Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I am ready...

I am ready for this test and I will get this done but I like the cycle wish me luck

  1244 Hits

today I pr...

today I practice then I went to bed and I am ready

  1212 Hits

toady I he...

toady I helped out with a class and I likes it because I got a group of white belt and they were cool

  1188 Hits

today I he...

today I helped and I liked it because I was like wanted when I helped because the kids wanted me to help

  1162 Hits

today I he...

today I helped and I liked it because I was like wanted when I helped because the kids wanted me to help

  1145 Hits

today I to...

today I took sparring class at mint hill and I liked it because It was a no contact thing and me and Ericka faced and I beat her

  1076 Hits

Today i ra...

Today i ran a mile and it is getting easier To do so now I can run it really fast

  911 Hits

today I to...

today I took bbc and I liked it because we reveyed all the stuff

  950 Hits

today I he...

today I helped with testing and I loved it so 1 leader ship

  938 Hits

today I we...

today I went to bercarts school and I loved it for how much stuff was in there and personally I loved it

  864 Hits

today I he...

today I helped a white belt and he was great because he would listen to me and I would make it fun

  952 Hits

today I he...

today I helped with family class and it was cool because I help a kid on his self defence

  1000 Hits

today I di...

today I did hyper pro and It was cool because all you work on is staff techneeks

  1005 Hits

today I di...

today I did my poomsae's and I really felt good on them and I have them down

  866 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to kicks for kids and it was really cool because first it was my first time doing it and I loved it because you had food and games and it is like you are all set so i will come back serenely

  946 Hits

today I wa...

today I was studing for the big essay and I got all correct

  916 Hits

today I wa...

today I was stiding for the big essay and I gt all correct

  936 Hits

today I to...

today I took bbc and it was cool because I learned red belt self defence

  878 Hits

today I di...

today I did one essay because I forgot to do it but it took me 30 minutes so I was happy

  937 Hits

today I di...

today I did one essay because I forgot to do it but it took me 30 minutes so I was happy

  945 Hits

today I di...

today I did my last metee meeting and it was cool because I worked on kicks

  891 Hits

today i ra...

today i ran a mile and it is getting easier so I feel good for the phiskal test

  933 Hits

today I we...

today I went silent and it was hard because I want to say some thing so bad

  920 Hits

to day I r...

to day I ran a mile and it was easy and that is great for next week

  908 Hits

today I di...

today I did a sparring class and it was very tiring because I did sparring with a injed nee

  894 Hits

today I di...

today I did a mentor meeting and it was fun because I did a lot of hopceedo

  877 Hits

today I di...

today I did a mentee meeting (I got it right for once) and we did a lot of kicks that he did not understand so I taught the hook round house kicks and he was very confused

  902 Hits

today I di...

today I did some jump ropes and man are they easy so I did 10 for fun

  913 Hits

today I to...

today I took a bbc class and it was fun because I did some attack defend

  894 Hits

today I to...

today I took a mentor meeting and it was cool because I did a lot of poomsae

  954 Hits

today I di...

today I did some good old jumprope rounds and it was fun

  918 Hits

today I di...

today I did a mentor meeting it was cool because I did hopkeedo and it felt good

  1024 Hits

today I ha...

today I had a mentee meeting and I worked on red belt 1 and 2 in self defense and he has it down

  925 Hits

today I di...

today I did some jump rope and I am acing it like my grades

  962 Hits

today I di...

today I did a mile and it is getting easy so I feel good

  952 Hits

toady I ha...

toady I had a mentee meeting and It was cool because I did some self defense and it was fun

  898 Hits

today I di...

today I did some jumps ropes and wow did it feel good

  915 Hits

today I ha...

today I had a mentor meeting and I worked on pow chon

  900 Hits

today I ra...

today I ran a mile and it felt a lot easier than the pre test :)

  853 Hits

today I di...

today I did a lot of pogway forms and I have got them In the bag

  930 Hits

today I ha...

today I have a mentor session and a mentee session, then I took black belt class :)

  875 Hits

today I ra...

today I ran a mile and I think I am doing it quicker.

  872 Hits

today I di...

today I did bbc and I learn basic form 2 that I did not now. :(

  1074 Hits

today I di...

today I did my retake on my writtin test and got 100%. yeah I am happy. and I worked on all the color belt with my mentor.

  863 Hits

today I di...

today I did a mile and it is getting easier and I have been working on pull ups

  818 Hits

today I w...

today I went to bbc and we learned all about pow chon. and now I now what I was doing wrong.

  788 Hits

today I di...

today I did a lot of roll and I am getting the hang of it

  845 Hits

today I we...

today I went to black belt class and I learned what my self defence is. and I met with my metor. we woked on poomsaees.

  873 Hits

today I di...

today I did a walk the dog and I learned not to put him in water. and now he smells.

  810 Hits

today I wo...

today I worked on self defense and I did really good exempt green belt that is tough for me because I did not pratice

  840 Hits

today I di...

today I did a lot of push ups and I walked my dog. my do is hard to take care of because I walk him and fed him.

  818 Hits

today I di...

today I did black belt class and we worked on poomsae and self defense. then we got with our mentors and discused

  863 Hits

today I he...

today I helped out with class and to day I helped some one do there sparring combo nations. then I took black belt class and did pogway el and pogway e

  868 Hits

today I he...

today I helped out with class and to day I helped some one do there sparring combo nations. then I took black belt class and did pogway el and pogway e

  864 Hits

I took bla...

I took black belt that was hard because we were learning about stick forms that I did not practice and I was tired. then when I got home I did 50 push up and 50 sit ups.

  979 Hits

my day

today in my black belt class I did 10 self defense's of my bochadon. then we did some rolling and it was hard for me because I haven't rolled in a long time. then we did some poomsae and now I now it

  1464 Hits