Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Today was a very busy day. After school, I had cheer from 2:30 to 4:30 outside. It was so hot, so I'm excited for winter. After that, I came home to get some food, then I went to dance. I had dance from 6 to 7, but I had black belt class at 7:25, so I had to leave dance early. We are working on our group competition dance. I went to tae kwon do and got home at about 9. I started my homework and ate dinner. I still have more homework to do, but I'm leaving it for study hall in the morning. 

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