Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


What a great weekend!!  Had a blast on Saturday at testing - -everyone did fantastic!!!  Even though Saturday was a complete washout with the rain it was still a great weekend.  Did domestics mostly around the house today but took fur ball for some extra walks since it was so nice out.

  1233 Hits


Crazy busy day at work and got a lot accomplished which was good.  Went to dojang to work with mentee but ended up not staying for class.  Yup I was not being hard headed instead listened to my body and decided to head home. 

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Had a great black belt class tonight but I am tired so it will be very little reading tonight and lights out.

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Sleepy Sunday

So my high light of the day was grocery shopping - -pretty bad.  Other than that I have slept most of the day.  Not very productive but thinking my body would not have allowed it if it didn't need it. 

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So today was not the best of days, just need to get a good night sleep and hopefully feel better tomorrow.  I am optimistic- - - going to wake up with my head all clear and the knee will want to go for a run :). 

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Major happy dance today because it's Friday!!  Rough week but it's time to move it along to a great weekend.  Had an awesome lesson today with Master Chin and looking forward to class tomorrow.

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Hi ho hi ho it's of to the dojang I go!!!!  Happy that this week is almost over and looking forward to the weekend.

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All I can say it's been one of those weeks.  Photo day yesterday which was crazy but crazy good.

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Going to put this day behind and move onto tomorrow.  Crazy nutty day and it would have been understandable if there was a full moon.  The Cra Cra's were out in full force for me today at work.  Very good and productive night at dojang so that is very positive!!

  874 Hits


It was happy dance this morning because when I got up I could walk!!!  Swelling in ankle was down and the knee was only a throb so I am good to go.  Unfortunately not much progress on the TKD front today as Sundays are pretty much the domestic front, if not, the rest of the week turns into turmoil, which is not good.  Sooooo - -thank you D'Andre now I know what those thingies I was trying to do are called- -kip up.   Those are going to take a lot of practice for me but it will come - -just going to be a work in progress for now.  Have a few more hours that I need to finish up my list but wanted to take a break for a few and maybe catch some of the 4th quarter of the game.  Looking forward to a great week!!!

  938 Hits


I had to come home after classes today and lay down for a bit.  Great classes today but oh is my knee screaming at me.  What can I say I am hard headed and do not always listen when I know I should.  All will be good - -just slather in bio freeze and take some Advil.  Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.

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Had a great afternoon at the dojang - -got a lot accomplished!!!!

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September 22nd

Sooooo Inst. Hsin's birthday and red stripe class tonight - - am thinking he had maybe too much sugar because he decided it was going to be non stop.  Actually very good class with a lot of getting your sweat on. 

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September 21st

Had another fantastic class last night!!!  Looking forward to a good week and even better weekend.

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Hula Hoop

Oh yes fantastic black belt class tonight - -we got a new toy - - -can ya guess?  Let's just say it's not a regular hula hoop and going to be a lot of fun.  Love that they always try to make it interesting and challenging. 

  1005 Hits


Had the him out of the house by 7:30 this morning for tailgate and I was like yes - - - entire day to get things done.  Domestics done around the house, all errands run, food prep started so now at 2:30 I am going to take a break and watch some of the game while my Pomodoro Sauce simmers.  I do enjoy going to the games but I also value the time to get things done so I can go into the week ready.  Side note - -happy dance this morning - -my body was not screaming from class yesterday and that's a good things.  Knee still sore but that's ongoing - -the legs were only chit chatting a bit but nothing like I thought it was going to be.  See simple things in life excite me :).  Looking forward to a great week!!!

  884 Hits


Awesome sparring class, thank you Inst Hero and same for BB Class - -Awesome - -thank you Master Knight.  First time in a while that I have been able to do both classes on Saturday and I miss it.  Now my body is going to be saying something different tomorrow but that's ok it felt great!!

  897 Hits


Nothing real exciting today - - normal crazy day at work then off to class.  Trying to get a few things done around the house but going to fade very fast tonight --tired.

  856 Hits

September 14th

Had great classes yesterday afternoon and last night.  It's so nice settling into our new location.  With school back it's been crazy busy but all is good!!!  Trying to get into a good schedule for working in the requirements but still struggling a bit.  Wednesdays is the only night I do not go straight from work to dojang so it usually entails a very tire me and a little snuggle time on sofa with Rosie as soon as I get home from work.  Have a great day!!!

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September 12th

I think I have recovered from Saturday - - - -.  Great Black Belt class tonight and so thankful for the extra credits from the PMAA seminars. 

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September 10th

I survived so all is good!!  Today I was a little over ambitious with commitments.  Was downtown at 7:00 this morning to meet for Purple Pride then ran the race.  After off to North Charlotte for back to back PMAA sessions.  My mind is scrambled right now - -the last hour of the seminar was a blur.  I can not thank Master Dege enough for working with me and being so patient.   Will enter requirements tomorrow.

  912 Hits

September 9th

Ahhhh so happy to be back to my Friday lessons.  Takes me longer than most to process so the extra time is very valuable to me.  Looking forward to tomorrow and lets see what purple shows up at the race before PMAA.  This could make for a very interesting day - - -.

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Great class tonight!!  Sorry the TV is calling - -go Panthers!!

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Very long weekend with little physical activity- -  sometimes you have to do what you have to do.  Got back in town late Monday afternoon - -hit the domestics then back to work early this morning.  Got to dojang later today and was able to knock out some requirements which I was very happy about. 

  914 Hits


Big oh no - -I left my book at the dojang - - - -bigger bummer I actually had some decent requirements knocked out tonight.  Will enter as soon as I get it back.

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New Digs

Yesterday was our first day at the new location - - WOW- -FANTASTIC!!!  Still have some finishing touches but so very nice.  Excited to see all the kids back then had a great BB Class.  Master Moon still thinks we are rubber bands but it's good - -if you recorded the looks on our faces when she demonstrates and instructs us to do it we would definitely win Americas Funniest Video :).

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Cornwell Center

Happy Dance!!!!  Tonight was the last class at the Cornwell Center and Monday will start fresh at our new location.  While the center served us during our interim, and we made it work, looking forward to a little more room and high ceilings.  The finishing touches will be this weekend and the new place is absolutely amazing- -just wait till you see :).

  962 Hits


Just saw the cycle FB group page extra credit for the 5K - -yippie I will take that.  Still behind in requirements but it will work out- -guess I like to play catch up.  Need to be at office earlier than normal today so off to the funny farm then two non TKD obligations after work tonight. 

  908 Hits


Surprise - - Surprise - -I can move and walk.  Hip flexors talking but happy I can move.  Thank you Master Moon :).

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Great BB class tonight!!!  Master Moon nooooooo my body does not stretch that far or bend that way.  Think walking might be a bit of a challenge tomorrow but it's all good - -very good.

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Still out of sorts but will get it together.  Had a great class tonight of sparring - - -Inst. Hsin loves sparring- - - he was thinking Olympic Circles and I think I went thru his Olympic Circles a thousand times backwards, forwards, sideways and upside down.  Great class!!!

  843 Hits


Left work a little early today to get to dojang.  Was going great- - - met with both mentee's and was able to make progress on self defense & the website then stayed for black belt class.  What a disaster - - color belt poomsae what???  Mind was still on another planet and had some fantastic creative moves going on.  Left side- - -right side no clue which was which then to top if off I was confusing my blocking and prepping arms.  Tomorrow night will be better!!!!

  944 Hits


Feeling good today, not Tony the Tiger Great but good so I will take that.  Got some requirements done but have to cut away as have family coming for dinner.  Our one niece is heading to NYU for college and yikes is it making me feel old.  She was just a little squirt going on adventures with us now all grown up -- not sure I like that.  Looking forward to all the fabulous things she is going to rock!!!

  978 Hits


So very happy to be back in town!!  My body & mind are still on another planet from the last few weeks but otherwise all is good.  In the past when I get back from these longer work trips I end up sick so today I did not go to class but slept in, don't think I have slept till 8:00 in a long time, ran most the domestic errands then came home and took a nap.  I feel so much better so going to ease into the rest of the domestic tonight and try to go at some requirements.  Want to feel good tomorrow so I can go at the requirements hard and just have food prep to worry about for the week.  Hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to seeing all next week.

  955 Hits


Soooo summer for me is nuts with work travel so unfortunately TKD has to take a backseat which does not make me a happy camper but it is what it is.  This weekend I had to take a time out with some obligations and decompress as I know the next two weeks is going to be brutal.  Friday after work chipped away on the domestics then Saturday I said time out and went to the pool.  Just needed not to think about anything but the positive was I did get 900 kicks in.  Not one to just sit at the pool like to be in it and active - - -to me requirements in the water is awesome- -definitely get some strange looks.  Today was up before the sun with work stuff, nailed the domestic - -take that laundry mountain you are gone - -and was able to get some pushups & sit ups done between...

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  1066 Hits


Rough couple of days - - urg- - -but I will be back.  My body and head is not cooperating with what my mind would like to do.  Really we have been attached long enough it should know better to listen.

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Murky Monday

Long and short crazy day at work then did not hydrate enough before my run so after run felt like I was run over by a truck - -I should know better than that.  Oh well live and learn- - -good news I did not get sick during bb class.

  849 Hits


Good day today - -little things in life excite me - -I was done with the HT and Wally World by 10:00 this morning which left time to finish the domestics, productive on the requirements then great dinner with most of the meal prep done for the week.  Really does not take much to make me a happy camper!!

  921 Hits


The day ended up way better than planned.  Happy with what I was able to accomplish on the work front and requirements, more so on the work front as that should free up some time tomorrow.  Going to try to run in the morning so will see how that goes.  Pulled something by my ankle on Thursday and still a bit tender but nothing to loose sleep over.  When you get old things seem to snap, crackle and pop - -pull, sag, twist - -way more frequently.  All is good!!!!

  978 Hits


Sooooo I am off to a slow start with auditing the cycle however I will definitely get in the groove.  Took a week off work now it's time to play catch up so not many hours in the day for anything else.  Random experience tonight - -got to class early and decided to go for a run - -great idea except when the two lightening strikes that were real close sent me like a gazelle back to the dojang.  Note to one self not a good idea to run when storm is approaching - - must remember that one next time.

  924 Hits

Time to start another part of the journey

Pre-cycle √, cycle √, physical/written test √, overnight test √, public test √, tea ceremony √ now it's time to start another part of this journey as it's not over yet.  Determination will get you where you want to go but always remember you can not do it alone. 

  1086 Hits

Test Day!!!

Happy dance so far today- - -I just keep hoping that continues thru the evening and weeeeee hours of the morning, which by the way anything after 10:00pm is past my bed time.  Got to the office early and actually was able to leave at noon.  Stopped for one errand on the way home then it has been snuggling with fur ball on the sofa and laundry.  I am trying to relax and rest- -easier said than done.  If I shut my brain down and do not think my head does not hurt as much so not going to try running thru any tkd, if I don't have it by now probably not gonna happen.  Have a bunch of family coming in tonight so house is ready and my only things left on my list are to bathe Rosie (yup that is my crazed little fur ball) and pack my bag for tonight. ...

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  1115 Hits

Twas the night before testing

Went to dojang today and did not take class but worked on a few things.  My thoughts- - - - I would not have come this far if I did not know something, may not have everything perfect, but hey I am far from perfect.  Just have to keep my head clear, be careful and do my best. 

  1099 Hits


So happy to be on the mat today.  While it was limited, more like going thru the motions, was pleased that my mind did not totally go away and I actually remembered most everything we worked on.  Tomorrow maybe another story but happy for today.

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Crazy busy day but happy camper - - zero's left on all requirements.  Met with my mentor this morning, worked with Jerome, ran a bunch of errands and attempting to put the upside down house back together in between laundry.  Hope this week things will plane out a bit so I can just focus on all the curriculum. 

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Today and yesterday morning were perfect for a run, running is not my thing but did enjoy it with the cooler weather.  Trying to stay focused with all going on and know the TKD finish line is getting close.  Had a good lesson with Master Chin yesterday and maybe someday when you say hapkido my brain will not turn to scramble eggs.  I just keep mixing everything up.  Looking forward to a productive weekend.

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The finish line is so close - -hope to have all requirements done this weekend.  Time management has been crazy with work, TKD and a house that is upside down.  The good news is we found the source of the water leak so hopefully this round of tile and cabinet will get to stay.  Looking forward to the weekend even though it will be non stop.

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Good productive day on the tkd front and ready for all requirements to be finished then can focus on fine tuning all else.

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I just hope tomorrow gets better. Construction progress at house - - -ugh- - no Cypress trees at Lowes that would fit in my car- - then off to the dojang. Happy with the requirements accomplished today and was able to meet with my mentee. Helped in junior class then Jerome and I tried to work on our creative form, that will be a work in progress.

  1020 Hits


Had a great day today and happy with my tkd progress, however Jerome "lets do more rolls & falls" NO- -- my body can only take so much in one night. As someone made comment tonight I am competitive - -yes a little- -but more so I like a good challenge. Hello peeps I am a lot older and that body does not react quite the same as the younger vintages. Looking forward to a good week!!!

  989 Hits

Test Day

What a day!!! Ok with my results today but just ok, I should have done better. After classes got home and had to lay down for a bit. I was feeling ok this morning but after the run it hit me- - no- - no - -no I am not going to get sick, been fighting it all week. After I got up it was whirl wind trying to get rid of the sheetrock dust - -luckily one room is back to order now just hummmm a bunch more to go. Will need to run some errands tomorrow, also get my tree, then maybe I can split some time between requirements and the domestics.

  1004 Hits


Had a great lesson with Master Chin this afternoon - -now lets see how much sticks. Decided to come home afterwards to work on requirements & study to find we had no power. Yup one of the big tree's that went kaboom was our neighborhood. At that point I said it was a sign - -got fur ball and went for a pedicure - -she loves going - -it's that vibrating chair - -then stopped for take out sushi. She likes sushi also- - mama does not get any of the steak on the steak taki roll. Luckily by the time I fought thru traffic, got home, power was restored. Not going to be time for added requirements - -but that is ok- - time to study some more. Want to get everything laid out for tomorrow just in case we loose power again. Little concerned - -our house sits on...

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  1162 Hits


Feeling under the weather today :( not sure if getting sick, combination of sheetrock dust and paint fumes or just ate something that did not like me. Will enter requirements tomorrow- -- which was not great. Went to dojang this afternoon, progress was very slow then left before adult class even started. Do not like these kind of days- - -hopefully can make up for it this weekend.

  889 Hits


Up before the chickens this morning - - all essays complete, spell checked and prof read except for community service. Trying to focus on written test for Saturday but it's all jumbled in my brain right now so hope it can come out right. Plan to come home from work tonight and study but am thinking that trying to get some of this house back in order is going to take priority. Between the construction mess, sheetrock dust and upheaval it's hard to relax as I like everything in it's place- -it's no where near - -every room looks like disaster zone. When it's all done I will be a happy camper just do not like the process of getting there.

  1072 Hits


Wow what a sluggish day- -productivity not where I wanted it to be. Got to dojang worked on requirements, met with our mentor then took black belt and sparring class. Felt like I was in slow motion the entire time. Couple things are starting to click but others not so great. Going to take just one thing at a time.

  1084 Hits


Had a fantastic time at the PMAA seminar this weekend and added bonus a few days a the beach. Made great progress on Friday with requirements however on Saturday & Sunday not so but all is good. Conclusion - - if I lived on a beach I might actually become a runner. Something about running in the sand with the waves crashing motivates me- -good time and distance so was very happy with that. Going to be a very busy week, know it will be crazy at work since I took two days off, one essay left and need to study more for the written test. Time is a ticking!!!

  992 Hits


Great day today with lots of progress on the tkd front. PMAA this evening and I survived - - -lot to absorb - - and some actually stuck. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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Happy Thursday

Hi ho- - hi ho- - hi ho- - it's off to the beach we go!!! Yup day early and could care less if it rains -- I have mental health days away from work so looking forward to some time away. Still up early --pushups/sit ups done and even got a run in. Now time to clean up, pack then hopefully requirements on the beach this afternoon. Safe travels everyone!!

  993 Hits


Well Wednesdays are just not progressive on the TKD front. Got home and construction mess was priority then off to Home Depot. The him & I were definitely the entertainment of the night for the employee's. Back & forth between the carpet, tile, bathroom vanity they finally had to mediate. Oh husband of mine please stick to golf and building things- - - Martha Stewart you are not. I was able to register for the 5K and happy that our community service is for the Levine Children's Hospital again. Like the fact that 100% goes to the cause and not admin expenses. I know we will have a great team!!!

  923 Hits


Good day today - - I am just going to keep plugging along and do what I can do. Very confused on learning some of the new but it will eventually sink in- -just takes me a little longer.

  1009 Hits


Happy Birthday to the Hedlund Ladies!!!!! Crazy busy day today ending with an awesome black belt class. Inst. Tucker met us for a mentor session and think something clicked tonight - -yippie - -happy dance. After meeting we had black belt class and Master Chin & Inst. Hsin brought it on strong. My mind is still spinning but it is all good. The key will be tomorrow how much I retained.

  998 Hits

Productive Saturday

Oh boy it was a busy and productive day. Got up early to knock out some requirements but had to take care of a few work issues so got off track. Went to North Charlotte met with my mentor and worked on hapkido and black belt self defense. Took both black belt classes then sparring. Half way thru the second black belt class my back muscles started cramping but I plowed thru - -believe me it was not pretty but I made it. I know I have to hydrate more - - -along with stretching but hey this old body rebels when it works out solid that many hours in a row. All is good- - - came home and spent some time with my foam roller and the laundry mound. It will be a early night tonight then will look forward to tomorrow.

  998 Hits


Yikes I am tired!!! Got to dojang at 2:30 today and left at 7:00, I just could not make it till 8:30 - -was starting to see double. Again as always thankful for my private lessons with Master Chin, she is able to break things down so I understand them. Sorry folks- - - you can not show me in class once and I get it - -my brain does not function that way and if it takes crazy sayings or nicknames to get me to remember so be it. We had a special seminar tonight for completion team - -wow those kids rock - -what focus!! Wish I could have lasted the entire class but it is what it is and with long day tomorrow up North bed needs to come early tonight. Lights out!!

  949 Hits

Day 70

Well my book is full, are we done? Day 70 for those who did the pre cycle venture, would have liked to be further along but happy with the progress made. Up early to knock out pushups, situps and pullups before work. After work it was off to Home Depot for many supplies- - - our house is in disaster mode and trying to get it back together. Tomorrow will be very full day and more focus on tkd, gotta balance it all out.

  1001 Hits


Happy to be back in class tonight however do not know which is more challenging Inst. Hsins red stripe or sparring class- - -whew tired. Lot accomplished today and feeling better, not quite 100% but will take it.

  1043 Hits


Well today was not so great- - no work- - home all day in bed sick. Finally go up around 5:00 and decided to try a run since the chills and fever were gone. Actually felt good but will not talk about the time or distance. Maybe the sweat will run the crud out of me. Very disappointed had to miss class tonight but know better than going to the dojang sick. Selfish for not wanting to miss class but not fair to the others to spread the germs. Going to make some dinner then off to bed in hopes that tomorrow will be better.

  904 Hits


Very unproductive day, still feeling under the weather, so took it very easy. No idea what I was thinking heading to the grocery store a little after noon, yikes- - - zoo was and understatement. Between after church crowd and everyone under the sun getting last minute beverages and snacks for the game my cart ended up with a hap hazzard mess. Just happy I made it out in one piece. Lesson learned - - - dont do that again.

  962 Hits

Productive Saturday

Out of the house before 7 for my run, home to requirements, off to North Charlotte for mentor session, black belt class and sparring. Topping it all off did not feel good but I survived. Had to lay down for a little bit when I got home - - - really it was because Rosie wanted snuggle time. No more tkd for the day, have to get ready as we have an event to attend tonight.

  979 Hits


Always thankful for my Friday private lesson with Master Chin - -yup she rocks!!! Got a lot accomplished but still so much to learn and make look better what I do think I have down- - -grace I am not. Requirements were on the downside today but that is ok.

  991 Hits


Today, for the most part, went well. Work crazy, but that's normal, then off to the dojang. My mentee had an event at school so was not able to meet with her. Knocked out quite a few requirements, helped in junior class then took the adult class. The night did not end on a high note but it is what it is. All I can keep doing is trying my best.

  863 Hits


Wednesday's are just not in the cards for me, no energy my evening to recharge. Got home from work and the fur balls were screaming for snuggle time, yup it was a great nap. Got up and was going to go for a run but did not think wise with the rain and lightening so more snuggle time. Not a good day on the tkd front but feel great now, ready for bed.

  851 Hits

Red Stripe Day

My body is not going to be a happy camper tomorrow as today I got a lot accomplished very early not knowing it was going to be red stripe week. Met with my mentee and worked on self defense & hapkido, helped in junior class at 5:45 then took adult class. Class was very nice as Master Chin took the senior belts to the back room with focus on some self defense but hit the physical requirements hard in between - -it was non stop and felt great. We will see what tomorrow brings- - - -.

  1075 Hits

labor day

Yup it was a day of labor but all is good. Things happen for a reason so not all went as planned. My day that was to be machine mode for tkd did not happen instead I cycloned thru every room in the house to find donations for the rummage sale at Ironstone lane stables and rescue. It worked out as we have some construction projects starting so den needed cleared so why not everything else. Hope they have a successful sale. Love the fur balls!!! Happy for what I did fit in on requirements though, anything is better than nothing.

  964 Hits

Major happ...

Major happy dance today!! So thankful for my mentor - she rocks!!!! Yup holiday weekend and she is willing to help. Alot accomplished and would not ask for more. Have some construction projects starting at the house so disaster zone but my crazy compullsiveness is trying to looking the otherway. Hope can finish packing up the den so essays can start tomorrow,

  1101 Hits

Today was ...

Today was not quite what was planned but all is good. Bad news, minimal on tkd, but good news alot done on the home front and hopefully will set up the next two days.

  902 Hits


Very productive day today- -up early- -requirements - -work- - then off to the dojang. Very happy tomorrow is Friday and sooo looking forward the weekend.

  924 Hits

Hump Day

So you would think that after umpteen days of pull ups I could do at least one with out the assist. Not looking that way so far, guess I just keep working with my red friend. Up early every morning to knock out the pushups, sit ups and pull ups, before work, as that is what is working for me so will continue on. Slightly concerned about all the poomsae changes especially the difference in blocking - -need to get more review on that. Other than that looking forward to a great day!!!

  999 Hits


Happy that my mentee is back from summer break and got to meet with her tonight- - focus will be reviewing so she does not feel lost in class. Should of, would of, could of, knocked out more requirements today but it just did not work out on certain things. Helped in the junior class, which is normal for me on Tuesdays & Thursdays, then took adult class in which we worked on hapkido form 1- - yikes something about myself and hapkido - -get it - -understand it - -it's the remember part that does not want to stick.

  950 Hits


Nothing crazy exciting going on today which is good - -no major events and happy with my requirements progress. Glad I forced myself to work out yesterday and not nearly as stiff today. Looking so forward to the long weekend and hoping to have some extra time where I can start to focus on the essays and print out the written test. The essays are my biggest struggle - -hello it's been a while since school and not use to sitting down and writing papers.

  882 Hits


Yup today is Sunday the Sore day - -oucheeee!!!! Was able to meet with Jerome today and got in a lot of requirements but I finally had to say enough - - my body said please do not do this to me. No more TKD for the day so focus will be on the domestic's. I really need Doby the house elf to come kidnap the laundry.

  969 Hits

Pre Test Day

Wow what a day!!! Happy with the pre-test but definitely have to work harder as still much room for improvement. After black belt class I stayed for sparring - -what was I thinking????? I survived but once home I was tired. We did stop at Rita's on the way home and that was a nice treat. No more for the day as we have dinner club tonight so I need to make myself presentable and somehow become coherent.

  980 Hits


Really not, today was going so well till I walked into the kitchen to find my feet soaked. The him had already left to tailgate so had a nice mess to deal with. Found the cause, cleaned it up but then was in a funk. Went for a run that was pathetic so watched an episode of tiny house, yikes, then some more study guide review and off to bed. Please Panthers win, do not want to hear grumbling when him gets home. Will be out of my funk in the morning and ready for the pretest.

  923 Hits

Day 50

So if my brain has calculated correctly today was our 50th day for those who started the pre-cycle. Even though with a crazy schedule between work and some personal commitments I am happy where I am with my TKD goals and requirements. Yes I am behind on learning the new but will figure a way to make it work and absorb it all. Had a great- - - fun time at the dojang today as it was very busy with the students returning from the summer. Non stop till 7:30 and that is the way I like it.

  974 Hits

national dog day

Requirements not so good today but thats ok. Wednesdays are tough for me and besides its national dog day and the fur balls needed extra attention to celebrate. Gotta make everyone happy - - -.

  932 Hits


Eventful day - -same old work stuff then off to dojang. Positive note got to dojang early so was able to knock out quite a few requirements, not so positive note reason alarm was going off at house so got to go deal with the boys in blue- -all ended up good think someone may have tried but our alarm sounds like an air raid horn so probably scarred them away thankfully unless the window magically started moving on its own. Assisted in my normal junior wang ho class then adult class which was great, tons of color belt review then Inst. Hsin decided he wanted to make sure we had some physical requirements in at the end of class. Love when he does that!!!

  967 Hits


Productive day with requirements and helped with the bocho's at 5:45 class today then BB class with lot's of color belt review- - -needed that and pretty happy with the results. I am confident I will get everything done and see this to the finish however these dang pullups. Even with my beloved red bungy I can still not conquer them - -frustrating- -maybe some day but not going to loose sleep over it. Looking forward to a great week and the pre test on Saturday.

  947 Hits


Jerome & I met today and focused on self defense - -yikes- -thinking we are going to be sore tomorrow since I was on a mission to go non stop. The soreness will go away but you can not get more time so got to utilize what you have- - today was it. Looking forward to classes this week and going over the study guides to see what will stick for the pretest.

  920 Hits


So disappointed I missed both Thursday and Saturday class with Master Hama sounds like it was awesome. It was a stressful adventure getting to DC, needless to say we were due to arrive at 4:30 on Thursday which turned into 1:130am in Baltimore, finally got to hotel at 2:15 then had to be up at 6. Spent the morning with Chaplin Sama to which we were grateful for the beautiful service and my brother is now at his final resting place atop a hill over looking the Pentagon. Coincidentally his office was at the Pentagon for years and the street in Arlington is named Grant which is also his grandsons name. Once everyone got back to hotel most took off for the Mall to visit many of the monuments but sister and I hung back. She needed some quiet time with her book so I took off for a run then...

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  1001 Hits

Turblant Tuesday

No get up and go today, it was gone. Struggled to accomplish what I did, in a fog all day. Hopefully tomorrow will not be a repeate.

  889 Hits


It's Monday and I am so happy to be back!!! Awesome night at South Charlotte- - -the incredible Inst. Tucker took care of her misfits - -yup that would be Jerome & I - -with mentoring - -that is a challenge with us - -we laugh a lot - - -then had black belt & PMAA class. Great night and even better Master Chin taught PMAA. Looking forward to tomorrow and want to stay on track with the requirements.

  1034 Hits


Very productive day again and yup I like that, just wish it could be the norm on the TKD front. Tired though so early to bed tonight and looking forward to a good week.

  949 Hits


So happy to be back in class. Great day today and very productive- -mentor session - -bb class - -sparring class and I survived!!! Yup I was tired and ran out of steam but it was awesome - -bummed out I will not be hear next Saturday, or Thursday, to work with Master Hama but have to take care of some family business. He was fantastic to take class with and I am finally getting a better understanding of sparring - -now if I just could get my body to move quick enough I would be in good shape. A lot accomplished today on both the TKD front and domestics so happy camper am I today.

  1003 Hits


Ahhhh work week is over- - - now the focus is trying to get back on target with requirements. Slow start getting into it today as my body is not in agreement and my mind is still like scrambled eggs. Tomorrow is another day and looking forward to attending classes. On a random note - -if anyone is in the market for new sneakers - -as I call them kicks - - -can not say enough about the Hoka's. Actually was so impressed that I called and had them order me another pair in different color. Felt great running in them but more so during setup and breakdown at these trade events I attend, yup miles of concrete floors, noticeable different. Have always invested in good shoes but these far surpassed others I have had. Even better you can see me coming a mile away - - very bright!!! Run for...

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  1064 Hits


So happy I will be home later today but embarrassed to say it will be straight to bed. Admitting it, beyond exhausted and have to recharge. The physical aspects of these shows is gruling however thankful I am still able to do it. Funny occurance that I am sure some will get a laugh, our staff got introduced to spark for the first time, lets just say my supply I had with me was wiped out. Guess canisters of spark will be added to show supply list :).

  930 Hits


Yesterday was a very long day but productive from the work front - - busy in our booth. Today is crazy day with breakdown tonight then load trucks tomorrow so more than likely out of pocket for a bit and unfortunately little requirements. All is good though and ready to be home. Miss my fur balls!!!

  914 Hits

Happy danc...

Happy dance - - - made it to the gym today. Did not have alot of time but will take what I can get. Will be a long busy day again tomorrow so lights out soon.

  1125 Hits


As Arnold once said I WILL BE BACK!!!! Yesterday was rough- - 14 hours on the show floor and 14.72 miles back and forth one side of the hall to the other. When I left a relaxing adult refreshment was needed, along with an appetizer, then it was fall- - literally - -fall into bed. I see the progress everyone else is making and disappointing I am not with them - -my body can only do so much. Staying positive - -it will all work out in the end. Hope everyone has a great weekend and bummed will be missing classes.

  902 Hits

Unload day

It's that work thing- - -stick a fork in me. I put my pedometer on when I hit the dock this morning - - -17.26 and I am toast. No not going to count it. I was at the hotel gym before 5 and happy with progress and will count that. You can be a machine when you put your mind to it. Yup 9:00 and Mr. Sandman needs me.

  1020 Hits


Lets just say 4 hours in the car is not good - - - sitting still bad combination in my little world. At least got to hotel and was able to have some productive time. Tomorrow is going to be very hot working outside so going to try to get some requirements knocked out beforehand.

  880 Hits


Got a small run in last night after the show but that was about it as the legs said no no no no on anything more. Got a quick dinner to go and headed to the room for the night. Going to be a very long day today, rest of the week, so want to make sure I get the proper rest. My only goal at this point is just to stay healthy and not get behind.

  938 Hits