Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

A New Day

A new day but I woke up this morning feeling blue...  The emotional drain from yesterday is lingering. It was nice to  see the sun shining and being able to get outside.  Still a Little cool I think but much better than it has been.  I was surprised to find an area towards the end of our road that is still completely covered in snow/ice/sludge.  It stays shaded all day so it may be a day or two before it is all gone.  My dog and I trudged through.  She was very happy to be outside today too.  It will be good to go to TKD class tomorrow. With all the weather and illness it feels like such a long time since we've been. No holiday as originally planned for school, they have a makeup day.  I have to go uptown to renew my Notary Oath.  I never enjoy having to go...

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  702 Hits

21st journal entry

All the stretching that we did in Black Belt class yesterday left me sore (in a good way), it made my requirements today a little more challenging. It was a very pleasant day today. I got three of my essays done, this is something that if you wait until the last minute it will bite you on the rear. So for those of you that have not gotten started I recommend that you get it done.

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I went to the mall. Got some cool new clothes and I got some new shoes. Nothing big, but they sold out already. Anyways now, Im watching the all-star game, basketball. Its pretty interesting, I wait all year for the all-star game and now its finally come. IT MUST BE FEBURARY.

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out for a week

we are out again. tomorrow. from last tuesday to this monday. wow. I got a project due tuesday........ soooooooo, i am gonna do it. NEVER GIVING UP is my new motto.

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Had a good...

Had a good day today did my requirments started working on my essays today. i decided i needed a break and went outside and to my longboard out for a little ride. then my family and i went out for dinner at house of tipaei however you spell it. went home and ate some ice cream while watching weekend at bernies. then now i am b=going to bed to get some good sleep for school tomorrow

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Snowboarding Support Crew

Today I was the snowboarding support crew. I am still not 100 percent, but I did feel better today. I drove Scott and the kids to Sugar Mountain and helped them get on the slopes. Then Roxy and I went for a 3 mile walk/hike in an around the resort. My knee wasn't swollen this am, but it did swell up during our walk. Then I wrote another essay. We met the crew for lunch, then after lunch I found a spot on the snow covered golf course to work on my creative poomsae. Then I needed to rest my knee, but within 30 min the crew was ready to head home. I drove them home and started the laundry. I had recorded the Michigan basketball game, so we watched that and I did requirements. Now it's time to do some more requirements, finish the laundry, and get to bed. I...

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  1281 Hits


today was an amazing day, i went to church and went to eat at applebees but i ordered a salad it was healthy!i did some requirements, i got a little bit more to go. i went to the mall and got some awesome pair of Jordan's it was not cheap it was really expensive  i drank water all day and it seems that when i drink water i feel much more better than always.i played a board game with my dad it was (*sequence*)   it was pretty fun i won 3 times my dad won 3 times to we were going to go for the 4th but it was getting boring so i went upstairs and stared doing my journals thats how my day went today  

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Dear Journ...

Dear Journal. My grand-daughter, Chol, is home! And life as we know it is over.. lol. She's a little underweight and need to be fed every2-3 hours. She's perfect she doesnt cry so we find ourselves staying awake to make sure she's breathing. Coming up with a schedule is gonna be challenging. Beautiful day out. Ran and did 2/3rds of physical requirements; Went to church; stopped at the Minute Clinic to check my pressure (been feeling a little run down). Doc told me pressure is fine and that i need rest. LOL... What is that I said! Anyway.. Gonna try to nap before my two outside Massage Appointments. Really trying to get the hang of journaling during the day verses putting it off til night time, (im failing miserably at that.). Any advice from Past and Present Candidates?

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Exausting Day

Never thought I would know a day when I would have rather that I had spent the day at sparring class...I wish I was so tired because of a super physical workout.  My exaustion is not physical though, Its mental, its emotional.  I spent my day at the funeral home, and grave sight, with family and friends at the church, and gathering in the home with family.  A long day, Such a sad day.  My heart is heavy.  Parents should not bury their children.  I did some requirements this morning before heading out.  I found I was distracted.  I did some more when I got home late tonight but now I'm so tired...and still distrracted.  In a way it has helped though, it felt good to be doing something physical.    Tomorrow i hope to get alot of catching up done.  Our road is clear...I think it will be good to...

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  788 Hits


Great day after the snow. Black belt class was hard and challenging, as it should be. :) Mr. Graham is such a great partner, as I see him try hard, it just makes me want to try even harder. Finished nebujin 2 today and will be practicing that non-stop. Legs feel great but there is a slight pain in the right shin. I iced it and it should be okay. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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My hips ar...

My hips are sore! I cant wait until I can do a jump turning hook kick and land in the splits! When I kick hard and fast I can kick pretty high! But when I do it slow It sucks! Why am I flexible fast but not slow?

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I'm sick and cranky. I had a fever last night and my nose is a leaky faucet. I'm exhausted from blowing my nose all day. I had to stuff tissues in my nose while doing push ups and burpees so that I didn't drip on the floor. I spent about 2 1/2 hrs researching for my history of Korea essay today as well. I need to get started on my creative poomsae as well. As soon as I feel like I'm making decent progress, I'm reminded of all the requirements left and suddenly I'm feeling overwhelmed again.

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Whew. I went to Black Belt class today and stayed for sparring class. I really enjoyed working with Mrs. Jolly in both classes. Afterwards I came home and Hans and I went for a 2 mile walk/run in the neighborhood. Then I got cleaned up and went to get my new running shoes. I think my old worn out shoes were holding me back.

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20th journal entry

Pretty awesome Black Belt class and Sparring class. Got a lot done and I sweated quite a bit. Ms Pat and I are a great team together.

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Woke up an...

Woke up andgot ready to help out with the little tiger in the lake norman school. the boys there are soo cute, they are so small and adorable. after that class me and my mom went on a 2 mile walk then went to saturday black belt class and after that class i took a sparring class.in that class we learned some stuff but when we where working on some combos me and this guy banged hands together i have a bruise on my right hand from it. it still sotra hurts at times. went home at went over to my neighbors house to eat pizzasthat they make in their pizza oven,they are delisious:) then just been chillen the rest of the day.

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Today i did nothing. All I did was stay at home playing video games. I mean seriously, the snow kept me inside all day. I couldn't think of anything to do but sit around.

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19th journal entry

No walking for me today, with the thawing yesterday and the freeze last night it was an ice rink today. We didn't have any snow removal from our secondary home until past 3:30PM. Did my requirements that could be done indoors.

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mother nature does not want me to pass this cycle....

sooo since wednesday morning, my internet was gone. the winter storm blew out the power lines throughout my whole neighborhood. road blocks were set all around the block so i could go anywhere, ergo i was stuck at home the whole day :/ i rather go to school!! nonetheless i was able to do most of my requirements except for my journaling :/ aahhh anyways drank lots of hot chocolate and lots of fruit :) cant wait till class tomorrow!

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i feel sad that snow went away what a bumer i did a lot of physical requirements i did 200 sit ups and 150 push ups i did this by doing push ups / sit ups when the commercials went on i had a fun time over this winter break, i was going to have a test today but because of the snow we didn't in-fact i had no school so i felt relived that i was not going to have a test because every time i have a test i et nervous but it turns out i get 93-100 but still sometimes i forget and get frustrated. i did some burpies but not a lot i probably did 98 - 100 but i need to check,i was reading this book/magazine and it said that Derek Jeter was going to retire that broke my heart because he is the best short...

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So had an ...

So had an overall pretty good day treated my family to breakfast well i payed for half and my sister payed for the other half then me my dad and my sister all went to the movies adn watched robocop. the is a good movie, havent seen the original one but the remake is awsome.

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In the past 20 years I could count on 1 hand the number of times I've gotten more than a cough and runny nose. I was just sick 2 weeks ago and felt fully normal for the past 5-6 days. At 12:30 or 1 I went for a walk. It was too slushy to run and my knee is still a bit swollen. At about 2 pm today I started feeling really crummy. Stuffed up, runny nose, headache. About 3pm my stomach and head hurt and I was feeling exhausted. At 5pm my. Head was hot and my body was freezing. I took some cold medicine and I feel a little better. I'm doing my requirements super slow tonight to keep my head from exploding.

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Great day,...

Great day, working out in the snow. Built a huge 8 foot snowman and did a lot of kicks with resistance bands. Feeling good about tomorrow.

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Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Today was a good day! :0) Was snowed in with my family! There was no thru traffic in and out of my neighborhood. Anyone who attempted it got stuck with the exception of a couple of SUV. (Please remind me that my next vechiicle should be and SUV, lol.) i lived in NYC so it was great to experience a little snow and to see how people pulled together in time of need. I finished reading my book on Overcoming--Faith & Victory. Yes, today was a very good day. Also played catch of on my physical requirements. We should have more days like this!!

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Missed classes

Week before last we had bad weather and missed classes. Then I became ill and missed classes, now more bad weather and more missed classes.   I've had an unfortunate event in my family and we have lost two young family members so I have a visitation and a funeral to attend on Saturday so even though the weather will probably permit and I do feel better I am still going to have to miss classes.  It all feels a bit overwhelming trying to figure out how is it going to be possible to reach the required numbers now.While I'm not a big fan of the snow, I did get out in it a little bit.  Took a few photos for memories sake.  I've been working on my requirements, trying to catch up on some things. I can tell there are some positive changes. After too many temper tantrums and frustrated...

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  760 Hits

18th journal entry

Well another day working from home. Thank goodness I have the ability to do this, as there is no way I was going to venture out up the hill from my house in my car with the amount of ice and slush on the road. We did venture out for a nice walk instead. The neighbors were frolicking out in the snow with kids and pets alike. Cabin fever is settling in a lttle, and it appears that tomorrow I'll be working from home again, as my road is not clear at all and it will freeze tonight making it impasable tomorrow.

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There are ...

There are things I cant do at home! Like pull-ups! With the snow days there are classes I am missing! I only got to be a White Belt in one class! I hope we have our Black Belt class tomorrow!

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Had an ama...

Had an amazing day hanging with my best friend in the whole world.we went sledding for several hours it is very cold out side. i did end up doing some requirments but i am to tired to put them i n right now so i will have to do that in the morning

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Well, it has been a crazy couple of days. I went to see Dr. Bill on Tuesday just as the snow was starting. He worked on my left elbow and right rotator cuff. He told me to modify my push-ups and he adjusted my knee cap again. I am so thankful that Master Evins referred me to Dr. Bill during my 1st Black Belt cycle. Since I have been snow bound, I have been working on papers and requirements. I also shoveled the driveway. I was really thankful for horse back riding stance and my back stance when shoveling with the short shovel. It really helped save my back. My elbow and shoulder, on the other hand, were not too happy. But it had to be done.

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THREE DAYS OF SNOW? Snow snow and more snow. I love it all. Hallelujha! I also had to catch up all day. Although tomorrow IJ have all mornig to catch up..............I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!

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i had an epic day i hep 4! ladies get there car out of the snow i helped shovel other peoples house for free,i played with my friends they had a really fun time and i did to. i fell in a hill and ripped my pants which hurt so bad and i didn't cry i just cried in my heart when i found out i ripped my whole snow pant i felt relived that i had an extra pair of snow pants. i ran again had a great time but at the time i got home i was sweeting like crazy my jacket was wet and all my clothes, i drank hot coco it was really yummy i mean with a capital Y. i had a really great day TODAY P.S NO SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOL WOWOWOWOWO

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Shovel, shovel, shovel

My day started with a really early conference call and then I had back-to-back meetings from 7am to 3pm with only a 20 min break at lunch. By 3pm I couldn't wait to get out of the house. It was nice while on my calls to watch the big fluffy flakes fall. But I was feeling cooped up so I spent 2 hrs shoveling the driveway. That snow was heavy! I haven't been running, so it was a good substitute! The snow seemed perfect for a snowman, so I couldn't resist. I built 2 snowmen. Ben was shoveling the sidewalk and removing the pile of snow in a corner of our house next to the foundation. Now, 2 hrs alter, my left knee is swollen. I don't remember doing anything to it. I'll ice it tonight and take some Tylenol. Now, on to my requirements...

  926 Hits

Catch Up Day #2

Today was a very busy day. My Mom let me sleep late because i was so tired from yesterday but I wanted to start doing requiremtnts as soon as I finished eating breakfast. My Mom said I had to wait for a while until my food digested, but I got started soon after that. We had to go to the store right before it started snowing and wanted to stop at my mentees house for a meeting but it started snowing so fast, we almost didn't make it home. It took almost a whole hour just to get like 4 miles back home. It was scary for a while but my Mom did a really good job. I think she was scared too but she just kept telling me to pray. I got a lot of stuff done today but still have more catching up to do on some things. I...

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  885 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Been working through the night to get me room ready for Bobbi and Chol to come home from the hospital. I shampooed/shot spot the carpet; did 3 loads of laundry; washed and wiped down donated baby clothes, bottles and necessities. By the time I looked up it was 2am. I took a power nap and worked til it was time to shower and leave for my 8am massage appointment. I was very exciited and wanted everything to be in place when they got home. The predictiion of snow was not going to stop this Nana! :0). I got a call from Bobbi informing me that Chol regrest and will not be coming home with her today. I've learned not to question God and that He always work things out in the end. Trying to balance so many balloons can eventually wear on you. I know this soulds weird but...

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It has bee...

It has been a great day indoors. Getting caught up on paperwork and practicing on poomsaes. Maybe tomorrow, I'll get outside and do a workout in the snow.

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Here is a ...

Here is a picture of Mary and me half way thru our walk thru the snow today

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17th journal entry

Snow day, stayed home and worked from home. As a family we went for a 2.75 mile walk prior to the big dump of snow. A little less than half way it started coming down pretty good, on the way over the sidewalks were clear on the way back they were white. Even with the inclement weather we didn't let it stop us, we kept on trudging along even when my cheeks were frozen solid. Right now I can hear the sleet coming down pretty steady. Not sure if I'm going to venture out tomorrow, don't want to put my good ankle at risk, or get my injured one worst.

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Today i had an awesome day plus i didn't have school today thats sad but i'm still happy, today i ran 2 miles in the snow well nothing stops me i did a lot reading,i had a snowball fight with my friends won every time i friend said i should give them a chance i said ok sure well they won this time i felt better in the inside,i watched a move with hot coco and some   POPcorn i watched grown ups 2, me and dad said it was so funny i had a really great day  

  724 Hits


I'm used to working at home...alone. With the snow, everyone was here this afternoon. I miss my silence. If I didn't have to work, it would be different. But I still have conference call after conference call and I had to go upstairs to my bedroom so that I could concentrate and the folks on the other end of my conference calls weren't distracted by background noise. I did some requirements at noon with Ben (while he did his baseball homework) and I've been working on the rest this evening while the kids went sledding and I'm watching basketball.

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no school at all

No school for me tomorrow or Thursday. And it looks like its not gonna be on friday either. Had a good day at school. Had a snowball fight with the teachers and my friends in the courtyard. Came home to hot chocolate and a hot panini so I was a happy boy. Had a good workout in to get my body warmed up and get my blood flowing. Took a nap and then qorked out more. Cant wait till the cycle ends :)

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16th journal entry

Went back to work today, and due to the change in weather I completed my work day at home. Wow what a drag when you work from a two screens to a smaill laptop screen. Oh well, just push thru and do the best that you can. Put some extra mles under my feet today, as I do not think tomorrow will be the best conditions for walking.

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Classes Cancellled :(

I was really hoping to get a leadership credit and PMAA class in tonight. But the impending storm caused schools to close and classes to cancel. I live in Mooresville and we haven't had a flake fall yet. It looks like we will get some tomorrow, but so far it's cold and dry. I also started my white belt challenge this week. Hopefully I will be able to get some more classes in this week! If it really does snow 7-10 inches, schools could be closed through Friday. I'm trying to get some additional physical requirements in lieu of classes. Speaking of which....time to get back at it!

  873 Hits


i got out of school early toady i did a lot of requirements i did over 200 push ups and over 250 sit ups i felt a little proud but i said i could do more so i went running for 3 miles i was listening to *i'm the man * which is a pretty cool i did all my homework i ha do more then you all think it was like 15 pages i felt tired but i still did it but when i found out that i am not having school tomorrow i felt calmed that i new i was going to Finnish it all on Wednesday, after all i fished almost all of my home work today. i went to my doctors appointment which was a check up they said i was ok and i was really fit *wowow* she was going to give me a shot but...

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  849 Hits

Catch Up Day #1

Well, today started out at school. We were supposed to get out at 1:00 pm, instead we got out at 10:30 am! School starts at 9:00 am for middle school, so I was only there for an 1 1/2 hours. When I got home, my Mom reminded me that I had all day to catch up on requirements that I had gotten behind on. She calculated how much I was missing and boy was it a lot! So, I spent all day long catching up on stuff. I did so many push-ups, sit-ups, poomsaes and kicks and if I want to be off of yellow, I have to do the same amount again tomorrow!! Since school is cancelled tomorrow too, I have at least one more day to catch up. I'm going to have everything caught up so I can concentrate on getting my running caught up too. No matter what...

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  949 Hits

Catch Up Day #1

Well, today started out at school. We were supposed to get out at 1:00 pm, instead we got out at 10:30 am! School starts at 9:00 am for middle school, so I was only there for an 1 1/2 hours. When I got home, my Mom reminded me that I had all day to catch up on requirements that I had gotten behind on. She calculated how much I was missing and boy was it a lot! So, I spent all day long catching up on stuff. I did so many push-ups, sit-ups, poomsaes and kicks and if I want to be off of yellow, I have to do the same amount again tomorrow!! Since school is cancelled tomorrow too, I have at least one more day to catch up. I'm going to have everything caught up so I can concentrate on getting my running caught up too. No matter what...

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  917 Hits

Got out of...

Got out of school early today because of the snow and ice and we dont have school tomorrow so im sorta happy but not at the same time but when i got home and my mom got home we went on a 2.5 mile walk in the cold i couldnt feel my ears at all... then i went home and i went upstairs and did some requirments. i can see my body changing slowly my abs are getting more toned my leg muscles are building up and my arms are as well so im getting there

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Thank Goodness For Antibiotics!!!  I am finally beginning to feel like a person again.  i managed to get through requirements today and Not feel like I was going to die.  There is still some remnants of the illness but by far I am better. 

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We worked ...

We worked on Hapkido today! I need a lot of practice! I can remember 1-16! I think I have to know 1-32!

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Woke up it...

Woke up it hit me that i was really tired. i had got ready for school and got on the bus. people already started to notice that i had got bangs.i love them so much thanks dad for taking me to get them done and thanks mom for fixing my hair. so when i got home today i went upstairs and did some requirments like pushups situps and squats. i did the rest of my stuff as the day went on.

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How am I behind? I am apparently behind on almost everything. I know I have been working really hard. I am not behind. I believe that the calculations are a bit off. If not, I just have to keep working. I know that I will NEVER GIVE UP!!!

  857 Hits

15th journal entry

Not much to share. I have been woking this weekend on my requirements. A little tired. I hurt my back yesterday carrying a little boy (60 pounds) back home after he twisted his ankle. I'll be going to my chiropractor tomorrow to realign by L5 back to it's place. No good deed goes unpunished!

  890 Hits


Today i was in my book club in school i choose to read a world war 2 book with my whole group i read today till chapter 2 i haft to finish this book in 2 weeks which is easy there is only 346 pages i split the book into 3 parts which 1 section i need to finish in 1 week, i took french horn try outs today and i made it my band teacher said i was really good i just couldn't get to the low notes but she said we will work on it, i went to gym i ran again for 2 miles but this time i ran more because this kid decided not to run the whole entire time everybody go mad at him he felt bad but i cheered him up and we ran together he felt much more happy my teacher said i was...

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  821 Hits

Tight Gastrocnemius

Yep, been studying the muscle diagram. My left calf, also known as the gastrocnemius, was so tight today. It loosened up on the second half of my run, but then after working for a while (sitting), it tightened right back up. It's just paying the price from the 10 jump rope rounds on Saturday! I'm dreading the 10 page Pre-Korea History essay. The past 15 years, I've been training to read 10 pages of text and make a single, summary PowerPoint page using visuals vs words. Its all about being concise in my world. So writing 10 pages where being concise only lengthens the task is not something I'm looking forward to.

  988 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, OMG! My first journal entry,,,;0). I had an eventful morning, Work today 10-6pm.. Let me see... My daughter, Bobbi, gave birth to twins last Thursday. Been up at the hospital every night since. Cade Reece 6lbs, 7ozs has underdeveloped lungs and is in the NICU, and Chol Reign (pronounced Cawl) weighed in at 4lbs. To-date Cade is on oygen and Chol has had an infection and now jaundice. What next you ask, My daughter had to have a blood transfusion, last night. I left hospital after 3hr nap at 3:30am (did my push ups and sits but no energy to run). Me, I am drawing strength from God and the energy for the people who love me most. I'm asking everyone to please pray for my family. I love you My King Tiger Family!!

  951 Hits


I got up at 4:30 this morning and went for a 1.5 mile walk/run. It was difficult to get motivated to go out in the dark and cold however, I did and I am glad I did. Today was the 1st day I have encountered people at that hour. I saw a woman and her very noisy Jack Russell dog and an older than me man walking. I came up behind him and passed him. As I was approaching and passing him I was going over all of my self-defense moves. You know, running what if scenarios. That helped me feel more prepared & confident. I am not a big fan of running in the dark and cold but that is what it is going to take to get this Black Belt. I may not have been the fastest but at least I was out there in 40 degrees weather.

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I am going...

I am going to do my White Belt Challenge starting tomorrow! I remember being a White Belt. I was the first student at the Lake Norman School.

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school tomorrow! aahh!

well tomorrow is school...again..ugh...the news said that charlotte will be getting more snow!! yay!! i cant wait! hopefully i have it on a test day or something...anyway today was productive. ran in the morning and afternoon and at 8. im done with my burpees now but im still gonna do more. hopefully this week is less painfull :/

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today i was feeling really tired that i fell asleep twice in arrow it was pretty awesome i missed all the boring part of the movie and when i woke up it was getting in the romantic part which they kissed ewww then me and my family went to a chines restaurant  it was epic this weird guy attended me he looked like he was smoking outside well he was  his teeth were yellow and he smelled i was smelling pretty good but he just smelled too bad that nobody could smell me, when we got i ate ice cream and then i did some pull ups and push ups i had a nice sunday   

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Yesterday was a great day. I got up and did some requirements before going to Presbyterian Hospital to visit a 9 year old friend of mine, Abbie. Afterwards I went to Black Belt class at Lake Norman. It was my 1st time going to the Lake Norman location, well, on purpose. Several years ago a friend and I went to a Zumba class at the fitness center across the parking lot but I did not know that was where Lake Norman King Tiger was located when I was there. It was a great class. We worked on poomsaes and self defense as well as did kicks between doing our self defense. I stayed for the sparring class and oh my. It was fun but really tiring. Instructor Marcus did an awesome job leading. I realize that I really do want to get a kicking/punching bag some day. My left elbow is...

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  994 Hits

Gorgeous Day

I love the sunny days in NC! Hearing that another cold front is coming through, I was determined to make the most out of this gorgeous day. Made muffins this morning, did about 3/4 of my requirements (with Ben while he did his baseball homework), took the kids to their baseball and softball lessons, ran a few errands, then went for a run. My legs are really tired from yesterday. They feel like they weigh an extra 10-15 pounds. But I'd rather run now and take a day off when it's 30 degrees out. I've got steaks marinating and ready to grill for dinner! The kids are outside playing basketball now in the driveway. :)

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today I wo...

today I woke up at 9did some pushups and situp and poomsas, my dad took me to get my hair done I have bangs now and I am really happy. today is a day to chill and do my requirements. I heard that it is supposed to snow on teusday and Wednesday I hope it does:)

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14th journal entry

Another full day, had Saturday Black Belt class followed by sparring class, not to count all requirements that I could pack in on one day. Then drove to Greensboro NC for a gymnastic competition for my oldest daughter Brittney. We just got home and it's just past 11PM. I'm tired going to bed!

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I want to ...

I want to thank Instructor Marcus for the sparring class today! 10 minutes of jump rope and 14 rounds of sparring!

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A Great Camp!

Jr. Instructor was Camp awesome!! We did nunchucks and staff training and we also learned how to lead to class and we also learned about white belt curriculum and what they needed to know and we all know did great! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

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Productive Day

Both black belt class and sparring class were excellent today. Very productive, a lot of good review, a great workout. I can tell already that I'll be sore. But it's a good sore. We (the family) also got the house cleaned. Scott and the kids worked on it a lot while I was in class, which was great. It was so nice out this afternoon that I decided to grill. And it is supposed to be nice tomorrow too so I'm planning to grill again. I heard cold weather could be right around the corner. I'm ready for spring.

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homework after homework

Teachers need to understand that we have more than one class and too much hw is very hard -_- but thankfully I have a loving sister who is off at medschool and is still helping me with hw. I need to steady myself and do every journal a day. Eating more healthy. Pull ups are ddone but im still gonna do more. My body is shaping up properly and everything seems more easier. 

  906 Hits

Doctor visit

I havent felt this bad in a long time... I knew this morning that this has gone on too long and Instead of better I feel like Im getting worse. My son has joined the ranks with me and now feels as bad. So, first thing I called the doctor and made us both appointments... We have strep. (I've had it two other times in my adult life and it about killed me. I am so paranoid about it that all you need to do is mention the word and I will leave the room) ... Anyhow, the only thing productive Ive managed today was starting my rounds of antibiotics. I need to stay away from folks for a day but hopefully we are on the mend now.

  726 Hits

13th journal entry

Took the day off from work, use the time to put some miles under my feet. Pretty productive day overall. Excellent black belt class.

  899 Hits

Okay long ...

Okay long story short went to school with a smile on my face and left with a smile on my face I probably had the best day ever. i got to spend time with my madre the rest of the day after school we had fun we went to dinner with Natasya Hartle andher dad had a good conversation even though it was mostly my mom talking the me and my mom went to go see ride along it was pretty funny kevin heart is hilarious omg so yeah that was my amazing day:)

  982 Hits

Did 300 ki...

Did 300 kicks in Black Belt class tonight! 50 each of Front, side , roundhouse! Then turning side and hook kicks that got me pretty dizzy! Reverse Tornado kicks after that! I usually just do front side and roundhouse kicks on a bag but I am going to start doing other kicks too.

  887 Hits

Good to be home

Ahhhh....home. Finally. Today I had to get into the office early so I'm running short on sleep (about 4 hrs). But I got a full work day in, went to black belt class, had a mentoring session with Rick, ran, and came home to finish requirements. My left leg, on the front/inside, has been very painful the past 2 weeks. I kept ignoring it thinking it would go away soon, but it's really lingering. I hope it heals soon.

  898 Hits

Jr. Instructor's Camp!

Yippeeeee...... I'm headed to Jr. Instructor's Camp. I'm going to be tired afterwards but I'm going to learn a lot and have a lot of fun!

  1033 Hits

Thursday w...

Thursday was a light (unintentionally) requirements wise and a very emotional day. It started out good with some requirements in the morning and some at work throughout the day. It really helps when I can do some at lunch but yesterday I did not get a full lunch hour yesterday. I had to leave early to take care of some issues related to my mom's estate, which I am trying to close out finally at the end of this month. Then I had to meet Doug at the tax preparers office last night & did not get home until late. I have to admit it was very emotionally challenging and really took the steam out of my day so I ran short of MY requirements goal. I will make them up. Last night just confirmed that I am on the right track, it will get better.

  910 Hits

A Busy Type of Day

Today started out pretty regular.....until I got to school. We had a worksheet that we were supposed to read and answer the questions. It ended up taking much longer than the normal morning work does. By the time it was assembly time, only 3 people were finished, including me. During assembly, our class had 2 people that had a slip of paper and it was for Black History month. After assembly we got back to class and it took about 30 min for everyone else to get done. The rest of the day was pretty normal but when I got home, it was requirements time! I started by reading some of my book "Fat Boy Chronicles", for one of my essays. I ran my 1.5 miles, jumped rope, push-ups, sit-ups, and relaxed just a little bit before it was time to head to classes. I got in a leadership credit 1...

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  833 Hits


So maybe I ventured out too soon yesterday... Today I feel like Ive started completely over with this bug I have. More missed classes. I am SO frustrated. Despite the pounding in my head, I have worked on an essay ... And thats it for me today. Night all. Stay healthy.

  760 Hits

12 journal entry

Well folks it has been an interesting pass three days since my last posting. I came from work on Tuesday and was a very sick puppy. The next day I worked from home because I still wasn't feeling that well. Today I felt alive, still worked from home since I had an appointment with the Foot and Ankle doctor to check out my left ankle. Good news is that it's not broken, it's just strained. Doctor pretty much reiterated that I have to adjust and adapt if I want to continue on my black belt cycle. She was amazed to what we have to do to obtain our next belt, and I tihink she was a little shocked that an old chick like me is doing this willinglly. Well until next posting. Have a good evening!

  1028 Hits

I woke up ...

I woke up ith a headache this morning! I still have one! I dont get many headaches so I hope I didn't catch something! I will know in the morning! Classes went good today! Most of my students have their poomsaes and self defenses down. I think its because of the Holidays and snow days. We did orange and green stripes for several weeks in a row! I think we are all ready for red and black stripe week! "Did I just say that? I cant wait until next week!

  836 Hits

good work out

today i had a really good work out, i was so sweaty that i had to dry 2 two shirts because they were soaking wet my most favorite was running because my friends ran with me , we listened to some music each one of us had a head phone and one of my friends was dancing and running at the same time,when me and the rest of my friends  stopped my friend was dancing to "cant hold us " then we had a pull up challenge i lost to my other friend he is really in good shape i had an awesome day 

  737 Hits

Delays, delays

I'm at the airport waiting. I was supposed to fly out yesterday at 5pm. The snowstorm changed that plan. Today I was supposed to fly out at 2pm. I've had 9 departure time updates...all worse. So I was working until a few minutes ago and now I can't concentrate on work, I just want to get home. So I'm doing requirements instead. Lots of crazy looks, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It'll help pass the time and work out some of my stress.

  877 Hits

I was the ...

I was the only one there for the noon class at Lake Norman so I did an Ultimate Bodyshaping Challenge Kickboxing Class! That is 18 - 90 sec. rounds! It kicked my butt! I also did every poomsae 3 times with each class! I demonstrated every kick 2 to 3 times for each class. I have been trying to demonstrate and explain a lot more lately. Its tough trying to cover everything when you only get 30 to 45 minutes at a time with students or Instructors.

  977 Hits

Germ Fest

Well, whatever it is/was that was working on me Sunday Night... jumped head on by Monday morning. I've been SO sick. Monday I tried to do my requirements, and made it through a good many, by Tuesday my head didn't come off the pillow much. I managed only some sit-ups and push-ups and a few poomsaes and self defenses. I decided that not only did I feel like dirt but I thought it would be best to not share my fortune with others and skipped classes Monday and Tuesday. It never fails too, whenever I catch a cold or such, my pancreas decides we are having a party and joins in... I get hit with double punches. Yesterday was the worst. Today, I've mustered myself out of bed and managed to get through quite a few requirements. I haven't ventured outdoors to do any run/walking... I'm behind now. I did though...

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  752 Hits

Stuck in MA

Snow, snow and more snow. At least 18 inches fell here. I was reminded how much I dislike cleaning snow off the car. Ugh. When they cancelled my flight, the airline rebooked me for a Fri morning flight. After 30 min on the phone, I got a flight tomorrow afternoon at 2pm. I dont arrive until 6:30pm, but at least I'm only 1 day delayed. This evening I got all my requirements in except pull ups and running. I've struggled with those two on the road, so I will have a lot of make up to do this weekend.

  904 Hits

i am tierde

today i went to 1 class and i did some requirements at night and a lot at but in the evening  i had a great day i read a little and chilled for about 3 min,i had a social study study guid and i am having the test on friday which i know that i am going to gat a 100 on it but i'm getting 5 points for extra credit. i feel proud that i did extra work it was really worth it.

  764 Hits

My mom was...

My mom was not feeling well at all today. That is why I didn't come to class today because she was laying around a lot. I wanted to help her feel better. While I was home, I got a lot of requirements in. I am so tired now. I think I will sleep really good tonight. I now am caught up on everything except jump roping and Sparring classes. I will get those caught up too. I hope my Mom feels better soon. I don't like it when she's sick. But, she still sat with me and watched me do my requirements to make sure I was doing them right. I feel good about the work I did today. Even though I'm tired.....I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

  928 Hits

Today was ...

Today was actually a good day... we finally got to use the bathroom in 1st block, and in second block which is my theatre class I were taught two new games for a project. then in 3rd block I learned some new Spanish words. Then in civics my 4th black we took a vocab test and I got a 100 on it:) got home and I took a shower because I felt really nasty and now I am setting up my dropbox.. I did a lot of requirments today im getting them done as I should. all though I do need to get going on my essays and stuff

  981 Hits


Monday was an awesome day! It started with me waking at 4:30 and going for a 1.5 mile walk/run in the neighborhood even though it was 41 degrees. Then coming home to do some sit-ups, push-ups, etc. After work I went to my usual school, South Charlotte and helped with the Little Tigers/Jr. Tigers from 6:00-6:30. After that I went to North Charlotte for Black Belt class and we worked on Bocho Dan one step self defense in a unique way. I learned some corrections/fine tunings that need to be practiced on Bocho Dan one step. I was partnered with Amy Tucker (who also happens to be my mentor) during Black Belt class. It was great to get to work with her again. I stayed for the PMAA class and as always had a ball, learned lots and got to practice my sticks. I love sticks. I did not get home...

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  1020 Hits

Tuesdays a...

Tuesdays are tough! My first class is 7 -3 to 5 year olds! Seven classes later and I'm still doing self defenses. My kids hate it when I say "Hey, Attack me"! They know that they will have to do it a lot! Its not their first Black Belt Cycle! I think I will do my White Belt Challenge next week. I have a wheelchair in my garage! I think Ill go a day in the wheelchair too! There are a lot of essays to write. That is the toughest part of the cycle for me!

  868 Hits

pretty good school day

today i have learned many thing like learning how to play volleyball and i had soccer try outs i hope i made it :) in school i am learning about  china and i am taking chines as my language i ate a big salad and went to do some requirements and i did 1 pull up i think thats pretty weak for me i felt disappointed i think i can do better nextime 

  869 Hits

time to do more

so far its been a good cycle. but its hard to do 7 AP classes AND do a black belt cycle AND do 2 internships all at the same time.... any tips on how to do all them at the same time? haha but im feeling good about this cycle. the past two cycles were really hard, but i seem to like this cycle. 1. there are less people unlike last time. and 2. im more fit than the last two cycles. the days coming to an end and i cant wait for this week to end. goodnight people!

  925 Hits

Storm Coming

There's a big storm on its way. Most people give me less than a 40 percent chance of making it home tomorrow. They are calling for heavy snow tonight, 6-10 inches. They are equipped to deal with it here, so no discussion of closing schools, offices, etc...not even delays. I just hope it can make it home. Gotta go start my requirements...it'll be a long night.

  1034 Hits

All A's Much?

Tomorrow I am getting report cards, yep. I got all A's, I looked on powerschool. 2nd time in a row, Im on a roll! Im pretty smart if you ask me, Im in honors and getting all A's. Well, wish me luck for the 3rd quater, Im gonna need it. I also got a 4/4 on my Midterms!!!!!!

  1089 Hits

Time to Catch Up

Man, am I tired. I had a long day so far. I couldn't sleep at all last night, so I was sleepy during school. When I came home, I thought I could just relax and practice my stuff until I had to leave for class. But then I remembered that I was behind on my requirements. So, for the past hour I have been catching up on my poomsaes and basic kicks, after my homework was finished of course. Now I have to catch up on my self-defense. Although I will NEVER GIVE UP, wish me luck!

  876 Hits

Forgot to ...

Forgot to write a journal yesterday but pretty much i went to class last night and did some stuff then Master Hartle took me to the back and helped me fix the little thingsin some of my poomsas and self defense he fix several things that helped a lot then this morning I did my normal routine but today in first block we had a new teacher she wouldn't let anyone go to the bathroom, then later on during lunch I had went to the bathroom made sure that I took my ipod out of my back pocket so that it wouldn't fall in the toilet like my past ipod had so I put it on the toilet paper holder finished in the bathroom but I hadn't realized I left it in the bathroom until like 10 min later I went back in the bathroom I looked for it but it...

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  968 Hits


I am feeling very accomplished. I got up at 4:30 this morning and even though it was only 40 degrees outside, I went for a 1.5 mile walk/run. It was cold. I thought I dressed warm enough but when the wind started blowing, boy was it cold. Yes. I did it!! Also, back around Christmas I received a new dobok. I had it (both the pants and sleeves) hemmed. I did not wear the dobok after I got it altered because the pants legs were too snug/not comfortable on my thighs. (not a result of alterations) Well, last night I decided to try it on before I went to my Monday Black Belt class at South Charlotte. I am excited and proud to say that the pants legs were considerably looser. Matter of fact, Master Chin said it looks big on me. I was a little discouraged because the numbers on...

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  821 Hits

I did a lo...

I did a lot of poomsaes and kicks today! Orange and green stripes this week. I did 5 pull-ups my first time this morning! I want to be able to do 10!

  847 Hits

11th journal entry

Today was a pretty busy day all around . I'm exhausted going to bed earlier than usual, need to recharge the batteries!

  947 Hits

Well, toda...

Well, today was a learning day. I learned numbers 1, 2, and 3 of my Bo Cho Dan self defense and 1-8 of my Hapkido. I also learned about Madame C.J. Walker at school today. So, I learned a lot today, but I still have a lot to learn, so I say NEVER GIVE UP!

  863 Hits

On the road again...

Spent most of the day traveling to MA today. Left the house at 8am, got delayed on the Tarmac in Charlotte, had to run to my plane in DC, arrived in Albany to snow flurries. As I drove over the mountain to MA it just kept snowing harder and harder. I arrived in the office a little after 3pm and worked until 6, then off to a business dinner. I just got to my hotel room (8:30). I'm still sick, but getting better, so I'm trying to convince myself I'm not exhausted from coughing and blowing my nose all day so I can start my requirements! On the positive side, I read a lot of my book while on the plane.

  926 Hits

it works!!

finally my account works again. apparently it was shut down since saturday morning :O but im back now! hahasaturday at master canns seminar was great. got in a good sparring round and landed a double headshot!! :) fell afterwards... but got 6 points all at once. then another 6 from body shots :)))idk what my requirements are just yet. normally master evins would say 750 kicks and a certian amount of black belt classes and sparring classes. sunday involved me doing pushups and having my dad massage me to help with the major soreness.other than that school has started again and so has the massive pile of homework. ugh...

  955 Hits


had a great day but i am still sad because the broncos lost the super bowl they got crushed, i did a lot of requirements in P.E and ran 4 miles i got a 100 on a science test *YES* i didn't do any pull ups i think my arms are really sour from playing volleyball, my mom is sick well she is sleeping right now. 

  805 Hits

I usually ...

I usually rest on Sundays but I have too much to do. I did some work on my truck. A dummy light came on so I fixed the problem and changed the fluids. Then I started doing my requirements. My back is still sore but I'm used to it. I got a lot to do tomorrow.

  916 Hits