Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Good days lead to better days. 03/21/25

Hello to everyone reading this. My name is Graceyn and this journal is meant for the people who start their cycle and see it at some point. I, Graceyn, am testing tonight at 9 P.M. for my second degree black belt. I just wanted to drop by and say a few things before I go missing for two years. See when I had my first attempt at the cycle I started somewhere in the summer of 2023. I had a whole lot planned out during that summer and was already several weeks behind. Then I traveled out of state for a few weeks and once again I tried the best I could to run in 100 degree weather with the constancy as needed to do more than just 2 miles a day. Slowly and slowly I got worked out too hard and ultimately quit that cycle. I was so beat and thought...

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  46 Hits

Oatmeal Cookie Day. 03/18/25

I believe thia ia my last journal I need so I'm overjoyed. I'm a little scared of testing this friday because I have benchmarks all this week and I'll be so tired on Friday but it's whatever. Speaking of tired I'm very tired right now and I have my reading benchmark tomorrow so I'll be sleeping well tonight.

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National Irish Food Day March. 03/17/25

Today was fun. I had some strawberry bread with glaze for Lake Norman today and did some more requirements. I fell forward onto my knee pretty badly and now it has a big bruise so thats what I needed right before cycle. I'm so tired now and I want sleep.

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National Artichoke Hearts Day. 03/16/25

I just wrote my journal 2 times before this and forgot to post it so I'm not bothering anymore. All it said was the amount of things I still have to do this week and the hour of poomsaes I did today which made me realize how many there were.

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National Peanut Lovers’ Day! 03/15/25

So sorry for those who can't have nuts. Its a luxury only us people who aren't allergic can have. Anyways. I was productive today with workout and prectice. I got my last mentor session today. My mom told me were going to work on at least an hour worth of self defence and poomsaes starting monday so that's fun... otherwise I still have some things to memorize then I'll be all set.

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National Potato Chip Day! 03/14/25

Today was pretty chill. I'm really tired  though and I want sleep. My mom tried explaning to me about how I March 10th is Mario dayduring my workout but I still don't get it. Good night.

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National Baked Scallops Day! 3/12

I'm on spring break this week but dont have anything planned. I'm pretty much just hanging out at home and relaxing. I went to the park with my sister today cause it was so nice outside. Other than that I'm just getting my stuff done and playing on my phone. Suprising how I can be so sleepy. So good night!

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Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day! 03/11/25

Today was really boring and honestly I was just trying to find an excuse to get out of the house. I was really tired as well. Good night.  

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National Pack Your Lunch Day! 03/10/25

It was all the normal today. I'm just more tired cause of the sleepover. I got some done but I think both my mentee's are off for spring break so I got to figure something out...

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National Crabmeat Day. 03/09/25

CHANGE OF PLANS! I'm going to that sleepover tonight (If you reaad my last journal you know whats going on) Were going to sell lemonade and I'm LEAVING IN A HOUR! I GOT TO GO GET READY!

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National Peanut Cluster Day! 03/08/25

SO LIKE BOOM DO I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT TODAYY!!! WOOOO! I GOT SO MUCH BETTER THAN ALL MY OTHER THINGS FOR THE PHYSICAL TEST!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!!! I do still have to work on some things off cycle as well BUT! I think I did good overall!   Untill the written test.... I GOT A 98% RAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! OH THE AGONY! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I GOT WRONG BUT I MIGHT AS WELL DO THE WHOLE THING OVER AGAIN! TO MISS 1!!! 1 QUESTION! IT'S WORSE THAN GETTING A 60%!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE HORROR!!!!! OH HOW WILL I EVER LIVE! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!! AHHHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!   Moving on.. once I got back to Lake Norman I went to class and waited for my mentee to work with her. Right after that I went home and crashed into my bed. (I may or may not have fallen...

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National Cereal Day! 03/07/25

So....... It's been a while. It's just a wrap up today. I got all my credits done but I'm still going. I am studying a lot tonight but I'm only missing one questions so I think I've got this. Good Night!

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National Banana Cream Pie Day! 03/02/25

I did nothing but essays today. I'm so tired from yesterday's Instructor Camp and I'm only running on about 3 hours of sleep. Everyone in my house keeps demanding me to do things and yelling at me and I'm just so tired of everyone right now. Today was the end of my nutrition challenge so that was cool I guess. Bye.

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National Chocolate Souffle Day. 02/28/25

I got to go short and simple right now. I got to pack for instructors camp and do some work. Today was fun! I got to practice some kicks and brick breaking in class. Today was alright.

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National Strawberry Day! 02/27/25

I'm not to sure what to do right now. Well i am going to write my journal but I mean about the fact the demo team is trying out and I want to join but I'm too scared I won't fit in. I've also never done something like this either so i don't know what to expect. But I might as well just go, you only live once. I got some running done today and me and my dad were driving to TKD for belt testing just to be caught in a long 35 minute trafic wait. Although I was a little late I managed to help out. I'm really tired but have to go do some studying for the written test so I can't sleep yet. 

  66 Hits

National Pistachio Day! 02/26/25

Today I had work to do for my band. were going to MPA in a few days so I'm a little scared about that but also we had some professionals come in and I feel much betteer because they are also judges. I also signed up for my high school classes and have 2 honors classes that I believe I'll do just fine in. Otherwise I spent a good amount of time practicing my oboe and tryint to get a 905 or above on the assignments otherwise I can't go to MPA. Either way today was just boring with some requirements on the side. I hope everyone gets some fine sleep.

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National Pancake Day (IHOP) 02/25/25

Today was short and pretty simple. I got a little sleep and went off to school to do some pretty boring work. I had some more fun with the requirement game I made up and did it with my sister a bit too. The game is simple. On the written test my mom with ask a question and if I answer wrong I have to do a minute or so of a requirement (Except for kicks, poomsaes or self-defences) I had way more fun this way then just doing it. So not only did I learn and study my written test but I got my requirements done as well. But that was basically it. I didn't come to class because I had some things for school so that was really boring. I hope everyone gets some good sleep!

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National Tortilla Chip Day! 02/24/25

Today was rather chaotic. I had somethiongs happen to me at school today that I don't feel good about and now it's just ruining my whole mood. I made a fun game out of my requirements and overall im just tired. Good night.

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National Sticky Bun Day! 02/21/25

Now today is short because of my really bad headache. I did requirements and went to class just to realize I forgot my written test. That wasn't fun. I did class and worked with only the first or higher on stuff for the exam. I wish it was like that more I really enjoyed it. After class everyone on cycle reviewed the written exam (I recorded it). After that i hung out with a friend I haven't seen in a while and I'm off to bed. Good night to everyone!

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National Cherry Pie Day! 02/20/25

So first of all YUM! NATIONAL CHERRY PIE? GIVE ME IT! Today is short and simple Thursday. (like every day) Today I had no school again. It snowed till 12:30 and then just vanished. I did requirements and played a lil in the snow barefooted, which I don't recommend. I went to class and my friend had to leave because he didn't feel well, I really hope he gets better. Other than that class was pretty boring and I honestly didn't feel very much motivation today so I'm just tired. Good night.

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National Chocolate Mint Day!!! 02/18/25

OH YEAH! CHOCOLATE MINT?? COULD I ASK FOR A BETTER COMBINATION??? (And for those who say "It taste like toothpaste" Hush up because I really couldn't care less.) I'M BACK AT IT AGAIN WHOOOHOOOOOOOO! I started my very non-productive day with me waking up at 6 A.M. and grabbing my phone and going downstairs to have eggs with a bagel for the 25th time since my diet thing started. I cut out thing with a lot of sugar like candy and sweets this includes muffins and cereal so I'm really out of options. I absolutely positively can not go another day like this!!! MY LIFE IS GONE! I NEED SUGAR!!!!!!! only 11 more days to go but I remember what felt like 5 million weeks ago it only said 15 more days... CAN IT GO ANY SLOWWER? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!   It was about 8:30 A.M. when I fell asleep and woke up...

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National Drink Wine Day. 02/18/25

I'm too tired to write a lot today so here's a run down. I woke up early then went to my doctor for my physical. I went to school and was SOOOOO tired. I went home, ram 3 miles, did requirements, and did not go to class today. I was informed that I do not have school tomorrow for the "snow" which will be a tenth of an inch so I'm quite happy. I'M SO TIREDDDD. Good night!

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Washington's Birthday! 02/17/25

Easy and short today! I did requirements and got a mentor session! Had some funny moments with my friends and supported one when she had to so her white belt challenge which was funny. Overall had a really draining day and I have such a busy day tomorrow so I'm off to bed!!!!

  41 Hits

National Almond Day! 02/16/25

For starters, who doesn't like a good almond? I mean, if you're allergic I could understand that. Otherwise, happy national almond day! (with some chocolate on top) Today I ran a rather lot with my sister. We went down the trail and then saw a pond full of ducks.... and just ran from house to house all day to hang out with some friends. I was SOOOOOO TIRED, my sister got to be on a bike the whole time while I had to use my two FEET! We came back some and had some time to louse around. I started a new crochet projects for some friends at TKD today! I hope to get it done before Wednesday. I'm too tired to continue I'm really cutting it short tonight.. (It's 11:45 P.M.) GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!

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National Gumdrop Day. 02/15/25

Today was kinda a mess. Actually, a really big mess. I woke at the crack of dawn and couldn't sleep so I just loused around. When it was about 7:15 A.M. I got up and ready to go to Saturday Black Belt Class. After that I had to race out of there sadly and get into the car so we could pick up my mom's two friends from the airport. When we got home I took a very warm, probably boiling, shower and just stayed home. I did some more drawings from characters I liked and added them to my collection on my door and let my sister do my hair so it would be natural. Now I put a face mask on and I'm off to bed! Sorry I missed yesterday's journal but now if anyone was wondering it was National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day yesterday. I hope everyone has a good...

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Galentine's - 2/13

i feel horrible. i've been sick off and on since October and today my ear is hurting so bad! i cant even stand up without being dizzy. i had to miss self-defense class tonight but REALLY didnt want to. we had to get 10 classes in but there's only 10 weeks in this cycle, right? i'm really worried about missing any more classes and hope i'm better tomorrow. so i'm taking lots of medicine and falling into bed. hope everyone else is staying healthy.

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Hug Day! 2/12

I'm exhausted. The rain isn't helping either. I am working hard on school and this cycle work but it is catching up with me. So i'm headed to bed to sleep as much as I can.  Hope you all are hanging in there and Happy Hug Day to everyone! 

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Peppermint Patty Day. 02/11/25

I'm so tired so I'll keep this short. I did requirements and helped with class. I was pretty bummed out today because of something that happened yesterday (Real my journal from 02/10/25 if you're nosy) Being at King Tiger really make me happy and I just feel a lot better there. I've been making some more bread but sadly the last week I'm making it is next so I'm pretty bummed out but I have a new skill down and I get to make some more another day! I hope everyone gets some pretty well sleep and I'll be back tomorrow!

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Cream Cheese Brownie Day! 02/10/25

Today I was reminded a lot by friends that I still have to do this stupid diet thing. It's so much harder than I thought trying not to have things with a crap ton of sugar in it! I brought bread in today #Bread4 but I forgot my belt at home and I had to be leaving TKD by 6:15! I had some high-school band sign up I had to do. While I waited for my mom to go back home and bring it even though I wouldn't be able to help class I did requirements and got my second nine minute run of the cycle! After my mom came back I had to go. We grabbed food and went to my high-school. Now, because I'm a oboist, you don't typically see them on a giant football field mostly because the reeds break easily and they cost A TON OF MONEY!...

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National Fettuccine Alfredo Day. (Weekend Wrap Up) 02/09/25

Just for starters I did not do a journal yesterday. My bad. Yesterday I got a bunch of stuff done. Came to Black Belt class. Almost all the First weren't there because they got sick. (I wish you guys get better soon) I did some bolo and worked with my mentee on sam and chil. My parents went to a comity show later that evening and I was home alone with my sister. We did some just dance and I found our old Minecraft card that has been missing for about 5 years. We started a new world and started building which was fun until she got bored. On Sunday I just loused around. I got to make some new bread for tomorrow and watch the super bowl. Now I'm going to dry my hair and go to bed. Good night!

  72 Hits

National Fettuccine Alfredo Day! 02/07/25

Short journal because I'm really tired and I'm not feeling well. I did requirements and went to class. Talked to some people from home and played some music just to end up falling asleep for an hour. Sound like my day. I hope everyone had a good night.

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National Chopstick Day. 02/06/25

Today was pretty boring. I got a bunch of my thing done today and still have a very huge headache and sore throat. Some people are sick at my school or starting to get sick so I hope everyone gets better because most of them are the people who make you happy and make you laugh after a long day of nothing but work. I had a lot of trouble with my leg today and just now pulled my neck so it hurts to tilt my head left. Like most people on cycle right now I'm very tired and I think I might be catching whatever's going around. I just really want some sleep right now or a day off. Each is nice. But other than that I think I had a okay day, I hope everyone is getting better and staying safe!

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World Nutella Day - 2/5/25

What a long day! I went to school and came home with a bit of homework which I did before going to TKD class. I worked on my physical requirements, held a mentee session, helped lead a class and got a few more credits thanks to Master Evins and the work I did at the jr instructor camp last weekend. After class, I came home to more homework and to finish my memoir that needs to be turned in tomorrow. I am exhausted and going to bed. Nighty night. PS - my mom made some pretzel bread today which was delish. I am going to try to make it myself and bring it to class next Monday. Get ready! #Bread4

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National Stuffed Mushrooms Day - 2/4/25

Stuffed mushrooms? Gross. Do people actually eat those things? Anyway, today was a long day. I had a terrible headache after school and a ton of homework so i wasnt able to go to TKD class. I have to write a 4 page memoir for school and decided to write about my first black belt cycle experience. It's pretty fun to share and a good reminder that hard work pays off. So I'll keep working hard on this cycle too. Remember everyone - all our hard work will pay off! Keep going.

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National Golden Retriever Day! 02/03025

#Bread3 Was a total success! A lot of people seemed to like it! I liked making the blueberry cream cheese prosses a lot more and I learned some new techniques like flouring the blueberry's so they don't sink and folding them so they don't smush. Over all today was a rather fine day. I was nice out and I got some running and requirements done and I just had a really peaceful day. I'm super tired from all this work and I am soooooooo ready for a four day weekend. I started on a little gift for master one of my masters so I'm super excited to finish it! I hope everyone is having a good 4th week and I hope that you guys all get some goood rest!

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National Groundhog Day! 02/02/25

Today I woke up to the absolute worst news.... THE GROUNDHOG SAW IT'S SHADOW!!!! I DON'T WANT ANOTHER 6 WEEKS OF WINTER! LET ME BE FREE AND HAVE A GOOD TIME BY THE POOL ALREADY! Anyways! I've had a lot of fun today but had some disappointment when I realized I didn't do my requirements today... Today was pretty chill. I woke up at around 10:05 and had some pineapple for breakfast. (I'm starting the 30 day nutrition challenge) Today was my grandma's birthday! (Love you grandma <3) I also went shopping today, mostly cause my sister wanted some new clothes, I didn't get much just some gum and a drink. Then right after my family had dinner at a diner at about 4pm, It was a little early. On my way back home I grabbed some ingredients for my bread for tomorrow, the flavor is a secret for all my...

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  49 Hits

National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day? 02/01/25

After a LONG night of J.R. Instructors camp I'm finally able to get a good amount of sleep. Everything hurts, I forgot how bad it hurts to stand on concrete for 12 hours and also having screaming kids everywhere. I had a little trouble with some kids and I obviously can't help that fact but It's whatever I guess. I didn't do very many requirements today and I just hopped straight into bed and slept for a good 4 hours. I really don't feel myself right now and everything is really catching up to me and I feel like I'm taking a lot of things rather seriously and not having a good time as a kid anymore so I'm just really sad about that right now. I just need someone that I can trust to talk to. I have a lot of problems but I feel like after my 3 hours...

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National Hot Chocolate Day - 1/31/25

That's right, it's National Hot Chocolate day -- um yum! I'm so excited for today because it is Jr Instructor Camp day and I get to help. I love assisting the other students although not thrilled about watching Trolls at midnight (probably).  I also decided to start my Electronics Detox for my essay today.  So far it hasn't been too bad but I'm realizing just how much i rely on my phone.  Anyway, I'm off to help with camp and fit in all my physical requirements along the way.  

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National Croissant Day! 01/30/25

I believe I should make all my titles for this cycle that national whatever day. Previously I would run to specific songs for my mile but this time it's in my title. Today was bland. I did more school... Wrote another memior... did 2 test... did requirements... get hurt in class... All that good stuff. I did land on my hip funny and it's really starting to hurt so I took some medicine but it still hurts for now. It's only one more day till Jr. Ins. Camp and I'm really excited. I hope everyone is ready for the second to last day of the third week!

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For starters I really didn't know what to title my journal but I just did so, yeah. Also I've been seeing a kid on cycle and this goes to all first timers for the cycle but YOU CAN NOT RECORD ALL OF YOUR JOURNALS IN ONE DAY! So if you miss a day, you miss a day, you can't do anything to make it up! Make sure everyone is on top of that this cycle, even I have to be reminded! Anyways, I've been needing to have more reasons to do something with crochet. I've really been wanting to but I just need a good reason to. I'm also SUPER excited to help with junior instructors camp. I'm going to have a lot of fun with my friends and some I make along the way! hope everyone is refreshed in the morning!!!

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Recovery 01/28/24

So I made more bread yesterday and I think a lot of people liked it because I've been told that it was gone in about 15 minutes. Yesterday I was sick near the end of the day so I hopped straight into bed and slept for about 15 hours. I didn't feel all that well this morning but I got up and took a nice cold shower to wake me up. At class I got a mentee credit finally and did all my requirements and got both leadership and class assist credit. I got a bunch done today and still have to make up Monday's work. Wish me luck.

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#bread2 01/26/25

Today was great. I did my requirements and ran not one.. but two miles! I really don't want to go to school tomorrow but life isn't fair. I woke up really late, it was about 11 A.M. when I checked the time after I could barely opened my eyes. I made some bread today that wasn't great but I'm guessing it was just the recipe. I'm really tired and my knee is killing me. I got to hang out a lot with my dogs today and play a little bit. I also went on my runs at 7 P.M. at night which probably wasn't a smart move on my part cause it was cold and really dark. That was all I did really today. Now, I'm going to go run to my bed and sleep like a rock.

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Lazy day. 01/25/25

So basically.............................. I felt like doing nothing today. And that's exactly what I did. Nothing. It's a Saturday after a horrific week (Cut me some slack) All I did really was play my game all day.. I mean all day. Which now that I think about it I could be doing better things but again like I said, it's Saturday. I did black belt class this morning and was really tired all day so I didn't do much. My mom made her own sourdough starter! (congratulations mom) I'm making a chocolate chip Irish bread tomorrow for all my friends at Lake Norman! (Be ready 😈) Other than that my family watched Karate Kid, my sister curled my hair in loose curls (It looks so bad)  and I got the best character in my game, it took a lot of money making on that game. (In game I had to make 20k and...

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Sad day. 01/24/25

Today a bunch of stuff happened. I went to class obviously and did all my requirements but it's what happened after class that I'm not joyful about. I won't go into it much but a bunch of things aren't going in a downwards direction with me and some of my close friends. I had one text me after class and they said "I hate you." I'm not really happy at the moment and I cried a bunch. Hopefully tomorrow I'm happy for black belt class. I did see a #bread journal when I first opened the website and that made me laugh a little but other than that I'm going to be sucked into my phone and probably cry a little more. Goodnight everyone. (also WEEK 3!!)

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The #bread incident... 01/23/25

So recently... a little birdy told me were starting a #bread train. I do not think we should start this as I do NOT want to scroll to 20 journals of just #bread. As of today I didn't do much other than get credits. I really don't know what's up with me but I'm just so tired of talking and I just need a day where I can be myself. I can't do anything now because I have school, class, and requirements to do. I think I have depression but I'm really trying to push that aside so I can have a positive cycle. I'm really tired and I'm just ready for some more sleep.

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Snow? Bread? Class??? 01/22/25

So it was 19 degrees when I decided to run 3 mile today. I enjoyed looking around the almost frozen area and dying plants. (I NEED THE SUMMER PLEASEEEEE) I made that $20 bread today (Thank you so much Instructor Caleb) but other than that I don't think I should be saying much. The run was very cold and running for 30 minutes isn't the most fun thing to do in the winter but I finished all my homework so why not. Went to class per-usual, got to hang out with my friends, got to attack the new girl for white-yellow belt self defense, and got bullied by some ginger headed loser at class. It feels like cycle has been 10 years already but it's only been 2 and a half weeks... I'm quite tired and I need some sleep. No need to worry though, I have a two hour delay...

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Bread success! 01/21/25

It was a great day today! I got to bring in my bread to class today. It was just a white bread with a butter glaze. Everyone at the school loved it! Instructor Caleb is paying me to making him two more loafs so I'm guessing he liked it. I got more yeast for more bread and I have remote learning starting tomorrow at 9 A.M. I did all my requirements and help out today. I am running late on my running (Get it) and I'm hoping to catch up with that after the snow clears. Other than that tomorrow will be a simple day full of work and more bread. Stay warm everyone!

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Bread??? 01/20/25

I started the day off at 9  this morning stretching. Everything still hurts a lot but I've got to get through the day. At 11 A.M. I started to make my first batch of bread. Today was just a basic white bread with butter. My first try was very different then my second. The first type was way harder and not that soft. The second batch was a different recipe and turned out way softer and more fluffy. I'll be bringing my bread in tomorrow to Lake Norman. I didn't get any of my requirements done yet but I'm going it right after I submit this journal and head straight to bed for an early morning. I'm hoping to do a leadership credit tomorrow but I really don't want to because I have a feeling I'll mess up. But oh well. My leadership credits don't grow on trees.

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Everything hurts. 01/19/25

So naturally I woke up feeling like a giant boulder not being able to move a inch this morning. I eventually rolled off my bed onto the floor and slowly got myself up. My arms were heavy and my stomach hurt. I wasn't that hungry today. That was mostly because I felt like if I ate even a grape I would explode. I forced myself to eat a little every half-hour or so because I didn't want to starve. Also I think I really need to stay focused this cycle, I'm not really proud of what I've done so far but maybe it's just because I'm drained. For some reason I'm blanking on this journal but normally I could write a whole book. I'm really concerned of that fact but I mean what really can I do? I really didn't take all this pre-test stuff all that good. And I am...

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  54 Hits

BREAD! 1/18/25

See I title this "BREAD! 🍞🥖" because That's going to be my new skill! Yep, bread making. Now because I don't know how to make up my mind I'm having you guys, (People on cycle) choose me flavors of bread I'll make! I'll be making bread for 5 weeks and I'm starting off with just a plain own white bread and letting everyone else choose the next 4 flavors! This google form - - is the link to the form where you can find some flavors I would like to make. I also made a "other" box in case you have another flavor I could try. After the 5 weeks, I'll write my essay and bring the best flavor, determined by the Black belts at Lake Norman, to overnight testing! HORRAY! I did my pre-test today and realized I have absolutely no upper-body strength whatsoever. But hey, everybody starts somewhere. Also....... WEEK TWO!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!...

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01/15 Tired, tired... and more tired.

See... I'm a tiny bit tired.. (Just a little bit). I need some SLEEPPP! I did all my requirements at home today and got a jump start yesterday afternoon. I am not proud to announce that I haven't done a journal in 3 days straight. I'm giving up. I've done a lot of activities recently and I want to start back crochet again. I need some projects to work on for anybody at Lake Norman. I'll be glad to do any crochet projects for anyone if you want one. (Just don't do very hard ones, I'm still pretty new </3) We are all already half way through week one (WHOOO HOOOO!!!!!) Keep up the good work! Good NIGHT!!

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Round Two - 01/11/25

It's Graceyn once again back and ready for yet another cycle. Today was a pretty normal day. I woke up rather late. Got on my phone and talked with a few friends and played some games before I got straight to work. I did my requirements for the Saturday class credit and right as I was done I rushed to get ready. Today was my sisters birthday surprise, we went to go watch the Hamilton play live. After sitting down and watching very bright lights that burned my eyes for what felt like forever I got home and got my running out the way. I still have some things to do for tonight and then head straight to bed for the night. I hope everyone is ready for this amazing cycle and be prepared for the pre-testing next weekend... dun dun duuun... 😈😈😈   (Note) IT WAS FREEZING COLD OUTSIDE OH MY GOSH!!!  🥶🥶🥶

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3/20 Couple more days..

I know I haven't done these in a while but we only have 3 more days till testing so I though I might as well just do one. First off I don't know if everyone gets this enough but even if I don't know you, I'm proud of you. I didn't make it this far last cycle and I'm proud but I'm also just out of words.. I can't believe myself and a bunch of others have mad it and I just want everyone to get a good night rest for the next couple days before you get too tired. I'm out of words right now but I'm really proud.

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2/13 BAND MPA!!

Today I have band mpa till 7:30pm so I'm doing this journal before school. 7th and 8th grade are going today so were taking the fancy busses. But I won't be able to help todays testing but I am tomorrow! I hope all the people in testing do great! I hope everyone has a great day and stay safe!

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3/11 Band Practice!

Today I went back to school and I'm now sadly off spring break.. But I was finally able to play my oboe again! That can with some bad news about how my reed broke and then I got a new one. (They are expensive reeds...) But other than that I'm super close to MPA and it's on Wednesday From 3-7:30pm I'm pretty sure. I'm still a little sore from the physical test but it's going away one massage at a time. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!!

  168 Hits

3/9 Calm Wright.

Today I woke up at five in the morning to go do my written and physical test. I was all happy with my physical stuff But I was really happy to see I got a 93 on my written test! And I'm happy for everyone from getting this far in the cycle. We went back to Lake Norman and set up Bag Of Hope for the cycle and then I went home and too a long needed four hour nap. Today I also found a good quote, “Don't worry about failure; you only have to be right once.” This quote just stood out to me and it just seems like a quote of encouragement that some of you guys might need to finish these last week of the cycle. With that being said I'm proud of everyone on cycle and myself too, great job everyone. I hope everyone had a great...

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  169 Hits


Today I just stayed home like usual and did review on the written exam. Then I went to class at 4pm and stayed till the end of sparring. I got all my requirements done for today and now I'm just really tired. I don't think I need to do anymore of these but I'll just do it for fun, like a quote or something. Anyways I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  167 Hits

3/6 Unbanned

Today I got unbanned from my game and played a little. Then I went to class and got requirements done. Now I'm going to play a little more till I go to bed. And also I hope everyone who is sick right now if you are to get better, there has been a lot of people getting sick and that's not just in king tiger. I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  159 Hits

3/5 bored :(

Today was okay.. I got banned for my video game for one day till noon, so I really didn't have anything to do.. I got my requirements done and just watch my phone. Sometime being on spring break sucks.. But I'm just sleeping till noon tomorrow and I want to get unbanned...... I'M BORED.

  184 Hits

3/4 tired.......

Today I finally did all my requirements and went running for a little. I want to two classes today and I'm so glad I'm on spring break already because I'm so tired. I also finally did a handstand and I was so happy then I did falls and rolls and went home. I watched tiktok and played games and that was my day basically. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  136 Hits


Today I did nothing really again.. I was just tired, and I don't think it was a good idea to not sleep. I was just bored, so I wrote an essay and now I'm stuck in though about if a hotdog is a sandwich or its own thing.. hmmm...

  162 Hits

3/2 Really quick.

Today I did nothing so I'm going to have to double everything tomorrow. I hope the people at Instructors Camp had a great day and hopefully you guy all get a lot of sleep. I got to see some of my family today and that was pretty much it. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  162 Hits


Today I did requirements and went to school. I had free seating in lunch and a incentive for the 7th grade. Then I went to bbc (black belt class) and I wish everyone luck tomorrow for Instructors Camp. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  165 Hits

2/29 Ugh, grades..

Today was okay.. I mean I got an award for my propaganda poster project and got an A- on my science test and B- on my reading test at school, but otherwise everything was kind of boring. I went to class right after school and did sparring, then I went home almost got hit by a car and had another long talk with my dad about my grades. Honestly I need at break about my grades, it's always blah blah blah " you're failing two of your core classes. how is that posable?", "You need to bring your grades up.", "why are you crying? there is nothing to cry about right now", "I know what your going though," like no you don't? Is all you care about is my grades? Then do it for me?! I've been through so much just give me a break about it. Anyways I just really...

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  178 Hits

2/28 "homework, requirements. It never ends.."

Today I went to school and reviewed for a science CFA we have tomorrow. But I just finished my requirements and went to class, and then I got the worst headache I've ever had. I ate food and went home after class. Then at school I turned in my poster and a lot of people liked it! (I think). I am now going to bed at 10pm.. I'm tired. I should do my last journal about how tired I just am. I think I need to go to bed more early than this but I can't bring myself to do it. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  134 Hits

2/27 1 more week.. (I'M SO TIRED)

Today I finished my school project and it's going to be a good grade! (Hopefully) I did requirements this morning and finished my mile just a few minuets ago so I'm very tired. While running I got one of my best times so that's cool I guess. Anyways I'm just really tired and my hand hurts so goodnight king tiger. I also just realized that there is only a week left before physical testing! YAY! I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  149 Hits

2/26 Busy night..

Today I did my requirements and went to school. When I got back home I realized I had to do a poster for class that I had a three weeks to do but I just started and it's due on Wednesday... And I learned when my mom got home I was officially going to Korea in November! I'm so excited to go! Is anyone else going? Anyways after two hours of working on the poster I finally finished the sketch of it and I'm very proud of it, I also got my mom and dad's approval too! I can't wait to finish it. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  139 Hits


Today did a bunch of requirements and took a nap. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  0 Hits


Today I went to class got requirements done and wrote an essay. I'm so tired right now.. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  149 Hits

2/23 quick.

Today I had benchmarks at school and i'm not sure i did very well. I went to black belt class after school and got requirements done. I'm super tired and I'm just going to go to bed because I need to wake up early tomorrow for another black belt class... I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  168 Hits

2/22 Taking a step forward.

Today I'm jumping straight into the point that I was tired all day. I got my requirements done and finally took class! I finished all I needed to help out and stuff today so I'm taking class from now on. I did sparring and now I'm home. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe. UPDATE: I don't think I'll be doing anymore songs while running mostly because I'm doing it at the end of the day and I'm too tired to care. I'm glad I did it for a little though. That's all I had to say! Bye everyone!

  114 Hits


Today was good, i guess. I mean, it wasnt really a bad day but it wasnt that great either. I was just tired and still recovering from being sick last week. Every day I'm getting better than yesterday. Strength wise (but not wellness wise). I was sad to learn that the tea ceremony was moved back a week and I'll be out of town on a band trip for school that day. Master Chelley is going to try to work something out for me. I really dont want to miss it. I worked out hard after class tonight and finished my requirements. Now I'm headed to sleep. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe. 

  149 Hits

2/20 Special Class!

Today was good! I went to Grand Master Lee's class today and so did a lot of people but I learned a lot! But I'm just really tired after all my requirements and some homework so I'm trying to get some sleep for tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!

  165 Hits


Today I finally got to do stuff today. And I just got requirements done and met with my mentor. I'm really tired. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  147 Hits

2/18 Got worse.

I was sick all of last week and so i have a lot to make up this week. Today I did some stuff today. I finally finished the body of my new skill! I'm learning to crochet but I'm keeping what I'm making a mystery. I still got to make a tail and ears to make but that's besides the point. I did a mile (Finally), and I did my poomsaes and now I'm going to go eat dinner but I'm doing more later! I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!

  170 Hits

02/17 getting better.

Today was better than yesterday, and I'm sad I missed class today, but I did do my skill and start my essay to make up for it. I hope everyone had a good day and that it wasn't too bad like I've been the past week. I'll be back at everything hopefully tomorrow and be able to catch up with everything because now I'm a week behind, and that's not good. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  170 Hits

2/15 back on track.

Today I went to class early, met with my mentee and then did some stuff before that. I still have a stuffed nose and I'm tired. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  187 Hits

02/13 Getting better.

Today I caught up with all my schoolwork and I'm making up all my requirements tomorrow after school band practice till 5pm. But I'm really tired so I'll see you all on Thursday! I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  177 Hits

2/12 - so sick

i'm still really sick and stayed home from school today. My dad and sister are sick too. i feel horrible and barely even stepped out of bed and didnt really eat anything. My mom made me some ramen and made me take a covid test. everyone is negative but we all feel horrible. i dont know how i'm going to make up all my requirements for this week but i guess i'll have to figure it out later. i hope everyone else is staying save and healthy.

  163 Hits

2/11 - not a good day

I started my day by throwing up a lot. i dont know if i ate something bad at the party or just stayed up too late but i feel horrible. i stayed in bed all day and hope to feel better tomorrow. got to watch a little of the super bowl before they nyquil kicked in and now headed to bed again. hope everyone is safe and feeling better than me. stay safe.

  181 Hits

2/10 goodnight. the end.

Today I woke up early and went to black belt class and got an assistant credit and other things. Then I went to a part at 4pm and just got home at 11:30pm. I'm so tired right now I' going to cry. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe. goodnight....

  164 Hits


Today I ran went to school (IT WAS A HALF DAY!!!!) get home played with friends and went to class. Then I went to dinner with my grandparents and uncle who is visiting from NJ and I'm now stuffed. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!

  148 Hits

2/8 Cry, cry.. and more cry.

Today I woke up early and put posters in then went to school. I've already raised $206 and I would like to raise more for my band so please support me if you can! After school I went straight to class then did all of my requirements. I went home and did homework then I started crying because I'm so tired. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!

  194 Hits

02/07 Not again..

Today was like normal. I did my mile this morning and went to school. Then at school I popped my neck or something because I did not feel good after that. My head hurt, my arm hurt, I had a shortage of breath and everything. I took medicine when I got home and went to class for a mentee credit and leadership and assistant credit. When I went home I grabbed my posters for my school fundraiser and went and put some in mailboxes before going home and doing everything else. I got more posters to put out in neighbor's mailboxes tomorrow! I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!

  191 Hits

2/6 Are you ok?

Today was good. i started off with a mile run before school and had breakfast then didnt miss my bus today (unlike yesterday). My mom made 100 copies of my Popcorn Fundraiser poster so I can hand out in the neighborhood. After school, I did homework, practiced my oboe, ate dinner and ran another mile before doing all my other requirements. I even did 30 minutes of poomsae... I'm exhausted. I took a little break to write this journal and now back to finish a little bit more before bed.  I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.  S5:E4 - Michael Jackson, Smooth Criminal.  4 out of 5. ("Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?")  That's all i have to say about this one.

  175 Hits

02/05 Normal day.

And today started with me running one mile right after I woke up. Then missed the bus and had to ran another mile to school! I guess that's one way to get my running done! Other than that, today was really normal. My back is killing me. I did the rest of my requirements after the 6:45 class and I'm so ready for bed. Before bed though, my mom helped me make my poster for my school band fundraiser. I'm giving it to all my neighbors and putting it up at King Tiger to hopefully get some more people to support me. You wanna help? Click the link below between 2/8 - 2/12!  Thanks and stay safe.  Graceyn's Popcorn Fundraiser!

  172 Hits


Today was just like normal but I got some extra sleep today! I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!

  157 Hits

02/03 Bye Bye Jr. Camp..

Today was my last day for Jr. Camp.. We got up really early did some stretching with Master Chelley, then had a AMAZING breakfast! Then did did the rest of our activities. I had fun today and we only got 4 hours of sleep... But I got my last and final star, which was purple, and went out to eat for my grandmas birthday, and speaking of which.. I WAS CALLED A GRANDMA AT CAMP TODAY?!?!? OKAY I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 5 YEARS BUT STILL?! I AM NOT A GRANDMA!!!! Anyways, I hope everyone had a GREAT day and stay safe!!!!!

  173 Hits

2/2 Jr Instructor Camp Day!

Got up early and did my physical requirements before school since Jr Instructor Camp starts tonight. I'm really excited for my 5th camp and to get my last uniform star. School was fine but I'm just looking forward to this weekend.  I hope to see a bunch of you there!

  175 Hits

02/01 "oh lord.."

Today was really hard on me. I did a mile in the morning and another in the afternoon. I did all my requirements. And honestly I was just really tired today. I think tomorrow will be a better day. I mean I'm getting my 5th star for Jr. instructors camp this weekend. Tomorrow will be awesome! I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!   S4:E6: We Didn’t Start The Fire (Bonus Track) - Fall Out Boys: Thank you, Caleb, for giving me this great song to run to today. This song was a 4/5, I love the song and it's on my playlist too. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. That's it, stay smiling!

  164 Hits

1/31 uhh oh...

Today I did all my requirements at class and got leadership and assistance credit. I met with my mentor and went home. Then I started to run, then almost threw up.. I'm not feeling to great. And my stomach hurts. So I'm going to bed. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.   S4:E5:   No song today, because I almost threw up. Stay smiling!

  173 Hits

1/30 Keeping It Short.

Today I'm just jumping into it. I went to the gym got requirements done and went home. Now I'm ready for bed and cry my eyes out because I'm so tired. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!   S4:E4:   No song today! I was really tired. As always stay smiling!

  174 Hits

1/29 this was tragic...

 First off I was really tired from yesterday and I could not bring myself to get up. A bunch of things went wrong today. I couldn't speak, not like yesterday though. My voice was all scratchy and damaged and I did not have a great day at school. I hurt myself while running and I have some pretty bad bruise's now.. I and just really tired and I just want to go to bed. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.   S4:E3:   Roar - Katy Perry Overall I give this song a 4/5 this song was a great song and I used to listen to it all the time. That's it for me! Have a great night!!

  210 Hits

1/28 I went mute. (one essay done, five to go)

Today, I went mute. It was a weird and sad experience. I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have the life the "normal" people do. Some people can't talk, or can't hear, or even walk. I think we should all just be thankful for what we have, and never be mad for what we have in life. Anyways that was it I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!   S4:E2: Today my headphones weren't working and my phone was dead so I just ran without a song today, and I don't really have any songs to run to. That's it have a wonderful night!

  181 Hits

1/27 Last day to talk...

  Today was easy. I got bbc (black belt class) credit and did some requirements. I need to catch up with a mile tomorrow... I have four more hours till I can't talk (I'm going mute for an essay) I'm so exited... not. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe!   S4:E1: No song today I didn't run.. HAVE A GREAT 4TH WEEK EVERYONE!

  180 Hits

1/26 END OF WEEK 3!

CONGRADULATIONS FOR EVRYONE ON CYCLE! YOU MADE IT SO FAR ALREADY! CONTINUE DOING YOUR VERY BEST!! As you can maybe tell I'm excited that 3 weeks have already passes on cycle. Today I did a mile in the morning then school, worked my butt off and got a 96% on a science test (I'M BAD AT SCIENCE)! Then went to black belt class and got credit. Went home and ran a mile their then did the rest of my requirements. Just know I'm proud of everyone on cycle and stay safe!   S3:E7:   Killer Queen - Queen:   I give this song a 3/5 I thought I would like this song but honestly it was slow and I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought. Thanks it for me and stay safe!!   I WISH YOU ALL THE VERY BEST ON CYCLE!!

  189 Hits

1/25 "My Leggies Hurt!"

So everyday at some point I say "My leggies hurt" cause yes, they hurt.. But I used it 3 times today and that was even to much for me.. My sister started Cheer today and she was really nervous and cried because she got hurt but she did really well! I wish her the best of luck and to be really good at it like I al tkd. I got to do sparring today and a mentee credit. Me and my mom both decided to not go to the gym today because we didn't feel like driving .2 miles away from home, and it was almost my bed time, (Yes I have a bedtime, I did stupid things as a child.). I ran my mile and got a new high score for running and finished everything else. I feel like a lot of people got school off today, I wanted school...

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  185 Hits

1/24 "Tired."

I woke up today and realized I'm one day behind on running, so I went and did one mile before it started pouring rain. After school I went to two classes today and got leadership, assistance, and mentee credit. After that I went to the gym and did another mile and knocked out all of the other stuff with it. That was it. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe. S3:E5: Today I forgot my headphones and phone at home and this morning I forgot my headphones at school, that was my bad. I'll pick a new song tomorrow. Hopefully. I hope everyone did good today, and always keep smiling! 

  176 Hits

1/23 Great Day!

Today was really good! I'm went to the gym and got everything double done except running. But that was all my day was. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.   S3:E4: Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson:  I give the song a 5/5 this song rocks! I loved it and it was very encouraging and an overall great song to listen to! That's all from me, stay safe!

  177 Hits

1/22 Lazy day

I had a bunch of homework still to do so I only went to class today helped out and got leadership credit. I was a bit nervous but am happy that I did it. I'll be doing double exercises tomorrow sadly. I hope everyone had a great day and stay safe.

  157 Hits