Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Antoine Hicks, Black Belt Log                                                                             7/15/2024

             Woke up around 5:am, practiced color belt curriculum to prepare for the up coming test. I checked to see if I had any classes for the day and fed my birds. Around 5pm I went to tkd, helped out with an intermediate...

Antoine Hicks, Black Belt Log                                                                             7/15/2024

             Woke up around 5:am, practiced color belt curriculum to prepare for the up coming test. I checked to see if I had any classes for the day and fed my birds. Around 5pm I went to tkd, helped out with an intermediate class and then took the advanced class after. Went home and practiced my German, and did my physical requirements and went to sleep.



Today I (Kind of) Helped out with the 8-12 yr old class today. I mean "Kind of" because I started my 1 week white belt trial today. Since I was a white belt, I worked on some basic work in the back with Master Weaks and Instructor Garret. After the was the advanced class, unfortunately I had to actually do my curriculum. We worked on Bocho self defense and Koreo to prepare for testing, and we finished up class with Specials, which was nice to review. After classes I finished up my requirements and some other school work before bed.

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Today I mainly worked on requirements, after a walk I went straight to class. We worked On alot of basic kicking drills, and worked on bit of forms. After class I practiced some staff forms and finished up requirements and my German before bed.

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I missed the wang-ho class today, so I just took the Teen Class. We drilled some Spinning kicks today. I think I need to do some more spinning kicks , It feels like after I jump my kick form just goes down. After class I did some forms and went for a walk to finish up my requirements before bed.

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Mainly focused on requirements and some more miles. Since the weekend is ending I started on some more school work.

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Today I mainly focused on finishing up requirements. Practiced some forms, stick and staff form 1. I also did a REALLY long walk after a nap, even though I finished up requirements for the week, the extra walk felt more relaxing.

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9/6 (Sparing realization)

Today was north charlottes sparring day. Class was more fast past paced since class had to be shortened, we did some light drills but mainly sparring. Sparring some people today I realized that EVERYONE and I mean really everyone spars differently. Some people are shorter so they will just blitz you, some people are taller so they abuse range, etc, etc. But not only do peoples body's impact how they spar, personalities do as well. I think next week instead of blocking and kicking looking for an opening on the persons body's. Im going to work adapting my sparring into a more memorize my opponent fighting style. So I dont get his as often.

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Helped out with the 6:20 class today, We worked on some forms and poomsae practice in class, I worked with the blue belts on old red belt self defense again today, its always nice to see how you can work with someone one day, and they come back better and more confident the next. After self defense in groups we did a drill where everyone stood around the black of the mat, and one of the instructors would surprise attack them on there self defense. After class I finished my walking requirements and started reading my book for the cycle. I finished up some homework, poomsaes, practiced what I could remember of PMA and finished my German lessons.

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Helped out with the 5:00 wang-ho class, we practiced self defense and I worked with some blue belts on old red belt self defense. Once that class was over, I worked with my mentor on some bocho requirements in-between blackbelt class. During black belt class we worked on some self-defense with a little bit of form work sprinkled in. When I got home I finished up some school work and cleaning my room, and completed some German lessons before bed.

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After school I skimmed through the app to see if there was anything I was missing. Once I was done practicing forms and poomsae I headed to the dojang to help with the wang-ho class and lead warmups. I took the PMA class after, and finished up my requirements for the day, then I finished my German lessons before bed.

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Started the day off with some requirements followed by a nap. When I got up I did some cleaning and finished up with kicks, forms, etc, after that I went on a walk to finish some mileage. When I got home I did my German lessons before bed

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No class today so I used the extra time to finish some requirements. did some overdue schoolwork and practiced my forms.

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First Week Of School DONEToday was the final stretch of this week for me, after waking up at 5:00am everyday im glad the last day of the week was the shortest. In sparring today we worked on how to use front kicks in more practical ways and how to add them into combos. We also did some dizzy drill where we spun around in a circle and tried to do 5 front kicks, and I ALMOST fell over. After sparring I finished up most of my physical requirements for the week and took a nap to lose the headache from class.

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Today I helped out with the senior tigers class. We worked on poomsaes and adding onto white belt and yellow belt curriculum. I worked with the blue - high blue belts on oh-chang, making sure stances were worked on and we knew the application of the moves we were doing. After that I worked with my friend on some other blue belt work before I left.

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Helped out with the wang-ho class today. In black belt class we worked on some bocho+ self defense and master Evans snuck in some color belt work as well.  

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My first full day of what the rest of the cycle is going to look like. School, TKD, Requirements, and sleep. Even though its stressful I think the more I get used to this schedule the easier it will become.

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August 25

Today was busy for everything besides the black belt cycle for me. I got out the bed about 7:am and we drove untill 1 to get home. After that I did most of my physical requirements for the day and did some shopping, and when we got back from that, I had to unpack my bags and then pack for school right after. Towards the end of the day I finished my requirements and did my German lessons for the day, as well as finishing packing for school.

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August 24

Started today with a long walk and some essay work. Got to the hotel and finished my physical requirements. Ended the day by practicing my German and reading a book 

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Friday, August 23

Today was the first day out of state for me in a while. It was nice to meet some family I hadn't seen is years or longer. I practiced my forms, kicks, etc, and did my requirements early so I would have some down time before packed events later in the day. I also just made it to my 3rd unit in my German lessons today, so I feel like I'm making progress on that a lot easier compared to earlier this year.

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Today we did some more work on  bocho self defense, master evans was showing us the intricate details of our self defense. during a mentor session I learned more of my special.

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Practiced and did some more of my bocho requirements. And went to my schools open house.

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Today I took black belt class early, and did some requirements. After that I ran some errands and worked on my essay, I did my german and practiced my kickes before bed.

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Today was a great day to get some credits done, because there was only 1 very short class today. After class I did some more work on my forms and kicks before taking a nap and doing my german.

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Finally got a little more used to what I need to be doing on the cycle this week. Got some leadership and physical credits early this week, and got some mentee and mentor sessions out of the way.

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Today was a little more routine. Helped with the 8+ and took the advanced. The new class times are weird but I know they will be more natural to me as the cycle goes on.

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Today started with 8:15 black belt class, we drilled some color belt self defense and hapkido. After i got home from that I took a nap until about 2pm. When I got up I finished my running, and other requirements and finished 1 of my essays. I did my German before bed.

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Today was a bit more errands and boring house work for me today. I went to the mall about 1 pm, and didn't get home until 6:30. There was supposed to be a protest right across from the North C Location but I guess it ended early. When we got home I did my German and unpacked groceries before finishing up my physical requirements.

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Today I did some self defense, forms, and physical requirements. I also did some yard work and some some work on my essay.

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As the cycle starts to become routine I keep thinking I have everything down and all i need is requirements and signatures. WRONG todays PMA test was a shocker, I knew I didnt know everything but I assumed I could atleast be comfortable and possibly pass the test. But master Evans sat us down and told / showed us some practical applications of PMA with and without the stick that I never even thought of. I need to start practicing PMA.  

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Today felt more packed than usual. I got up about 2 am, and did my physical and tkd requirements back-to-back. After that I took a nap and got up and ready to help with the 6:30 class. Im trying to get the most credits in before testing throws me off a little. After the 6:30 I took the advanced class at about 7:10 and worked on some forms and grappling.

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  Today was more relaxing than most, after I did my jog and practice i went to visit some family. I got home and finished off physical requirements and did my German before bed.                                    

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I took master Opi's black belt class early in the morning today. He spoke and worked on combos, and how to use them practically advancing and retreating. And we went in depth on basic forms and reviewed self defense and forms. After that we worked on some pma stuff before the test Tuesday. Then before I left I went over stick, and staff form 1 with my mentor. And learned more of my special self defense. When I got home I did some physical requirements and practiced kicks.

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Rest Day

After i got up the only thing i could feel was a sharp pain in my hand every time i moved or breathed the wrong way. When I got ready I put it in a splint and started practicing my forms for PMA, and some TKD forms I was shaky on. After that I went for a long walk with my family, before winding down and doing my German.

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Got up late today so i just got ready and did running credits on the way to class. After i helped out with the 6:20 we had sparring. It was nice to see how others handled the 1v2 challenge, and get some tips from master opi (?) and instructor max. After classes I worked with my mentee  on red belt requirements, and did my forms and my German before bed.

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went to the credit union to put some money in. And rushed to class. I did warmups. So i got leadership 2 and 1 credits, did a mentor session so I got a signature, and a black belt class signature. A total of 4 credits ( a record for me) I almost skipped today, but im glad I went and learned some stick forms and practiced some poomsaes.

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Woke up right on time to help out with the 6:20 class and take the advanced class. Did my physical requirements and dried off after class. Did my German and school work and went to sleep.

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Busy Day

Got up 7:30 to do my laundry and physical requirements and rolls and falls. Finished about 10:30. Got home took a nap until about 2. Did school prep work until about 4:30. Practiced forms and then rushed to help with the 6:20 class and take color belt class. Went home played games and did my German for the day before bed

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After the busy days of the cycle and waking up early, i took some a very needed day off. After doing my physical requirements and everything I had to do, i went to go visit some family and run some errands. When i got back home I took a nap and did my German early before bed.

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Stayed up all night to make black belt class got physical requirements on the way. Got home from class and stayed up till 3. Stayed in bed until 10 and did some stuff for school before bed.

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Got up early to prep for my "first" Real actually early black belt class. Practiced what i could remember from pma and did my forms before running errands all day. Got home did my last physical requirements and German before bed.

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Got my requirements done early and took a nap until about 4 pm. Practiced some forms before going to the 6:20 class to help out for a credit. Then after than we did sparring class. My THIRD ROUND I had to spar 2 people at once but I think I did ok. After sparring did some work with my mentee and did my German while walking back home  to help with the running / walking miles.

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24 24. Got up early today (1:30 pm) and did my run / walk. Went home and did some practice and physical requirements. Helped out with the youth class at 5:40 and took black belt class for a total of 3 credits today. Got home and did my German before going to sleep.

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Tuesdays always the long day, made my way to TKD to help out with the 8-12yr old class for a credit. Then took the advanced and pma class. We worked on my breaking kick (Hurricane back kick) and did some good stick drill. Practiced my German and finished up my essays when I got home.

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Got up early to practice my German and do my run, then i went to bed again. go up about 5:30 and went to 6:30 class for a leadership credit.

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Blog 7/21

Started my essays for bocho, glad i have time. The actual start of the cycle feels like its happening, and things are getting harder.

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7/20/24 Antoine Hicks

As the cycle goes I keep realizing Im never done learning, the change from helping people confidently to being in the back of a class and the last group was humbling. I think I did on the decent on the physical exam and forms, but the written exam was something I was not prepared for. I plan to add more study based practice into regiments later in the week in preparation of the next real test...

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Pretest Prep

Got up early today to go on errands. Practiced my German early and did my physical book requirements and started on my essays. Prepared for the pretest tomorrow and I hope everyone passes.

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Antoine Hicks Black Belt Journal #4 (3)

Antoine Hicks                                                                                                                                                            7/18/24   Got up around 5:30 am, and did my German early, went on my jog around the neighborhood. Got home and practiced everything for Saturday. Got to tkd at about 6:15 to help with the 6:20 class. helped out with some high  green belts on self-defence. Then I did sparing class drills, and the sparring portion. Got home around 8:50, practiced a little and im currently preparing to take a nap.   ...

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Antoine Hicks Black Belt Blog #3 (2)

Antoine Hicks                                                                                                                                                             7/17/2024           Woke Up around 8:am. went to the store with my grandma. Came home and practiced my most weak points of color belt curriculum. Went to tkd about 6:20 because i thought class time was 6:30. We started blackbelt class at about 7:10......  After class i came home, and started my nutrition challenge of not eating after dinner. before winding down for bed I practiced my German.

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Black Belt Blog #2

Antoine Hicks                                                                                                                                                             7/17/2024                  Got up and ready about 12:30. Went and did errands with my grandma for about 2 hours. Came home and finished up most of my physical part of the cycle. Went and helped with the 6:20 class and took the 7:00 class. Went home and took a nap, and practiced my German before bed.

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