Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today my dad and I had a competition of push ups and sit ups.  I beat him the first two times on push ups.  He beat me in sit ups, but he had to do ten less.  It wasn't really fair.  Then my dad insisted on timing us.  Not having the person next to you, really turned down the intensity level.  My dad beat me then.  I really enjoyed it!

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Day 48

Well we have made it to day 48. Only 22 days left!!! I am so excited! I did not get all of my requirements done today. I ran in the afternoon while my dad and brother biked. I kind of use Sundays as my catch up day for running. I did 3 miles. It was fun. I can't wait to see people's expressions when the see a big panda bear in the waiting area in Belmont. 

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my friend isabella and gracie were here. we played games and played outside. also last night we went to some party

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my friend just left to go back to do homework. my friend gracie is still here we are playing music outside.

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Jayson Day 45

Today was a big day.  I got up early and helped with little tigers class.  It's always interesting to see how the little kids react to certain situations.  Them, black belt class.  We practiced rolling, falling andkicks.  Then sparring class.  I did pretty well.  Worked up a real sweat.  Master Kim called me achampion!

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Black Belt class today good.  We worked on rolls and attack and defend forms.  I'm glad we got to practice that, because we don't get to do those when there is no cycle.

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Hurtin' Now

At black belt class today I re injured my left hamstring.  Add that to my shin splints and I'm hobbling around.  But it's temporary and its not life threatening.  As Brady Hoke (Michigan Football coach) would say, "she's got a boo-boo". Today I did most of my requirements while watching the Michigan-Akron football game. It helps make the requirements go fast, but what a suspenseful game. Way more suspenseful than it should have been. To make that many turnovers and still win a game is lucky.  I need to get to bed...a lot of errands and housework to be done tomorrow.  

  851 Hits

longest day of my life.

today i helped out with a class. then i went running. after that i took the blackbelt and sparring class. after sparring class i went with my brother and dad to get their hair cut. that took about two hours becuse there was a long line. then i went home and we just got back in the car and went to dinner. i didn't get back home till 9:00

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Sept. 14

Today was a long day. First I helped at the 9:00 class in Mint Hill, then went to black belt at Master Evins. Those two classes tired me out. afterwards we went home and did stuff around the house for the rest of the day.

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Good Day

It was a good day today. I got a pretty good amount of requirements done and took 2 classes. In black belt class we practiced poomsaes, rolls, falls, and kicks. I also took sparring class, which was sweaty, but I think I've improved at sparring rounds. I need to do more running, push ups, sit ups, self defense, ad poomsae.

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Sparring was intense. Even though i got the wind knocked out of me so many times and got kicked in the arm so many times, when i got home i felt like i just got 10 times better at sparring. so now my new goal is to do sit ups until i can take a kick without being winded too badly

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Well today I started out with a normal Saturday with black belt class.  Then it all changed with one super cool event.  My dad asked me if I wanted to go canoeing and I said, "sure, i'd love to!!"  It sounds great but we should have brought fishing poles but I still had an amazing time and I hope to do it again soon.  

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Working Hard Then Playing Hard/ Watching Hard

Today at black belt class we worked on back falls rolls and front falls. I learned a lot of stuff from Master Kim from all of the stuff we learned in the back room. Also we learned different kicks like double side kick turning side kick and hop step side kicks. Since I got my requirements done early I get to watch the first hunger games once I am done with this journal. I even had enough time for my friend to come over to my house for over 2 hours!

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Today I went to black belt class and stayed for sparring class. I really liked working on kicks and falls in the back with Master Kim. I really liked it because he gave me good advice about my back falls. I tried doing a kick up and lets just say that it didn't work too well. I still tried my best. I want to be able to do a kick up by the time that I am 16. I just have to practice a lot.

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I woke up early this morning, did some requirements, and then headed to the dojang to teach Little Tigers.  Class was full of energy today.  We had fifteen Little Tigers and they all seemed happy to be there.  J After class, Inst. Dege and I got in a mile and half.  We got back to the dojang in time to practice hapkido 1 thru 32.  Then it was time for class.  Master Knight and Master Kim worked with us on poomsaes, kicks, rolls, and falls.  Thank you sirs! After BB class, it was time for errands and laundry, with requirements thrown in between.  I finished the day with two more miles.  All in all, it was a productive day!

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Today I did my requirements but not much more. Also I am going to scarowinds I hope I have fun.

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Today I went to black belt and sparring class. Im going to scarowinds tonight.

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i am goint to have my best friends over. racie and isabella. they are one of my collest friends  

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 i went to black belt class with Megan. we did alot of falls and kicks. i also took sparring

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SEPT. 14

This morning at North Charlotte Black Belt class we were working on attack and defend. It was really helpful to review over it because we have never done it at South Charlotte. Last year during testing, attack and defend was somewhat challenging for me so I needed the help! Sparring class was also extremely helpful. Master Kim pointed out all of the things we needed to work on and how we can improve our sparring skills. Im planning on starting a few essays today. I have knocked out the majority, but it will be good to have them all behind me. 

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Last night went to black belt class in Mint Hill and as always Master Burkart rocks!!!  Great class and my partner Lauren was amazing.  Super quick learner and fun!!!!!.  Met with my mentor this morning and worked over staff 1 & 2, bolo, wang ho 2 and hapkido.  That was alot for my brain to absorb but did ok.  Inst. Tucker is an awesome teacher and can break down everything so I understand.  Even though my execution may not be 100% correct it's baby steps getting there.  Off to black belt class in North Charlotte and what a great class it was.  Unfortunately have a event to attend this evening so could not stay for sparring.  Have to spend some focus on the domestics in order to set up time tomorrow for requirements.  Thank you Miss Miranda & Miss Julia for assisting with the Panda Adventure.  I hope you guys, and the other...

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Better ish

I'm feelin a little better today, thursday was pretty aweful and yesterday wasn't much better, I almost had another fever. Today I did some jump rope and I might do some more later, but I get over-heated pretty easily. I have to stay ahead though in case something worse happens later. But this is why I build up extra.

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Over finally its over!!!!!!!!!!

I can now have a little bit of video game time starting tomorrow. Not that I got time to play much :-(. Also I ran 4 miles today! My time was 34 minutes for 4 miles. Also for my first math test of the year and I got a 104%! Yay!

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Jayson Day 44

Today is the last day with no electronics!!!  I am so glad.  I really didn't have any free time anyway.  Too much homework and still trying to keep up with my physical requirements.  Now the weekend is coming.  I'll be able to make up my physicals, take class, get mentor session in and do a project due Monday.

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Today was my birthday I had a nice time at the high school football game. I did my requirements today because I did not have golf practice today. Tomorrow I am going to go and play golf.

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Today I went to the black belt class at Mint Hill and we worked on Hapkido and I really needed to work on that. I hope that we can work on that more.  Feeling kinda tired today.  I should sleep good tonight!

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Last Day of the Electronics Challenge!

It's finally the last day of the electronics challenge, and I'm looking forward to using electronics again. It wasn't that hard for me, because first it was school, then homework, and then requirements, which doesn't leave me much free time. But still, the challenge really showed me how much time we devote to electronics every single day! Anyways, I think it was a great challenge, and I'm also wondering what the extra credit is for. Today I did a lot of requirements, and had a good day at school. I'm catching up with poomsaes, which I'm in the red on, and I'm almost done with pull ups and mediation. I hope that I do a lot this weekend to catch up and that I get more greens.

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Cold Stone!

Today king tiger went to cold stone to get free ice cream. You could get free ice cream by wearing a KTA shirt or spinning the wheel and getting a discount. I got cotton candy! Later today I had soccer practice, we played soccer tennis. Tomorrow I can hopefully help out with the little tigers class.

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we went to jason deli. we also went to her house to take her home. we stayed for about an hour and a half and wathched tv and played bball

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Sept. 13

Today I helped at the 5:45 class in Mint Hill. I helped two white belts learn Kwan sool. We must have did it twenty times. Then after helping at that class I took Mint Hill's Black Belt class. There was only 4 people in the class so we got a lot done. We did hapkito, staff attack and defend, and hand attack and defend, and staff form 1. I got a lot of practice in.

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Today was a typical day, except it’s Friday and that makes it special.  I only work half a day on Fridays and I had intended to come home and take a nap, but I started doing requirements and working on a flyer for the raffle instead. I also went to Cold Stone to support King Tiger (and for free ice cream).  I parked at King Tiger and walked to Cold Stone to add to the mile I.5 I had already done.  It was really nice out today.  It’s beginning to feel a little like Fall.  J I opted not to accept the no TV/electronics challenge this week.  I was going to participate but then I realized that I would have to force my family not to watch TV too because I spend all my time in the Family Room.  I never just sit and watch TV.  I’m always doing something like...

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Friday the 13th

Today I had school and caught up on jumprope, pushups and running..  I had a very good day and I hope tomorrow will be too.  See you at black belt class tomorrow  

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dream team

Dream team is really fun because we get to work with weapons and we get to work on the twelve strikes with a stick.  

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missed out

today i missed out on coldstone. it was do to my brother taking such a long time in the locker room after football practice. though during that time i did get a lot of requirments done. i also had enough time to read a full book. and it takes me a while to read a book. today is a great day. i say that only because it is friday and i get my electronics back tomorrow. 

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Today was a typical day, except it’s Friday and that makes it special.  I only work half a day on Fridays and I had intended to come home and take a nap, but I started doing requirements and working on a flyer for the raffle instead. I also went to Cold Stone to support King Tiger (and for free ice cream).  I parked at King Tiger and walked to Cold Stone, so I was able to add that to the miles I had alreay done.  It was really nice out today.  It’s beginning to feel a little like Fall.  J I opted not to accept the no TV/electronics challenge this week.  I was going to participate but then I realized that I would have to force my family not to watch TV too because I spend all my time in the Family Room.  I never just sit and watch TV.  I’m...

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  53 Hits

Well rounded day

Today was a day where I got to split my time amongst several important elements. I spent significant chunks of my day working, doing community service, training, watching Ben play soccer, and running errands.  For community service, we had a group of about 15 people meet at North Meck Park to paint a shelter and mulch for 4 hrs. The park folks were really happy with our work, so that was good.  Today I had to spend time developing an action plan to work on my development needs. I had to really sit back and about think it.  While I was thinking, I decided to do some poomsaes. I found I was able to do color belt poomsaes on auto pilot and still think about work. It was pretty cool, really because I'd get lost in thought and suddenly find that I had finished the poomsae.

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Hanging In There

Today I was so sore, that it hurt to go down the stairs. I did my Wednesday class at Master Shin's school. We did a lot of leg exercises with chairs. I walked my mile and a half in the neighborhood while my brother rode his scooter. I really hope that this goes away soon. I am going to run tomorrow instead of walk. This last week has gone very slowly for me. On the bright side, it's already day 46! YAY!!!!!!! I am really happy that we are all going through the same thing together. TogetherEveryoneAchievesMore-Unknown

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New Student

Well, there is this new student in my classroom.  Her name is Chloe.  I haven't talked to her yet, but I planning to on Monday.  It probably feels scary to be the new kid.  You have to find friends.  It is going to be hard if you don't do it in the first week.  As a black belt, I am going to go up and introduce myself and tell her if she has any questions , she can ask me.

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Friday 13th

i don't get whats so bad about this day. iv been told that its bad luck but i never heard anything about why other than that 13 is a unlucky number. But its Friday so i guess they cancel out because i had an okay day today.

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SEPT. 13

Just got up from a long nap after school. By the end of the week with school, classes and requirements, Im beat! It will be good to get in some rest and to start relaxing. Im just now starting to get in the right track with my classes and all the stress is going away!

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I just got home from school, it was okay. Tonight I will probably go to the football game. 

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Busy Day

Today I had a busy day. I got a locker but could not open it. Will have to try again tomorrow. I went to school. Then spent the rest of the day at King Tiger. I worked on my requirements, worked with my mentee on rolls and sparring combinations. I then had black belt class. I worked with a knife and sword! I then had to complete my homework and now going to bed. Tomorrow is the last day for the no electronics. Very excited.

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Today I went to the PMAA class and we did a lot of the knife defenses. I got home at 10 again and I'm going to bed now.  I hope I'm not too tired in the morning.

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Awesome game of mat ball

Today at gym class i was balling it up with this new game called mat ball or it could be called rounders. anyways it was like kick ball but with 8 bases and once u step off a base you gotta keep on going. i got 5 people out by catching the ball and i scored 1 point. in the end we lost  4-3 but it was really fun

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Jayson day43

  Today I helped the color belt class.  I've decided I like teaching little tigers more than the bigger kids.  The bigger kids like to claim they are better than me just because they might be bigger than me or whatever.  Then I had black belt class.  We went over bolo and knife forms 1 & 2.  I need to break the habit of exitingmy front stance when doing that form.  

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I have a fever, which means no school tomorrow, no exercise for a little, and no fasting or services for yom kippur. Yay isnt that fantastic. Just lots of sleep.

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Lots of Requirements Done Today

Today I got a lot of requirements done. I had been trying to get 2 extra day's requirements done, but I decided to count towards today's totals to get a better total number. I had a sparring class at Mint Hill today, and we worked on drills and did some sparring. Also, the electronic challenge is going well. I only use electronics when it's required. I plan to do a lot this weekend, so I can get some more greens. I'm a little behind in some stuff and ahead in other stuff. Tomorrow I can do a lot of stuff, too.

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Better day

Today I had a better day than yesterday.  I got more requirements done.  In class we worked on knife and bolo.  I'm tired and now I'm going to bed.

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US Airforce

im going to meet with a recruiter for the Air force soon. hopefully all goes well and smooth. I dont wanna grow up and ha responsibilities but o well. might as well use what god gave me for my country. i am ready to serve and excited 

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So Much To Do

I have a lot of things to fit in to my schedule. I already have a project for school due next week! It is getting kind of overwhelming. I will be very glad when I can get back to a semi-normal schedule. It's day 4 of not having electronics. I am not being effected by it very much. The only thing is my friend usually brings her ipod touch on the bus and she sits right next to me playing her games. I really want to play but I get a book out or some homework that I need to check over again. I didn't think that it was so normal to not have any electronics!

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Not the best of days!!

It was not the best of days but it could have been worse.  Normally I am at the office by 7:00am, at the latest, so yes I am a morning person.  When on cycle I try to get up before 5 and get my run in and unfortunately time does not permit for much else.  Today I got up and my knee's just said what have you done to me.  Yes thank you Inst. Hsin- - I lost count on the squats and suicides on Wednesday night and guess what- - - my body told me Thursday morning.  It was great though, I enjoyed that class very much - - -have to bust his chops.  So off the office I went.  The grand plan is to stop at work every so often and do situps & pushups.  Yes well the grand plan is not working.  We are very fortunate to be busy so...

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Busy Thursday

I got about 80 percent of my requirements done during my morning conference calls from 7-11am. At lunch I went for a hot, humid run. The it was off to the office for meetings until 5:30. I had about 30 min before sparring class and did some more requirements, then took sparring class. I ran out of there to pick up Jess from the ball field, came home, had dinner, and now I'm ready to crash.  

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Half Way There

Dear friends You all have worked very hard and it has paid off we are almost done!!!!!!! SHOUT OUT to Nick coconato  for fighting through and amazing journal entrees and helping me to stay strong.now all of the rest of you have amazing journal entrees and are very motivational thank you all 

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Today I did some exercises but did not go to the black belt class. Tomorrow is my birthday so I am looking forward to that and hope I can play some rounds of golf this weekend.

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friday tomorrow... and gym

i woke up late today so i had to rush to get dressed, eat cheerios, a protein shake, milk, and a banana, then grab my stuff and rush out the door. i slept on the bus and woke up occasionally to fix my bookbag. in first block we went over literary devices but other than that didnt do much, just played with our phones and talked. in second block we learned about the situation in syria, world war 2, and the revolutionary war, how they are similar and different, the battles and details. third block we reviewed what we learned yesterday about enzymes, insulin, and glucose because he forgot we already learned it and no one told him. in forth block we went over how Rome was divided up in half and how the huns and germanic tribes invaded causing trouble. also other ways Rome fell, then we reviewed for the...

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Yesterday I went to a concert so I couldn't get anything done. I had to do everything today in a rush.

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Workout Routine?

I had a tough time sleeping last night.  I woke up and thought it was 3:30am, so I laid there waiting for my alarm to go off at 4am.  After a while when it didn’t go off, I looked at the clock and found that it was only 2:30am.  I still had some time to sleep!  I think I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited about doing my pushups and sit-ups.  That’s the first thing I do in the morning before I even leave my bedroom.  I fall out of bed onto the floor and start my requirements.  I found that the carpet is softer in my bedroom and not having the light on adds to the ambience!  It’s really good for meditation too.  After my pushups, sit-ups, burpees, and meditation, I move downstairs.  I grab a protein shake and knock out some poomsaes, self-defense, kicks, and sparring.  I usually...

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SEPT. 12

Going to North Charlotte again tonight for 3 classes; TKD Plus, Black Belt, and PMAA. I need to get in as many classes as I can, so I don't mind staying for 4 hours and driving 45 minutes up there! Class on Tuesday was super helpful so I'm excited to see what we will be doing tonight. Last night I marked all over my calender to decide which classes I would go to and when I would have time to fit in all of my homework. The cycle is always a stressing experience, but it keeps me concentrated at school, and it keeps me busy all the time!

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Glad today is Thursday because I know I have class tonight. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything.  I remember when my mom was sick with cancer and after she passed away in May of 2011, I sought refuge at Tae Kwon Do and church. It helped me focus on something other than my grief. That is why I am so thankful for tonight's class. Last night after work I helped my dad pack some more of his and mom's stuff to either donate or take with him. We are in the process of putting the house that I grew up in on the market and helping my step-father clean it out/clean it up and pack it up is emotionally and physically draiining. I was so tired when I got home last night that I did not get all of my requirements finished but I will strive to make them...

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going to school

I am going to Clear Creek.I love clear creek.

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Longer Day

 Today I had to do all my homework still sick. I had 2 test, a lot of homework and had to do requirements. My mom is really mad at me for staying up late because she thinks that it was causing me to be sick. I think it is just my classmates sneezing and coughing on me

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Cold when it's hot

Today I got hit with a really bad cold that I just heard has been passing around school, ick. I've found it's hard to do pushups when your nose is running. Tea helps with my throat, which I guess is why I have had 4 mugs today. I just really wish I had a thermos to take to school. And I wish I could stay hydrated. I'm worried I might have to skip my fast saturday. I'd like to do it, but it's hard when you're sick. In other news I only have 2 days more of contacts, then I have to wear glasses until the 23rd. Oh well. Other than that, school went good and I had a pretty relaxing afternoon.

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trying to make some choices

I have recently made the decision to join the military. i am stuck between the air force and the  coast guard. i know ill make the right choice but its all confusing right now. I am leaning towards the Air force right now. 

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Not that much

today did I did not get that much requirements done.  I had a hard time getting up this morning and did not get my requirements done.  I was very tired all day and did not get much done.

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Today I went to school but got up earlier for a breakfast and some fitness. Also after school I had golf practice in Cherryville which is about 30 minutes away. We played seven holes and picked the top six to play in the match Monday I found out that I am going to play. After that I came home and did all of my homework. I then did some more of requirements now I am tired and I am going to read some of my book and go to sleep.

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busy day

today i went to king tiger to take class .i also ran with master natashya . i also had singing lessons at 7 30.

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Hump Day!!!

Had a productive day and looking forward to the weekend.  Much accomplished at work, with a very early start due to plant meeting, but took a few minutes this afternoon to do posters for the Panda adventure.  Hope everyone has fun once they see them- - -remember it's for a great cause.  Worked hard on requirements, met with my mentor, Inst. Tucker, who is the best!!!!, helped in class then stayed for sparring class.  Let's just say that Inst. Hsin has decided to pursue a new career as a comedian.  His first topic is #101 way on how to kill the old lady in class!!!  All I am going to say if you have not attended one of his sparring classes you would not understand.  Great class and I am still alive- -so far!!!! Thank you to all the other students, they are a great for my mental health.  We had fun,...

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  41 Hits


Hello I really got to go because I need to go to sleep any think that anyone reads these except master Evans. So I am going to make this short now I will tell you my day I waoke up went to school came back got all my stuff done then came running to get this done the End got tooo raun byr.. d this will be a fast jurnal entry so be prepared. I dont reall

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Yesterday I was really tired after I got home at ten from the class in Mint Hill, black belt class, and PMAA class and I usually go to bed a lot earlier than that.

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more sleep

school was horrible, i was so sleepy i couldnt pay attention. at to make it worse the teacher who is boring and lets us sleep was absent and a fun teacher replaced him so i didnt wanna miss that. i cant wait till tomorrow and the weekends because tomorrow i have gym so i can do lots of requiments there and sleep a little more at night. :O yawn

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Practice, Practice, Practice...

Today was a pretty good day, but I noticed that I’m having a difficult time staying awake when I’m sitting at my desk.  This is not a good thing!  L  I worked with my mentor today.  I’m still trying to get my hapkido committed to memory.  Hapkido is one of those things that is difficult to practice by yourself, but I’ll get it eventually.  I’ve just got to practice, practice, practice.  Maybe I’ll just start grabbing people at the dojang and get them to be my partner so I can practice.  J

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Today firefighters and police officers came to our school.  There was also a guy with a kilt and he played bag pipes.  They also released doves as a sign of peace.  Two girls sang the national anthem. The whole time I saw three planes passing our school and I was a little worried.  I am really sad about 9/11 and the number of people that died.  I think we should take the rest of this week to remember them.

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Whitewater Rafting Center Today

This afternoon owe had a work team-bonding session at the White Water Rafting Center. I've actually never been before.  It was great!  We only had about 3 hours there, which wasn't nearly enough. But I did a really challenging ropes course and went white water rafting. We had a 10 min wait before rafting, so I jogged on the sidewalk to get short run in. I didn't have my phone on me, but I'm guessing it was about a mile.  We left right at 5pm so that I could get back to teach family class. I got there early and got a bunch of requirements in, then finished the rest tonight after class at home. Now I have to go hop on a conference call with one of my colleagues in Korea!

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today i woke up late again and didnt have time for a morning workout. i got dressed and had bacon, eggs, a banana, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast, then packed up my stuff and got to the bus early. i slept on the bus even though i got a half hour extra sleep. in first block we read more of "Kaffir boy", its a very violent and sad book but we have to learn about these things to try to prevent them from happening in the future. in second block we got a free day because the other gym classes had other things to do and we had many choices but me and some other guys and a few girls played football. there were 3 teams of 5 or 6 because some people left or came back, i was a captain and my team was pretty good once one...

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  850 Hits


Today 12 years ago my mom dropped me off at preschool and heard about the attacks. My father was going to fly from charlotte to new york. That all came crashing down after the attacks. R.I.P to those who lost their lives 12 years ago on this day. Today at school we had picture day. I went to class at master shins and helped out his advanced class.

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Sept. 11

Wow. Has it really been twelve years since 9-11 happened.  This tragic event will never be forgotten. For the thousands off lives lost you will never be forgotten. I dedicate this journal entry to everyone who is or was effected by 9-11. 

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picture day

Today was picture day everyone was dressed "fancy", I just wore a t shirt. I went to class at Master Shins' and helped out his advanced class. 10 years ago I was dropped off at preschool and my mom heard about the world trade center , my father was planning on flying near new york that day. R.I.P. to those who lost their lives an this tragic day 12 years ago.

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I have to do a lot today

Today I have to do a lot to catch up. I'm doing well. I've got mostly greens, but I do have 1 red and a few yellows. I study for tests at night for school, so I don't even have a chance of forgetting it, so right now I'm done with written homework, so I have a lot of time to get requirements done. I've been good about the electronics challenge and it's the middle of the week, so I'm almost done. I'll have to push myself to do more so I can finish. I can't believe that the cycle's half over already.

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all before school

Today my dad forced me to do all of my requirements before school i had to do everything before 8:00 and he kept getting mad 

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Long Day

I had a long day today. I was sick and when you're sick you feel like everything is moving in slow motion. I had a quiz today, Im pretty sure I passed it. I need to sleep but I did get my requirements done but only 100 pushups, sit-ups and kicks today because of the sickness.

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Mentee meeting/ concert

Today is the last day till the concert. I can't wait even though I am going to be in the last row. I still cant wait to hear Maroon 5 sing. Today at TKD I did my mentee meeting. Today I wanted him to have more power, so I put a bag in front of him and would try to knock the bag down. Also in black belt class we worked on falls side falls front falls and back falls. We also did rolls.

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In black belt class tonight we worked on rolls and falls, not my favorite thing to do, but you gotta do what you gotta do! J Then I stayed for PMAA class.  I feel like I’m getting better on my knife stuff.  This makes for a really long day, but I actually like working with the knife.

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Jayson Day 31

Today, just like yesterday, was relentless.   I had to do a lot of homework. I also had sparring class.    Now I have to start making up physical requirements I'm behind on.  However this is one of the many hardships of the challenge.  Finding time to get it all done is hard.  The cycle is starting to get harder and harder.  I'devoting to try to develope a better plan to get through it all.  

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didnt really do much today. just all the basic stuff and worked on knife C for PMAA

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Great Day!

Today I didn't use electronics today, except the website, had a good day at school, got in the green for running! I also took a black belt class, and we worked on rolls, falls, and poomsae. I'm catching up quickly, though I still need to plan my day so I can get all of my requirements done.(hopefully I get some extra requirements done, too) I really need to do poomsaes, so I'm going to try to do 50 daily from now on. I hope I can get even more done tomorrow!

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Regular Day

Today was a really regular day. School was good and not too hard. It was supposed to be picture day, but it got postponed (I didn't even know that today was picture day so I guess that was good). I got home, had a snack and went to work. That also went well and I had a good time. I then got home and worked on homework and did requirements. Yep today was pretty regular.

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today i sold 1 raffle ticket and 2 coupun books. my goal is to be able to be the best i can be during testing. so i gave people tae kwon do demonstratios if they bought a raffle ticket or a coupon book.

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new goal

yesterday i tried doing as many sit ups as i can and i realized that i done a lot if i do that for 1 week or 2 then i would be done with sit ups. so now my new goal is to wipe out those annoying burppees by doing 80 or more per day. it will be hard but you know yolo. :D

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Finally...another sparring class

I finally got another sparring class in tonight. I had to leave Jess' tennis match before it was over (she was down 5-6 when I left, and Ended up losing). But I got a sparring class and PMAA class in. I ran at noon and got a bunch of other requirements in at the park while waiting to watch Jess play.  Work today fine today, nothing earth shattering, good or bad. 

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jump rope

Jump rope hurts really badly if you hit your toe. my toe nail is purple and blue and hurts really bad.

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Today was a rough day I woke up early for school. Today I also had golf practice then went to tae kwon do. So now I am very tired and ready for bed.

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Slow day

Today was a slow day. I had barely enough time to get in a couple requirements. The reason for that is because I had homework to do and a soccer game to play. I need to try harder to get in more requirements, playing soccer and most important school.

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Today we did A LOT of requirements at Master Shins school. Today at school we had a guest speaker in construction who told us about getting a job and whatnot. Im very tired from today.

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first police explorers meeting

today i woke up to my alarm and woke up again another 15 minutes later on a late schedule, so i set my alarm for 5 o clock and decided to get some more sleep and skip morning workout. i got dressed and went downstairs, my breakfast was a banana, pancakes, a protein shake, and orange juice. i got packed up and ran to the bus thinking i was late but i was actually 5 minutes early. i slept on the bus and woke up to my bookbag falling out of the seat halfway through the trip so i just played on my phone. in first block we learned about a book called "Kaffir boy" which is a very good book and gives alot of insight on the effect apartheid has on South Africa, how the people live, and the story of a young boy and his journey to escape. in...

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Day 38

today i could barely stand because of how tired I was. All we did in school was listen to the teachers talk about 9/11 then we watched a few videos about famous people who saved people.(tie a red bandana an your arm tomorrow.) there was this on guy named joe wills who saved everybody on the 78th and 79th floor witch was over 19 people. they called him the man in the red bandana because he wore a red bandana ever since he was 6. Another man save the president and the U.S president and the capital. these are all heroes from 9/11 that will be honored tomorrow at there  funeral.

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Kicked in the leg

During sparing class tonight I got kicked in the shin real bad.  My leg went numb and I couldn't feel anything.  After soaking it some tonight, I'm starting to get feeling back.  I don't want to let anyone know who kicked me because I don't want them to feel bad or get in trouble.  It's just part of being a black belt!  

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No Electronics

It's the second day of not having electronics. I had to go to the doctor's office today. I was doing my homework in the waiting room and a TV was on. It was so hard to not watch it while I was busy. I moved to a different room to avoid being distracted. Not having any electronics has made me read and enjoy my books more but it feels like I am in trouble and I got my phone taken away for a week. Today was the first day when my classes in school were actually productive and not just going over the same rules over and over again. I woke up on time today. I am very happy with myself. I woke up at five and did my running. The more that I run, the easier it gets to run my mile and a half. But I almost fell asleep...

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Sept. 10

Today I got to move into my school. It is really big and awesome. The classrooms are twice the size and the field is huge. After school I got to go to Showmars with my friend Ashlee and her mom. It was really fun. Then I went to Tae Kwon Do and took my normal class then did a mentee session and then a mentor session with Master Richie. We went over hapkito, basic forms, and sparring combinations. I learned a lot from Master Richie. 

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september 10

today i was was vary tired.Also had to have to do a mentor sesion

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This has been a most challenging day. Within the 1st hour of waking I had a migraine made doing any requirements impossible this morning. I was able to take some medicine and get to work. I am looking forward to class tonight in spite of the hungover feeling the migraine and medicine causes. I really love working with the Little Tigers and always look forward to the Senior Wang Ho class. Last night was challenging. The footwork drills we did will help me with my sparring. I feel so slow when I spar but practicing those should help me get lighter and faster.

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