Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Hello everyone! My name is Srilekha Krishnan, but I go by Sri here. I am currently a 3rd-Degree Black Belt and I am on my audit cycle for my 4th. I have one older brother who does Tae Kwon Do as well, but he is heading off to college this year. I have been doing TKD for over 10 years now, and I am super excited too be training for my masters!

Journal - Day 35

Good evening, everyone! Today was a relaxing, yet stressful day. I am very excited and nervous for testing today. I wish everyone the best of luck for testing. We got this!  

  53 Hits

Journal - Day 34

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I got all of my work done today, and got a lot of practice in for Tae Kwon Do. I am extremely tired today and am going to go to sleep after writing this. Otherwise, today was a great day overall. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  25 Hits

Journal - Day 33

Good night, everyone! Today was a good day for the most part. School went well, and so did work. I was so exhausted when I came back home and slept on the car ride to work. I got the last part of double stick form 2 down, and now it's just practicing everything from here. Other than that, I had a pretty nice rest of my day. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  40 Hits

Journal - Day 32

Good night, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. I went to a birthday party and got a lot of work done, which made me very happy. Today, I went to school, and I finished a lot on my first day back from spring break. I am pretty nervous about testing this Friday, but I am confident I will do well on it. I have the last bit of double-stick form two to review, but otherwise, I think I will be fine. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  40 Hits

Journal - Day 31

Good night, everyone! I'm going to keep it very brief today. I went to a birthday party, and I practiced my poomsaes and self-defenses all day. Overall, it was a great day. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  50 Hits

Journal - Day 30

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I went to black belt class in the morning, and we got a lot done, which was great. Afterward I worked on double stick Form 2, which I really need to get down by Thursday. After class, I went home and had lunch with my family. We went to the temple today, which was great because I felt like I really needed it. Otherwise, the rest of this week is full of review. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  53 Hits

Journal - Day 29

Good night, everyone! Today was a good day. My leg has a huge bruise from sparring yesterday, and it hurts very bad, so I'm hoping it gets better soon. I also uploaded my last essay yesterday night, so I have everything on Dropbox. I am super excited and nervous for testing next week. Today, I was working on my creative and got the last part of my form down. Now, it's just practice and tweaking it from here. I went to black belt class, and we reviewed all of our material for testing next week. I need to work on my breaking kick a bit more, but otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  46 Hits

Journal - Day 28

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I got some work on my creative done, and now I just have to tweak it more. I am very tired, so I will keep it simple today. I got my tree today, and it is very small, but it's so adorable. I went to work later on in the day, and it went really well. I had a lot of fun at sparring today, but gained many bruises. It's almost one more week until testing night!! Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  109 Hits

Journal - Day 27

Good night, everyone! Today was a great day. I got a lot of work today, which makes me really happy. My creative is coming along really well, and I will have it finalized by the end of this week. After that, it's just practice. I went to Costco with my parents today, and it felt so nice outside, which made it even better. My friend from school randomly came over to work on our project today, but it's nice because we finished off the final details. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  128 Hits

Journal - Day 26

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I got the music to my creative down, and now I just have to tweak my form to match the music. I didn't really do much today other than the normal requirements. I went to TKD later in the day, and work went well. I am pretty tired, so I am going to go get some rest now. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  45 Hits

Journal - Day 25

Good night, everyone! Today was a nice day. I've been feeling a lot better, which is great, and I've gotten the chance to take some rest during my spring break. Work went well today, and the sky was so beautiful when I came back home. The weather is getting better, and it's starting to become spring, but that means my allergies are going to go crazy again. Otherwise, I didn't do much today. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  60 Hits

Journal - Day 24

Good evening, everyone! Today was a pretty rough day. I've been feeling sick for awhile, and it's gotten worse today. I don't feel well at all, so I'm going to keep it short. I mostly relaxed and had an easy requirement day. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  42 Hits

Journal - Day 22

Good evening, everyone! Physical and written testing went pretty well. I wish I could have gotten a bit more on my physical, but felt really sick after the run. I was very pleased with the time I got, since I beat my time by 5 minutes compared to last time. I feel I did well on the written test, but I blanked on the names of the gweys and one of the 5 kwans, but I still think I did well. After the written and physical, I went to work and helped out with class. After coming home, I've felt sick all day. My allergies are really getting to me, so hopefully I can get them under control soon. Great job everyone!! We are on the home stretch now! Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  69 Hits

Journal - Day 21

Good night, everyone! Today was an awesome day! I had a lot of fun at school with my friends, and it was nice. My eyes have been bothering me since last night, and when I woke up, they were blood-shot red. I don't know why, but I think it is because allergy season is coming around. After school, I took a very nice nap and studied for the written test tomorrow. Good luck, everyone! After tomorrow, we will be on the home stretch. Have a wonderful rest of your night!

  39 Hits

Journal - Day 20

Good night, everyone! Today was a great day! I had a lot of fun at school and was able to get all my assignments in on time. After school, I went to work and then came home and finished off the last assignment. We have a pep rally tomorrow, so I am very excited and am looking forward to it. My dad is coming home tonight from out of town, so I am very happy I get to see him again. I am very nervous about the physical and written test in 2 days, but I feel that I will do well. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  56 Hits

Journal - Day 19

Good night, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. I had my DECA competition and am preparing for the written and physical this weekend. I haven't been feeling too great over the last couple of days, but I feel much better now. We had a day off at school today and I was able to finish all my work before the end of the quarter. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  33 Hits

Journal - Day 18

Good evening, everyone! Today was a nice day. I got a lot of work done today, and the weather was really nice outside, which made it so much better. I had a lot of fun at school today, and I feel like the last two weeks have been going great for me. I am reviewing for DECA and will be practicing all day tomorrow before competitions. Tomorrow, I have a quiz in biology, which isn't great, but I'm hoping I'll do well. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  49 Hits

Journal - Day 17

Good evening, everyone! Requirements, essays, and creative are all coming along well. I am not feeling the best today, so I am going straight to bed after writing this. School was well today. I am going on my DECA trip later this week, so hopefully I end up doing well. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  68 Hits

Journal - Day 16

Good night, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Today was an easy day. I woke up sore, and my back has been killing me for awhile now. I finally got all my work finished and was able to study for the written test as well as for my DECA event on Thursday. I have a pretty easy week ahead, but I need to make sure I am staying focused and prepared for quizzes since the end of the quarter is nearing. I lost my voice over the weekend, so I am really hoping to get it back before I leave. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  53 Hits

Journal - Day 15

Good evening, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Two snow days in a row! I'm really hoping we have a two-hour delay tomorrow or maybe another day off because I really do not want to wake up early. I've used these past two days to catch up on some work, which is great because I'm actually starting to understand the concepts. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  55 Hits

Journal - Day 14

Good night, everyone! Today was a pretty nice day. I woke up early and was able to wash my hair in the morning before I headed off to school. Today, the middle schoolers came to tour the campus, so I got the chance to help a few kids out if they needed it. After school, I came back home exhausted from a long school day and took a nice nap before heading to work. I am so happy that I don't have school tomorrow! I am planning on taking advantage of my day at home tomorrow to finish up anything. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Journal - Day 13

Good morning, everyone! I woke up kind of late this morning because it's a day off and I just needed it. I have a lot planned today. My main goal is to get mostly all of my essays done by tonight because I know I won't have time later on. I am planning on going out today for a bit, then coming back and going on a run in my neighborhood. After that, I'll head to TKD and start work there. I still have one assignment to finish up, but I can do it tomorrow. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  77 Hits

Journal - Day 12

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was an easy day. I woke up really late yesterday because we came back from temple really late the day before, so I wasn't able to make black belt class. I was really tired when I headed to the dojang, but eventually came back to my normal self and had fun teaching yesterday. Today, I have a lot of work ahead for myself and am planning on finishing all of it before I go to sleep tonight. I am planning on focusing on the techniques of my requirements from now on. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  47 Hits

Journal - Day 11

Good evening, everyone! It's been so long since I've written in my journal and tracked on the website. From last time, I have a lot of updates. I've been seeing improvement in my requirements, and they've been progressively getting easier this past week. I also finished my dietary restriction challenge last Sunday! School assignments have been getting a bit more difficult, so I need to make sure I'm staying focused and concentrated. Overall, I had a pretty normal (packed) week, but I guess I'm used to it now. I am going to take advantage of this long 4-day weekend to catch up on some work and finalize my essays. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  44 Hits

Journal - Day 10

Good evening, everyone! This week has been good. I've finally been catching up on some work I've been procrastinating on for a while now. It feels so good to finally finish work that you've been needing to do for a long time. I didn't go to Tae Kwon Do today, so I was able to finish off a bunch of my requirements and assignments. I am mainly focusing on getting my creative put together as of now, but I still have some time left. I have two tests tomorrow and a long day ahead, but I hope to make the most out of it. I am very excited because I only have around 3 more days of my diet challenge to be over. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  42 Hits

Journal - Day 9

Good evening, everyone! I've been slacking on writing my journal every morning, but I am determined to start writing it every day now. This weekend, I helped out with JR Instructors camp, and it went pretty well. I've been getting pretty tired and lazy recently, which is not great at all, so I am persevering through it every day and determined to get my work done. I have a lot of schoolwork to finish and requirements to do for the day. I am very happy because my nutritional diet challenge is coming closer and closer to a conclusion, meaning I can have some room for sweets again. I have a class to attend to in an hour and am planning on finishing up a few more assignments. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  48 Hits

Journal - Day 8

Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was quite a bit. I woke up earlier than normal to get in a hot shower before black belt class and work because I had a birthday party to go to afterward. The birthday party was pretty nice, since we got a chance to go ice skating in Birkdale. I haven't gone ice skating since I was 3, so it was definitely really scary for me. At first, I was holding on for dear life to the rails, but toward the end, I was able to skate around without any help or even holding on. Afterwards, we went to eat dinner, and then I went home and got some rest. Today, I have a lot of work to finish, and I need to make up my requirements from yesterday. I'm not too keen on watching football for the day since my team has been out for a...

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  108 Hits

Journal - Day 7

Good evening, everyone! I am super tired today but finally got over my procrastination to write my journal for the day. Today was a long day. Since this week has been really messed up, I ended up having 2 tests on unots that we somehow already finished within the 2 weeks we've been back from school. After school, I came home, went on a run, finished my requirements, then headed to class. I finally got a good start on my creative form, and I'm pretty happy with how it's coming along so far. Since I forgot to write my journal yesterday, here's to #bread. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  49 Hits

Journal - Day 6

Good evening, everyone! It finally snowed! Today was a very long day. I've had so many things I've been trying to juggle between these past 2 weeks. My body isn't the good sore anymore; it's the "I guess I'm used to it now" kind of sore. Today was just not my day. I woke up with a very bad headache, somehow managed to make it through the school day, finished somewhat of my homework when I got back from school, headed to work (which honestly made my day 10 times better), and now I'm simultaneously trying to write my journal and finish my math homework. I've recently been slacking a lot on writing my journals, so I have to make sure that I am keeping up with these. I took some Ibproufen to see if my head feels better, and I will head to sleep soon. Have a wonderful rest of...

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  53 Hits

Journal - Day 5

Good evening, everyone! Today was a nice yet long day. Yesterday, I came back from school, did my requirements, then headed to work. This cycle I am determined to stay on track for my sparring classes and get them completed as soon as I can. After sparring, I felt pretty sore, but it's always the morning afterward that gets too you the most. My core has been hurting a lot recently, but in a passive-aggressive mannerism, which somehow contradicts everything and feels good. Today, I came back from school, finished my requirements, took a long nap, then headed to class. It's crazy to think that week one of the cycle is already done. It's so interesting to read everyone's journals each day, as it gets to help me learn more and more about you all. Good luck tomorrow!

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Journal - Day 4

Good evening, everyone! Today was a long day. I woke up extra early today to finish my requirements from yesterday and today. It was way too cold outside, so I ended up running back and forth through my house. I went to school pretty excited because today I was helping out with a VR station truck to implement STEM into our school. It was nice for the most part, but I hoped that there were chairs because my legs were pretty sore. After the school day ended, I came back and took a very long nap. I have some homework to finish and plan to head to sleep early today. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Journal - Day 3

Good evening, everyone! Today was a busy day. I started off waking up early and headed to school. After school, I came back home exhausted and got in a quick power nap. I just came back from a Chick-fil-A night I set up for a club at my high school. We had to get people to say "DECA" (the name of the organization) at the register to pay in order to gain a profit for our club. I wasn't able to do as much as I hoped today coming from requirements or homework, so I'm planning on making it up tomorrow. I have some math homework I need to finish before I go to bed. I'm hoping to get some good sleep tonight because I have a lot to do tomorrow. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Journal - Day 2

Good evening, everyone! Today was a long day. I went to school in the morning, but thankfully, there was a 2-hour delay, leaving me extra time to sleep. After the school day was finished, I had to attend a club meeting, then finally headed back home. I was planning on taking a quick nap but did not get the chance to. I headed straight to Tae Kwon Do for my first official day of work. Today, I tried implementing my requirements into the small group lessons to make sure that I could get some time in as well. I just got back home and had dinner, and I have a lot of work ahead of me. I need to finish my math homework for the day, and then I will head to sleep. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  51 Hits

Journal - Day 1

Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was a great day. I was unsure whether or not the website was open yesterday. I started out the day slowly getting back into the habit of doing my requirements. I don't think it is much of a change for me, and I feel that my body will get used to it by next week. I will start my requirements for the day in a bit. I am very excited to finish up my second cycle for my masters! Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Journal - Day 50

Good evening, everyone! As the last day of this cycle finally comes, it feels so abnormal. I know even though I am not testing tonight, I am super nervous, jittery, and excited for you all. I wish you all the best of luck, and I know you’ll do great! Congratulations for officially completing this cycle! Have a wonderful rest of your day and testing!!

  79 Hits

Journal - Day 49

Good evening, everyone! As the end of the cycle is approaching, I would like to say congratulations to everyone for all the hard work and effort that we put in this cycle. We all did amazing, for pushing through the toughest, surviving and overcoming bad days, triumphing over difficulties, and learning throughout this journey. Though this is only my audit cycle, I feel accomplished and ready for the next cycle. Congratulations everyone again and I hope you all the best of luck for the overnight testing. Have a wonderful day!

  82 Hits

Journal - Day 48

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I wasn’t able to get my journal in yesterday, but all good since I made it up today. Today, had a lot of fun at school. This week is our HOCO spirit week, and we were able to dress up per the day. Monday was Country vs Country Club day, yesterday was Y2K, and today was White Lies. I finished all my requirements for the day, but not much to do now. I have myself mentally prepared and ready for the weeks ahead. Have a wonderful day!

  82 Hits

Journal - Day 47

Good evening, everyone! This week has been good for the most part. My leg has been killing me for the last couple of days, and today it just so happened that I lost my voice. I am trying my best to recover during these times and push through the last week of only the start of my audit. Have a wonderful day!

  81 Hits

Journal - Day 46

Good evening, everyone! This week has been better. I've been doing well in school and haven't been procrastinating on my assignments too much, which is good. My classes seem to be going well, and I'm glad we didn't have school today because my foot has been hurting a lot. I'm not sure if I will go to Black Belt class tomorrow due to my foot, but hopefully it will get better. Today, I finished my requirements and the rest of the day was relaxing. The power went out at my house around 4ish, so I wasn't able to make it to class today. It came back later, around 7, and we decided to go out to eat. Have a wonderful day!

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Journal - Day 45

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. For the most part, yesterday was a slow, relaxing day. My family and I went to temple and during the car ride I could feel my ankle bulging with pain, and it was not a good feeling. After temple, we came back home, and I took some rest. Today, I woke up early but decided to stay in bed for a little. My ankle is doing a lot better now, and I will finish my requirements in a little. I am planning on finishing up one of my essays and relaxing. Have a wonderful day!

  84 Hits

Journal - Day 44

Good evening, everyone! This week has been rough with my ankle. I've been pushing through the pain during class and when I am finishing my requirements each day, but after taking sparring on Thursday, it got a lot worse. I really am hoping that it gets better before Monday because I've been sitting out in P.E. almost every day now. Today, I headed to class in the morning, and we were able to work on our self-defenses and blocks. After finishing up class, I came back home and finished my requirements, then we headed off to temple. I just came back, and I desperately need some rest. Have a wonderful day!

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Journal - Day 44

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was not a great day. I went to school early in the morning, and as I was getting off the bus, I fell on my ankle extremely hard, and my friend even heard a crack. I ended up having to go to the nurse, and she told me that i must have twisted my ankle. I could barely even walk, and later we went to the doctor, who informed us that my ankle was sprained. Despite the pain, I went to class today and got my credits. Have a wonderful day!  

  83 Hits

Journal - Day 43

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I finished my requirements early in the morning and had the rest of the day to relax and help my parents. Everything went well, and I went to sleep extra early to get some more hours in. Today I woke up really late and didn't do much. I finished my requirements, went to the mall with my mom, helped cook dinner, and finished a class I had. Have a wonderful day!

  77 Hits

Journal - Day 42

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I went to school in the morning, came back and finished some homework with my friend, then finished some more assignments later on in the day. I fell asleep pretty early but managed to finish my requirements beforehand. Today I went to school, and it was a boring day. My English teacher lectured us the entire class, and we ended up doing a pop quiz. After school, I came home and finished my requirements. Have a wonderful day!

  107 Hits

Journal - Day 41

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a long, yet nice day. I came home from school, finished my requirements, had dinner, and went straight to bed. Today, I went to school early in the morning and it was a long day. I ended up sleeping in one of my free classes because I was knocked out. After school, I came back and finished my requirements, called my friend to finish some school work, and then my mom went to get my dad from the airport. I started watching the beginning of the game tonight but am really tired, so decided I was going to sleep. Have a wonderful day!

  104 Hits

Journal - Day 40

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I finished my requirements after coming from school yesterday and then relaxed the rest of the day. I was hoping to watch the presidential debate but ended up falling asleep instead. Today I went to school, and it was a nice day. In PE, we ended up doing the pacer test, which got my "run" in for the day. I would also like to take a moment acknowledge all the brave people and tragic events that happened on this day years ago. This day will never be forgotten in history. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  90 Hits

Journal - Day 39

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. My dad headed out of town yesterday, so it's just me and my mom at home now. We were able to watch a few movies, and she even tested me on some of my poomsaes. Today, I went to school in the morning and came back exhausted. I finished some homework and my requirements and am planning on watching the presidential debate happening soon. Have a wonderful day!

  72 Hits

Journal - Day 37

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. I went to black belt class, and we ended up doing a lot. After coming back, I finished a lot of stuff I've been procrastinating on, including some of my essays and tracking on the website. After helping my parents clean the house and my room, we talked to my brother for a bit. Today, I woke up late and am about to take a shower and get my requirements done for the day. I have a lot to finish today. Have a wonderful day!

  83 Hits

Journal - Day 36

Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. For some reason, my teachers always love giving us quizzes at the end of the week, basically making me end up doing a test in almost all of my classes. After coming back from school, I knocked out the rest of my requirements and didn't have to go on a run because we ran the mile in PE. Before heading to black belt class, I took a quick nap and was reenergized for the rest of the day. I took rolls and falls class, BBC, and also ended up getting a mentee and mentor session done. This morning, I woke up early and was was ready to zoom in. We did some rolls, and mainly practiced stick and staff forms. I finished the rest of my requirements and took a quick nap as well. I am going to help my parents and clean...

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  81 Hits

Journal - Day 34

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I woke up pretty late, cleaned the car, finished off some homework, and started my requirements. I've recently been going on run's inside my house, pacing back and forth throughout my hallway due to the extremes of the weather. One day it's raining like crazy, the next day it's burning outside, and the next is followed by cold winds and breezes. Today, I am getting ready to go to school and have a lot of work put up for me later today. Have a wonderful day!

  80 Hits

Journal - Day 33

Good morning, everyone! I haven't had time to write my journal for a while now and have a lot of tracking to update on the website. Last week, we headed to NYC and moved my brother in for college. I got a bunch of miles in during my time at NY, which is awesome, but my legs are dying for a break. Today, I am planning on helping my parents clean the house and finish up some essays. Have a wonderful day!

  105 Hits

Journal - Day 32

Good morning, everyone! For some reason my journals don’t go through on certain days, which is definitely weird, but hopefully this one works. On Monday, it was my brother’s last official day working at TKD before going off to college. It was definitely hard that it was his last day, but he will be back in December. I realized that my life is honestly going to change a lot after my brother moves away, which is honestly pretty crazy. Yesterday, I went to school and finished my requirements for the day with ease. Have a wonderful day!

  89 Hits

Journal - Day 30

Good afternoon, everyone! I've been slacking on my journals for a while and realized that I haven't tracked on the website in a long time. My first week of high school was definitely different compared to what I thought it was going to be like, but it wasn't bad at all. I have a class in a few minutes and will start writing my lengthy journals like they used to soon. Have a wonderful day!

  103 Hits

Journal - Day 29

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. I thought I wrote my journal yesterday, but I guess it didn’t go through. I am currently waiting for my bus outside. The requirements seem to be getting easier day by day. See you guys at sparring later today! Have a wonderful day!

  81 Hits

Journal - Day 28

Good morning, everyone! I forgot to log yesterday and the day before due to quite a busy schedule. Yesterday was a nice day. It was my brothers birthday yesterday and we took 2nd and higher class together. Today is my first day of high school and I am currently waiting on my bus to arrive. Have a wonderful day!

  90 Hits

Journal - Day 27

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice but long day. I went to TKD, helped out with summer camp and Little Tigers, and then took both rolls and falls and Black Belt class(es). Today, I woke up and found myself on the ground. I got ready for class in the morning and honestly felt really sore. Class was nice today since we focused a lot on kicks, poomsaes, and self-defense. I came back home, took a shower, and started finishing my requirements. We might go out to the temple later in the afternoon today. Have a wonderful day!

  93 Hits

Journal - Day 26

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a rainy day. I was hoping to head to TKD yesterday for sparring class, but wasn’t able to due to the rain. I know that I am behind on those so I definitely have to start back up on those. Today, I headed to TKD in the morning and helped out with summer camp. I was with Group 1 today and it was a nice, fun day overall. Group 1 always tends to have a lot of energy, making it fun to always energize them with something. After camp, I helped out with Little Tigers and headed straight into rolls and falls class, as well as Black Belt Class. Have a wonderful day!

  89 Hits

Journal - Day 25

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. After finishing my requirements, my mom, my brother and I went to open house. It was nice going with my brother since I basically got a whole tour of the school without panicking about where everything was. I met mostly all of my teachers, and they all seemed super nice. I am looking forward to my first year in high school because I feel like it's a new start. Today, I woke up to the rain clashing and honestly felt the walls shaking a bit, which makes me a little nervous. Hopefully, the rain stops and the power doesn't go out because I am really hoping to go to sparring today. I have a lot to do today and will finish my requirements sometime soon. Have a wonderful day! 

  92 Hits

Journal - Day 24

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice yet long day. I went to Tae Kwon Do, helped out with a little bit of summer camp, and then classes. Today, I woke up really late because I am trying to make the most of the summer I have, but I know I should be waking up early due to the fact my bus gets here at 6–6:15. I started writing about my personal growth and development essay in TKD and honestly realized the difference from how I used to train and teach to now. To me, Tae Kwon Do is about learning the curriculum but also having fun while learning it, especially for the younger kids. I always like to have fun, but it's important that you stay on task. Besides that, I am going to my open house later today and am about to do my requirements. Have a wonderful day!

  82 Hits

Journal - Day 23

Good evening, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I went to TKD later in the afternoon, helped out with summer camp for a bit, and then helped with the classes like normal. I got a mentee session in and also took 2nd higher class. By that class, I was exhausted and not as focused as normal. I had a lot of fun in that class since we worked on hapkidos and techniques. Today, I went to Tae Kwon Do and helped out with summer camp and classes. I got a mentor and mentee session today, which was great. Have a wonderful day!

  87 Hits

Journal - Day 22

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. Overall, I met all my requirements yesterday, and the other half of the day was spent cleaning the house. It always happens to be in my house when you lose something, and you end up finding everything else that you lost except the actual thing you need. I am trying to knock out essays before hand so that I don't have to worry about them next cycle or in the school year. This morning, I went back to school to return my computer and just came back. I am planning on going to TKD today and am hoping my book is still there. Have a wonderful day!

  97 Hits

Journal - Day 21

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a better day. I am feeling much better than I was earlier and finished many requirements and parts of my essays yesterday. I started on my 7-hand techniques of Tae Kwon Do yesterday and also completed a 12-hour period with electronics. Surprisingly, the challenge was not as hard as I thought it would be, and I actually did well. Today, I am planning to finish requirements, and tomorrow I have to get my book from Tae Kwon Do. Have a wonderful day!

  82 Hits

Journal - Day 20

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was tiring. My body hurts like crazy, so I decided not to take class. Today, when I woke up, it got even worse, so I decided to stay home. I do not want to get behind on my requirements, so I'm taking it slow, one by one, each day. I am planning on doing my essays in the meantime as I recover. Have a wonderful day!

  77 Hits

Journal - Day 19

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a tiring day. I didn't feel the best yesterday, so I decided to keep it easy on my requirements for the day. I only ran 1 mile and did the normal amount stated per the book. I went to sleep early, hoping today I would feel better, but I was wrong. My core is killing me, and I've had the worst headache since yesterday night. I wanted to go to sparring today but doubted it based on my body. I am planning to take a rest and leave it super easy today. Have a wonderful day!

  92 Hits

Journal - Day 18

Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. We went to TKD and helped out with classes. After I came back from the dojang, I was exhausted. This morning, I woke up and didn’t feel too great so I decided to keep it relaxed today. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow before going to sparring. Have a wonderful day!

  101 Hits

Journal - Day 17

Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. I wasn't able to go to Tae Kwon Do yesterday since I had a few more things to edit on my final exam. After finishing my exam, me and my parents went shopping and got a few things. I was able to finish my requirements before my brother came home from class. I can officially say I have finished my civics course!! I am very happy with the work I put in and super excited since today was my actual first day of summer. Today, we headed over to TKD, helped out with summer camp for a bit, and then helped out with the classes. The classes went well, and I got leadership credits and a mentee session. I also finished my requirements for the day and did some during class with the kids as well. Have a wonderful day!

  90 Hits

Journal - Day 16

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. After I got the majority of my exam done, I decided to leave it and catch up on requirements instead. Today, I woke up to find out that it's going to be raining all day today (again), so I went running inside my house for about 30 minutes to make up time. I am currently fixing the minor details to my exam and will submit it before I head over to TKD this afternoon. I am hoping to get a mentor and mentee session today and will take 2nd and higher class. My arms are getting more sore by the day, so I hope my body can get used to it soon. Have a wonderful day!

  91 Hits

Journal - Day 15

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. After coming back from TKD, I finished all of my civics assignments. Later in the afternoon, we went shopping and got a few things from the store. Today, I am hoping to start the exam and complete this course. This morning, I made up all my requirements from yesterday and hope to finish today's later in the afternoon. I think today is going to be more of a relaxed requirement day because I've already finished yesterday's this morning. Have a wonderful day!

  91 Hits

Journal - Day 14

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. I went to help out with summer camp early in the morning and basically stayed there all day. After summer camp, I changed and helped out with little tigers. I took rolls and falls class, followed by black belt class. We worked on our belt specials, and I finally had the chance to learn number 5 of it. Master Chelley helped a lot with it, since she helped me learn the attacks as well. I also had a mentor session with Master Natasya and she helped me with the minor mistakes. Today, I woke up pretty early and headed to black belt class. We zoomed in and had a great class. We also worked on sinnualies today, which was awesome because it's been a while since I've done those. I am about to finish my assignments for civics. Week 2 is already over!...

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  88 Hits

Journal - Day 13

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice day. After finishing my requirements and a lot of my assignments, I played a game with my mom and my brother. After that, the rest of the day was easy and simple and we just rested. Today, I woke up pretty early and have already gone on my run. I am about to go take a shower and soon head over for summer camp. After summer camp, I am hoping to take the rolls and falls class, followed by Black Belt class. Hopefully, I can get a mentor or mentee session today since I have a lot to work on. I am hoping to finish my requirements and civics assignments after I come back. Have a wonderful day!

  88 Hits

Journal - Day 12

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a great day. I finished off a lot of my civics assignments, and I am finally on the last module! Yesterday was also my dad's birthday and we had a lot fun yesterday. His form of fun is to sleep and me, my mom, and my brother to give him a massage. After that, I finished my requirements, and we decided to stay at home instead. Today, I woke up pretty late and my goal for today is to finish all the assignments for my civics class. I really hope my schedule for school comes in today, because it's been getting delayed. After I finish most/all of my assignments, I will meet my requirements. Have a wonderful day!

  91 Hits

Journal - Day 11

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. My requirements are starting to build on me again, and sometimes I feel so sore that it's just numb at that point. I am starting to focus more on the technique and form of my requirements than just knowing them. After finishing only 2 of my civics course assignments, I headed to TKD. As usual, I helped out with summer camp, and then classes started. On my way back home, my brother loves to do random things in the car, and we had a lot of fun with that. Today, I woke up pretty early, and I'm about to start finishing my civics assignments. I'm going to say I will never take an online course again, but I'll probably end up taking one. Later today, we will probably go out since it's my dad's birthday, and I will finish my requirements sometime today....

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  92 Hits

Journal - Day 10

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. After finishing most of my requirements, I went to TKD. I helped out with summer camp for a bit, and then classes started. Sometimes the classes seem to go by so quickly, which surprises me at times. I got a mentor session in yesterday with Master Natasya and got in a weekly black belt class. I had a lot of fun in the 2nd and higher class, since I finally learned number 6 of the 3rd Dan 1-Step. Today, I woke up around 5:15, but I decided to stay in bed until 6. I came downstairs and started finishing my civics assignments for today and yesterday, since I only had time to finish 2. Hopefully, I can finish my assignments and requirements before I head to TKD today. Have a wonderful day!

  89 Hits

Journal - Day 9

Good morning, everyone! This morning, I woke up and am currently writing this. This week, I am planning to take it slow and relax for my requirements since this is the last week I am taking my civics course. Even though that course was something, I am glad I pushed through it and never gave up on it. I am going to head to TKD in the afternoon to help out with summer camp for a little, and then help out with the classes. Have a wonderful day!

  115 Hits

Journal - Day 8

Good afternoon, everyone! I've been so busy and tired after pre-test, as my body is completely sore. I am very happy with how I did during my pre-test and will continue to get better throughout the cycle. I am about to take a class and head to sleep soon. Have a wonderful day!

  92 Hits

Journal - Day 7

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was quite a long day. I finished my requirements quite early in the morning, and then finished my assignments. Today, I am about to head to Tae Kwon Do and help out with summer camp and take class later in the evening. There’s only one more day till pretest!! Have a wonderful day everyone!

  101 Hits

Journal - Day 6

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a long day. After finishing my requirements, my friend came over and we hung out for awhile. We went for a walk, and then ended up at her house. It was a lot of fun. After that, I came home and had dinner when my brother's friends came. Today, I woke up an hour ago, but my body is begging me to go back to sleep. I am planning on mainly focusing on my civics class today and then knocking out my requirements because there is a final coming up that is 25% of our whole grade. The pre-test is in 2 more days!! Have a wonderful day!

  85 Hits

Journal - Day 5

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a nice, long day. After finishing a few of my requirements, we headed over to Tae Kwon Do. I helped out with summer camp for a little, and then classes started. The classes were really nice, and I even got a mentor session, which was awesome. Today, I am planning on finishing my assignments for civics first and then my requirements because I have some friends coming over today. I am going to keep on focusing on my 3rd dan curriculum and my preps because I mostly have everything else down. Have a wonderful day!

  112 Hits

Journal - Day 4

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a great day. I got my requirements done before heading to Tae Kwon Do. I helped out with summer camp for a bit, then classes started. I always love helping out in classes because it's always cool to see the uniqueness of each individual. After helping out, I got both my mentor and mentee sessions in. Master Natasya told me to focus more on my preps since I have the forms down. After that, I took a second and higher class, which I really enjoyed. We did a few old hapkido moves, and then we moved on our belt self-defense. Today, I have a few more assignments to do for my civics class, and later I will head to TKD. Have a wonderful day!

  89 Hits

Journal - Day 3

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was very tiring. I didn't think that getting back into the cycle with requirements was going to be that hard, but I was wrong. My arms are sore, and my core is aching from the number of push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, and pull-ups I've done. I am looking forward to today, as I have a lot of things planned this afternoon at TKD. I am hoping I will be able to do my mentor and mentee sessions today, but we will see how it turns out. I am planning on completing my requirements in a few, after I finish a few assignments from a class I'm taking. Have a wonderful day!

  82 Hits

Journal - Day 2

Good morning, everyone! Even though it's only day 2 of the cycle, my body is already is starting to feel sore. Yesterday was a long day. I started my 30-day challenge, which is limiting sweets. This is pretty hard for me because I have a really big sweet tooth, but I keep reminding myself to stay focused. After finishing my requirements, we went to the temple and came home late. I just woke up and started writing this. I am planning on doing my requirements in a bit. This cycle is definitely different than the rest since the curriculum has changed and I am not used to doing everything by time yet. Have a wonderful day!

  108 Hits

Journal - Day 1

Good morning, everyone! As of today, the cycle has officially started. I am super excited to officially start training to become a master. Today, I woke up and went to black belt class. We mainly focused on color belt curriculum, which was great because Master Chelley wanted to make sure we had our basics down. I got a lot of requirements done during class and will finish the rest today soon. We are planning on heading out today. Have a wonderful day!

  101 Hits

Journal - Day 49

Good Day. I just came back from Jr Instructor camp. It was super fun and I am really very very tired. I am trying to keep myself awake and will probably hit bed soon.

  0 Hits

Journal - Day 48

Good Morning. This morning I got to sleep in a little more. No school today for us. Yesterday we had to stay in the tornado position for an hour or so. I have been working on my assignments now and will start my requirements soon. Have a good day!

  504 Hits

Journal - Day 47

Good morning. Yesterday I finished all my requirements. Did my mentee session as well. Today is going to be a long day again. Have a good day!

  537 Hits

Journal - Day 46

Good morning. Yesterday from school I went to my classes and then from there to sparring class. It was a good class with lots of stretching and kicks. Waiting for my bus now. Have a good day!

  478 Hits

Journal - Day 45

Good morning. Yesterday was a good day. After school I came back home and finished most of my requirements. Then went to class to help Family class. I also got my mentee session done! Have a good day!

  492 Hits

Journal - Day 44

Good morning. Yesterday I ran 2 miles with my brother before Super Bowl. Then I watched for a little and then went to bed at half time. This morning I woke up and my dad told that the Chiefs won. Waiting at the bus stop for my bus. Have a good day! 

  509 Hits

Journal - Day 43

Good Day. Yesterday was a good day. I went to the Community service with my brother. We went at 10.45am and saw Master Knight next to us in the parking lot. We went in and waited for Master Chelley. We put the cans in the boxes and there was lot of stuff to be done. We were glad that we could do a lot. Then i came back and had my lunch. My brother and I ran while my parents walked. we did a 2 miles run. Today is Super Bowl. Have a good day!

  531 Hits

Journal - Day 42

Good Morning. Yesterday was a good day. Came home from school and went to BB Class. We came back home and I had dinner and I was so tired that I went to bed. This morning I woke up early to get my stuff done. Will be leaving for the Community Service in a hour or so. Have a good day!

  532 Hits

Journal - Day 41

Good morning. Yesterday was looong. From school went straight to my classes and then from there to sparring. Master Marcus worked us out. I got a few sparring rounds in. Finally it’s weekend and Super Bowl!

  470 Hits

Journal - Day 40

Good morning. Yesterday was a good day. I had PE and finished all my physical requirements in school. Went to class and got my leadership credits and also my mentee session. Today is going to be a crazy day with classes straight from school. Have a good day.

  497 Hits

Journal - Day 39

Good morning. Yesterday was a long day. From school went to classes and then went to sparring. Got in a lot of sparring and jump rope rounds. Master Marcus made us sweat a lot. I also did my mentor session. Have a good day!

  515 Hits

Journal - Day 38

Good Morning. Yesterday was a good day. I went to class and got my credits. Came back home and went to bed. Waiting at the bus stop for my bus. Have a good day.

  495 Hits

Journal - Day 37

Good Morning. Woke up a little late today as there is no school. Finishing my assignments and will start working on my requirements soon. I look forward to seeing everyone in class this evening. Have a good day.

  490 Hits

Journal - Day 36

Good Day. Yesterday evening my mom and I went over to one of our neighbors house for some function. After that my brother went to his friends house for sleepover. He came back at noon today. I worked all day on my assignments and then finished my requirements. Then at 3pm my brother and I went for a run. We ran 2 miles and I have been consistently keeping up with my time. Tomorrow we do not have school. Have a good night!

  535 Hits

Journal - Day 35

Yesterday was a good day. From school we went to Black Belt class. Once I came home I worked on my assignments. This morning I went to sparring and Black Belt class. Master Evins made us do a lot of kicks and push ups. Black Belt class was good. Came back home and working on my assignments again. My brother is going for a sleepover with his crazy friends. Have a good day!

  519 Hits

Journal - Day 34

Good morning. Yesterday was one of the longest days ever. School was good and from there i went to my classes. From there went straight to Tae Kwon Do. Sparring class was good. It was really exhausting. After that I did my mentee session. Came home and finished my school assignment and hit bed. Waiting for the long weekend. Off to school now. Good Day all!

  511 Hits

Journal - Day 33

Good Morning. Yesterday was another really long day. I went to my classes from school. From there we went straight to Tae Kwon Do. Helped with family class and then did my mentee session. Came back home after 8pm and went straight to bed. I really need to sleep more and I am very tired. Waiting for another long weekend as we dont have school on Monday again. Have a good day!

  483 Hits

Journal - Day 32

Good Morning. It was cold yesterday and is still very cold. Waiting at the bus stop. Yesterday was a great day. My math teacher called me and asked me to lead the class and teach fractions to my class. I was nervous when she called me but i love math and I did pretty well. Fractions are very easy. Have a good day!

  508 Hits