Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I am at my grandparents house. Tomorrow I have an e-learning day “Hooray”. This is my last journal hurrah. I didn’t go to taekwondo today because straight after school I went to my grandparents Lakehouse. See you later.🥋

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today I had a Math quiz. There's only one question I knew I got wrong because I couldn't figure it out Number 16. when I got home I did homework. I finish the sheet because I didn't want to do it later. that was my day. See you later.🥋

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Today was my cousin’s birthday so I went to her house. She had a birthday cake ice cream and pizza. I had everything. Their new dog is called Ruby. And I fell in love with that dog. She has that cherry wine color. We played a game with them. We also played a game we brought.  See you later.🥋

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Today I had e-learning for school. I got all that done by 9:52. I played in the mud a lot today. At black belt I did self-defense. I have  to get some rest for tomorrow see you later.🥋

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today I  had a substitute Miss Peterson. she is kinda mean.At taekwondo Master Chelley pulled me and Elise for a session so I got an extra session. I went home and my mom made taco meat. It smelled horrible. see you later.🥋

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Today my teacher told me she was gonna be absent  Wednesday through Friday so she gave us a quiz on Friday to do whith are substitute. I got my last mentee session done. I took two classes today. I got home and made pizza for dinner. that was my day. See you later.🥋

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Tomorrow is my field trip. I’m going to the great Whitewater Center. At school I did a science, quiz and a ELA unit test. At taekwondo I did a class and a sparring class. my sparring classes done woo hoo that’s my day. See you later.🥋

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Today was my Science quiz, and tomorrow I have a test there’s so many quizzes and test at the beginning of the Year. At recess I did some requirements . After school recess, I go to nights kids I played gaga ball but not in the gaga ball Place I did it at the carpool lane. That was my day. See you later.🥋

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They’re doing a science experiment about volcanoes it got messy. My partner and Rita blew into the water(that symbols thin lava). And I blew into the flour  mix with water(that represents thick lava). How do you score went to taekwondo did two classes and went home I had dinner and that was my day. See you later 🥋

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Today was a day for sure I want to poomsae today and it was actually very good. After poomsae I did a break then we got our shoes on and went to the track. Then we did a mile, which I was not that happy with. Then we did our poomsae in the grass and did one more lap. That was my day. See you later.🥋

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Today when I woke up, I was hesitating I was really confused on what to do which is weird because this was my third year at junior Instructors camp. for breakfast we had the delicious healthy banana split with master Lloyd. We went to the gymnastic place today and we did sticks With Master Evans. Then we did a team building game with Master Chelley and Instructor Jen. Then we came back and had lunch and we did nunchucks. Then we got ready to leave after the ceremony I got three boxes a pizza. That was my day. See you later.🥋

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I’m so excited for Junior instructors camp. It’s at Lake Norman my school this year. At Recess I tried to get into my requirements because I’ll be away at Junior instructors camp. I did push-ups Burpee’s sit ups and I had my friend count to 60 for my planks. Well they knew what a minute was so they’re like a minute is 60 seconds you know that right? So we had a  little bit of a yeah, I know that no you don’t. I Accidentally stepped on one of my friend’s feet today when I was trying to tell them something. So that was my day see you at junior tractors camp.🥋

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My ELA unit one test is coming up. I also did a quiz today that I missed yesterday because I was sick. It was also club day today and my picture day. See you tomorrow.🥋🥋

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Today I help my dad rip some carpet out of my brothers room. Tomorrow is my picture day hurrah. Then I watched a movie and did some requirements outside. That was my day. See you later.🥋  

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Today I didn’t do much. After the testing I went to see my friend Aiden but I wasn’t at the right one but I saw my mentee Neil. That was my day see you later.🥋

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Today at school I learn tomorrow is a math test😡. After school I went to taekwondo I did a search in Whip Master Shelly today with Elise. I helped with a class too.  See you later.🥋  

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Today was poomsae class . After that I did a session with master Marcus went home and ate breakfast. PS today my mom woke us up at 6:58 thinking  it was Monday😹.  See you later.🥋

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Today woke up Excited because it is kick-o-thon today .Then I went to taekwondo then after Blackpool class, I got ready for kick-o-thon. It was fun after that I went to lunch. See you later.🥋  

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Today I woke up and I went to taekwondo after school. I helped out with a little tigers class and did a black belt class . I had a session with Connor. See you later!🥋

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What’s up guys today I woke up and got ready for school .Just so you know I’m having fun this year and how it’s turning out so far. After school I want to taekwondo is sparring today and I got a mentor session in. See you later Fam.

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Today I woke up, more tired than usual because I have map testing today “hooray”. I switched my recess time so I could do my map testing and I just stared at a screen for three hours! It was very tiring. I am not looking forward to tomorrow that’s math map testing. Well, after school, I went to taekwondo and did a session with Neil and helped out with the class almost done with my leadership credits. see you later.

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Today I woke up, got ready for School. at school, my teacher told me that tomorrow I have map testing. In big Mac wasn’t feeling good so mom took him to the vet. A taekwondo I did a multi session with Neil. We’re still working on his board breaking kick. So that was my day pretty nice !

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Today I woke up not knowing how much fun it would be. We did some of our poomsae with are mom. Then we ate lunch and our brother asked us to help him with his homework. Right then He said we’re going to the words to record something he almost got stuck in quicksand too . After we did that we came home and now I’m doing my journal. See you later.

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Today I woke up got ready for taekwondo and went to Poomsae class it was fun I guess. Then we got back home and did my requirements and then we ate dinner now I’m doing my journal. See you later. 🌜🌛

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Today I woke up got ready for taekwondo helped out with a little tigers class. And then I did class today we did sticks staffs poomsae and self-defense. Then I got Home played on a computer for a little bit and then now I do my requirements.see you later!

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They woke up go to school for school I had pizza for lunch. After school I want to taekwondo I helped out with a little tigers class did rolls and falls in a black belt class got home ate dinner and that was most likely my day .see you later!

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Today I woke up got ready for school today was a pretty fun day at school I did some requirements there under Wasp Nest that didn’t know it was there until two minutes later kid said hey this Wasp nest under the slide. then I try to capture butterflies ( it didn’t work) then I went to taekwondo did my white belt challenge did what’s it called again spin class and then I went home ate dinner ice cream that’s pretty much my day. See you later peace out y’all🧍🏽🧎🏽!!

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Today I woke up and got ready for school. After school I didn’t show up to taekwondo today I don’t know why but my dad said we can we’re gonna stay home. After I got home from school I came for dinner we ate and then we did our mile run and we got home we did our planks At school I did some of my requirements.  That was my day today see you next journal.

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Today I woke up got ready for school went to school after school I went to taekwondo . I hope you have a class and got a leader ship credit almost done with those! Then I took a class and I went home ate dinner and I had ice cream! See you later bye-bye🧒🏽👦🏽!!


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Today I woke up how to nice breakfast and went to school. At school I got to pick my clubs I picked gaga  ball club navigations club and 3-D printing modeling club. Then I went to taekwondo I hope that was the class had a mentee session then came home for dinner I did some requirements and that was my day. See you later peace out y’all👦🏽!!!!!

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Today I woke up ate breakfast got ready for school then went to school. After school I went to taekwondo I did a leader ship and I helped with class. I went Home having Rice and beans in for dinner and that was my day. See you tomorrow peace out bro🐣!!! 

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Hi guys today I woke up ate breakfast went to school and then come to Taekwondo. I helped out with a class and I took a class I did some of my requirements there too. That was my day sort of see you later!

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Hi guys today I woke up and I already know it was gonna be a good day! I woke up and I had to get ready and eat breakfast for black belt  class after Blackbelt class we went home and we got ready to drop Elise off at her friends house for a play date. Then we had to pick up Caleb after we dropped Elise off and then we had to go get a Elise ! Then we had to get our shoes back on and drop Caleb off at demo practice then when It almost done practice we went there to pick him up. That was my day see you later Peace out from your boy Ethan!👦🏽🧒🏽

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Hi guys today I woke up my stomach hurting like it did yesterday. I went to school but it got worse by the time after school I went to taekwondo I helped out and did warm-ups then I came home and did some of my requirements. Then I went to the store after taekwondo and we got spaghetti and spaghetti sauce for tomorrow we had chicken and rice today for dinner and then here I am doing my journal! see y’all tomorrow peace out✌️🧒🏽

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Hi guys today when I went to school at recess I played basketball with my friends I accidentally got elbowed in the face but let’s not talk about that too much. After recess I played with my friend Parker we did a lot of running. Then we went to taekwondo I did my jump rope being there I love. Jump roping now! When we got home I did my requirements which I literally just did two seconds ago and for dinner I’m having mac & cheese and fish yummy Yum!!! See y’all tomorrow peace out y’all!

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Today was pretty easy push-ups were way quicker somehow set ups just felt like two minutes and Burpee‘s are Burpee‘s. The mile run was fun this time because it started raining everyone likes to run one it’s raining.So that was my day and it was really fun see you next journal.

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Today I woke up and had to quickly get ready for black belt I like this black belt class it was fun. When we got home me and Elise did some requirements upstairs push-ups situps squats rush and planks I had to do jump rope and pull-ups because I couldn’t do that upstairs. Then we went to a store and got dad birthday presents because we couldn’t do it on his birthday.  see you guys tomorrow bye!

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 Today It was my first day of school it was a fun day too my fourth grade teacher Miss Francione is really nice. Push-ups are kinda get an easier for me planks and sit ups are also getting easier I had Chick-fil-A for dinner then did pull ups and played with Elise see you tomorrow.

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Today I woke up and ate breakfast. Then I did requirements and push-ups are getting easier for me! Sit ups squat thrusts and planks are getting super easier.see you tomorrow    

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Today I woke up went to a special event came back home after five hours! Then I did some requirements push-ups felt like it took forever and planks and sit ups felt very easy and then I did some poomsaes. Then I did pull ups I’m working on doing more than one pool up and keeping myself up longer and now I’m done doing my journal see you tomorrow bye.

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Today we got back from Hilton head it was really fun there I got stung by jellyfish though. Tomorrow we go to collect a con it’s basically like a place where you buy stuff from games. I also did some requirements planks push-ups set ups pull ups and poomsae  self-defense. For me push-ups are kind of hard For me and planks  are easy. Everything else is kind of mid. See you tomorrow peace out ✌️.

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Hi today I woke up and ate breakfast and then we went to the pool. I was very mad when we had to leave I wanted to stay but at the pool I did planks the side of the pool I use as a pull up bar and then pull ups and did are poomsaes in the  pool  we try to guess each other’s poomsaes . We went to this amazing restaurant it is super nice food. Then we went shopping well that’s the end of my day see you tomorrow.

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Hi today, I woke up and I had to get ready for breakfast. It was At Hilton head diner I got Oreo pancakes! We went to the beach after breakfast I did boogie boarding and swimming under the waves. It was really fun!  We got back home And I did some requirements. I did sit ups and push-ups and Burpee. My dad made or I mean, cook Rock Seabass And another fish I can’t remember the name of. I ate them I love that bass Then I played a board game with Caleb and that was my day. Goodbye see you tomorrow!

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Vacation journal

Today I woke up and we had to get on a fishing boat I caught a rock Sea bass.I love fishing! After we go off the fishing boat we went to tios  for lunch. Now we’re getting ready for the pool and finishing requirements. See you tomorrow!

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Today is my birthday I am 10!! Today I woke up, thinking I was getting breakfast in bed But I got pop tarts. At least they’re the brown cinnamon Am I right? Anyways, I had to do requirements I know on your birthday. After requirements, we picked up Caleb to go to dinner, baby! We went to kung fu noodle. I think I’m full but I have Room for ice cream cake Yum Yum Yum! I’m super excited for all my birthday presents. They’re all awesome! Anyway, that was my day. See you later fans!

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Journal 5

Today I woke up and ate pancakes and eggs and then played with Callie and Ellie. Kiki‘s grandchildren Kiki is our babysitter. Tomorrow is my birthday happy birthday to me. I have so much fun stuff planned tomorrow. After I went home, I ate dinner, which was hotdogs and hamburgers, and then Went to taekwondo, then help out with the class and then had a mentor session with master Marcus, and that was my day today!!

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Journal #4

I woke up happy Because today is Monday and tomorrow, I’m going to Kiki‘s house she is our babysitter and we get to help out with her grandchildren. Their names are Callie and Ellie and they’re so cute. And two more days till my birthday I can’t believe it’s on sparring class, but that would be some fun today. We helped out with two classes And went home. And then did Some requirements and then had hotdogs for dinner and that’s how my day went. 

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Journal 3

Today I woke up at five in the morning so I could go to my pre-test. And the Run was tiring, then I took a bus To the North Charlotte school, and we did push-ups situps v situps Burpees planks and last jump rope. then I went home at 9 o’clock, and then I played some games on my Nintendo switch and I beat the last gym leader in Pokémon.

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Journal 2

Today I woke up ate breakfast and then did some of my requirements. Soon I’ll be on week two! Then I went in the pool in our backyard I played with my brother and sister and then I went inside to play some Minecraft and then we got ready for taekwondo. I did a mentee session with my mentee then we went home and ate spaghetti for dinner.

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Journal #1

Hi my name is Ethan this is my first journal. Today I woke up not knowing I was going to do a journal. I woke up ate two waffles and then my dad put up the pull up bar so we could do pull ups I struggle to do one but then I got the hang of it. Then I did my requirements and then I made something in the oven  they’re supposed to be muffins but I made it more like brownies. I ate two and then my dad said we had to get ready for TKD I helped out with class went home and ate dinner.

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