Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Journal #12--1/23/25 #Bread

We had a 2 hour delay today!!! So when I woke up I watched a little TV.  Mom made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, they were soo good!!  After that I got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  When I got to class we had a test, after we did the test we had lunch.  At recess we played soccer and got crashed.  Rode the bus from school to KT for after school, where I did my requirements and played some games.  I also ran a mile.  I got a class assistance credit today before sparring then did sparring.  Got home had dinner, took a shower and now I am going to bed.  NO SCHOOL tomorrow!!

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School got delayed for 2 hours, did my cycle, went to class, did sparring.

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The #bread incident... 01/23/25

So recently... a little birdy told me were starting a #bread train. I do not think we should start this as I do NOT want to scroll to 20 journals of just #bread. As of today I didn't do much other than get credits. I really don't know what's up with me but I'm just so tired of talking and I just need a day where I can be myself. I can't do anything now because I have school, class, and requirements to do. I think I have depression but I'm really trying to push that aside so I can have a positive cycle. I'm really tired and I'm just ready for some more sleep.

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So apparently we have to title this bread for today for no explaination. I get to wake up a little late at 7:00 today since my school has a 2 hour delay today which is great. Once I got to school I had to go with a different teacher today to take my math test, the test took like 2 hours and I got a somewhat of a good score. The rest of the day was really easy since the quarter ends. I got on my bus and apparently half of the bus fell off or something (not actualy) so I had to sit with 4 people in a 2 person seat. I imdediatly went sparing and got a mentee sesion and now i'm eating dinner. Have a good night!

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Off Day

Today I went to a coffee shop to do my schoolwork, so I took an off day.  Except for kt sparing and, I was supposed to meet up with my mentee, but he didn't show up.  So, I watched a show, and I am about to go to bed.          

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Today we had a two-hour delay at school, so we get so sleep in and I watched so TV. then I did my requirements and eat some breakfast. Then we went to school, which was all right, after that we went to the gym and ran our mile. I went to class and sparing which was fun and now I am going to read and then go to bed. ♥

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2 hour delay

Today was my 2 hour delay but it did not feel like it. I woke up at my normal time 6: 30 and did my requirements, then I went to my grandparents house because my dad and mom had to go to work. There I watched some murder mysteries before going to school.I had a sub today cause my teacher got her wisdom teeth removed. After school I went to king tiger then from there my dad picked me up to go to dace class. Know I'm home about to relax and watch TV. 

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LMP Jan 23

2 hour delay gave me time to do my requirements.  I'm having a lot of trouble doing burpies this round.  I don't see how burpies can help you get stronger.  I'll be able to get my requirements done early tomorrow too, as it's a teacher work day.  The other issue, the bitter cold is making it challenging to to get my jog/ walk in....but I'm doing my best. 

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Jan #23

Today I got to sleep in because I had a two-hour delay. I had a test today and got an amazing score I am very excited for sparring tonight at taekwondo. Tomorrow Is a teacher workday, so I get to sleep in again.  

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Today there was a 2-hour delay for school. So, this morning I got to chill and watch TV until it was time to go. It was a pretty normal day at school, I had a few quizzes, but they weren't that bad. Right after school we went straight to the gym to run our daily mile. In a few minutes we will go to Tae Kwon do. Tonight, we are doing sparring.

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We had NO school today!So I just slept in,did my requirements and was doing my school work.

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1/22 Dreiman, Dominic #8

So today was pretty fun school got cancelled because of the snow and also I got to play games with my friends then I went to taekwondo then to basketball then back to taekwondo and finally went home to eat then sleep

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Today was the last day before classes.  My main goal for the day was to fix my class schedule.  Registration was a bit difficult last semester.  Not as difficult as UNCC, but still a bit annoying.  Mostly because they don't let you register between their select window and the add/drop period, which I wasn't prepared for as they don't restrict you from doing so at UNCC.  I also was able to see a lot of people I have not seen in a month. Up here in Minnesota, I train at Lee's Champion Taekwondo in Shoreview.  It's a ways away from Macalester, so it's often difficult to get there, but I usually get rides from people when possible.  For my first class at this dojang, I made the mistake of trying to take the bus there, and the bus doesn't go all the way there, so I had to run for a...

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Everyone on their next journal, let us spam #bread to commend how good Instructor Graceyn's bread was (yes I spent $20 on two loafs sue me people). But let me get into my very healthy obsession of the night :D.   DONT WANT YOU IN MY BLOODLINE (I am still listening to it :D)   For those who are so unfortunate, 'Bloodline' is a song by Ariana Grande that came out about eight years ago, and lord I am obsessed. Usually when one finds an obsession, they try and find ways to become sober of their obsession. However, in this scenario, I am perfectly ok with my one-and-a-half-hour-straight listen to this MASTERPIECE of a song. The amount of time I have and probably will continue to pause my writing of this journal to jam to this ABSOLUTE BOP is far too many, and I can barely count to five. *i know...

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01/22/2025 - Sid

Did my cycle, ran 2 miles. There was no school, practiced jump rope. 

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School was canceled today so I was able to sleep in! I spent most of my day reading and then went to the dojang to help with class and take sparring and black belt classes.

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Snow? Bread? Class??? 01/22/25

So it was 19 degrees when I decided to run 3 mile today. I enjoyed looking around the almost frozen area and dying plants. (I NEED THE SUMMER PLEASEEEEE) I made that $20 bread today (Thank you so much Instructor Caleb) but other than that I don't think I should be saying much. The run was very cold and running for 30 minutes isn't the most fun thing to do in the winter but I finished all my homework so why not. Went to class per-usual, got to hang out with my friends, got to attack the new girl for white-yellow belt self defense, and got bullied by some ginger headed loser at class. It feels like cycle has been 10 years already but it's only been 2 and a half weeks... I'm quite tired and I need some sleep. No need to worry though, I have a two hour delay...

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LMP Jan 22

Today...no school due to snow! Requirements in! Walked in the cold! Went to sparring and black belt. Good day. 

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Fake snow day

Today at about 6:15 I woke up and did my requirements for the day. Then around 10:15 I went to king tiger for camp because apparently it was a  snow day ( even though there was no snow) But I was able to get ahead on my requirements for black belt cycle.YAY! Then I at 4 : 30 I went to sparring at Grand Master Evens dojang. Because on Thursday I have dance and can't do sparing at my place/ Huntersville NC it was really fun we had a different teacher this time.👍

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Journal #11--1/22/25 NO SCHOOL!!

Today we had a "snow day" but there wasn't really any snow!  We got to relax and hang at home for a while this morning, I got up and played some video games and then had breakfast.  I did some requirements at home then we headed to King Tiger.  I played some pokemon with Carter and Nixon.  Then Carter, me and Aeraly did some requirements out front while all the  other kids were in the back.  On the way home I ran a mile as my mom drove beside me!! When we got home we had dinner.  I just showered and now I am about to head to bed. YAAY 2 hour delay tomorrow.

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Apparently a snow day

I wake up looking outside and seeing no snow, although school is canceled because of some snow that happended in Alaska probaly. I remember seeing the little ice in the grass blades which that is the reason most likely why it's canceled and not because of Alaska. After the delightful news I just kinda didn't do much, I mean I got ahead on jump roping and plus im ahead on like everything! At like 5:00 I went and worked out which killed my arms and now im eating dinner, hope yall are having a good dinnner!

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I was so happy we had no school today, because it was a snow day! But then when I look outside there was barley any snow! But at least I got to sleep in and play on my iPad for a little bit. Then we when to the green way to run our mile and when we were done, I had to clean my hamster's cage. Now I am going to work on the work out requirement and some Poomsae's. ♥

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Classes were cancelled this morning so I spent my time watching a documentary for one of my classes and finished up some Math quizzes. Yesterday was absolutely freezing, hopefully it will get a bit warmer.

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Jan 22nd

Today I had a day off of school because of a dusting last night. I did a mile today and now I am working on the other requirements before class tonight. I am also helping to take care of my neighbors dogs while she is out of town. 

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I woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning, there's no school today because of the snow! I'm really happy that today's off because we were supposed to do a test today. So, this morning I just chilled and played on my iPad. Then I helped my mom clean out one of our closets. Soon, I'm going to go run our daily mile at the gym and do my requirements. Also, I'm thinking I will start working on another one of my essays, I already have 2 done. Tonight, we're going to go to the 6:00 and 6:45 class and maybe even help out for the first time! 

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Snow day

My mom woke me up this morning and told me there was no school cause it was a snow day! At first I was very excited.I got up and did some of my requirements and running. We went downstairs I looked on the back deck and... 😔😭😢😰I'm so disappointed! There's hardly any snow at all. I couldn't even build a snow ball! WHAT A LET DOWN!!!! The only good news is that I don't have to go to school today with my substitute.

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It's cold in Charlotte...

...but it's way colder here in Saint Paul.  Yesterday I was out launching rockets at the JMA field.  One of them got lost because it got picked up by enough wind to blow it to the nearby forest. Today, I flew on a very delayed flight to Minnesota.  Well, sort of.  I had the wrong ticket.  Oops.  So I was able to go home for a few hours and knock out some requirements before I flew over.  After coming here, I got some training at the Shoreview dojang.  Now, my issue is figuring out my schedule.

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It was too cold today, but it had brought some snow and a school cancellation. I did my requirements when I got home and had some extra time since my piano class was canceled. Then I read a book in the Bible and now going to sleep.

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(the rest of the title has been hidden due to language and possible no-no words about global warming :D)     So of course it is cold. I expected nothing less than a continuation of ruining any sense of outdoor freedom I once had. But anyways, I am back! After a few days of not journaling, I have returned with a bit of a shortie. What? You expected a novel on a frighteningly cold Tuesday? Out if your mind I tell you.   WHERE IS MY COFFEE!?   So, after I teach at either the Elementary or Middle school, myself and other cadets in our schools Teacher Cadet program go and get something to eat. So we decide "yo, let us get some coffee in under twenty degree weather, such splendid ideas". I for one suggested some warm burgers and fries from LITERALLY ANYWHERE, but no, coffee it is. Why is...

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Bread success! 01/21/25

It was a great day today! I got to bring in my bread to class today. It was just a white bread with a butter glaze. Everyone at the school loved it! Instructor Caleb is paying me to making him two more loafs so I'm guessing he liked it. I got more yeast for more bread and I have remote learning starting tomorrow at 9 A.M. I did all my requirements and help out today. I am running late on my running (Get it) and I'm hoping to catch up with that after the snow clears. Other than that tomorrow will be a simple day full of work and more bread. Stay warm everyone!

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Journal - Day 6

Good evening, everyone! It finally snowed! Today was a very long day. I've had so many things I've been trying to juggle between these past 2 weeks. My body isn't the good sore anymore; it's the "I guess I'm used to it now" kind of sore. Today was just not my day. I woke up with a very bad headache, somehow managed to make it through the school day, finished somewhat of my homework when I got back from school, headed to work (which honestly made my day 10 times better), and now I'm simultaneously trying to write my journal and finish my math homework. I've recently been slacking a lot on writing my journals, so I have to make sure that I am keeping up with these. I took some Ibproufen to see if my head feels better, and I will head to sleep soon. Have a wonderful rest of...

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School test

I woke up at 4:00 am to go do some productive stuff with my life, which completely failed. I ended up falling asleep like 5x and was tired the entire morning and almost missed my bus, so yea it wasn't the best start off to my day, but of course it wouldn't get much better! So after waiting for testiing to start, it did and it actualy wasn't hard so I kinda rolled through the first half of it. The second half I got to read really long passages! That cut of an hour and half of my 2 hour time limit so I rushed with 30 minutes left and it ended when I still had like 1/5 of the test to go and it gave me my score (641) which was decent. The rest of the day I had bassicly nothing left to do and after I left school there...

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Journal #10--1/21/25

Today I woke up and mom and I walked to school.  After school I got to KT, I ran the hill at Lake Norman in the snow!!! Then I did some other requirements.  Then we started to head to scouts but it got canceled so we headed home and I had some dinner, took a shower and head to bed.  Hope we have a day off tomorrow, or at least a delay!

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  Today before school I had jump rope team practice, which was fun. when school was over, we went to the gym to run our mile, when we got home, I worked on some Poomsae's and the workout stuff and then it started to SNOW! So, we started a fire and I played on my iPad for a little bit, we ate dinner, and I am going to bed now. ♥

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January 21, 2025 - Snow Day

Today it snowed, so when I went on a run it was so fun!  But other than that, all I did was black belt stuff.   

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January 20, 2025 - I got chopped

Today I got my hair cut.  And I got a lot of my hair cut off. But besides that, I had chill day.  

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January 21st

Good evening everyone, I got to get out early and go to a dr appointment. Then we got a snack and had hot chocolate and a donut. Then I went to TKD and got a lot checked off today. I had fun and now it is snowing! I hope we don't have school tomorrow but I don't want to make it up.  Happy Snow Day!

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Late run

Today was just a normal day of king tiger because after school dance class got  canceled. I did get a mentee for bb. His name is Xander. And my mentor is Ms. Jen. (But i already had her as my mentor) I did all my requirements this morning. I'm going to go run 0.25 miles now cause this morning I only had enough time to do 0.75.

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I had to get up earlier than usual this morning because my sister had something to do starting at 7:30... But I took the extra time before school to study for a big Spanish test I had today. I feel pretty good about it. It was a normal day at school but really cold. Straight from school we went to the gym to run our daily mile. On our way home it started to snow lightly!!! I love when it snows. Afterwards I played some iPad and now I am going to do my sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, etc. Then I'll eat dinner and read my book about atomic habits. :)

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1/21 Dreiman, Dominic #7

So today I really just woke up ate sat in my room then I went outside to play basketball, then came back in for lunch sat In my room for a long long while. Then had dinner sat on my phone the. Fell asleep

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1/20 Dreiman, Dominic #6

so today I wake up eat go to my first basketball practice then I get to go to the jump park with my friend theo he also does taekwondo then go home he goes home then I eat dinner then go to bed

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1/17 Dreiman, Dominic #5

so today I wake up sit on my phone eat go play basketball for 3hours then eat sit in my room play cards eat dinner and go to bed

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1/16 Dreiman, Dominic #4

so today I wake up eat go sit in my room for awhile then eat again then go play basketball after I eat dinner then go to taekwondo then get home and go to bed

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1/15 Dreiman, Dominic #3

It's the new year I wake up go eat then talk to about how the new year is going to be then we go on a walk together when we get home my dad offers to make chicken nuggets so of course I say yes then I go play basketball for 3 hours come back in eat dinner which is steak we eat and go to bed

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1/14 Dreiman, Dominic #2

So to day is new Year's Eve I wake up eat breky then go to my room to chill then in a few hours I go to visit my dad at work we eat lunch together then me and my mom drive home in different cars sense my sister wants dessert then I get home  we make a fire in our backyard me and my sister cook shrimp that's our dinner then our family watches a movie me and my sis wait till new years then I go to bed.

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1/13 Dreiman, Dominic #1

Today was  was pretty low activity I mostly was just playing messing around then I went out to play basketball my mom joined in then I texted my friend that's in Madrid Spain he didn't respond then sat in my room for a little bit then went to taekwondo when I got home I made grilled cheese sandwiches and ate then sat In my room till I fell asleep.

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LMP Jan 21

Cold is not the word. Trying to get requirements done in the cold is nuts. Glad the miles are still low. If I end up short mimes. Definitely due to the cold. Can't breathe well in tbe cold and not jeopardizing my health.  Going to try and meet up with my mentee tonight and get dad's phone number. Showing up on Tuesdays seems to be a hit and miss all of a sudden. 

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3 day week

Today I woke up at 6:15 to do my requirements for black belt. It wasn't to bad. Currently I'm getting ready for school. Today I'm riding the bus.(like I do every day)

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Unfortunately, this long weekend is over and I have to go back to school bright and early tomorrow. I didn’t do much today, outside of the daily requirements. I got some homework I put off for the weekend done and I guess I’m ready to go to school tomorrow.

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Journal #9--1/20/25

NO school today!!!! So when I woke up I played some video games, after about an hour and 30 minutes I did my push ups, sit ups and burpees.  After that I did my self defense, poomsae and kicks.  The rest of the day I just relaxed played some more video games--I beat Brien at Mario Kart like 5 times.  We had La Unica for dinner and then we came home and I showered and now bed.

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School Night???

Today I did A Lot of cycle stuff; to catch up so I had to do schoolwork late and I just finished but I have even more tomorrow so wakening up early tomorrow!!!   

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Short day

Honestly today there isn't to much to talk about, I mean I woke up did homework then just kinda did nothing on my phone. After breakfast I went to a 120 degree sauna and did like 30 minutes of cycling which made my shirt drenched in sweat then got home and ate then showered and went to dinner and came home, so not very eventful day but I am like a week ahead on some of my black belt stuff which is good. So hope yall had a eventful day.

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Bread??? 01/20/25

I started the day off at 9  this morning stretching. Everything still hurts a lot but I've got to get through the day. At 11 A.M. I started to make my first batch of bread. Today was just a basic white bread with butter. My first try was very different then my second. The first type was way harder and not that soft. The second batch was a different recipe and turned out way softer and more fluffy. I'll be bringing my bread in tomorrow to Lake Norman. I didn't get any of my requirements done yet but I'm going it right after I submit this journal and head straight to bed for an early morning. I'm hoping to do a leadership credit tomorrow but I really don't want to because I have a feeling I'll mess up. But oh well. My leadership credits don't grow on trees.

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  We had no school today, so I got to sleep in and watch some tv. We had to go to the orthodontist and then we got some lunch. We went to the green way and ran our mile. When we came home, I worked on an essay, watched some tv, ate dinner and I am working on the workout requirements. ♥

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LMP Jan 20

My pomchi is being a royal pain in tbe bottom. He is making my requirements a challenge....but I'll get them done.  Upper body strength is do not, nor have I ever had....so no pull ups for me. It was a cold walk today...did not enjoy it. Off to my poo she's, videos. Self-defense,  and kicks.....yay! 

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January 20th

Last night I played card games with my neighbor. Relax and took a chill day. I watched movies with my mom and and I looking forward to a no school day today. 

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Since there's no school today, I got to sleep in late. When I woke up, I watched a new tv show that I found called Surviving Summer. For breakfast I had a leftover brownie and at 10:30 we went to the orthodontist. After the orthodontist we went to the grocery store and got lunch. When we got home, I called my friend and played Roblox. Soon we're going to run a mile on the Greenway. For the rest of the day, I will probably draw and watch TV. Then we'll have dinner and since there's school tomorrow, I will clean up then go to bed.

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I have a stretching routine that I have been doing pretty consistently for about 4 years.  I originally started it because I wanted to improve my flexibility and see how long it would take me to get a full split, but I have been consistent with it for as long as I have because it doesn't feel normal without doing it every once in a while anymore.  Even at Macalester when I am not going anywhere, I will do my stretching routine right in my dorm next to my bed.  Occasionally, you will catch me to the side stretching in between classes at King Tiger, and sometimes I do it without thinking.  In fact, I am probably going to do a few minutes of stretching right after writing this post.  I was asked in one of my classes last semester if there was any particular ritual I had that I would feel...

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Everything hurts. 01/19/25

So naturally I woke up feeling like a giant boulder not being able to move a inch this morning. I eventually rolled off my bed onto the floor and slowly got myself up. My arms were heavy and my stomach hurt. I wasn't that hungry today. That was mostly because I felt like if I ate even a grape I would explode. I forced myself to eat a little every half-hour or so because I didn't want to starve. Also I think I really need to stay focused this cycle, I'm not really proud of what I've done so far but maybe it's just because I'm drained. For some reason I'm blanking on this journal but normally I could write a whole book. I'm really concerned of that fact but I mean what really can I do? I really didn't take all this pre-test stuff all that good. And I am...

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I'm not so sore?

Now I woke up with anticipation that I was going to be really sore today after a almost half marathon run from yesterday, but surprisingly I felt not the worse, I mean my legs had a little tingle in them but that was all really. I also decided to sleep in today but still woke up at 7:00 to run to taekwondo. After putting on my running shoes and packing my uniform the first mile was great, I was at a 10:45 minute per mile pace and only had 4 miles to go, roughly a half mile after that it started to sprinkle a but then stopped until at mile 2 it just rained so heavily and I was drenched and I still had to go 3 miles, so I turned back around and got in my parents car so they could drive me to class. After class I sleeped for...

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January 19, 2025 - Learning Music Keyboard

For my new talent I am learning keyboard. And today was my first day and I did Pretty good. So that was my day.

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Today I woke up and watched tv then around 11 I did my black belt mile and other requirements then took a shower did piano, grit work book and then played on my tablet for a while. I didn't go outside at all today or out of the house, that's probably why it was pretty boring but not to bad I did get I late birthday present from my neighbor and went to say good bye to my neighbor that's moving. So I guess I did go outside... it wasn't really that boring just a chill indoor day. <..>:);)[:(÷ ._.

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Today we went to the gym and ran a mile and then we went to Birkdale and got some Starbucks and went to Barnes and Noble. I finished a sewing project and started a mini cross stitch. We ate dinner and are making some brownies, then we are going to watch a movie and go to bed. ♥

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Journal #8--1/19/25

Today I woke up and took a bath and then we left the hotel and had breakfast.  Then we drove back home to moms.  When I got back home I did my self defense and poomsae.  Then I took a shower and watched some youtube.  We are gonna have dinner after we pick Anthony up from youth group and then head to Brien's for the night and spend the day there tomorrow since we don't have school!

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LMP Jan 19

I love going to the park with the blackbelts to practice.  We get a lot done and it's fun. Today was a little foggy and drizzly....but still a lot of fun. Was able to get poomsaes and self defense done. Just need to do my kicks and the rest of my physical stuff. 

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When I woke up this morning, I was still a little sore from yesterday's pretest, so I just relaxed and watched TV all morning. We are about to go to the gym and run our daily mile. After, we're going to Birkdale to do some shopping at Barne's and Noble and hopefully get Starbucks. I'm glad we have tomorrow off of school because I have some last-minute studying to do for my Spanish test on Tuesday. Then we'll watch the football game, eat dinner and stay up late watching a movie. :)

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Today I had an online zoom meeting and was quite busy with work. I heard Tik Tok was getting banned soon, and lots of my friends keep bringing it up. I myself don't use the app so I don't know what the fuss is all about.

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The pretest today gave me some more insight on what I need to work on for the remainder of the 8 weeks of the cycle. After a mentor session, I went to the chiropractor and did a short grocery run with my father. When I got home I attempted to take a nap and then did requirements.

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Starting Off Strong

Today was pretest day!  I haven't had one of those in a minute.  It was good seeing everyone on the cycle and reminded me of when I was on the cycle for the first time.  I feel like this is a strong start to the next few weeks of training.  Anyway, I am writing this after a nap because I decided to catch up on the sleep that I'm not going to get over the school year.  I just thought of my YouTube channel sometime during my pretest.  It's been a year since I posted on the new one.  I might think about dropping a video or three in a bit, depending on how busy I am.

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BREAD! 1/18/25

See I title this "BREAD! 🍞🥖" because That's going to be my new skill! Yep, bread making. Now because I don't know how to make up my mind I'm having you guys, (People on cycle) choose me flavors of bread I'll make! I'll be making bread for 5 weeks and I'm starting off with just a plain own white bread and letting everyone else choose the next 4 flavors! This google form - https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/1cmLVFN-u8C5Gp2jtUAs9A6jKqQzmkcidyZolJdeL1CE/edit - is the link to the form where you can find some flavors I would like to make. I also made a "other" box in case you have another flavor I could try. After the 5 weeks, I'll write my essay and bring the best flavor, determined by the Black belts at Lake Norman, to overnight testing! HORRAY! I did my pre-test today and realized I have absolutely no upper-body strength whatsoever. But hey, everybody starts somewhere. Also....... WEEK TWO!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!...

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Journal #7--1/18/25

So today I woke up and got ready to go snowboarding at Sugar Mtn. with my dad for Anthony's birthday. When we got there we had to wait in a big line. We snowboarder all day and after we had dinner at a 1950's style diner, then we headed back to the hotel and soon I'll go to bed. Hope the pretest went good for everyone.. I'll make mine up this week. 

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January 18, 2025 - Day 8 - Day of Pretest

Today was my pretest, and I think I did well.  I tried my best.  I also got some good scores. So, today was a good day, and I am proud of myself.

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Pretesting day

I forgot to hydrate yesterday so I probaly didn't do as good as I felt I should of, so I started the run at 6:15 at a decent pace for the first 4 laps then picked it up by like 10 seconds the next 2 laps and the final 2 laps I ran really fast and my time was slightly lower than I wanted but i'm still happy with it. I went to Master Evin's school after to do my other pretest and I did mostly better than my last cycles final test which I felt good about. After pretest I really wasn't to tired so I wanted to try to run like a half marathon today, for the 1st 5 miles I was fine but the 6th mile I was shaking and my legs were cramping so I ran for another like 2 miles, which felt like absolute torture then...

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LMP Jan 18

Blackbelt test was today. Found out I'm not as confident in some of my poomsaes as I thought. That's ok. I'll work on those to improve. Got my requirements done after a nap. Weather came through last night and have me a whooper of a migraine. Off to the park in the morning to contine practicing. 

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1/18-Pretest day

Today was the pretest and I feel like I did pretty good. The push-ups and the V-sit-ups were the hardest parts for me, but I'll keep working on them. Overall, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I'm really proud of myself...however, I was super tired when I got home. I'm looking forward to relaxing for the rest of the day. :)

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Today was the pretest, I think it went well. It was hard to wake up early and I was really tried. The hardest for me was the pushups, but a least the run wasn't as bad as I thought. I am glad it is over, and I am excited to improve over the next few weeks.♥

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Black belt pretest

Today was the black belt pretest. At first I was freaking out at home I was crying and did not think I could do it. But when I got there I had fun running the mile and on the bus ride to Grand Master Evens dojo. I actually was really surprised how good I and everyone was!I panicked for no reason and ended up having a blast!

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No there is not a definition in the dictionary, and no I still do not have a definition for 'Sakatha', but we aint there yet!   MAKING MUSIC!   I am currently in the process of creating a YouTube video for my new channel, which will end with a music number. The video is a comedy commercial on a deodorant called 'Sludge'........so yeah it- it is not supposed to be a good deodorant at all. With smells called Salmon Sludge and Toxic Sludge, the deodorant is most likely not the best. Now this video is not for everyone, with it geared to people around my age. I am extremely excited to get this video, and song completed. It feels like I am finally living out all of my goals with this video. Young me would be happy.   SAKATHA!   So during black belt class today, the first dans did knife defense....

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Journal #6--1/17/25

Today I woke up and walked to school. After school I went to KT,  did my stuff and helped out with little Tigers. Did rolls and falls class then black belt class. After that my dad came to pick me up for the weekend for Anthony's birthday trip to Boone. 

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January 17, 2025 - Day 7

Today I did not really do anything, but I recovered from my shots and got back to work on this black belt training. That is how my day went.  

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Journal - Day 5

Good evening, everyone! Today was a nice yet long day. Yesterday, I came back from school, did my requirements, then headed to work. This cycle I am determined to stay on track for my sparring classes and get them completed as soon as I can. After sparring, I felt pretty sore, but it's always the morning afterward that gets too you the most. My core has been hurting a lot recently, but in a passive-aggressive mannerism, which somehow contradicts everything and feels good. Today, I came back from school, finished my requirements, took a long nap, then headed to class. It's crazy to think that week one of the cycle is already done. It's so interesting to read everyone's journals each day, as it gets to help me learn more and more about you all. Good luck tomorrow!

  49 Hits

Almost pretest day!

So I am a bit behind on my poomsae so I woke up at 4:00 am to go do all my black belt requirments then at 5:00 I went on a easy 3.6 mile run to start the day then I dragged myself to school sadly knowing I have 4 test today. My first class, Spanish I had to listen to audios for a test then answer questions on the audios which only like 2 people got a good grade on (I got a 67%) but then after that spanish test I had to read articles and answer questions in spanish for my 2nd spanish test which I got a 90% on. I had English a few hours later which I had a vocabulary test and I got a 100% then last class I had a math test which was like 7 sheets long and I dont know what I got...

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Night Before Pretest

Today I had A LOT of schoolwork, so I finished right before class so now I have to work on tae kwon do stuff late!!! and wake up   early tomorrow for pretest so going to bed early tonight!!!    

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LMP jan 17

Long day at school. More testing, more dispersing of students, 1 teacher out on tbe team, another didn't come in until around noon. Tried my best to keep the kiddos engaged and on task. Going to my 1st of many sparring classes tonight. Looks like I will either be sparring Wednesday &Thursday  or Thursday and Friday.  

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Journal #3

Yesterday I had camping day in my classroom and it was really fun. We got to play games in pop up tents. Math was really really fun. I also had fun at sparring also.

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Greetings Pokefans! Nothing memorable today, but let me squeeze out this journal ray quick for yall.   LEMME TELL YA SOMETHING!   I teach third and eight grade students, both in english and for third grade I teach math. I have officially receieved a room that a second grade teacher utilizes to teach sixteen third graders advanced math and literacy (fifth grade level to be exact). I of course have the follow the North Carolina Standard Course Of Study (teachers of any district will understand), but overall I am thrilled to be getting closer and closer to a what I think may finally be what I want to do with my life: a teacher. So I better marry someone rich. I would either teach Elementary School Math and English, Middle School English, or High School Physics.   GUESS WHO ISN'T A FAILURE!   For my AP Physics class, I had to...

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Greetings Pokefans! Today was the first sparring class, and probably the last sparring class I am going to be able to get at Lake Norman for the black belt cycle.  This morning during training, I felt a bit rusty with some poomsaes compared to when I was doing recordings for them.  That could also be because I had just woken up.  I am feeling sore from getting in so many extra requirements in yesterday. 2024 was a good year for me.  For a good portion of the year, I had just a few things to focus on, and I was able to do a lot because of that.  Over the course of the year, I grew a lot as a martial artist, between being able to be at the dojang a little bit more due to being a part-time student at UNCC, being on the demo team, and later on training at another...

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Compared to yesterday, I was definitely less busy and had more time to rest. I think I landed a jump wrong and tweaked my ankle a little bit, so it’s been hurting all day. I still got everything done though.

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Journal #5-1/16/25

Today I woke up and had breakfast and went to school.  We had a test today and after that we got free time and I played infinite craft.  I got a mega bacon unicorn and the rainbow unicorn.  After school I went to KT and did my stuff, did a mentor session with Master Chelley and then took sparring.  After sparring I came home had dinner, showered, now I am about to head to bed!

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LMP Jan 16

Found time during the day to get my requirements done and practice my list of things I need to learn/know. My biggest thing to find time to do will be sparring classes.  I also need my mentee to come on our night, or i will be looking for yet another one....the joys of cycle and we are not through the first week. At least all my essays are completed and reqady to submit. 

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Tonight was really hard. I was looking over the study guides and started getting really nervous. I decided to skip dance to further study and practice. The written test scares me the most. I just feel like I will draw a blank when it really matters. I'm going to go study now I hope if you feel the way I do just remember "that this is a challenge that you will be proud of for the rest of your life."🤪

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January 16, 2025 - Day 6. Shots Today

 I had to get two shots today.  I can't even move my arm right now, but I still have to get this black belt work in.  So, I will push thru it and keep working on it.

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School was pretty average today, when I got home I attempted to take a nap but failed. I then went to the dojang to help with class, take sparring and black belt class, and also get mentee/mentor sessions. Today was a very productive day for the cycle.

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Journal #4

I very miserbely got out of bed at 4:50 am to go take a shower then after I started on my black belt things which took only roughly an hour so I just spent from 6:00 to 7:00 reasearching some races to run but then I had to go to school which was 10x more boring than yesterday but also I got to see everyones history project and I personally think mine was the best, not to brag. After the last bell rang I just sat with my friends and finnished my math homework while waiting for my bus, which wasn't late today which I was really surprised because it's been late every single other day of the year. Once I got home I went on a quick mile run than got on my uniform and went to class, after class I went to the store for dog food then home...

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LMP Jan 15

Soooo tired  Took the 2nd graders on a field trip today, yes they're fun, but also stressful. I could have easily skipped blackbelt class and went to bed at 5pm....but I went to class, had a mentor session,  and had a good class. No forca shower and bed.

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Journal #4 --1/15/25 Sick day

I woke up today still not feeling the best. Mom made a doctors appt. for me, so I rode with her to drop Anthony at school then we headed to the doctor, and the doctor swabbed me for Strep and it came back positive.  We got my meds and headed home, mom made me some breakfast before she headed to work while I stayed home with MiMi and LaLa.  I took a couple naps today, did some reading and my black belt stuff, except for running.  When mom got home we had dinner and then I took a shower and now I am heading to bed.  I feel alot better tonight!!!

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01/15 Tired, tired... and more tired.

See... I'm a tiny bit tired.. (Just a little bit). I need some SLEEPPP! I did all my requirements at home today and got a jump start yesterday afternoon. I am not proud to announce that I haven't done a journal in 3 days straight. I'm giving up. I've done a lot of activities recently and I want to start back crochet again. I need some projects to work on for anybody at Lake Norman. I'll be glad to do any crochet projects for anyone if you want one. (Just don't do very hard ones, I'm still pretty new </3) We are all already half way through week one (WHOOO HOOOO!!!!!) Keep up the good work! Good NIGHT!!

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Journal #2 Jan 15th

I woke up a little tired today because I went to be a little later than usual. but I had a good day at school. I had PE class for my encore. Tomorrow I am very excited because we have camp day in our class.  See yall tomorrow at sparring!

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Journal - Day 4

Good evening, everyone! Today was a long day. I woke up extra early today to finish my requirements from yesterday and today. It was way too cold outside, so I ended up running back and forth through my house. I went to school pretty excited because today I was helping out with a VR station truck to implement STEM into our school. It was nice for the most part, but I hoped that there were chairs because my legs were pretty sore. After the school day ended, I came back and took a very long nap. I have some homework to finish and plan to head to sleep early today. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Today was a quiet day.  I got a few requirements in, but not the large amount that I thought I was going to get in.  Everyone else was away at school, so I took that time to catch up on the sleep I don't get while I'm at school.  I also ended up replacing a light for my grandparents.  On my first black belt cycle, I started to feel extremely sore on my third or fourth day.  I tried to start getting into a normal routine this time to avoid getting that sore right at the beginning.  Anyway, my run path is still partially frozen over.  Tomorrow is forecasted to be colder than today so I'm not sure if it's going to fully melt even by then.

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