First of all I went to the sparring class at north Charlotte it was really fun although it's supposed to be 2 hours I had to leave around one hour early and he was really nice about it! By the way my brother isn't coming till tomorrow now because he wants to be with his mom some to for his birthday to. So mic drop he is actually my half brother we have the same dad but not the same mom and know he is 33 so that's old compared to the fact that am his sister and I'm 10. He really could be my dad but he isn't. If your wondering no I don't have a step mom or dad. I'm not related to his mom at all. And he lives somewhere in Clemson with his friend and dog for now. I really wish they were coming today meaning my brother and his dog we got all ready but NOPE turns out he's coming tomorrow 😢 One thing that makes me better than my brother is I communicate way better but we still love him. Even though he is 23 years older then me he still treats me like an ordinary sister he is still anying but what brother isnt!?!? 😁 😂