Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

So nervous

Yesterday I was really exited but now I'm just πŸ˜“ nervous. Right now I'm out eating dinner and then I will head over to Grand Master Evins. I'm nervous but also happy it's almost over! I'm just trying to remember to take a deep breath and try your best.

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Nervous and exited

I'm mostly exited but also really nervous! I'm jealous that some kids don't have school tomorrow but I do! I'm still going to sleep good and take the day easy! I also get to bring my class pet guinea pigs home for a week! By the way today my bus broke down. Sleep tight everybody stay well rested but don't forget to practice but most of all try your best!

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My dad almost broke his back!

So today I woke up around 7:30(cause of the spring forward) And I did some chores with my dad while my mom went to the store. When she got back we ate lunch and then got ready to cut down a tree 🌳 At first it was going well but it got stuck on some other trees. So we got a rope to rap it around it. That failed SO FOR SOME REASON MY DAD DECIDED TO CLIMB ON THE LADDER AND LIKE JUMP DOWN ON THE TREE!!! IT WORKED BUT HE LANDED VERY HARDLY ON HIS BACK WITH A LOUD PLOP!!!! MY MOM SCREAMED AND WE RUSHED OVER LUCKILY HE WAS LAUGHING. BUT NOW HE WAS COMPLANING OF BACK PAIN!😯😟 By the way he has fallen off of ladders before and sliced the back of his ear of and we had to rush to the emergency room! But anyway this...

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Physical and written test.

I just got back from the black belt Physical and Written test. At first I was really scared but it was actually really fun 😁 I improved my mile by over 1 minute and a half exact. My pretest time was 11min 34 sec my test today was onely 10min 4 sec I'm really proud of everyone including myself. BY THE WAY THIS MY 51 JOURNAL ENTRY!!

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Tuesday!!!! My brother got here yesterday and we gave him his birthday presents but it was already pretty late so I didn't get to stay up much longer but that's OK. Anyway today my brother slept in till about 10:30 😴 So I didn't see him yet cause I had to go to school and he is with his mom eating dinner. He brought his dog with him, Zelda. My mom won't come home till Friday because she is a flightatendent so she works on planes. By the way the guinea pigs are doing great. Princess just sleeps in the hay box and whenever she's awake she is eating! She's so CHUNKY!!! Me and my teacher and other classmates are hoping to teach them some fun tricks to get her back in shape. But she is still doing great and not having any health issues!( she used to have health issues)πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ₯°...

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Guess what! Today at my schools fun run I ran 4 miles and at home I ran .75. So in total I ran 4.75! I really surprised myself! Today I was able to get a lot done I got a leadership, mentee, class assistance and even got to take one class. After king tiger I went with my grandparents to their house and we ate dinner watched big city greens but then I went home with my brother and his dog πŸ•Β 

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First of all I went to the sparring class at north Charlotte it was really fun although it's supposed to be 2 hours I had to leave around one hour early and he was really nice about it! By the way my brother isn't coming till tomorrow now because he wants to be with his mom some to for his birthday to. So mic drop he is actually my half brother we have the same dad but not the same mom and know he is 33 so that's old compared to the fact that am his sister and I'm 10. He really could be my dad but he isn't. If your wondering no I don't have a step mom or dad. I'm not related to his mom at all. And he lives somewhere in Clemson with his friend and dog for now. I really wish they were coming today meaning my...

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A lot of yesterday!

Yesterday we did a lot but today I'm doing even more. Yesterday my dad cut down a tree while me and my mom picked up sticks and pinecones in the back yard. It was really windy so we came back inside and dicided we would cut down the other trees later. By the way we aren't cutting them all down only 2 because there dead. I did another essay and then played on my iPad for 1h 30 min it was fun then I watched the Mummy! I love that movie! Then I had to quickly do my requirements before heading to my Grandparents for dinner and dessert. At their house we ate dinner played a bit but I still had to run so we left around 7:45 My dad was driving so he dropped me and my mom off at the park and we ran the rest of the way...

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Friday! (Written on Saturday)

I'm so happy yesterday was Friday. I'm also happy that today (Saturday) I don't have to wake up early although I still have to do my requirements and do some chores outside. Last night me and my dad built a squishmallow fort but we didn't sleep in it cause it hurt his BACK!!! Anyway.......... I really should start writing my journals at the END of the day because I have nothing to write about because I obviously can't read the future. (Don't get me wrong that would be amazing but...) MY BROTHERS COMING OVER TOMORROW! More details about me and my brother will be in my Sunday journal. I will also tell you why he doesn't live with me.

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Today was fun though last night I only got like one hour of sleep because my ear was bothering me so much it hurt so bad I woke up and went to my parents room (although my mom wasn't home) my dad woke up and gave me some pain reliver but it did not work! When I couldn't take it anymore it was about 5 am then my dad came in cause he went to my bathroom to take a shower and try not to wake me up but I was already awake and struggling πŸ™ƒ πŸ˜‘ 😐  But know I'm feeling much better! Today at school there was no tests! There was a fire drill and for the longest time my chrome book wasn't working so I didn't get to do chrome book free time but Tomorrow my teacher will let me cause everyone else got to.

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On Wednesday I went to the sparring at Grand Master Evins place it was fun, Grand Master Evins wasn't teaching the class that day though we had a different Master but I'm not sure what his name was. Wednesday I had a math test and I got 95%! YAY!!! The guinea pigs have been pretty calm but Poppy keeps screaming with joy in the back of our class room and it's so cute but also kinda creepy cause she is like screaming really weirdly!πŸ—£βž•οΈπŸΉ= screaming 😱 guinea pig!

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On Tuesday I went to dance and piano 🎹  By the way if your wondering why I'm writing about Tuesday but the date is Thursday its because I completely forgot about Journaling. I didn't do it Wednesday or Thursday. OPPS!!🫣🫒🀫But that's why there is so many journals for today. Anyway at dance I'm the only person in that class so it was a pretty chill day!

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I didn't see Xander yesterday so I didn't get a Mentie session in but that's OK. Today I hope to have a pretty chill day at school but lately there has been I lot of girl drama going around. There is a group of girls in my class and I call them the want to be baddies. They make fun of Finley for wearing make up but they bitterly wear mascara! And then my other friend Hannah doesn't want me to be friends with Finley! But that is not happening πŸ˜• 😑She can be annoying sometimes but everyone is annoying sometimes! So deal with it!!! Today there will probably be another argument between them and they will all want me to fix it! But nope today is my chill day! Have a great tues

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Monday Monday

Today is another classic Monday! Nothing planned to do or see. I'm getting ready for school. I have a test today in english. I already finished all of my requirementsΒ  I ran .75 but later I will run some more. I'm trying to finish my crocheting but my mom and me messed up it looks really badπŸ‘Ž But we are trying are best.Β 

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I wish...

I wish I did not choose crocheting for my new thing. It is so hard I thought it was going to be easy I didn't even finish my first one. I wish today was Saturday I do not want to go to school tomorrow 😩.Β  I wish we didn't have requirements. ( even though I did them) The only thing I think is sometimes fun is going for a run with my mom to the nature trail. Today I ran 3 miles! It was the most fun I ever had while running. Know I have to go to... crochet!πŸ₯Ίβ˜ΉοΈπŸ˜’😣😀😑☠️

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Diary of a Wimpy kid.

Today I went with my boyfriend to the Diary of a Wimpy kid musical. It was so good πŸ‘ Before that I went to black belt. Then my boyfriend picked me up and we went to red Robin and then an ice cream place with my boy friend and then went to the play. After I went to the play they dropped me off at my house. Me and my mom went to my grandparents house but my dad stayed home to relax 😌. At my grandparents house I ate the best chowder ever. I did a lot of drawing but we went home early to watch something with just my mom and dad πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§. Right know I'm watching raid the cage with my mom and dad. Then we might watch a movie or a another TV show. I know this journal today was not that interesting πŸ˜• SORRY ABOUT THAT!...

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Daddy daughter date night!

After a long week of SCHOOL, TKD, DANCE, PIANO, with a SNOW DAY and 2 HOUR DELAY thrown in between tonight I had a daddy daughter date night after a mentor session, rolls and falls, and black belt class. I went to Eez in birkdale and ate a delicious πŸ˜‹ meal. After that I went to Kilwins and had THE BEST ICE CREAM EVERRRR!!! Hope everyone has a great Saturday! ( even though it's still Friday I'm saying this because it's 9:23 so your probably reading it on Saturday! ) Sleep tight! Hopefully I will see you all tomorrow at 8:15 on Saturday!Β 

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2 hour delay

Today I had a 2 hour delay. I got to go to my grandparents house because my dad had to go to work and my mom is at work so I got to hang out there and do homework and watch murder mystery πŸ™ƒ I LOVE MURDER MYSTERY'S! Yesterday I built a snowman and today I built one at my grandparents house! It was really fun! That was my 4 snowman ever!β˜ƒοΈβ„οΈπŸ‚β›·οΈ Today if my dance was canceled I would have gone to sparring at LKN KT but it wasn't and I also missed last week's so I needed to do dance. Now I'm a little behind on sparring but if I ever really needed I could do a 2 hour class on Sunday.Β  Today dance was soooo fun. There was a new girl I have no idea what her name was. She did not talk much but she laughed a...

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Remote learning day!

Today I don't have school but I do have remote learning day... but that's OK it will still be fun. I will be spending the whole day at king tiger πŸ… I have some homeworkΒ  on paper and some on my Chromebook. After I finish my homework I will spend a lot of the time getting ahead on a lot of the black belt requirements. I doubt I will be able to go to the North Charlotte location for sparring if it's icey if I don't then I will take classes at the lake Norman location get class assistance and leadership and take some other classes. πŸ₯‹

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Back to school!

Today we are going back to school! Yay! I love school but I also love a nice long weekend. I'm also really exited to see the guinea pigs again! A boy in my class might bring his valentines because on valentines dayΒ  he forgot them. Yesterday I went to a nature trail with my mom and we ran three miles. It was fun but also really muddy. I also went to the 4: 15 class and helped out I did some pull ups when they were doing the 4:45 then I took class at 5:15 and did a leadership. My grandparents were going to come over, but they dicided to stay home and relax I also see them alot because they live 7 minutes away from where I live. I ate dinner watched TV then headed to bed. Have a terrific Tuesday.Β 

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No school!

There is no school today! ( for me at least) I wish there were only four days of the week and three days of the weekend all the time. ☹️😒 Today I have to do more then I have been doing this weekend. ( meaning more chores etc.) Today my plan is basically to eat breakfast πŸ˜‹ hang out/ play piano 🎹 do my requirements for the dayπŸ’ͺthen do some chores relax/ eat lunch πŸ”πŸŸ read book/ play game πŸ“™ go for a run πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ with my mom πŸ‘© take a shower if i have time 🚿 go to Starbucks on the way to king tiger LKN i will do class assistance a leadership and then take class. That is basically what I will be doing today might be in slightly different order πŸ™ƒ πŸ˜… but we don't talk about that... Have a great Monday!

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I did not realize there were so many essays I mean I saw but I didn't realize there were so many! It will be interestingΒ  today I did two essays and I already had finished one. βœ…οΈ I did digital detox, who is your role model and why and healthy food change for 30 days. I feel pretty good about the essays though it might take a while to finish them. Yesterday other than class I just relaxed the rest of the day. Today I did my requirements watched harry potter 7 part 1it was really good πŸ‘ I painted some blank wooden nesting dolls white as their first layer later I will make their faces and unique designs/ patterns. I'm so happy it's a three day weekend!

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Family weekend

This weekend is going to be a family weekend. Although I did have to go BBC today I learned more bb specials and did sticks! It was fun! I wasn't able to mentor Xander because are BBC ran over a bit so and he had to do class so I went to Harris Teeter and then home. I relaxed and watched Instagram then I had lunch at home with my family. This weekend is just going to be a chill, relaxing weekend other than when I did class this morning πŸŒ„ Hope everyone has a great relaxing weekend with their family's! <..> .^.:);)

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Valentines day!

Happy Valentines day everybody! Today was really fun we exchanged candy or small gifts at school. My Valentine gave me a big box of hersey kisses Snoopy/ Valentines day edition! I gave him a Clemson stuffed a bracelet and some Lego stuff. Today for some reason the guinea pigs were more scared than yesterday. Very jumpy! Today I did a mentor session with Ms. Jen then I did rolls and falls before taking Friday blackbelt. Today's black belt was really fun I practiced more Korean because I don't know the whole thing. I just had Viva chicken πŸ” then came home watched TV and now I'm doing my journal. Happy Valentines day sleep tight. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow!

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Tomorrow is Valentines day! Can't wait to see what my Valentine brings me, I already have his present. This week has been odd yesterday I didn't get to go to sparring at north Charlotte place cause it was raining to much to drive all the way, I wish I could do it at the lake Norman location all the time ( no offense ) but I have dance on Thursdays so today I had to skip it to do sparring at LKN king tiger. It was really fun. I have been doing great on my requirements just got to catch up on a bit of running though but that is okay πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ Tomorrow will be interesting having my first valentine or the first Valentine brave enough to ask me. Another boy Lincoln was gonna ask me but I already said yes to lucas.πŸ™ƒnow I feel bad.πŸ˜”opps!!!

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Today I finally met the new guinea pig!!! We were supposed to meet her yesterday but we still didn't until... ToDaY! She is so cute she wasn't as scared as are teacher said she would be she came out but when the bell rang it scared her and she ran back inside her house. But princess was out all day and she was not scared. Little one/ the new one was making adorable noises the whole day it was so cute! Lucas is afisaly my Valinetine πŸ’ It's a good thing cause I already bought him something.Β 

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I'm so exited today we're going to meet are new guinea pigs!! I can't wait! We were supposed to see them yesterday but there new cage didn't arrive yet. There so cute in pictures together❀️ They cuddle each other and are best friends! I hope the new one likes me! We are thinking of naming her little one or something to do with stripes cause see has a bunch of different colored stripes on her and the other guinea pigs name is princessπŸ‘Έ and she does definitely like me.πŸ˜ƒ Someone also asked me to be their Valintine and he thought I said no but I actually said yes and then he got all embarrassed so he dicided he wasn't going to ask me even though he already did. SO THIS IS REALLY CONFUSING ME BUT IM TRYING MY BUT HERE! OK! I'm still getting him an extra gift for Valintines day....

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Charlotte ballet

On Friday the Charlotte ballet came to my school. They were extraordinary and beautiful to watch.Β  They preformed a dance that was called the circus of the Animals. There were elephants, lions, swans, fish, blue birds, chickens, black swans, and many others. It truly was extraordinary. After the dance we had an award ceremony and my grandpa came I got four awards, perfect attendance, all As, dance, and most growth in mathematics since last year. Then after school I went to king tiger and took black belt class. Sorry I forgot to say this on Friday by the way but glad I was able to still tell.Β 

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I just got back from an amazing sleepover. It was really fun I went to my friend Maddies house and we had a blast! First she opened the present I got her for Valentines day and then we had a spa day with liquid scrubs and face masks. It was so fun then we watched the lost city It was so funny. I've that movie. After that we stayed up really late talking but at the same time not to late cause we went to bed around 10:30 😴 When we woke up we talked a bit before going downstairs for donuts. We rode are scooters down to the Access lot and played in the sand but did not get to close to the water because we couldn't get wet. After that we went to her house and rinsed off our feet before playing mancala (a really fun game) After I...

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OK I take back calling my last blog nothing πŸ™ƒ There is a Charlotte ballet coming to my school for free, today is the award ceremony and tomorrow I am having a sleepover with my 🧑 For this week I already have 10 miles!!!!!!! See you later today at black belt hopefully! Remember don't get far behind it is SO HARD to catch back up! Good luck!!

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This week sofar has been a typical week. We still did t get to meet the guinea pig yet but I'm really exited. Other than that nothing much, I do have a sleepover planned on Saturday lunch to lunch. So that is really exiting. So I guess this week doesn't involve to much nothing but still. NOTHING crazy or to amazing happened yet. So I guess this is all to say for now....................bye byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺSee you later Alligator. After while crocodile. See you soon big baboon.

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Class pet

Today we got a 6 month old guinea pig! She is so cute! Now we have 2 guinea pigs, one fish and over 3 snails as are class pets! They are all so adorable especially the guinea pigs. The one we had first was donated from one of my class mates and her name is Princess, but we have named the 6 month old yet for now we are calling her little one. The fishes name is Buba because his mouth always goes buba buba. We have to many snails to name them all so we call them all Shelly.🐹🐟🐹🐚🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐚

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Monday :(

I hate Mondays!!!!! I hate Mondays it's the first day back to school and work it is just the worst. (to me at least) it means I have to get up around 6 do my requirements and mile run get dressed for school eat and get on the bus THAT IS TO MUCH WORK!!!!! So know I'm here waiting till my bus comes even though it doesn't come till 8:15.

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Bounce place

Today i woke up and went strait to my parents room to hang out in the morning then we watched TV. I went downstairs completely forgetting about my black belt requirements 😩 So I eat breakfast and got dressed to go to a bounce park with one of friends named Michael! It was so much fun we went to "fear less" before heading to a park after that. Then we drove Michael home it is very convenient because we live in the same neighborhood so after I went home to. Then I did my running for the day and played piano! Sofar I still haven't done my other requirements for the day, BUT I will do them later.DONT YOU DOUBT THAT!!!

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Jr. Instructors camp

I just got back from Jr. Instructors camp it was really fun this time. My favorite part was doing gymnastics, nunchucks, and breakfast. I also am so glad that so many of my friends were there to support each other.β€οΈπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ©΅This was my third time at Jr. Instructors camp which means I got my green star. I look forward to next time!!Β 

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Junior instructors camp

Today after school I'm going to junior instructors camp but fornow I'm getting ready for the bus ride to school. Today at school I have the Chinese market for lunar new year. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR BY THE WAY!!! I will be early dismissal from school to get ready for Junior instructors camp because my school doesn't end till 4:30🫠

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Feeling better

Today I'm feeling much much better coughing is better temperature is back to normal still have a bit of a stuffed nose but it's already much better than last week on thursday .Hope that we are all 100% and are ready for another day of black belt requirements! Sleep tight don't let the ( totally real and not at all sarcastic ) bed bugs bite.πŸ›πŸͺ²πŸžπŸ›πŸ€ͺ

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Today I woke up at 6:10 and did my requirements and running then I had to get ready because today I have choir at 8:00 At school. So WE GOT A GUINEA PIG FOR ARE CLASS PET!! ITS SO FFFLLLLLUUUUFFFFFFFYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!Then after school I had dance from 6:00 -7:30 know I'm at home relaxing.

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Today was OK when I first woke up my legs were so sore I almost fell out of bed. I had my I- ready test today at school.Then I had to go to dance and piano. Now I'm at home relaxing. Have a great night everybody!( sorry this was so short)

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Back to work

Today I had to get back on track after so many days of taking a break. I did my requirements before going to school. Then I took class at king tiger and got with my mentee for his first session after that I had to go to piano before coming home and running 0.50 because my legs are to sore to run the whole thing. THE END!

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Back to school

Today we went back to school another  dreadful Monday. Today I had  my math diagnostic but I am feeling way better and completely recovered from being sick. yay!! Tomorrow we're getting a class xpet hamster!!🐹🐹

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My new thing

Today I started doing my new hobby/thing for black belt cycle. My new hobby is crocheting and it is SO HARD!( At least to me it is) So I decided to take a break and watch harry potter 6 ( the movie.) After that i got back to work. Then... I got so so far and thought I was doing great but my mom said we weren't doing it right and we had to start completely over after hours of work. IT IS REALLY DIFFICULT, TIME CONSUMING AND DEPRESSING !!! So I'm taking a break and doing my Journaling. I did not go out at all today not even stood outside... not yet at least. Hope I get better soon so I can still go to junior instructors camp!πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ˜”

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Yesterday I was not able to do Friday black belt class so I came home to rest because I felt sick. My dad took my temperature and it was 102.5 πŸ₯΅πŸ”₯So I also couldn't go to Saturday black belt class, which made me a bit nervous to miss two black belt classes especially in a row. So today I'm trying to relax so i will get better faster and hopefully be able to catch up on requirements and my miles. HOPEFULLY I WILL GET BETTER SOON!!πŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€

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King tiger day

Today I spent the whole day at king tiger. I woke up at 630 did 0.30 of a mile cause I was NOT FEELING GOOD. Then a had a small breakfast before going to king tiger. At king tiger I did my daily requirements. Finally at the end of the day I helped out in two little Tigers classes, before heading home to relax.😌☺️

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Teacher work day

Today is a teacher work day and I'm currently at king tiger for the day then I will take black belt class and do my mentoring for Zander. Then I'll go out to eat with my dad. Go home and run my mile.

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2 hour delay

Today was my 2 hour delay but it did not feel like it. I woke up at my normal time 6: 30 and did my requirements, then I went to my grandparents house because my dad and mom had to go to work. There I watched some murder mysteries before going to school.I had a sub today cause my teacher got her wisdom teeth removed. After school I went to king tiger then from there my dad picked me up to go to dace class. Know I'm home about to relax and watch TV.Β 

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Fake snow day

Today at about 6:15 I woke up and did my requirements for the day. Then around 10:15 I went to king tiger for camp because apparently it was aΒ  snow day ( even though there was no snow) But I was able to get ahead on my requirements for black belt cycle.YAY! Then I at 4 : 30 I went to sparring at Grand Master Evens dojang. Because on Thursday I have dance and can't do sparing at my place/ Huntersville NC it was really fun we had a different teacher this time.πŸ‘

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Snow day

My mom woke me up this morning and told me there was no school cause it was a snow day! At first I was very excited.I got up and did some of my requirements and running. We went downstairs I looked on the back deck and... πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ˜’πŸ˜°I'm so disappointed! There's hardly any snow at all. I couldn't even build a snow ball! WHAT A LET DOWN!!!! The only good news is that I don't have to go to school today with my substitute.

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Late run

Today was just a normal day of king tiger because after school dance class gotΒ  canceled. I did get a mentee for bb. His name is Xander. And my mentor is Ms. Jen. (But i already had her as my mentor) I did all my requirements this morning. I'm going to go run 0.25 miles now cause this morning I only had enough time to do 0.75.

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3 day week

Today I woke up at 6:15 to do my requirements for black belt. It wasn't to bad. Currently I'm getting ready for school. Today I'm riding the bus.(like I do every day)

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Today I woke up and watched tv then around 11 I did my black belt mile and other requirements then took a shower did piano, grit work book and then played on my tablet for a while. I didn't go outside at all today or out of the house, that's probably why it was pretty boring but not to bad I did get I late birthday present from my neighbor and went to say good bye to my neighbor that's moving. So I guess I did go outside... it wasn't really that boring just a chill indoor day. <..>:);)[:(Γ· ._.

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Black belt pretest

Today was the black belt pretest. At first I was freaking out at home I was crying and did not think I could do it. But when I got there I had fun running the mile and on the bus ride to Grand Master Evens dojo. I actually was really surprised how good I and everyone was!I panicked for no reason and ended up having a blast!

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Tonight was really hard. I was looking over the study guides and started getting really nervous. I decided to skip dance to further study and practice. The written test scares me the most. I just feel like I will draw a blank when it really matters. I'm going to go study now I hope if you feel the way I do just remember "that this is a challenge that you will be proud of for the rest of your life."πŸ€ͺ

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