Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


I only have less than a month left of school till summer. I am ready to work this all day shifts everyday. Ive gotta get that dollar amount back up so i don’t have to work as much next semester.

  928 Hits


Test that I took today wasn't my best but I didn't fail it. I ended up getting a borderline C. In Taekwondo class today, me and my mo did a lot of practing for Fridays overnight testing. I am excited to go through it. 

  966 Hits


Didn’t do much today, only school and studying. But, i did take my puppy to the vet today and get his last puppy shots, first rabies shot, and got him microchipped. I took a test today in my online class and i passed it with a 90%. I have a test tomorrow and i am hoping i do just as good or better.

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I am all done with my essays. all I have left to do is work more on my poomsaes and self defense. I am looking forward to Friday night. I am so ready to have this all over with and just do Saturday testing. This is the last week, good job everyone!

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Id like to think that I used my free time today very efficiently. I worked this afternoon from 12:30-3:30. I worked a birthday party at my new job. It wasn't too bad, but the kids were a little rambunctious today. After work I went home to take a shower and help my mom get ready for her 29th wedding anniversary. When I was done with that I went out for an hour to see an old friend that I haven't seen or spoke to in a while. When I got home I grabbed my computer and just started typing away. I have an English essay due on Sunday night that needed to be 4 pages long and I ended up making it 6 pages long. after I finished that essay I started working on my taekwondo essays. I finished my 7 hand techniques essay that only needed to be a page...

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  1044 Hits


Today was my last day working as a lifeguard at HFFA. No more working at 4am. I am so looking forward to being able to sleep in. But eventually i will start working out before school. This weekend i am getting all my work for taekwondo and hw done.

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I got some work done in between school and work. I also took a statistics test today and i am hoping that i did good. Some questions made me struggle but overall it wasn’t too bad. Only a week left and I am stressing out with everything even though i shouldn’t be. I got this!

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Today was honestly very stressful. I still have a lot of homework to do this weekend on top of the essays i still have due too. This semester of school is one of the tough ones. I can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be next semester.

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Long, long, long day. Worked early this morning and went straight to school to do homework. I usually take a nap before school but i figured i should do homework instead. I even stayed late after class to finish extra stuff. I didn’t get home till and hour before i needed to go to work so i still didn’t even get time to take a nap. Being an adult sucks, but i will get used to it sooner or later.

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This week is my last week of working at HFFA. I am looking forward to not having to wake up at 4 am to work. Today seemed really laid back. Not many kids were taking classes today at King Tiger. I am ending my day by mea prepping for my week. I am working on eating healthier.

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First off, Happy Easter everyone!! I hope everyone had a great day and had some time to relax and hangout with your family and friends. I did have my time for relaxation but I did spend a good amount of time working on my forms and self defense and fixing them up. Two weeks left, we got this!

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Today i actually got to sleep in kind of. I had my first day of a new job today. All i had to do was help out with two birthday parties. It was easy quick money. I have been pet and house sitting for two days now. These animals are cute but annoying.

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We are getting closer and closer to that end point. I know all the stress and pain will all be worth it in the end, it always is. I hope everyone’s cycle is going great. I wish everyone luck in these last two weeks!!

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This past weekend was fun. I had went to my parents land up in Virginia where my puppy met some horse. He wasn’t a big fan of them because he saw how big there were. He liked the mini horse though. This past Sunday was also my friends birthday so i went out to dinner with her and her family and we had some delicious Italian food. I hope this week goes good. No tests which is a plus. I hope you end this semester with B’s and up.

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Went up to Virginia and hung out on my parents land for a couple hours. We introduced our puppy to horses and he wasn’t a big fan. He got spooked by how big they were

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Long but good day today. Worked five hours this morning before school and then three hours later in the day. I helped my mom with self defense tonight. Big plans for tomorrow, I’m going to the mountains in Virginia with my friend and my puppy. It’ll be fun!!!

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Today seemed to be much longer than it was. I have been up and moving since 4 this morning. I just put in my two weeks notice to one of my jobs. After two more weeks I no longer need to wake at 4 in the morning to work. I am struggling right now to find another job that will pay the amount I need to live off of. But I will keep looking, and not give up.

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Today is the only day this week were i don’t work at 4:45. Working that early drains me of all energy for the rest of the day if i don’t get a nap in between. All i did today was go to school, do an interview, take a test then go to work. Not a very fun and eventful day. That’s the life of a college student pretty much.

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Worked pretty much all day today at HFFA. When i got home i talked with my parents about a new job and my future. After all that, i did a little extra ab workout to tighten my lower abs. I strive to be super fit one day. I know it’s a lot of hard work. But, i don’t want to become lazy as the years go by. I know as I get older I’ll need to work harder for it. I am willing to stay fit and healthy for as long as i can. Exercise is my drug, I’m addicted.

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Written and physical test today wasn't all bad. I fee as though i ran a pretty good time. Last time i ran 3 miles that fast was when i was 13 in a 5k. But anyways, i felt great going into the test and i am gonna definitely feel it tomorrow.

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Had a long day, a little rough but that's okay. Just ready to finish tomorrow off strong. Only two weeks left till the end of cycle. I am putting everything i can into this cycle. I see my goal and i will do anything it takes to reach that goal.

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Overall today was relaxed. I worked then went to the gym to workout. After the gym i took a quick nap before work. After work i went out to dinner with the king tiger family and they surprised me and paid for my meal. I love them so much.

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I worked a lot today. Worked from 4-12 then worked out at the gym and took a short nap before returning back to work at 3:45-7. I am looking forward to the weekend so i can finally sleep in. I miss being a kid and not having to get up early

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Today was one of those days where you have absolutely no school or work. Just a day to sit back and relax. I can’t remember the last time that has happened to me. I spent a lot of time today with my family with only a few exceptions with an hour or two with my friend. Overall, i had a great day.

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Today i looked for a new and better job. I can’t afford to stay at my lifeguard job so i am trying to find a substitute that has better pay and more hours that i can work. I looked at becoming part handler for camp wagging tails. If i got that job i would never want to leave work. I absolutely love hanging around animals, and getting paid for it? Heck yes, sign me up!!!

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I worked early this morning and when i got off of work and and my family all worked of together. Today was basically a lazy family day after we finished working out

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Today consisted of movies, puppy’s and friends. It was a very relaxing day. A good start to my spring break, even though i work more during it.

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Had a great day today. Even though i have been up and active since 4 am. I went to work, then school, then to my friends, and then to black belt calss, and finally to get dinner. i am finally home from this long day. i am finally on spring break but its not really a break. i still have work everyday at 4:45 am. 

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Today is just another day closer to spring break then summer break then the end of school. Time flies by so fast, even on this cycle. Here we are with less that fourty days left. I am proud of everyone including myself who has made it this far. We've had our good and bad days, but the end is near. Push yourself and reach your goal. Never give up!

  804 Hits


This weekend I had a lot of fun training with Grand Master Lee. Even though I was very sleep deprived, I did not let that effect my performance throughout the weekend. I gained a lot of knowledge with the variety of classes I went through. I also got to meet a lot of people that I have never seen before and create a great bond while working with them. I did not have time to input any numbers for the weekend or write journal entry's. Today I made sure I got caught up in the sleep that I didn't get over the weekend. I felt very refreshed this morning, one of the best feelings ever. I had a pretty relaxed day and work later on at King Tiger was fun. I know I have my good and bad days there but today was definitely one of the good days. I need...

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  802 Hits


Time is flying by, I kept thinking it was Monday today but it’s actually the middle of the week. I am looking forward do instructors camp this weakened. I am ready to improved and learn new skills. I have to pack tomorrow though because Friday i have a class from 10:30-11:20. So i have to rush from that class to my house and then to king tiger. I might as well  make it easy and pack ahead.

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So today was a fun and relaxed day. During my class today i got caught up on all my homework for now. I will do the rest tomorrow and Thursday. After school i went over to my friends house to take our puppy to the vet and get his baby shots. After the vet me and her for all dressed up and went out for a nice dinner. It seems like a while since I’ve been all relaxed and not stressing about school. It’s nice haha

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I woke up this morning to a call from my friend that she was at my house with my puppy. But, sadly i would not be home all day to play with him. Today from ten to five in the afternoon i was working at the aquatics center as a lifeguard. It is not all that fun, all you do is sit in a chair and watch other people have fun in the water. The day is basically over. i am just looking forward to making dinner. i hope everyone else's day went a little more eventlful than mine did. 

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Today is a very nice day. The sun is shinning, the breeze is blowing. After black belt class me and my friend are taking a picnic down at Jetton Park with our new puppy. We figured we might as well take advantage of this nice weather today. Of course three of our essays are due today but i finished them before they were due. i did turn them in after black belt class. i am finally up to date with all but a couple of my requirements. Yayy!!

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I am really struggling on doing journals daily, I’m not sure why. I guess i just get exhausted by the end of the day and go to sleep forgetting to do it. But today i had a day off from school and work and me and my mom worked on our creative Form 

  878 Hits


I have been slacking on the journal entries and logging all my requirements. its just that recently and for a while now I have been sick. its like once I get over being sick, I become sick again with something else. its quite tiring. I'm going to try to get back on my normal schedule soon. 

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It has been a very long and tiring week. From work early in the morning to gym visits late at night. Later in the week i started to become sick with a with a cough and nasal congestion, which sucks because it’s causing me to not be able to taste anything. Oh and something new that happened. I got a puppy, he is a Rottweiler and turned 9 weeks old last Wednesday.

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Its the first of February, and its been a pretty good start to this month. I woke up this morning and went to my statistics class and actually understood what my teacher was saying. I have a test in that class next week and I am doing my best to prepare myself for it and pass it with flying colors. I then went home and took a short nap before picking my coworker up for work. Work today wasn't bad at all. it seemed very relaxed and calm. After work my mom and I took sparring class and I feel as though I get better every time I go. tomorrow is a new day and I get to have a bit of time to relax after school and before black belt class. I am going to use that time to prepare myself for next weeks test and of course get some...

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  806 Hits

Middle of the week

Itsssss Wednesday, hump day. We are half way to the weekend, and i am looking forward to it. Saturday is community service, and it is about time that i do help others out. Not that i don’t do that often. I just feel as though it has been a while. I absolutely love that feeling of helping someone out, it’s a very warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart telling me I’m doing something right. 

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Start of a new beginning today and I was right, I was very exhausted throughout the day. I think its because I am now anemic. I found out I was anemic when I was in the hospital. my iron levels are usually high but recently they have been really low causing me to become anemic. its been a rough change and its hard to get used to being so exhausted all the time. Anyways, today was very long as usual. went to work then school then work again. I am going to get some rest to do it all over again tomorrow, yay.

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Back to normal

Tomorrow i will go back to my normal schedule. I haven’t worked or went to school since last Monday. It was a rough week you could say. I could barely get through today. I got up late and did homework, went out for about two hours and was completely exhausted. Yet, tomorrow I’ll be up from 4am-8pm going to work then school then work again. I’m not sure how tomorrow will go but i am going to take it as easy as possible without wearing myself out. I miss the old me, when i could last a whole day and go workout and not me super exhausted. I guess that’s what i get for being in the hospital for two and a half days 

  0 Hits

So, if you all have read my last post, i was in the hospital since Tuesday January 23rd. I was finally discharged on Thursday January 25th. It was a long two and a half days in the hospital. It actually felt long. Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing but sleeping, getting blood drawn, eating, talking to all kinds of doctors and nurses. They finally pin pointed how to treat my infection and released me late Thursday morning. I was so relived. I had felt so much better that day, but not quite 100%. Around 3ish that day i had an episode that i was having the past couple days at the same time. Fever of 103, chills, and high heart rate. But today, i was waiting for 3pm to pass by to see if i was gonna have another episode. I was so relieved when it didn’t. It helps me know...

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  0 Hits

Feeling better

So, if you all have read my last post, i was in the hospital since Tuesday January 23rd. I was finally discharged on Thursday January 25th. It was a long two and a half days in the hospital. It actually felt long. Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing but sleeping, getting blood drawn, eating, talking to all kinds of doctors and nurses. They finally pin pointed how to treat my infection and released me late Thursday morning. I was so relived. I had felt so much better that day, but not quite 100%. Around 3ish that day i had an episode that i was having the past couple days at the same time. Fever of 103, chills, and high heart rate. But today, i was waiting for 3pm to pass by to see if i was gonna have another episode. I was so relieved when it didn’t. It helps me know...

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  806 Hits

Long day

Today i was supposed to work at 4:45am. I had to call out sick this morning, i was not feeling well at all today. I also ended up have to skip my morning college classes and went to the doctors. Shortly during my visit at the doctors i was sent to the ER for a kidney infection.  I’ve had one before but this one was by far the worst. I ended up with a high fever of 103.6 at one point but i am back down to normal temperature. I was not able to do any of my requirements due to not feeling well and all the different chords attached to me. It’s been a long and painful day but i will get better soon

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Back to normal

Since we had many snow days last week, i didn’t work or go to school much. Today, my schedule is back to normal. Getting up at 3:45am and getting ready for work, yes’m i work that early in the morning. I do that Monday-Friday. Trust me, it’s exhausting. After i get off work at 8am, i go home and get ready for my morning classes at CPCC. After i get out of classes i usually either go home or go to the library and knock out all th homework i need to do. After all that, at 2:30 i get ready to go work again until 6 or 7 and then take some kind of taekwondo class. I repeat that schedule everyday except Saturday and Sunday. On sundays i work 10-5 which isn’t too bad. I do have to say, i very much look forward to weekends. 

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Snow days and life lessons

It has been a long couple of days frozen over. I did not want to bring myself to say this, but i actually miss working and school. I have been using these couple of days to catch up on school work and requirements. Yesterday i "adulted". Between the time that i woke up and went to over to my friends apartment, i called Geico and set up my own insurance policy. i am taking that next step in life and growing up as the days go on. Next thing you know, i will own my own place. Life comes at you fast, and im learning that more and more everyday.

  838 Hits

Just another day

Today I woke up an hour before I needed to be at work. I started my morning off with some coffee to get me ready for a 7 hour shift. not saying that I am not used to these long shifts, I've worked longer. I work at The Aquatics center, also known as HFFA. I work there as a lifeguard. Today is one of my coworkers last day. About 30 minutes into his shift he left for his break and came back with three pizzas. Ya'll can see that my day so far is off to a great start. Its been a normal day here at HFFA, same members coming in to do their laps, kids coming into celebrate their birthday, divers practicing their dive, just the normal stuff you see every Sunday. Throughout this shift I am getting some requirements done, and working at a gym is great. I get...

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  763 Hits

Hello, Hello

This is my first journal entry for this cycle. So far, today has been pretty relaxing. I didn't have to work early this morning, thank god. But, I do have to work at 3:15 today at King Tiger Lake Norman. All that I have been doing today is doing some of my requirements and getting some shopping done. I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to enter my requirements online though. There is a tab on my profile that says "edit/view tracking" which brings me to everyone else's tracking. I just cannot seem to find a place where it says to edit mine. Hopefully I figure that problem out soon. well, I shall get back to doing some requirements before I have to go to work. Have a great rest of your days you all. 

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Its testin...

Its testing day i got plenty of sleep so i should be good for tonight, goodluck to everyone tonight i know yall will do good:)

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Ahhh tomor...

Ahhh tomorrow is testing day, the time flys when youre having fun. hahaha anyways had a good day my bio grade is going up which is good and i am trying to get my civics grade up to a c again so hopfully the project that we are doing tomorrow will bring it up.

  1258 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day today, had oatmeal for breakfast and then i got ready for school. when i got to school i normally go hangout with my friends but i went to my first block to get ready for 1st block, trying to get my grades up. in 1st block we made cookies that represent DNA. the cookies were actually not that bad, they were no bake cookies and they were made of peanut butter oats and coco. then i went through my day wearing my JROTC uniform, me and 6 others in my class wore them, but the other 5 people forgot to wear them so first sergeant yelled at them. then my day went so as usual. in 4th block with is civics we are working on this project where we have groups and we are making campaigns, i was elected as my groups class president and we...

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  1227 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a very long and harsh day it was stressful but alright at the same time. my mom and i went to test for our PMAA but we didnt do so well at least thats what i think. but anyways i am very tired i have been up till about 10 everynight doing things and i need sleep so goodnight people you will hear from me tomorrow.

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Today was ...

Today was eh alright, was pretty boring but i got hrough the day. i went to blackbelt class and we practiced black belt self defense, hopkido, and i finished my creative form and now all i need to do is practice it.

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Okay sorry...

Okay sorry that I didn't write a journal yesterday I woke up at 4:30 to go to six flags with JROTC and I didn't come back till 12 at night. But yesterday I had a very fun day I rode only three rides because of the weather. But those three rides were awesome. I enjoyed hanging around with my friends all day. An today me and the family went out and did some shopping I got some new running shoes and some new cloths as well. So far today is a good day sun is out not to cold not to hot.

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Woke up to...

Woke up today and i was actually awake which made my day so much better. i went through the school day like it was no big deal, when i got outside it was so beautiful and warm, hopefully it will be like that tomorrow but probaly not. anyways went to work on PMAA stuff tonight at the dojang.Then when i got home i was getting ready for bed so yup im going to sleep goodnight ya'll:)

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Today was ...

Today was a pretty good but long because of our midterms. but i cant wait till friday and saturday, because friday i get to hang out with one of my good friends named morgan then on saturday i go to six flags with my JROTC group. soo i am soooo excited

  1051 Hits

We had mid...

We had midterms today, i think i did pretty good over all.when i got home i had to study for civics then we had to go to PMAA class we ended up going an hour early so we finished up our sparring rounds, so we are done with those. we took our PMAA class and reviewed section c

  1067 Hits

Today i ha...

Today i had to get ready for school and then go next doors to take care of our neighbors dogs. then i got on the bus to go to school. i when i got to school i had to go to all my blocks and we pretty much reviewed for our midterms. then i had to stay after for bio to take a test that i missed. i look online to see what i got on that test, i got a 91 i was so happy. the best grade i got in the class all semester. then i got home and studied for my bio and spanish final. after that i went to family class to help out and then mentor foster for the last time. then we finally took our blackbelt class were we did hapkido. and now i am at home bout to update my requirments.

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Had a long...

Had a long day, didnt do much out of the house but going shopping and having lunch with my dad and sister. we watched movies pretty much all day so we just staying inside being lazy. i have school tomorrow so yayy:(.

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Went to no...

Went to north charlotte do jang today for pictures and a black belt class. then my dad wanted my mom and i to get some lunch/dinner at yoshis. got home ate our food and my sister mom and i all went to get a pedicure because we really needed one. got home and let our toes dry. after that me and my mom went on a 4 mile walk. got home and i took a shower and then watched a movie called monster. but now i am super tired so im going to go to bed so goodnight all yall

  963 Hits

Sorry ya'l...

Sorry ya'll i havent logged a journal entry in a while, ive been pretty busy and tired too. anyways how i was talking about feild day and stuff earlier our school got 2nd place overall out of all cms schools. i had a good day today, when i got home i did some requirements then passed out on my parents bed; there bed is so comfy. as a family we went to go see divergent, it was an awsome movie i have to say. but now i am really tired so i am off to bed and i will see most or all of ya'll tomorrow.

  1029 Hits

Today was ...

Today was amazing i passed my written test with a 100%. i studied for a longtime so i guess it helped. i did pretty good on my physical test i think i need to make up a couple of things. then my mom, dad, cousin and i went to five guys after it to,i ate the most food out of everyone.then we spent time with our cousin because we never get to see her. then i went to go watch the play hairspray at my school with Natasya Hartle we had fun together, me and her haven't hung out in the longest time so i missed her alot. then i came home and got ready for bed.

  996 Hits

Had a pret...

Had a pretty good day except for this morning, my first block teacher said some choice phrases i am pretty sure she isnt allowed to say. Its a good thing that she is leaving the school anyways on friday. i had to stay after for practice again but this time till five. then my cousin Kimi and some of her friends had come over to say hi before they went snowboarding tomorrow. she said that she was gonna stop by on saturday and say hey again so i cant wait i dont really get to see her and her family often.

  936 Hits

Woke up ea...

Woke up early today so i could get to the school at 6 to help out with career day. i helped out Mrs Hartle when she was there to tell thew kids about Tae Kwon Do. I had a good time with her there and just helping out the school just feel great. then i went to class and when school ended i had to ride the bus today because there was no practice after school then i went home and just worked on my essays tomorrow i will definatly be done with them and i will turn them in. but all im waiting on is my recomendation letters

  995 Hits

Today was ...

Today was not bad, i found out that my first bloc teacher is leaving on friday. she wasn't my favorite teacher so that made my day. then in 2nd block which is ROTC my teacher wasnt here so we had a substitue but another ROTC person taught the class. then i had spanish where i found out that i had gotten a 90 on my written test. finally there was fourth block my civics class were we didvocab then watched a film called the secrets of secret service. i stayed after for feild day practice again, there i did tug of war the whole time. my hands hurt now because the rope is so old. but the sad thing is i cannot fo to the feild day super intendence cup because the same day i have to test to see if i pass and m able o get my third degree,...

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  977 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a very calm day,pretty much i woke up and ate breakfast went outside and tanned. then i finished an essay and a half of another one. then i had calledtwo of my friends to see if they could hang out but both of them were busy sothe rest of my day i just chilled.

  971 Hits

Very produ...

Very productive day today. I went to school and I had to wear my JROTC uniform:). In second block which is my JROTC class i am platoon leader which is the top person in your class. I led the uniform inspection today because my partner wasn't there, Overall they look nice. then i had to stay after for practice i worked on my hangtime and then simple relay. went home and got ready for sparring class were we were kick boxing. then i had to leave to go to diving practice, i worked pretty hard and i can tell ya'll that im going to be pretty sore tomorrow. so pretty much i was working out all day.

  1102 Hits

My day was...

My day was alright, found out i have an A in Spanish which made me happy. I looked at cheek cells and onion cell under a microscope. then i watched a bullying play at school about cyber bullying. then i took a test in civics i feel like i passed it, and hopefully i did. then i stayed after school for feild day, there were only like 10 people there and me and my friend were the only people actually doing something. we both did flexed arm hang then a whole bunch of diffrent kinds of crunches and then some pushup to help our strength. i also ran my 2 miles around the track. my mom and i helped out at family class and afterward we went to teach our mentees. mine loves me alot but i put my foot down when i have to. after that session we went to...

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  978 Hits

I had a re...

I had a really good day today. i had gone to school today and we went to homeroom and watched movies while the juniors had to take the ACT test. then we had lunch and left school early now i am at home eating lunch and studying for school and the tkd written test.

  1027 Hits

Today i wo...

Today i woke up around 7:30 got ready to go home, but boy was i tired. my mom said that i looked chinese because my eyes look so tired. My mom and i got home around 2. We unpacked first then i got to eat because i was starving. then i got settled at my house and went out side to read and enjoy the nice day in my swim suit. my dad made some wings and i ate abot maybe 15. they are delicious:) now my parents and i watching cowboys and aliens its a pretty good movie.

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Today was ...

Today was a great day went to school got alot of complements in 2nd block for wearing a dress. then i ha to stay after for Feild day practice. when i got home i had to get working on my spanish project because i just found out it was due tomorrrow. then i had dinner which was pretty good:) then went to sparring class and i got to spare marcus it was weird sparring someone with out a hogal

  1109 Hits

I had a ve...

I had a very good day today i went to school and was actually awake till i got to 4th block i started to get really tired but i didnt fall asleep. i had to stay after school for feild day practice. id dint do so well on the hang time today because i was so sore from yesterday. after school i saw one of my friends and she told me that she likes being around me when im alone because i act like myself like i actually talk to her. normaly i am really shy when it comes to a group of people i barley know, but when i with someone that i know i talk to them. them i got home and did homework and ate dinner. finally i had gone to PMAA class where we went over class c sticks stuff. and now i am at home about...

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  1027 Hits

Overall ha...

Overall had a good day, didnt get much sleep last night though. This morning i couldnt find the normal mascara that i use so i had to try other ones i was having girl probs. went to school and had gone to all my blocks, then stayed after school for feild day practice. i am getting better at flexed arm hang. but before i went to practice i had to go talk to one of my friends and standing right in front of her was one of my other friends that i had to ignore the whole day for a specific reason but then she all of a sudden had asked me if i was gong to give her a hug but i was like but im not supposed to talk to you and shes like well i dont care and she actually said to me that she missed me. those...

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  1084 Hits

Went Black...

Went Black belt class this morning wasnt to bad, we did lots of stuff in lines. then i had sparring class after and boy did i sweat. i probably sweated like 3 pounds. the instructor of that class told my mom that i have improved alot since the last class. then me and my parents went out to lunch at five uys, man i love their burgers and fries. we bought some movies at target for later to watch. when i got home i went for a run. ive been getting better at running since day one.

  1053 Hits

Had a long...

Had a long day today, went to school had to wear my JROTC uniform. i look pretty good in it though, but then i had to stay after for feild day practice and o my gosh am i sore. i cant feel my legs and my hands hurt like crazy from doing flexed arm hangtime. then i have to go to sparring class and after that i have to go to diving practice. i am going left and right working out so much.

  1061 Hits

Had a good...

Had a good day been working out pretty much all day except when in school hours and when im asleep. I'm doing twice the amount of training then usual. i am doing on top of the black beltcycle, JROTC field training and then on thursdays i have diving practice. i am like soo sore. already half way done with this cycle yayy

  1042 Hits

Today was ...

Today was overall not a bad day, but very long. Starts out with getting up and going to school, went through the day with all my classes. Then i had to stay after school for field day training for JROTC. I am the best female that can hold the longest hang time but i still need to work on it. i do the most sit-up than any of the girls. Me and my partner Brooke we do a fast three legged race. And then there's horse and rider, I'm not the best at that but my group and i will improve we have a month to go. then i had gone home and ran 2 miles then did my homework, and finally at the end of everything went to class and PMAA class.

  1119 Hits

Had an aws...

Had an awsome day today went to school and saw my friends that i havent seen since last tuesday. went home went for a 2 mile run i scared my dad, he didnt know where i was because i was out on a run and i didnt tell anyone. got home and i had told him that i wrote on the board saying that i was on a run but he didnt see it. then i went to take my classes at lake norman went home and took a shower, and now i am going to go to bed

  1028 Hits

Had a good...

Had a good day today did my requirments started working on my essays today. i decided i needed a break and went outside and to my longboard out for a little ride. then my family and i went out for dinner at house of tipaei however you spell it. went home and ate some ice cream while watching weekend at bernies. then now i am b=going to bed to get some good sleep for school tomorrow

  1066 Hits

Woke up an...

Woke up andgot ready to help out with the little tiger in the lake norman school. the boys there are soo cute, they are so small and adorable. after that class me and my mom went on a 2 mile walk then went to saturday black belt class and after that class i took a sparring class.in that class we learned some stuff but when we where working on some combos me and this guy banged hands together i have a bruise on my right hand from it. it still sotra hurts at times. went home at went over to my neighbors house to eat pizzasthat they make in their pizza oven,they are delisious:) then just been chillen the rest of the day.

  1017 Hits

So had an ...

So had an overall pretty good day treated my family to breakfast well i payed for half and my sister payed for the other half then me my dad and my sister all went to the movies adn watched robocop. the is a good movie, havent seen the original one but the remake is awsome.

  1028 Hits

Had an ama...

Had an amazing day hanging with my best friend in the whole world.we went sledding for several hours it is very cold out side. i did end up doing some requirments but i am to tired to put them i n right now so i will have to do that in the morning

  1098 Hits

Got out of...

Got out of school early today because of the snow and ice and we dont have school tomorrow so im sorta happy but not at the same time but when i got home and my mom got home we went on a 2.5 mile walk in the cold i couldnt feel my ears at all... then i went home and i went upstairs and did some requirments. i can see my body changing slowly my abs are getting more toned my leg muscles are building up and my arms are as well so im getting there

  909 Hits

Woke up it...

Woke up it hit me that i was really tired. i had got ready for school and got on the bus. people already started to notice that i had got bangs.i love them so much thanks dad for taking me to get them done and thanks mom for fixing my hair. so when i got home today i went upstairs and did some requirments like pushups situps and squats. i did the rest of my stuff as the day went on.

  1077 Hits

today I wo...

today I woke up at 9did some pushups and situp and poomsas, my dad took me to get my hair done I have bangs now and I am really happy. today is a day to chill and do my requirements. I heard that it is supposed to snow on teusday and Wednesday I hope it does:)

  996 Hits

Okay long ...

Okay long story short went to school with a smile on my face and left with a smile on my face I probably had the best day ever. i got to spend time with my madre the rest of the day after school we had fun we went to dinner with Natasya Hartle andher dad had a good conversation even though it was mostly my mom talking the me and my mom went to go see ride along it was pretty funny kevin heart is hilarious omg so yeah that was my amazing day:)

  1039 Hits

Today was ...

Today was actually a good day... we finally got to use the bathroom in 1st block, and in second block which is my theatre class I were taught two new games for a project. then in 3rd block I learned some new Spanish words. Then in civics my 4th black we took a vocab test and I got a 100 on it:) got home and I took a shower because I felt really nasty and now I am setting up my dropbox.. I did a lot of requirments today im getting them done as I should. all though I do need to get going on my essays and stuff

  1043 Hits

Forgot to ...

Forgot to write a journal yesterday but pretty much i went to class last night and did some stuff then Master Hartle took me to the back and helped me fix the little thingsin some of my poomsas and self defense he fix several things that helped a lot then this morning I did my normal routine but today in first block we had a new teacher she wouldn't let anyone go to the bathroom, then later on during lunch I had went to the bathroom made sure that I took my ipod out of my back pocket so that it wouldn't fall in the toilet like my past ipod had so I put it on the toilet paper holder finished in the bathroom but I hadn't realized I left it in the bathroom until like 10 min later I went back in the bathroom I looked for it but it...

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  1040 Hits

Boring day

woke up late, went downstairs and saw a baby in my house but realized that Shawn Hartle dropped him off. I played with him and looked after him all day till Mrs. Hartle came to pick him up. me and my mom went on a for mile walk today, it was very long. I did most of my requirements, I do a lot of pull-ups a day know I'm getting stronger. my muscles are getting more toned and bigger, so I am happy about that:)

  1086 Hits

Woke up ar...

Woke up around 10 this morning. had a fruit smoothie for breakfast. went to blackbelt class, haha worked really hard that I actually broke a sweat. when I got home I ate lunch and took a shower I had to get ready for a bonefire that I am about to goto soon with some JROTC buddies. I cant wait I haven't hung out with them well ever and I hope I have fun:)

  970 Hits

Woke up at...

Woke up at 5, got ready for school, went to bio, then JROTC, then Spanish and finally civics. we took our first test and quiz in civics. I got a 100 on the quiz he is going to grade my test on Monday. did a lot of requirements today. didn't get time to run but I will make it up this weekend. had a good black belt class today went over some stuff. hopefully I will have a good weekend hangout with some friends or something:)

  1033 Hits

No school

Had a day off from school today because of the snow and ice. I slept in, but I got a lot of requirements done today because I had more time to do them. went for a walk and omg was it cold I couldn't feel my face. still have some n=more things to for the rest of the day. wanted one of my friends to come over but she couldn't because her mom didn't want to drive her over so I was a lil bummed for that. overall my day was pretty good.

  1133 Hits

Snow Day!!!!!

woke up at the usual time for school. in 3rd block we had an anouncment that we were going to get out of school early due to snow but it didn't snow at that time. so I had missed the bus I really didn't mean to. my best friend brooke her mom drove me to her house because she was running low on gas. me and brooke were just chilling then my dad came to pick me up. it already started snowing by then, and now it is still snowing we have at least an inch on the ground I am so happy!!!!!!!!

  1105 Hits

Didn't do ...

Didn't do much today went on a 4 mile run/walk. Had a over all not very healthy lunch. but my dad is making some yummy dinner and boy does it smell delish. I did a lot of my requirements today. also been watching movies and talking to friends.

  1065 Hits

Long day

Woke up around 10 this morning, had an egg sandwich for breakfast. went to Saturday black belt class. it was actually pretty fun. then me and my mom stayed after for sparring class this time. I was really tired and sweaty omg. then we went to chickfila for lunch and went home were I did my requirments.

  1020 Hits

2 hour delay:)..

We had a two hour delay for school due to the cold weather. i was sooo happy. I got to sleep in so i am well rested. i went to school and didnt really learn anything because we just started a new semester. then we had a peprally for our school sports, it was great and loud. then me and my sister got home and i had no homework so i went and did some requirments. ive already seen a diffrence in me so far. that has been my day so far, its been pretty nice.

  973 Hits

Makeup day..

Today was a makeup day for finals at school. I had woke up at 5 thinking if I should go or not because id didn't need to makeup anything. I decided that I wanted to stay home, so I went back to sleep. then when I woke up I had went for a 2 mile run/walk. it is really cold outside today my goodness.... then I did a couple poomsas at home and other physical requirments. so yeah that is my day so far

  1066 Hits

Lazy Day..

Oh my today was so boring didn't do much but watch movies and do my physical requirements besides my run didn't really have the energy to do that today.  I had a pretty healthy lunch, a quesadilla with broccoli, shrimp, onions and cheese it was delish.

  1082 Hits