Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


I am super nervous and excited for testing… it’s weird mix of emotions right now. Anyway I just wanted to post and say GODD LUCKKKK. I know that we’ll all do great! We can do this! Here we gooo! 👍👍👍👍👍😁😁😆😆😆

  44 Hits


Today was another normal Monday! School was good. When I got home I ate dinner and got ready for TKD. I got a mentee, mentor and class assistance credit in. I had my last required mentor session! I am also deciding to really crank it this week to finish my class assistance credits. And, this is my last required journal! I have liked reflecting on my day, so I don’t know if I’ll stop completely, but we’ll see. Anyway, I am super tired still from Saturday and the time change so I’m going to bed now, night!

  30 Hits


Today was a busy but super fun day! I’m so happy because I got to sleep in, but the time change is messing me up. Anyway, then we went to run errands. I finally got my shrub. It’s beautiful and it flowers too. I named my shrub swan because it’s very delicate and white. The. We went to pick up dog treats for day 2 of the fundraiser, and today we invited our friend to join us. We had more signage and the dog treats were a big hit, we were out there for 2.5 hours and got a total of almost $200! Thanks to all the generous people in the neighborhood! I am still tired from yesterday, so I’ll pick back up on requirements tomorrow. When we got back my legs were tired from standing so I played iPad and called my friend, ate dinner and now we’re watching American...

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  65 Hits

3/8-Post Test Day!

Today was the physical and written test. I was super happy because I did much better than the pre-test and I did very well on the written test! I am so proud of myself and everyone, it’s the beginning of the end. When I got home I ate something, which was much needed and then me, my sister and the rest of my family went down to our local greenway to set up a snack stand to raise money for Bags of Hope. It was fun, we got some money to donate, but we didn’t do as well as I hoped. We will go back tomorrow though and this time my friend/neighbor will join us. After we got home from that we had to get ready to go to a Davidson College basketball game. My sister preformed at half time doing her jump rope routine! I’m so proud of her because...

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  65 Hits


Today was a good, fairly normal, Friday. I got to bring a blanket to school, hang out with second graders and we had a tornado drill. When I got back from school I finished the signs for our fundraiser tomorrow and studied for the written test. Then U went to black belt class. I didn’t run or do any requirements today because I am letting my body rest so I am fit for tomorrow! I am a little nervous, but I know I can do it! I am super tired, I just uploaded all of my essays and now I’m getting ready for bed! I’ll see everyone bright and early!

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Today was a good Thursday. I had a big test in math, and I’m so happy I got a super good score! This made me happy so I spent the rest of the day with a smile. When I got home I did a bunch of requirements, and I acted like it was the actual post-test to see how far I’ve come and what I could expect. I am definitely going to relax and rest tomorrow so I’m not worn out for Saturday. Before going to TKD I also worked on some signage for a fundraiser me and my family are doing for Bags Of Hope. Then I went to sparring, it was fine. But let me say, sparring is just not my thing… I am more of a poomsae type of girl. Anyway, there’s only 2 required sparrings left for me, so that’s a plus. Now I’m doing some chores...

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  56 Hits


Today we had no school, for some reason. It was only rainy this morning then it was sunny and warm. I’m glad the day was off though, I got to do some school work. I also just spent the day relaxing and playing outside. I biked 6 miles and then ran 1 later in the day. At 5:30 I left for TKD. I finally had another mentee meeting and also did a leadership credit. Now I’m finishing some chores and getting ready for bed.

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Today was a good, normal day. I got up and sis some quick grocery shopping with my mom before school. School, was good And I got my final essay done so I can confidently turn them all in on Saturday! When I got home and biked 6 miles before eating dinner and heading to TKD. I only did one class today to finish up my white belt challenge. On the way home I figured out that there will be no school tomorrow because of a wind advisory. Then I played iPad with my friends and now I’m going to bed. Looking forward to sleeping in!

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Today was good, as good as a Monday can be. I got 3 essays done, so I only have one more left excluding community service. Overall, school was good, by the end of the day I was not feeling well, but I got over it fast (no, I’m not sick by the way). When I got home I relaxed and ate dinner before heading over to TKD. I started my white belt challenge today! It was so weird, but a good reminder of where I came from 🙂 I also got a class assistance and mentor session in. Now I’m getting ready for bed!

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This morning I ate a delicious breakfast and then got ready fro my day. Today I biked 15 miles, equivalent to 5 miles of running. I basically spent most of the morning doing that, watching some TV, relaxing and doing chores. Later, me, my sister, and my dad put up a volleyball net in our backyard.  Then I played with my sisters and neighbor for 3 hours. We played outside and then went up in our treehouse to play board games. Dinner was relaxed and then we watched the Oscars. It’s super late now (almost 10) so I’m going to bed! 

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Happy first day of march! Today was a good, but chill Saturday. I started on some chores this morning, and played iPad. Then, around 12 we all went to the last Davidson women’s basketball game of the season. They won 64 to 51. When we got home I ate a snack and relaxed. For dinner my dad made homemade pizza, it was so delicious! I also worked on some essays, I and 3/4 done with two more of them. Also, I got both of my recommendation letters. Everything, is coming together as we start week 8 of the cycle! Anyway, I’m thinking I might have a small cold, so I’m super tired. Night!

  70 Hits


Happy Friday! I’m so glad it’s  the end of the week! It was a fairly busy week for me, but not taekwondo wise because of color belt testing. I had a test in Spanish today, I don’t know my grade yet, but I don’t think I flopped. I made a dent in one of my essays and the rest of the school day was chill. When I got home I had a quick snack and went to Black Belt Class. Today we did board breaking, it was fun! After class I got a mentor session in. When I got home I had a delicious dinner and then played iPad. No Black Belt class tomorrow because of Instructor’s camp, so I get to sleep in. Night night!

  93 Hits


Today was a usual, normal day at school. I presented a project, and I’m proud of myself since I don’t like going up in front of a crowd. When we got home it was raining, but once it stopped I ran my mile on the local greenway. My grandma also is staying here for a few days, she got here today. I didn’t get to go to sparring tonight because of color belt testing. I’m really hoping I am able to get all of these classes in before the deadline. We ate a super good dinner and I played a game with my family. Now I’m getting ready for bed! Good night!

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Today was a great day! It started out by me forgetting to snooze my alarm, so I slept in late. Today I had a math test and did super well! Today was also a half day at school. After school we all went to Kung Fu Tea. I got the mango boba tea (I always get that one because it’s soooo good 😋) Right after that we went to a playground/park to meet up with my little sister’s friend. We stayed there for about an hour before heading home to get ready, and leave for, testing. In this time I got my requirements done. My littlest sister tested today for a high green belt (she got to skip a belt or two because she’s almost 9) To celebrate aftwards we want to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. However, after we got home, we realized that they messed up our order. I ended up...

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  95 Hits


Today I got up early, like every typical Tuesday, to take my sister to jump rope team practice. I also had time to get some requirements in this morning. In social studies I had a geography test, and I did super good! This left me feeling proud and happy for the rest of the day. I got picked up early from school to go to the orthodontist. I got new colors on my braces and my sister got her’s out! When we got home we went running and ate dinner when we got back. Then I just relaxed and played iPad. Now I’m getting ready for bed! 

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Today was a regular Monday! We started a project in ELA and we have ANOTHER test in math on Wednesday. When I got home I relaxed, played iPad and did my requirements. Then we all went to TKD, I was expecting my mentee to show up, but he didn’t for the second time in a row! I hope I will be able to get all of those meetings in. I am looking forward to a little break week this week because of testing! Now I’m eating dessert and getting ready for bed!

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Today was super fun! After eating a delicious breakfast and enjoying a relaxing morning we went to Zootastic park. Me, my sisters and my neighbor did a camp there last summer, so it was really fun to see all of the animals again and spend time walking around with my family. They have kangaroos, capybaras and REAL AXALOTLS! All of the animals were so cuteee! After about an hour and a half walking around, we went on a drive thru where you can feed animals from your car! I loved Zootastic! When I got home I ate a big, early dinner because I was so tired and hungry from walking around all day. Then I watched TV and forced myself to get off the couch and do requirements (I was realllllyyy tired by the way.) Then, my whole family was begging me to make them dessert so I made everyone chocolate...

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  69 Hits


I got up early and went to black belt class this morning. It was good and I practiced a lot. When I got home I drew and colored before doing my requirements. I rode 9 miles on my indoor bike (3 miles running) so I’m pretty proud of myself. The rest of the day I just spent relaxing. I watched TV, drew some more and helped my parents outside with yard work. We had a delicious dinner and then settled down for movie night! We just finished watching Wicked! I love this movie! It’s pretty late now so I’m going to bed, night!

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This morning was a just a regular one, but my mom surprised us with a little treat! I got up and went to school, today I got to make up some tests that I missed yesterday. After getting home I had about 1 hour so I ate some snacks and played iPad. Then I got ready for black belt class. We did a BUNCH of self defense and went over the test. Now time to review that and prepare for the real test! Now I’m just relaxing and making some dessert. Tomorrow is week 7! Night!

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I decided to take today off of school because it’s most likely the last snow day. Technically we had a 2-hour delay so early this morning I biked 3 miles indoors before deciding to take today off. I’m so happy I did! My sisters and I made snow cream (it was so good) and took our cats outside to experience the snow. Later I played with my sisters and my neighbor. We built a big snowman! After that we went to her house to do some karaoke on her machine. Around 2:00 we came back home and just spent the whole afternoon relaxing. We ate a quick dinner and then got to TKD. I got a class assistance credit in and did a sparring class. When I got home I ate dessert and now I’m getting ready for bed and a full day of school tomorrow!❄️✌️😊

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I'm so happy, I got to sleep in this morning and not wake up to an alarm because today we had a remote learning day. For breakfast we made muffins, and I was done with all of my schoolwork by about noon. I started working on my new skill, I'm learning how to crochet! after that I biked 6 miles (indoors, not outside in the snow ;), which is equivalent to 2 miles of running. By the time I was done it was snowing hard. I was so excited to I geared up and went outside to play with my sisters and neighbors. I played out there for about 2 hours. When I came inside, I had 1 hour until going to TKD. I ate dinner and then left. My mentee didn't show up for a meeting today, almost nobody was there because of the weather. Despite that, I got my...

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  59 Hits


This morning, I got up early to take my sister to jump rope practice. At school it was pretty normal, but good. I had a science vocab test, and did good, and I won 2 games in ELA. There was a lot of talk about school being out tomorrow because of snow! I took tonight off of TKD, so when I got home from school, I did homework, got requirements done, and relaxed on my iPad. Then, my mom told us that tomorrow will be a remote day for school! I am so excited because I get to sleep in and be home tomorrow! Then we ate dinner. I just finished reading some more of my book, I'm almost done, and now to bed! Night night!

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I had today off of school because of the holiday. This morning, we left my grandma's house and the beach to get home before TKD classes. It was 4ish hour drive, but it felt longgg. We got home around 3:15 and did some unpacking. I just relaxed when we got home because I was really tired. I ate a snacky dinner before going to TKD. I got a mentor and mentee meeting in along with some leadership credits. I didn't get to running today, but I will catch up with that tomorrow. I am about to take a shower and get my requirements done before going to bed!

  70 Hits


Today I got to sleep in, it felt good. We’re still at my grandma’s house. Today started out gloomy and rainy but by the end of the day it was sunny and really nice outside. Today I did my second digital detox day, now I finally finish up my essay. So this morning we played games and chocolate dipped some strawberries while it was raining. I also got some requirements done. Then we cruised around and went to the horse barn, the playground and drove down the beach road. Then, we came home and ate a snack. Once we digested we went to go run our daily mile(s) on the beach road. It was so beautiful. We hung out at the beach for a little while before coming back to the house to eat dinner. Once our digital detox period was over I called my friend and played iPad. The. We ate...

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  88 Hits


This morning I got up early to go to black belt class. Class was good, and I got a mentor meeting in. After black belt class we packed up the car and got on the road to my grandma’s house in Daufuskie Island, SC. we got her around 5:00. I just finished eating dinner and dessert, now I’m playing iPad and relaxing before bed!

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2/14- Valentine’s Day!

Today was a pretty good day overall! My cat successfully turned 18 and of course, Valentine’s Day. Before school, mom and dad gave me a gift and candy. At school I got goody bags and candyyy! I’ve had a lot of sugar today. After school I relaxed until it was time for black belt class. Black belt class was fun. When I got home I ate dinner, sang happy birthday to my kitty, and ate Valentine’s Day (and birthday) cake! I also packed a little bit because tomorrow we’re going to visit my grandma at the beach for the long weekend. I’m looking forward to a fun weekend! Happy Valentine’s Day! 

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This morning, I had to get up earlier than usual again because my sisters had Choir. I was supposed to have a science and math test today, but my science teacher was out. I got a good grade on my math test, and I have an ELA test tomorrow. I am excited for tomorrow because it's my cat's 18th birthday and of course, love day! Anyway, I just got back from sparring class and got a mentor session in. Now I am eating dessert and getting ready for bed!

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The weather these past few days has been yuckyyy! I got out of bed earlier than usual this morning, which is good. School was good, I got picked up early for a doctor's appointment. That was fine. I got home around 4:30 so I have some time before class. I got my requirements done, and now my mom's making dinner. At 5:30 I'll leave for class. I'm hoping to get both leadership credits in, and I have a mentee meeting scheduled. When I get home, I have 2 tests at school tomorrow, so I'm probably going to study for those and go to bed.

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Today was a good, normal day. I had to get up early, like every Tuesday, because my sister had jump rope practice at school. Other than that, it was just a regular day. Although everyone is getting sick! I hope I don't... After school I went to get a much-needed haircut. This took us about 2 hours, so I didn't get to run my daily mile today, but I'll make it up tomorrow. I did get all of my usual requirements done and had time to call my friend. I just finished eating dinner so now I'm just chilling before bed and getting ready for school tomorrow.

  55 Hits


Today was good (well, as good as a Monday can be.) At school I got a lot of stuff done but I'm disappointed in the Chiefs. They didn't' play very good last night, I wish they won :\  When I got home we took a walk outside on the greenway and I did my requirements. I got to eat a delicious dinner and played iPad before going to TKD. I got a mentor and mentee meeting in and both leadership credits. Now I'm preparing for school tomorrow and getting ready for bed :)

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Today was a nice and chill Saturday. Last night I went to my school dance, it was super fun but left me very tired. Therefore, it was hard to get up early this morning. I went to black belt class and from there we went to Chick-Fil-A. I got a KeyLime Sunjoy Lemonade, it was delicious! For the rest of the day, I just relaxed and watched TV, played on my iPad, started a knitting project and did lots of drawing in my notebook! I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend!

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Today was a good day. In math I had a big test, and I did well! That set a good mood for the rest of the day. In social studies I performed a little play. I am so ready for Friday tomorrow! When I got home from school I went on a 2-mile walk with my sisters and mom. Then we ate dinner, my dad came home from his trip, and I went to sparring class. Tomorrow night I have a school dance and I'm excited! Now I am getting ready for a good night of sleep.

  66 Hits


Today was another normal day. I had a few quizzes in school today and practiced my skit with my friends for tomorrow. Tomorrow I also have a math test, I hope I do well! When we got home, instead going to the gym, we took a 2 mile walk on the greenway by our house. I am loving the beautiful, sunny days we've been having lately. Then I quickly got ready for TKD. Today I had my first mentee meeting and got 2 leadership credits in. Now I'm doing some homework, finishing chores, and getting ready for bed.

  56 Hits


Today I had to get up earlier than usual to get to school. At school it was a fairly normal day, I have to put on a short play for my social studies class on Thursday, so we practiced that. It's about the Industrial revolution and traditional, Market economies. After school was the usual routine with going to the gym and running. When I got home, I played iPad because I didn't do double classes today. At class I got a leadership credit in. Tomorrow, I have my first mentee meeting, finally. Now I am getting ready to read and go to bed. 

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This morning, I was still super tired from the weekend and not ready for Monday... but it was okay. I had a test in ELA today and I feel pretty good about it. Straight from school I went to the gym to run and do requirements. When I got home I had about 45 minutes to eat some quick dinner and get ready for taekwondo. I got a mentor meeting in, finally arranged my first meeting with my mentee and got a leadership credit. Now I am getting ready for bed.

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I'm glad that this morning I could get up without any alarm. It felt good to get some rest after a long day/night. Today was a pretty relaxed day, I was still super tired, so we didn't do much. My mom made us a delicious breakfast and after that I spent some time playing outside and getting some requirements in. Around 3:00 I had to say bye to my dad; he's going on a business trip until Thursday... I miss him. Then, my sisters and I played with our neighbor for the first time in a few weeks. Then we ate dinner and tonight we're watching the Grammy's.

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Today was day two of Jr. Instructor's camp. I woke up at 6:00, I only got 6 hours of sleep.... so, I am really tired. However, it was a good experience, and I had fun helping out for my first time, even though I was shy and nervous. As soon as I got home, I cleaned myself up and just relaxed all evening. I will have to work double tomorrow to catch up on my requirements because I was too tired to come home and do them. Night night!

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I am writing my journal a little earlier today because tonight I will be helping at Jr. Instructor's camp. I got picked up early from school today to prep and pack. I did some requirements, and soon we will leave. Before the bus ride me and my family are going to get an early dinner/late lunch. I'm excited for camp!

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Today was the first normal day at school in a while (schedule wise). I had a science test. but it was fairly easy since my teacher let us use our study guides. When I got home, I did my requirements, ate a quick dinner and went to TKD. I'm super tired now. I'm also doing some packing for Jr. Instructor's camp tomorrow. I will be helping out. Now I will go get a good night of sleep.

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Today was math diagnostic testing at school, it was so long but I'm proud of my score. Otherwise just a normal day at school, but this warm weather felt amazing. I great as it was, it confuses me... it's January and it should never be this warm at this time of the year! I was super tired when I got home but my, my sister, and my mom went on a long walk before TKD class. I did double classes today and got 2 more leadership credits in. Now I have some homework to do, then I'll read and go to bed. :)

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Today we had to leave for school extra early which left me being super tired all day. I've been really tired lately. I went on a field trip at school today, it was fun. We went to get a tour of another middle school for complicated reasons. When I got home, I ran a mile outdoors today because it was really nice temperature and weather wise. Soon we'll have dinner and go to bed early tonight. :)

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It was hard getting up and going to school this morning after so many days off last week. At school we had a big diagnostic test, I was so tired I almost fell asleep. Afterwards, the day flew by. Straight after school I ran my mile, and I learned that I will be helping out at Jr. Instructors camp this year! When I got home, I had some math homework to do then I played on my iPad. Tomorrow I am going on a field trip, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to some sleep tonight :)

  75 Hits


I got to sleep in this morning. I haven't been able to sleep late too much lately and for some reason my whole body is sore, so it felt good. All day I pretty much just relaxed, watched TV and drew in my notebook. Then we went and ran our daily mile. I ran 1.5 miles today and I'm proud of myself because usually I'm not a big runner. Now we're watching the football game after eating some delicious nachos. 

  136 Hits


This morning, I had to get up early for my first Saturday BBC. After, I got my second mentor session in. It feels good to get the signatures into my book, it's filling up. We're officially at week three! When I got home, I just relaxed and watched TV. Then we ate dinner, and I watched Titanic for the first time! I loved it!

  51 Hits


This morning, I got to wake up without an alarm because it's a teacher workday. Because we have today off, I decided to do one of my digital detox days. It's been a little hard, but I can keep myself busy. This morning me and my sister made muffins for breakfast; they were delicious! Then I helped my mom with organizing. We just got back from running a grocery errand and I finished doing my requirements. I am so happy that we are almost at week three! We are about to go down to the Greenway to do our daily mile, even though it's cold. Then we will go to BBC. Then I will just relax before bed. :) 

  63 Hits


Today there was a 2-hour delay for school. So, this morning I got to chill and watch TV until it was time to go. It was a pretty normal day at school, I had a few quizzes, but they weren't that bad. Right after school we went straight to the gym to run our daily mile. In a few minutes we will go to Tae Kwon do. Tonight, we are doing sparring.

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I woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning, there's no school today because of the snow! I'm really happy that today's off because we were supposed to do a test today. So, this morning I just chilled and played on my iPad. Then I helped my mom clean out one of our closets. Soon, I'm going to go run our daily mile at the gym and do my requirements. Also, I'm thinking I will start working on another one of my essays, I already have 2 done. Tonight, we're going to go to the 6:00 and 6:45 class and maybe even help out for the first time! 

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I had to get up earlier than usual this morning because my sister had something to do starting at 7:30... But I took the extra time before school to study for a big Spanish test I had today. I feel pretty good about it. It was a normal day at school but really cold. Straight from school we went to the gym to run our daily mile. On our way home it started to snow lightly!!! I love when it snows. Afterwards I played some iPad and now I am going to do my sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, etc. Then I'll eat dinner and read my book about atomic habits. :)

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Since there's no school today, I got to sleep in late. When I woke up, I watched a new tv show that I found called Surviving Summer. For breakfast I had a leftover brownie and at 10:30 we went to the orthodontist. After the orthodontist we went to the grocery store and got lunch. When we got home, I called my friend and played Roblox. Soon we're going to run a mile on the Greenway. For the rest of the day, I will probably draw and watch TV. Then we'll have dinner and since there's school tomorrow, I will clean up then go to bed.

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When I woke up this morning, I was still a little sore from yesterday's pretest, so I just relaxed and watched TV all morning. We are about to go to the gym and run our daily mile. After, we're going to Birkdale to do some shopping at Barne's and Noble and hopefully get Starbucks. I'm glad we have tomorrow off of school because I have some last-minute studying to do for my Spanish test on Tuesday. Then we'll watch the football game, eat dinner and stay up late watching a movie. :)

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1/18-Pretest day

Today was the pretest and I feel like I did pretty good. The push-ups and the V-sit-ups were the hardest parts for me, but I'll keep working on them. Overall, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I'm really proud of myself...however, I was super tired when I got home. I'm looking forward to relaxing for the rest of the day. :)

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