Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Monday Journal Entry

Our seminary teacher is sick, so we had virtual seminary and had to read the lessons on our own and write a short paragraph on the lesson. Attending class in-person is easier. At school in the weight training room, I'm getting close to doing hand-stand pushups. I'll get there soon. After I  went to track practice, where I ran 4 200m, 2 400m, 1 800m, then 2 400m, so that counts for my cycle running. At home I had dinner and still have home-work and my exercises physical requirements to get done. Since we are doing virtual seminary again tomorrow, I can stay up a little later to get everything done.
