Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

september 4th

i woke up really tired, more tired than any other day but i woke up fast because i drank a glass of water, i was dehydrated. i did some of my requirements but not as much as i usually do because i did extra push ups and sit ups yesterday. i got dressed, ate a bowl of cheerios, a slice of pizza, a banana, a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake, then i packed up and ran out the door because i was really slow because i was tired, but i did make the bus which i slept on. in first block we did an activity where we read a book about listening skills and how to understand someones situation and problem fully before you offer advice and support, then we practiced it on different situations. second block we went over the pre history of world war 2 and...

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  987 Hits

Sept. 4

I didn't sleep at all last night so I was really tired today. I was pretty much sleep doing my requirements. I don't have class today because its my day off. I am going to catch up on sleep so I'm not tired tomorrow.

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Labor Day Weekend

This past weekend I went on my 1st Camp Tekoa weekend with my church. It is a family weekend that takes place every Labor Day. I decided to go in spite of being on the Black Belt cycle because honestly, I needed the time away from Charlotte and the spiritual renewal that I thought may come with the trip. I did not get most of my requirements in, only hikiing/running and some poom saes. We stayed so busy doing the zip line, swimming, paddle boating, worshipping and fellowshiping that there wasn't much time left for anything else. I am glad that I took the time to go and will work hard to make up the requirements I missed. It has been a rough year in my personal life and needed the time. I did spend some time teaching front kicks, horse back riding stance and some other things to the 8...

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  947 Hits

Work won yesterday

In my daily struggles ton balance it all, work won.  I'm traveling so I have no kid duties or house chores, and yet between work, TKD, and time for myself, work was the winner by far.  Since I came to meet 2 very important men from Saudi Arabia for all day meetings, I suppose that's appropriate. I did get some requirements in after work before out team dinner. And then a few after returning from dinner, but I fell short big time yesterday.

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I am super tired. I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night since I was feeling bad. I also am still getting up at 5 to do requirements before school. But reflecting back, the set up I have now is easier than last year. School was good and I don't have too much homework, and work was fine too. I won't be going to school thursday since it is Rosh Ha Shana, so that gives me extra time for today's homework. Yay

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public service announcement

today in school my class had fun. we made public service announcements. mine was *it can wait. texting and walking is no good. someone could get seriously hurt if you bump into them or you trip and fall. be smart. don't text and walk.*

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Hump Day!

Hump Day! Today we got that hump over the week. Two more days to go. Today was a great school day! I got my quizzes back and got all good grades. Then after school I had a soccer game. It was worse than yesterday though. We lost 10-0. Good thing we have practice tommorow because we need it bad. After the game I had dream team, It was very fun. Master Mitchell taught the class. WE worked on rolls and jump roles, I got to do dive rolls.

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I was tired because I had a long day at school with exercises to still to do. I spent 4 hours in Tae Kwon do. First I helped out in class, then I had a mentor meeting, then I helped out in another class, and after that I did a black belt class. When I got home I laid in bed until I realized I still had 50 push ups and 50 sit ups still to do. So basically it was a tiring day.

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The Forgotten Journal Entry

I added this yesterday but it never showed up so here we go again: Today I did not get as much done as I would have liked. I should have made better use of my time after I got home from my friend's house. It was my last day of summer today. I will see the moon at 5 am tomorrow! 

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Mentee munch

TOday I went to Cookout with my mentee.  It was so fun, I loved doing that with him.  I can't wait to do something like that with Gabriel again.  It just phenomenal.  We got a shake, we ate, and talked with each other about life, not TKD.  My goal is to get his push-ups, sit-ups, burpies, forms and self-defenses up to peek performance. 

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Yesterday I went to school, it was hard going back since we had a three day weekend. Jacob made the golf team so we celebrated by ordering itialian. It was a good day.

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leadership day

today i had to go to leadership class for my requirements i also did my requirements before school  

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august 3rd

today was a great day, my sleep schedule was a little bit off because of the weekend but i got up alright, i did my requirements, the push ups, sit ups, and kicks, then got dressed. my breakfast consisted of a banana, bacon, cheerios, orange juice, and a protein shake which woke me up. i got packed up and went to the bus stop with only minutes to spare before it came. first block was really good because we did an activity, you are the cruise ship captain and the boat starts to sink, there are 14 people including you and only 8 can fit in the lifeboat to go to the nearby island (not in swimming distance) and you get to choose based on the information given on each person who gets to go. second block was gym and we did a physical assessment, i got the best in pushups...

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  723 Hits

Sept 3

Today I had class, met with my mentee and my mentor.  My requirements list is getting shorter.

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Sept 3

Had a good day.  Met with Eli my Mentee and Master Richie, my mentor.  Eli will be ready for the Oct belt test  

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Monday... (Not, But It Felt Like It!)

Work today – yay!  (Not really). I went to visit Dr. Bill today so he could adjust my knees and my wrist.  My wrist was really hurting, (probably from pushups, burpees, and sticks/knife).  Anyway, I got my accupuncture and I’m good for another 5000 miles, I hope.  J I went to BB class and we worked on the Grandmaster Jung Attack and Defend form.  Afterwards, I took PMAA and we worked on a knife “drill”. Now it’s time to take a shower and jump in the bed.  Four o’clock in the morning comes really fast!

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Kicking kicking and more kicking!!!  Great class with Inst. Hsin & Master Moon last night.  Also got to meet with my mentee Luke yesterday.  What an awesome kid, I am very lucky.  His smiles never end and it's such a pleasure to work with him, very special little boy.  Other than that finding the balance with time on playing catch up with requirements, happy with progress though.  Stuggling with the pull-ups and still need the bungie assistance- -oh well.    Doing the white belt challenge this week so that will be one more essay complete next week. Other than that all is good.

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Labor Day

Labor Day was not a fun holiday today. I did a project due for school and had to do a lot of requirements. I am caught up with most of my requirements. I need to really focus on sparring rounds and self-defense. Tomorrow I will ask my mentor to help me with basic form 3 and self defense special 1. 

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Getting More Greens

I'm starting to get more greens, which is really helpful, because it encourages me to get some more greens and be consistent. I'm getting better at pull ups, which is becoming one of my strong points. I definitely need to do more poomsaes, because I probably won't be able to finish if I don't. Also, I forgot to change my belt rank from bochodan to first dan. I didn't realize it until I took the time to read over my profile. Anyways, I need to do more pushups, because I have way more sit ups. 

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Today I had to double up on some of my requirements because I didn't do so good yesterday.   It wasn't worth taking a day off!  I had a bunch of homework this weekend too.  The homework is due Friday, but I have TKD class tues, wed, and Thursdaynight, so my mom made me finish mostly all of it this weekend. I had very little free time.  

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I was glad it was a holiday! I got to spend time with my dad hunting for doves.  It was my first time.   We only got two doves and I got a zillion bug bites.  We will need to put on bug spray next time.  Yesterday we spend the day with some family friends who drove down from Greensboro.  Saturday my dad took me to the range to do skeet shooting to practice for the dove hunting.  It was great to spend time with my family and take a break from the requirements.  I needed it!

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Travel day...again

This morning I got the remainder of my house chores done and went for a run.  Then I ran errands and finished laundry. I had to leave home by 2:45pm for another business trip. I'm traveling with a colleague and we arrived in Hartford this evening. We stopped for dinner so now it's nearly 10pm and I just got to my hotel room.  I will put an hour or so in on requirements, but we have an early start leaving here at 6:30 tomorrow morning, and a big day ahead of us.  So I'll sacrifice some requirements for sleep today.  But I've built a small cushion in most areas just for this purpose...

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took a trip down to florida for labor day! forgot my laptop so now im behind on jounals:( but it was great! i hate all fast food tho...10 hour car ride made me so stiff. it felt good to get out and do some tkd!

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No School

Today was Labor day and that means no school! Today I got back from vacation and was able to get in a bunch of requirements. Later today I was able to get a run in with my dad. Today we also got to do my draft pick for my fantasy football team. I think my team is going to be legit this year. Today is good hopfully tommorow will be to.

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My break was very nice, I hope it helped my ankle! I got to hang out with my friend in the mountains and prop up my foot and read a book. I am refreshed and ready to get a move on whatever I have to do. Granted I still would like to sleep in... But anyways, can't wait to see my other friends again!

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nice day today

First thing today I did some requirements. Today was a packed day though I went golfing in the morning after that I went on the boat and skied and fished a little.

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Today was labor day and me and my family went out on the boat. I tried to ski but I couldn't get up. I got little requirements done.

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my vacation

My vacation was going to the mountains for a while so I didn't get any of the stuff done. I had to do all of my stuff today in a rush because we got home a little late. I am also rushing in a journal at the last minute.

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today i wrote my essay about being a white belt for a week. it took me all day to finish it. i also went running along a new route. i accomplished my gaol and did 8 pullups in a row. tommorrow i will try to do even more.

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Day 32

I have kind of lost track on my days as you might tell. I have also run out of journal ideas. But this will be from the deepest corner of my brain all of you are doing really good on you requirements and should keep going the way you are and keep doing good in class.

  47 Hits


today i woke up really early and went to matthews alive to help out with managing the marathon and selling raffle tickets, this was for community service hours for school. we sold alot of tickets and the marathon went well but trying to keep traffic down and have people running across the streets was stressful. when i got home i helped my mom clean everything, i went to the store with her to help her get some juniper she wants to plant in our yard, i also washed the car and in return she let me drive it around the neighborhood. i went home and started doing my requirements, starting with my forms and self defense the only thing i really need to work on is my stances transferring from color belt poomsaes to wang ho poomsaes. i got my requirements done and now i need to eat, shower, and do...

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  905 Hits

day 33

Today i did my requirements swam in the pool also had time with my family.

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Labor Day

It was so nice today sleeping till 9:30am, taking my time completing my requirements, and working on my last big essay.  And I really enjoyed not having anywhere that I had to be today! I finished my ten page essay on prewar Korea!  My plan is to be a white belt this week and then I can do that essay too. I worked some on my creative poomsae, but I still have a lot of work to do.  L I’ve enjoyed the long weekend, but it’s back to getting up at 4am and going to bed late tomorrow. Kelsey had asked if we are half way yet.  The BB book goes through Day 70, so I would say that the half way point is at the end of Day 35.

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Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! Today I got to sleep in. Yay! Then my mom, brother, and I all went to the grocery store and then went jogging. We got in 1.5 miles. Then we came home and swam for a few hours. After that we watched Pitch Perfect. It was a amazing movie. I love it!!! 

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Regular Day

Today was just a regular day of requirements. I am going to my friend's house and spending the night so I had to finish my requirements in the morning. I feel better today. I am not as sore as yesterday. I feel really good about what I have accomplished so far this cycle. I am almost done with a couple of things and I can't believe it!! I am so excited! 

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I can't believe its already September! August went by so quickly and its crazy that its starting to become fall. This has been a rough weekend, I have started to get a really bad cold, so Im just trying to keep myself hydrated. Still need to be 100% confident on my self defense, but other than that its all memorization. 

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Happy Labor Day

Wow did I need this extra day off- - -it's a labor intensive day of tae kwon do requirements and keeping the domestic stuff in check so all is organized for the rest of the week- - lunch & dinner almost set for the week.  Working like crazy on requirements however the carport is my spot because it has the only space I need for most of the requirements.  Downside it's HOT outside and I am soaked everytime I come inside, hense more laundry - - that is not a good thing.  So if any of the younger candidates on cycle would like a recommendation if you do not know how to do laundry that would be a great new skill to learn.  If you are going thru as many clothes as I am, I am sure your parents would greatly appreciate your new skill.  Went to see family last night for dinner and found that...

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  869 Hits

early sights

today i did my requirements and logged my stuff before 12:00  i did it early because i had some stuff for school to work on today  was a fun day a lot like the others

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Not talking

Today is going to be very hard. I have only been awake for an hour and I am already tired of it. I can't wait for the day to be over. All day I am going to write what I want to say.  

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keeping up

today i woke up and went home, had a good breakfast consisting of fruit, rice, soup, and chicken. i went over to my neighbors house, shes out of town and i am mowing her lawn for her. i was out there mowing for an hour and a half in the hot sun and i was really hot once i was done. i came home and took a break, but as soon as it was over i immediately started working out, trying to get all of my requirements done early to save time. i was real tired when i was done but i still had to do laundry and homework. my homework was about the ancient dynasties and rulers of china and the culture of the time period. by the time i was done with all of this it was 4 o clock. i decided to go to my friends house, we spent...

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  881 Hits

The longest walk of my life

I walked 4.25 miles today with my Godmother.  We were walking at the Greenway right behind UNC Charlotte.  It was really tiring.  After the long walk, we went to see a movie.  The movie was Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters.  It was really cool movie.  I'm tired and my throat hurts.  Getting a little behind on mentoring sessions but we'll get caught up.

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My Day

I did not get as much done as I would have liked requirement wise today. I went out of town with my family. We went apple picking and we walked around a lot. I feel very tired. I remember this feeling from last year towards the middle of the cycle when my muscles were out of energy. I really hope that this achiness doesn't hang around for the next few days.

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Getting caught up

Today I worked on getting caught up. I'm trying to get more greens. I even did 8 pull ups in a row, so now I need to work on doing 20 burpees in a minute. I also need to do more sparring rounds.

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Loving It!

By noon I had all my daily requirements done.  (Anything else I did was extra!)  Then it was time to work on my last big essay.  I got quite a bit done, but it’s not complete yet.  Luckily, there’s still Monday. I’ve really enjoyed the laid back pace of today.  I got things accomplished but I didn’t feel like I was racing the clock.  I could use a couple more of days like this.  J I hope everyone else found some time to enjoy the weekend.

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Catch Up

To catch up from not being able to do all my requirements this week with it being the first week of school,  I am doing 12 sparring rounds a day. Also I  am doing 50 poom saes and 40 self defense. I am doing 3 miles and 200 push ups a day for now to catch up. I am now playing the cello in orchestra. Its really fun and makes a really wonderful sound! My challenge today was running early in the morning. 

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Tough Motivation Day

Today was a struggle. I dreaded working on my requirements. I didn't even start until about 4pm. But then I went to the park where Ben was at a baseball clinic and ran, did poomsaes, self-defenses, kicks, etc. That took about 2 hours.  Then once I got home I started working on the other stuff. A day or two ago I bumped up my push up and sit up sets from 10 at a time to  15 at a time. I think that's making me dread them even more. I have to leave tomorrow afternoon for a business trip, so I will need to start earlier tomorrow!

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hard day

Today I went out to the lake and I skied and did some fishing. Also I did some requirements.   I have also been sick with a cold that is not really helping me out.

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sunday funday

I did some requirements in the morning. I hung out with friends the rest of the day.

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day 31 ??

Today we are in Georgia so its hard to get all my stuff done especially with my cousins here who I wont see for another year.  But back to the cycle, we reached the half way point of it only 29 more days to go I thing if anyone knows how many days are left put it in your journal writing. Good luck to all of you.       -Kelsey

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Happy Camper

Great day!! Domestics under control and finally have groceries in the house.  Productive on the requirements but reality is I am not going to get caught up in one weekend, my body is saying what are you doing to me.  All is good and will keep at it tomorrow.  Yesterday was first time in black belt class in a while and it felt great.Was overheated before class even started so gotta figure that one out. Have aloa lot of catching up to do but up for the challenge.

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First NFL Draft

Today was my first day at the NFL draft for fantasy football.  I am supposed to do good this season.  The first match-up is against my Aunt Sandy.  She is supposed to beat me.  We will see about that. I am so excited about my first season in fantasy football.  I hope I go far!

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yay for sunday

today i did my requirements really early today and then had breakfast  i had to do some things then i rested

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Day 32

Today I had to get up early to take my dad to the airport. He is flying to St. Louis, Missouri to help with some family issues. After dropping him soffit at the airport my mom, brother, and I went to the park so we could get our miles in. Now I am finishing up my requirements and then I am going to go swim for awhile. That will be fun. 

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Another day

Today i will work on my requirements.Also,we are almost half way there.

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Progress, but still a long way to go

Well, I made progress on all fronts (house cleaning, errands, TKD, etc), but I still have a lot to do tomorrow and Monday before I leave. Today getting my requirements done was "fresh".  I made a game out it while watching football. Anytime thre was a possession change, I did a set of sit ups and push ups. During drives, I did a self-defense set. During commercials I rotated through jump rope, sparring rounds, etc. I ended up doing more than my daily amount, so that's good. Now I'm so ready for bed!

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Today I went to Black Belt class.  I learned that I really need to work on my hurricane back kicks.  We also worked on staff form 2 a lot.  I don't think that I am going to forget that form easily.  After class, I went to my school to do some community service.  We are getting a new school so I got to help with painting benches and picnic tables.  I feel good about what I did to help. 

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Jayson Day 31

Today I helped out with little tigers class.  It was interesting.  I saw how the kids react to situations.  I did requirements between classes.  Then I went to black belt class.  There was no sparring class today.  I had to wait for my mom to pick me up.  In the mean time, I hung out with Master Knight and Master Mitchell.  It was fun!  I got extra physicals in too.

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I went to black belt class today, cut the grass, and broke a fishing pole. I was going to ride my bike but didn't have energy.

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my week

I have had golf all week I did not do any of my requirements this week. I also did a Saturday class today.

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Day 31

Today took the 10:45 black belt class at Master Evins. After class I went to Subway for lunch and then went home and did the rest of my requirements. Then we went out to dinner at Gengis Grill. I think that's how you spell it. Then we went home and swam for a hour. It was fun. So I had a good day. 

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class today was awesome. today was the first time I had ever gone outside to practice. it was really hot out there. just getting to the back of the back of the parking lot made me sweat like crazy. my mom says sweating is good.

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Good Saturday...

We had a good BB class today working on BB curriculum and even though it’s a holiday weekend, there were still 33 students in class!  Great job everyone – that’s commitment.     After class I was able to work in some fun.  I went to the movies.  I went to see We Are the Millers.  It was very funny, although not appropriate for kids.  It was a nice mental break to do some laughing.  J Afterwards, I finished my requirements, including a couple of miles in the rain.

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Grandma's Birthday

Today was my great grandma's b-day. I got to see my cousin Riley.  We are about to play basketball, I am going to teach him how to do lay-ups and how not to foul people.  I had so much fun and I hope my great-grandma did too.  This day is special because I got to say the prayer for my great- grandma's b-day today.  

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saturday class

today i went to black belt class we worked on forms and   kicks i learned how to do the twirl around my waist for staff form 1

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saturday class

today i went to black belt class we worked on forms and   kicks i learned how to do the twirl around my waist for staff form 1

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Friday - -Time Out

Things do not always go as planned.  Fridays goal was to take day off work, get the domestics in order and focus on requirements.  Very little requirements, domestics under control - - still no groceries in house and ended up having to work a portion of the day.  At least I think I am wise enough to listen to my body/mind and I did do that yesterday.  Had two long naps and spent an unproductive few hours reading a mindless book.  Since July 26th I have been gone 28 days and it finally all caught up with me.  It's amazing what sleep can do- - -all refreshed and focused now.  Have got to take what is tossed at you and make the best of it.  It will be a challenge but I will get caught up- - - all is good.  Looking forward to being back in class and sometype of normal...

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  683 Hits

Whew! Crazy Catch Up Day

Today I felt behind in everything...work (catch ups on normal work from traveling), kids's school stuff, house chores, errands, laundry, and of course TKD.  I got mostly caught up on laundry, ran about 1/3 of the errands, did about 1/4 of the house chores, mostly caught up on the kids' stuff, and got most of my requirements done, including BB class at LKN.  I need another good day tomorrow and Sunday because I have to leave Monday afternoon for another week long business trip!

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Ah it's finally the weekend. This first week of school was long, but I got through it. Now I can't wait to go to the mountains after class tomorrow. I'm going to relax and get to hang with my friend and my family. I also finally started my history of the kwans paper. It's not looking as hard as I expected wooh! (Knock on wood) Welp I am so ready to get to bed! Night!

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Day 30

I did not finish all of my requirements today. I spent the day with my friends. I feel like i am getting a little bit stronger. Yay!  I've made it to day 30! Only 40 days left!!!  Last cycle I was feeling very overwhelmed at this point.  Now I feel very confident that I'm going to finish this cycle.  I still can't believe we're almost halfway done.  I know I keep saying that I can't wait for school to start but now I'm realizing that school starting can be a good and bad thing.  I will not have as much free time to get everything done.  So, I'll struggle a lot more, but I did this last year, so I can do it again.  

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Jayson Day 30

Today they gave out a fundraiser at school.  I don't think I'll be able to participate this year because it runs the same time as the cycle.  That's a risk I'm willing to take.  Already raised funds for the hospital.  I was able to do more physicals than normal today.  I'll be using the three day weekend to catch up on the stuff I'm behind on. 

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I am glad it is the weekend because now I can practice my poom sae. I am practicing the poom sae far the next pretest. Also now I can finally focus on one thing. Tae Kwan Do.

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end of the week

This week has been somewhat difficult. I fell behind in my requirements and tried to catch up. School was fun because I haven't seen a lot of people since last semester. Glad to have a 3 day weekend.

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3 on 3

Today was amazing.  The three on three tournament was tonight.  We were the fourth best team there - we made it to the final four.  I thought we would be the worst team there, but we lost to two very good teams.  These two teams could have beat anybody.  

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Well, I don’t have anything important to say tonight.  L  Except maybe TGIF! I’ve been working on my back stances, turning my knee out, and making sure my knife hand is at an angle.  I’ve also been practicing my poomsaes slower so that I can pay more attention to my form.  I think I’m getting better. I don’t feel like I’m getting any better at pull-ups though.  If anyone has any helpful tips on how to improve on those, please share….. I hope everyone has a great long weekend!

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day 30

today i had school and a black belt class.at school i went to my post at breakfast.

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Day 30

Today I helped out in the 5:45 class in Mint Hill and then took black belt class. In black belt class we went over hapkito, specials, self-defense, sticks, and the written test answers. We got alot done. I got a few tips on hapkito and sticks that was very helpful. I can't believe it has been 30 days since we started the cycle. It feels like I have been doing it forever. But we are only almost half way done. Not even halfway.

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friday is over

friday is finally done!!! i woke up this morning very tired as usual and did my morning routine, do workout, eat breakfast (rice crispies, fruit, orange juice, milk, bacon), pack for school. i did not sleep on the bus because i had to study for a quiz in first block which i think i did alright on. in first block after the quiz we just sat around and talked since we had nothing else to do. in second block i had jrotc and we went outside for PT (physical training) and i did really good, better than most everyone else. i was very tired once it was done but i counted what we did towards my requirements. in third block we went over the characteristics of what makes something alive again, we finished the project we were working on that took so long yesterday. at lunch i sat with my friends...

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AUG. 30

Today was a long day! Finally got through my first week back at school which made fitting in requirements a huge hassle. Still a little bit behind but catching up slowly! Have a lot of work ahead of me!

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Thursday 8-29-13

Had my first cross country meet last night. i ran a 23:10 5k. had a great time and it was at night, in the woods, i thank god i didnt twist my ankle. we started at 8. Oh! and im on varsity mens. 

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today i have nothing to do nothing unormal happened today. i went to dance. i went to school. i got accepted into the safety patrol which is completly normal. i stay after school it one of the many offices in my school. so i can be on post. the only thing cool that happend  wa sthat i get to be dissmissed early because in safety patrol you have to get to their post early.  

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Jayson Day 29

School again today.  At TKD, I was able to help out with the colored belt class.  I did have fun helping with the younger kids.  I had a session with my mentor too.  He helped me work on some stuff.  I had to retake my written test too, this time I passed. No fun. Then, black belt class.  Myfavorite part was the self defense.  

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I’m really tired today, but I’m looking forward to PMAA class.  We’ve been working on knife disarms and slicing & dicing.  I’ve been told I need to get more aggressive.  J I’ve got a lot of plans for the long weekend, such as working on my creative poomsae, finishing my last big essay, and working on my new skill some more, and maybe even having a little R & R.  I hope I can get it all accomplished!

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Today I got a new cello and its going to be pretty hard doing the cello swimming soccer and cross country. Also tae kwon do and all the exercises I have to do for the black belt. I think I am going to be a master at the cello by the 8th grade.

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School is going well and today my ankle wasn't hurting as much. I'm going to give it 2 days break then go to the doctor if it still hurts. Not much else happened today, It was pretty boring.

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I have lots to do

I had a retreat today for school, and it was from the morning until night, so I couldn't do many requirements. I also need to record some stuff from some other days. On the retreat we went to Inner Peaks, which is an indoor climbing center, and when we were done, we got free passes to come back! We did some other stuff, but I think that the Inner Peaks part was the best part.

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wow this is hard

since school started the days have all been long and hard for me and im starting to go to bed early now. the days are longer at my new school and im wiped out when i get home, but still i managed to complete my homework and requriments for that day. this is tough but i never expected it to be easy either.

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Nice to be back

Finally back and got to go to Thursday night class at South Charlotte.  Thank you Master Moon & Inst. Hsin you were great!  Of course 1st class back and sparring- -my head was spinning by time I left but all was very good.  Was able to go direct from work and focus on requirements in the corner.  The goal is to get caught up this weekend - -let's see if I can make it happen.

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day 29

Today I completed my leadership 2 credits it feels really good to finally have something done. Today I hade a sparring class with master Justin and learned a lot and realized I've  gone from can barely take a kick to, take a kick from master Justin. talk to you later. 

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All this week I went to school and I've been tired because when I get home I have to get all my requirements done and after that go to class but I think that I can adjust to it

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in school requirements

today was a good day for many reasons, i may have woken up tired, but i got all my workout done, got packed up for school, ate, and got dressed all with time to spare before the bus. i naturally slept on the bus but i had trouble going to sleep because the bus driver drove with the lights on. when i got to school we went over current events happening around the world and did more on stereotypes, finishing the work we did yesterday. in second block i had gym which i remembered to dress out for. we went to the track and did push ups, sit ups, and running which i counted as part of my requirements (hence the title). i was all tired after that was done, but my day wasnt over, it wasnt even half over. i went to third block and we talked about what 8...

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no mentee session today

My mentee was not felling very good today so we could not have a session today. I was very sad because I looked forward to have a session today.

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 i got home and told my mom i passed the writtrn test and color belt and physical test

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Day 29

Today I took a walk with my brother and my mom in downtown Charlotte. It was very fun. I didn't do very much today besides requirements. I am going to have a mentor session before black belt class and go to class afterwards. My knees are not hurting anymore! Yeah! Now they're used to pounding the ground everyday. I can't wait for school to start but the waking up part is going to be a problem! 

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Travel day

Left at midnight Saudi Arabia time and now halfway home. One six hour flight down and a 5 hour layover nearly over. Jogged through the airport with my bags pretending I'm about to miss my flight.   :). Since I have another 10 hr flight to go I kept the pace just below breaking out in a sweat. Did some poomsaes and self defenses at slow pace in a corner of the lounge. Got a few push ups and sit ups in, but again, trying not to smell up the plane. Can't wait to get home. 

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Jayson day 28

Today at school we had assembly.  They wanted to go over all the rules and regulations, violations and punishments. It's the same presentation we see every quarter. Pretty boring stuff.  I didn't pay attention really.  I went to dream team class today, I was really looking forward tothat.  We practicedrolling and falling.  It was a lot of fun.

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Today was pretty cool considering i am learning the cello now. I still don't know how i am going to carry it from class to class. Because I think it weighs 10 pounds. Today I played tae kwon do jeopardy and I think I did pretty good because I studied a lot for my pre-test. I take my second attempt at my pre-test tomorrow. I have studied a lot more so hopefully I will get the questions right.  

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3 on 3

Today I figured out that our school is having a 3-on-3 basketball tournament.  I am on a team with three of my friends.  I don't know what our name is yet, but I'm pretty sure it will be cool.  I hope we win!!!

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tscs (the spreading classromom sickness)

2 days ago my friend was out of school because of strep throat. yesterday  another one of my friends was out of school because of a high fever. i think i am getting bronchidas. illness spreads rapidly  in my class because the fifth graders have the smallest rooms in the school.  

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a whole week of soccer

This week is all soccer. Monday I had soccer practice from 3:30 to 5:00, I also helped out with class and took dream team. Tuesday we had a game, we won 6-1, I scored one goal! Today I had another practice at 3:30 to 5:00, and tommorow we have another game, but I should be able to make it to class tommorow. But friday is free, so I should be able to get in a lot of requirements, because I have a half day of school. Doing tae kwon do, soccer and school is a lot. I am always up late, but I believe that I can do all things through Christ.

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I was working with my mentor today and as I was coming home, I wondered  if my mentor knows how much I appreciate his help!  I need to make sure I tell him the next time I see him.  Our mentors help us so much – they give us their time and their knowledge so that we can succeed.  I’m certain that without my mentor I would be totally unprepared for my test.  He ensures that he knows the curriculum so that he can help me.  He has patience when I don’t remember all of the steps to the poomsaes and he always dreams up a different way to teach me if I just don’t get it!  I hope everyone has a mentor as good as mine and that they let them know how much they are appreciated.  (Thank you so much sir!)

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