Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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2/18 and 2/19/24 Journal #44

We were all pretty tired yesterday so we didn't my journal typed in so I'm just adding it in todays journal! I am excited that I am almost done with my 50 journals!!

Sunday 2/18:

Today I woke up at 6:55 and grabbed the switch and started playing it.  Then I had breakfast and got ready for church.  I went to Sunday school and then into the nursery with my mom but there was not kids so we went into the service, I fell asleep during the sermon. 😴  Next we went home and had lunch then I did some black belt stuff and passed out on the floor.  Finally I woke up and did the last thing I had to do for the day.  Then mom made me dinner before she left to pick up Anthony from church.  Then I finally went back to bed!

Monday 2/19 NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!

Today I got to sleep in some.  I woke up and played the switch for a little bit, then it was time for breakfast.  Next I got ready to go to KT, then before we left I did most of my black belt stuff at home.  When we got to KT I put my stuff away and they were already doing roll call, when that was finished we played big mat games.  Then we had lunch, and after lunch we went to Eagle park and play for about an hour and 30 minuets. Finally I got back and ran a mile and played some video games.  Then we went home and had tacos for dinner.  Then I sanded my pinewood derby car and spray painted it and then I got ready for bed after I wrote this journal.

Journal for Monday