Today it snowed, so when I went on a run it was so fun! But other than that, all I did was black belt stuff.
Today it snowed, so when I went on a run it was so fun! But other than that, all I did was black belt stuff.
Today I got my hair cut. And I got a lot of my hair cut off. But besides that, I had chill day.
For my new talent I am learning keyboard. And today was my first day and I did Pretty good. So that was my day.
Today was my pretest, and I think I did well. I tried my best. I also got some good scores. So, today was a good day, and I am proud of myself.
Today I did not really do anything, but I recovered from my shots and got back to work on this black belt training. That is how my day went.
I had to get two shots today. I can't even move my arm right now, but I still have to get this black belt work in. So, I will push thru it and keep working on it.