everyone else had last night!! Then MiMi took me to the doctors.  Good news I don't have the flu!!!!  When we came home I did some more reading (finished 2 books) and then Mom and Anthony got home we had dinner and I took a shower and now I am heading to bed.  No school again for me tomorrow since I had a random fever at the doctors office, he said I can go back Monday, but haha we don't have school. I missed sparring tonight, so I think I...

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Journal #31--2/12/25--SICK

Well today wasn't such a good day.  I was supposed to have a field trip today but as we were riding on the bus I threw up on the bus :(  so my mom had to come and pick me up.  I didn't throw up anymore today but I have a headache and my legs hurt and I am REALLY tired.  I slept some when I got home and watched some soccer on TV.  I ate a little dinner and I am gonna go back to sleep.  Mom said she is gonna try and get me a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning.  I am glad I am ahead on all over my requirements except running so I wont get to far behind.  Today is also my LaLa's (grandpas) birthday.  Hopefully I'll feel better by this weekend so we can celebrate.

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Journal #30--2/11/25

Today I woke up and got ready for school, and mom told me that it wasn't actually my field trip that it was tomorrow and I was sad!! Then we walked to school since it hadn't started raining yet!  When I got there I went and had breakfast ad then went to class.  School was normal did blocks, specials and recess.  After school I rode the bus to KT.  I ran and did some more BBC stuff.  I helped out with class and got both leaderships, then I did a mentor session with Master Chelley and learned Bolo!!  Then we left to get dinner and head to scouts.  When I got home I got ready for bed and did some of my homework for school.  Wrote this journal and went to bed.  #bread   only 20 more journals left!!!

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Journal #29--2/10/25

This morning we had to wake up a little earlier than normal because we stayed over at Brien's because we were up late watching the Superbowl.  We had to get ready and get all our stuff, good thing we had our bookbags with us from Friday.  We drove home and Anthony and I both fell asleep for a little bit. We dropped Anthony off at home and then Mom drove me to school.  It was a normal day.  When I got to KT me, Carter and Nixon ran.  Then I helped out with class and led stretches.  I also got a mentor session in.  I did a few more requirements and then we went home.  We had enchiladas and broccoli  for dinner, YUMMM!! Then I took a shower and out of nowhere when I got out of the shower I threw up on top of the toilet seat and all in...

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Journal #28--2/9/25

Today I woke up and we went to a different church with Anthony's confirmation class.  After we left and came back to Brien's.  We ate left overs for lunch from Olive Garden!! Mom and I did a mile and I also worked on some of my essays, and worked on my test answers.  I also played alot of UNO with mom today to because I did 1 of my 12 hour digital detox, it was really hard.  Finally we watched the Super Bowl and the EAGLES WON!!!! YEAH... Now I am headed to bed. 

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Journal #27--2/8/25

This morning mom woke me up early because we had a longer drive because we were at Brien's last night.  When we got to KT we had a special 1st dan and up class where we did knife self defense and 1st dan self defense.  Then when everyone else got there we started normal black belt class.  After black belt class I helped out with the 9:30 class (IT WAS HUGE).  Next I went home and had breakfast then we took Anthony to help with an Eagle Scout project.  I sanded my Pinewood derby car!  Then I cleaned my bathroom and watched some Youtube.  We are about to head back to pick Anthony and head back to Brien's.  

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Journal #26--2/7/25

Today I woke up and got ready for school. We walked to school like normal. At school we did blocks and had lunch and recess. Then I went to KT where I helped with little tigers and I did some other requirements. After that I did rolls and falls class then Black belt class. Then we went to Brien's and had pizza and watched some TV. Then I took a shower and got ready for bed. 

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Journal #25--2/6/25 HALFWAY DONE!

When I woke up I got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school again and I ate some pop tarts on the way.  This morning we had morning math group.  Today my brother came to my school with the middle school band.  We did blocks like normal and had lunch.  After school I rode the bus to KT.  I did my bbc stuff and ran with Nixon.  I got both leadership credits and did a mentee and a mentor session.  Tonight was also sparring, and I sparred like 3 times tonight!  Then we went home had dinner and took a shower.  Now I am headed to bed.

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Journal #24-2/5/25

Today I got up and got ready for school.   I had 2 pop tarts as we walked to school. When we got to the cross walk this morning we started to cross and there was an old lady who was still going pretty fast but had waved us across and she still hadn't stopped when we were about to walk in front of her car but she waved again, like we were going to slow.  Mom wasn't very happy and yelled (she said a cuss word) at her as she grabbed my arm and sorta pushed me out of the way.  At school we did blocks, it was a normal day.  Then I rode the bus to KT.  I ran with Carter and Nixon today, then had class and did a mentee session.  I finished off my pull ups for the week and did some requirements.  I also did some of...

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Journal #23--2/4/25

Today I woke and got ready for school.   Mom packed me a lunch, my Mexican leftovers!!!  At school we did blocks, at recess we played soccer and my team won 6-1.  I couldn't wait for lunch was SOOOO GOOD!!!! When I got to KT I did bbc stuff and helped out with class, ran with Carter and did a Mentor session with Master Chelley, that ended up being with Sri because Master Chelley had to do a make up testing that she thought was tomorrow (oops!!).  Then we got Wendy's on the way to scouts.  At scouts we got our pinewood derby cars and got them cut. Hopefully this year my car will be really fast. We only have 2.5 weeks to get it ready!  Now I am headed to bed.

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Journal #22--2/3/25

So when I woke up I got ready and walked to school.  At school we did blocks and had recess and today was game day (soccer).  Me and my friend Calvin had to play good if we want to get into our friends group.  I think I did good, I hope so at least!  Then at the end of the day I rode the bus to KT and did my bbc stuff, Carter and I ran and did pull ups.  I also got both leadership credits this evening at the 515 class.  I also got to try some of Graceyn's was REALLY good!  Finally we went home and had dinner and then I took a shower.  I am working on the test for a little bit then I am going to bed.  #BREAD

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Journal #21--2/2/25

When I woke up this morning I got on the switch and played some Pokemon.  After that we had to get ready to leave Brien's and head to church.  We had Bojangles on the way to church.  I went to Sunday school and then mom had nursery but no kids came so we went over to church.  Today is the 1st Sunday so it was communion day.  At the end of the service me and another kid got to split the left over bread!  Then we headed home and had lunch.  I did my bbc stuff and relaxed an played some more games on my switch.  I had dinner a little while ago and took a shower now I am heading to bed.

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Journal #20--2/1/25

Today I woke up at 6am and started Jr. Instructor camp. We had breakfast with Master Lloyd. Then we did stick and knife with Grand Master Evins. Team building was next with Inst. Jen and Inst. Rob. After that was board breaking with Master Hartle and helping with class with Master Chelley. Then we had lunch. After lunch was dynamic kicks with Master Marcus and Master Natasya. Then everyones parents came and we got our certificate and patches. After camp we went to Brien's and played football with some of his family.. It was really muddy and the game ended in a tie.. Then we had Mexican for dinner. I played a little Pokémon and then headed to bed! 

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Journal #19--1/31/25 JR. INSTRUCTOR CAMP!!

Today I woke up and got a poptart to eat on the way to school because I had math group again this morning.  After school I went to KT and helped with little tigers and did some bbc stuff and then hung out with Nixon and Carter.  We are about to leave KT LKN for Master Evins school or Jr. Instructor Camp!! 

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Journal #18--1/30/25

This morning I got ready for school and I ate 2 pop tarts on the way to school because I had morning math group (working on 6th grade math with Ms. Darr the TD teacher) and I didn't have time to grab breakfast at school.  We are working on Pi, circles, radius and circumference.  We just finished adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing negative numbers.  Then we did blocks and we played bobble.   Then I rode the bus to KT and did my BBC stuff, then we had sparring tonight.  When we got home we had dinner and I showered and got ready for bed.  I also just finished my Book for cycle tonight!  I'm watching a little YouTube before I had to bed...See everyone at Jr. Instructor camp tomorrow!!

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Journal #17--1/29/25

Today I walked to school, mom and I walk almost every morning (unless its raining).  It was a regular day at school we did blocks, had lunch and specials.  When I got to KT I did some black belt stuff and ran a mile with Carter and Nixon.  After we played some games.  Then we headed home for dinner. After dinner I watched a little YouTube and took a shower.  Now I am getting ready to head to bed.  Tomorrow is a long day because we have sparring.

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Journal #16--1/28/25

When I woke up this morning I got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  At school we did blocks, lunch, recess and specials.  After school my bus had to go a different way because there was some powerlines in the road the way we normally go.  When I got to KT today I did a mile, did some requirements, a mentor session, and both class assistance.  We had cookout for dinner before we took Anthony to Boy Scouts.  Got home after dropping him off and I finished up some self defense then took a shower. Now I am getting ready to head to bed. 

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Journal #15--1/26/25

I woke up this morning and walked to school with mom.  On the way to school I ate a donut that was left over  tom yesterday from when Anthony gave them out (for his birthday) when they got back from his scout trip.  At school ,we finished our Literacy Diagnostic test and I got a 619, which was 10 points higher than I scored last time!  After that we had snack, then lunch and recess.  After that I had media for my specials.  Then I rode the bus to King Tiger, did some black belt stuff, had a session with my mentee and got a leadership credit.  Then we had to go pick Anthony up from school because he stayed after to play with the band at the basketball game. When we got closer to home I ran a mile through Birkdale while mom rode beside me!  Now I am relaxing and...

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Journal #14--1/26/25

I realized this morning that I forgot to do a Journal yesterday.  Yesterday my morning was busy, first was Black Belt class then straight from there we had to hurry up to church bc we had to do the door hangers for scouting for food with my cub scout pack.  We didn't have a lot of door hangers so it went pretty fast.  After we finished that we went to Bojangles for some breakfast and then mom and I headed to Brien's.  We walked a mile while we waited on Brien to get off work.  I found a soda can and mom and I kicked it pretty much the whole mile.  Mom actually stepped on Mr. Can and crushed him! : (    

Now for today, This morning I woke up I played some video games.  Then we got ready to leave Brien's and head to church.  After church we had to wait on Anthony to get back from his camping trip with his Scout troop.  Then we went home and had lunch.  I did some black belt stuff and played some more video games and watched some YouTube.  Then we went to Bad Daddy's for dinner for Anthony's birthday.  When we got home we had Reese's ice cream cake and Anthony opened his presents.  He finally got a phone! We watched the end of the Bill's game and they ended up loosing...ugh!!! 

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Journal #13--1/24/25

Today we didn't have school!!  I got to relax at home for a while then we headed into King Tiger because mom had to work.  When we got there everyone was already playing big mat games.  We played games for a while then we had lunch.  After lunch I did some black belt cycle requirements and I ran a mile.  Then it was time for Black Belt class.  After class we had to hurry home because mom had to get Anthony to church for Boyscouts.  She brought home pizza after she dropped Anthony off and then I took a shower and played some video games.  Now I am off to bed. 

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Journal #12--1/23/25 #Bread

We had a 2 hour delay today!!! So when I woke up I watched a little TV.  Mom made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, they were soo good!!  After that I got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  When I got to class we had a test, after we did the test we had lunch.  At recess we played soccer and got crashed.  Rode the bus from school to KT for after school, where I did my requirements and played some games.  I also ran a mile.  I got a class assistance credit today before sparring then did sparring.  Got home had dinner, took a shower and now I am going to bed.  NO SCHOOL tomorrow!!

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Journal #11--1/22/25 NO SCHOOL!!

Today we had a "snow day" but there wasn't really any snow!  We got to relax and hang at home for a while this morning, I got up and played some video games and then had breakfast.  I did some requirements at home then we headed to King Tiger.  I played some pokemon with Carter and Nixon.  Then Carter, me and Aeraly did some requirements out front while all the  other kids were in the back.  On the way home I ran a mile as my mom drove beside me!! When we got home we had dinner.  I just showered and now I am about to head to bed. YAAY 2 hour delay tomorrow.

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Journal #10--1/21/25

Today I woke up and mom and I walked to school.  After school I got to KT, I ran the hill at Lake Norman in the snow!!! Then I did some other requirements.  Then we started to head to scouts but it got canceled so we headed home and I had some dinner, took a shower and head to bed.  Hope we have a day off tomorrow, or at least a delay!

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Journal #9--1/20/25

NO school today!!!! So when I woke up I played some video games, after about an hour and 30 minutes I did my push ups, sit ups and burpees.  After that I did my self defense, poomsae and kicks.  The rest of the day I just relaxed played some more video games--I beat Brien at Mario Kart like 5 times.  We had La Unica for dinner and then we came home and I showered and now bed.

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Journal #8--1/19/25

Today I woke up and took a bath and then we left the hotel and had breakfast.  Then we drove back home to moms.  When I got back home I did my self defense and poomsae.  Then I took a shower and watched some youtube.  We are gonna have dinner after we pick Anthony up from youth group and then head to Brien's for the night and spend the day there tomorrow since we don't have school!

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Journal #7--1/18/25

So today I woke up and got ready to go snowboarding at Sugar Mtn. with my dad for Anthony's birthday. When we got there we had to wait in a big line. We snowboarder all day and after we had dinner at a 1950's style diner, then we headed back to the hotel and soon I'll go to bed. Hope the pretest went good for everyone.. I'll make mine up this week. 

  71 Hits

Journal #6--1/17/25

Today I woke up and walked to school. After school I went to KT,  did my stuff and helped out with little Tigers. Did rolls and falls class then black belt class. After that my dad came to pick me up for the weekend for Anthony's birthday trip to Boone. 

  67 Hits

Journal #5-1/16/25

Today I woke up and had breakfast and went to school.  We had a test today and after that we got free time and I played infinite craft.  I got a mega bacon unicorn and the rainbow unicorn.  After school I went to KT and did my stuff, did a mentor session with Master Chelley and then took sparring.  After sparring I came home had dinner, showered, now I am about to head to bed!

  54 Hits

Journal #4 --1/15/25 Sick day

I woke up today still not feeling the best. Mom made a doctors appt. for me, so I rode with her to drop Anthony at school then we headed to the doctor, and the doctor swabbed me for Strep and it came back positive.  We got my meds and headed home, mom made me some breakfast before she headed to work while I stayed home with MiMi and LaLa.  I took a couple naps today, did some reading and my black belt stuff, except for running.  When mom got home we had dinner and then I took a shower and now I am heading to bed.  I feel alot better tonight!!!

  59 Hits

Journal #3--1/14/25

Today I woke up a little more tired than usual.  I got ready and went to school. I had a test today, and almost fell asleep while doing my test.  After school I rode the bust to King Tiger where I did my stuff but felt weird and really tired, but I got a leadership and a class assistance credit tonight as well! Then we went to cubscouts where we talked to the bear den about the pinewood derby!  When I got home I was still not feeling well, I took a shower and now I am heading to bed.  I hope I feel better in the morning!!   Goodnight 

  74 Hits

Journal #2--1/13/25

Today I woke up earlier than we have been so we could walk to school to get in 1 of my miles.  I think I pulled something at school today.  After school I got to King Tiger and did my stuff, and Carter and I ran a mile.  Then I had to go and wait with my mom while my brother had a boy scout meeting at church then we went home had dinner and went to bed!  PS sorry it was short tonight I am super tired!! 

  55 Hits

Journal #1--1/12/25

Today I woke up and started playing some video games.  Then we had some breakfast and went to church.  When we got back from church we had some lunch and then I did all of my stuff for the day, like push ups, sit ups, jump rope and burpees, etc.  Then I played infinite craft. We will have dinner soon and then I will go to bed.

  87 Hits

3/16/24 Journal #54 ALMOST DONE!!

Today was the final for our run and I did it in 10:17, which is almost 2 minutes off my pretest time!!! Today starts the LAST WEEK OF THE CYCLE, YAAAY!!!  Only thing left now is the overnight test, and I'm kinda nervous!!    Got all my essays and letters of recommendation uploaded to Dropbox... Now I'm watching the ACC championship game with my mom... GO HEELS!!!!       

  148 Hits

3/9/24 Journal #53 Physical Test Day

This morning I woke up early and got ready to head to Master Evin's for the physical and written test. I beat all my Pre-test numbers and I got a 100 on the test!!! Yaay 😁 I was 1 of 3 all Lake Norman people!! Then on the way home we stopped at Food Lion and got stuff for 1 more bag for our service project. Then I hung out at home for a little while and watched some YouTube and had some lunch. Then I went to KT to pack the bags of food for spring break.  After I went back home and relaxed and did some of my black belt stuff. In a little bit we are about to head to Dave and Busters with Brien to play some games!! 

  180 Hits

2/29/24 Journal #52 Leap Day...

I woke up and got ready for school.  We walked to school again, it was MUCH colder this morning than yesterday. 🥶 Yesterday I wore shorts and a t-shirt today it was back to long pants long sleeves and a big coat.  At school I did my normal blocks and specials.  Then I went to KT and did my black belt stuff and worked on 2 more essays (my living and non living)!  Tonight was sparring class, Brien told mom he wasn't going to be able to come and then he showed up!! After sparring we went to La Unica for dinner, Anthony ordered  a beef tongue taco...and we all tried it I didn't think it was to bad but mom and Brien hated it! Then we went home and showered and went to bed.

  185 Hits

2/28/24 Journal #51

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school, and it was really warm out this morning.  I got to school and we did blocks and had recess.  Then I went to King Tiger and did class and did my black belt stuff.  I also worked on 2 essays (My Role model and How I can apply Taekwondo to my life).  I also ran mile, it started to drizzle so I ran pretty fast because I didn't know if it would start raining harder and really want to get that wet! I am pretty sure it was my fastest mile so far 9:40, its definitely faster than my pretest time which was 12:15.  Finally we got to go home and I practiced my recorder some its pretty hard mom was trying to help me but I was still having a hard time.  Then we had...

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  207 Hits

2/25/24 Journal #50 FINAL JOURNAL!!

This is my LAST required journal!!!  When I woke up I played my switch for a little bit then had breakfast and got ready for church.  I went to Sunday school and then to the service.  I beat mom into the sanctuary, and she said she looked all over for me (haha) 🤣  Mom had to go down to the Boy scout hut to get Anthony's stuff in the car (I stayed in the church with LaLa at the sound board).  When Anthony sat down on the the bench beside mom all I could smell was campfire!  When we got home we had lunch and I did my black belt stuff and relaxed and watched some you tube and played the switch.  Then later on I got a shower and went to bed.

  190 Hits

2/24/24 Journal #49

Today I woke up kinda early and watched some youtube til my mom said it was time for breakfast then I got ready to go to KT for black belt class.  Class was interesting today, Master Evins had use do all our Poomsaes with a stick in our hand.  After class I worked on my black belt stuff at KT and had a menter session with Ms. Jen and Matthew. Then we had to go to Autozone who sent us somewhere else who tried to sell my mom a new battery for her car but she ended up not getting it and going home and talking to LaLa about it. When I got home I relaxed and played video games and had lunch.  Later on I will have dinner and go to bed.

  151 Hits

2/23/24 Journal #48 **2 more to go!!

I had to wake up EARLY this morning because it was raining so we couldn't walk to school.  We went to the rec center and I ran/walked 2 miles.  Mom got my chickfila for breakfast on the way to school!!!  I went to school had a normal day, we had indoor recess because it was raining still during my recess time (9:30).  I went to King Tiger and did my black belt stuff and ran my last mile for the week!  Then we left KT early because Mom had to get Anthony to the church early because he was leaving to go camping with the boy scout troop and I had my pinewood derby race tonight.  My car wasn't very good, next year mom said we are going to work with my friend Clint and his stepdad!  Then we finally came home and I got a quick shower and headed to...

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  165 Hits

2/22/24 Journal #47

I woke up, and I was really sleepy still but I had to get ready for school.  Then I was at school and we did blocks.  Then I got to KT and did black belt stuff.  I missed sparring tonight to be at church to help set up for the Pinewood derby race tomorrow (so I will miss black belt class tomorrow also)!!  After we got the track set up and ran some test races we went home and had dinner and got ready for bed.

  177 Hits

2/21/24 Journal #46

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  Like normal we walked to school, next we were at school and I had mom fix my hair before I went in because I wore my beanie (I didn't want hat hair all day!) because I didn't want me ears to be cold like yesterday.  I did blocks like normal.  Then I was at KT and did class and worked on my black belt stuff.  Finally we went home and had dinner and wrote this journal and finished up poomsae then went to bed.

  165 Hits

2/20/24 Journal #45

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school again today. After school I got to KT and did my black belt stuff and played with my friends.  I took the 6:45 class with Grandmaster Lee, it was pretty cool.  My partner was Praneeth and we worked on different kinds of blocks. We went to Jason's Deli for dinner and then headed home and got ready for bed!

  178 Hits

2/18 and 2/19/24 Journal #44

We were all pretty tired yesterday so we didn't my journal typed in so I'm just adding it in todays journal! I am excited that I am almost done with my 50 journals!! Sunday 2/18: Today I woke up at 6:55 and grabbed the switch and started playing it.  Then I had breakfast and got ready for church.  I went to Sunday school and then into the nursery with my mom but there was not kids so we went into the service, I fell asleep during the sermon. 😴  Next we went home and had lunch then I did some black belt stuff and passed out on the floor.  Finally I woke up and did the last thing I had to do for the day.  Then mom made me dinner before she left to pick up Anthony from church.  Then I finally went back to bed! Monday 2/19 NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!...

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  186 Hits

2/17/24 Journal #43

This morning I woke up before mom and watched a little tv, then had breakfast.  Then I headed to BB class, we worked on all poomsaes this morning Master Evins was really focusing on stances, preps, and punches to the correct place.  After class I worked on some of my black belt stuff at KT  then we went home I finished a couple more requirements then had leftover pizza for lunch.  I watched Shrek.  After that I wrote 2 essays, my white belt challenge and my book essay.  I also studied my test (mom said I did pretty well but need to study a little more) and ran a mile.  Then I did my study guide for a math test I have Wednesday on multiplying fractions and whole numbers (I only got the last question wrong because I made a silly mistake).  Then I FINALLY got my switch back after 2...

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  173 Hits

2/16/24 Journal #42

I woke up and got ready for school. We didn't walk today because Anthony had to be at school early. After school I went to KT I ran 2 miles and did my black belt stuff. Then I did black belt class. Then I went home had pizza and went to bed. 

  180 Hits

2/15/24 Journal #41

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  Next I was at school, it was a normal day  so we did blocks.  Then I got to KT and did my black belt stuff and ran a mile.  I played some with my friends then I had sparring.  After sparring we finally went home and had dinner and got ready for bed.

  196 Hits

2/14/24 Journal #40

Today was Valentine's Day AND an early release day!!!!!  I woke up and got ready for school and I walked to school and ate a poptart on the way.  I got to school and had blocks and lunch (my mom packed me a lunch today!). Then we passed out our Valentines!  After school I got to KT helped out with a couple classes and took class, then I did my black belt stuff.  A little while later I had a mentor session with Inst. Jen.  Brien (my moms fiance) came by to see us.   He came over for a little bit and we had a nerf war and mom and Brien gave each other a present.  Then we had dinner and now I am heading to bed.

  146 Hits

2/13/24 Journal #39

I woke up this morning and got ready for school like normal.  Then we walked to school.  We had blocks like usual, we did this test thing and they gave us little ear bud in a cool case that we got to keep.  At recess we played infection and I got 3rd because there were so many people infected!  Then I got to KT and ate snack and then did my black belt stuff and ran a mile.  Finally we went to a pancake supper at church, I had 3 pancakes and some really good sausage patties.  Then we went home after making sure Anthony got over to Boy Scouts.  Goodnight.

  172 Hits

2/12/24 Journal #38

This morning I got up but I was really tired because we stayed up late watching the Super Bowl that went into OT.  I did some of my black belt stuff before school, then I got ready for school.  Mom drove me today because it was raining.  We had a normal day of blocks at school, but we couldn't go outside for recess.  After school I went to KT and did class and did more black belt stuff.  Finally we went home and had beach pasta for dinner.  After dinner my LaLa opened his birthday presents!  Now I am off to bed...

  172 Hits

2/11/24 Journal #36

Today I woke up and watched TV, then had breakfast. After breakfast we got read for church.  After church we came home and had lunch, I did my black belt stuff. I helped mom make some brownies.  Brien came over and we had a nerf gun war!!! Then we had pizza and wings and watched the super bowl. Mom says it's gonna be a rough morning tomorrow 😬

  174 Hits

2/10/24 Journal #36

Today I woke up and had breakfast.  Then I got ready for Black Belt class.  Next I was at KT  and doing black belt class.  We did lots Bocho and Bocho specials ALOT!! Then I did a mentor session with Instructor Jen, we worked on my test answers, now I have them all to study.  Then I went home and did my black belt stuff and ran a mile, I also read some more of my cycle book.  A little later we will be going to La Unica for my LaLa's birthday.  Then I will be goin to bed after dinner.

  171 Hits

2/9/24 Journal #35

First thing I did this morning was wake up! Then I got ready for school.  Then we walked to school and I ate a poptart.  When I got to school I did blocks and recess.  Finally I went to King Tiger and ran a mile and did my black belt stuff.  Then I did black belt class.  Then we finally went home and had dinner and then I went to bed.

  203 Hits

2/8/24 Journal #34

I woke up and got ready for school.  Then we walked to school.  At school we did blocks.  After school I got to King Tiger and did most of my black belt stuff.  I did sparring and I sparred the same kid twice.  Also Brien came to watch me spar! Finally we went home had dinner, showered and I finished my self defense and wrote this journal!

  172 Hits

2/7/24 Journal #33

I woke up and got ready for school.  We walked to school.  At school I did blocks like normal, today we started learning to play the recorder in music class.  Then I went to KT and had class (as a white belt....and my mom was teasing me and then a few other girls joined in).  Then I did my black belt stuff and a session with my mentee Jensen.  He also helped me with my stuff by timing me.  Finally we went home and had dinner and now I am writing this and finishing up my hw for school and then getting a shower and going to bed.  Thank you Grand Master Evins for the credits from Jr. Instructor camp!!

  187 Hits

2/6/24 Journal #32

I woke up, got ready for school.  And like normal mom and I walked to school.  I got to school and did my normal school stuff.  I went to KT after and played with my friends and did my blackbelt stuff and ran a mile with Instructor Courtney!  After that we had Bojangles for dinner in the car on the way to scouts!  Then I came home took a shower, wrote this journal and read a little  more of the Grit workbook, now I am heading to bed!

  165 Hits

2/5/24 Journal #31

I woke up this morning got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  I had a math test today at school, we did blocks like normal.  Then I got to KT and took class, this week I am doing my white belt challenge! After class I did some black belt stuff, did a session with my mentee and played with my friends.  Finally we went home and had TACOS for dinner.  Now I am going to bed.

  170 Hits

2/4/24 Journal #30

I woke up this morning and had breakfast.  Then we got ready for church.  When we got there I went to Sunday School then I went to the nursery because my mom had to watch the kids today! There was only 1, Fowler the preachers grandson!  After church was over we went home and had Arby's for lunch.  I did my blackbelt stuff and then relaxed and played some video games.  Later on I had dinner and then went to bed!!

  169 Hits

2/3/24 Journal #29 TAR HEELS!

I woke up this morning at Jr. instructor camp! Didn't get much sleep last night but it was fun.  After we got home from camp I played some videogames and watched some you tube.  I did some blackbelt stuff.  Then we went to Bad Daddy's for Anthony's birthday dinner. We finished watching the Tar Heels beat Duke when we got home from dinner.... LET'S GO!!!! Now I am going to bed!

  180 Hits

2/2/24 Journal #28

I woke up and got ready for school. Then mom took me to school. We did blocks.. Then I got to King Tiger and played with my friends. Then we got ready for Jr. Instructor camp.... Yaay!! 

  139 Hits

2/1/24 Journal #27

I woke up, got ready for school.  We walked to school again today and it was pretty cold.  After school I got to King Tiger and did some of my stuff and then helped out in class and also led punches and kicks.  I also did a session with my mentee Jensen.  We had sparring and then we finally went home had dinner and went to bed!

  156 Hits

1/31/24 Journal #26

Today I woke up and did a little black belt stuff.  Then I got ready for school, and Mom drove me to school (she said we drove because she wasn't sure what the weather was going to be like).  At school today we had MAPs testing and then blocks.  After school I got to King Tiger and took class and did some more black belt stuff and ran a mile with Instructor Courtney!  Finally we went home and had dinner, got a shower and went to bed!

  140 Hits

1/30/24 Journal #25 HALF WAY THERE!

Yaay  I am half way done with my journals today!!!!  Anyway, first I woke up or school, got ready and mom and I walked to school.  At school we did blocks like always (we did have MAPs testing today though).  After school I got to King Tiger did some black belt stuff and helped out with class and also led punches and kicks.  Finally we went home (after dropping Anthony off at scouts, we ate bojangle's in the car) and I went to bed.

  200 Hits

1/29/24 Journal #24

This morning I woke up and got ready for school.  We walked to school.  Did my blocks same as normal.  After school I went to King Tiger and did class and then ran with Matthew and Instructor Courtney (I ran my fastest mile so far!!).  Finally when mom got off work we went home, showered had dinner and went to bed!

  141 Hits

1/28/24 Journal #23

Today I woke up and played some video games. Then we had breakfast and got ready for church.  When we got to church I went to my Sunday school class.  After we had lunch and then we dropped Anthony off for a trip with the youth group then mom and I went to target and then we headed back to church to met up with my cub scout pack.  We walked around antiquity and placed door hangers on a lot of houses.  Next weekend we will go back and hopefully pick up a lot of food that people leave out, sort of like what we will be doing for our service project!!  After that we went home and I did some black belt stuff.  And then I relaxed and played some video games and had dinner and went to bed!

  157 Hits

1/27/24 Journal #22

I woke up and had breakfast. Then we went to King Tiger for blackbelt class, Anthony got picked up to do something with his scout troop.  Then I did a mentor session with Ms. Jen.  After that I helped with class and led warm ups.  Finally I went home and played some video games and watched you tube.  After dinner Anthony opened his birthday presents and we had Reese ice cream cake.  We were going to go out for dinner to Bad Daddy's but it was POURING at the time we were going to leave so we are going to do it next weekend (mom and MiMi didn't think we would be able to find a close spot where we wouldn't all be soaking wet sitting in Bad daddy's). Now I am off to bed!

  163 Hits

1/26/24 Journal #21

First I woke up and we walked to school for my last mile of the week.  After school I went to King tiger did my black belt stuff and took black belt class! Then after class we got to beat my brother for his birthday!!!!!! 😃😂😁 Then we went home for dinner and then a little later bed! 

  136 Hits

1/25/24 Journal #20

I got to sleep later this morning because we had NO SCHOOL!!!!! I woke up and we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast because tomorrow is my brother's birthday, and we do it every year on our birthdays.  We went to King Tiger for the day and I played video games and big mat games.  We had lunch and played more games and had class.  I also had a mentor session and worked with my mentee.  I also helped with class and did some of my black belt stuff before sparring class.  Then we went home and had dinner and now bed time!

  148 Hits

1/24/24 Journal #19

Today I woke up early and got ready for school and then we headed to the rec center to run because it was going to be raining ALLL day! I did a mile and a half and then we headed to school.  At school we did the same old blocks as always.  After school I went to King Tiger took a class, and helped in class and got both leadership credits and did a mentee session with my mentee Jensen.  We went back to the rec center after my mom got off work and did another mile and a half! Then we went home had dinner I finished my school homework and now I am going to bed!  NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! YAAAAAY! 😁😁😁😁😁

  157 Hits

1/23/24 Journal #18

Short one tonight because I am tired and had a long day.  First I went to school.  Then I went to King Tiger, I did my black belt stuff and helped out in class, and I also ran a mile with Instructor Courtney! Then it was off to scouts, where we got to get our Pinewood derby cars cut out!  Now I am off to bed!!

  154 Hits

1/22/24 Journal #17

First I woke up and got ready for school.  Then mom and I walked to school.  Next I got to school went to breakfast and then did my blocks and.  After school was over I went to King Tiger and took a class.  Then I ran a mile with instructor Courtney.  After that I did some more black belt stuff and also helped out with a class.  Then we went home and had dinner. Now I am off to bed!

  172 Hits

1/21/24 Journal #16

First I woke up and played some video games, had breakfast and then went to church.  Next I went to church and went to Sunday school.  Then I went to the nursery after because my mom had to watch Jack!  Then we went to Bad Daddy's for lunch! When we got home I did my black belt stuff and played some more video games.  Finally I went with mom to drop Anthony off at youth group.  Then me and mom went to the rec center I and I ran/walked 2 miles.  Then we went home and I had leftover pizza and watermelon for dinner and now I'm heading to bed!

  155 Hits

1/20/24 Journal #15

This morning I woke up pretty early, my mom asked me why I cant wake up like that during the week for school.  I had breakfast and then we went to black belt class.  I got a mentor session in and helped out with a class and also led punches and kicks!  Then we went to meet Brien and we went to his Aunts house for her birthday party (I ate sooo much food).  Finally we went home and soon we will have some dinner and then go to bed.

  169 Hits

1/19/24 Journal #14

First I went to school.  Next I went to King Tiger.  I helped with class and did some black belt stuff.  Then was black belt class I practiced Hapkido 1-3 with Praneeth.  Then I went home.  Finally I had dinner and went to bed!

  140 Hits

1/18/24 Journal #13

First I woke up and did some blackbelt stuff, then I got ready for school.  At school I had ELA, math and s.s.  Then I went to King Tiger and helped out with a class then I ran a mile (It was my best time so far!).  Finally I had sparring and after sparring we went home and had dinner.  Then I had to do my hw for school real quick.  Then it was shower time before bed!

  169 Hits

1/17/24 Journal #12

Today I woke up REALLY early and went to the rec center and ran 2 miles! Then I went to school.  I went to my classes and then went to King Tiger and took class and helped with a class.  I also did a mentor session. Finally I went back to the rec center and ran another mile.  Then we went home and had dinner, now I am off to bed!

  156 Hits

1/16/24 Journal #11

Today I got up and did a little of my black belt stuff.  Next I got ready for school, we were goin to walk to school but it was raining.  Mom drove me to school since it was raining.  When I got to school I had ELA, Math and Social Studies.  At recess (indoor recess since I have it at 930am) I traded pokemon cards with my friends! Finally, I rode the bus to King Tiger, had snack and played games with my friends.  I took class at 5:15.  At 6 we left for Scouts.  After scouts we stopped by the Rec center and mom got my a pass so I can run there if its really cold or its raining.  We are going to go tomorrow morning before school to get caught up on miles for the week! Goodnight!

  151 Hits

1/15/24 Journal #10

Today I woke up and played some video games.  Then we went down and had breakfast, mom made cinnamon sticks and we also had scrambled eggs! After I did my blackbelt stuff.  After that I relaxed and played some video games and watched You Tube.  Went with mom to target and to the Rec center to see about getting a membership but it was closed...ugh!  When we got home we had lunch and then relaxed a little and played video games.  Then I ran a mile (11:54) under my pretest time!!!!  Then I relaxed some more and then we had dinner.  Now I am heading to bed.

  166 Hits