Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Update- I just had dinner which was french fries and hotdogs which were delicious. Goodbye

  87 Hits

one more day

Tomorrow is the overnight testing and i am a little bit anxious. I am still excited though because it is the big day. technically night but whatever. I am also going to a bonfire on saturday with my youth group. it will be good because my youth pastors dad has a farm and we will be playing manhunt on the entire property. also there will be a hayride and pizza. goodnight.

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Today was good because i got 100 on 3 quizzes and i had my favorite chips for lunch. After school i chilled until it was time for trail life where we worked on the first aid badge. Then i went home and i had ramen for dinner. goodnight.

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Nice day

Today was pretty good. I woke up and went to school unlike some schools. But school wasn't bad and we did a lot of stuff. We played capture the flag in PE which was good but my team had horrible defense. After school I played video games until I had to go to tkd which was good and I worked on boch special to get better at it, because master evins said I needed a little bit of work on it. But today was good overall. Goodbye

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I am very sore from yesterdays run because its the fastest ive done a mile. But today we went to visit my sister at college in Boone because they got the worst of the storm so we just checked in on her and she showed us the campus. then we at and left. goodbye.

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So, as you all know, the physical and written test are tomorrow, and I am both anxious and nervous about it. I think i will do good on almost all of it. The thing i am anxious about is pullups because even though i have been doing them, i still don't have the best upper body strength. But i think i will do pretty good. See you all there.

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Today was another interesting day at school because the library teacher knows about a meme I didn't know adults knew about. also a girl has a crush on me. After school, I went to help with testing for the little tigers and then went to youth group where we talked about dueteronomy and I got hit in the nose in dodgeball. But thats all. goodbye.

  65 Hits


In band we did a Beethoven song and I was pretty good I forgot what it was called but yeah so goodnight    

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So today I woke up and went to church which was good and then I went home where  I chilled for a bit and then I did some requirements and went to youth group where we did some sort of survey thingy. after that we played a game called Mafia which was fun and I got some clothes pinsnd put them in my hair as a joke. then I went home to have Chinese food which was very good. Now I am studying for the written test. goodbye

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Busy day

Today I have been very busy. First, I went to sparring where I practiced 2 vs 1 sparring for testing. Then I got a class assistance credit and then left to get Chicfila which was delicious. Then we went to pick up my dad's computer so I could finish up a couple of essays. Then we went to trader joes. For some reason it's always cold there. Now here I am about to do some requirements and play some video games.

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Today was stressful because I had three tests today. First was in band which wasn't difficult then ELA which I got 100 on. But then there was math. I have not been very good at this unit so I got 7/10 questions right. Also we had griffin groups and I am in science fiction club where we did a star wars jeopardy and even though I haven't watched star wars I a couple of years, I still guessed almost all of the questions right. After school i played video games for a bit before black belt class and i also got one of my final mentor sessions in. Then i went to run. i have been having pain in my calves so i ran one lap and walked one lap. then I came home to eat dinner which was chicken. Then I played more video games. goodnight.

  80 Hits


So today I woke up and did a few requirements and then went to school. I am luckily not missing any assignments so I can sit anywhere in the cafeteria on Friday. We also have a playing test in band on Friday and I am anxious about it because it is harder than the other one. We also have a math test on Friday and I am not excited because I am bad at this unit. After school, I went to church to eat dinner for something called wonderful Wednesday and did youth which was fun but I hurt my hip because someone ran into me. Then I went home to run and do some other requirements. Can't believe there is only one week left. I am hoping I do good because my parents and I would be upset if we did all this for nothing. So I am gonna try...

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  70 Hits


Not a normal sunday  because I didn't go to church because I was up late last  night. I finished my requirements and went to youth where we  had a lesson that gossip can be really bad so dont gossip. we did a sentence scramble competition and my team won. then we played hide and seek which I also won even though I was hiding behind a door which is a spot you should always check in hide and seek. After that I went to run 2 miles with Declan. then I went home to eat dinner and watch a show. goodbye.  

  68 Hits

good saturday

Today I went to taekwondo and got credits and leadership was fun. then I played a game with my friend and then went to the gym to do requirements. My dad got us Bojangles for dinner because my mom was with her friend. Then I started a new show which was good. Goodnight.

  89 Hits


Today was interesting. I had to get a new copy of the homework that was due today because it randomly disappeared from my bag. Then we had another assignment after that. Plus I had an assignment that said it was missing even though I turned it in. And the in PE when we were waiting for our muscular/flexibility sheet, I was joking with my friend about how some people do like a walrus push up and two of the gym teachers were giving me dirty looks and staring at me. But after school, I went straight to a banquet and was part of the color guard for trail life and the food was delicious. Also I grabbed a lot of bread from peoples baskets at the end because they were gonna throw them away anyways so whatever. I grabbed like 35 at the least. Don't ask how I brought them home...

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  81 Hits

monday :(

So today I woke up and went to school which was okay. My stomach hurt half the day and through PE. Then i came home and went to taekwondo to get some leadership credits. Then I went to run 2 miles at the park. Im gonna wake up early tomorrow to do requirements. Goodnight

  76 Hits


Today I went to church which was good. Then I chilled and played video games for a bit before I went to youth where we had our lesson and the played hide and seek. we also had a lot of snacks so I just walked instead of running. The cycle is so close to being over. We can do this everyone. Goodnight.

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school drama

There is a lot of dating at school. My friend valery is dating my friend christian. My friend alexa broke up with my friend Luis. And this girl named alexis likes my friend samuel. But all of that aside, Today I went to school and did all my normal classes except that I didnt know i even had and assignment due today so i have til tomorrow.`Also in band we tried holding a note for 16 counts which wasnt hard but some people were struggling. After school  I went to trail life and we are planning a campout. my patrol is making breakfast burritos for the saturday breakfast. That's all. Goodnight.

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Hike day

So today we took my sister back to college and did a hike on the way. It was a 5.2 mile hike. It was hard but worth the view. It also helped me get caught up with some miles and also ahead with some miles.Then we went home and got wendys for dinner. Im very glad the nutrition challenge is over because I really wanted some nuggies. Im also writing my essay about it too. Tomorrow is another school day and I might finish my homework early. Goodnight.

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Normal sunday

Today I woke up and went to sunday school and we did a love language test but i forgot what mine was. Then we went home and chilled for a bit. I played some  video games and did requirements. Then I left for youth group where we played some games and did our lesson. then we had popsicles and played another game.  Then i went home and finished requirements. now i am chillin and am about to do homework. Goodnight everyone.

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Im about to go to school and i've been thinking about ways to earn money and I thought about selling gum at school and on the bus. I helped my friend sell snacks in elementary but he shut it down because there werent many sales. but im gonna give it a shot. school has been going good though and i havent had much homework except delta math and a vocabulary sheet for Social studies. My sister is coming home from college tomorrow for labor day weekend. My mom is cat sitting and the cat is shy but cute. 

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Gaming setup

Today I went to school and then chilled at home before going to taekwondo. My friend thinks he left his key at my house so we tried looking for it but no luck :( Then we went to run 2 miles. Then I talked to my parents about trying airsoft and building a pc. They said it's fine if I pay for the stuff so I asked if I could try petsitting for some money so i'll try to get someone to let me do it. But I could also do a console setup with a ps5 or xbox to save money. Its gonna be fun if I do it. but thats all for today. Goodbye.

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Fun sleepover

Last night was fun and we played hide and seek in the dark. We played lots of games. I also played my first tournament in one of my video games. Of course I lost, but I still got to play. Then today I went to my grandparents new house for lunch, which was good. then I went to run 2 miles. Now I am finishing requirements. Goodnight

  83 Hits

Hard hit #2

So today I was sparring mr honeycutt and got kicked in the face. I was okay but it was a hard hit so it hurt a bit. Then I sparred another kid and I underestimated his strength because he was vey strong but I got kicked in the arm. Then I did requirements at taekwondo and then ran. I am going to a sleepover at declans house so I am doing my journal earlier than usual. Goodbye.

  91 Hits

normal day

So today I did some schoolwork and went straight from there to taekwondo for pictures. Then I took black belt class where we did stick form which was fun. I also got some requirements done. Then went to run. Now I am chillin at home. goodnight.

  87 Hits

Good day

So today i did some school work and then ran two miles. Today was faster than usual but i was very sore after catching up on pushups yesterday. now i am chillin. goodbye

  64 Hits


so today i woke up and did some schoolwork and then did requirements.then i went to trail life and that was fun. then i ran. i have been having cramps while running but today they were really bad. then i went home and am about to go to bed. goodnight.

  73 Hits

normal sunday

so I got up and took my friend home then went to church. Then I went to dave and busters with declan for his birthday and got frozen yogurt. then i went to youth. it was fun because we played dodgeball. then i ran around my neighbor hood. 

  108 Hits


I have not journaled in a bit. But I finished my first week of school and am having a sleepover with my friend. goodnight.

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Last weekend before school.

So yesterday I woke up went to sparring and got credits for everything. Then went home and chilled and then went to run. Then we went home and watched thor. it was a good movie. But today I woke up and went to church. In my youth group we took  personality tests to show how some people might be alike or different. Then went home and cleaned my room. Then we got some new supplies. Well not supplies but a new bag and my instrument. Then went home and chilled before my run. I ran 2 miles tonight. Then I had pot roast for dinner and it was good. Tomorrow is the last day of summer vacation. Goodnight.

  86 Hits


So today I woke up, did my requirements, then went to black belt class and got a mentor session in. We worked on stick form 1 and hapkido 1 through 4. In black belt class we did bocho special. It had been awhile since I had done it so I was a little shaky on it. Then I went shopping with my mom and then went home. I had general tso chicken for dinner. It was good. Then I finished one of my essays which is good. Pretty normal friday but goodnight.

  78 Hits

4 days til school

I'm dreading starting school because I am not ready for summer to be over. I don't think any of us are to be honest. Also my schedule makes absolutely no sense. But school aside, today was pretty good. I woke up and watched some tv and played with my cat. Then I did my requirements and went to the gym and ran 2 miles which I got done super quick. Fastest 2 miles I've done so far. then did my pull ups and went home and tried to make eggs, which failed and tasted funny. Then worked on my essay a lil bit and am about to go to bed. goodnight

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Open house

So today I finished my requirements at around 2 and then my mom got home so we went to open house. It was good but very crowded. I met all my teachers which was social studies/ homeroom: Mrs. Watts, Science: Mr. Caskey, ELA: (I forgot her name), and math: (I also forgot his name), PE, and band. Then I went to taekwondo and then ran. I just ate dinner and am about to play a game then go to bed. Goodnight.

  88 Hits


So today I played a new game that I got called rocket league which is pretty fun and then went to the gym and ran and did my requirements. My mom is doing yoga and I am doing trail life later. It was a fun day with my new game. Also fortnite is having a live event on saturday and Im excited for it. Also the brought fall guys and I finished the quests which were SUPER easy. Goodbye

  79 Hits

nice day

so I started my nutrition challenge a few days ago. That was a mistake. I started on the day we left for camping. I couldnt even have a  nice burger or hotdog because of the no bread thing.  But today was nice atleast. So I woke up and did some stuff my mom told me to do. Then I did some requirements. I played some games for a bit then left for taekwondo. Got my credits but no mentee because he wasnt there. Then I ran at the park and got surprised when sid showed up and ran with me and declan. There were football practices at the park and I watched them while I ran. My open house is on wednesday for school and I'm not excited. School starts next week! One more week at home then back at it again. I feel like summer break is too short. I...

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  114 Hits

day one camping

so this morning i woke up and did my requirements.then we packed up the truck and left for boone. so far we have gone into the stream and i busted my lip on a big rock, and submerged myself under the cold stream water. we also went to the camp lounge and chilled. we are about to eat dinner and may go swimming in the deep part of the stream that was waist height. oh and i also played cookie clicker. today was fun. goodbye

  98 Hits


So tomorrow I am going camping with my family and Declans family and we are going to boone for camping. Today I woke up and played vr. Then I did my requirements. I went to taekwondo and helped with warm ups. Then got a mentee in. I took the next class and got some credits. And after we went to the run. I was speeding on the track. Then we went to wendys which was very good. I got a spicy chicken sandwich and made a weird drink combination that actually wasnt bad. And now Im home and about to go to bed. Tomorrow I start my nutrition challenge which is no gluten, which is literally everything. Well, I guess not everything but alot of things. It's gonna be a tough month. Goodnight.

  113 Hits


 So today i woke up and did my requirements early. Then i just chilled and played a lot of vr today. but i didnt go to taekwondo because my parents werent home. then i mowed the lawn but it kept turning off so i got help from my dad. then i ate dinner and worked on one of my essays and i am now doing my journal. it was a good day today.

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normal day again

So today I woke up and did a few of my requirements. Then I just chilled at the house watching tv before we went to pick up Declan for taekwondo and got all my credits and mentee session in and then went to run. I was unfortunately behind somehow on the time for the run, but it felt like it was faster then my other runs. I don't know. Whatever it was a solid day overall.

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deadpool and wolverine

So today I went and saw the new deadpool and wolverine movie and it was really good. Though there was a lot of cussing. Then I went to the gym to run and do my requirements it was good. Then I went to youth and we played dodgeball and it was fun. Then I ate dinner which was pizza. I'm angry because school starts in a week and a half. Like come on! I am starting middle school and I don't know what to expect. I am also kind of excited because my elementary school made no sense. But I guess everyone has their own rules. Good night everyone.

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week three begins

2 down 10 to go(weeks). Today was the start of week three and i went to sparring and got all my credits. i didnt get a mentor but thats my bad. i did get a mentee. i only need 5 more mentee sessions. Then i went home. not declans house but my house. i did some requirements then had dinner. the i went to run. ive just been chillin and im going to see the wolverine and deadpool movie tomorrow. i hope its good. see you tomorrow.  

  134 Hits

bad hit

Today i went to advanced sparring and my fello candidate abraham kicked me very hard in the head and nuts. i had my cup on but it was falling out of place when he kicked me and i couldnt fix it unfortunately 👎. but we worked on cancellations and mobility. i had black belt class and it was fun. I only ran one mile tonight. declan made a pasta dinner with shrimp in it. it was good. today was good.

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normal day

normal day. did requirements, played games, went to class, and ran. the ac guy came over today. I worked on hapkido for my mentor. my mentee wasnt there so i  had to ask someone else.then i ran 2 miles. declan got 18 min i got 22 min.

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day 12

Today we  went to the hospital to see Declans grand dad. Then we went home and did our requirements and played a game for a little bit. Then to class to get our credits and mentor/mentee.Then our run. I did 2 miles tonight because I am going camping 

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  86 Hits

Day 11

I woke up very late today- 12:00 pm! then i started some of my requirments. then i played fortnite a litttle bit and also vr. then we went to taekwondo to finish my requirements and get a mentee session. but i had trouble breathing on the run. it was a good day.

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day 10

Today we went to the library and did our requirements at the park. Then we left and ate lunch then went to the pool. We then went to taekwondo  to help out and finish our requirements. Then we took class and had a mentor session after and also a mentee. Then finished our run and ate sloppy joes for dinner. It was a good day.

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Day 9

So I am staying with my friend Declan, who is also on the cycle, for week 2, and today was good. we woke up and played on our vr a little bit , and then had lunch. Then, around 2 pm, we started and finished our requirements.  Unfortunately, it's raining, so we will have to do two miles tomorrow. But today was good. Edit- It stopped raining so we went to run, but we got there at 9 pm. Socks are wet because we accidentally went through a big puddle.

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So today was the pretest, as you all know. As there is room for improvement, I think I did fairly well. I messed up a bit on poomsaes, but did pretty well on the run and other things. See you guys at THE test.

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Day 6

Hello. I am not sure if I am ready for tomorrow, as it is my first cycle. Today I went to sparring and Black belt class. we practiced all poomsaes and some self defenses. Just getting ready for tomorrow. I am feeling apprehensive about pull ups tomorrow, because I am terrible at them. I could probably do 2 or 3 in one minute. But as It is the pretest, I will be able to improve before the BIG test. See everyone bright and early tomorrow. UPDATE:I can do more than 2 or 3 pull ups in a minute. 8 is average amount.

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Day 4

Hello everyone it's me again. So I am eating dinner right now. It is very good. I finished my requirements except for kicks which I am about to do. Just finished my run at the gym because it was raining outside. Getting ready for the pre-test on saturday. Hope it goes well for me and everyone else on the cycle. Goodnight.

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Day 3- very sore

So far the cycle has been very tiring. I am VERY sore all over my body. It is my first time doing the cycle. My first run was surprisingly the easiest so far. But the running has still been going smoothly. Today I woke up and almost immediately started my requirements. Today I did more push ups and sit ups than the other days. But I did have to do double pull ups because I couldn't do them yesterday. Despite the pain, I am excited to do the cycle because whether I pass or fail, I will still be glad I did it.

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