Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I went to school then I did my homework then I went to the sticks for kids place then I went home and had dinner.

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Today I went to school then I went back home and did my homework then I went to taekwondo and helped with some classes then I did sparring.

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Today I went back to school then I went home and then I had to go to soccer and then I went home and did other stuff then went to bed.

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Today I woke up with strep throat and I stayed home then after that I went to taekwondo but I wasn’t contagious thankfully then I went home.

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Today I woke up feeling crummy but I pushed through. I went on a 3 mile walk with my grandma and then I wrote 2 essays an I also did my digital detox which was alright then I went to buy my plant for the tea ceremony and that was my day.

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 Today I had junior instructors camp and it was super fun! After that I went to my grandmas house and then I went out to dinner and then I’m having a sleepover at my grandmas house.

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Today I went to school and then I went home and ran then did my homework then went to TKD and did a mentor session then went back home and did my requirements.

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Today I had a soccer game but I lost 6 to 3 after that I went to get a haircut then I went to my aunt and uncles house to watch the Bills football game and they won yay 😀. After that I went to remix at my church which was fun because it was cowboy themed and they had the electric bull that I got to ride which was also fun and that was my day.

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Today I went to school as usual then went straight to TKD and did sparring there then I went home and had dinner then took a shower.

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Today I went to school and then went home did my homework and the left for soccer and then had dinner and then did my requirements then chilled for the rest of the night but a sad thing happened was when my relatives dog died today which saddens my day💔.  

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Today I went to school and then went home played some video games then did my homework then played video games the rest of the night.

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Today I had no school yay, I woke up and went I went urban air and then went home I played some video games then had dinner after that I did my requirments.

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Today I woke up and went to black belt class and help out the class after that then went home did some video games and then did some homework and did my requirments.

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Today I went to school then went did my homework then went to sparring and did my requirements then had dinner.

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Today I went to school then went home after that I went to soccer and I had chikfila.

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Today I went to school then I went home and did my requirments then I went to Soccer.

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Today I woke up and played video games later on I did my requirments then went to my friends party at his church and we did a color war which was super fun!!!

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Today I woke up went to black belt class then i went to the store after that i went home then i did my requirments then i played video games.

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Today I went to school then I went home for a bit then I went to black belt class.

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Today I went to school as usual then I went home did my homework after that I went to taekwondo then I went home and celebrated my sisters birthday 🎂 and had cake peace ✌🏻.

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Today I went to school then I had to wait 30 to 40 minutes to wait for the bus when I finally got on I went to the bus stop and got picked by my mom then I went home but I didn’t stay for long because I was going to be late for soccer practice so I only stayed home for about 10 minutes then I went to soccer practice and I was late, after that I went home did my requirements then had dinner after that I went to bed peace out ✌🏻🆒😎.

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Today I went to school and then I went home and did my homework then I went to tae kwon do and most of my requirements there bye.✌️ 

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Today I went to school as usual then went home and did my homework then I went to soccer after that I to do my requirements at home then had dinner have a good day.

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Today I woke up walked four miles which was very tiring and then I took a break and then I wrote another essay then I stayed at my grandparents house for the day then my parents and sister came over to have dinner there and right before dinner I did my requirements.

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Today I went to black belt class and then helped with the other classes then I did most of my requirements there leaving me very tired and sweaty then I went home and did the rest of them.

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Today I went to school once again then went home and did my requirements then went to sparring.

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Today I went to school as usual then after school I went home for a little bit then I went to soccer and went back home to do my requirements goodbye.

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Today I woke up went to school after that I went home I went to tae kwon do then I went over to my mentees house to do a mentor session then did my requirements have a good day.

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Today I woke up early to get to the bus to go to school, after school I went home did some of my requirements then had to get to soccer practice after that I did the rest of my requirements.

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Today I woke up and we got donuts then we went to church after that we home and I played my iPad for a bit then I did my requirements.

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Today I went to black belt class and then I went home I did some of my requirements at home then I played on my iPad for a bit then had a lesson with my neighbor I was teaching him a little bit about football after that I went on the treadmill to run. Lastly I went back and played on my iPad for a bit then I went to Abbot’s for ice cream then I went to my neighbors to swim.

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Today I went to school then I got home I only stayed for a couple of minutes before I had to leave for black belt class after that I went home and then I ran on the treadmill after that I also did the rest of my requirements.

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Today I woke up did my requirements then took a break then my final thing was running, I did that after my break. Today is really crummy and my watch said there might be a flash flood 😱.

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Today I woke up early and played video games as usual, then I went to do my requirements. After that me and my dad went to drop off Erin at cheer, then we went to my dad’s work after that I went to soccer practice.

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Today I did all my requirements early in the morning then I played some video games then I went to go on my trampoline and we saw a frog in our pool but my dad got it out then I went to open house at my school. Then I went to watch my sisters 90 minute cheer practice.

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Today I woke up and played some video games then did my requirements then I wrote 2 essays then did the rest of my requirements then I my grandparents came for dinner.

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Today I went to black belt class in the morning the helped with the class after that and then I had a mentee session.

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Today I went to camp and then I did rolls and falls class and then black belt class.

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Today I went to camp and then did my classes and then I did sparring class I beat all my opponents and then I had Jet’s Pizza for dinner.

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Today I went to the pool and did some of my requirements at King Tiger then we played some games until I went home.

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Today I went to camp and went to a place called quest and we got learn about reptiles and amphibians then I took my classes and then I went home and did my requirements.

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Today I went to king tiger and watched a movie then I did my requirements there and I helped in 5:15 class and took the 6:00 and then I grandma picked me up.

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Today I had to catch up on my running so I woke up early and went to my grandmas house and walked 4 miles with her and then I doubled up on my requirements and we’re going back to my grandmas house for dinner.

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 Today I went to black belt class and it was very tiring because I was already tired and then I helped out in the next class and then I did my requirements.

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Today I’m at king tiger I’m going to the park and I have to do double of everything for my requirements because I forgot to do it in the morning and I had sparring in the afternoon but today I have time because I don’t have as much things to do.

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Today I went to king tiger and went swimming and then went back and helped out in classes

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Today I did my workout in the morning and ran in the afternoon after that I went to king tiger and did mini golf and got a hole in 1 I was happy and then I did my classes and punches and kicks and did a mentor session.

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Today I went to king tiger and did my workout early in the morning. At king tiger we watched a movie trolls which was decent after that I got picked up early to go get my school computer then I we went to pick up my sister and go home.

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I had to wake up at 6AM to leave for my pretest. First I did my 1 mile, after that I went to the pretest and I did my workout first we did push ups, then we did sit-ups, next we did burpees, after that we did high plank and my time was 3 minutes and one second then we did jump rope. After that we did the written test I did pretty well on that, lastly we did our poomses. Then I went home and played video games.

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Day 5 of cycle was awesome! I finished up my pretest and I have to work on some poomses, but it went well. I got to help in class and do punches and kicks. And I also had water camp again which was fun but I got a little sunburned. My workout went good I went and worked on my poomses and that was it. I am ready for day 6.

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Day 4 of cycle was awesome. I had water camp again and that was fun. Then after that I went to class and help in class and took a class and I also started my pretest for my poomses that was very hard. Lastly my grandma picked me up and took me home. I can’t wait for day 5 of cycle.

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My third day of cycle was good. I went a lake camp which was really cool, I went to a small beach they had, I went water skiing which I thought was okay, then I had lunch obviously, last I did tubing that was the most fun activity. Then I went home and stayed there for a little while, then I went to class and I got my new sparring equipment!! After that I had a session with Magnolia and I was her  mentee. Lastly I went home and did my cycle stuff that I had to make up for from 7/14 then I did my 1 mile run. That’s it I am excited for the next day.

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7/14 2024

The second day of cycle was well. First I went to Carowinds which was AWESOME, after that I ran a mile, that was tiring because I was running around to all the attractions. So after that I only did sit-ups and jump rope because I was really tired and sore so tomorrow I’ll do extra work to catch up. I still am excited for day three of cycle!!!

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My first day was great! My mentor session went good, my only struggle with it was to keep Tripp focused. We worked on poomse, self defense, and kicks I think Tripp did pretty good on his kicks, he did great on his poomse only a few mistakes, and he did very good on his self defense. My workout went well, I did excellent on my run. I look forward to day 2 of black belt cycle.

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