Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Happy first day of march! Today was a good, but chill Saturday. I started on some chores this morning, and played iPad. Then, around 12 we all went to the last Davidson women’s basketball game of the season. They won 64 to 51. When we got home I ate a snack and relaxed. For dinner my dad made homemade pizza, it was so delicious! I also worked on some essays, I and 3/4 done with two more of them. Also, I got both of my recommendation letters. Everything, is coming together as we start week 8 of the cycle! Anyway, I’m thinking I might have a small cold, so I’m super tired. Night!

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Friday! (Written on Saturday)

I'm so happy yesterday was Friday. I'm also happy that today (Saturday) I don't have to wake up early although I still have to do my requirements and do some chores outside. Last night me and my dad built a squishmallow fort but we didn't sleep in it cause it hurt his BACK!!! Anyway.......... I really should start writing my journals at the END of the day because I have nothing to write about because I obviously can't read the future. (Don't get me wrong that would be amazing but...) MY BROTHERS COMING OVER TOMORROW! More details about me and my brother will be in my Sunday journal. I will also tell you why he doesn't live with me.

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Heres a quote I read today, I thoguht it was unique and interesting. "Subtle, so subtle! To the point of being invisible - sublime, so sublime! To the point of being silent - thus we can be master of the enemies fate."

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It’s the last day of February and the last day before spring break for me. I have to wake up super early for Instructor’s Camp tomorrow. I’ll see everyone tomorrow!

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It is kinda late so this will be short. Today I overslept and did not get much done in the morning. At school, someone brought in tomato soup for the class. It was AMAZINNNG!!!!!!!!!!!! In BBC weekday I got my final leadership credit and I now have about 13 BBc's. In the class, we practiced kiks and breaking. Also, since when is my best friend's next door neighbor a 1st Dan????!!!!

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So tomorrow is Instructors Camp, and this journal is a good luck to everybody going! This will a fun yet extremely tough day tomorrow and I truly believe everybody will do a phenomenal job at staying alive :D   MORE DEMO WRITING!   I recorded another Demo for the musical I am writing, this time, for the cat named Terrence in the song 'You Better Run' which is my FAVORITE SONG THAT I HAVE WRITTEN so far. Again no spoilers, but the rage and vibrato in this song is just amazing and I would love to see which actor I choose for this character once I publish auditions!     But anyways, good luck to everybody tomorrow and GET THE NECESSARY SLEEP PLEASE :D

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Friday Journal Entry

Today I woke up early and went to semminary, and went to school afterward. Today was what our school calls a service day, and we took a bus to a farm and helped at the farm. I wasn't feeling that well so after school, we got back from the service project early, so I went home and rested. I had to skip track practice, and when I woke up I was feeling much better and went to karate class. I got all my exercises in and practiced forms, and I'm getting ready for instructors camp, getting food together for the day tomorrow. Good day, and looking forward to tomorrow!

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Today was really good, in the morning my student teacher brought donuts for the class and I had a chocolate one. At school we played bingo and jeopardy, I won both so I got some candy, witch was good. After school I had a snack, did my requirements and played on my iPad for a little bit. Then we went to BBC and we did broad breaking which was really fun. When we got back we had dinner and now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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Journal #47--2/28/25

Yaay finally made it to Friday.  I woke up and mom packed my left overs from Olive Garden last night for lunch!!! When I got to school we did blocks like normal and I finished my literacy test and got a 90!! At recess we played soccer and we tied but I scored (well helped, it bounced off my back into the goal)!! Then I rode the bus to KT I helped with both little tigers classes and did my pull ups for the week and some other requirements. Then Carter and I ran then it was time for black belt class. We did lots of kicks and then we practiced brick breaking technique. 

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Happy Friday! I’m so glad it’s  the end of the week! It was a fairly busy week for me, but not taekwondo wise because of color belt testing. I had a test in Spanish today, I don’t know my grade yet, but I don’t think I flopped. I made a dent in one of my essays and the rest of the school day was chill. When I got home I had a quick snack and went to Black Belt Class. Today we did board breaking, it was fun! After class I got a mentor session in. When I got home I had a delicious dinner and then played iPad. No Black Belt class tomorrow because of Instructor’s camp, so I get to sleep in. Night night!

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Today, i played pickleball in school, and went to blackbelt class. After that, i also went to a restaurant and atevgood food.

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National Chocolate Souffle Day. 02/28/25

I got to go short and simple right now. I got to pack for instructors camp and do some work. Today was fun! I got to practice some kicks and brick breaking in class. Today was alright.

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2/23 Dreiman, Dominic #36

This morning i wake up and eat then go back to bed then go play basketball after that i eat lunch then sit on my phone then play siege then soccer outside then come back inside eat play college football then go to bed.

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today was a chill day and for Friday we had french fries and pizza. today I went and ran my mile with Braxton and we talked about pokemon. i went to black belt class and we broke the boards. now i am heading to bed so see ya!

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Hello everyone, I'm so glad it is Friday. Today was a normal day at school, but we have started Boosterthon and we did get some prizes as we started earning money for our school's goal of new basketball court.  This evening was black belt class at LKN and I got mentor time in before class started.  Class tonight was fun. I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

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best friday of the cycle

So Im waking up a bit late since Im waking up tommorow at 3 am to go to king tiger and after I wakes up I do my homework and then go to school then we didn't really do much at school since like it's like 6 months into the year and it's a average friday, execpt after lunch there was a fight and it was cool to watch so after that I went home today not on my bus because like always it is late D: but once I got home I got a quick food to eat and then went to king tiger and we mostly did board breaking which was scary because I devolped a fear of board breaking now but I ended up breaking the board and I went home and now I be finishing up my essays!

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I am going to be a t instructors camp. This will be fun. I like how in this world you can find everything. It's generally easy. I did my taekwando for today & I will be going to sleep early. People can be mad for the dumbest reasons sometimes. When they refuse to listen to reason or empathize it's hard but luckily you can always find an escape wherever you go. Hobbies, friend, & math is how I fill my time. How do you fill yours?

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Instructors camp

All packed and ready to leave.  I'll be spending some of the time between now and leaving for Greenville practicing the Hapkidos.  They are by far my weakest part at this point.  

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More Midnight Studying

I stayed up a bit later than normal last night, and I'm probably going to do the same today.  If I can't sleep, I might as well spend some time studying for my Chinese test tomorrow.  I made it to Shoreview today.  Felt good to get some training in amid a very long week.  Tomorrow's first class is canceled, so I get to wake up an hour later.  Tonight, I have to work on homework and studying.

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Stayed after school today with a few friends to work on my math work and went to the dojang to help with class when I got home. I am planning on finishing all my work before instructors camp and my spring break next week.

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Today, i went to my school concert and did a lot of pom saes when i got back. I also played basketball today.

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I overslept this morning so I had to rush out of the house. It was downhill from there, it’s been a really long day. When I actually got home though, I went to the dojang to help with class, and then I took a shower and read a chapter or two.

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National Strawberry Day! 02/27/25

I'm not to sure what to do right now. Well i am going to write my journal but I mean about the fact the demo team is trying out and I want to join but I'm too scared I won't fit in. I've also never done something like this either so i don't know what to expect. But I might as well just go, you only live once. I got some running done today and me and my dad were driving to TKD for belt testing just to be caught in a long 35 minute trafic wait. Although I was a little late I managed to help out. I'm really tired but have to go do some studying for the written test so I can't sleep yet. 

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Thursday Journal Entry

My day started early at 5:30 leaving the house at 5:45 to be at seminary class by 6AM. That's my typical morning. After seminary I went to school, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I stay afterschool to get extra help. I left around 4 and got to track practice around 4:45, there was a lot of traffic. My practice drills included running 10 200m back to back. In practice between my drills and warmups I ran about 3miles. I went to Taekwondo after practice, and helped out with testing. I actually forgot, and I thought it was a regular Thursday, but it was good to help out. I still have dinner and homework to do. Long day, but good day. 

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Journal #46--2/27/25

In school today we had a test in literacy and nobody finished it.   Then we had math block where we did an escape room, we broke out but we were the 2nd team so we didn't win a prize.  Next, we had lunch went to recess I played soccer and we tied.  Then I rode the bus to King Tiger, its the last day of testing so we watched a movie! Me and Nixon ran before the movie.  We found something weird on the sidewalk during our run.  After the movie we watched Is it Cake?? Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner with Brien, and he did NOT have Olive Garden behavior, haha! We came home and got ready for bed.  Goodnight!

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More bloody nose ):

So I wake up as usual and I then go to school and we litterly did nothing today so I just rode the car home since I have to get home very fast and my bus doesn’t really do that. I ate something then went to king tiger and I got there really early to lead the red belts for the running then I waited for testing to finish and I got back home and I started bleeding really badly out of my nose so it’s been about 1 and a half hours of bleeding out of my nose and it’s not any better. Ever since I got back from the trip to Korea I have had so many bleeding nose

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Today was fun though last night I only got like one hour of sleep because my ear was bothering me so much it hurt so bad I woke up and went to my parents room (although my mom wasn't home) my dad woke up and gave me some pain reliver but it did not work! When I couldn't take it anymore it was about 5 am then my dad came in cause he went to my bathroom to take a shower and try not to wake me up but I was already awake and struggling 🙃 😑 😐  But know I'm feeling much better! Today at school there was no tests! There was a fire drill and for the longest time my chrome book wasn't working so I didn't get to do chrome book free time but Tomorrow my teacher will let me cause everyone else got to.

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On Wednesday I went to the sparring at Grand Master Evins place it was fun, Grand Master Evins wasn't teaching the class that day though we had a different Master but I'm not sure what his name was. Wednesday I had a math test and I got 95%! YAY!!! The guinea pigs have been pretty calm but Poppy keeps screaming with joy in the back of our class room and it's so cute but also kinda creepy cause she is like screaming really weirdly!🗣➕️🐹= screaming 😱 guinea pig!

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On Tuesday I went to dance and piano 🎹  By the way if your wondering why I'm writing about Tuesday but the date is Thursday its because I completely forgot about Journaling. I didn't do it Wednesday or Thursday. OPPS!!🫣🫢🤫But that's why there is so many journals for today. Anyway at dance I'm the only person in that class so it was a pretty chill day!

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Today was good. This morning me and my little sister had choir, which was really fun. At school most of 5th grade is on a trip at Washington DC, so it was a small, fun class. I also won a few games so I got some candy! When we got back we ran our mile and then I played on my iPad. Then we had dinner, which was SO good, and we played trivial pursuit with the hole family. Now I am getting ready for bed.

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Today was a usual, normal day at school. I presented a project, and I’m proud of myself since I don’t like going up in front of a crowd. When we got home it was raining, but once it stopped I ran my mile on the local greenway. My grandma also is staying here for a few days, she got here today. I didn’t get to go to sparring tonight because of color belt testing. I’m really hoping I am able to get all of these classes in before the deadline. We ate a super good dinner and I played a game with my family. Now I’m getting ready for bed! Good night!

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today at school we had P.E and we played kickball, we lost 4-5 but it was a good game. we had a battle of the books and my team got 2nd place. but i have to go to bed so see ya  

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Today was odd. I did my practice but due to unusual cricumstances I was forced to go to the lake norman location which is quite far. When I got there it turned out they were testing so we had to go back  got home in the dark. We should have called.

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Hello everyone, today was a boring normal day at school with nothing exciting. I hope everyone is doing good this week. I was able to get some homework done waiting on my brother to finish school and then got home after the rain to get physical stuff done.  I'm looking forward to see our group at LKN black belt tomorrow night.  

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2/22 Dreiman, Dominic #35

Today I wake up then get on collage football then go to my basketball game then I invite a friend to waffle House we eat then come back to my place we play around once he leaves I go see mufasa the Lion King then come home and sleep

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I had a busy day today. I stayed after school for a meeting with the school ambassadors then went to the dojang. During my mentor session, we reviewed the written test. I'm looking forward to Instructor's Camp on Saturday!

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Almost to the end of the week

Well, halfway there.  I am once again writing this as I am about to go to a midnight gym session.  I have a little bit of homework left to do but I got most of it done.  My 7pm to 10pm class is a bit hard to sit through, since I'm not really the type of person who can sit through things for a long period of time without getting sleepy, even if it is a very interesting topic.  Also, I have a Chinese exam to study for, and it's on Friday.  Hopefully I will have better luck with that than I did with exams in the past 3 weeks.

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I have some exciting news :D   THIS SHORT LIFE OF OURS HAS BEEN BEEN PROMOTED!   So I am writing a musical and I have posted a Demo of one of the songs my character, Shepard, sings. No spoilers of course, but I have finished two of the ongs for this musical that I have named 'What Brings Us Together' and I am SO EXCITED to finish writing, producing, and finlly filming this musical! I am going to try and finish a duet song next between Shepard and another unamed character tomorrow! But yeah my day was taken up by writing two songs for this musical, and I am excited to write even more to get this produced. Just gotta find some more voice actors/singers.   But yeah, not much else today. I did sing Hold Them Down again today and I did not mess the song up once. Pretty...

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Today, i played in a pickleball tournament and got 1st place. I also went swimming and did my cycle.

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Today was another long Wednesday.  At school we had double band.  The author of one of our pieces came to band class and autographed my piece.  I came home and went for a run and finished up a bunch of the physical requirements.  I then went to meet with mentee, had sparring and black belt classes and had a mentor session.  I'm going to bed now.

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National Pistachio Day! 02/26/25

Today I had work to do for my band. were going to MPA in a few days so I'm a little scared about that but also we had some professionals come in and I feel much betteer because they are also judges. I also signed up for my high school classes and have 2 honors classes that I believe I'll do just fine in. Otherwise I spent a good amount of time practicing my oboe and tryint to get a 905 or above on the assignments otherwise I can't go to MPA. Either way today was just boring with some requirements on the side. I hope everyone gets some fine sleep.

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Today I hung out with my friendwent to tae kwon do did school 🚸 and survived. / SACATA!!!  

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so today notin really happened urm I literally just did schoolwork and takwondo also #bread 🥪 will never die 🎲.  

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Short day

so today we are getting out of school a few hours early for some reason so yea I just went to school and we basically did nothing since there is nothing to do and then a came home and rode my bike to a 130° sauna to ride another stationary bike for 45 minutes and I then rode my bike back home then took a short nap then went to king tiger to get there early for testing tonight and that was fine I mean we didn’t do a whole lot, then I just came home and then ate dinner and now I’m sleeping so yeah. Good night.

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today we had boy scouts and for dinner we had delicious fish tacos. but first we went to school and we learned about stuff. me and my brother saw  a movie together. see ya! 

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Journal #45--2/26/25 HALF DAY!

Today I woke up and got ready to go to school.  Today was a HALF DAY, yaay! When I got to school I went to breakfast then we did short blocks.  Then we had lunch at like 10 : O   We watched the magic school during lunch! Next I rode the bus to King Tiger and I ran a mile and a half with Nixon.  Then I work with my mentee and did some other cycle requirements. My mentee tested tonight!  Then we went to sparring at Master Evins, it was not like I was thinking it would be.  Then we went home and mom made me a delicious grilled cheese and then I got ready for bed!

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Wednesday Journal Entry

I went to seminary in the morning, I leave the house at 5:45AM to get there by 6. After seminary I went to school. Today the school day seemed to go by very fast today. It was a normal school day. After school I went to track practice. At practice we did drills which included a 45 second drill to see how far you can run in 45 seconds. During practice I got in about 2 miles. After practice I came home, and I'm still doing homework, and have to get my exercises in. I'll be doing exercises as soon as I get my school work done. Already had dinner, so I need to hurry so I can get to bed. Tomorrow it starts at 5:30AM again. Good day today.

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Today was great, I was really happy that it was a half day. When we got picked up we went to go get boba, which was really really good. Then we went to a park and our sister met up with a friend there. After that we came home for a little bit, and I did my requirements and play on my iPad for a little bit. Then we went to watch our sister at testing, she is a high green now! After testing we celebrated with some chick fil a. Now I am getting ready for bed.♥        

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Today was a great day! It started out by me forgetting to snooze my alarm, so I slept in late. Today I had a math test and did super well! Today was also a half day at school. After school we all went to Kung Fu Tea. I got the mango boba tea (I always get that one because it’s soooo good 😋) Right after that we went to a playground/park to meet up with my little sister’s friend. We stayed there for about an hour before heading home to get ready, and leave for, testing. In this time I got my requirements done. My littlest sister tested today for a high green belt (she got to skip a belt or two because she’s almost 9) To celebrate aftwards we want to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. However, after we got home, we realized that they messed up our order. I ended up...

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Hello everyone. Today was a nice day. Half day at school and great sunshine to be outside when we got home.  I did my practicing inside and out and Mom did a mile walk with me after I had finished up requirements.  I hope everyone had a great day. 

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LMP Feb 26

Today was early release for students, but teachers were stuck doing things. Tonight is sparring and black belt class. My allergies are kicking my bottom….so not sure what sparring will look like for me tonight.  I had to switch mentees as mine has not been to KT since late January. I had my first session with my new mentees last night. 

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I enjoy the fact that chemical reactions are easy to learn. We have managed to have widespread knowledge of so much useful information like sodium hydroxide & alkalization. or the Millard reaction which makes food brom under heat. & of course the reaction to make spinach less bitter by adding lemon juice.

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2/21 Dreiman, Dominic #34

Today I wake up get ready for school eat then go this morning we have band after that I go to history then math then science then English then PE then come home go to taekwondo then come home and sleep

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This weather is making my allergies go crazy.  On the plus side, the warmer temps make an early morning practice in the driveway not so bad.  Taught two classes last night.  Took a beating because the adult class was falls and take downs with lots of demonstrating.  

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No Shoreview Today

I know, right?  Sad.  No 540 kicks.  Well, it's back to the usual grind of homework.  It's just gotten really rough this semester.  If I'm being entirely honest, I'm just trying to stick it out until I can return to Charlotte in May.  Last semester was the fun semester, but this semester is like the tragic sequel nobody wants to watch and everyone deems non-canon in their own mind because it was so bad.  Yikes.

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I'm finally back to journaling after ANOTHER break due to mass studying for huge tests in school. But hey, music nerd journal today! Enjoy me going way too in depth with a song :D   HOLD THEM DOWN IS SO TERRIFYING!   So the song my vocal teacher had me sing today was in response to me saying that I would LITERALLY KILL to play Scar on Broadway (Top 3 Dream Roles) so he gave me a song from 'Epic: The Musical' to sing in order to build my intimidation while singing. The song is called 'Hold Them Down' which is SLIGHTLY inappropriate to discuss the details of what is happening in the song as well as the words, however, I can speak of the tone and vocal choices that I took to invoke intimidation. Generally, intimidation comes from low notes when it comes to males. That is why the most...

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Today I got inducted into the National Technical Honor Society after school. The whole process was awkward being called up to the front to receive a certificate.

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School was the same as ever and just as exhausting as usual. My joints are feeling a little stiff, I couldn’t do my usual stretches as well, but maybe it’s gonna be fine tomorrow. I hope it’s nothing serious.

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Tuesday Journal Entry

Today I didn't go to seminary, that was on purpose so I could get another two hours of sleep. This was going to be a long day, so getting the extra rest is important for my health. I went to school at 7:30am, and on Tuesdays I stay after-school for extra help. During extra help today I took a Bio quiz that I didnt finish during the day, and I got some math assignments turned in. I left school at 4:15 and rushed to track practice and got there late around 4:35, practice starts at 4PM. I let the coach know before hand that I would be late. In practice I ran all together about 3 miles. After practice I went home, and got the rest of my exercises done, I had pizza and oranges for dinner, and then I had piano at 7:30PM. Tomorrow I'll be back on my 5:30AM...

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Journal #44-2/25/25

When mom woke me up this morning for school, I wanted to stay in bed.  But I finally got up and mom peeled an orange for me to eat on the way to school incase I couldn't eat anything they had.  I didn't eat it on the way but I did eat it with some milk and other mandarin oranges that they had at school.  I was so tempted to eat the honey bun but I was able to resist temptation!! We had blocks like normal, I may have a test on Thursday if my teacher is there, her kids are sick so she may be out.  At recess I missed 2 goal opportunities, we did tie the game though! Then I rode the bus to KT, then I ran with Nixon and Carter.  I did some Poomsae, kicks and self defense.  I also did my LAST mentor session today.  I...

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National Pancake Day (IHOP) 02/25/25

Today was short and pretty simple. I got a little sleep and went off to school to do some pretty boring work. I had some more fun with the requirement game I made up and did it with my sister a bit too. The game is simple. On the written test my mom with ask a question and if I answer wrong I have to do a minute or so of a requirement (Except for kicks, poomsaes or self-defences) I had way more fun this way then just doing it. So not only did I learn and study my written test but I got my requirements done as well. But that was basically it. I didn't come to class because I had some things for school so that was really boring. I hope everyone gets some good sleep!

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Feb 25th

Today I was pretty tired.  I led warm-ups today and got in a mentor session.  I appreciate my mentor being willing to stay back late.In PE we went outside which is rare. I was able to play soccer which I very much enjoy.  I will try to get to bed a little earlier tonight so I'm not as tired tomorrow.

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Today I got up early, like every typical Tuesday, to take my sister to jump rope team practice. I also had time to get some requirements in this morning. In social studies I had a geography test, and I did super good! This left me feeling proud and happy for the rest of the day. I got picked up early from school to go to the orthodontist. I got new colors on my braces and my sister got her’s out! When we got home we went running and ate dinner when we got back. Then I just relaxed and played iPad. Now I’m getting ready for bed! 

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Today was good, I liked the warmer weather. This morning I had to get up early and go to jump rope practice, which was really fun. At school we got picked up early, because of a orthodontist appointment. When we got back I had a snack and I did my requirements and went out to run. Then I played on my iPad for a little bit. Now I am getting ready for bed. ♥

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2/20 Dreiman, Dominic #33

Today we had a school delay so I wake up at 7:00 Then after two hours we go to school then recess comes we play in the snow then I come home eat play sleep

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Journal - Day 18

Good evening, everyone! Today was a nice day. I got a lot of work done today, and the weather was really nice outside, which made it so much better. I had a lot of fun at school today, and I feel like the last two weeks have been going great for me. I am reviewing for DECA and will be practicing all day tomorrow before competitions. Tomorrow, I have a quiz in biology, which isn't great, but I'm hoping I'll do well. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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February 25th

Hey! Happy Tuesday! We are belt testing at Lake Norman so I didn't get to go to class. Tomorrow is a half day so that will be fun. We also got a new oven at my house and the delivery guys were really nice. Have a good evening!

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Aiden 2/8 to 2/17.

#16 2/8/2025 Today was black belt class. We did bocho dan one step and some forms. Also tomorrow is the super bowl and I’m supa excited. I hope the Eagles win and I am also happy about the halftime show. I like Sza and Kendrick Lamar. Here is a quote I found “You never know true beauty until you see the earth from space.”   #17 2/9/2025 The Eagles won! I was nervous before but when it started the Chiefs had no chance. They could not get through the defense and Patrick Mahomes forgot how to throw! Anyways, now that football is over, it’s just soccer lets go Arsenal! Here is what the Eagles head coach said, “to be the greatest you have to be surrounded by the greatest.” #18 2/10/2025 I probably should have talked about this earlier, but I have some small goals I want to do. I want...

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I didn't see Xander yesterday so I didn't get a Mentie session in but that's OK. Today I hope to have a pretty chill day at school but lately there has been I lot of girl drama going around. There is a group of girls in my class and I call them the want to be baddies. They make fun of Finley for wearing make up but they bitterly wear mascara! And then my other friend Hannah doesn't want me to be friends with Finley! But that is not happening 😕 😡She can be annoying sometimes but everyone is annoying sometimes! So deal with it!!! Today there will probably be another argument between them and they will all want me to fix it! But nope today is my chill day! Have a great tues

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Extra teaching

Got a call yesterday for teaching a couple of extra classes last night.  I had already done my regular practice so it pushed my normal monday into another level.

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Another day down...

And a lot more issues to deal with.  This is the first time I've had a spring black belt cycle, and it really shows.  I'm not used to having to do most of the cycle with a bunch of other things to deal with.  Speaking of things to deal with, I have a lab report due in about 50 minutes.  I will see everyone later.

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I had my com sci tutor come today so I was working on my mini-project for most of the day and had wings for dinner.

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School was just as exhausting as usual, nothing new. I tried to take a nap when I got home, but I wasn’t too successful. After that I went to help with class. When I got home again, I ate dinner and called a friend to debrief a situation.

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I am so Incredibly, amazingly,"really · absolutely · actually · certainly · easily · genuinely · honestly · indeed · legitimately, literally, surely, truly, undoubtedly, unquestionably,"(thesuarus.com), indubitably, definitely TIRED!!!!!!!!!!  I woke up already tired and so school was hard. I took a short nap in math class but please do not tell Ms Mcdonald that! When I got home I finished my requirements and came here.

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Monday Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to seminary and then to school. Everyone hates Monday's I don't think they are that bad. After school I went to track practice, this is the start of the new season for Outdoor Track and the practice today was four 800m's, and two 200m's and then we did a cool down which is 2 laps. So I get my miles in, a little over 2 miles today during practice. I went home and did homework, ate dinner and then exercises. It was a good day. 

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National Tortilla Chip Day! 02/24/25

Today was rather chaotic. I had somethiongs happen to me at school today that I don't feel good about and now it's just ruining my whole mood. I made a fun game out of my requirements and overall im just tired. Good night.

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Today I went to tae kwon do class and helped out. I also played tennis.

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I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!! My stomach pain is no more and like and I can walk without dying! So I do my morning stuff then go to school and since I’m going to high school next year we go tour it which was kinda boring and I just came back and then went home shortly after and after I went to class and got bunch of things done then went home and cleaned myself off and now I am eating dinner and going to sleep. Hope your having a good day!

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2/24/2025 23/50

Fallout 3 is the most interesting in the franchise because of all of it's problems. Fallout 1 & 2 are good games. new vegas is the best fallout game ever. fallout 4 has the best gameplay. fallout 76 is just kind of meh. Fallout 3 is the worst because of the way that it adapts everything is done terribly, the story makes no sense,& the characters are boring.

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today I did a bunch of catch up miles and did today's stuff. today was a average day at school but it was really boring. I talked to Braxton when I got to king tiger and it was a lot of fun. but yeah that's about it so see ya 

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Journal #43--2/24/25

When I woke up I got ready for school.  I wished I would have had something to eat at home because all they had for breakfast at school was sugary things so I couldn't have any of them because I am still on my nutrition challenge : (  I was pretty hungry till lunch.  We did blocks, recess and lunch like normal.  Then after school I rode the bus to KT and did some requirements and ran with Carter.  I also took class today.  I also was finally able to get with my mentee and make a schedule of when we will work together til the end of the cycle, he has been hard to get time with.  He either leaves early, has alot of homework or lately because of the snow didn't come in to KT.   We finally went home and had dinner then I got ready for bed!

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Today was good (only as good as Mondays get). Today was just a normal day, but our snow man finally melted😢 but I did like the warmer weather. After school I play on my iPad for a little bit, and then I did my requirements. We had some dinner and then we went to TKD. Now we are back and I had some dessert, now I am going to get ready for bed. ♥

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Today was a regular Monday! We started a project in ELA and we have ANOTHER test in math on Wednesday. When I got home I relaxed, played iPad and did my requirements. Then we all went to TKD, I was expecting my mentee to show up, but he didn’t for the second time in a row! I hope I will be able to get all of those meetings in. I am looking forward to a little break week this week because of testing! Now I’m eating dessert and getting ready for bed!

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Yee Haw!!!

Today notin welly hpend cept me n my fraind saiyd dat we h'd ta spek n a cntry cent for da rest of da dy.

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LMP Feb 24

Monday.... Went to school, then came home and went to the first senior tiger class to help assist. it's 'red stripe' week, so lots of fitness. I have a feeling I am going to be sore tomorrow because I did some of the exercises. I will be back to KT tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I really hope my mentee shows up tomorrow and maybe i can get her dad to bring her back on thursday as well. 

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I don't know what to name this

Today I woke up did a ton of schoolwork did a ton of taekwondo stuff went to taekwondo came home doing more taekwondo.

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February 24th

Happy Monday! Today was a good day. Went to TKD in the afternoon and got requirements done and a mentor sessions done. I liked the warmer weather day and being outside with my friends.

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Journal - Day 17

Good evening, everyone! Requirements, essays, and creative are all coming along well. I am not feeling the best today, so I am going straight to bed after writing this. School was well today. I am going on my DECA trip later this week, so hopefully I end up doing well. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Monday Monday

Today is another classic Monday! Nothing planned to do or see. I'm getting ready for school. I have a test today in english. I already finished all of my requirements  I ran .75 but later I will run some more. I'm trying to finish my crocheting but my mom and me messed up it looks really bad👎 But we are trying are best. 

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I ate lots today took a nap, took a shower to refreshen myself and got to work on some math homework for the majority of the day. 

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I went to church in the morning, did my requirements later in the day, then spent the rest of my time enjoying my Sunday. I have been feeling quite listless lately, but I still have stuff to do so I can’t just lay around. Hopefully I get some more energy or enthusiasm from somewhere.

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Today I woke up early and did my cycle, and then ran a mile. I also played outside a lot because it was not that cold. I played basketball, pickleball, tennis, ping pong and soccer.

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Journal - Day 16

Good night, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Today was an easy day. I woke up sore, and my back has been killing me for awhile now. I finally got all my work finished and was able to study for the written test as well as for my DECA event on Thursday. I have a pretty easy week ahead, but I need to make sure I am staying focused and prepared for quizzes since the end of the quarter is nearing. I lost my voice over the weekend, so I am really hoping to get it back before I leave. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Today I stayed home from church so I could get my requirements done. Also, I agree with Instructor Lisa, burpees should definitely be replaced. After that I had pizza for lunch, practiced my trumpet, and played video games. Then, I went to Maxlife. Now I am here. I will go to bed soon.

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Productive day!

I wake up and take a shower and get ready for class and it isn't really that bad today besides the stretches which I am horrible at at but whatever, then I finish up class and go home to read a chapter of my book for the cycle then go practice my skill and clean some and after that I go finish an essay which all that felt great after I was done with that then I went on a nice walk and I didn't count it for anything because I don't want to count walking when I am supposed to be running 100 miles. Anyways after that all I eat dinner and now I am relaxing after a good productive day. Goods night!

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2/19 Dreiman, Dominic #32

So today we got school off cause of the snow so me and my friend hop on siege then after that I eat then go play in the snow for a few hours then do my forms play outside come back in side play siege go to bed

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Today was really fun, and I liked the weather. Today we went to zootastic park  which was really fun. I love to see all the animals! When we got back we just relaxed, and watch some TV. We had some dinner and I did my requirements. For the rest of the evening we watch some more TV. Now I am getting ready for tomorrow and for bed. ♥

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Today was super fun! After eating a delicious breakfast and enjoying a relaxing morning we went to Zootastic park. Me, my sisters and my neighbor did a camp there last summer, so it was really fun to see all of the animals again and spend time walking around with my family. They have kangaroos, capybaras and REAL AXALOTLS! All of the animals were so cuteee! After about an hour and a half walking around, we went on a drive thru where you can feed animals from your car! I loved Zootastic! When I got home I ate a big, early dinner because I was so tired and hungry from walking around all day. Then I watched TV and forced myself to get off the couch and do requirements (I was realllllyyy tired by the way.) Then, my whole family was begging me to make them dessert so I made everyone chocolate...

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Sunday Journal Entry

This morning I went to church and I had to give a talk during our Sacarment meeting, I prepared the talk and practiced reading it, so I think it went well. A lot of people told me afterwards that it was good. After church we went home and had lunch. On Sunday's we basically stay home and rest. I did my 2 mile run around 6 and will do the rest of my exercises at home in a little while. Tomorrow back to regular schedule, up at 530 to go to seminary class before school. It was a relaxing Sunday. 

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