1/27/25 today was a regular day, mostly had a big test in math and there was a holdup in science. Apparently a girl climbed a ladder up on the roof so I skipped gym. I submitted my midnight sky trumpet assignment. I'm very tired. 1 mile ran today in 9:02. Everyone was bored today but when i got home i was too busy for boredom.
Previous journals:
Leo’s journal
1/14/25; today was a regular day, had a quiz 1n 1st period and in 2nd(aced both) and was swamped with work so yeah, basically i'm just playing catchup on all my classes,i wonder how i did on union march trumpet test, it was hard homeroom was normal but 1st period was LOUD!!!!my life with zander and ben next to me in all classes, did a bit of work today,i'll be finished soon. Hope i can meet sat at 4 with the boys we'll join on minecraft and i need to catch up on bible reading.
1/15/25;had a quiz in math today did pretty well but when i got home basically worked till i dropped so that was hard sadly i missed tkd class but you can't have everything new minecraft world old one got accidentally deleted gonna make sure to read bible today
1/16/25 finally finished all catchup work today have big test tomorrow better study ran 2 miles today that plus everything else is exhausting new history project i plan to be as outlandish as possible on this without losing points going to bed soon
1/24/25 i went 2 bbc weekday today stopped at publix so i spent 2 hours for a 45 minute class i finished my daily workout it's getting a little easier sadly i didn't run a mile today so i have make that up ie been lax on journal essay and mentee to have 2 step that u for sure i'm tired +i have to wake up early in da morning plus i wont be going to church sunday which sucks hard to balance all the responsibilities man i might be absolutely cooked.
1/26/25 stayed home today from church to get stuff done which was helpful, dog was a big distraction tho don't have much time i finished my no digital entertainment essay which is good i ran 2 miles today just like yesterday i am not sure how this is going to work out yesterday i got jordan as my mentee gonna have to start meetings and also gonna have to start leading stretches