Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

My name is Parker and I'm 14. Some of my hobbies are building legos, video games, and TKD.


Today me and my mom had to leave Greenville North Carolina back to Midland North Carolina. Me and my friend Avery got subway on the way then we went home and went to Walmart.

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I woke up to mom screaming "EEEWWW there is a roach in the shower!!!!!" So she called the front desk and sent a man that I think was flirting with my mom so instead of doing his job he was just talking to her. After all that mess we went down to eat breakfast I had cereal and that was the first time I've had cereal in two years and then my stomach started to hurt. After breakfast we went to Jr instructors camp and it was really fun. I made a lot of friends there and got a selfie with Grand Master Lee. 

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Today I ran four miles outside in the freezing cold while it was raining outside. I first ran all the way around Hartsell Rd then I went past my house to go to Reeds gold mine. While I was running I was so cold that my skin was turning a light purple so I sprinted back home and then it turned red. After the run me and my mom had to leave the house to go to Jr instructors camp. It took us four hours to get there.

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Today at school I had to bring my Bags Of Hope box to the house because there was only one donation in the box. After school I went home and got some requirements done and then I went to TKD. Now I am hanging out with my sister. 

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Today I had a test in science that I thought I was going to do good on but the substitute didn't let us use our notes. After school I worked on requirements and then went to TKD. After TKD I went home and now we am giving our dogs a shower.

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Today my teacher had to leave our campus and go to the other one because she had to sub for another teacher who's dad passed away. So we were stuck with this sexist teacher for a week! We had her for last period which means that all the other kids before us made her mad so she decided to take all of her anger out on just the boys. While we were getting yelled at the girls were telling the teacher gossip like a cute little tea party. What I learned from today is that don't take people for granted. 

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Today I was in class watching Up and all of a sudden the history teacher said "A lady is in the woods and the cops are here!" But instead of taking this seriously we all started joking about it because this was the third time this month. We had to go on a lockdown then the annoying girl started to spread rumors about the lady having an axe.

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Today my dad told me that my grandma was visiting us to drop off some money for bags of hope. I looked at my room and realized there was LEGO every where so I had to clean all that up because she was going to scold me for that if I don't. After she left I watched the clone wars and had burgers for dinner.

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This morning I got ready for sparring class. After class I went home and got a thirty minute nap and then had to go my friends birthday party at big air. When we got there it was super chaotic. Me and Conner went to go play dodge boll and there was two kids cussing and pushing each other. After Jahkye's birthday party me and Avery got ice cream.

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Today I went on a field trip to the pottery grove but I barely knew anyone there because they were from the other school. The only people I knew there was a girl that thinks the earth is flat and my old grammar teacher because they went to my school last year. I painted this fish orange and gave him eyebrows and a mustache.

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Today I went chapel and our bible teacher played this amazing song on his piano I don't remember what it was called but It was still cool. After I got home I did some requirements and ran a mile in exactly ten minutes so that was funny to see.

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Today at school I got to see my friend after a year and a half. He went to the other campus because going to this one took a hour to get here. The reason why he was there is because this lady was presenting a slide show about duel enrolment that took up the whole period. But out of no where someone passed gas really loud and I slowly look at Logan (we haven't laughed with each other for a year and a half) and we accidently burst out laughing uncontrollably. It got to the point where his parents turned around and said to Logan "you better stop or we are going to go home!"   

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Two weeks ago I was building a LEGO harry potter set that I found in my attic and I noticed that one of the pieces was broken. I contacted LEGO about it and they said they would ship a new piece but they never said when they would. Today my dad went to go check the mail and I heard him say "Parker your part is here!" I said "Yay!" so that was good.

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Today at school we had to eat in assigned rooms for lunch because we were making to much of a mess so they were seeing who was doing it. Each grade got there own room which was bad for our friend group because we have 7th grade friends, 8th grade friends, and 9th grade friends. We used to have of eight people sit with us now we have four.

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Today I went to my friends house to practice our poomsaes and self defense. We did hapkido two I didn't know my own strength and accidently through my friend on the ground a little too hard. When we were doing hapkido three she wanted revenge and shoved her fist into my face when she punched me and it still hurts.

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This morning I woke up to a headache. I had sparring that morning but I had to leave early because of my headache. I went home and got some rest. When I woke up I was feeling better so I went to go hang out with my neighbor. We went fishing and I caught three little baby bass and he caught a three pound bass.

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Today I woke up and got my history done. After history I went to run. I ran two miles but I wasn't tired so I ran three miles but then I was exhausted so I ran a little more. After running I went to TKD and ate baked ziti. 

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Today I woke up and built a LEGO set that I got for Valentines day. Then I got ready for school. After school I went to TKD to help out with testing and do some requirements for my black belt cycle. 

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Today I had a lockdown at school. I was sitting in class then my science teacher started running down the hall saying "Lock all the doors!" and the teacher told us to get to the back of the class. I hid in the corner of the room next to a book shelf and started praying until I couldn't think of anything else. But then this loud and annoying girl starts to run around and scream and it gets worse because I heard and felt knocking on the door because I was on the wall. I started to text my mom "I love you" but then I hear my teacher say "oh false alarm a teacher put in the wrong code". It should of said violently sick but instead it said violent attacks and the teachers assumed that meant a school threat so that was weird.

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After school my mom made new york strip steak for dinner and it was good. After dinner I made apple-pea nut butter-chocolate cookies. I burnt the chocolate a little so it had a little taste of ash in it.

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Today I woke up and felt that my toe wasn't hurting that much so that was a good thing. I got out of bed feeling exited because I could finally run again but I had to go to school first. After school I did some requirements and then went to TKD.

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Today I went mute and had to use a whiteboard, a marker, and a napkin to talk. I woke up hearing my dad say "Parker are you up?" and I couldn't say yes so I had to crawl out of my bed and wave my hands in the air like I just don't care. We then went to Walmart to shop for Valentines day. When we were at check out this woman forgot one of her bags so my dad said "run and go bring it to her." so I did but I accidently scared her but I couldn't say sorry or here you go so I just ran off like I was batman or something.

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I couldn't sleep well because of my toe. I couldn't even put my toe under the covers of my bed so I was cold all night. In the morning I woke up so tired that I fell back asleep as soon as I woke up. After TKD me and my friend went to get something to eat and there was a weird waitress that would give us mean looks so that was a little odd.

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Today was day two of my sore toe. I tried to do my black belt requirements. I got the requirements done but my toe hurt the whole time and I had to lift up my leg to do push ups, burpees, and planks because I couldn't put any amount of pressure on my toe. I went to TKD early for the advanced sparring class and I could only kick with my right foot and that made me upset.

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Today my history teacher dropped my grade for some reason. I did the test in the back and the lessons except for one but she said "You can just do that one for homework because you have been good for the past two weeks just turn it in on Monday." We also had five more minutes of class left and I don't know why she said I've been good for two weeks, I've been good for three weeks so I was mad about that. After school I went too TKD at the North Charlotte location for sparring. After the match I felt something dripping. It was blood, I look down and it was my bruised toe and I don't know how.

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Today I got out of bed with this pain in my leg. At first I thought we had to cut it off but it just lasted for the morning. At school there was nothing in the Bags of hope box. After school I went to TKD and practiced forms and self-defense. 

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Today I woke up to see my fish shoes have been cleaned thanks to my dad so I wore them to school today. While I was in science class a 5 year old got into a fight with another kid. He was sad and then I asked him "did you win?" And then he started giggling so I guess he did.

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Today I went to school and I got all of my history, math, and science work done and I placed a Bags of hope box. There was only one box of craft mac-n-cheese in the box. After school I went to TKD and danced instead of working out and I didn't like that because I'm not good at dancing. After TKD me and my friends went for a run in crocs. I couldn't keep up with them so I was alone in the dark.

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Today me and my dad went to the park to run. As soon as I started running there were three paths one had a huge pile of dirt on it, one said closed, and the other one was a road. I took the road path and I thought my dad did too but he didn't so I ran around trying to find him and then he just showed up after I ran a mile and a half. 

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Today I went to sparring class. Before I went I looked for something to eat but there was nothing so I brushed my teeth and got a McDonalds burrito on the way but my fresh breath turned into stinky breath so the wasn't good. After class me and my friends got something to eat and then we got ice cream after.

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Today I woke up at ten congested and drained. As soon as I got up my obese cat was screaming and crying for food so I gave him some egg and cat food. After that I made breakfast and then got started on math. When I was done with math I went to TKD and had hotdogs and ten rice-crispy treats.  

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Today I played UNO at school and then when I went to place a card down my hand started to cramp. I dropped all of my cards on accident and everyone saw them. After school I went to the North Charlotte King Tiger location and sparred and boxed.

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Today I got all my homework done at school. After school I went to TKD and went over the written test.

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Today I woke up happy and then I saw that my phone was dead and I also had a math test that day. As I sat down to take the test I looked at the questions and thought to myself "these questions are super easy!" And to make it better we didn't have homework.  

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Today I woke realizing my mom left for work and I left my earbuds in her car so it was a very slow start to my day. After school I had to go to TDK and worked with Master Knight.

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I woke up Feeling amazing but then I realized I had to do double the requirements because I was sick yesterday. I tried running outside today and I found out that I'm better running outside than on the treadmill. I think it's because I'm not so bored looking at the grass, the trees, and the cool cars instead of looking at the wall, the boxes, and that one creepy room with the lights turned off where I feel like something is watching me in the dark.

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I was sick the whole day. I woke up sweating and with a horrible fever so I had to skip class that day so that wasn't good. As I laid there in bed my mom came in my room with this weird looking tea. I took a sip of it and it tasted like microwaved cough medicine but It wasn't. It was called sleepy time cold and cough. I tried to get some black belt requirements done but I only got the physical stuff done.

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This morning I woke up at seven with a little fever and a stuffy nose so that wasn't a good start to my day. Then I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and my cat Oliver. After breakfast I had to do history because I didn't do it yesterday. Once I was done with history I broke apart my LEGO tie fighter to make something new. Then I went to TKD and had pizza.

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Today I almost broke my dads nose. He thought it would be fun to teach me some moves but he was wrong. eleven more months until Christmas!!!

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I had a normal day today. The only thing that was different was that I played a game for five minutes.

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Today I went to school and went out to eat with my family for my dads birthday.

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Today was my dad's birthday! I called him at school to sing him happy birthday because I forgot to before I left. Then we went to class and we hit him with noodles. After that we had cheese cake.

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All I was doing today was my stuff for my black belt cycle and homework. Tomorrow is my dads birthday.

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A weird thing that I saw today was mints in a bathroom. It was really gross but me and my friend took a handful of them. 

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I tried to get my essay done and then the power went out so now I have to start all over and I didn't run today so I have to run two miles tomorrow so that will be fun. Then I went too class and had tacos.

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Today me and my friends played Uno and it escalated very quickly. One of my friends had half the deck in her hand. Tonight I got to box again. 

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Today I went to school and my computer teacher said he could beat any of us in a fight, we will find that out on Thursday. Then we went to TKD.

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Today I learned about staff form one with Master Knight and went back to school after a week.

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This morning I woke up on a yoga mat down stairs with weights on my legs and the fireplace was on so that was a weird way to start my morning.

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Today I had a friend over and we ran over two miles at the park. We may go swimming later. 

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Today I had to get up at five in the morning and run a mile, my time was 10:05. Then I went to eat with my sister for her birthday.

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Today was just a basic day I went to target with my sister and then I went to class.

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I did not waste today. This morning I woke up and the power was out and we didn't have school for the 4th time and I wasn't happy about that because I'm tired of being in the house. Me and my dad went to Waffle House for breakfast and then we said "now what?" So I just waited until we had sparing class. I had a lot of fun but my favorite part of that class was boxing at the end, I think I wore Instructor Max and he wore me out a little.

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    I think I wasted this day. All I did was mope around but I got my stuff done for the cycle and I had a good sparing class. Hopefully I will not waste tomorrow.

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I was bored this whole day because we didn't have school and it was raining outside so I couldn't play or run. So I just did my homework and build LEGOS but then that got boring so I played video games with my friends. 

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Today I had to go back to school sore, tired, and fatigued from yesterday and the day before that. As soon as I got out of the car I immediately felt like a huge blob and I had science first period so I was a little grumpy that morning. After school I had to do science homework and that made me a little more grumpy than before but then I was done with it so now I'm not grumpy anymore. 

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  I'm sore, tired, and exhausted from yesterday. Tomorrow I have to do that all over again.

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It was Saturday morning and I woke up at 5:40am to the words of "PARKER WE GOTTA GO!!!!!." I immediately jump out of my amazing and comfortable bed when I heard those words. "I'm up I'm up!" I said as I finally get up and I go in the kitchen to make a egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast. When I finished breakfast me and my dad hopped in the truck to go to the Black Belt Pretest that starts at 7:00. While I was in the car my friends from TKD where blowing up my phone saying "Are you here yet?" And "I'm soooo nervous what about you.", and yes I was nervous but I said "No." As we arrived there we did the physical test which I think I did the best on that part of it then we did the hand-written test I didn't do so good on...

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