Today, after school we had a track meet. I had to leave school early, at 2:45PM, and the meet was at Mountain Island Charter School, in Mr. Holly, it was almot anm hour drive with the traffic. I ran a i was running the 4 by 800m relay, and our team came on 3rd on our heat, we ran 9:40. And I ran a 400m, and I came in 10th place in my heat out of a field of 25, I ran 1:00.21, and I know I could've done much better, I really got messed up on the turn during the race, I would've had a much better time if I didn't get messed up on the turn. Tomorrow I will be getting my tree or plant, depending, but probably a plant that we can keep in the apartment. I still have my plants from my first blackbelt cycle, so that's pretty good.