Today was the physical and written test. I was super happy because I did much better than the pre-test and I did very well on the written test! I am so proud of myself and everyone, it’s the beginning of the end. When I got home I ate something, which was much needed and then me, my sister and the rest of my family went down to our local greenway to set up a snack stand to raise money for Bags of Hope. It was fun, we got some money to donate, but we didn’t do as well as I hoped. We will go back tomorrow though and this time my friend/neighbor will join us. After we got home from that we had to get ready to go to a Davidson College basketball game. My sister preformed at half time doing her jump rope routine! I’m so proud of her because she did so good, especially after getting up early and doing the post-test. Unfortunately Davidson didn’t win, but that’s okay! You can’t win them all! Anyway, I just spent the set of the day on the couch playing iPad. Then we ate dinner and rested some more. Now we’re watching Barbie and going to sleep. It was a super long journal today 😄 and I only have 1 or 2 journals left! It was a super busy day so I need to sleep. Night!