Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Last journal of the cycle and first of I'm sitting here doing this and my keyboard keeps tpying the letter l by itself and its doing it every 5 seconds so I have to keep deleting so ima make this journal a bit short. I just went to class and got home at 12:00 and I then did 100 pull ups then did 4.5 miles run then biked 10 miles and it lasted the whole day after 12;00 so now I go sleep. GOOD NIGHT

  48 Hits

Busy Saturday

So I woke up at a normal Saturday time and didn’t bother doing anything to get ready except get my uniform in my bag then I went to class and then after I got a haircut then went to my aunts house to meet up with family for like 5 hours now I am tired and want to sleep!

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1 week till testing!

So it’s a Friday it’s almost summer it’s already spring and I know nothing today can’t go wrong so I started off the day with looking at some Ironman races which are just triathlons and I want to do one of those. After the part were I did not much in school I went to class really quick and got a mentor session and then cycled 8 miles on a stationary bike in 120° I then ate dinner and now I’m sleeping!

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Sparring day!

I wasn’t very excited for today since I have Spanish and I have to present my presentation with my group today since we failed it on Tuesday. Once I got to Spanish my team decided to change theirs minds and they want to do it on Tuesday of next week. So at least I didn’t have to present today. The rest of my classes were a bit boring and we just did random assignments so I rode the bus home and got home really late at 5 pm so I rushed to class and got there and took a class before sparring then had sparring and it wasn’t terrible except for the fact that I was coughing every single second of sparring so after that I got home and showered now I’m sitting here journaling while eating dinner. 

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So I already knew it can’t be that bad of a day since it’s halfway through the week and I have cycling class todayyy!!! So I am so excited to go to cycling and after that class my hair was messed up cuz of the helmets so I went in the bathroom to fix it then the rest of my day was pretty boring so I just waited to go to a 120° sauna after school and ride a bike for 7 miles then went to class and then came home and just did my math homework, G00D night

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spanish presentation

So I was really nervous of going to school today and sadly I did though so once it came to spanish class my group of 6 was the 2nd group to present and it felt good, I mean I felt like we did fine, but after everyone finished our teacher told us we failed and that we got a 50 somehow. So I didn't feel good for the rest of the day and kinda just waited till I got home and I finished my math homework and then went to class and waited for my mentee to show up to make up testing and I got him reviewed a bit and then he got his last strip before he started testing. I hope it went good for him and I couldn't stay because I needed to go home and do some things but yeah. Have A good nights!

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finishing up the cycle

I don't have much of the cycle left, so I don't have to be as strict on myself as much as I have been like waking up at 4 am and going to 3 classes every day so I woke at 8:30 today and ate breakfast and went to class and once I got finnished with poomsae class the next class started which is a new class and itl's for the people doinlg the tournement and it went pretty good. After that all I got home at like 1 pm and then waited for like 2 hours until I went to a sauna and cycled a bike for a hour in 130 degrees to practice for a extremely hot race I'm doing. Once I got home I ate dinner and then just did everything I needed to for the rest of the day.

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Test day

I woke up with so much energy for the 2 miles today and once I started it was good until like lap 5 which I was getting really tired on then I just keeped going and moving and I threw up at the end but I got a really good time for myself and I’m happy and the rest of testing was good and then I had a nice big breakfast and then relaxed for the rest of the day!

  85 Hits


My main goal was trying not to fall back asleep this morning, and I succesed at that then I took a shower quickly so I don't miss my bus today. Once I got to school there wasn't much to do execpt wait for my science test, which I did decent on, I got a 84%. Once I got home I just ate and heading to class, I got there like 30 minutes early by accident which was a accident, class was really easy since we just did cycle stuff, I also learned one of my answers were wrong on the test so now I fixed that and I am sure to get a 100%!!! Now I just be chilling and going to bed early so I get enough rest to get a absolutely amazing testing. GOOD NIGHTSSS!!!

  71 Hits

I GOT A 100% ON MY TEST!!!

So I'm waking up today knowing it's going to be good, I don't even have spanish today, but I have cycling thankfuly, after I took a math test which I feel like I got a 100% on and then the rest of my day was very easy and so I went home by car so I can get to class early and still have anough time to do everything I want to do, Once I got home I had my parents test me on the written test to practice for saturday and I got a perfect 100% on that so now I feel super good and I am going to absolutely pass this test. After I assisted the 6:00 class there was sparring which was pretty normal, not anything boring or fun or bad or good, just normal. Now I be relaxing and scrolling on tiktok until 10 pm because I...

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  94 Hits

Lucky day off

So I didn’t journal last night so whoopsie, I will just do it right now  and yesterday was actually productive, I got a bunch of my schoolwork done then I just ate lunch and went to king tiger and got a bunch of thing done for that then came home and relaxed a bit and went to sleep, it wasn’t much fun if a day but at least I got a bunch of things done.

  45 Hits

Sleepy day

I accidentally sleeped through my alarm set for 4:00 am and then I also sleeped through my alarm set for 4:05 am and I got woke up at 7:00 and I’m not surprised that I sleeped through both of my alarms because I have got like 2 hours of sleep for the past 3 days so I’m glad I got some more sleep and I then went to class then came back and did some productive things and by the way I forgot to journal yesterday but when I woke up yesterday my leg cramped for probably 3 minutes straight and I was screaming in so much pain and I had to get compresion tape at 3 am so I can go to instructors camp in time. At the end of yesterday I genuinely wasn’t able to walk correctly and my right leg was messed up and it still was today,...

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  75 Hits

best friday of the cycle

So Im waking up a bit late since Im waking up tommorow at 3 am to go to king tiger and after I wakes up I do my homework and then go to school then we didn't really do much at school since like it's like 6 months into the year and it's a average friday, execpt after lunch there was a fight and it was cool to watch so after that I went home today not on my bus because like always it is late D: but once I got home I got a quick food to eat and then went to king tiger and we mostly did board breaking which was scary because I devolped a fear of board breaking now but I ended up breaking the board and I went home and now I be finishing up my essays!

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More bloody nose ):

So I wake up as usual and I then go to school and we litterly did nothing today so I just rode the car home since I have to get home very fast and my bus doesn’t really do that. I ate something then went to king tiger and I got there really early to lead the red belts for the running then I waited for testing to finish and I got back home and I started bleeding really badly out of my nose so it’s been about 1 and a half hours of bleeding out of my nose and it’s not any better. Ever since I got back from the trip to Korea I have had so many bleeding nose

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Short day

so today we are getting out of school a few hours early for some reason so yea I just went to school and we basically did nothing since there is nothing to do and then a came home and rode my bike to a 130° sauna to ride another stationary bike for 45 minutes and I then rode my bike back home then took a short nap then went to king tiger to get there early for testing tonight and that was fine I mean we didn’t do a whole lot, then I just came home and then ate dinner and now I’m sleeping so yeah. Good night.

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I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!! My stomach pain is no more and like and I can walk without dying! So I do my morning stuff then go to school and since I’m going to high school next year we go tour it which was kinda boring and I just came back and then went home shortly after and after I went to class and got bunch of things done then went home and cleaned myself off and now I am eating dinner and going to sleep. Hope your having a good day!

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Productive day!

I wake up and take a shower and get ready for class and it isn't really that bad today besides the stretches which I am horrible at at but whatever, then I finish up class and go home to read a chapter of my book for the cycle then go practice my skill and clean some and after that I go finish an essay which all that felt great after I was done with that then I went on a nice walk and I didn't count it for anything because I don't want to count walking when I am supposed to be running 100 miles. Anyways after that all I eat dinner and now I am relaxing after a good productive day. Goods night!

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Best day of the week but I go to class early and it's not fun at all, I still hurt very bad but then I go to both saturday classes then go home and chill and just take a nap then look at my schoolwork I missed from friday since I was sick. and didn't do much then I caught up a bit on black belt stuff and now im just going to sleep. Good nights!

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Rest day

So I’m still sick and I woke up feeling pretty bad still. But during the entire night I was vomiting every hour so I got maybe like 4 hours of sleep then the night was over finally! So after a not so fun night I woke up very nauseous and I couldn’t even stand up. So I didn’t go to school today and I stayed home and sleeped more and drank a lot of water. So it wasn’t really that fun of a day, since I couldn’t even walk barely so now im going to sleep.

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Another sick day :(

I woke up a bit later than normal today at 6am. I put my shoes on and a sweater then I went on a nice 3 mile jog. I got back right before sunrise. Then I ate breakfast and finished my weekly math homework. I got ready for school then it started snowing and I'm surprised they didn't cancel school today because it looked like more snow than yesterday when they cancelled school. So I went to school, it was a pretty short day. By my last class, I started to feel very hungry but neasous at the same time.  Once I got home, I ate a small snack then went to the 6 o'cloock class. I assisted and lead warmups during class. Then I went to sparring and about 5 minutes in, I rushed to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to puke. I didn't puke, so I...

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  75 Hits


I usualy wake up feeling a certain way, either tired or relaxed, today I just felt fine, no special anything, so I just ate breakfast then did my online work for school since school is canceled today. I waited for it to snow at about 12 pm then it snowed a bit, but it wasn't a lot then I went outside and worked out and then did my black belt things until like 2 pm were it started snow a bunch. So I don't like running in snow or rain or extreme cold or heat like most people do but I didn't care and I went outside for a run went it was snowing the most. The fiirst few miles were fine then like at mile 2.25 it started like heavily snowing so it smacked me so much and I couldn't see anything and it was very very cold so I...

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  45 Hits


So I not purposely wake up at 4:25 am right after I had a nightmare, whatever, I go back to sleep until 5:30 then I go on a easy 3 mile run and I start halluctionated, I usualy halluctionate like bunny rabits or small things. At mile 2.5 I see a creepy person, like really creepy, After running by him for like 5 seconds I start to panick and I sprint off then go back home. So morning is interesting then I go to school and I feel HORRRRRRIBLE like I might vomit and I have a headache but im also hungry and I have extreme anxiety so I ask my mama to pick me up then I chill for the rest of the day until I got dinner then went to a trivia place at like 7:00 and it was nice going there, thankfuly no school tommorow so yay! Good...

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  68 Hits

Average sdaturday

THE WEEK IS OVER AND NOW IT'S SATURDAY! I wake up feeling great so I get to black belt class early and Grandmaster Evins starts class early today, so I get an extra 15 minutes of black belt class! After that I went home and then ate breakfast and then went on a small run. I did my black belt requirments after that and then chilled for a bit till 7:00 and I went to a 130 sauna to cycle on a bike for 30 minutes and it felt to tiring and I almost died. After that I took a shower to get the ocean of sweat off of me and then now im just playing some games till I go to sleep! Good nights!

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Happy valentimes day!!

So I woke up feeling good and I finnished up my homework for the week and went to school and today I had a sub for spanish which was so nice. The rest of the day was pretty easy then I went to home and ate some food then went toi class and came home now im chilling. GOOD NIGHT

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loooooooong day

So I was wide awake and headed downstairs to do some homework then got ready and now school, I had cycling for my 1st class which I have Mrs. Ford which honestly probally she is my best teacher ever. After that I had 4 really long classes then after like 20 hours of school I went to sparring and it was pretty easy today and now im sleeping! Good night.

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So I woke up and got started on some homework then went to school and today wasn't that boring or fun it was just kinda mid. To be honest spanish was way funner than usual today! Like we did a whole fun thing which is hard to explain but then I had a math test right after and I felt ready for this test and after I finished I felt like I got a 100 but I won't know for a while because I took it on paper but a few classes later in my last class I had history and I felt really lightheaded then I felt like I was gonna pass out so I went to the nurse and left, I had the same feeling on sunday during class which was bad, I hope that doesn't keep happening, but whatever. After I came home I decided not to go...

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  71 Hits

presentation day!

So I woke up a bit late, o well it's fine so after my daily morning routine I go to school today and do my math homework real quick and after going to spanish then math then science I go to lunch which felt longer than usual so thats nice then I had english..... So first 20 minutes I finish up perfecting my parrot presentation and I waited for the 2 people in ahead of me to go and then my turn. After the worst 5 minutes of my life that felt like maybe the rest of my life I finished and I GOT A 95% OH YEAAAAAAA! So im all exicted and I get to king tiger and I knock all my requirments and stuff for today then I come home and now im chilling. GOOD NIGHT! OR DAY!

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So I donn't know what to name my blog tittle so I named it chicken! Now I woke up regularly today no fever no sickness and made it to class. The first 20 minutes really easy, everything is smooth, then... I start to feel really lightheaded as if I might pass out so I sit down for a few minutes and get some water and drink up and rejoin class then finish then I go home and chill and do my black belt stuff then wait till super bowl and watch cheifs start off pretty bad and eagles like 17-0 and now im going to bed. Kinda short day unlike yesterday but atleast I get to wait another week till half way through the cycle! Good night!

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rest day

So I didn't purposely wake up at 4 am today instead my sick body overheated and I woke up DRENCHED in sweat I felt like I just went swimming or something so I went and got a snack then went back to sleep. Since im very sick I sleeped till 9:00 and decided to just not go to class and not completely shut down my body and so when I woke up I just relaxed in my bed a bit longer then had some breakfast and just didn't really do much the entire day because I felt really lightheaded and now im feeling way better, almost my normal self. Off topic but my leg is really bothering me my right knee like it's been screwed up for a while and I think I need some compression tape for it anyways good night!

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Sick day

I woke up ready to finish this week off, I did my homework first thing. After I finished that I went to school. I was feeling a little bit fatigued for the first couple hours of school,  then when I went to science class I strarted feeling really really horrible, so I asked my dad if he could pick me up early from school. After I got picked up early I rested until I went to black belt class.  Class was definitely a bit rough today  but I made it through. Once I got home I was feeling pretty bad but I had dinner  and played uno with my family. Now I am just going to lay in bed and rest while watching some tv.  Good Sleeps!

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So I finally feel better like my sore throat ain't that bad no more and my left eye doesn't hurt and even though I woke up a bit late today I was able to get my homework done and go to school. School wasn't that bad like I didn't do much execpt in gym our pacer test was today and I got a 75 which is 35 higher than what I got last time. I didn't do much in the rest of my classes but I had a sub for history! So I didn't have to take notes today for an hour straight. I came home and then went to King Tiger and then went home and showered so my day was a 7/8 overall. Good night

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So I don't know how to start today but I actualy woke up at 4:00 today and got some stuff done and then went to school, and when I say this I mean it, MY EYE HAVE BEEN HURTING FOR THE ENTIRE DAY!!! It's like each time I blink it feels like a peble was shot in my eye, my left eye. I didn't think of it to much during the morning cause like maybe I just sleeped on my eye or something but like halfway through the day it was really starting to make me mad and I didn't want to go home because I have like 10 missing days so I just waited for the day to end the I put some eye drops in my eye and it felt way better and I went to go on a run and for some reaosn my body is just not...

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  43 Hits


So to start off my wonderful monday BY WAKING UP LATE :O I mean this has been like the 3rd day off the cycle i've woke up late. I don't know whats wrong with me right now but I need to fix myself. Not only did I wake up at 8:00!!! I'm also like very very dehydrated. I can't be all sorry for myself and whatever because it is my fault I don't drink nearly as much water as I need to, so I skip school today and this will be my 2nd to last day I will skip school this year and I have to skip it on a friday in April for a race I have to go to. Anyways I have felt very dizzy, with a headache and my skin is pretty pale so I basiclly 100% knew I was in a lack of water (I'm having a...

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  65 Hits

calm sunday

So im like really really really dyhrated and I NEED WATER. I don't know why or how I forget to do the most basic life skill of drinking water but it's ok. Anways I woke up really late at 8:00 then went to class then after class I waited for my phone to charge so I can go on a nice fresh 3.33 miles run and then just didn't do much the rest of the day then ate dinner and did my black belt stuff! Good sleeps!

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Best day of the week

So I woke up at 5:00 and then waited till 6:00 to get ready and I left at 6:45 so I can ride my bike to king tiger and I took a different route today and I ended up being 50 minutes early so yea I just kinda sat there for 50 minutes until class started, and it was a small class today and was pretty easy too. I litterly couldn't ride my bike uphill in the grass with a bad chain for like 3 miles so I just got picked up and I went home and sleeped then took my dogs out then went to dinner and now am doing nothing! 

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3 hours till friday!

So I finally woke up at a decent time (5:00) and got some black belt stuff done! I had to go school school and start the day of with gym class! I love gym, I have Mrs. Ford who is the 2nd best teacher of all time and today we had our fitness test which usually last like a week and today we did our push ups and planks, I didn't get the maximum 30 push ups but my form was really good, and my plank time I got the maximum 3 minutes pretty easil. Anyways the rest the day up till American history was pretty boring and easy, I mean I litterly took notes in sciences then got to play games the rest of class, but anyways time to talk about history class... I currently am working on a mini project which it's basiclly a one pager and honestly I...

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  56 Hits

half way to the weekend

Now this is the second day i've woke up late. There is something wrong with me or something but anyways I wokes up at 6:30 and just waited for school then when I had to go to prison the scanners didn't go off!!!! Now for the past 3 years there has been scanners and if it beeps you have to be searched. I have been searched for the past 3 years EVERY SINGLE DAY. It waste like 2 minutes of my time, BUT TODAY IT DIDN'T GO OFF!! I was so happy and made the rest of my day. I started with spanish which I just had some notes and then math class which is way better in the mornings then the afternoon, after that I had science which I took like 55 minutes of notes :O and then had lunch and then the rest of my day was pretty easy,...

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  69 Hits

bad start

Now I wake up knowing today is semester 2. I got ready for school and I have new electives. I still have spanish since it's yearlong class so not normal, but today I have cycling. I had cycling in 6th grade and it was really fun but in 7th grade I didn't have it sadly and now I have it again! We just started so we didn't get on the bikes today and I have to do fitness test before anything. That was really the only good part of the day, I'm not going through the rest because it was really boring. After school I kinda ran my best mile time of 6:36 which I kinda did because I paused it 3 times then walked in those times then ran, someday i'll do it without stopping hopefully! I went to class and now am going to sleep. Good night!

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average monday

I was going to wake up at 4:00 am to get even more ahead on my black belt stuff but I accidently sleeped in till like 6 which sucks, but anyways I just went to school, it's my last day of the 1st semester but my spanish class is a yearlong class so it doesn't rotate out with another class but my medical class does so I had spanish today which I don't really like that class to much and then after that I had science which I just took some notes in class but next class is englsih. Now today the 8th graders get to meet up with our future highschool administrators so I got to go there and I had to wait like FOURTY MINUTES in line until I spoke with my administrator and it wasn't much but I basiclly got to skip english and the rest of my...

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  82 Hits

I forgot about yesterday

Now yesterday I was going to journal but completely forgot, so i'll start with yesterday. So I wake up on a beautiful saturday like all saturdays and today is my race day. I awakened at 7:30 and drank some water and went to Charlotte right next to Grandmaster Evin's school to a small event that consist of a 1 mile, 5k, 10k, 15k, and a half-marathon. So i'd be running the half-marathon and I went and looked at the trial real quick and went back to the start and, and bamm! The crowd of like 100-ish people zoomed off and we started downhill, like a really steep downhilll, so I was going at a 8:30 minute per mile pace which was WAYYY to fast, I was needing to go way slower like a 12 min per mile pace, but oh well, I slowed down to a high 9 min per mile...

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  206 Hits

rest day

Since I haven no school today I sleeped in til 9:00 and I bascilly just watch squid game all day and then went to black belt class which and I had a mentor sesion and now am resting for tommorow! So kinda boring day but oh well, good night!

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So apparently we have to title this bread for today for no explaination. I get to wake up a little late at 7:00 today since my school has a 2 hour delay today which is great. Once I got to school I had to go with a different teacher today to take my math test, the test took like 2 hours and I got a somewhat of a good score. The rest of the day was really easy since the quarter ends. I got on my bus and apparently half of the bus fell off or something (not actualy) so I had to sit with 4 people in a 2 person seat. I imdediatly went sparing and got a mentee sesion and now i'm eating dinner. Have a good night!

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Apparently a snow day

I wake up looking outside and seeing no snow, although school is canceled because of some snow that happended in Alaska probaly. I remember seeing the little ice in the grass blades which that is the reason most likely why it's canceled and not because of Alaska. After the delightful news I just kinda didn't do much, I mean I got ahead on jump roping and plus im ahead on like everything! At like 5:00 I went and worked out which killed my arms and now im eating dinner, hope yall are having a good dinnner!

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School test

I woke up at 4:00 am to go do some productive stuff with my life, which completely failed. I ended up falling asleep like 5x and was tired the entire morning and almost missed my bus, so yea it wasn't the best start off to my day, but of course it wouldn't get much better! So after waiting for testiing to start, it did and it actualy wasn't hard so I kinda rolled through the first half of it. The second half I got to read really long passages! That cut of an hour and half of my 2 hour time limit so I rushed with 30 minutes left and it ended when I still had like 1/5 of the test to go and it gave me my score (641) which was decent. The rest of the day I had bassicly nothing left to do and after I left school there...

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  65 Hits

Short day

Honestly today there isn't to much to talk about, I mean I woke up did homework then just kinda did nothing on my phone. After breakfast I went to a 120 degree sauna and did like 30 minutes of cycling which made my shirt drenched in sweat then got home and ate then showered and went to dinner and came home, so not very eventful day but I am like a week ahead on some of my black belt stuff which is good. So hope yall had a eventful day.

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I'm not so sore?

Now I woke up with anticipation that I was going to be really sore today after a almost half marathon run from yesterday, but surprisingly I felt not the worse, I mean my legs had a little tingle in them but that was all really. I also decided to sleep in today but still woke up at 7:00 to run to taekwondo. After putting on my running shoes and packing my uniform the first mile was great, I was at a 10:45 minute per mile pace and only had 4 miles to go, roughly a half mile after that it started to sprinkle a but then stopped until at mile 2 it just rained so heavily and I was drenched and I still had to go 3 miles, so I turned back around and got in my parents car so they could drive me to class. After class I sleeped for...

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  53 Hits

Pretesting day

I forgot to hydrate yesterday so I probaly didn't do as good as I felt I should of, so I started the run at 6:15 at a decent pace for the first 4 laps then picked it up by like 10 seconds the next 2 laps and the final 2 laps I ran really fast and my time was slightly lower than I wanted but i'm still happy with it. I went to Master Evin's school after to do my other pretest and I did mostly better than my last cycles final test which I felt good about. After pretest I really wasn't to tired so I wanted to try to run like a half marathon today, for the 1st 5 miles I was fine but the 6th mile I was shaking and my legs were cramping so I ran for another like 2 miles, which felt like absolute torture then...

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  63 Hits

Almost pretest day!

So I am a bit behind on my poomsae so I woke up at 4:00 am to go do all my black belt requirments then at 5:00 I went on a easy 3.6 mile run to start the day then I dragged myself to school sadly knowing I have 4 test today. My first class, Spanish I had to listen to audios for a test then answer questions on the audios which only like 2 people got a good grade on (I got a 67%) but then after that spanish test I had to read articles and answer questions in spanish for my 2nd spanish test which I got a 90% on. I had English a few hours later which I had a vocabulary test and I got a 100% then last class I had a math test which was like 7 sheets long and I dont know what I got...

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  83 Hits

Journal #4

I very miserbely got out of bed at 4:50 am to go take a shower then after I started on my black belt things which took only roughly an hour so I just spent from 6:00 to 7:00 reasearching some races to run but then I had to go to school which was 10x more boring than yesterday but also I got to see everyones history project and I personally think mine was the best, not to brag. After the last bell rang I just sat with my friends and finnished my math homework while waiting for my bus, which wasn't late today which I was really surprised because it's been late every single other day of the year. Once I got home I went on a quick mile run than got on my uniform and went to class, after class I went to the store for dog food then home...

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  55 Hits

Long day..

I decided I felt behind even though I wasn't so I just got out of bed and decided to try to do double of everything which I ended up doing just a few minutes before I had to get ready for school, and this time I left a few minutes earlier since my bus was really early yesterday but today it was late, so thats always nice and once I got to school I waited for the bell to ring so I can go my classes. Most classes were really long and boring and felt longer than a hour, specificly math class and history. But midway through the day I thought I needed to bring in a project for my history class but thankfully wasn't due today, so i'll bring that in tommorow, but after the last bell rang I waited for my always late bus to take me back home...

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  64 Hits

The ice is melting :(

Today I woke up, looked outside and there was no snow left. I went downstairs and I spent the morning doing my math home and dreading my life. When I finally left I almsost missed my bus, of course, but I got on the bus at the LAST second. I was immediately bombarded with not one but two test which I did decent on both of them. Then I spent the last 30 minutes of math class staring at the clock waiting for the hand to hit 4:10 which was defintely not 30 minutes it felt like an eon. After I got back home I went on a bike ride from through cornelius and then to dinner and La Unica. I went to King Tiger after and I was dying inside because I was helping out with class but its been so long, so i forgot everything. I somehow ended up...

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  75 Hits


This Friday I didn’t wake up on time I sleeper in! Then I finished up my black belt requirements for the cycle and now ima go to school and probably going to get a 100% on my test then come back home and just relax then go to testing and I hope I will not have to stay like 10 hours.

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Today I woke up and did homework then I am going to school and  today will be easy because there’s no test and I will probably just finish my cycle today and then I will go to sparring then come home.

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Today I woke up and just did some homework than I went to school and today was easy and I got a 93 on my math test then am heading home and I will do my black belt requirements.

  126 Hits


Today I woke up and I am doing my black belt requirements then I’ll go to school and I hope my teacher don’t give us 100000 test then I’ll come home and run then go to class.

  189 Hits


Today I woke up and went to class for today and did kicks and poomsae then went to Lowe’s and bought cinder blocks to practice my brick break and then went home and played video games for a bit then waited for my boards to arrive from Amazon then I went and practiced them it was difficult at first but I manage to break a black board stacked on a red board stacked on a blue board (I don’t not know if they are the same at the taekwondo gym) then I practiced my flying side and my hurricane kicks then took a shower and ate dinner.

  164 Hits


Today I woke up and immediately went to testing run and I did very much better I got exactly 8 minutes and was just so little of from 7 sadly then I went to black belt class and we did board breaks then I’m now home and ima kinda chill for the rest of the day.

  136 Hits


Today I woke up and happy pie day! I did my black belt requirements then went to school and today was kinda boring l just kinda tired through the whole day and at math my teacher was very mad today I don’t know why and I’m at home now and doing my requirements 

  113 Hits


Today I woke up and a did all of my black belt requirements and then went to school it was sooooooo easy today because it was a half day and I got my running done in school on the track field after school I came home and am playing video games and and I hope the rest of the day is just nothing to much 

  143 Hits


today I woke and was extremely sore from testing and then ate breakfast and now I’m waiting for class to start and hope it will be easy because I’m tired. After that I want to go home and just chill for the rest of the day then run a bit and I’m going to try to get 100  miles during the cycle just because.

  142 Hits


Today I woke up and immediately went to testing which I was not nervous at all and I started which push ups which I beat my 17 by 21 then it was plank and I had 1:27 and now I got 5:37 so 4 minutes and the empress of test was ez and I got 10 pills ups and much more and then went home and just chilled for a while then went back to king tiger to do community service and I got a donut! 

  158 Hits


Today I woke up and then did most of my black belt requirements then went to school today was just so boring so I just kinda did t even really listen half of the time because we have been learning this for a while the. went home and finish my requirements then finish my book essay then reviewed my test and now am heading to be, Hope y’all had a good day!

  128 Hits


Today I woke up and did most of my black belt requirements then I got ready for school then now I’m waiting for the doors to open and then once I’m inside I’ll just probably wait until something interesting happens because school is so boring then the rest of the day will be easy then I’ll come home finish my requirements then run like a few miles then go to 6:00 class and sparring.

  145 Hits


Today I woke up and then ran 1 mile then did push ups sit ups and burpees then got on video games and just played them for most of the day then I went to 2 classes to help out for then went home and just ate dinner then did the rest of my requirements then sleep.

  157 Hits


Today I woke up and didn’t do much this morning since I was so tired so I kinda just sat on my phone for a while then got ready for school went to it and it was extremely easy today we had no test or anything and after I got home from school I did my black belt requirements then played video games since I have the 5th off of school then went to bed 

  148 Hits


Today I woke up and was most tired person ever because I went to instructor camp yesterday. There was a four hour bus ride to camp, then once we got there, we put on our uniforms. The first half, we did four stations that had different workouts at each one. Each station had either balancing, learning how to punch and kick hard, how to tie belts blindfolded, and footwork exercises.  The second half we learned how to teach different kinds of classes and people. Like family classes, senior classes, teenagers, and small children. Then after that, we did our candle ceremony and that ended camp. We got back on the bus and headed home.  After I got home, I went to sleep which only lasted a bit since it was so late after we got home.  That's why I was so tired when I woke up this morning.  After I woke...

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  152 Hits


Today I woke up and was miserable but happy then just kinda walk slowly to my car got in it then went to taekwondo gym and I’m. currently on the way to intructors camp and I hope that I won’t be exhausted after even though I probably will be tired but at least the time there will be great and I don’t think I’ll be sleeping when I get back to my house

  153 Hits


Today I woke up then I did my homework for school and then I went to school. My first class was just regular, didn’t do much. Second class I got a 97 on my social studies test. Then the rest of the day was a pretty regular Friday for me. I came home then I ran two miles in the rain. Then I went to black belt class. After class, I came home, ate dinner, and did my black belt requirements. 

  140 Hits


Today I woke and did all of my black belt exercises then went to school today kinda sucked I feel like I never exist because my teacher never call on me for a question and I got in trouble because my ELA teacher said I was being loud because I slam my computer even though it was a accident then I went home and did my 2 mile run then went to sparring

  154 Hits


Today I’ve woke up and done all my exercises and then got ready for school I’m at school waiting for the doors to open then hope any test go fine and hope that’s the rest of the day will go smooth it’s a wensday so not much going on.

  140 Hits


Today I work up then did most of my black belt requirements the got ready for school, went to school it was a pretty average day I had 2 test which I got A’s on like usally😎 after school i invited my  twin brother to his first class but he was surprisingly good! (It was the white belt for a week thing) then had a mentor session.

  133 Hits


Today I woke up at 5am and did my black belt requirements and hung out on my phone for a while. Then I got ready for school and then went to school. First class I just did a simple worksheet and then I took my next class we basically did nothing. I got picked up early today to get our passports. I did the rest of my school work in the car. Then took a nap in the car. We got home and ran. After that, I just played video games. After that, I ate dinner, took a shower, then read more of Atomic Habits. 

  228 Hits


Today I’ve woke up and did all of my requirements than ate breakfast and then am getting ready to go to school I am thankfully being picked up early to get a passport so that will be nice and I’ll have a great rest of my Monday and ho

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  161 Hits


Today I woke up then got ready for black belt class and then did staff and sticks form before the class. Class was more interesting than usally today, but it wasnt bad but kinda confusing for the first part. I then went home and now im hoping the rest of my day goes by smooth and since my parents have to go somewhere I get the whole house to my self and ill probally do my black belt requirements tonight.

  142 Hits


Today I woke up, did all my exercises, then I studied Norwegian on my phone for about an hour. Then I went to school, science was fine, we just reviewed for a test. All my other classes were just typical days. Ela was really interesting because when I went to go to the bathroom on the way there I saw our school officer and our administrators all inspecting some kid but I didn’t know why. It was very interesting though. Some kid I know said he knew what happened and would tell me tomorrow. When I got home I played some video games and then I ate dinner and cuddle my dog while reading my book. 

  152 Hits


Today I woke up and decided I need to run 5 mile today to get ahead! the first mile was not the best I did try to run it very fast but it was kinda alright. After I finished that mile I had to take a break for like 5 minutes but then got back to it then finished another mile then another then another then my last one which felt great to be done with. I hope the rest of my day goes by smooth and ive already done my poomsae and self defense from yesterday. Hope you all have a great day!

  161 Hits


Ive woke up and ive went to black belt class but it was not my best class then I went to my schools track field to pratice my mile and I ran my fastest mile of 7:49 greatfully and now am going back home and finishing one of my essays then doing my bb requirements tonight and just not doing much today.

  138 Hits


Today I’ve already woke up and did my belt black requirements but am also unhappy that today I hope a huge test for ELA that will last the whole day but I hope to get at least a 235 or higher which is good but after that we will be out of school immediately because of the half day thankfully than I will do my run than I will think about what I will do later!

  139 Hits


I just woke up and did nothing because I’m very tired but I got ahead on todays stuff last night so I can just do nothing except run and I hope today goes well anyways have a good day!

  114 Hits


Today I woke up the. Did my black belt requirements except my run but I hope it will go by fast because I’m exhausted of school since all school is, is just go to it and try not to fall asleep

  180 Hits


Today I woke up and did my black belt requirements. Then, got ready for school and got some donuts on the way to school. I went to school and immediately had math map testing. That test went really good, I got a 253 on it. Then the rest of my classes were shortened. I came home, I ran 1.75 miles and did some extra pull ups after that. Then I did extra planks. Then I played some video games, ate dinner, and took a shower. I did 5 minutes of extra planks and then Poomsaes. 

  164 Hits


I woke up and did my black belt things and now getting ready for school but I hope today will not be as bad as yesterday and I hope the test that I have tomorrow will go great so my teachers are not unhappy with me and I hope that today will just go by fast so I can just get home and finish my mile run.

  256 Hits


Today I woke up and did my black belt requirements. After that I got ready for school and went to school. During Science, we extracted DNA from a strawberry. And then I completely messed it up by accidently pouring the chunks of strawberry with the DNA. In Math, it was pretty boring. We just did a simple worksheet. In Spanish, we learned how to describe family. Then in ELA, we just did a simple worksheet on the Harlem Renaissance. After school, I came home and immediately ran. Then after my run, I played some video games, ate dinner and then went to bed.   

  150 Hits


Today I woke up and just hung out on my phone for a couple hours. Then, I ate breakfast and went to class. I did my jump rope and push ups before and after class. After class I came back home and did burpees. I ate lunch and played video games for a while. Then went on a run with my parents. I ran about 3 miles. After I ran I did 2 minutes of pull ups to get ahead. I did self defense, ate dinner, and that’s it. 

  134 Hits


Today I woke up and got ready for Black Belt class, ate breakfast then went to Black Belt class. I did extra sit ups and planks before class. I took class and after class I stayed and helped with the 9:30 class. After that I went home Today I woke up and got ready for Black Belt class, ate breakfast then went to Black Belt class. I did extra sit ups and planks before class. I took class and after class I stayed and helped with the 9:30 class. After that I went home and went on a run with my dad. I played some video games and then made myself lunch. I played some more video games then at dinner. 
Before bed, I did some extra black belt requirements. 

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  135 Hits


This morning I woke up and did my black belt requirements and ran a mile with my dad. I got ready for school and ate breakfast. I hope it’ll be an easy day at school and a fast day. After school, I plan on getting the rest of my poomsae and self defense practice done. I’ll go to black belt class tonight and then come home and play video games. 

  169 Hits


Today I woke up and did all of my black belt requirements besides my kicks. Then I got ready for school, went to school. School was a weird, different day today. My first class, science, was 75 minutes long. Then I had lunch and PA. I went to history class after and then went to math which was boring today. I went to ELA and that was easy. I had video production class today too. I went home after school and did ran and did the rest of my kicks. I played some video games, made myself dinner, then read some of the Atomic Habits book. After that, I went to bed. 

  161 Hits


Today I woke and did all of my black belt requirements, ran .5 miles. I got ready for school after that and went to school. First block I had science and got a 100% on my test! In math, all we did was a basic worksheet. In spanish, we didn't do much. In ELA, I read something about instagram and answered questions about it. After school, I ran another .5 miles and then went to Taekwondo class. I assisted class and had a mentee session after class. After I got home, played video games and ate dinner. 

  150 Hits


Today I woke up and did all of my cycle requirments. After that, I went to Poomsae class. Before class, I jump roped at King Tiger. During class, we did a lot of Ill Chong and a bunch of kicks. After Poomsae class, I ran two miles with my dad and then played some video games. After video games, I ran two more miles with my mom. I played a little more video games after that, then ate dinner and took a nice long shower. After that, I read a chapter of Atomic Habits. The beginning of the day, I was tired but then I felt better after running and playing video games. 

  154 Hits


I woke up and got ready for black belt class then after class I took 9:30 class which I assisted with some yellow belts with poomsae then went home and got all my black belt requirments done then ran 2 miles then went to dinner and had a hamburger then went home and just kinda did nothing for the rest of the day because it was raining so I cant do extra running sadly but did get to do extra jump ropes. Overall my day was just kinda boring because of the rain.

  148 Hits


My day was not very great since I woke up at 3:45 am and could fall back alseep for an hour then woke up again at 6:00 am very dizzy and I had a horrible headache so after a bit of time pass I found out I was sick so I had to take some medicene and it made me feel much much better so then I just did nothing the rest of the day and then I had dinner. Hope you guys had a great thursday!

  149 Hits


Today I woke up not feeling the best but did the reqiurments still and tried to get ahead so i dont have to do much then i went to school which was very boring because only half way through the week then when school started i had season testing then it was just a regular boring day after that then once i got back to my house i did extra poomsae and self defense for black belt cycle then I played video games because I have no school tomorrow!

  159 Hits


Today when I woke up I diceded that I want to do less on thurdsday so I got 46 minutes of sit ups and everything else done then I went to school which was a good monday surpisingly. First class I had a test which was a bit confusing so I got a lower than expect grade. Next class we just did review after I had gym which we had to take a pacer test which I was better than most people and I got a 50 on it. After I got home I just played video games because I was bored then wnet to 6:00 class which I help out then 6:45 class which I helped and did warm up which was embarrasing because I pronounced circle your knees, circle your hip, circle your foot and circle your neck all wrong lol then after I had dinner and read.

  139 Hits


Today I woke up and I did all of my teakwondo exercises with some extra time. Then I went to poomsae class. Afer that I played in a video game tournament. I got steamrolled haha. But it was still fun. I went to the gym and ran and when I got back I made myself a quesadilla for lunch. After that, I played some more video games then my dad and I did Hopketo, blue belt, yellow and high yellow belt self defense. Then I made dinner and now I am watching youtube. 

  148 Hits


Today I woke up and did all my black belt things for the day I then went to school it was very boring today but I just went through it first period I had history class which all we did is make a advertisement about World War 1 then I had math which we just did nothing the whole class because she had nothing to give us then I had ELA, my teacher was out so we just watched a video then science class we just played games because she didnt have anything for us. After school I went to black belt class and did hopkido (I probally spelled it wrong.) 1-3 then after class I went to La Unica and ate rice.

  136 Hits


Today I woke up and was going to do my exercises but it was very dark so I stayed in my bed until it would be more bright but then I fell alseep so I woke up again and did half of each (1:30). I then went to school it was a boring first half but when I had math my teacher switched the seats and I had to sit next to a new kid and I had a bad headache the rest of the day. a few hours after that I had science and my teacher yelled at me to stop talking even though  I wasnt. After school I did the rest of my exercises and thats it.

  131 Hits


Today I woke up and my mom helped me put on a cotton pad to tape to my eyes then put a blindfold on so I can start the day with starting of blind for my empathy essay the first 1 hour of the day I was just trying to move around and feel the walls and everything then I listened to a comedy movie since I cant see it, it was entertaining but very boring but very soon I had to go to class so I tried to get in my car but only took about 5 minutes to find the door handle so once we arrived I walked in and was trying to get the outline of the mat so I just ran around the very outside to get a line up then class started, the lines were extremely difficult because I thought I was about to run into the mirror...

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  133 Hits


I woke up and worked out and then went to the store to get more school notebooks and folders then I went back home and started to re-organize my school backpack then I did my run and then chilled for a few minutes then went to blackbelt class did my self defense pre test then went back home and ate Chic-fil-a.

  152 Hits


Today when I woke up I was upset about having to go to school after a day off. Then I got the news that there was a 2 hours delay so I decided to get all my exercises done for today execpt poomsae and self defense. When I arrived at school I was a bit later than usual but still on time. My classes were very easy today since they were only 40 minutes each. Once I got home I ran to Chess practice to get my running in. After I went to the 6:45 class and had a mentor session then just did poomsae. Once I got home I ate dinner and watched TV. Overall it was a great day.

  131 Hits


So this morning I woke up at 5:30 and I got ready for school. Once I arrived at school I played some games the first few minutes of class when our teacher let us. First period I just took some notes in history class. Second class was math and we learned about slopes. Next class period I immediately sat down to take a test in ela and I didn’t get the score I wanted to. Then I had my electives which was Spanish today, we learned about how to tell time. My last class today was science class and I took another test and got an A. I came home and went to the 5:15 taekwondo class. Then we went to get new tennis shoes for me and then we went home. I made my mom go for a run with me when we got home so I could try my...

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  212 Hits