I worked most of this weekend and Monday studying re-take the written Black Belt test. I found all the answers and wrote them down then recorded myself saying all the q and a's. I've been studying the sheet while listen to the recording and found that a very helpful method. Im looking forward to going into the Dojang today teaching helping and learning with the other students. I'm also looking forward to seeing my twin sister for the first time in awhile since we've both been busy as of late. Typically when I'm working in Charlotte through the weekdays I stay over at her place. However since I have to study and practice all the time and she is pregnant its best if I'm not always cramping her and her husbands style. It going to be awesome to see her Brian, Pancake(Brian's cat) and Finn(Sharis' cat). Plus my Gran Gran made Russian Tea and sent it to her first so if I don't claim my share now there is no telling how much of a reduced portion I will actually be receiving.