Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Day 15

Today I was working on my leadership credit.  I got to open class with the five tenets of Tae Kwon Do.  It was a great experience.  I was very proud when the other students bowed and called me sir.  It was a very proud moment.  I also got to lead the running.  Maybe one day I will be an instructor.  I liked it.  I hope to do it more.  I am really horrible at jump rope.  I used to be good at it but now I am horrible.  I think it is because my legs and arms have grown so fast.  Everyone calls me Gumby.  My mom says that my brain doesn't know where my arms and legs are.  I am pretty clumsy and not very coordinated.  I hope I get better at jump rope.  I think this is a good chance.  The push ups seem to be getting easier.  My...

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today i have to do my pullups last. for me they are pretty hard to do for my brother they are easy. right now i can do five at once.

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Today I was able to get a ton of credits today.  I did all my requirements and I went to 4 classes in total: regular class, sparring class, black belt class, and PMAA class.  I had to hurry after sparring class which ended at 7 to make it to North Charlotte at 7:30 from Mint Hill.  I got a mentor session and leadership credits also.    

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I am so thankful that tomorrow is Friday.  I am so tired, both physically and mentally!  I really need to recharge so I can begin again.  J I took the TKD Plus class tonight, then BB class, and then PMAA.  I found out that there are several things we have to know for testing in PMAA.  And maybe it’s because it was the last class for the day, but I have the most difficult time focusing and remembering the PMAA curriculum.  I’m definitely going to have to find a way around that obstacle!  If anyone has any suggestions on how I can associate the names of the things with the actual steps in PMAA, please give me your suggestions.  J

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today i woke up really late, around 10 o clock, after i got dressed and ate i went for my run and felt really energized so i immediately went into my workout and got all of it done within an hour and a half, including forms. i find that pull ups are still difficult and that is my weakest link at the moment. i went to a regular class and got a mentor session in, then i went to a sparring class and got more of my workout done. i went home and quickly got my weapons ready for the PMAA class at Master Evans school, i thought we were going to be late since it was 7:50 when we left, it takes a half hour to get there and i thought the class started at 8:15 instead of 8:25. i need a new schedule. now i am home and have...

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Jayson Day 14

Today was almost the same as yesterday. Only today I took black belt class.  I did some requirements during summer camp.  I also helped out in color belt class to get leadership credits.  I was excited to teach the smaller kids.  

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Lots of Requirements

I had nearly all my requirements done before TKD+ and BB class, so it was a good day from that perspective. My right pec is still so, so sore. But I will live. I had to take Jess shopping after classes tonight, so now it is time for  a shower and bed.  

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First day of school

Today was my first day of school. I am finally a seventh grader. Today was a little hectic. There were a lot of fifth and seventh graders not knowing were to go.  I liked all of my teachers. They all seem pretty nice! Later after school I had another day of soccer tryouts. Tommorow is the last day of soccer tryouts so I can make the team. Today is my mom's birthday too! Today I could not get in a lot of requirements because we went to longhorn steakhouse for my mom's b-day. But I'll get them tommorow

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Day 15

Today was pretty good. I walked, did some requirements, watched television, and took a black belt class. I still have some requirements to do, but I'm doing WAY better than yesterday. I need to practice a few things for the pre- test, but all in all, I'm doing pretty well.

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day 15

Today t did a sparing class at mint hill.WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!

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Wang ho testing

helped out with wang ho testing tonight. Everyone did amazing! took the time between testings to get a great Mentor session in. Worked on Wang ho 1 and 2. 

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Day 15

Today I did a mentee session with my mentee Eli. I also did my normal class and sparring class. During sparring class I learned some techniques on how to counter and attack. I also did some pushups and situps during class. Before my class I jogged 1.5 miles at Fairview Park which is about 5 minutes from my house. After jogging I was red and sweaty. I think I will be ready for the Physical Pre-Test and the Physical test. LETS GO LAUREN!!!!!!!!

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Black Belt with the Grams

Today I did some black belt stuff with grandma. I taught her some self defenses.  She was a great listener. I really loved spending the day with her.  Who knows what tomorrow will be.

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running has been really hard because I don't run listing to music. meditating is really easy at summer camp during 2 min when kids get in trouble  

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requirements done

today i had fun doing my requirements and running i ran faster than i usually run and it felt the same i went through my requirements real fast today i had fun today i hope  i have fun tomorrow 

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Don't give up

Yesterday was a tough day. Started out good but then I started feeling sick. It was a light day for requirements so I will be playing catch up/make up the next couple of days. My Uverse connection went down on Tuesday so I don't have internet until probably Friday so journaling had to wait until I got to work. I am looking forward to tonight's class. Hopefully we will see pictures of Emerson (Master Chin & Chris' baby).  

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AUG. 15

Super excited on what I have planned today. Thinking about taking a long run and getting all todays requirements out of the way. Might be heading to North Charlotte for a class tonight but still looking over my options. 

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Jayson Day 14!

Today was pretty much the same as yesterday.  I attended summer camp, spent today again as a white belt.  Two more days to go.  I also got some leadership credits in.  I did a dream team class today.  it was really better than I thought it would be!

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Bake Sale Prep

Good day, not a lot extraordinary, but still nothing bad at least. I'm getting ready for a bake sale I'm having on the 17th when Queens university students move in. I'll be baking cookies, brownies, and scones, as well as selling iced tea and lemonade. I'm still unsure on what I'll price them, but I'll figure it out. Lots of baking ahead!

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Mentors and Mentees...

Today was a busy day at work – I didn’t get to eat my lunch until about 3:30pm.  But it was hump day so things are going to get better.  J I worked with my mentee, Hallie, on self-defense, Hapkido, and Keumgang today before teaching Junior Tigers.  I can tell she’s practicing the things we work on because she’s getting better.  Keep up the good work! After Junior Tigers class, I worked with Master Cavazos on my double stick forms.  He’s helping me a lot to work on refining my movements now that I know the steps to the forms.  I really appreciate his efforts and attention to details.  Some day, I hope to look like him when he does the stick forms!  Thanks for your patience sir.  J

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Day 14

I read a great story last night in my book, "7 Habits of highly effective teens" by Sean Covey.   "When I was young and free my imagination had no limits.  I dreamed of changing the world.  As I grew older and wiser I realized the world would not change.  I decided to shorten my sights somewhat and change only my country but it seemed too immovable.  As i entered my twilight years in one last desperate attempt I sought to change only my family, those closest to me, but alas they would have none of it.  And now here I lie on my death bed and realize (perhaps for the first time) that if only I had changed myself first, then by example I may have influenced my family and with their encouragement and support I may have bettered my country, and who knows I may have changed the world."...

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My pecs are so sore that I swear the muscles are going to snap when I do push ups. I know I will get over it, but it can't come too soon. Today I had about half of my requirements in by 1pm, then I did another big set in the 45 min I had between dropping Jess off at softball practice and the parent athletics meeting at the school. And now I'm finishing up the balance. Except jump rope...I have to go outside or to the basement to jump rope, which should not be a big deal, but I always seems to skip a day or so and then double up.  off to get a few more sets of push ups and sit ups in, then off to bed. I have an early start tomorrow!

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Made it to Canada

Finally got to Canada in our RV. Difficult to gets my exercises in the RV. I found out I may be able to run a 5K here. Very excited!! 

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day 14

It is day 14 also a long 2 weeks and i am ready for tomorrow.

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helped out with testing. i going to maggie her last day she is moving  to new york. im so sad. i also had singing lessons  

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Day 14

Day 14 already that means it has been two weeks. WOW. It doesnt feel like it has been two weeks. Well today I did my reqirements and then relaxed the rest of the day because I was so tired. It has been a long day.

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today during camp i counted belts in a closet, checked off the belts on a list, then i sorted it back on the shelf in the closet. when i started the shelf looked like it was over flowed with belts. when i ended the shelf looked like it didn't have enough belts to go on it. the surprising thing was that there was 41 size 1 yellow belts. i also did kwon sool in the closet. figured out that i need bend my knees a lot more. 

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Today I spent most of the day out of the house. I got up at 7:15 and ran my mile and a half in 17 minutes. I am making some progress! 

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saturday class

Saturdays with Master Evans is really fun. his class is so awesome because he is awesome  

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All work day

Today was a very long day, I woke up early and babysat 2 kids till 1:30, after I worked out I went to class to help out and I did a mentor session. I came home and when I worked out again I did a sparring round and I pulled a muscle in my leg, now I'm on the couch icing it off and I think it's going to be better soon. I just hope it heals soon and well.

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Slow Day

Today I at camp we had instructer Lloyd come to talk to us about eating healthy. Right after that I left. I left because I had soccer tryouts and I wanted to rest before I had to go. Tryouts were fun we ran 9 laps and then we did 4 scrimmiges. I at least had three goals and 4 assists. Since I had soccer tryouts I did not have time to do requirements. I was really tired after tryouts though. Tommorow is the first day of school for me. And we still have tryouts again tommorow. Tonight were getting everything together for school tommorow. I am exicted that school is here, NOT.

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helped out with a great junior/senior tigers testing! they all did great and made us proud

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Kate Skate

Kate Skate was amazing. It kind of looked like a disco.  I had to rent skates because mine would work.  Its OK because they were included.  We played this one game called wipe out. When the music stops you have to get down on the floor and yell.  The winner gets an all girl or all boy skate. I hope to go back.  It was my favorite place all year long.

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Wednesday - -It's good at least I know what day it is!!

Crazy rough start however all I need to do is get past tomorrow and then I can start a somewhat realistic schedule till the end of the month.  I may be last on the list for requirements but I will catch up.  Since running is always a struggle I have been trying to focus on that with the time I do have available. 

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I finished my white belt essay today.  Yesterday Master Moon taught us the correct pronunciation of some of the terms in kwonsool and how to say black belt in Korean.  It sounds like commontee.  Yesterday I was glad to see my mentee's poomsae had improved since we have been working on it.  

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Last night we worked on Hapkido and our 1st Dan self defense. I especially enjoy the hapkido and feel like if I were ever in a situation where I needed to get away from an attacker that the hapkido would definitely come in handy and hopefully be easily recalled. I do need to practice the 1st Dan so that it flows more, however, I think it is coming along. The burpees are getting slightly easier, notice I said slightly. :) 

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AUG. 14

Made plans today to run, finish todays worth of requirements, and then some. Also planning on working on the History of The Kwans this week. Feeling good and confident on what I learned last night and just trying to not get another injury. 

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Day 13 Comlete

Today I finished all the requirements I could and I'm doing pretty well. I started late on poomsaes and self defense, but I'm done now.  I'm starting to really get into a habit, which I'll have to keep up or else I'll get behind. I need to do more sparring rounds, jump rope rounds, and pull ups.

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early in the morning when i was at camp i did my 250 pushup and situps. it made me so tired that i could barely play the game that the whole camp played. it was fun. i have to work on going from a dead hang on my pullups and bringing my chin higher. i also have to work on wang ho 2.

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Day 13

Today I did all my push-ups and sit-ups during commercials of a one hour show.  And I am going to Canada so it's going to very very hard to do my requirements. I will try my best.

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Jayson day 13

today, I was supposed to go to the spraygrounds with summer camp.   Instead I used the time to get in a mile walking.   That was ok by me, I'm not crazy about the spray grounds.  I was able to get both leadership one and two credits during camp, and a mentee session!  I'm also still doing my white belt challenge.  I'm going to try to start that essay soon.  

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Rainbows and Sparring Class

I went to sparring class in Huntersville today. We did a lot of kicking and drills. I got credit for a lot of sparring rounds. It started raining during class and when I left, I saw a rainbow right over the King Tiger sign! It was really cool. I learned that I can do two roundhouse kicks without touching the ground. I still land on my butt though. ;) I ran two miles today. I didn't walk once and I finished in just over 20 minutes. I felt so proud of myself! I had a good day overall.

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Day 13

Today I got a lot of things done. I got a mentee session in, a mentor session in, my regular class, and black belt class. It has been I long day and Im ready to get some sleep.

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day 13

Today i had a mentee and a mentor session.

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No Class

Today I had camp. We went to the sprayground and the park. The park was the best part though. After that we took class. Master Mitchell taught class today. He let me lead warm ups today in class. After class I got in some requirements. Today I could not take Black Belt class today. Tommorow are the soccer tryouts and I thougt it was best that we go practice one more time before tryouts. But today was a good day. Wish me good luck for tryouts tommorow.

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Tough Tuesday for TKD

Today I had a ton of meetings and had to spend the entire afternoon in the office...then I had a board of director's meeting for Ben's school.  So it was a day just working out on my own with no classes (which felt strange).  But, I did push ups, sit ups, poomsaes, etc in my office between meetings, ran at lunch time, and now I'm finishing up. While I missed classes this evening, it was good to volunteer my time to help the school. Last year we finally secured a new location ( which has been a goal of the board for the past 3 years) and we met at the new location, saw the construction, and it felt really good.  We could all smile at the accomplishment!

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mentor sessions

Natasya and I are working very hard on pooms so I WILL BE VERY STRONG.  

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pulled through

today i woke up same as yesterday, not feeling to well...or awake. i did however have a motivation to get things done, i went home and ate breakfast, then i went to my high school and helped out with arranging school letters for community service hours. this was a slow and boring process but i did meet new people and help out. after, i went home and worked out. i made very careful i went over all my forms and self defense correctly. my workout, especially my sit ups and pull ups, were very difficult today. after i was done, i relaxed for a bit and went to the 4:45-5:45 class and got a mentee session in (which i am very happy i got in). now im at home, i have to eat dinner, shower, and read. hopefully tomorrow i will clear up from this feeling of sickness soon. 

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Hard to Believe....

I took a CPR/First Aid class today and I was shocked at some of the information that the instructor provided.  He cautioned that if you help someone, you can be held liable if something goes wrong.  He stressed this so strongly that it made me consider would it be worth it.  L  I decided that it’s more important to do the right thing and help anyone that needs it (if I know how).  And that if something is happening to me, I pray that someone will risk helping me! It was tough getting up this morning.  I’ve got to find a way to get in bed earlier at night.  Going to bed at 11pm and getting up at 4am, and pushing myself physically, can’t go on forever.

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Reality Sets In

I really enjoyed Black Belt Camp this past Saturday. I wanted to post about it over the weekend but my laptop was having issues. I realize that I have made some choices since I got my 1st Dan Black Belt that have caused me to not be as prepared as I wanted to be at this point. I have looked to food for comfort while unhappy or stressed, instead of recognizing it for what it is... fuel, not comfort. I really believe that starting the cycle at this time was the best thing for me to do to get out of this place. I think the challenge will prove (like it did last time) to be tough but so rewarding and beneficial. It will be beneficial physically, emotionally and mentally. If I could speak to someone considering doing a Black Belt cycle that may still apprehensive, I would say it is...

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AUG. 13

Flew in last night from Texas and immediately started push-ups and poomsaes! A little behind but hoping to catch up by the end of this week. 

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Great Day

Today I did most of my requirements. First Instructor Randle gave me a self defense mentoring session, which really helped me review and learn. Then I helped out with class. I got two leadership credits! After that I went to Dream Team where we practiced staff attack/defend. After that I went home, ate dinner, and did my push ups. Later I worked some more on self defense and poomsaes. Then I recorded my requirements.

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Haven't been on website

I haven't been on the website because I didnt know how to use it, but now I do and I need to start filling out the days I did in my journal but not on the website. I also had my first mentee session today and Im on the white belt challenge this week. Im scared to fall behind on the cycle but I will try my hardest to do the best I can.

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Day 12

This is the third time that I have written this journal entry.  It has been erased twice so now I am going to rewrite it.  I read a quote today by an english poet that said, "we first make our habits, then our habits make us."  I had to think about this one for a while.  Everyone has habits.  We can have bad habits like using bad language, we can have good habits like exercising or showing respect by saying, "Yes, Sir."  Or we can have habits that don't really matter like taking a shower every night before we go to bed.  This summer I had some bad habits.  One was that I would wake up, sit at the computer and play on the computer until lunch.  This is a bad habit and it could make me a lazy person that could starve.  A better habit would be to wake up,...

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  92 Hits

long day

these next few weeks are ganna be killer! cross country from 7-9 work from 10-4 then tkd from 6-8. monday through friday...gotta love the bb cycle! cant wait to get it done already haha

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Take Advantage of Your Mentor!

So today was my first day back at work after a week’s vacation.  The day went by really fast but only because I had a lot to do.  Tomorrow the first half of my day will be spent doing a CPR/First Aid Refresher training course for work. I’ll be leaving work soon to head over to King Tiger to teach Junior Tigers class.  I really enjoy being around the younger kids because they are always so enthusiastic, even when it’s Red Stripe day!  I'll be working with my mentee, Hallie, before class. Then hopefully I’ll get to work with my mentor, Master Cavazos.  I actually began working with him at the beginning of July.  And it’s a good thing too because there’s lots to learn!  J  I hope everyone is taking full advantage of their mentor.  Remember, they are there to help you, but it’s up to you to ask them...

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Tired and sore

I am tired and sore now.  I need more rest.  But, I just got home from picking up Jess from softball practice and work starts at 7am tomorrow... But I think I have the 3rd Dan 1-steps memorized. I still need to work on them, they aren't fluent in my brain yet, but with a pause or two, I can remember them all now. I'm not sure why this set seemed so difficult for me to remember, but it was.  

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Day 12

Today I had a mentor meeting with Master Knight. We practiced Basic Form #2 and #3 and also Wang Ho 1. Today I did 15 random acts of kindness. And I did 185 pushups and situps. It was a pretty good day today.

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Breaking Camp

Today was the first day of board breaking camp at south Charlotte, and I have to say that we have a great bunch of kids this week! I'm ready to do an awesome demo with them! Also I had my first meeting with my mentee, William, and it went really well. I plan to knock out five meetings this week. Also I was super stoked to hear about all the credits for black belt camp. I had a great time, so the credits are an extra bonus! Thanks so much!

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great day for requirements

Today I did not go to camp today. But I still got In a lot of requirements. Then I went to the orthodontist to get my colors changed. I changed them to green. I got back had lunch, Chick fil- a, and got right back to my requirements. Today I doubled up and got to practice soccer. Soccer tryouts start on wenesday wish me luck.

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Day 12

I went to class in Belmont today. I had 1 mentor meeting with Master Cavazos before my class. We worked on sticks, specials 1 and 2, self defenses and hapkido. I now know numbers 1-19. I need to practice #'s 17, 18, and 19 in hapkido very badly. I also need to work on special 2. I learned a lot from that session.I also worked with my mentee today. After his class, I helped him with Oh Chang and blue belt self defenses.     I have made some progress on doing pull ups from a dead hang. I can get up a little bit higher. My burpees are getting a little bit easier too. There's still a lot to do but now it's not as intimidating. I'm also not feeling as sore as I was on Day 1. I'm still feeling it though. Especially in my shoulders. I'm feeling really good...

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  356 Hits

Jayson day 12

This week is a week of three things.   White belt challenge, leadership credits and mentee sessions.  The white belt challenge and leadership cresdits were easy.  The mentee session not so much.  The person I was supposed to mentor was not there today.  He won't be in class for the rest of the week either, so I had to find some one else to mentor.  Luckily, I found someone else.  She agreed to let me mentor her for the rest of the week.  

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day 12

Today i played with my friend Warner also i swam in my pool.

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Today I started my requirements earlier in the morning and was finished before lunch.  I'm glad I had a little head start with my requirements, since I did not do any yesterday.  I was in Greensboro since Saturday afternoon and got home 11 pm last night.  We went river tubing for the first time and it was a lot of fun.  I also started my white belt essay.  I looked over my study guides and see that I need to brush up om my Korean terms. 

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the crash

today i finally hit my crash, i had a terrible time waking up and i woke up sick, i felt horrible and exhausted. i finally got my workout done and went to class, earned leadership credits, but today was a difficult day. i hope tomorrow will be way easier. i have learned today that i may have to learn some new self defense for the cycle, this could be good or bad. i need to keep myself on track and stay with my schedule. 

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the crash

today i finally hit my crash, i had a terrible time waking up and i woke up sick, i felt horrible and exhausted. i finally got my workout done and went to class, earned leadership credits, but today was a difficult day. i hope tomorrow will be way easier. i have learned today that i may have to learn some new self defense for the cycle, this could be good or bad. i need to keep myself on track and stay with my schedule. 

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saturday class

yesterdays class was great! my computer wasnt letting me save/upload credits yesterday so i had to do it today. But i had a great time in class and in black belt camp! good refresher on the staff attack/defend form. I also saw what i need to work on before the pretest

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Lion King

Today was a pretty good day! I got all my stuff done (except push ups and sit ups, which I have built up) and I got to go to see the Lion King broadway play with my mom and grandma. It was nice getting to doll up after a week of sweaty do boks. The play was amazing, and one thing I thought was interesting was that all the dancers were really fit (which is expected, but still) and it reminded me if I work hard I can be that healthy too. Looking forward to another week of helping with TKD summer camp!

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white water raft center

today i went to the white water raft center with my friends for a birthday party and it was not only fun, but physically demanding. we woke up and had a good breakfast, then left and got our tickets. the first thing we did was the high ropes corse, the 3 hardest ones they had. the first one was intermediate, the second one was difficult, but the third one was borderline insane. we were really tired at the end of that so we decided to go kayaking, we found a sandbar in the river and swam for a bit. after that was over, we had lunch and went to where we were going to be briefed for our raft reservations safety class. there were alot of rules and things to remember but we got our safety equipment on and were assigned a raft guide. we went down alot of rapids from...

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bubble rap

today i did a poomsae on bubble rap. it was funny beacuse every where i went i heard a pop. my brother told me say excuse me even though i did not fart. he also told me to turn my feet in another direction when doing the poomsae that i did.

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I don't know what to title this so i'm titling it Title

I did a lot today. I still need to do some requirements, but I'll get them done. I need to focus on eating healthy, getting my sleep, and doing requirements and essays. I really need a jump rope for the cycle and I'm getting a pull up bar. I walked 1.5 miles today which doesn't sound like much, but when it's hot like it was today  it's exhausting. My face was pink and I was sweating hard. Later I went to the pool to cool down. It helped a lot.  I also took some pictures of my dog. I've got a great picture that I'm editing and so far it looks great. Photography is my new skill this cycle.

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I really like Sundays because I can spread out my training throughout the day.  I was able to accomplish quite a bit in between doing household chores.  There’s always something that needs to be done so you really have to manage your time wisely.  J Tomorrow is the beginning of another week and another opportunity to knock out lots of requirements!

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Jayson Day 11

Today I went to church and saw my friend max.  I wanted to have him over but I had homework to do.   I spent today working on my essay on the non living hero.  I chose to write about rosa parks.  Ran/walked three miles at Mallard creek.  This is a tiring process, but it's worth it!

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Sunday Fun Day

After a day of fun at the lake, I knocked out most of my requirements and went for a run on a track by a school.   I ran most of my 1.5 miles.  I stopped to walk and get water a few times.  I need to work on that.  I walked another 1.5 miles after that.

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Hot day = Pool training!

At noon, Roxy and I went for a 3 mile run.  Anticipating how hot we'd be, I wore my swimsuit and went directly to the pool to cool down afterwards. (Master Burkhart, you'll be doing this soon, too!  :) ). It was great to lay on the tanning shelf with my ears under the water and meditate...listening to my breathing slowly return to normal.  I completed all my self defenses against Scott in the pool and all my kicks. Today I did all Wang Ho poomsaes.  I had all my requirements done by about 5pm and it felt great to have it behind me for the day. 

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Day 11

Today I am trying to catch up on poomsaes. I did 30! Also I could only do 1 mile because it was really hot outside. My biggest struggle today was motivating myself to get my requirements in when all my friends were playing outside.

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day 11

Today i spended alot of time in the pool today.Also my friend Warner came over.

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Day 11

Today I was able to run 1.5 miles without out dying afterwards. I ran the mile in 6 minutes and 30 seconds and the 0.5 miles in 4 minutes. So I did 1.5 miles in 10 minutes and 30 seconds. For me thats a record time by far. I've learned its easier to do the mile and a half in the morning before it gets hot. Otherwise it is really hard. This first week of the cycle has made me alot stronger already.

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Day 11

Today I was able to do five burpees in a row without dying.  When I first started the Black Belt Cycle I could only do one before I felt like I was going to pass out.  I am really proud because I have been working very hard for the past eleven days.  I haven't gotten behind even when I was so sore that I couldn't stand to do one more push up.  Now I'm starting to see it paying off.  Every day a new muscle is sore.  I'm sore in muscles I never even knew that I had.   I've been super excited because an exchange student from China might be staying with us this school year.  His name is Hoecheng Luo but he goes by the name Logan.  He is coming from a town close to Tibet in China.  I'm not sure of the name of his exact town but...

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  2148 Hits


Well it's a different journey the next two days but it will all work out.  Book for essay purchased so hopefully can at least get that done.  I had purchases another but left on plane last trip so figured there was a reason and made another choice.  Class was great yesterday!!! Thank you Inst Randall for keeping me grounded.  Jack you were able to unblock my brain freeze with staff attack and defend- - thank you too.  Last but not least have been reading to journals and way to go moms!!! If you are running 3 miles with your kids that are on cycle kudos to you.  Maybe its time to try the mat???    

  8734 Hits

Running with Mom

Today I went running with my mom.  She was really nice to do this with me. My mom told me some stuff about my legs, like shin splints.  We ran for three miles with only one short stop for water.  It was really hot outside.  I enjoyed running with my mom.

  1237 Hits

Good morning

This morning I went running with my mom and I was able to get 3.55 miles in! And later today I am going to the mountains so I have to get my requirements at any moment possible.

  1120 Hits


today was the last camp. i am a bit sad because i could get a lot of requirments done during the camps. i found out that i had tothat i need to work on my red and high red self defence. i also have to work on staff attack/defend.

  3988 Hits

Day 10

Today I went to a black belt camp and we worked on attack and defense with staff.  We learned basic form number 1 with the staff.  We had the black belt cycle meeting this morning.  During the Black Belt Meeting I figured out why we have to complete all these requirements for our Black Belt.  When Master Evins took the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge he had to he did all the stuff that we had to do on our cycle.  He traveled to a lot of places and thought it was a lot of fun.  It was a good experience for him and he wants us to have the same kind of experience when we earn our black belt.   I can't believe that this is day 10 of the cycle.  I think that I am already getting stronger.  i can do all my push-ups faster and better.  Its been a...

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Long Day

I had a really long day today but it was worth it. I got almost all my requirements done and had an awesome time at black belt class and camp. Then I got to go shopping and finished out my day watching my favorite show, Castle. Can't wait for tomorrow, I'm going to go see the Lion King!

  4806 Hits

Every Cycle is Different....

So, today was the BB Cycle meeting and even though I’ve participated in several BB cycles, I still feel that sense of anticipation and nervousness that I always have at the beginning of a cycle. I’ve heard several people say that since they’ve been on one cycle that they know what to expect now.  Master Evins mentioned in the meeting that the cycle is never the same.  The effort and commitment required will be the same, but the journey will be different.  I’ve learned something different about myself on each cycle and I’m sure this cycle will provide more insight.  I really enjoyed the BB camp today.  I always like working with weapons and we got to work on the Wang Ho three step staff attack and defend.  We only learned numbers one, two, and three.  I can’t wait to learn four and five.

  1030 Hits

And we're officially off...

Cycle is officially kicked off at the 10am meeting today.  So here we go...  And Master Evins is so right about his comment that we will all hit a point where we don't think we will get all our requirements done. This cycle is a little different for me since I'm auditing this cycle (I will test for my fourth degree during the spring cycle).  Each cycle I've completed has been different, in more ways than 1. I'm looking forward to seeing what this cycle brings...

  5503 Hits

day 10

today i did a saturday black belt class.i had fun.

  3667 Hits

Day 10

I ran a mile this evening. I am behind on Poomsaes so I am going to concentrate on Poomsaes tomorrow. I thought the black belt camp today was really fun because we got to learn staff moves. 

  1506 Hits

Jayson Day 10

Today was the last black belt camp.  I learned  the staff self defense. However it does not count for anything yet.   It was an interesting form.  It is easier to attack than it is to defend. I also reviewed a lot of colored belt stuff.  

  6016 Hits

black belt meeting/camp

 today was the black belt meeting and the black belt camp during the meeting master Evins  talked about how to get our classes done in the 10 weeks and also talked about the essays. during the black belt camp we worked allot on staff curriculum and forms today i got allot done

  3116 Hits

Black Belt Camp

I don't know what I did but my journal entry didn't get saved.  I'm trying again!  I went to black belt camp today.  We did staff attack/defend many times.  I learned that I have not been switching my hands correctly and that I need to work on it very badly.  I really enjoyed doing basic form 1 with a staff and I thought it was very creative.  The cycle has officially started and there's no turning back now!  Thank you Master Evins for letting us count what we do in class towards our requirements!!!

  3415 Hits

black belt camp 3

today was the last black belt camp and i had loads of fun and learned alot :). first, all the students and parents got to sit down and ask master Evans questions about the cycle, we learned alot there too. in the first half, we went over all the color belt curriculum and got alot of tips and corrections done. in the second half, i learned staff attack/defense which i have wanted to learn for a while, we also went over basic form number 1 with the staff. after that was done and we were home, i worked out, got a haircut, and took a shower. now i am on my way to my friends birthday party where tomorrow we go to the white water raft center, hope its fun :)

  854 Hits

Official Start

Today is the official start of the black belt cycle. I went to the meeting and then took black belt class. Also today ends me being a white belt now I am back to being bochodan.

  988 Hits


today i had a four hour class it was kinda hard because i had a hurt foot. i also lost my kitten today

  2055 Hits


Today I'm not able to get all of my requirements done, because I'm going to Greensboro today and tomorrow.  I will do some here and there while I'm there visiting with family.  I went to Black Belt Class and the Black Belt camp today.  I feel that I'm ready for the cycle!  I feel good about what I have been able to do so far.  

  1180 Hits

Black Belt Camp

I had black belt camp today. I enjoyed it very much.  I learned a new staff form plus basic form with the staff.  The new form was pretty to tough at first. I kept practicing and it started to come easy to me.

  1048 Hits

Yippie Class

Looking forward to class today as two weeks away is way too long.  May not be able to keep up but will do my best.  All I can say is the laundry is done, I win!!!  Domestics almost done but body still sluggish.  No matter how healthy you try to eat when you are away it's still not the same as cooking in your own kitchen.  So tired of restaurant food but a few more weeks and all done, back home and regain focus.  I got it!!!

  806 Hits


Today I did my requirements and I also went to the black belt class at Master Burkart's school

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Late run

Just got back from running in my neighborhood. Every minor incline seemed like a huge hill. Dark, quiet and peaceful, but oh so muggy!  At least it's done.  I got a lot of classes in this week which is good since I have to travel at the end of this month. 

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