Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Good days lead to better days. 03/21/25

Hello to everyone reading this. My name is Graceyn and this journal is meant for the people who start their cycle and see it at some point. I, Graceyn, am testing tonight at 9 P.M. for my second degree black belt. I just wanted to drop by and say a few things before I go missing for two years.

See when I had my first attempt at the cycle I started somewhere in the summer of 2023. I had a whole lot planned out during that summer and was already several weeks behind. Then I traveled out of state for a few weeks and once again I tried the best I could to run in 100 degree weather with the constancy as needed to do more than just 2 miles a day. Slowly and slowly I got worked out too hard and ultimately quit that cycle. I was so beat and thought I would never do it. Because of that 1st attempt I gave up all hope and put my mind in a very negative place for TaeKwonDo. I was weighing myself down just thinking about it. I just wanted to quit TaeKwonDo and even if I was just a breath away from my black belt, I didn't care. This thought would be the last thing I thought about at night and the first thing I thought in the morning. I didn't want to tell my parents at all and whenever I was told I needed to take class I never wanted to go. I was seeing myself get less and less good at what I loved and I hated to see it but it was my choice after all. Eventually I told my mom and we talked to my school owner. I told her I wanted to quit TaeKwonDo and I didn't fit in anymore. I was told to wait 6 more months. I eventually took the spring cycle of 2024. I realized that yes the cycle is hard but I could make room for it to work out. I worked harder than I ever did on that cycle to prove that I was better than that summer cycle. I showed great improvement and not just me but others too were blown away from my increase in work. When testing night came I was simply nervous, like anyone I was so scared I didn't know what to do. All I thought was to do my best. Eventually after going through all that work I was given the information for the Tea Ceremony. I was overjoyed and so proud of what I'd accomplished.

Speaking from not 1 but 2 whole cycle experiences I am still nervous but in a good way this year. And now sitting here, writting an extra journal just to help out a little bit, I'm still proud to be in TaeKwonDo and I am also proud of everyone who is taking cycle. I don't care if you're not on my cycle or not even in the same TaeKwonDo school as me just know I'm proud and I believe in anything and everything you can do. And even if you can't do it yet, you will be able to eventually if you put your mind to it. Good luck to anyone and everyone.



Graceyn Pignatiello.
