Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

jayson day 22

today at summer camp, we had kona ice (snow cones) they were pretty good. I mixed watermelon and grape flavors.  I actually got some free time before going to bed today and got to do some extra requirements.  today I also learned my new skill.  my mom taught me how to file a tax return!  I filled out my own 1040 ez form.  I used a sample w2 form to fill it out.  it was really interesting.  I plan on doing the essay this weekend. 

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Today I did every poomse I know once, and some more than once. I did most of my self defenses today also. Today was open house for school, I think im ready for school to start back up. 

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AUG. 22

Today I took a day off from classes. I needed a "me" day just to relax before the pretest and to get my thoughts together. This morning before Behind The Wheel I woke up with a terrible headache and felt like I hadn't gotten any sleep. Hopefully this day of rest removed any chance of that happening tomorrow. 

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Hard to breathe

Today I couldn't really breathe. It was very hard to do my requirements. I had to take a break from pushups and sit ups. I hope that I am better tomorrow

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I woke up this morning at 4:00 ready to get up and work on some requirements but had a killer migraine and couldn't see. I had to feel my way to the bathroom, take some medicine and go back to bed. I was able to get up in time to come to work and can persevere. I am going to work on my requirements at lunch and after work in class and when I get home from class. I am looking forward to our Wang Ho class tonight because it is Red Stripe. Yahoo!  

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Today I had a very busy day so I could not do very many requirements. I helped out at testing for Master Shin, it was nice to see all the other students make it to their next belt. It was also cool to see the progress from the white belts to the high red belts.

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had a great day today! in my mentor session, we were getting ready for the pretest Saturday, got to see what i need to perfect before then

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Today I helped with testing at Master Shin's.  My brother tested for his high red belt.  I am really proud of him.  I read my essays and improved some of them today.  Getting ready for the pretest.

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Today August 21

Today I am really tired so we won't get as good of a journal. Today was a struggle to get all my requirements in, why you ask, because today was my first day of school and all the teachers did was talk. I think this year will be better than last year because we are not in a grade with one of the teachers from last year. Our school you wake up really early so I have to go to sleep. See you tomorrow!

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Jayson Day 21

Today at summer camp, we watched a movie called horrid Henry.  The movie was not as good as I thought itwould be.  I did most of my requirements today.  Went to dream team class, we worked on rolling and cartwheels.  I found out I need to work on my cartwheels.  It was fun though.   I was looking forward to dreamteam class today.   

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White Belt

Today I just started my week of being a white belt. I was in the back of the line in class. It's humiliating to be in the back as a white belt so this is definitely a challenge. It reminded me of when I was a white belt working my way up the belt levels. I am also back from vacation so heavy on the requirements. Also studying the study guides for the written exam coming up.

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Today was another day in the cycle…I got all of my requirements done, a leadership credit, and a mentor session with Master Cavazos. My arms are a little sore from the sticks class last night.  And I have a giant bruise on each of my shoulders, so I must be re-chambering correctly when I do my sticks.  J

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Busy Day

Today was a really busy day to start off I had allergy shots in the morning and then at two I had to go to a different doctors office. Later I went to go help at Master Shin's testing.  It was nice to see everyone succeed. I was also able to get some of my requirements done today.

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late night

today i as thinking of just journaling then logging tomorrow. but my mom made me. had ballet today for 2 and a half hours. my dance teacger told me i need to work on my balance while keeping my leg over my head. i think that might help me with my kicks. 

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Today I helped out at Master Burkart's Tae Kwon Do camp and got leadership credit.  I finished my sparring class requirement thanks to all the credits from the summer.  I studied for my pretest also this afternoon.  I am looking forward to help out tomorrow at the Open House at Master Burkart's school and dunk a Master in the dunk tank. 

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Conference call day

Ugh.  I was on conference calls all day.  I did get a lot of requirements done while people were going on and on about a topic. And we took a 20 min lunch break so I went for a run and got 1.6 miles in. Then I taught family class and ran Jess to/from softball. Ben came home today!  Yeah!  I have only seems him for 2 days in the past 4 weeks and I have to leave Friday on a business trip, so I want to absorb him.  :)

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Day 21

Today I helped at Mint Hill again. It's fun helping the younger belts get their stripes for testing tomorrow. Also tomorrow is Mint Hills Open house which I am going to help at. I am so excited to help!!!! 

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Day 21

Today i did a black belt camp and got alot of stuff in doing the camp.

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I met with my mentee today.  We practiced kwon sool and hwa rang poomsae. We also sat and talked.  I wanted to get to know each other and if he had anything he wanted to get off his chest he could.  I really hope this affects our relationship in a good way.

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today was a busy day, i woke up and ran my 2 miles and immediatley went home and started baking cookies and brownies for a bake sale im going to be doing at the king tiger mint hill open house, i will also be in the dunk tank for a time....:/. i hope the sales go well tomorrow so i can raise my 250$ fast and get done early, but hopefully i will raise more. after everything was baked and we organized them in bags and put prices on everything, i worked out, long and hard so i got it all done at once. i had to go to my school open house today, i met all of my teachers who seem nice but i dont know anyone in my classes yet. i went home and studied and i think im making progress but i will need to be very prepared...

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  798 Hits

Yeah Red Stripe Night

Whew. What a night. We had fun and worked really hard. Thank you to Instructor Hsin for the great workout!! It helped me get in extra requirements. I felt so tired and strong at the end of the night. I felt good about the hard work and sweat. Little Tigers class went well and it is so fun to lead the class. I love that I am helping the children get stronger and more confident.  

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almost forgot

today i almost forgot to log. i had a long night at dance. the dance teacher was giving the lecture of not talking behind people's back and not to say mean things to each other. so i came home extra late. i found out that i need to work remembering things.

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I am so super tired. I got up at 5:30 to go to the DMV to get my license, and even getting up early was no use, I was still there for 5 hours! Sitting there felt like such a waste of time, I could have been writing essays or something. But hey, I got my license! I also drove myself to work today and had an awesome lunch to celebrate. PMAA was good too! time to go to bed.

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Today I went running, did my pushups and situps, and went to Master Evins' school for black belt class and pmaa class. I had my first mentor session with Master Mitchell I learned the differences in stances and hand positions in traditional forms and the modern forms. Black belt class was tiring but enjoyable because I got some much needed practice on poomses. The sticks class was somewhat hard because it was my first one, but I think I caught on pretty fast. 

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Sweat, Smile, Learn...

Today was a really long day.  On Tuesdays, I have to take BB class and then PMAA class.  I sweated a lot in both classes!  I feel like I did better in PMAA class this time than I did last week.  So maybe I’m getting the hang of it. Kate was an awesome partner.  J I still had to do my jump ropes, pull-ups ,  and sparring rounds when I got home, but it’s all done now.  It’s time for a much needed shower and hopefully a good night’s sleep.

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day 20

Today was a tough day I went to the black belt class then stayed for the PMMA class which I liked. Today was also my first day with my mentor. Before this i did most of my requirements.     

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last three days

My computer has been messed up again but i finally fixed it today. as some of you may know i had another allergic reaction last night. so i had to take it easy today after all the medications and stress. ill be back on track tomorrow. im all good though so dont worry people haha

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jayson day 20

today at summer camp we went to the spray grounds.  I don't really like the spray grounds, it's not too much fun for me.  I got a leadership& mentee credit during camp.  I changed up my workout a bit, I do my basic kicks, poomsaes & self defenses in the morning, and my push ups sit ups & burpees etc at night.  that is working much better for me.

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Today I helped out at Master Burkart's Tae Kwon Do camp and I got a sparring class.  Later I went to black belt class and PMAA class.  After class I was sweaty and tired.  I will probably sleep good tonight.

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Our CEO was in town which meant a lot of time in the office and dinner with work folks.  I didn't get home until 9. Luckily I got a bunch of requirements done early today. But I just finished up another 30 min worth and now I'm sweating before bed. :(.  

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Travel Day

Finally no bumps in the road and travel went smooth which left me with some time, finally, to work on requirements.  I have no idea what the next week will bring so I am trying to get in as many as I can.  The brain storm to write one of my essays on the plan was short lived as I fell asleep before we took off and woke up when we landed.  All is good but I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a very long hot day.   I just need to remember hydrate & stretch.

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A lot of sparring

Today I went to sparring  class at Mint Hill. We did a lot of kicking, push-ups, and 10 sparring rounds. I was really tired and sweaty but I was proud of myself because I got two days worth of sparring done. It was my first time taking sparring class in Mint Hill. Master Justin Is full of energy and very nice. We worked a lot on speed by doing a lot of drills. I also went to Belmont to get some leadership credits in.  I took a walk with my mom after dinner. I had a very good day.

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Making Friends

Today I had to settle in and make some new friends so I could be part of a pack or club. I have some friends and we have the perfect club.  In class today my dad did some monkey rolls.  He is the best ever.  He did them with Marcus and me.  He was so fast.

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First day of practice

Today after school I had my first real practice. It was very fun. We practiced passing, volleys and headers. Then after that we did the crossbar challenge. That is my favorite soccer game. Today I was unable to take class because we had a parent meeting for the soccer season. But on thursday I will get my black belt class for the week.

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Day 20

Today was my last day of summer.  I spent it at a Tae Kwon Do camp getting all of my requirements done.  We had a sparring class.  And I got ten sparring rounds in.  That made me happy because I was able to exceed my goal.  I made a plan for school.  I am going to get all my random acts of kindness done during the school day.  I am not really that happy about school starting because it'll make it harder to get all my requirements done.  I guess this is what people who work full time have had to do the whole time.  So I am glad to have had this much school-free time.   I do wish that I had worked harder to complete all my essays before school started.  I hope I can get everything done.  I think this is going to be a great cycle.  I...

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leadership credits

I woke up today, motivated to get everything i needed to get done fast and soon. i went to the park and ran two miles in 12:48 (new record) and went home and did all my required physical training. then i went to class to help out and earn leadership credits, and i got a some of that out of the way. I was there from 10 to 12 and after that i was EXHAUSTED. i went home and ate lunch, took a shower, and took a nap. when i woke up i did some chores and decided to get some work done on my essays, now im close to finished. after that, i went upstairs to my room to study the color belt curriculum and realized that i knew most of the lower belt information by heart but needed alot of work on my higher belt curriculum, especially the paragraph...

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Aug. 20

School is coming up and I have to do as many requirements as I can in order to have an easy first week. Im planning on going to two leadership classes tonight at South Charlotte. Last night Instructor Gabriel really helped me work on my self defense. I can now say I can go White Belt through Bocho Dan without a hesitation! Self defense is clearly my weakness! I have been studying my many booklets from previous Instructors Camps and old study guides to make sure I ace the written pre-test this upcoming Saturday. Hope everyone does well. 

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Monday night Black Belt Class

Yesterday was a good day. During our Black Belt class we worked on Hapkido 1-20, Bo Cho Dan specials and other self defense. Instructor Hsin and Master Moon really gave us some great tips especially for #20.  I am continuing to perservere and try to stay focused on my tasks at hand and stay out of my head. One of my goals for this cycle is to learn to practice being present in the moment and not worrying about the past or future. What was was and what will be will be, I can only control what I do and how I react now. I choose to persevere.

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Day 20

I just got home from helping at Mint Hill and then taking sparring class. I am really tired. During sparring class we did 10 sparring rounds without a water break. I am still sweaty and it has been 20 minutes since the class ended. But it was a good class we worked on foot work, kicks, we did a lot of push ups and sit ups, and we helped the younger belts get a feel for sparring. But I am not done yet I have a mentor session with Master Richie and then black belt class at Master Evins. Until then I am going to work on my essays and relax.

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Quiet day

I didn't do much today, I mainly puttered around the house when I got home from my sleepover. I got my requirements done and cleaned my binder for school next week, not really looking forward to that, but oh well. Anyway, It was a really quiet day.

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all the days are starting to blur together. that is what i think.it is my same routine. wake up. watch tv. eat breakfast. clean the house. eat lunch. do all my physical. take class. eat dinner. log. take a shower go to bed. i also have to find some thing i need to work on a lot. it just happens to be pullupsfor me.

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Day 19- Jayson

Today at summer camp, I was expecting to go to the library.  Instead, we went to a bowling alley.  I had a fun time losing. I forgot my mentee credit.  But I did get my leadership 2 credit done.  The mentee that I was supposed to have came back, so I need to make up my credits tomorrow, and for the rest of summer camp. 

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today i made alot of progress, not only did i workout and got everything for my daily requirements done, but i finished another essay too. i also got the book i need to read for another essay and i can start to read it and get it done soon. this week i plan to help out and get credits but i also plan to enjoy my last week of summer, so i now have 6 days left. i read a quote today to put in my role model essay and found it true and interesting, it was "A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not." this is a great quote and thought i should share it. but hopefully i will get alot more things done tomorrow and finally take some stress off my shoulders. 

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Decent Monday

I had 3 hours of conference calls this morning and got a ton of requirements done during those calls.  Usually I get impatient when one if my long-winded colleagues starts going on and on, but today I start did a round of push ups and sit ups or a poomsae or self-defense. It was a win-win. I had most of my requirements done before 2 pm including a noon class, and then I taught family class and took the adult class to a got some bonus requirements in. Since I will be traveling soon, I'm glad to get a bit ahead. 

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Rainy Monday...

Today was a nice rainy Monday.  It started with training and then I had to take my daughter to her open house for school.  Later, I met with my mentee, taught Junior Tigers class, and met with my mentor. I’ve video-taped the sticks singlewalees, so maybe I’ll learn to associate the terminology with the movements. I’ve got to spend some time this week reviewing the colored belt study guides.

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Only One Green Number

Well only one green number and that's a major bummer but I have got this.  Flight got in on time last night but somehow my bags got lost from the plane to the belt so needless to say did not get home till 11:30 and I was seeing double by that time.  Back out tomorrow morning for another eight nights and thankfully last show of the year.  On a positive note at least I am almost done wtih my book so I can get that essay knocked out of the way.   What was I thinking 388 page book - -not a wise decision with my time issues.  Oh well it's truly all good and sometimes situations happen that you have no controll over.  Just have to do the best with what is handed to you.

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Today I helped out at Master Burkart's Tae Kwon Do camp.  I also did a sparring class.  I am going to it again tomorrow.  I did some studying from the study guides.  I'm not yet where I would like to be with that.  

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day 19

Today I went and helped with tae kwon do camp. And did 2 hours of sparring. It was a good class to take to get a lot of things done. Got to go because we got to go pick up our new exchange student from China! I am really exited because it will be a fun way to learn new things. so I got to go bye!

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So Many Credits!

Today I had a mentor meeting, a mentee meeting, a class, and I helped at the 5:30 class in Belmont. I worked on my poomsae, staff forms 1 and 2, specials 2, 1st dan self defense, and hapkido. I worked on Tae Keuk Oh Chang, blue belt self defenses, and kicks with my mentee today. He is testing on Wednesday and I am excited to watch him. I am getting better at my running and I did 1 1/2 miles today. 

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First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. I had a really ggod time.  My teacher trusted me to do some research on some pets to see what would be a good class pet.  I would get to take care of. I hope I don't let her down.

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No practice

I dont know if I told you guys this but I made the school soccer team. But today it rained througout the day. So, today we had no practice. So right when I got home I did my homework and got right to my requirements. I got finished early so when I got the chance to shoot some hoop I took it. So I guess today was a good day.

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day 19

today i did a 3 hour class.1 hour was credits.2 hour sparring class.

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mentor sessions

Natasya and i are getting a lot done. A lot of running to. Today we got running done. Two miles

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Day 19

Today I got to help out at Mint Hills Tae Kwon Do Camp and helped out with the younger belts. I also got to take the sparring class that was during the camp. I got in a some credits and requirements done while I was there. It was really fun to work and help the younger belts. It was awesome and great experience for me. I can't wait to go back tomorrow and help again.

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AUG. 19

Just got back from Behind The Wheel and I really need to catch up on all of my requirements. The rain is once again putting me back from taking a run. Yesterday I completed two essays and did a ton of kicks (which I could feel this morning). It will be good to be back at South Charlotte tonight for Mondays Black Belt Class. 

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Star Wars

Awesone tabs relaxed day today! I got to wake up late and do my requirements. Then I got to go to my friend's house for a Star Wars marathon! Super fun! Now I get to sleep over! Wooh! A great break.

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Slow requirements day

Today we spent the bulk of the day at Great Wolf Lodge, then went shopping to get a few last minute things before school starts.  Ben is off to the beach with a friend for a few days and left this evening.  I've barely seen him the last 3 weeks. Although I didn't get a lot of physical requirements done, I got a ton of RAOKs by clearing dishes for others, helping other parents with their kids, picking up clothes that had fallen at stores and hanging them back up, returning stray shopping carts, etc. 

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The 18th day

Today I rode home from Virginia.  It was a five hour ride and we left around 2:00.  when I got home I ate dinner.  That gave me just enough time to get some requirements done.  I'm still having trouble on my pull ups.

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the 18th day

today i rode home from virginia. it was a five hour ride and i left around 2 pm. when i got home i ate dinner.  that gve me just enough time to get everything done. i am still having trouble with my puullups.

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Day 18

Today is our last day with four people in the house! Tomorrow night at 11:58 PM we go to the Charlotte Airport to pick up Logan, our Chinese exchange student.  I am pretty excited.  I hope I can stay awake that long.  It is going to be pretty hectic around here for the next few days.  We have to take him to the school on Tuesday to learn all about his schedule and tour the high school.  He will be in 11th grade.  I won't be the oldest anymore.  That will be pretty weird but I will like having a big brother too.   On Wednesday we go back to school D: I am not exited at all. Some people like going to school because they have friends at school but I have friends out side of school that I see during the summer too. The worst part about school is...

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  86 Hits


Today was a pretty good day.  I finished most of my requirements early and I even had time to go to the movies.  We saw The Wolverine.  It was pretty good. I discovered something this morning - my cat doesn’t like it when I get really still.  I was sitting on the floor doing my meditation with my eyes closed.  My cat came up and started meowing like he was asking if I was okay.  I didn’t respond so then he decided to tap me on the arm with his paw.  When I still didn’t respond, he climbed up on the couch behind me and decided to tap me on the shoulder.  I finally had to pet him.  I went on with my meditation and after he decided I was okay, he decided to lay on his back and meditate too! J

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Jayson Day 18

Today is Sunday, so I went to church.  The lesson was on godly parenting.  Pastor said he teaches the parents godly ways so they can raise the children.  We came home, I had lunch and finished my white belt essay. Me and dad went running.  2 miles today.  For some odd reason it was harder than I thought it would be.  Then I did my physical requirements.   

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i went to the park to run and did everything today

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Mont-Tremblant Iron Man

I was only able to get my run/walk requirement today as I was cheering my Aunt Kristin in the Iron Man today. I was also able to go up a ski lift and take a luge car down the mountain. Fun! I was able to some acts of kindness in helping some strangers at the race. I return from Canada tomorrow.

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Today I squeezed in my requirements in the morning and a little bit at night. I was writing a lot for school today. I took a walk with my dad in the morning before it got hot. I think that running/walking with my mom and dad is building a better relationship between us. We are also having fun together. 

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new week

today i had to catch up on the workout i missed yesterday. i had not done much workout yesterday but i had a head start so it took less time than usual. i really need to get my essays done before school starts, im soon going to get my recommendation letters, and the book im going to read for the essay is on its way. i have earned alot of credits for classes and i am trying to get as many as possible before school starts in a week and a half. i hope its easier to be on the cycle and to be in school than i think its going to be. 

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Last day of summer

Today was the first day I got to run in my new sneakers.  I did so much better with running sneakers than high-top sneakers.  I have gotten better at all of my athletic skills.  I really think that they should give us at least four months of summer off.  

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Day 18

Today I am doubling all my requirements so it will be easier to do them when school starts. The more I do now the less I have to do later so Im going to do all I can now to make it easier for later. Because when school starts everything will get alot harder. With homework and school functions Im going to have a hard time getting everything done. Im bracing myself for the worst. Hopefully its not as hard as I think but if it is I still believe I can do it. As Moliere said "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." I know I can do this and I will succeed.   "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."   -Confucius    

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Aug. 18

Today is the "comeback" day. Planning on going for a long run, doing at least 350 kicks, and knocking out poomsaes and self defense. Currently trying to establish next weeks classes that I can take where I can get as many credits as possible. Im excited to see all the fresh, new faces that are testing this fall. It will be good to meet new people and to build friendships throughout the cycle. 

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jaysn day 17

Last night, my friend came over and had to spend the night.  after he left today, I did my requirements.  I had to go to grandma's, after, because both of my parents had somewhere to go today..  My goal for tomorrow is to finish my white belt essay and catch up on my sparring rounds.

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Good Walk

Today was pretty nice. Black belt class was good; I got to work on the basic and wang ho forms which I am not as good at. Afterwards I ran errands with my dad and built up some extra requirements. Finally, this evening I got to have a really nice dinner with family friends from out of town. Also I went on a great walk with my dad around the neighborhood. I am ready to go to bed!

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Good Class

Today was a good class. Master Chelly Hartle taught class today. My body is still a little sore from yesterday tryouts. We worked on weapons and wang ho forms and Basic forms. After class I I did a bunch of requirements. After that I spent the rest of my day with my cousin and sister. My mom took all three of us out to tgi fridays. Today was a great day, I hope tommorow can be better.

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Good class

Today was a good class. Master Chelly Hartle taught class today. My body is still a little sore from yesterday tryouts. We worked on weapons and wang ho forms and Basic forms. After class I I did a bunch of requirements. After that I spent the rest of my day with my cousin and sister. My mom took all three of us out to tgi fridays. Today was a great day, I hope tommorow can be better.

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Running with a friend

Finished my requirements very quickly today, most of them before black belt class.  I don't get confused on the bolo form anymore.  I get mixed-up in the middle of Wang Ho 2.  I'm going to practice that more.  Ran with Miranda after class today in the rain.  The rain cooled me off.  I really enjoyed it.  

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Day 17

Yesterday when I was watching TV I heard a quote  on a preview for Football Friday Night.  It was from Paul "Bear" Bryant and it said, "Its not the will to win that matters, everyone has that.  its the will to prepare to win that matters."  I thought about this tonight as I was running in the pouring rain.  The track was muddy.  The mud was sticking to my shoes.  I was already sore from my black belt class today.  I still had to study all the curriculum for the pretest and write an essay.  And I thought. . .this black belt stuff is a lot of hard work.  When I was a white belt Master Burkart had us write our goal on the first board that we broke.  Just about every white belt had the same goal--to be a black belt.  That is will to win.  Everyone wants to reach...

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  915 Hits

Biking in Canada

Today  I did a rail trail. And I did bike 11.2 miles! itbis hard keeping up with my exercises on the road. 

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So much I need to do

 Today I haven't done much. I did some requirements at KTA, but not too many. I didn't get my walking in today, but I'll walk 2 miles tomorrow. Today in class we worked on kicks, poomsaes, bolo form, and stick and staff forms. I also did SCUBA after black belt class. I will do more requirements after this journal. Also, my new skill is cooking..... maybe.

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AUG. 17

Todays Saturday Black Belt class was extremely helpful at North Charlotte. We reviewed a lot of things that I need to know for this upcoming test. Slightly stressed out because I am behind by so much. After taking the first week off the cycle I am feeling a litter overwhelmed, but Im sure I will catch up eventually. Planning on keeping up a healthy diet and trying to squeeze in a run as often as I can... although the weather isn't helping much. Tomorrow I have a long workout ahead and reviewing as much as I can. Mondays class at South Charlotte is always fun so I am really looking forward to that, and always looking forward to getting more update on how Master Chin is doing. 

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TKD then Great Wolf Lodge

This morning was dedicated to TKD, then we were off to Great Wolf Lodge. My company is having our picnic here so they got a discount to stay the night. What a great weekend to play at an indoor waterpark with all the rain!  I love watching the kids have a good time. 

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Rainy Day

Today it rained all day so I had to jog my miles in the rain. It wasnt that bad though it actually felt good. I took the 9:00 class at Mint Hill and got some leadership credits and then went to Master Evins for the saturday black belt class.

  978 Hits

Rainy Saturday...

A nice rainy Saturday – I love it!  I got up this morning, did some requirements and then went and taught Little Tigers’ class.  There’s always a lot of energy in the dojang when the Little Tigers are training.  J After teaching, I went to Black Belt class.  Master Chelley Hartle taught class.  It was a really good class with a little bit of everything.  Thank you ma’am! Later I had to take my daughter out to shop for school.  That was almost harder than BB class.  L  And then it was home for chores, with requirements thrown in between.. Anyway, all in all, it’s been a very productive day!

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Today I went to master Burkarts school to do a Tae Kwon Do plus class.  Later I went to Black Belt class at Master Evan's and  I was so glad to be picked to do warm ups!  I liked the part we did with the bolo and knife.

  969 Hits

Great day yesterday!!

Great day yesterday!!   New city, fantastic hotel, awesome work out facility and even better I was able to get a way for a little bit and get some requirements in.  Not as much as I would have liked but some is better than none.  Hoping today a can get a way for a few to get in some more before obligations with clients tonight.  Even better I can see the NFL & MLB stadiums from my room - - pretty cool.

  833 Hits

Glad it's Friday

workiWork started early this am but during the 4 hrs of back-to-back conference calls I got a lot of requirements in. Love that mute button on the phone!  Went to black belt class tonight. I'm pretty sure I strained a muscle in my right pectoral muscle because its still killing me. Pull ups make me want to cry. My dad and Ben drove here today from MO...so happy to see my baby boy!  I've missed him.

  1020 Hits

Awesome Canadian Ironkids 5K

Today I did a 5K in Mont-Tremblac Quebec in 21:57. I really had a lot of fun and wore my King Tiger t-shirt in the race. I am a bit behind in some requirements but will try hard to catch up. Tomorrow will be biking on a bike trail in the mountains. 

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Last day of tryouts

Today was the second day of school. All we did was go over the LNCS Handbook. After school was the last day of tryouts. Everybody made the team. I'm really happy I made the team. If you want something you have to work hard to get. That is why everybody made the team because everybody worked hard. It is just like the black belt cycle if you work hard you will get it.

  1013 Hits

On track

Today was a good day. I woke up and mowed a lawn and got 20$, then I ran and worked out but I really focused on mug forms, my stances and hand positions need work. I am going to help out with testing and the open house next week, trying to raise money for levine children's hospital. I looked over my book with the requirements and so far I am on track with everything, so in excited!!!!

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Today I wasn't able to get all of my requirements done because I went horse back riding and went to the raptor center, but I went to black belt class. Today it was nice spending time with my family since my dad had the day off from work.

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Day 16

Today i helped out and did a weekday black belt class.Also i went to work with my dad.

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Day 16

Today I helped out at the 5:45 class in Mint Hill. I also did black belt class in Mint Hill. There was no thunder and lightning this week so thats was a good thing.

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Feeling sick

Today I woke up and stomach really hurt.  My grandma tried to make it feel better, but I was really sick.  I had to my black belt stuff later in the day.  I'm still not feeling well.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

  694 Hits

Jayson Day 16

Today I did my sparring rounds & jump ropes in the morning instead of at night.  That worked ok.  Today at summer camp we played a giant game of hide * seek with no lights.  the seekers used light sabors to find us.  Of course some one screwed it up, but it was still really cool. 

  985 Hits

Last Day of camp

Today was the last day of breaking camp. It was awesome, and the kids did a great job with their breaking routines. I met with my mentee again and got to relax at home for a while. I didn't go for my drivers license because there was an expected 3 hour wait, but I'll go Tuesday. It gives me more time to practice too. It was nice out so I went for a slightly longer run too. Overall a pretty good day.

  918 Hits

Gym 2day

Today I went to the gym and did my requirements on a track.  I had some extra time so I took the last part of my mom's boot camp class.  It was very difficult and we did a lot of bicep work.  Today was a reminder to myself that I can get my physicals done in under an hour if I focus and not let anything distract me.  I need to try to do that everyday so I have more free time, or time to touch up my essays and do my summer schoolwork. I got my iPod taken away the other day and it has helped me not become distracted as easily. 

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I had a good day today and I also went to see Dr. Bill!  He is so awesome.  I always look forward to seeing him because I always come out feeling so much better.  He gave me my 50,000 mile adjustment, including several adjustments to the knees, popping the wrist to make it stop hurting, and acupuncture. J  Now I’m go to go for at least a couple of weeks. I’d like to say congratulations to Master Chin on the new addition to her family, Emerson Rose, and to Master Knight who is getting married this weekend.  Big events in the King Tiger family!

  26 Hits

Get of my own way

I am sore but it is a good feeling. I am rather frusterated with myself because of my emotional eating in response to stress. It has been a difficult personal year that is summarizing long and difficult personal and family journeys.  I have been stuck in a horrible place in my head and I have no one to blame but myself for my weight gain. It frusterates me because I allowed poor decisions to compromise my ability to do something I love, my Tae Kwon Do. I have no choice but to start where I am and do the best I can where I am physically.  I know I can do this. I just need to get out of my way! Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement.  

  911 Hits

AUG. 16

Today has been very low-key. Slept in late and logged in yesterdays requirements. Last night was a blast at Mint Hill. Everyone was very welcoming and sparring class was a blast. So excited to hear about Master Chins new baby girl, named Emerson, that was born Wednesday night. And I obviously love the name selection... 

  867 Hits

Sleep- - - -

Sleep is an amazing thing- - -I think I almost feel h uman again.  Hit a wall big time yesterday and I have hardly any requirements done - - -not good.  If schedule goes as planned I can finally focus a few hours this weekend on tkd, yes finally.  I am being positive all will work out in the end!!  

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Great Sparring Class

Today was pretty good. I helped out in camp again, which was really fun, and got to work with my mentee for the fourth time. I also went to sparring class at the Mint Hill school, which was amazing. It was a great time and I really enjoyed it, even though I don't do a lot of sparring regularly. I have to put my nose to the grindstone to really get ahead, because I hope to have it a little easier for a couple days when I want to hang out with my friends. I have to work hard to make up for lazy days. My motto for this week is "I'm not going to want to, but I am going to" It's hard but I'm ready. Also on a side note I'm testing for my drivers license tomorrow. Wooh!

  866 Hits

Things to work on

Worked with my mentor tonight.  I keep getting Hapkido 17 and 18 mixed up so I'll need to work on that more.  I also need to start working on my pace when I'm running.  I feel ready for the poomsae and self-defense part of the pre-test.

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