Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today was a good, fairly normal, Friday. I got to bring a blanket to school, hang out with second graders and we had a tornado drill. When I got back from school I finished the signs for our fundraiser tomorrow and studied for the written test. Then U went to black belt class. I didn’t run or do any requirements today because I am letting my body rest so I am fit for tomorrow! I am a little nervous, but I know I can do it! I am super tired, I just uploaded all of my essays and now I’m getting ready for bed! I’ll see everyone bright and early!

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What's up everybody??  Good luck on the physical and written test, hope everyone does good.  See everyone in the morning!  

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National Cereal Day! 03/07/25

So....... It's been a while. It's just a wrap up today. I got all my credits done but I'm still going. I am studying a lot tonight but I'm only missing one questions so I think I've got this. Good Night!

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Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone had a great day. Today for me started with Boosterthon run at school this morning. It was chilly but got me ready for tomorrow mornings run.  It was fun, I think I finished in the top 3 earners for my class which means I can bring home one of our class pets for a long weekend!! My Mom isn't happy!   Blackbelt class tonight was good and after dinner I practiced for the written test some more.  I hope everyone has a good night and I will see you guys early in the morning! 

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Today was rough, because of the cycle. Today was fun though because today is Friday. The weekend had endorsement from labor unions & Jewish activists. Henery Ford gave them the Saturday off for capitalistic purposes. Inspite being a massive supporter of antisemitism he gave the day off so phis workers. would buy more of his cars.

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Quickly it advances... 3\7

We are so close to testing; In 12 hours we will start. I think I am ready. I know I will succeed with the physicals, but I am constantly worrying that there is another self defence that I do not know about.

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Journal - Day 21

Good night, everyone! Today was an awesome day! I had a lot of fun at school with my friends, and it was nice. My eyes have been bothering me since last night, and when I woke up, they were blood-shot red. I don't know why, but I think it is because allergy season is coming around. After school, I took a very nice nap and studied for the written test tomorrow. Good luck, everyone! After tomorrow, we will be on the home stretch. Have a wonderful rest of your night!

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My main goal was trying not to fall back asleep this morning, and I succesed at that then I took a shower quickly so I don't miss my bus today. Once I got to school there wasn't much to do execpt wait for my science test, which I did decent on, I got a 84%. Once I got home I just ate and heading to class, I got there like 30 minutes early by accident which was a accident, class was really easy since we just did cycle stuff, I also learned one of my answers were wrong on the test so now I fixed that and I am sure to get a 100%!!! Now I just be chilling and going to bed early so I get enough rest to get a absolutely amazing testing. GOOD NIGHTSSS!!!

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LMP Mar 7

Tomorrow we have our Spring physical.....4 miles, burpees, jump roping, sit-ups, push-ups, ect.  We also have our written test. I took a practice one today and did okay... I got most of the questions correct, missed some wording/fine detail, so I marked them wrong.  I'm ging to study them a little bit more so i am prepared as possible for tomorrow.  We will also be doing poomsaes...not sure what else.   I am also going to go over my self defense and try to keep them straight in my mind.  I'm also getting my fruit tree or bush tomorrow. 

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Today I went to a police station, and I got a souvenir and now I am doing tae kwon do stuff.  I am still nervous about the final written and physical test tomorrow and I am probably going to stay up late looking at the written test and then end up having no sleep tomorrow and being really tired.  

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The Hapkidos are so hard to practice on your own.  I know them a little better but it still doesn't feel good.  

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Almost Friday

Another day spent on doing homework, except this time, I don't have an annotated bibliography looming over my head.  Things are going slow this week due to me being busy and tired.  I got a lot more work to do, so I will catch everyone later.

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Today I went shopping with my father for a fruit bearing tree. I ended buying a asian pear tree, and my sister got a peach tree. Spent some time studying for the written test. going to spend lots of time studying tomorrow too.

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I spent most of today reading a book for my english class. It was actually pretty interesting so I finished it in one day. Tomorrow I’m probably gonna do the analysis and start working on the one pager. Outside of that though, I got my tree for the tea ceremony. 

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CHILLS FROM MY SICKNESS (insert cool Jennifer Hudson esc vocals)!!!!

I am having the most painful coughing and have been on and off asleep. I will be alright, just gotta finish some homework and this beautiful journal :D   I KINDA LIKE SPARRING NOW!?   So I have never liked sparring, like, at all. However, something today just hit different. I felt like I connected with sparring when it came to teaching other kids sparring in the moment. I know a lot about sparring, the point system, all that jazz. Yet, I still somehow never fell in love with it like I feel like most others around my age do. But I taught this high red belt some of the basics and feedback on what he was already doing (which was very impressive) and it just hit. I find the good and enjoyment in things I do when I get to teach it. I love my job :D   Now it...

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Today, I went to school normally and played badminton. Then, later in the day, I dud the white belt challenge and also went to sparring. Then I write one of my essays and slept .

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Thursday Journal Entry

Today, after school we had a track meet. I had to leave school early, at 2:45PM, and the meet was at Mountain Island Charter School, in Mr. Holly, it was almot anm hour drive with the traffic. I ran a i was running the 4 by 800m relay, and our team came on 3rd on our heat, we ran 9:40. And I ran a 400m, and I came in 10th place in my heat out of a field of 25, I ran 1:00.21, and I know I could've done much better, I really got messed up on the turn during the race, I would've had a much better time if I didn't get messed up on the turn. Tomorrow I will be getting my tree or plant, depending, but probably a plant that we can keep in the apartment. I still have my plants from my first blackbelt cycle, so that's...

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Today I was pretty much away from my house all day hanging out with friends and doing stuff, so I had to do my stuff late.

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Journal - Day 20

Good night, everyone! Today was a great day! I had a lot of fun at school and was able to get all my assignments in on time. After school, I went to work and then came home and finished off the last assignment. We have a pep rally tomorrow, so I am very excited and am looking forward to it. My dad is coming home tonight from out of town, so I am very happy I get to see him again. I am very nervous about the physical and written test in 2 days, but I feel that I will do well. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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So today My band went to MPA (see last journal) and we were up against eighth and seventh grade bands. we were a sixth grade band. And we got the SUPERIOR AWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the highest award given. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM JUST LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM ACTUALLY HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Today my dad had to leave for Dallas. I got a new computer from my school & it's touchscreen. The problem is that if I touch it too much it smudges, Luckilly a microfiber cloth can help. It's funny how even when there is writing firmly on the wall some choose to deny.

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tonight I did sparring and before I played balatro with my friends. we had chipotle and it was really good. now I am going to bed see ya :D :D :D :D

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I GOT A 100% ON MY TEST!!!

So I'm waking up today knowing it's going to be good, I don't even have spanish today, but I have cycling thankfuly, after I took a math test which I feel like I got a 100% on and then the rest of my day was very easy and so I went home by car so I can get to class early and still have anough time to do everything I want to do, Once I got home I had my parents test me on the written test to practice for saturday and I got a perfect 100% on that so now I feel super good and I am going to absolutely pass this test. After I assisted the 6:00 class there was sparring which was pretty normal, not anything boring or fun or bad or good, just normal. Now I be relaxing and scrolling on tiktok until 10 pm because I...

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Today was good, we got to we’re our pjs at school. We had to wake up early to go to choir, and we practiced a new song. After school I had a snack and the did some work. Then I played on my iPad for a little bit, and me and my sister did a pretend post test, and got a lot of requirements done. Then we left for sparing, and I got a good mentor meeting. Now we are home and I had some dessert, I am going to get ready for bed. ♥

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Today was a good Thursday. I had a big test in math, and I’m so happy I got a super good score! This made me happy so I spent the rest of the day with a smile. When I got home I did a bunch of requirements, and I acted like it was the actual post-test to see how far I’ve come and what I could expect. I am definitely going to relax and rest tomorrow so I’m not worn out for Saturday. Before going to TKD I also worked on some signage for a fundraiser me and my family are doing for Bags Of Hope. Then I went to sparring, it was fine. But let me say, sparring is just not my thing… I am more of a poomsae type of girl. Anyway, there’s only 2 required sparrings left for me, so that’s a plus. Now I’m doing some chores...

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March 6th

Happy Thursday. I am excited today I got my plant. It is a box wood and I named her Everleigh the boxwood. It is an English boxwood and I think it looks neat. I am excited about tomorrow too. We have our fun run tomorrow and this is my 5th year doing it. It is fun but takes a lot of energy. I like running with my friends and my mom and dad will be there to to cheer me on. It may be cold but will be fun.

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3/1 Dreiman, Dominic #42

The weekend is here this morning I wake get ready to go to my last basketball game I go then I get A haircut then go in my backyard and play soccer for 4 hours come back in do chores eat sleep then get up play siege then sit on my phone and go to bed

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Lucky day off

So I didn’t journal last night so whoopsie, I will just do it right now  and yesterday was actually productive, I got a bunch of my schoolwork done then I just ate lunch and went to king tiger and got a bunch of thing done for that then came home and relaxed a bit and went to sleep, it wasn’t much fun if a day but at least I got a bunch of things done.

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No Sleep

I have fallen behind on a lot of things.  I have fallen behind on sleep.  I don't have much energy.  But I have so much to do for tomorrow and the next day and the next.  It's been an entire month of this... I can't wait until summer, until next year.  I will probably be in a better place for things by the time when the fall semester rolls around.  But for now, it's just back to pure pain.  And using the last of my energy to force that pain out of my mind.  Sleep is a luxury.  Being well rested and being in a good headspace is a privilege.  I have been trying to be a lot of things for a lot of people, amid failure after failure this semester when things went downhill.  I'm writing this at 11 central time, but I feel the weight of no sleep on...

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So I have been pretty ill and just plain tired the past week, and I have just had o energy to do anything that I don't have to mandatorily do. Now with this sickness that seems to keep returning into my immune system as some sort of test against my humanity, journaling has been the last thing on my mind, but I have come back and am ready to write my comedy once again!   BEING SICK MEANS EVERYTHING HURTS!   Teaching has been the literal death of me this week, as talking, singing, yelling, anything that utilizes my voice just hurts. I just wish I could be completely well, right now, no illness or cold or whatever is affecting my vocal cords right now. Tons of coughing, mucus, ya know, the gross stuff :D   So imma get my sleep and catch y'all tomorrow!

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Today I went to Church for Ash Wednesday and spent the rest of my day at taekwondo helping out with class, sparring class, black belt class, and a mentor session afterwards.

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It was a busy day today, I went to church, the dentist, and then taekwondo. My mouth was numb from the dentist for a while so I couldn’t speak properly. I was fine after like 3 hours though.

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Today was fun, because I did have any school today due to the harsh winds. But i woke up at six o’clock because my school told me there was no school, at 6:30. So I used the extra time for my essays and to study for my written test. Then, later in the day I went to master Evins do jang for sparring and black belt class.

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Saturday is the physical testing day. I like that programing languages are diffrent from one another but they can do each others jobs. You can use any language to  program a game, a website, or anything else. All it takes in knowhow & transpilation. This is the reason why I love computers.

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Journal - Day 19

Good night, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. I had my DECA competition and am preparing for the written and physical this weekend. I haven't been feeling too great over the last couple of days, but I feel much better now. We had a day off at school today and I was able to finish all my work before the end of the quarter. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Today we had no school, for some reason. It was only rainy this morning then it was sunny and warm. I’m glad the day was off though, I got to do some school work. I also just spent the day relaxing and playing outside. I biked 6 miles and then ran 1 later in the day. At 5:30 I left for TKD. I finally had another mentee meeting and also did a leadership credit. Now I’m finishing some chores and getting ready for bed.

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today I ran 5 miles and I went to King tiger and did a mentor meeting then I went and visited my grandma. now it is bed time so see ya :D :D :D :D 

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Today was good, we had no school today because some wind. But the weather was didn’t turn out to bad, so that was good. I was really happy we didn’t have to wake up early, we also had a good breakfast and then I played on my iPad for a little bit. Then I did some work and did my requirements. I also played out side with my sister for a little bit. I had some dinner and then we went to TKD. Tomorrow at school it is pj day so I am look forward to that. Now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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Today litealy nothing hapened the only exciting thing that hapened was I ATE out.    

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Today I had my last trail life for a while since i am doing baseballl but i really wish i could do both.  o well i will be back after the cykle.   

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Today I did a bunch of tae kwon do stuff and school.  

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Nothing really hapend today cept i went to school and hung out with my freinds.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "_"               

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LMP Mar 5

Since there is no school today, I have decided to spend the day working on self-defense, poomsaes, and trying to work out my creative form. It's a challenge to do self-defense alone, so I'm hoping we go over self-defense in class tonight...hoping we have class tonight. I've decided to test on March 21. Butterflies have been swarming since I decided, but I think I'll be ok. I'm sure I will be 'fussed' at for one thing or another, but doesn't everyone get fussed at? I'm having trouble getting my 'dropbox' invite.....hope I receive it soon. However, if CMS doesn't allow it,  not sure what to do?!?!?

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March 5th

Good morning! We are out of school today for crazy weather. I am glad though to be safe. My mom is even home too from teaching. I am using this extra time to finish my essays and work on making posters for the bags of home project. I will be in class tonight and bring the posters to put on boxes so we can start to collect food items. Enjoy your day. 

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2/28 Dreiman, Dominic #41

Yay it's Friday I wake up get dressed and go to school this morning we have a play about beauty and the beast then go to all of our classes then I come home go to black belt class go eat then come home play basketball and sleep.

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Rain day

My youngest is home today since school has been closed, I'm going to try and talk her into doing some TKD with me in the living room.

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Today I wrote my essay for my HIST class and next up is my reaction paper for my criminal justice class. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday so I have to head to mass at 12 and see what the weather is like for Class at taekwon do today.

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Today, I worked on some school work that’s due after break. I did my requirements and went to piano lessons. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday so that means no meat and fasting for me.

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Today, I played tennis and ping pong in school today. I also helped out in taekwondo class and did my essays. I also did my school homework.

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2/27 Dreiman, Dominic #40

So today I wake up get ready for school go to English we don't really work on anything then go to math we study for our test then I come home do taekwondo then go back home and sleep.

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Journal #50--3/4/25 LAST ONE!!

Today was mid.   I woke up was sooo tired and I didn't want to go to school.  I went to school and my friend Raffi sold again because he wore crocs again and we had PE so we couldn't get the big shoe award.  Then we did blocks and I did my test corrections for my test that everyone had to do even if we got above an 80 (I got a 90, only missed 3 questions).  Then I went to science block and had snack and watched CNN10.   Then I had math for 3rd block and did our work.  Then it was lunch, after lunch we finished math block.  After that was recess and we played soccer, the score was 2-1.  Ben got really mad and was about to cry after.  Then I rode the bus to KT, I did some black belt stuff, played games, did some homework.  I...

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Today was good, I had jump rope practice this morning, which was really fun. At school it was hat day, and my teacher gave me a hat which made me happy. Also at school the jump rope team preformed for the kindergartener’s. After school I just relaxed and I played on my iPad for a little bit. Then I did my requirements and played volleyball with my sister. Then we went to TKD, and I got something’s done. When we got back we found out that there is no school tomorrow, and now off to bed. ♥

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Today was a good, normal day. I got up and sis some quick grocery shopping with my mom before school. School, was good And I got my final essay done so I can confidently turn them all in on Saturday! When I got home and biked 6 miles before eating dinner and heading to TKD. I only did one class today to finish up my white belt challenge. On the way home I figured out that there will be no school tomorrow because of a wind advisory. Then I played iPad with my friends and now I’m going to bed. Looking forward to sleeping in!

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I have no school . It sounds fun but I would have a band concert today. My problem is that this would be a fun day. The fun day would begin with a trip to hawethornes for pasta. Then get there in all black before 6 & play my clarinet. I love the other people preforming like orchestra & chrous who all do amazing & I will miss not meeting them because I have freinds there.

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safety patrol meeting

today we had a safety patrol meeting and it was a fun time. I could not run with Braxton and Nixon but at safety patrol we had a fun time. it is now time for bed so see ya :D

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Tuesday!!!! My brother got here yesterday and we gave him his birthday presents but it was already pretty late so I didn't get to stay up much longer but that's OK. Anyway today my brother slept in till about 10:30 😴 So I didn't see him yet cause I had to go to school and he is with his mom eating dinner. He brought his dog with him, Zelda. My mom won't come home till Friday because she is a flightatendent so she works on planes. By the way the guinea pigs are doing great. Princess just sleeps in the hay box and whenever she's awake she is eating! She's so CHUNKY!!! Me and my teacher and other classmates are hoping to teach them some fun tricks to get her back in shape. But she is still doing great and not having any health issues!( she used to have health issues)😃😍🥰...

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Tuesday Journal Entry

Today our seminary class was remote learning again, our teacher is sick. We have to do the assignments on our own, so I got to sleep an extra two hours. I'll do the assignment after-school today. I didn't go to track meet practice, to stay after-school for extra help. I stayed unto 4:30 and when I got picked up we ran errands and got home around 5. I had dinner, and am getting ready to go for a run around the neighborhood - that will be 1.7 miles and I'll get my physical fitness exercises done when I get back. I still have home-work too, so I should be lights-out by 11PM today.

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March 4th

Happy Tuesday! Today I woke up a little more energized and had a good day. We got the eggs to hatch in our class. One of the eggs was blue. That means that chick will be a different color than yellow. I am so excited!

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I tried writing out the self defenses today.  It was a challenge, but really made me think about exactly what was happening.  Still struggle with Hapkidos and 2nd dan specials.  

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Spring Break! (Not really)

Yeah, March Fools everyone... it's not spring break for me yet.  At least not for 2 weeks.  I'm planning on going to Chicago for spring break with my friends.  That might be cool.  For now, I have a lot of homework to do, and an annotated bibliography that I have due very soon.

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It’s spring break finally and I get to relax for a while before worrying about school again. I think I’ll worry about school again in maybe a day. I didn’t do anything interesting today, it’s just the same as usual.

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This week is spring break and I going to spend it catching up on school work and chilling at my house.

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Monday Journal Entry

Our seminary teacher is sick, so we had virtual seminary and had to read the lessons on our own and write a short paragraph on the lesson. Attending class in-person is easier. At school in the weight training room, I'm getting close to doing hand-stand pushups. I'll get there soon. After I  went to track practice, where I ran 4 200m, 2 400m, 1 800m, then 2 400m, so that counts for my cycle running. At home I had dinner and still have home-work and my exercises physical requirements to get done. Since we are doing virtual seminary again tomorrow, I can stay up a little later to get everything done.

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Today I had baseball tryouts and made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I looked good to I hit everything they could throw to the Skyes.   

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I almost didn't get to do this. I have to thank my parents for this. We had 2 new people in class named Indiana & Christian. I like how there are always people who love & support you. They would pay life & limb to see you win. I forget all they do for me & I owe them more than money can buy. Thank You & sorry

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Today I went to a park and hung out with my friends even though I forgot to bring water AND I WAS LITERLY DYING from water loss!!! (shrug) egh whatever.    

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So today I didn't really do anything much. I did school and kind of just had an off day, but I couldn't do electronics since I was grounded but I went to A bible study and slept well.    

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I made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made itI made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ok sorry, that was a lot. but guess  what; I made it! I MADE IT INTO MPA!!!!! MPA is a big band concert, and it is the main...

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Today I went to school after the weekend, and ran a mile at school. Then I went to my taekwondo class and helped out.

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Today was good, but only as good as Mondays get. At schedule I got a lot done. After school I had a snack and played on my iPad for a little bit. Then I did my requirements. After that we went to TKD and I also got a lot done and I did my white belt challenge, which was fun and weird. When we got home I worked on a essay, and now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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Today was good, as good as a Monday can be. I got 3 essays done, so I only have one more left excluding community service. Overall, school was good, by the end of the day I was not feeling well, but I got over it fast (no, I’m not sick by the way). When I got home I relaxed and ate dinner before heading over to TKD. I started my white belt challenge today! It was so weird, but a good reminder of where I came from 🙂 I also got a class assistance and mentor session in. Now I’m getting ready for bed!

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Guess what! Today at my schools fun run I ran 4 miles and at home I ran .75. So in total I ran 4.75! I really surprised myself! Today I was able to get a lot done I got a leadership, mentee, class assistance and even got to take one class. After king tiger I went with my grandparents to their house and we ate dinner watched big city greens but then I went home with my brother and his dog 🐕 

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today we had music and we all played the piano. I ran with Braxton and I took class today. I was playing a game on my moms phone so I could catch up to my dad. now I am going to bed so see ya :D

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Journal #49--3/3/25

ONLY 1 MORE JOURNAL needed after tonight!  After I got up and got ready for school we walked and I forced mommy to come all the way to the door with me.  For breakfast there was breakfast pizza but on a bagel.  When I got to class we played a few board games and we talked.  We had blocks, lunch and recess.  Next I rode the bus to King Tiger and I ran with Carter because Nixon left early AGAIN. After I ran I did some requirements and I did some of my HW for school.  We went home and had tacos for dinner and then mom had to take Anthony to a scout meeting and I did some more requirements and took a shower and got ready for bed.  Mom just got home and now I am doing my journal and going to bed.

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March 3rd

Hey! Happy Monday. I woke up a little tired because I had a fun day playing outside yesterday after doing my requirements. At school we learned we are going to hatch chicks and this will be fun. Have a good evening.

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2/26 Dreiman, Dominic #39

So today I wake up go to school today I have history and science in science we do lahoots and blookets it was really fun then in history we worked on our speeches for our leaders then I came home went to taekwondo and basketball that's my day

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3-3 Hapkido

Hapkidos are really hard to practice by yourself.  But I got a good few rounds of it.  I'm still not remembering them completely, but I'm getting there (at least on 1 through 4).

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I miss Instructor Camp

I had a lot of things I had to deal with this weekend...  I started doing more rock climbing though.  I found that to be calming.  That, and burying myself in homework.  This is going to be a long semester.  I'm really not sure how it's going to go.  I got some mango ice cream with hot sauce.  It sounded crazy but it actually tasted good.  I missed Instructor Camp a lot.  This was the first time that I haven't gone to Instructor Camp.  I miss that community, where everything was easy to understand.

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Yesterday, I was awake for many hours so I spent most of today sleeping. I had lots of fun at Instructor’s Camp but I am very happy to be home. I also studied for the written test a little today.

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Today, i went biking with my friends and rested at home. I also played basketball and football.  

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Today was fun, I really liked the weather. This morning we watched some TV and have a good breakfast. After that we did some chores and played outside, I also did my requirements. Then we set up our volleyball net from Christmas, and it is really cool. Then we played with our neighbor or a while. When we were done we had dinner and I took a shower. We had some dessert and watched the Oscar’s and now off to bed. ♥

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This morning I ate a delicious breakfast and then got ready fro my day. Today I biked 15 miles, equivalent to 5 miles of running. I basically spent most of the morning doing that, watching some TV, relaxing and doing chores. Later, me, my sister, and my dad put up a volleyball net in our backyard.  Then I played with my sisters and neighbor for 3 hours. We played outside and then went up in our treehouse to play board games. Dinner was relaxed and then we watched the Oscars. It’s super late now (almost 10) so I’m going to bed! 

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2/25 Dreiman, Dominic #38

So this morning i wake up then get ready for school my first class is Math we learn about plotting lines then we go to recess i play gaga ball then we go to english we do our homework then i go home eat go to soccer then come home eat again then sleep.

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Sleepy day

I accidentally sleeped through my alarm set for 4:00 am and then I also sleeped through my alarm set for 4:05 am and I got woke up at 7:00 and I’m not surprised that I sleeped through both of my alarms because I have got like 2 hours of sleep for the past 3 days so I’m glad I got some more sleep and I then went to class then came back and did some productive things and by the way I forgot to journal yesterday but when I woke up yesterday my leg cramped for probably 3 minutes straight and I was screaming in so much pain and I had to get compresion tape at 3 am so I can go to instructors camp in time. At the end of yesterday I genuinely wasn’t able to walk correctly and my right leg was messed up and it still was today,...

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  75 Hits


Today is largely uneventful. My family is at a birthday party. Do you ever just have plans that go terribly wrong. I have so many that end terribly for several reasons. Some of them are due to external circumstances. Others are due to my own terrible time management skills. This day was still fun.

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Journal #48--3/2/25

I was at my dads this weekend, left after black belt class, kinda lucked out it was instructor camp yesterday so I didn't miss class.  I was sleeping this morning when Brooklyn (my sister) woke me up around 4 am : 0  Then I went back to sleep til about 6ish, then I got up and play Fortnite.  Then dad made us get ready for church, but it actually started at 11 not 10 so we didn't have to leave yet so I played more Fortnite.  For breakfast there as cinnamon rolls, but I couldn't have them because I am still on my nutrition challenge : ( so I ate a slice of bacon.  Then we got ready to go to church.  When we got there we had a fruit salad then we had Sunday school but had to leave early to go eat lunch and come home!  When I got...

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normal day

today was as average as a day can get. I went to church and came back home and played some video games. me and my brother built a fort and had a lost of fun. see ya :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 

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LMP Mar 2

Had a great time at instructors camp this weekend with Grand Master Lee and the rest of the KT family that came out to Greenville. It was fun to see familiar faces and meet some new people. I enjoyed the mini sessions at Pitt College. With all the exercise, I didn’t do any requirements on Saturday. 

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National Banana Cream Pie Day! 03/02/25

I did nothing but essays today. I'm so tired from yesterday's Instructor Camp and I'm only running on about 3 hours of sleep. Everyone in my house keeps demanding me to do things and yelling at me and I'm just so tired of everyone right now. Today was the end of my nutrition challenge so that was cool I guess. Bye.

  55 Hits

March 2nd

Happy Sunday. i got to get outside and did two miles with my mom today. I also got to play outside all day. I played basketball and walked to the park in our neighborhood with the neighbors. Going to have pizza for dinner and get ready for school tomorrow. Bye!

  66 Hits


First of all I went to the sparring class at north Charlotte it was really fun although it's supposed to be 2 hours I had to leave around one hour early and he was really nice about it! By the way my brother isn't coming till tomorrow now because he wants to be with his mom some to for his birthday to. So mic drop he is actually my half brother we have the same dad but not the same mom and know he is 33 so that's old compared to the fact that am his sister and I'm 10. He really could be my dad but he isn't. If your wondering no I don't have a step mom or dad. I'm not related to his mom at all. And he lives somewhere in Clemson with his friend and dog for now. I really wish they were coming today meaning my...

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Today I stayed home from church to complete my requirements and practice trumpet🎺. I am going to drop off my little brother at a playdate and the go to sparring.

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Late night driving home from Greenville last night, but it was worth it to sleep in my own bed.  Instructors camp was great, special thanks to the Masters that led the various breakout sessions, I enjoyed them a lot.    

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A lot of yesterday!

Yesterday we did a lot but today I'm doing even more. Yesterday my dad cut down a tree while me and my mom picked up sticks and pinecones in the back yard. It was really windy so we came back inside and dicided we would cut down the other trees later. By the way we aren't cutting them all down only 2 because there dead. I did another essay and then played on my iPad for 1h 30 min it was fun then I watched the Mummy! I love that movie! Then I had to quickly do my requirements before heading to my Grandparents for dinner and dessert. At their house we ate dinner played a bit but I still had to run so we left around 7:45 My dad was driving so he dropped me and my mom off at the park and we ran the rest of the way...

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03/01/25 done Sunday

Sorry, I forgot to post on Saturday itself.  It was a very nice day, got outside again to enjoy the weather and do some exercising and do the requirements. I also sat outside and studied for the written test.  I also got to walk my neighbor's dog Shelby because her older dog we found out has cancer and will be put to sleep on Monday. This is sad because it makes me think of our old family dog that got sick several years ago.  We were outside last night too until the wind got too much.  I hope everyone got to enjoy their Saturday and I hope our instructor's had a good time at their instructor camp!  

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Well? Did you catch it? The slash on the title is backwards ./\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/. Today I built a fire, which is going to be my new skill. We had smores and my cousin came over. my grandma is coming on friday, and I am excited. She makes the best fryjacks. (If you dont know what a fryjack is, shame on you.) 

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2/24 Dreiman, Dominic #37

Today i wake up another school day i go eat breakfast then get ready for school my first class is band then i go to history we start studying leaders mine is Kubla Khan the grandson of ganghis khan then at recess i play basketball then go to science to study geology then go home then soccer then go to bed.

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Today was instructors camp. I got a certificate & met people I love spending time with. Today was fun except I kept falling asleep due to lack of sleep. I did’t see master knight because he went to Disney land. I will have to see him later.

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Today was good, I was happy it is weekend. In the morning I didn’t have to wake up early, which was nice. We had a good breakfast, we had eggs and pancakes. After that we did some thing we had to do and then I played on my iPad for a little bit. Then we went to a Davidson girls basketball game, and they won! When we got back we had some dinner. Then we played with our friend, now we are relaxing and watching some TV.

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