Now yesterday I was going to journal but completely forgot, so i'll start with yesterday. So I wake up on a beautiful saturday like all saturdays and today is my race day. I awakened at 7:30 and drank some water and went to Charlotte right next to Grandmaster Evin's school to a small event that consist of a 1 mile, 5k, 10k, 15k, and a half-marathon. So i'd be running the half-marathon and I went and looked at the trial real quick and went back to the start and, and bamm! The crowd of like 100-ish people zoomed off and we started downhill, like a really steep downhilll, so I was going at a 8:30 minute per mile pace which was WAYYY to fast, I was needing to go way slower like a 12 min per mile pace, but oh well, I slowed down to a high 9 min per mile...