Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Pre-Test Pull ups

Here is a link of me doing my pull ups for my pre-test. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ftd9Sus857THK151MQUZ38WLO0dDyF0P/view?usp=sharing Total pull-up count is 12.    

  76 Hits

Chinese New Year and Astronomy

Chinese New Year is a bit of an event at Macalester, given that we have a large number of students here from China.  I went to a tea social today, the first one of this semester (I was a regular at the tea socials last semester), and I was going to go to the big event they were having, but today was the first day of an astronomy research course that I have that goes from 7 to 10.   I usually don't like doing night classes, as they mess up my schedule of eating dinner super late, but the course itself seems fun.  Unfortunately, these are the sparring days at Shoreview but I won't be able to go much due to my class being at the same time.  I have quite a bit of homework to do, and I am also about to go do a midnight gym session.

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It's been a long day of school and taekwondo. I took a 30-minute nap when I got home from school after I ate, and then went straight to taekwondo. I then stayed at the dojang for about 4 hours before going home again and doing homework. 

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little bru

So today started normal I woke up went to school came home watched you tube and went to kt.  Well actually I went to another kt school but let's ignore that for now when I came home my parents told me that my little brother had been a bully, so I had a long talk about that.  But I am about to go to bed and am I going to a bible study and school tomorrow so it will hopefully be better.    

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1/29/2025 3/50

today I had to wait at the library till 3:30 so I got home at 4:00 & class was at 4:30 so I had to do practice between classes. I got a total of 5 signatures today for sparing, blackbelt class, 2 for helping in class, & 1 from my mentor. we did staff & stick form 1 as well as warang.

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Leading class

Today was a busy day.  As soon as I got home I had to practice my trumpet for band, run a mile and barely had time to complete burpees before it was time to leave for sparring class.  I was able to lead the warm-ups for the first time today. I had black belt class immediately after sparring.  I appreciate that my mentor was willing to stay back after black belt class for a session, so that helped me with my staff and poomsaes.

  51 Hits


For starters I really didn't know what to title my journal but I just did so, yeah. Also I've been seeing a kid on cycle and this goes to all first timers for the cycle but YOU CAN NOT RECORD ALL OF YOUR JOURNALS IN ONE DAY! So if you miss a day, you miss a day, you can't do anything to make it up! Make sure everyone is on top of that this cycle, even I have to be reminded! Anyways, I've been needing to have more reasons to do something with crochet. I've really been wanting to but I just need a good reason to. I'm also SUPER excited to help with junior instructors camp. I'm going to have a lot of fun with my friends and some I make along the way! hope everyone is refreshed in the morning!!!

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half way to the weekend

Now this is the second day i've woke up late. There is something wrong with me or something but anyways I wokes up at 6:30 and just waited for school then when I had to go to prison the scanners didn't go off!!!! Now for the past 3 years there has been scanners and if it beeps you have to be searched. I have been searched for the past 3 years EVERY SINGLE DAY. It waste like 2 minutes of my time, BUT TODAY IT DIDN'T GO OFF!! I was so happy and made the rest of my day. I started with spanish which I just had some notes and then math class which is way better in the mornings then the afternoon, after that I had science which I took like 55 minutes of notes :O and then had lunch and then the rest of my day was pretty easy,...

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  69 Hits


I did my exercises today.I did safety patrol and we had Latin today at school.we also played football at recess we lost 7-0 but it was a really close game.Me,Braxton,and,Nixon talked about Pokemon scarlet and violet and how to get limited edition Pokemon.at school we also talked  about football cards.

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Journal #17--1/29/25

Today I walked to school, mom and I walk almost every morning (unless its raining).  It was a regular day at school we did blocks, had lunch and specials.  When I got to KT I did some black belt stuff and ran a mile with Carter and Nixon.  After we played some games.  Then we headed home for dinner. After dinner I watched a little YouTube and took a shower.  Now I am getting ready to head to bed.  Tomorrow is a long day because we have sparring.

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Today was math diagnostic testing at school, it was so long but I'm proud of my score. Otherwise just a normal day at school, but this warm weather felt amazing. I great as it was, it confuses me... it's January and it should never be this warm at this time of the year! I was super tired when I got home but my, my sister, and my mom went on a long walk before TKD class. I did double classes today and got 2 more leadership credits in. Now I have some homework to do, then I'll read and go to bed. :)

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Today I did got both leadership credits done. I was nervous about leading the warm-up but once I started, it flowed pretty good.  I was able to get requirements done while it was still warm this afternoon. Such a great day.  Just ate dinner, its time for shower, reading and then bed time.  I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. See ya at sparring. 

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LMP Jan 29

I’ve been fighting a migraine on and off all day. Barometric pressure is changing with this warmer weather. I still have to go to sparring this evening AND do my black belt class after. I may go to lake Norman Saturday for class as North Charlotte is hosting junior instructors camp and therefore no classes Saturday. I guess it will depend on my head and the weather. I have a school teams meeting at 5pm….yay. 

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1/29 Dreiman, Dominic #13

Same as yesterday, I still have flu and am blowing my nose and coughing a lot.  I do my school work during the day when I feel better and take naps sometimes.  I will try to practice some forms today if I have energey. Nap time.

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1/28 Dreiman, Dominic #12

Woke up and went to school today but had to go see nurse because was not feeling well.  She checked my temperature it was high  so gave me a flu test and I had the flu.  My dad had to come get me and I spent rest of the day in bed.

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1/27 Dreiman, Dominic #11

So today was ok. I was just bored at school were we are doing biz town stuff school.  It was  kind slow but enjoyed recess and playing with friends at recess.

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1/29 - a break

Took a break monday and tuesday from the physical portion of the requirements (pushups, sit ups, etc).  Getting back into it today has been hard, but it was worth it.  I taught two classes last night and did a session with my mentee.  Overall, very successful.  

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Tuesdays are worse than Mondays in my opinion.  You have a lot of work cut out for you and you still have most of the week ahead of you.  I am currently dealing with a huge wave of homework.  At least I'm in my "locked in" mood.  Anyway, I had another black belt class at Shoreview and worked on my 540 hook kicks.  I think the trick on getting a good 540 hook kick is to visualize 3 kicks and to do them stepping forward before you actually do the kick.  That helped me today.  Hope I have time to do more fun stuff around Macalester tomorrow.

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Every day feels the same now, it's always school, home, requirements, and maybe extracurriculars. I finally understood a calculus topic after learning it on the first day, which is always great. Unfortunately, I did not get to take a nap today so it was harder to get through the later portion of my day.

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So yes, these journals are going to get very 'music' oriented and focused, so expect me to nerd out on many things that I will not elaborate on because I am just so quirky :D.   MY VOICE BE CHANGIN' GIRLIES!   So I am a tenor, which an average tenor has a range of a B2 to a C5. My range, however, is an A2 to a D6. This is mostly due to musical theatre songs being far more demanding than an average choir or pop song, though there can be exceptions. This training is even more rigorous because theatre songs require emotion in order to work. If you want to sing a song in a way that makes you sound far better than what you blank-slate voice is, add flavor and emotion. The lower you sing, the more emotion you are directing towards the audience, as if you are...

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  70 Hits

checking boxes

1/28/25 Today I had my first mentee session with Jordan. Then, I helped out in his class. After that, I had a class of my own. I did not get many exercises done, only the mile and pushups, so I will have to make things up tomorrow. I started a new song on trumpet today.

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bad start

Now I wake up knowing today is semester 2. I got ready for school and I have new electives. I still have spanish since it's yearlong class so not normal, but today I have cycling. I had cycling in 6th grade and it was really fun but in 7th grade I didn't have it sadly and now I have it again! We just started so we didn't get on the bikes today and I have to do fitness test before anything. That was really the only good part of the day, I'm not going through the rest because it was really boring. After school I kinda ran my best mile time of 6:36 which I kinda did because I paused it 3 times then walked in those times then ran, someday i'll do it without stopping hopefully! I went to class and now am going to sleep. Good night!

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1/28/2025 2/50

today it was a new semester, so I had a new 1st block which was math. My teacher is nice, and we are going to do work tomorrow because today was for getting to know each other. I then went home and as unable to go to taekwondo due to my mother's inexperience in driving. Instead, I did my work & did a mile long run. from there I did the rest of the work for my cycle. as if now, I have to take out the trash & take a shower soon.

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Recovery 01/28/24

So I made more bread yesterday and I think a lot of people liked it because I've been told that it was gone in about 15 minutes. Yesterday I was sick near the end of the day so I hopped straight into bed and slept for about 15 hours. I didn't feel all that well this morning but I got up and took a nice cold shower to wake me up. At class I got a mentee credit finally and did all my requirements and got both leadership and class assist credit. I got a bunch done today and still have to make up Monday's work. Wish me luck.

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LMP Jan 28

Had a good day. Did some testing at school, requirements done, and went to assist in class tonight. Had a meeting with my mentee…she’s growing up quick…going to JR instructors camp. Time for a shower and bed. For some reason, I’m not able to get on this site on my phone…..ps. Still despise burpees 

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Journal #16--1/28/25

When I woke up this morning I got ready for school.  Mom and I walked to school.  At school we did blocks, lunch, recess and specials.  After school my bus had to go a different way because there was some powerlines in the road the way we normally go.  When I got to KT today I did a mile, did some requirements, a mentor session, and both class assistance.  We had cookout for dinner before we took Anthony to Boy Scouts.  Got home after dropping him off and I finished up some self defense then took a shower. Now I am getting ready to head to bed. 

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Today was OK when I first woke up my legs were so sore I almost fell out of bed. I had my I- ready test today at school.Then I had to go to dance and piano. Now I'm at home relaxing. Have a great night everybody!( sorry this was so short)

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Today was fun, we had to wake up early because I had jump rope team practice. At school we had class pictures, and I had PE, we play a game with 4th grade vs 5th grade (5th won!) Then after school we did our regiments and ran. Now I am just relaxing.♥

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Today was a good day at school. I finished my I-ready math test and blew past the extended goal that was set for me.  I had to go home with a friend because my brother was at the Orthodontist getting a new set of braces.  He didn't get back until late and to figure out dinner for him we didn't make it to class. See you tomorrow though!! I hope everyone has a good evening. 

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Today we had to leave for school extra early which left me being super tired all day. I've been really tired lately. I went on a field trip at school today, it was fun. We went to get a tour of another middle school for complicated reasons. When I got home, I ran a mile outdoors today because it was really nice temperature and weather wise. Soon we'll have dinner and go to bed early tonight. :)

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Long Morning

Today I got up to do my morning marathon of classes.  I was reminded why I rely on caffeine so much when I didn't have any before my 8:30 class.  I ate lunch and had a lab to go to later on, and then I had to pick up a bunch of packages.  I got on a call where I saw a lot of people from King Tiger back at home, which made my day.  I miss everyone back at home.  As fun as it is here, nothing and nobody I have encountered here as of yet can really replace that.  Anyway, I went to the gym afterwards to get some requirements done, and I am now doing some homework, after midnight EST, because I really didn't watch the time.  My first class tomorrow starts at 9:40, so I can look forward to an extra hour of sleep.

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Leo's Journal

1/27/25 today was a regular day, mostly had a big test in math and there was a holdup in science. Apparently a girl climbed a ladder up on the roof so I skipped gym. I submitted my midnight sky trumpet assignment. I'm very tired. 1 mile ran today in 9:02. Everyone was bored today but when i got home i was too busy for boredom.


Previous journals:

Leo’s journal

1/14/25; today was a regular day, had a quiz 1n 1st period and in 2nd(aced both) and was swamped with work so yeah, basically i'm just playing catchup on all my classes,i wonder how i did on union march trumpet test, it was hard homeroom was normal but 1st period was LOUD!!!!my life with zander and ben next to me in all classes, did a bit of work today,i'll be finished soon. Hope i can meet sat at 4 with the boys we'll join on minecraft and i need to catch up on bible reading.


1/15/25;had a quiz in math today did pretty well but when i got home basically worked till i dropped so that was hard sadly i missed tkd class but you can't have everything new minecraft world old one got accidentally deleted gonna make sure to read bible today


1/16/25 finally finished all catchup work today have big test tomorrow better study ran 2 miles today that plus everything else is exhausting new history project i plan to be as outlandish as possible on this without losing points going to bed soon


1/24/25 i went 2 bbc weekday today stopped at publix so i spent 2 hours for a 45 minute class i finished my daily workout it's getting a little easier sadly i didn't run a mile today so i have make that up ie been lax on journal essay and mentee to have 2 step that u for sure i'm tired +i have to wake up early in da morning  plus i wont be going to church sunday which sucks hard to balance all the responsibilities man i might be absolutely cooked.


1/26/25 stayed home today from church to get stuff done which was helpful, dog was a big distraction tho don't have much time i finished my no digital entertainment essay which is good i ran 2 miles today just like yesterday i am not sure how this is going to work out yesterday i got jordan as my mentee gonna have to start meetings and also gonna have to start leading stretches

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  116 Hits


Nothing eventful happened today, it was pretty average. I’ve just been super tired lately, probably because of the requirements on top of what I already do but it’ll be okay. 

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Yesterday I had family on my mother's side come over for the entire day. I caught up on my schoolwork and am overall tired.

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average monday

I was going to wake up at 4:00 am to get even more ahead on my black belt stuff but I accidently sleeped in till like 6 which sucks, but anyways I just went to school, it's my last day of the 1st semester but my spanish class is a yearlong class so it doesn't rotate out with another class but my medical class does so I had spanish today which I don't really like that class to much and then after that I had science which I just took some notes in class but next class is englsih. Now today the 8th graders get to meet up with our future highschool administrators so I got to go there and I had to wait like FOURTY MINUTES in line until I spoke with my administrator and it wasn't much but I basiclly got to skip english and the rest of my...

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  82 Hits

1/27/2025 - TIRED

Today I am tired, and I am doing my black belt stuff. I'm going to bed early.   

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Back to work

Today I had to get back on track after so many days of taking a break. I did my requirements before going to school. Then I took class at king tiger and got with my mentee for his first session after that I had to go to piano before coming home and running 0.50 because my legs are to sore to run the whole thing. THE END!

  49 Hits

Journal #15--1/26/25

I woke up this morning and walked to school with mom.  On the way to school I ate a donut that was left over  tom yesterday from when Anthony gave them out (for his birthday) when they got back from his scout trip.  At school ,we finished our Literacy Diagnostic test and I got a 619, which was 10 points higher than I scored last time!  After that we had snack, then lunch and recess.  After that I had media for my specials.  Then I rode the bus to King Tiger, did some black belt stuff, had a session with my mentee and got a leadership credit.  Then we had to go pick Anthony up from school because he stayed after to play with the band at the basketball game. When we got closer to home I ran a mile through Birkdale while mom rode beside me!  Now I am relaxing and...

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  69 Hits

Back to school

Today we went back to school another  dreadful Monday. Today I had  my math diagnostic but I am feeling way better and completely recovered from being sick. yay!! Tomorrow we're getting a class xpet hamster!!🐹🐹

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my family is now divided on who is going to win on Sunday.I got all of my black belt stuff done for the day.I won 5 air heads today and was a  great day.# Bread

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It was hard getting up and going to school this morning after so many days off last week. At school we had a big diagnostic test, I was so tired I almost fell asleep. Afterwards, the day flew by. Straight after school I ran my mile, and I learned that I will be helping out at Jr. Instructors camp this year! When I got home, I had some math homework to do then I played on my iPad. Tomorrow I am going on a field trip, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to some sleep tonight :)

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It was back to school Monday today. I had a math test and it was long.  We got to go outside and enjoy some recess too.  I got some more leadership credit done today. I led punches and kicks and got thru my nervousness. After class I got a salad for dinner. I'm looking forward to sunny days and some warmer weather the rest of the week. 

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LMP Jan 27

Back to school. Had several days off last week due to bad weather. Got my requirements and jog in today. Was also able to locate most of the answers to our written test….just one more thing I need to know. I need to set an alarm on my phone to do my journaling and requirements on line. 

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1/19/2025 10/50

It is the day before I might not be at school. on one hand I would be having fun at home. on the other hand, I would be away from my friends. I also want to do my midterms I am excited due to my midterms as I get to complete fun puzzles.

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1/20/2025 9/50

there was no school today due to snow which was fun to note. as such I stayed home. at home I made breakfast & lunch before heading to taekwondo class. the class was fun & it was the first class of the week. the week seems to be going well, I hope it is going well.

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1/21/2025 8/50

I had my AP Gov & English midterms. AP Gov was about the constitution, which is complex, but I remember most of the clauses. English is different because it is about how the text works & how it proves things & makes its points. I did well on both midterms which was good to hear.

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1/22/2025 7/50

I had my biology & my pe midterm. my pe midterm was fine but it was mostly just the thing we always did. Biology was fun because it was easy & simple. After I got home, me & my sister had a behind the wheel lesson with my dad. after that I had taekwando which was fun.

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1/23/2025 6/50

Today I took my ap computer science & band midterms. My band midterm was first & it went well. The band midterm was actually just us playing several scales, recording it, & posting it on canvas. I got an 85 because I had problems with my accidentals. My computer science midterm went well with me getting an 88, it was a fun test.

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1/24/2025 5/50

Today I woke up at 11 because today I had no school because it was a workday. I spent the day relaxing & spending time with my family after my parents got done with work. After that I cleaned the bathroom because there was dust. I did research on one person who I admire (possible essay topic). it was a mediocre day.

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1/25/2025 4/50

I woke up & went to my black belt class. After I got home, I did instrument class after for 1 hour. I then went & watched tv before I went & made lunch. in the evening, I took a nap before I did my taekwondo work. I began writing my essay on my dead hero before I went to sleep.

  65 Hits

1/26/2025 3/50

Today I woke up at 12 for my dad's birthday. we cut the cake & all had a piece. I went back to sleep & woke up at 8 am. I most memorable part of the day was going on a 3.5 mile run for the cycle which was fun. I then went home where I ate lunch. My parents then went to Costco to get my dad's birthday present (an iPad) for work. We also spent the day having fun & talking before we all went to sleep.

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I made a list of all the requirements that I could think of today.  Then I marked each one with 4 possible values:  Blank, Know, Comfortable, Confident.  Blank means I don't know it and need to learn it. Know means I know it but I'm not good at it (have to go slow, think about the next move, etc) Comfortable means that I know it but I still might turn the wrong way, or use the wrong hand/foot/stance/etc, and have to correct myself. Confident means I am confident I can do it mistake free.  While we all still make mistakes, this is about how I feel in my knowledge.  I went through everything today as I practiced and made my marks.  This has given me a very good base on understanding not just what I need to work on, but how much I might need to work on a particular thing.

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1/17/2025 2/50

I woke up & got ready for school by getting my stuff & doing the dishes. I went to school & took my French III final. I stayed in that class the entire day & then went home. I relaxed & prepared for the weekend by getting all my clothes for laundry & doing the dishes.

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Yesterday I went to a concert called winter jam with Ann Wilson new song Colton Dixon kb and SKILLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so much fun I got to go with my friend and when we got there, we met a bunch of kids from my school and sat next to them.   when skillet came up everyone went wild, and the lead singer pointed at me and my friends. At the end I got a skillet shirt and one of my friends got a signed skillet photo it was so cool! It was so loud I still can barely hear anything!!! 

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1/50 1/27/2025

Today we had school off due to snow days & midterm makeups.  I woke up at 8 am & brushed my teeth before going downstairs & making breakfast of toast. I then wrote down my expected work time is week 3 of my journal. I headed to help with class at 5:50 & I helped with class. I then did my class at 6:40. I went home & prepared for school tomorrow. I then had dinner & went to bed.

  67 Hits


So basically the screaming is because I am tired, forgot to journal over the weekend, and I still cannot put my requirements online. No biggie right?   GOODBYE AND WHY IT'S NOT SO DIFFICULT!   So, basically, during my free periods I either do homework or go to mmy chorus teacher's room and just hang. Today, myself and some others who are just some teeny-weeny-minor theatre nerds wanted some practice as we do have rehearsal tomorrow for the school play we are doing, '8 Minutes Left', where I play a character named Patterson. But that is not for today, today is for my acting while SINGING. Now, I don't usually struggle with this, but with fast and upbeat songs, I tend to just sing the words and not the emotion. 'Goodbye' from one of my dream shows, Catch Me If You Can, stars one of the biggets tenor inspirations in the...

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Sleep Schedule

This week is going to be the first full week of classes this semester.  I have created a schedule of morning classes so that if I am trying to catch up on anything, I can do so in the afternoon, sleep included.  I think I mentioned this in a previous journal.  Anyway, I now have a time to catch up on sleep if I don't get much through the day, which happens pretty frequently between homework and sleep issues.  I would have time to take a nap for a while and then get up to do whatever it is that I still need to do.  I'm not much of a morning person but it's worth the extra torture.

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Journal #14--1/26/25

I realized this morning that I forgot to do a Journal yesterday.  Yesterday my morning was busy, first was Black Belt class then straight from there we had to hurry up to church bc we had to do the door hangers for scouting for food with my cub scout pack.  We didn't have a lot of door hangers so it went pretty fast.  After we finished that we went to Bojangles for some breakfast and then mom and I headed to Brien's.  We walked a mile while we waited on Brien to get off work.  I found a soda can and mom and I kicked it pretty much the whole mile.  Mom actually stepped on Mr. Can and crushed him! : (    

Now for today, This morning I woke up I played some video games.  Then we got ready to leave Brien's and head to church.  After church we had to wait on Anthony to get back from his camping trip with his Scout troop.  Then we went home and had lunch.  I did some black belt stuff and played some more video games and watched some YouTube.  Then we went to Bad Daddy's for dinner for Anthony's birthday.  When we got home we had Reese's ice cream cake and Anthony opened his presents.  He finally got a phone! We watched the end of the Bill's game and they ended up loosing...ugh!!! 

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we were watching the NFC championship game and my other 3 family members were rooting for the chiefs while I was rooting for the bills.i got my book stuff done today.

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1/26/2025-football day lets go chiefs

Today my favorite football team is playing to go to the super bowl. So, I am doing my black belt stuff and watching the game.  

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I forgot about yesterday

Now yesterday I was going to journal but completely forgot, so i'll start with yesterday. So I wake up on a beautiful saturday like all saturdays and today is my race day. I awakened at 7:30 and drank some water and went to Charlotte right next to Grandmaster Evin's school to a small event that consist of a 1 mile, 5k, 10k, 15k, and a half-marathon. So i'd be running the half-marathon and I went and looked at the trial real quick and went back to the start and, and bamm! The crowd of like 100-ish people zoomed off and we started downhill, like a really steep downhilll, so I was going at a 8:30 minute per mile pace which was WAYYY to fast, I was needing to go way slower like a 12 min per mile pace, but oh well, I slowed down to a high 9 min per mile...

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#bread2 01/26/25

Today was great. I did my requirements and ran not one.. but two miles! I really don't want to go to school tomorrow but life isn't fair. I woke up really late, it was about 11 A.M. when I checked the time after I could barely opened my eyes. I made some bread today that wasn't great but I'm guessing it was just the recipe. I'm really tired and my knee is killing me. I got to hang out a lot with my dogs today and play a little bit. I also went on my runs at 7 P.M. at night which probably wasn't a smart move on my part cause it was cold and really dark. That was all I did really today. Now, I'm going to go run to my bed and sleep like a rock.

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I got to sleep in this morning. I haven't been able to sleep late too much lately and for some reason my whole body is sore, so it felt good. All day I pretty much just relaxed, watched TV and drew in my notebook. Then we went and ran our daily mile. I ran 1.5 miles today and I'm proud of myself because usually I'm not a big runner. Now we're watching the football game after eating some delicious nachos. 

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Yesterday we had a camp out in our living room and watched titanic, which was really fun. So, this morning we watched so TV and made waffles. We took a long walk and then did our requirements. For the rest of the day, I worked on some essays and just relaxed. We had nachos and we are now watching the football game. ♥

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I enjoyed the sun and warmer temperatures. Got some nice outdoor time completing some requirements. Got to spend some time with a friend from school this afternoon too.  Got a math test in the morning and looking forward to a full week of school.  

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1/26 - First post

I'm behind on my journaling and data entry.  Spent about 2 hours working with another candidate today on poomsae and self defense.  It was a very successful session.

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My new thing

Today I started doing my new hobby/thing for black belt cycle. My new hobby is crocheting and it is SO HARD!( At least to me it is) So I decided to take a break and watch harry potter 6 ( the movie.) After that i got back to work. Then... I got so so far and thought I was doing great but my mom said we weren't doing it right and we had to start completely over after hours of work. IT IS REALLY DIFFICULT, TIME CONSUMING AND DEPRESSING !!! So I'm taking a break and doing my Journaling. I did not go out at all today not even stood outside... not yet at least. Hope I get better soon so I can still go to junior instructors camp!🥋🥋🥋🥋🤞🤞🤞🤞😔

  86 Hits

Journal - Day 8

Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was quite a bit. I woke up earlier than normal to get in a hot shower before black belt class and work because I had a birthday party to go to afterward. The birthday party was pretty nice, since we got a chance to go ice skating in Birkdale. I haven't gone ice skating since I was 3, so it was definitely really scary for me. At first, I was holding on for dear life to the rails, but toward the end, I was able to skate around without any help or even holding on. Afterwards, we went to eat dinner, and then I went home and got some rest. Today, I have a lot of work to finish, and I need to make up my requirements from yesterday. I'm not too keen on watching football for the day since my team has been out for a...

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1/24 Dreiman, Dominic #10

I was not ready to get outta bed but sometimes u gotta do it anyway I get up get changed go to school at school I won gaga ball and for lunch they had chicken sandwiches then I did more classes then finally came home then went to taekwondo ate dinner and went to bed

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1/23 Dreiman, Dominic #9

Today was a back to school day, so I get up get ready and blast to school my first class is PE I'm doing pickleball 🥒  then I go to my next class math then recess lunch then Spanish then English then visual arts then study then finally go home.

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LMP Jan 26

Had a great workout with Master Scott at the dojang this morning. Covered A lot  of things I needed to practice: self defense,  hakido, bocho specials, staff, single stick, bolo, poomsaes. Gonna take a little rest then do my requirements.  Looking forward to this week. 

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Did not get much work done today due to a meeting. Need to get some math review finished before test 1 comes around the corner next week.

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Morning black belt class was the same as usual. I finished my requirements before taking a shower and heading to a piano recital. After all that I took a short nap and spent my time reading.

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Lazy day. 01/25/25

So basically.............................. I felt like doing nothing today. And that's exactly what I did. Nothing. It's a Saturday after a horrific week (Cut me some slack) All I did really was play my game all day.. I mean all day. Which now that I think about it I could be doing better things but again like I said, it's Saturday. I did black belt class this morning and was really tired all day so I didn't do much. My mom made her own sourdough starter! (congratulations mom) I'm making a chocolate chip Irish bread tomorrow for all my friends at Lake Norman! (Be ready 😈) Other than that my family watched Karate Kid, my sister curled my hair in loose curls (It looks so bad)  and I got the best character in my game, it took a lot of money making on that game. (In game I had to make 20k and...

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Professional Flopper

Today I had the first zoom-in black belt class in about 5 years!  It was 7:15 Central, so I had to wake up an hour earlier than usual to show up for it.  After that, I practiced some falls and rolls just right there on the floor.  The floor isn't all that soft so I would not recommend doing this all the time but I wanted to make sure my falls and rolls were up to speed fully. I went ice skating later on, the first time I have done so since I was 8 years old.  Teaching myself how to do that again was fun.  I didn't fall there except for one time when my friend jokingly pushed me over.  The ice is less fun to fall on.  Anyway, my friends are texting me to get over to where they are so I have to go.  See you all soon!

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1/25/2025 up and moving day

Today I got up and went to A Saturday black belt class. And then I went to my football game, and I played 2 games and won both of them. Afterwards, I came home and worked on my requirements.    

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Today I had to wake up early and go to Saturday BBC, which was fun, and I also got a mentor meeting. Then we did our requirements and our mile. For the rest of the day, I just relaxed and played some card games. We just at diner and now we are going to have a movie night. ♥

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This morning, I had to get up early for my first Saturday BBC. After, I got my second mentor session in. It feels good to get the signatures into my book, it's filling up. We're officially at week three! When I got home, I just relaxed and watched TV. Then we ate dinner, and I watched Titanic for the first time! I loved it!

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LMP Jan 25

Went to blackbelt class this morning.  Still a lot for me to learn / remember.  I honestly don't know if I'll be ready. I'm trying my best to practice. But it's hard by myself. I also need to practice with someone that will do the rolls or falls.....  

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Yesterday I was not able to do Friday black belt class so I came home to rest because I felt sick. My dad took my temperature and it was 102.5 🥵🔥So I also couldn't go to Saturday black belt class, which made me a bit nervous to miss two black belt classes especially in a row. So today I'm trying to relax so i will get better faster and hopefully be able to catch up on requirements and my miles. HOPEFULLY I WILL GET BETTER SOON!!🤞🤞🍀🍀

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Jan 25th

This morning I had my first saturday morning class I had so much fun. After class I went home and had breakfast then got some black belt workouts in.

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So guess my song of the day...........   IT'S STILL BLOODLINE!   But hey 'Locked Out Of Heaven' is up there. I did just see a message from a certain someone who wanted ME to be their MENTEE (c'mon that's some bars). I should probably respond :D.......................Maybe when I feel like being social, ya know? Anyways this bout to be a short journal because really, I gotta rant. No hate, but.........   THIS WEBSITE IS SO ANNOYING!   Tell me why I am unable to log in my requirements? There isn't even a button at the top of the requirement weeks to log anything. I feel behind, and I am panicking, but the my blessed boss herself, Master Chelley, said she will get everything fixed for me. #BestBoss :D. This website has been kinda buggy this cycle, but I do have some faith that things will get better............   wow I...

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Locked In

Today didn't really feel like a Friday.  Maybe it was because I just got back on Wednesday.  I had my first taste of back-to-back morning classes.  I'm not much of a morning person.  Getting up to work out in the morning is one thing, but using a bunch of brain power that early is a different challenge.  However, my schedule is formatted as such that I can nap in the afternoon if I need to, and even after that I would still have time to do everything I need to do, schoolwork and black belt cycle requirements.  Well, that's all I really did today.  That's the other thing.  I normally don't do schoolwork on Friday nights, but here I am.  So this doesn't really feel like a Friday, but I guess I'm just locked in.  I will see you all over zoom eventually.

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It was a struggle to get out of bed this morning, all I wanted to do was lay back down and sleep through the day. School was slightly less draining today, I kinda zoned out the entire time though. When I got home I did the usual requirements and did my homework.

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Journal #13--1/24/25

Today we didn't have school!!  I got to relax at home for a while then we headed into King Tiger because mom had to work.  When we got there everyone was already playing big mat games.  We played games for a while then we had lunch.  After lunch I did some black belt cycle requirements and I ran a mile.  Then it was time for Black Belt class.  After class we had to hurry home because mom had to get Anthony to church for Boyscouts.  She brought home pizza after she dropped Anthony off and then I took a shower and played some video games.  Now I am off to bed. 

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Sad day. 01/24/25

Today a bunch of stuff happened. I went to class obviously and did all my requirements but it's what happened after class that I'm not joyful about. I won't go into it much but a bunch of things aren't going in a downwards direction with me and some of my close friends. I had one text me after class and they said "I hate you." I'm not really happy at the moment and I cried a bunch. Hopefully tomorrow I'm happy for black belt class. I did see a #bread journal when I first opened the website and that made me laugh a little but other than that I'm going to be sucked into my phone and probably cry a little more. Goodnight everyone. (also WEEK 3!!)

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# Bread

we had pajama day at school and was overall a fun day.I entered a contest for candy and I hope win.I also got all my book stuff done so yeah. # Bread

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Journal - Day 7

Good evening, everyone! I am super tired today but finally got over my procrastination to write my journal for the day. Today was a long day. Since this week has been really messed up, I ended up having 2 tests on unots that we somehow already finished within the 2 weeks we've been back from school. After school, I came home, went on a run, finished my requirements, then headed to class. I finally got a good start on my creative form, and I'm pretty happy with how it's coming along so far. Since I forgot to write my journal yesterday, here's to #bread. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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January 24, 2025 - Sick

Today I am sick, and I really did not do that much but rest. I went to adidas and it was hard getting through the shoot sick.  I'm glad its Friday to be home to chill.

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January 23, 2025 - Belk

Today I went to Belk and modeled for them.  I got to school late and had like no more day left at school. So, then I got home and did my black belt stuff.          

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Jan 24th

Today was a teacher work day so my mom went to work and I had a playdate with a friend. It was fun and we made slime. Then I went to another friends house and met her dog that they got for Christmas. It is a German sheperd like we use to have. She is a really sweet dog. Then we are tacos for dinner. It was a fun day!

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January 22, 2025 - No School!

Today I have no school because of snow.  I had modeling for adidas and that is about it.  I came home and I did my black belt stuff. 

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rest day

Since I haven no school today I sleeped in til 9:00 and I bascilly just watch squid game all day and then went to black belt class which and I had a mentor sesion and now am resting for tommorow! So kinda boring day but oh well, good night!

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LMP Jan 24

Today was a teacher work day- not due to the weather,  but because it's the end of 2nd quarter already!?! I feel like yesterday was the first day of school for this year. I had all intentions of going to Harrisburg for sparring....nope. I'm exhausted.  This week with the snow taking a day really messed up my schedule.  I'll be in bed by 7pm and probably asleep by 730. I'll do my charts tomorrow.   Plan for tomorrow:  Blackbelt class, JTs, requirements, nap. Yes, in that order (I'll throw a shower in there too) 

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King tiger day

Today I spent the whole day at king tiger. I woke up at 630 did 0.30 of a mile cause I was NOT FEELING GOOD. Then a had a small breakfast before going to king tiger. At king tiger I did my daily requirements. Finally at the end of the day I helped out in two little Tigers classes, before heading home to relax.😌☺️

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This morning, I got to wake up without an alarm because it's a teacher workday. Because we have today off, I decided to do one of my digital detox days. It's been a little hard, but I can keep myself busy. This morning me and my sister made muffins for breakfast; they were delicious! Then I helped my mom with organizing. We just got back from running a grocery errand and I finished doing my requirements. I am so happy that we are almost at week three! We are about to go down to the Greenway to do our daily mile, even though it's cold. Then we will go to BBC. Then I will just relax before bed. :) 

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Teacher work day

Today is a teacher work day and I'm currently at king tiger for the day then I will take black belt class and do my mentoring for Zander. Then I'll go out to eat with my dad. Go home and run my mile.

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Schedule Fixed (Maybe)

Greetings, Pokefans! Today I got my school schedule fixed!  It was also the first day of school, and I had all of one class to get to.  After that, I went on a long journey through the frozen wasteland while I was taking stage 2 cold damage to Target to buy me some sweet tea.  It's a lifesaver here where you don't find very much of it.  Got me through all three of my black belt tests in the past. I had another day training at Shoreview.  The grandmaster there did not get the email I sent him, as of now I am not exactly sure why.  I discussed being on the black belt cycle at King Tiger with him.  Also, it turns out my black belt cycle will be a bit longer than expected.  Well, sort of.  He said he was fine with helping me but requested that I test...

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I enjoyed sleeping a few extra hours with the two hour delay today. After I got home from school, I worked on my requirements and took a short nap. Unfortunately, theres a full day of school in store tomorrow.

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Hello everyone, and welcome to another boring day where the only way I can get any sense of enjoyment of writing and reading this journal is to force myself near asleep so that my thoughts pour onto the screen like Hurricane Katrina. Also #BREAD!   SO SILLY ME :C   My APUSH (AP U.S. History) exam today ended with an open-ended question that asked to "name a muckraker." Now, at the time, I completely forgot what a Muckraker was, so I typed my teachers name as the answer. LISTEN, JUST HEAR ME OUT! It was funny and I may get pity points by comparing him to the likes of Upton Sinclair, so actually I was complimenting/bribing him for the point on that question :D.   WOW I GOT NOTHING TO SAY   So as I once again listen to 'Bloodline' by Ariana Grande for probably another few hours as I fall...

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