Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Good Saturday evening everyone. I hope we all had a great day after beginning with some good physical and written testing.  I did the rest of my stuff after I ate some brunch when I got home and then relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day.  It has been very boring day.  I'm ready for bed already but just relaxing with my mom.  Have a good night. 

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Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone had a great day. Today for me started with Boosterthon run at school this morning. It was chilly but got me ready for tomorrow mornings run.  It was fun, I think I finished in the top 3 earners for my class which means I can bring home one of our class pets for a long weekend!! My Mom isn't happy!   Blackbelt class tonight was good and after dinner I practiced for the written test some more.  I hope everyone has a good night and I will see you guys early in the morning! 

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March 6th

Happy Thursday. I am excited today I got my plant. It is a box wood and I named her Everleigh the boxwood. It is an English boxwood and I think it looks neat. I am excited about tomorrow too. We have our fun run tomorrow and this is my 5th year doing it. It is fun but takes a lot of energy. I like running with my friends and my mom and dad will be there to to cheer me on. It may be cold but will be fun.

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March 5th

Good morning! We are out of school today for crazy weather. I am glad though to be safe. My mom is even home too from teaching. I am using this extra time to finish my essays and work on making posters for the bags of home project. I will be in class tonight and bring the posters to put on boxes so we can start to collect food items. Enjoy your day. 

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March 4th

Happy Tuesday! Today I woke up a little more energized and had a good day. We got the eggs to hatch in our class. One of the eggs was blue. That means that chick will be a different color than yellow. I am so excited!

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March 3rd

Hey! Happy Monday. I woke up a little tired because I had a fun day playing outside yesterday after doing my requirements. At school we learned we are going to hatch chicks and this will be fun. Have a good evening.

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March 2nd

Happy Sunday. i got to get outside and did two miles with my mom today. I also got to play outside all day. I played basketball and walked to the park in our neighborhood with the neighbors. Going to have pizza for dinner and get ready for school tomorrow. Bye!

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03/01/25 done Sunday

Sorry, I forgot to post on Saturday itself.  It was a very nice day, got outside again to enjoy the weather and do some exercising and do the requirements. I also sat outside and studied for the written test.  I also got to walk my neighbor's dog Shelby because her older dog we found out has cancer and will be put to sleep on Monday. This is sad because it makes me think of our old family dog that got sick several years ago.  We were outside last night too until the wind got too much.  I hope everyone got to enjoy their Saturday and I hope our instructor's had a good time at their instructor camp!  

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Hello everyone, I'm so glad it is Friday. Today was a normal day at school, but we have started Boosterthon and we did get some prizes as we started earning money for our school's goal of new basketball court.  This evening was black belt class at LKN and I got mentor time in before class started.  Class tonight was fun. I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

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Hello everyone, today was a boring normal day at school with nothing exciting. I hope everyone is doing good this week. I was able to get some homework done waiting on my brother to finish school and then got home after the rain to get physical stuff done.  I'm looking forward to see our group at LKN black belt tomorrow night.  

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Hello everyone. Today was a nice day. Half day at school and great sunshine to be outside when we got home.  I did my practicing inside and out and Mom did a mile walk with me after I had finished up requirements.  I hope everyone had a great day. 

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February 25th

Hey! Happy Tuesday! We are belt testing at Lake Norman so I didn't get to go to class. Tomorrow is a half day so that will be fun. We also got a new oven at my house and the delivery guys were really nice. Have a good evening!

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February 24th

Happy Monday! Today was a good day. Went to TKD in the afternoon and got requirements done and a mentor sessions done. I liked the warmer weather day and being outside with my friends.

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Happy Sunday. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I got to see my grandparents and have lunch at 131 Main with them to celebrate a late birthday for my parents.  We had a great lunch. I then went home and got outside to do physical activity.  I even got in some bike riding with the neighbors and my mom.   It was a good day and our family is looking forward to a great weather week.  

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Today was a long day. It started with a good Black Belt Saturday morning session. I went with my Mom and met Dad at Lowes and they bought a new oven for the house. Then we went home, and I did my requirements.  This afternoon we met friends from school in Winston Salem for an early dinner and went to the Carolina Thunderbirds hockey game. The Thunderbirds won 9 to 1 so it was a good game with 2 fights. I enjoyed the time with friends and family.  It is time for bed and I hope everyone has a good Sunday.  

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February 21st

Today was a good day at school. Happy Friday! This week has gone by fast. I am going to black belt class tonight and also practicing the written test right now and going to play cards with the neighbors tonight. We like to play uno no mercy! Its so fun!!

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February 20th

We had a two hour delay this morning because of snow. I got up and went to school early with my mom and brother. it started to snow while we were at school and my mom and I went out and caught snowflakes on our hair and shirts. The snowflakes were perfect! It was neat to look at and watch. The rest of the day was fast but I liked it. The short school day was fun. Now it is really cold outside and I am getting ready for sparring class.

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February 19th

Snow Day! Well not yet. Still waiting on snow but got a day at home. I got my requirements done for the day and remote learning homework. I am really hoping we get some snow today. 

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Today has been a long day. It was back to school after a long weekend and now we are off or remote tomorrow in hopes of snow. I'm saying some snow prayers at bedtime.  I finished day 2 as white belt and enjoyed the time. I am working along on the requirements and working on the essays. I'm almost finished with the leadership 1 as well.  Hoping for snow but planning on being at class! Have a good night

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Happy President's Day! or as I like to call it, a Day out of School!!!! Today I spent time with a friend, got some things done, went to class and started my white belt challenge. It was different to do white belt again and be in the back of the class.  It was a good weekend but I am looking forward to seeing my friends at school tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow night. 

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February 16th

Today I worked on some on the essays> I am also excited about a sleep over at my friends house. I have workday tomorrow so no school and I always have fun at her house. It is so windy today. Bye!

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February 15th

This morning I had black belt class and worked on self defense, poomsae, staff and kicks.  It was a lot but I had fun. I am hoping for snow this week when I looked at the weather it said maybe towards the end of the week. I am working on my essays and learning the test answers. Have a good night yall.

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February 14th

Today was fun at school. We got to exchange valentines. I am happy today was Friday too. I am ready for the weekend and this weekend I will be outside and playing with neighbors and getting excersies done too. I am looking forward to black belt class tonight and then having heart shaped pizza for dinner and heart shaped cakes too with my neighbors. Have good evening yall! 

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Happy day before Valentines Day! I hope everyone had a great day. It was good to see all the girls at class tonight. Sparring was fun tonight.  After eating, I just got done with my shower and hair and I'm getting ready for bed.  Friday's off would be nice!! 6am is early for me but at least its after my parents.  I hope everyone has a good night and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone tomorrow. See ya at Black Belt class LKN. 

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Today was another yucky rainy day.  Today at school it was teacher appreciation day, so I got to help celebrate my mom. I went to class this afternoon and got some more leadership completed.  I'm ready for this rain to go away. See some of you tomorrow for sparring. 

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Today was a good day except for the rainy weather.  I was able to get outside for some recess before the rain started this morning. It was cold but good to get outside. In class I was able to get some more leaderships done and a mentor session.  The best part of today is it is my Dad's birthday. Happy Birthday to him and I hope everyone has a good evening. See you tomorrow. 

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Good evening, I hope everyone had a good Monday. Today is my mom's birthday, Happy Birthday Mom!!  I was able to get in some leadership requirements today and got a great mentor session. The classes had a good amount of people there today. I'm going to study for a science test tomorrow and then it will be shower and bedtime.  Have a great night.  

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Happy Sunday! What a beautiful day it is.  I got out with my Mom and did 2miles and knocked out requirements.  We are getting ready to play Uno outside with our neighbors to enjoy the sunshine before watching football later. I hope everyone has a great day. See LKN guys tomorrow! 

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02/08/25 GO CANES!!

Today was a good Saturday! Started the day with Black Belt class and it was good. Then my family went to Raleigh for the Carolina Hurricanes hockey game. It was a great game, Canes won 7 to 3 over Utah.  This is my second Canes game since Christmas and both have been wins. I'm looking forward to more.  I hope tomorrow is good weather so I can get outside before Dad starts watching the Super Bowl.  Have a good night! 

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Today I had a math test at school and got a 100.  We got to get outside today and enjoy the weather. I finished off the week requirements. I went to Black Belt class, got a mentor session, did a rolls and falls class and then we did stick work. I learned some new moves and it was fun.  I'm resting before taking a shower and bed. See some of you at Saturday morning Black Belt class.  Have a good night. 

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Happy Thursday! Today was another good day, got things done, had a good day at school and studied for a math test that is tomorrow.  Sparring was good tonight and then I got some Chick-Fil-A!  I hope everyone has a good Friday and I will see some of you at Black Belt class tomorrow. 

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Good evening, I hope everyone is having a good day.  Today I got some physical requirements done at school during PE and recess. I was able to get several more done this afternoon at classes.  See you tomorrow for sparring. 

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Today was a great day! The sunny weather made it nice to get outside and do some requirements. I went to class and got both leadership requirements done today and thank you to Instructor Jen for some Mentor/Mentee time.  See you tomorrow.  Ash

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Today was a really warm day at school, so I got to get outside and run. After school I got to go to TKD class and help out with the 445 class. I then came home and finished some exercises and ate salad for dinner.  I hope everyone had a great day. 

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Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope everyone had a great day. I enjoyed the day and got outside to do some requirements. I'm looking forward to the nice weather this week. Looking forward to seeing the LKN group tomorrow.

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Hello, from after camp time. I enjoyed a great Jr. Instructor camp. This was my second camp, so I knew what to expect. I had a great time getting in the exercise, training and being with great friends. My favorite parts of training were the nunchucks and gymnastics.  I actually got some sleep too! It was quick and I'm tired, but it was a great time.  Thank you to our Masters and Instructors for a fun Jr. Instructors camp.  Tomorrow will be back to normal.  Have a good Sunday tomorrow. 

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02/01/25 for 01/31

HI, sorry I missed yesterday but I didn't get the chance before going to Jr. Instructors camp.  My Friday started at 6am because I had to be at school earlier than normal for book club. The weather was nice so it was a good day at school.  I got home, finished some requirement and checked my bags and when my brother got home we headed to KT LKN.  I got to see my Mom for a little over an hour before heading off to camp. She was gone to a training class all week too. I will hit camp in the next post. 

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Today was another nice day. I finished reading a book to be ready for book club at school in the morning. I also got daily requirements done. Classes were fun tonight at KT LKN, it was really busy too.  I'm looking forward to Jr. Instructor camp tomorrow and Saturday.  See some of you tomorrow!

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Today I did got both leadership credits done. I was nervous about leading the warm-up but once I started, it flowed pretty good.  I was able to get requirements done while it was still warm this afternoon. Such a great day.  Just ate dinner, its time for shower, reading and then bed time.  I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. See ya at sparring. 

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Today was a good day at school. I finished my I-ready math test and blew past the extended goal that was set for me.  I had to go home with a friend because my brother was at the Orthodontist getting a new set of braces.  He didn't get back until late and to figure out dinner for him we didn't make it to class. See you tomorrow though!! I hope everyone has a good evening. 

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It was back to school Monday today. I had a math test and it was long.  We got to go outside and enjoy some recess too.  I got some more leadership credit done today. I led punches and kicks and got thru my nervousness. After class I got a salad for dinner. I'm looking forward to sunny days and some warmer weather the rest of the week. 

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I enjoyed the sun and warmer temperatures. Got some nice outdoor time completing some requirements. Got to spend some time with a friend from school this afternoon too.  Got a math test in the morning and looking forward to a full week of school.  

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Jan 25th

This morning I had my first saturday morning class I had so much fun. After class I went home and had breakfast then got some black belt workouts in.

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Jan 24th

Today was a teacher work day so my mom went to work and I had a playdate with a friend. It was fun and we made slime. Then I went to another friends house and met her dog that they got for Christmas. It is a German sheperd like we use to have. She is a really sweet dog. Then we are tacos for dinner. It was a fun day!

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Jan #23

Today I got to sleep in because I had a two-hour delay. I had a test today and got an amazing score I am very excited for sparring tonight at taekwondo. Tomorrow Is a teacher workday, so I get to sleep in again.  

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Jan 22nd

Today I had a day off of school because of a dusting last night. I did a mile today and now I am working on the other requirements before class tonight. I am also helping to take care of my neighbors dogs while she is out of town. 

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January 21st

Good evening everyone, I got to get out early and go to a dr appointment. Then we got a snack and had hot chocolate and a donut. Then I went to TKD and got a lot checked off today. I had fun and now it is snowing! I hope we don't have school tomorrow but I don't want to make it up.  Happy Snow Day!

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January 20th

Last night I played card games with my neighbor. Relax and took a chill day. I watched movies with my mom and and I looking forward to a no school day today. 

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Journal #3

Yesterday I had camping day in my classroom and it was really fun. We got to play games in pop up tents. Math was really really fun. I also had fun at sparring also.

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Journal #2 Jan 15th

I woke up a little tired today because I went to be a little later than usual. but I had a good day at school. I had PE class for my encore. Tomorrow I am very excited because we have camp day in our class.  See yall tomorrow at sparring!

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Journal #1 Jan 14th

Today at school I had a good day. I had art as my encore. Math was really fun and literacy was too. I got to play some new math games and play outside with my friends for recess. 

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