Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

grandmas house

today I went to my grandmas house and saw my grandpa who lives in Deleware. I had a lot of fun!

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Tonight I made Halloween cookies and they are very good. They have chocolate chips in them and they are very small.

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today I went to a Halloween party and it was really fun. I got to see my old friends and some new people. I really liked it because their was a dance contest and I won.

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my hand!!!!!!!!!!

today when I tried to break my brick I hurt my hand and now I have to wrap it up. It is purple and blue! It hurts a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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sparring equipment

I forgot my sparring eguipment so I have to go back to taekwondo to get it. My mom is very mad at me!!!!!!!!!

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hat day

Today was hat day at my school and I wore my super girl shirt with my super man hat. It was a really cool outfit.

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Tomorrow I have to present my social studies project about brazil and I am very nervous.

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Tomorrow I have to present my social studies project about brazil and I am very nervous.

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4 days

I cant believe that their are only 4 more days. I cant wait until it is over. we are so close.

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tonight I am going to watch the bride of chucky. I am also going to eat ice cream. It is going to be fun.

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lazy day

today I had a lazy day which means I didn't do any requirements. I went to a pizza place and had pizza and I also went to pick out my Halloween costume. I am going to be a jester this year. It is red and black with a mask, gloves, a hat and a shirt with pants. It looks really cool. I cant wait until Halloween. Tonight I am going to watch scary movies with my mom. It is going to be really fun.

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this morning I helped my mom make Halloween pancakes and they were very good. we put sprinkles in them and I love sprinkles. they had little pumpkins in them and it was so cool!!

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Today I had to present a project that I had been working on for a week now and I was very nervous. I had to make a story and make a play with that story. I think I did very well on it.

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I finally got my five page essay done. I was so tired working on it. I am so glad it is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I had to start a new project today so I was really stressed out with it. It was in my math class. It is about graphing and making pictures. I need to get this finished!!!!!!

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today I went to a restaurant called pipas and it was very good. I had a turkey sandwich and I also had chips with melted cheese and bacon.

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two hour class

today lkn had a two hour class for curriculum and extra requirements. It was very fun.

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what do the kwans mean. I need to know so I can write my essay. it is going to be very hard because it has to be five pages long!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is overwhelming.

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olive garden

Today I went to olive garden and it was very good. I had alfrado and meatballs.

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my weekend

my weekend was really fun because I got to go to altons grill and it has really good food. I also got to go to kilingtons on got the best sandwich on the planet. I also watched the bills football game and got to eat ice cream cake. the bills lost but I really don't care.

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art class

today i was supposed to go to my favorite class which is art class, but my teacher wasnt their so I had to go to computer skills. it was so boring but I was so glad because I got to leave early.

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myrtle beach

the trip to myrtle beach was so fun! i got to go to beach and take a really fun class! i also got to go to wonderworks and to the boardwalk.

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today I played with my dog molly. she is only 3 so she is very playful. she will jump on me and lick me. she is really cute.

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football game!!!

today was my grandpas birthday and also my favorite teams football game. we had a party for him and watched the game. today was a good day.

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bbc was really fun today because we got to do hopkedo. I think hopkedo is really fun and I love it

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Today I got my locker and now I wont have to carry all that stuff with me. It will be such a relief.

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school is not fun.!!!! it is really boring and hard. it is my first year of middle school.

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labor day

today I went to a pool party. it was really fun because I got to go hang out with my friends and swim.

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the pool

Today I went to the pool for three hours. I played catch with my dad corey, I also saw my teacher.

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sparring class!!!!!!!:):):):):):)

sparring class is so fun because you can beat people up. just kidding. it is fun because you can fight people and defend yourself.

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middle school

I hate middle school. it is so not cool. all the teachers are nice but I hate not having lockers or recess until next week.

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tomorrow is the day I start the first day of middle school. I am so excited. im also very nervous.

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pre test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am so tired! the pre test was so tiring. it was king of challenging.

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my braces

today i got hit in my braces and it hurt so bad. they hurt but it will be worth it in ten years

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my knees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for a while now my knees have been hurting and today they hurt even worse. also yesterday I got hit in the knee so that didn't help.

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my knees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for a while now my knees have been hurting and today they hurt even worse. also yesterday I got hit in the knee so that didn't help.

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I am so tired today. I woke up and my neck hurt so I am not looking forward to doing my requirements.

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summer camp

I love summer camp!! It is really fun and we go different places and do different things. it is fun because we play games to.

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disk golf

today we went to the park with tkd summer camp. we played disk golf and I fell and hurt my shoulder. it is fine but it hurts.

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my phone!!!

today my phone got wet and the sound wont work now. I am really mad!!! I put it in a bag of rice to see if it would dry it out. I hope it works!!

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today at summer camp we played kickball and I kept getting evan out. it was really fun.

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today at summer camp we played kickball and I kept getting evan out. it was really fun.

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hangin with my friend

today i went swimming with my friend and we were playing a competition game. it was for the best dive. i won!!!!!!

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today at bbc we played a black belt jeapordy game. it was very fun and the questions were kind of tricky

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today at bbc we played a black belt jeapordy game. it was very fun and the questions were kind of tricky

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today at bbc we played a black belt jeapordy game. it was very fun and the questions were kind of tricky

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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i had to go to the dentist and i had a good check up. i had no cavities and no bad things.

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Evan gave me a rutine so that I can skip sundays. I have to do extra but it is worth it. this is going to be hard!  

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so sad

 I am so sad because I cant go to the Lee Brothers Cup and I was so exited and now I am sad. My mom says it is basketball or Lee Brothers and I chose basketball.:( :( :(

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today I got to practice basketball with my dad. It was not very fun but it was worth it. I CANT WAIT FOR BASKETBALL TO START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the test

the test was very exiting because I got to break my brick. I broke it on my first try so I WAS VERY HAPPY.

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today I worked with Master Chelley

Today I got to work with Master Chelley to make sure that I know all of my stuff for testing tomorrow I am so exited for tomorrow. It is my first time testing for a black belt and I am so nervous.

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my school

My school is so little now that Grand Oak is open and half the kids are there and not at my school... YYYYAAAAYYYY. I am very happy because the halls aren't packed anymore.

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my shrub

I just got my shrub for black belt and my dad and I cut it in a spiral shape. It was very cool. My dad got an already cut one as an example so he could cut it easily.

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I just signed up for a basketball league that Miranda is in so that after the black belt cycle I have something to do. My dad and I are going to start practicing because he is the assistant coach and he has to make up the drills.

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Today I was so bored because I am done with all of my homework and my mom is hogging the TV watching the Kardashians. I have a TV in my room but my room is really distracting to me. I have a lot of things in there:)

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so tired

SO TIRED, SO TIRED, SO TIRED. Did I mention that I was tired. Yesterday I was tired because I barely got any sleep that night. UGH.

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Today I stayed up to knock on all of my neighbors doors. I did that so I could raise all of the money for the kicks for kids. A lot of my neighbors gave me ten or twenty. I am really nervous for the end of this cycle.

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so close

It is so close to the end of the cycle. I am so nervous for this because I can almost do a v-sit up but it is really hard.

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On Saturday I had to do my last two essays. They are the belt rank essay and the hero profile two. That was terrible, to waste a beautiful day doing essays. It was very hard because my grandma had to check, and I had to restart on one of my paragraphs.

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I dont know what to write about

I don't know what to write about at all. I am sitting hear wondering what to write about and I am really stressed out with all of this homework and black belt. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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I HAVE GOT TO GET MORE ORGANIZED!!!!!!!! My desk at school is a mess and so is my bedroom. I also have got to do my belt level essay. Being on this cycle is very hard with school and homework because I sometimes forget to put my requirements in and journal.

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My Teachers

My teachers are very nice and are very mean at the same time. They are mean because they give us strikes and they give us strikes by using the bathroom and I don't think that is good. I love my teachers because the homework that they give us is very fun but I have a lot of it. My homeroom teacher is very cool teacher because she teaches my favorite subject. Social studies:)! I love social studies because It is very interesting to me. I love the American Indians because I love there culture.

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journals and homework. My favorite classes

Journals for me are very important because I cant miss one or I will be behind on them and will fail. I also have to do homework so it kind of reminds me to do them. If the Buffalo Bills win I don't have to do my reading homework because my teacher (Mrs. Ellis) loves the Bills and so does my math teacher but she still gives homework:(. I am very exited that school has started and that the cycle will be over in twelve days because I am going to celebrate so much like I did when the empathy training and I couldn't feel my hand when it was out of the bandage. I also liked the empathy training class because I got to feel the way that people with one hand or arm do. I feel really bad for those people like instructor Auerbach.

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my day

Today I have been really tired and I don't know why. I thought I wouldn't be tired because I had a really good night sleep last night. I have also been doing my sympathy essay today and I think it is really good. I went shopping so I relaxed a little then for the first time in a long time. I have had a really good day.

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im really behind

Today I had to be home early because I was behind on logging the requirements in on the computer. Master Hartle was very mad at me and we had a little talk about it and it made me cry. I really want to get my black belt so I was sad when he said if I do it one more time I would be off of the black belt cycle.

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at home

at home my dad helps me with sparring and my mom started to help me with my test so I am really happy with my parents. I love them and they do everything with me and now there doing it to help me.

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my school

My school gives a lot of homework for fifth grade. The easy thing is I can do my homework at afterschool. I also get to read for 30 minutes.

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my essays

Does anyone know when the essays are due? The problem is I have some of the done but not all. I am starting to get worried about this because it is my first time one the cycle and it is kind of difficult to me.

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watching football

Watching football is very addicting so every break I do some of my pushups and sit ups

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day is over

Finally the day is over. I am so happy I get to go to sleep and tomorrow watch football and take a brake. Today was very fun and very exiting. The sparring class with Master Mitchell is awesome.

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so close

The end is so close I am so stressed with school so I am very happy. After this Is over I am going to take three year long nap:) so I can relax.

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sparring at LKN

Sparring at my school is really fun because I have a very awesome sparring teacher. It is Marcus and he has very fun sparring lasses with ladder drills and tag team.

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I have to study for that test so that I can pass so I am studying so much. I have to do five a day for ten days straight so I can study long and remember all the stuff.

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new machine

My uncle got this new machine at a garage sale and it helps me with pull ups and push ups so that I can get my stuff done easily.

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dream team

Dream team is really fun because we get to work with weapons and we get to work on the twelve strikes with a stick.  

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Yesterday I went to a concert so I couldn't get anything done. I had to do everything today in a rush.

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jump rope

Jump rope hurts really badly if you hit your toe. my toe nail is purple and blue and hurts really bad.

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playing outside

Playing outside is really important to me because it is exercise and it is healthy. I also like it because it is fun and I do it with other people and that makes it really fun.

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different black belt class

Saturday black belt class is really fun but challenging. I also like sparring class because we get to do fun things different days. Weekday black belt classes are fun when we get to do black belt things. Dream team class is really cool because it taught me how to use sticks and do cool things.

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I do not like running very much. Running with someone beside is a lot better for me because I can talk to them or they can talk to me. Nataysya, Miranda and I run together and Nataysya doesn't let me walk but that is how I get better.

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my vacation

My vacation was going to the mountains for a while so I didn't get any of the stuff done. I had to do all of my stuff today in a rush because we got home a little late. I am also rushing in a journal at the last minute.

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no mentee session today

My mentee was not felling very good today so we could not have a session today. I was very sad because I looked forward to have a session today.

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Helping my friend

Miranda and I worked on our requirements together today and did a lot of running with Master Chelley to. we helped out with class together and so did Master Nataysya.

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Finding a Mentee

Today I finally found a mentee.  I am so happy.  Yesterday I actually had a dream that I failed my black belt test because I didn't have a mentee.  His name is Reid Bacon,  he is a high white belt.  Tomorrow I get to do my requirements with Miranda.  It will make it alot easier!

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I love the Hartles. They are so nice to everyone, even me. I am so happy that natasya is my mentor she is mean in nice way.

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at home

At home I have been doing as much as possible. Everyday it is work, work, work. But it is also training me for my life and job ahead in my life. I am happy it's that way because my family can work together with me.

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after school

After school is really good for me because I can get all of my stuff done there and not at home or school. I also thought that summer camp worked to and I have a pull up bar in the back so I can do my pull ups back there and not going to the park every day

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I like helping out with class a lot. It is a lot of fun to do with new kid he likes to do kwon sol now and I feel good.                                                                                   

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summer camp

Doing my requirements at summer camp has been really easy because Master Hartle  put up a pull up bar in the back room for the kids on the cycle. Also having all of the other kids is helping because I ask them to attack me for self defense.

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mentor sessions

Natasya and i are getting a lot done. A lot of running to. Today we got running done. Two miles

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running has been really hard because I don't run listing to music. meditating is really easy at summer camp during 2 min when kids get in trouble  

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saturday class

Saturdays with Master Evans is really fun. his class is so awesome because he is awesome  

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