Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

My First Day.....

Wow! What a day. I ran 1.53 miles today. I also did 150 basic kicks, and a lot of push ups, sit ups, and burpees. I even made my momma walk while I ran. It may seem like a lot, but I know I've got a lot more to go. Wish me lots of luck. I'll never give up.

  851 Hits

Let the cycle begin...

It seems strange that when if finish this cycle I will be a master. I don't feel worthy of a master. There's also ways been a "wow-factor" with the people I've known who are masters and I don't feel I really have that kind of "wow-factor". On the other hand, my work sensei (kaizen coach) used to tell me that I will master a skill once I've done it 10,000 times. Trust me, a lot of the color belt techniques, I know I've done at least 10,000 times! And each cycle adds a 1,000 or more...

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Day 1

The first day is done! I started my day by jogging. My lungs really don't like the cold! I weased for about an hour afterwards. My legs feel noodley now. Then I took class with my Sister and Inst. Schneider. Worked on Black Belt self defenses and basic forms. I also filled in the written test. That was the easiest part of my day. I am not looking forward to the physical test on Saturday. Mostly the run!!! I barely made a mile today! The self defenses and poomsaes I could do in my sleep.

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Ladies and Gentlemen Start Your Engines

Well, we had our Black Belt cycle meeting last night. The Spring 2014 Black Belt cycle has officially begun. I am excited to be back. I audited the Fall 2013 cycle. I am ready to finish what I stared last year. I am thankful that Master Evins permits people that audit a cycle to carry over 1/3 of the requirements that we did to the next cycle. However, that said, I intend on giving my all during this cycle. I have something to prove, to myself. Last year was an extremely difficult and challenging year but I survived it. I want to prove to myself that I can accomplish this. I believe that earning my 1st Dan Black Belt helped prepare me for the challenges of last year and the challenges of last year have prepared me for this Black Belt cycle. So LET'S DO THIS!!!!

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On the plane

I am on the plane to go to L.A. So far it has been boring. All Ive done was play game on my iPad with my cousin and eat bojangles.

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I am getting ready

I am getting ready to go to LA so I wont be at TKD tomorrow. I leave at 4:30 so we have to get going. I just need my mentee to sign the stuff and I will be done with my mentee from.

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I just got finished

 I just finished hoot, shocker right! Then I wrote my essay and uploaded it to dropbox. I thought it was a very interesting book and that will be one of the books I will read again when I am older and I get bored one day and don't have another book to read

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Yesterday I could not post anything, I actually don't remeber much what happened last night. All I remember is that I woke up in my bed then I went back to sleep. It really is.

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Today I had a quiz. it was pretty easy because I got to work with my partners. I also got an A+ on it. I also learned that I got an A in Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math. I dont know what I got in my Electives though.

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Permanent Substitute

It seems like our old math teacher is never coming back. He has been away for 2 months now. And our sub for the class has been here for 3 weeks. usually they change subs every 2 days. but if they don't this might mean our sub might be our permanent teacher. 

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last sparring credit

I had my last sparring credit tonight. We were getting people ready for the competition. Coaching, how the competition will go and other fundamentals of competitions 

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college applications

finalizing my apps for next year, i wont be able to go till spring semester so i have longer than most other kids but i dont want to fall behind

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so sad

 I am so sad because I cant go to the Lee Brothers Cup and I was so exited and now I am sad. My mom says it is basketball or Lee Brothers and I chose basketball.:( :( :(

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I got an email from Florida state today about AFROTC, i would love to go to the same college my dad went to!

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today I got to practice basketball with my dad. It was not very fun but it was worth it. I CANT WAIT FOR BASKETBALL TO START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i could not post on Friday and Saturday, I went to Washington DC

Yep, it was ok. Short flight.. We went to Bens Chili bowl too. Bens Chili Bowl is good!  

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I did not go tricker treating. I just stayed in my house. I am also getting good grades in school. When I mean good grades I mean A's, in honors. It actually was not that hard. Just work hard. Just like I need to work hard for the black belt cycle

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today im going to get alot of candy happy halloween o all.

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I did not mean to write TODAY WAS LONG

In my previous one I just men't to write Today

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Today was LONG!

Today I am turning in my essays, recommendations and other things. I hope I pass because I actually kind of believe I can do this. Just need to practice and work harder. Black Belt Tea Ceremony is in 2 days so wish me good luck.

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Candy push ups

today our teachers made us to push ups with a bag of candy on our backs and whoever does 30 with the bag till on got the bag. i got to 24. it didn't matter because the guy who won was allergic to it so we threw a candy party in the locker room. which he had to clean up.

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the test

the test was very exiting because I got to break my brick. I broke it on my first try so I WAS VERY HAPPY.

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today I have to go to king tiger to retake my red and high red belt. I also have singing lesson to.

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no internet

We havent had internet for the last couple days so i havent been able to journal. I am about to go back to the recruiting office and if I like what i hear, i will be signing today

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long day

today i got my Halloween costume for school. im going to be a  nerd. so exited

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Lost the tornument

Today our team in gym lost the championship. It was unexpected because we already beat that team twice before. anyways they won a 32 oz Gatorade. and since 1 of our teammates was prepared for the worst he brought 5 dollars and bought us 5 Gatorades from the vending machines.  

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im almost done with journals and ill be done with everything yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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today i got to meet my new baby cousin he is so cute.

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we just got done with testing and i got about 4 hours of sleep the 2 half is here already

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 So it’s finally testing day!  I’ve been doing every poomsae and self-defense I know and trying to work on the details.  It seems the more I practice, the more mistakes I make and the more nervous I get.  I have to keep telling myself that I’ve worked hard, I know my stuff, and I wouldn’t be testing if I wasn’t ready.  (I wonder if they’ve done any studies on practicing/studying too much??)   I’ve also been reflecting on my journey to this level.  I have so many people that have helped me on the way.  Obviously, I wouldn’t be here if not for Master Evins – his patience and encouragement kept me coming back to class!  Master Chin, she convinced me that Tae Kwon Do was something I should do with my kids.  My first instructor was Master Chelley, she helped me believe that I could do it.  Master Burkart – he...

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  5441 Hits

Todays the Day

Wow i feel like i gotta give a speech for 200 people. anyways i'm gonna leave 7 because my dad has to go to a meeting so its time to stock up on them 5 hour energy drinks. ;)

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testing day

I am very excited for tonight! My dad looked at all my stuff last night and this morning before school and i had everything down. then again, there was no pressure then...and i wasnt tired..BUT! I know ill do great!

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today is testing and im so scared. i also cant waste for tomorrow my hole family is goimg and friends.  

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So it’s finally testing day!  I’ve been doing every poomsae and self-defense I know and trying to work on the details.  It seems the more I practice, the more mistakes I make and the more nervous I get.  I have to keep telling myself that I’ve worked hard, I know my stuff, and I wouldn’t be testing if I wasn’t ready.  (I wonder if they’ve done any studies on practicing/studying too much??)  I’ve also been reflecting on my journey to this level.  I have so many people that have helped me on the way.  Obviously, I wouldn’t be here if not for Master Evins – his patience and encouragement kept me coming back to class!  Master Chin, she convinced me that Tae Kwon Do was something I should do with my kids.  My first instructor was Master Chelley, she helped me believe that I could do it.  Master Burkart – he...

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  1119 Hits

Testing day

This is my final jurnal so I must make it good.  Thank you all for helping us Bo Cho Dans through our first cycle.  Although it has been hard and somtimes you just want to give up all of us passed from the youngest Bo Cho Dan to the 5th degree Black Belt we all worked we all complited and we all made the final stand to get our belt and for the pooms out there like me when we turn 13 we to will get a solid blackbelt and we to will have a blacked striped top and we all will be able to say I AM A BLACK BELT!!!!!  thank tou at mint hill who brought me back up when I fell behined.  But most of all...   Thank YOU black belts for setting a example to me thats gonna be hard to beat.   --KAP

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Day Before

less than 24 hours left. i went to the doctor yesterday and they showed me how to take care of my knee so hopefully itll be ok tomorrow night. LETS GOOOO!!

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This is my last journal!!!  I am truly done with all the requirements.  I hope I will be able to take a nap tomorrow afternoon.  

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today I worked with Master Chelley

Today I got to work with Master Chelley to make sure that I know all of my stuff for testing tomorrow I am so exited for tomorrow. It is my first time testing for a black belt and I am so nervous.

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king tiger

today i rode to king tiger and when i got here i started working with Megan to get our requirements in and we did yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 

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re wednesday

To day I practised all my forms and self defence and falls to get ready I hope everyone does good

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re: two days more

So I woke up today at 4:00 and I said oh yeah I need to jurnal so I picked up my phone and did a small jurnal I hope I can still do the jurnals on friday if not then I am gone.

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2 day mmmmmmmmmmoooooooirrrrtrrrre

One day m9 r e till bb testing we are I n the final hours

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my school

My school is so little now that Grand Oak is open and half the kids are there and not at my school... YYYYAAAAYYYY. I am very happy because the halls aren't packed anymore.

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Today I went to the class were Grand master Lee was teaching the class.  It was really fun, especially when Grand master Lee had me help him with demonstrations. 

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long day

today i round the bus to king tiger. when i got there i worked with ,Megan and Mrs Shelly. when we were working i hit my foot and brook my toe nail. i heart for a wile. also at school i ran into a door it didn't  really heart that much.that was my day.   

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Today I took class with Grandmaster Lee.  It was a great class and we did some fun exercises.  I got my last mentor session and all my requirements are done, except for 2 more journals after this one.  

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5 4 3 2 1

only a few more days till testing I am very exited but not at all nervase I am prepared and ready I have trained for 10 months and I am ready to crack my goal of getting a blackbelt.

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one day closer

my knee is still bad and maybe even worse. i am going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully ill get a brace or something for Friday night

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almost here

i had class with grandmaster  lee  today it was so much fun to work with him.

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oct 22

Today I finished my last Mentor session with Master Richie.  I reviewed Self Defense.  Can't wait till Friday.  I need lots of sleep.  Tomorrow is Hump Day!!!

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my knee

well after a week of ice and heat, my knee is still messed up. i am going to the doctor tomorrow to look at it. hopefully it wont be too bad at testing. i really dont want it to affect my performance.

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At home and watching tv 

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my shrub

I just got my shrub for black belt and my dad and I cut it in a spiral shape. It was very cool. My dad got an already cut one as an example so he could cut it easily.

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worried about testing

lately ive been worried about testing its the only thing i can worry about besides school and im stressed out i really hope i pass

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oct 20

I had fun at the kicks for kids yesterday.  5 more days until the belt test

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im going to behind on jurnals at the end of testing.

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a great saturday

today has been a great day! we had a great black belt class. then went over to Mint hill for kicks for kids festival and got to take my girlfriend tiffany along and she had a great time as well! we had popcorn, cotton candy, hotdogs and candy. we got a pumpkin and painted it. after that we went to her house and had dinner and went to michaels and bought some arts and crafts stuff for her project. now im relaxing in the recliner watching florida state pumble clemson! great saturday! GO NOLES!  

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OCT. 19

Today is the last day of the cycle! After saturday BB class we have the Fall Festival and everyone is getting excited for it! Im so relieved that I have it all behind me and now its time to buckle down for next Friday/Saturday. 

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Day 70!!

Well it's day 70 and I am alive so I am a happy camper!!  It has been a challenging journey but all is good.  All I can say it is up to you what you make of a journey.  Looking forward to the next one.

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one week left

Well there is one week left till testing. i am done with all physical requirements as of today. my ham string is feeling much better but now its my knee. we will see how it fairs during tomorrow. i hope it isnt too bad and i hope it will heal before testing. i am still behind on classes from when i didnt have a car, i am planning to make those up. I can not wait to be done and test! i am feeling great!

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Yes Finally done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with physical requirements)

Today I have finished all my push ups sit ups and pull ups. Also random acts of kindness today. I am so glad I don't have to do all those requirements every day. :-)) Now I am another step closer to getting my new belt! WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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today I went to school and we had the td teacher come in. also when I got to king tiger I finished everything for the day.

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last miles

today i ran my last 2.58 miles before school when i got back there was these huge peppers and i said where'd you get those and my dad said there the ones that we grew and i said wow

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OCT. 18

Right after I got home from school. Donna and I went straight to South Charlotte to work with Master Chin. Master Evins stopped by and it was great to see him after all this time! Tomorrow is the Fall Festival and I am so excited! Every year we have great success and its always good to raise money for such a good cause. Although I will not be able to finish my journals in time (Ill have one extra...) Im extremely proud in how far I have come and how much progress I have made since the beginning of the cycle. 

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Oct 18

after school i went to the park to play.We are almost there.  

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Today we went on the bobcats cool school trip and it was pretty fun. and we got back they gave us water bottles and we started to soak each other but in the end the teacher told us to stop after some kid fell in an anthill. (it was a fire ant hill) 

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Today I went to 3 classes and I'm really tired.  I'm also really happy that the cycle is almost over.

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almost there

today i went to help out with class and took class we did some poomsaes and a lot of self defense also went on a field trip at school 

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I helped out with testing yesterday. today I went to sparring at master burkharsts school. it was so much fun

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Fi ished

I am done with every thing. I finished all my requirements I passed my jump rope I only have 4 more jurnals  my tree stuff and my community servace esay I am so glad that I did all the work to pass.  I had to practise 2 hours straight but it was all worth it.

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I just signed up for a basketball league that Miranda is in so that after the black belt cycle I have something to do. My dad and I are going to start practicing because he is the assistant coach and he has to make up the drills.

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OCT. 17

Getting really excited for the Fall Festival this weekend. Last year was so much fun and we raised a ton of money for such a great cause. Im planning on swinging by South Charlotte to get my mentee to sign a form... hopefully she is there! Im finally done with the majority of my requirements and I was planning on going for a nice long run, but it started raining. Now im thankful that my schools campus is so large because thats what has helped me get in my run/walk! 

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Slump Day Week!!

OK executive decision made no more slump days - -I have had quite enough.  This week has been a struggle and not productive on the TKD front.  Oh well it is what it is and time to be over it.  Looking forward to working with my mentee, Jillian, after work then helping in classes.  Will stay for adult class and hopefully will have enough juice left to get through it.  Looking forward this weekend to the Fall Festival.

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US Airforce recruiting

today i went to the Air Force recruitment office. i spoke with both active duty and reserve recruiters. i liked the reserves better. i am still going to look at the Air Guard and see what kind of programs they have to offer. i will most likely be joining before thanksgiving!

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This is a short jurnal just to fill in.  Today I went to the renesanse festivle on a field trip. And I still have to redo jump toope

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OCT. 16

Made a lot of progress tonight at South Charlotte. Sparring was a ton of fun and the kids really enjoyed it. It was nice not going to school today and getting that extra time to study. These next two weeks are going to be super busy but really fun. Now im just counting down the days. 

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almost their

we are so close to being done with this cycle. yes , I also am so exited for next week.  

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no requirements

toda i didn't do anything but i still got to run 5.58 miles but went to a friends house this morning i have been bored out of my mind school field trip tomorrow learned about a lot of thins the past couple of days i wonder if people still  journal ill check tomorrow im ganna go make me a milkshake  

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hurt knee

today in JROTC we had to run the mile. i was feeling great until the 800 meter mark. right after half way my knee started buckling and it hurt to run. i pushed through it and got a 6:35 mile. i know i couldve done way better. my knee still hurts when i walk. i talked to my cross country coach at practice and she said that i probably just tweeked a tendent. i hope thats it. i meet with the Air Force recruiter tomorrow at 3 oclock

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Long test

We took a test today that took up 3 hours so i had to stay in 1st block the whole time. it was so boring so after i finished i caught up with my sleep time and slept for 1 hour. then all of my other class were boring and my science teacher changed the seats so everyone cant sit next to their friends. -,-"

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jump rope

out of all the things I had to do on the test I failed jjumrope so I'd any one has tips phrase he l0 me

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the fall festival is in 4 days. so happy. I steel want to know what I got on my test

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October 15

Still recovering from the physical test. I am still very sore. But I did pass everything. YAY!!  I cant wait to find out my score on the written test.  Hopefully a 100. The fall festival is Saturday so I am getting ready for that.I am so excited.

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today i woke up and ran not much to do i cant play video games and nothing to do 

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OCT. 15

Did nothing today at school. All of the upperclassmen are taking PSATs this week and we have to sit in first block for 3 hours. Its good time to get in some studying for all of my mid-terms next week. I don't have any school tomorrow so Im planning on finishing my running, poomsaes and self-defense. 

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So weare almost done with everything after hours upon hours of training we are near the point of testing the final battle the test of all test the test gor you black belt.

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Slump Day

Yesterday I took the day off to focus attention on other items that I have let go while trying to catch up during cycle.  All was good but then today I felt like I was in a total fog all day.  It was definitely a slump day with little productivity on anything.  At work I was out of sorts most of the day then went to help in classes and work on requirements.  About 3/4 way thru black belt class I just looked at Inst. Hsin and said I have nothing left, that is not like me.  Oh well guess every day can not be a happy dance day and hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

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Today I was so bored because I am done with all of my homework and my mom is hogging the TV watching the Kardashians. I have a TV in my room but my room is really distracting to me. I have a lot of things in there:)

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Today was a teacher workday so I was home.  I worked on some of the requirements and I'm really happy because I got some of my requirements completely done.  I also got started on my community service essay.  I'm so glad the physical and written test are done and we have just 2 more weeks to go.  

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today at school me and my friend Emily fell down and I bonked my head on the medal chair. it kind of hurt but not really.

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not much

late ley theres not been much to talk about since stuff has been finished except for the test i hope i make it   

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Oct 14

today i had school also the cycle is almost done.woot woot!!!!!

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OCT. 14

Im still loving Mondays even though the weather here is horrible. However on Mondays I get in a ton of classes. Hopefully by Wednesday I will be done with all of my requirements other than journals. 

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mid monday

I went in during senior release today and went over all the poom saes i need to know for testing. we also did a workout and ran. it felt really good and i still have cross country this afternoon as well. im gana be tired tonight!

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This will be short because I am doing it on my phone and it is moving slow so don't read this please good job on your physical everyone . Ate almost done

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my day

today I had a really fun day because I made a movie with my friend Isabella. she also spent the night last night. I passed everthing but pull-ups I could do 2. still pretty good.

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oct 13

       today I came home from a sleepover.I am tired from doing the sleepover.i am ready to get some sleep.

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OCT. 13

Just finished working on homework for the past 7 hours. Not the best feeling in the world after spending the entire weekend studying. Knowing that I still have to run/walk 11 more miles is a little scary...But by Friday I know ill be done. The only other main concern that I have are my recommendation letters. I just received one from one of my current teachers, but it could be touch and go for the second! 

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just got home

today i got home from my grandparents i didn't run so i got to ketch up 

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10-12 failed to save

on saturday 10-12 I did my pre test it was better than last time all I need to retake is my v-situps But i don't know what i got on my written test but I fell good about it 

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