Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

My name is Dylan McGee and I love gaming, music, and snowboarding.

Two day school week

Today was my first day back at school for our two day school week, there was a storm on Monday and Thursday and Friday are teacher workdays so only Tuesday and Wednesday are school this week

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Today was like any other day aside from the fact that I didn’t have school because of weather, I did go to dinner and see the movie”wild robot” which was pretty cool

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Long day

today, I went two hours to Greenville sc for an escape room and lunch, both of which were closed so we drove two hours BACK home only to go and watch football at 8pm. I’m ready for bed

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Post test

Today was the physical and written test, I’m actually surprised how well I did on the run because I’ve been biking the whole cycle, on top of that, I aced my test and really improved my numbers

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Today was a crazy day, I’m trying to cram in my requirements, studying, homework, and essays all in one day but I did it!!!

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Bumped my head

Today was a normal day until I went upstairs to do an hour of self defense and decided I should practice my shoulder rolls, but this time I went sideways and hit my head against the window sill

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Picnic resheduled

So today was an early release day which was cool but the back to school picnic got rescheduled due to rain so that’s kinda sad.

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repeat of yesterday

Today was just like yesterday, I got picked up from school, went to tkd, did a mentor and mentee session and ate dinner.

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Clarinet practice

Today I went to my clarinet class and learned how to hold a note and articulate. I also have a back to school picnic coming up on Friday so that’ll be fun.

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Essay again

Today I finished my grit workbook and started working on the essay for it, I got about half done and went to go see football, later I’m going to go see Bruce Hornsby play live at knight theater.

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Wooooo basketball

Today was a busy day, first I went to bb class, then I did a mentee session with Adam, then I went to basketball for 90m and went home did 1h of self defense and 1h of poomsae. I also watched as my mom made octopus for the first time so today was a good day.

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Back to normal

Today was my first day back to normal because I had tests yesterday and the day before which mixed up the schedule. It’s nice to get back in the rhythm

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Test Day

Today, my schedule was different because we had this I-ready math test which took forever, so all my classes were 40 minutes

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First day of clarinet

Last night was my first night of clarinet practice which was very fun, I got it down quickly because I can already read music. Today was my first day with my new schedule and my new teachers are nice.

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Today started as any normal day but as first period started, someone came on the P.A. saying we are going into a lock-in. We all huddled up in the corner asuming it was a shooter but were then notified that there was a bomb theat. We were told to leave EVERYTHING at our desks and go out to the field. I even left my phone not knowing that we wouldn't be going back to the class. We then proceded to walk quietly to the field and sit in a designated spot for our class, from there we spent 2 and a half hours in the field trying to keep ourselves entertained. On top of that it was freezing cold raining and I didn't bring any warm clothes. After a painful 2.5hrs we went onto a bus bringing us to a place call Foam X, an abondoned foam factory that they use...

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schedule switch/basketball

To start off, my school schedule switched this friday and they moved me out of my favorite class so thats kinda sad, on a happier note i had my first day of basketball yesterday and the coach is super nice.

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Another boring school day

today nothing really special happened, aside from the fact I left school 30 minutes early to go to an appointment. I also "helped out at testing" but I really did nothing aside from sit and watch. Another casual day.

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I finally got my white belt challenge done which was a lot of fun, I'm also making progress on my back rolls, I finally got the feeling for them.

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Digital Detox Pt. 2

Today I did my second digital detox which is really interetsing because i'm constantly bored and wanting to check my phone, lucky for me, my phone was locked away in rice prison which made it easier to not check it for I'm not constantly looking at it. During today I did 2 bike rikes, 2 days of self defence, 1 day of poomsae, and 1 day of kicks. Maybe I should do this more often.

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Today was a great day, We attended the Kick-A-Thon where I hopefully did 1200 kicks but I'm not sure. It was so funny seeing that Callen & Cooper had $550 in donations. I got done with my kicks in like 20 minutes and starting helping others. Today was definitely different and fun!

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Met a dog today

today was the usual school/bb class combo that I always do on fridays, but on the way to school I did meet this Great Permease dog and he was the fluffiest I'd ever seen. That's all the excitement for today

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First day of school tomorrow

Today is my last day of freedom because school starts tomorrow and i’m really excited. I’ve been homeschooled for nearly 5 years and it’s time for a change. Wish me luck

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Today nothing really eventful happened. I went to birkdale, shopped around, bought nothing. Some school stuff arrived off of amazon because school starts the 26th where I live.

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Nothing too interesting happened today, I just did a couple more bike rides and I also made a beef brisket

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Cooking day pt. 2

Today I did all my requirements like usual but then I made some gochugaru korean pickles. I also made some pico de gallo. That’s pretty much everything exciting that happened today

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Today was exciting because it was my dad’s birthday and I’m finally getting to go to school after all these years. Aside from that, nothing exciting happened. I successfully got done all requirements for the day without any missed exercises

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Today I got back from my dad’s so it was a bit of a re warmup. I went to rolls and falls class which was a little tough because my hips and shoulders hit after but the pain quickly dissipated. I then went to bb class which was cool because I relearned Kicking Defense and learned the “Devastator Kick”. overall a good day

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7/30 no tech day

Today I did one of my 2 no tech days. I found it quite productive not having any distractions. I was able to work on my new skill, some of my book essay, and 2 day's worth of requirments (-kicks). Overall a very productive day

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I'm writing this in the morning so I don't know what I'll do later in the day but already I got done a day's worth of excersizes. my core has been hurting a lot recently so all excersizes were very difficult but I was able to pull through and get them done.

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Big day 7/18

I started my day with a coding class which usually never works but today it did so that's good. I caught up for today AND tomorrow for physical requirements so that's a nice burden out of the way. I then went to 6pm class and attended sparring which would've been nice if my foot hadn't been hurting because of my Sever's. after that I went to Sabor and had some nachossssss.

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Cooking day 7/16

Today, i guess I did a lot of cooking for my healthy eating. I made tomato sauce earlier and made eggplant parmesan. Aside from that I just did my excersizes and practices. Also, I helped out in the 5:15 class and did a mentor session.

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Another normal day

 7/14. today was pretty normal again, I onlygot done part of my run because my Sever's was acting up. I did a mentor session with Instructor Courtney which wa helpful. the only thing I didn't do today was my kicks

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Day 1

today was pretty normal, I just got back from camp so I was pretty tired. I slept until like 6:30pm and did my run at 7:30pm then did all my other things except for pullup, plank, and jump rope

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Today I tried to start my hero essay but I couldn't continue because I had an unbearable headache and had to lay down. I tried to get up and get moving to do sparring but I was in too much pain to get up. Hope I feel better tomorrow.

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sick..... again

Today was pretty simple, I did poomsaes and I was doing self-defences when I felt sick in my stomach so that's not fun. as I'm writing this I'm still feeling this way and I just feel eh. Thats all I have to report about.

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cat and all that

Today I got dome some sit-ups, some oush-ups, some plank, some poomsae, and some kicks. While attempting to write this jorunal my cat logged me out and walked all over the keyboard and deleted some of my journal. Right now he's begging for pets and pawing at me. bad cat....

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Today was like usual, I did some self defence, some sit-ups, and some pull-ups. I studied my "grit workbook" for my book essay. overall, a good day. 

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Excited for my trip!

Tomorrow I get to go on my snowboarding/skiing trip with my friends which I'm super excited for as it says in the title. I'm going to Steamboat Springs, CO. I get to wake up at around 2:30AM because our flight leaves at 5:10AM so yay... Steamboat is getting TONS of snow this year so it should be a great season for snowboarding.

ok, back to today's news. I'm going to the gym today to run my mile. I've just been practicing poomsaes this morning and practicing my pull-ups.
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Pretty usual day today except for me being more busy than usual. Today I had quite a few things to do and my schedual being tied up from 3:00pm to 8:00pm with things like coding, piano lessons, and a youth group. anyways, aside from that a pretty normal day..

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Boring day today so far, I did all my usual things like math, push-ups, sit-ups, and burpees. Aside from that I didn't do too much but I am going to work on my "new skill later".

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today's work was a little harder then usual because I got a cold yesterday but overall I'm OK. I've been making more progress with my running speed being able to run my mile over 45 seconds quicker then I did yesterday. That all I have to say.

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Freezing Cold Run

This morning I had to run my "baseline" mile, unfortunately it was around 33 degrees fahrenheight. It was quite tough because of the weather. I eventually got through it despite the temperature. All-In-All pretty tough even though I was in "the back of the pack".

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