Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Physical and Written Test

Today we do the physical and written test. I am a little anxious just because of the health concerns from earlier this week. I feel pretty confident about my abilities but I am afraid of over doing it and having the same problem or making something worse. However, my doctor's Physician's Assistant, whom I saw earlier this week when it happened said it was ok to do the test today. So I will do it with confidence to the best of my ability.

  954 Hits


Written and physical test tomorrow! Cant wait!! I got this easily! Well maybe not the written test...too much studying for me this past week so I hope I pass. Goodluck to everyone!

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Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, My day was very hectic today. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. It's Been challenging not having a computer at home. Thank God for support of friends who will let me scan, and type documents. Whew!! Just finish dropping in required documents. Now I will take my tired carcass home. Did my physical requirements today. My body should be getting stronger but I am constantly sore. Having the knowledge of a Massage Therapist but I am not taking care of self. I know that I am running on empty and my muscles do not have any recovery time. They are atrophyed.

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Tomorrow is physical and written test day. I think I am ready but I am nervous. My knees, worry me... But like everything, I am going to show up and just do my best.I am going to call it a night, this is the earliest I have been able to get in the bed all week. The rest will not hurt me. Good night all.

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Tomorrow is the big day. It's our Physical and Written Test. I will be well rested and ready to go! I'm still not sure about pull ups, but I'll do my best. I wish you all good luck, and I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

  783 Hits

37th journal entry

Well today is a pretty full day. Work kept me going all day long. A lot of my co-workers, even my dentist, donated a lot of items for the Levine Children's Hospital. This community service is a true "community" effort. Went to Lowe's and purchased our Spruce trees. Looking forward to the physical and written test. We are a step closer on completing our journey.

  925 Hits

life is great

Testing is only one day away! Soo much studying and stress. School exams and tkd exams and internships...sooo much work. Aaahhh anyway good day at class today. I wish everyome luck for saturday. We will all do great!

  927 Hits

Still Working

I am on a quick break, In between events at my Kellogg's shoot tonight...So I thought I Should at least try to do a Journal entry,So far it has been a long day. My Shoot this morning ran over because they added stuff to the Schedule and then with the hour ride home it left me with only a Couple of hours to Unload and recharge before heading to this evenings job.. I knew this was going to be a crazy week. I wasnt prepared for how exausted I feel Or for how far I am behind on everything.I am so glad I got my essays done.I studied for the written test some more this morning during breakfast. I feel good about it, Just hope I dont panic,I got my tree (shrub) the other day. I chose a Japanese Holly. I have never been very good with plants. The attendant assured...

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  884 Hits

great day !!!!

to day i had an amazing day with a capital A well i went to school and got a 100 on a i little quiz that was easy after that i went to science witch was awesome i won the iditarod i felt happy i got a free homework pass just because i won well when school was over i went home and did all my home work but when i got home i got locked out for almost 2 hours because my parents weren't there so when they came back it was to late for me to go to BB classes  

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Had a pret...

Had a pretty good day except for this morning, my first block teacher said some choice phrases i am pretty sure she isnt allowed to say. Its a good thing that she is leaving the school anyways on friday. i had to stay after for practice again but this time till five. then my cousin Kimi and some of her friends had come over to say hi before they went snowboarding tomorrow. she said that she was gonna stop by on saturday and say hey again so i cant wait i dont really get to see her and her family often.

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Practice EOG

Today i took a EOG in science and i revived a 3. my teacher put it in the grade book as a 85 so i got a B. i was a few points away from a 4. I am having a ecosystems quiz/test in two days so i want to study hard and try to get a 100 because that might boost my overall grade to a B. I still have to finish typing an essay for school.

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Ready for Saturday

Essays...check. Written test questions answered and studied...check. Recommendation letters...check. Community service items...check. Tree bought...check. Daily physical requirements...check. I think I'm ready. I feel much stronger now than the beginning of the cycle. It's a long physical test and I am worried about being able to meet all the requirements without my knee distracting me. I'm going to try to rest my body tomorrow to give me the best chance for Saturday.

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test night

We had testing for stripe belts tonight in Belmont. Everyone did great! I love that we have more parents training now too... During my run/walk tonight my knee is acting up.. they both have been screaming lately but tonight the left one was making the most noise. I hope it holds on. I feel like I should be getting stronger with all the pushups I've done but honestly I think they are getting tougher. Tomorrow is a busier day than today so I'm going to call it a night.

  920 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, been trying to post journal for the last 90mins: first my computer crashed then my iPhone won't publish my entry. So, here I am starting all over again. Please work, please work. Wanted to type up my handwritten essays. Had a very long day today. Started my fist client frirst client at 7:30am. Worked til 5pm. Met with Mentee. Trying to come up with a game plan to fulfill all requirements before Saturday.

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(*WORK hard play HARD*)

 today all started out at school witch was pretty awesome when i went to math i had a test it was hard well she said if you don't finish your test then we haft to stay in the room with her well P.E motivated me to work faster and to not be lazy the best part is that my P.E was going to play knock out witch is a pretty good game if you like free shots and basketball well when that was over i went to all of my classes and i went home when i got home i went straight to KT i had a mentor session there also and when i was done with *that* (again!!) i went home took a shower and stared doing home work when i finished i started doing my journal!?.  

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Woke up ea...

Woke up early today so i could get to the school at 6 to help out with career day. i helped out Mrs Hartle when she was there to tell thew kids about Tae Kwon Do. I had a good time with her there and just helping out the school just feel great. then i went to class and when school ended i had to ride the bus today because there was no practice after school then i went home and just worked on my essays tomorrow i will definatly be done with them and i will turn them in. but all im waiting on is my recomendation letters

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I don’t want to go into details but do to health issues my doctor has told me to not do extreme physical activity until after I have a CT scan on Friday. I am doing poomsaes and self-defense. I can’t and do not want to believe this is happening just days before my physical test. I have worked so hard to get my running faster and to exceed the rest of my goals with sit-ups, push-ups etc. I have many people praying that everything turns out good and one test did come back normal so that is great news. I am trying to not worry and keep a positive attitude but this is very frustrating. I have come too far and we are too close for this but on the other hand I have to pay attention to my health.

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still on short time

While shooting this morning I received an email requesting changes on the video I have due for Thursday's job. I only had time today to help with the MID class. In order to get the changes complete and ready for delivery in the morning I had to completely change my evening schedule. I wasn't able to attend classes as I had planned. and now I need to try and do some requirements before calling it a night. Wow.. I'm only in day two of the week and I'm already so far behind. Hang on!

  724 Hits

bad knee again

So my knee has decided to give put on me every 10 seconds -_- great. Back to the doctor and hopefully better by saturday! Hardly did much today except for studying

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best day

today i had a great day it all started out with school but i felt a little sick in P.E i felt really hot but i felt better when i got home in P.E i played knock out witch is awesome i won only once its ok because the teacher said i could only win 1 time so every time i was about to win i would give it to the other person well when P.E was over i went to all my important classes like math etc, when i went to social studies i learned about the romans they were a really large empire. when i was done with school, i did home work IT WAS EASY but the bad part is that i finished at 6:30 i felt like 20 min but it was actually like half an hour well after that i watched a little TV and then...

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  809 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal,I missed my mentor this morning, and I feel like I'm making a lot of progress. This is a beautiful day today and I would like to catch up on my sparring and leadership one credits. I don't know exactly what to do because time is against me. I'm going to hope for miracles! I find it very difficult not to be there to support my family having one car makes doctor's appointments, school, along with everything else tricky. I will do the best I can to travel to various schools by any means necessary.

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Picturing Me

My spring pictures are tomorrow, and I can wear whatever I want, as long as I change back into my uniform. I will handsome in my bowtie. I will be having to have spring break earlier than most schools. I will be going to Myrtle Beach, but I will still be doing requirements. I wish all of you good luck for Saturday. I WILL NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!

  876 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, What an amazing day today turned out to be. Weather is warming up, its staying lighter longer. Today was my date to be mute all day. It was pretty challenging but what an empowering exercise. It made me realized not to take speaking for granted and to look and experience life through another world. I found myself earlier during the day furstrated that I had to wite things down but as the day went on i got a little more creative. Awesome Exercise.

  887 Hits

not long enough

today has not been long enough. I still have so much to do. Since early today my time schedule has been off. I need to do some more requirements and haven't even had a chance to do more than unload what I shot today. Not a good start on my week. Here's hoping the rest of the week is not so out of whack. I've got to stay on top of things. I keep telling myself to not fall apart now.

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life is great

Today went great. Perfect weather and perfect day at school. No hw and no stress. Teasting this week and ive been studying sooo much. Im ready. I know it

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I am happy because i am going to be on a commercial. i went to KT today witch was awesome the class i took was *hyper* the class is always awesome because its hyper well after all of that i went with my dad because he had to work but the my mom picked me up. when i got home i did some requirements while i was doing this i was listing to a song called *happy* witch really motivated me to do all my requirements i got a lot done even homework i did home work so fast that i was amazed that i can do that fast when i was done with my requirements ( still listing to *happy*) well i got another  email  about my audition well it said that i am going to in a new movie i am going to be the adopted kid well i...

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  824 Hits

Homework Day

Today i had a lot of homework so i didn't have a lot of time to do my requirements. But i did do some. i will catch up on the weekends.

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36th journal entry

Well I have to state that loosing an hour sleep I highly dislike. My sleep is very precious to me, and being deprived an hour is no good. Now I'm done complaining. Today I was waiting at the Park and Ride (for those of you don't know I take the bus to work downtown) for my husband to pick me up, he was running a little late as he was also picking up our daughter Mary from school as she had JROTC drill practice. Well while I was waiting I was mentally and physically practicing my Wong Ho 3 and Wong Ho 4, people were looking at me kind of funny, but it comes down to you don't care because every minute that you have the opportunity to do something and you chose not to do something is time wasted, and I don't have time to waste.

  923 Hits

Today was ...

Today was not bad, i found out that my first bloc teacher is leaving on friday. she wasn't my favorite teacher so that made my day. then in 2nd block which is ROTC my teacher wasnt here so we had a substitue but another ROTC person taught the class. then i had spanish where i found out that i had gotten a 90 on my written test. finally there was fourth block my civics class were we didvocab then watched a film called the secrets of secret service. i stayed after for feild day practice again, there i did tug of war the whole time. my hands hurt now because the rope is so old. but the sad thing is i cannot fo to the feild day super intendence cup because the same day i have to test to see if i pass and m able o get my third degree,...

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  906 Hits

The Unexpected

My aunt audrey came over yesterday. I thought she was here just to talk to my mom, but she actually brought a bunch of other stuff for the donations. I was just surprised. I have been doing a really good job at this community service thing, so that made me feel great. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!

  868 Hits


Good morning. I got up and did my run this morning, after doing some push-ups, burpees, sit-ups and inclined pull-ups. I am looking forward to when I strike that sweet balance of being light enough and strong enough to get my body up there to do a real unassisted pull-up. I did my run in 23:15.04. I was a bit slower today, in part due to lack of sleep. Although I went to bed at a decent hour, I did not rest well. I noticed that I have become obsessed with getting my run done faster. I also noticed that I prefer running in the morning before the exhaust fumes get bad. Also I saw two bunny rabbits this morning on my first time around my loop. The second time around I did not expect to see them again but I saw one of them in the same yard. It was...

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  876 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Got up early so I could fulfill most of my requirements for the day. Went to Church. Gave one of my Sisters a ride to and fro because her truck broke down. The Sermon today at Church was beautiful. It was on being lukewarm with your love for God, One Another and the Loss. Had a couple of clients today and came home and stained the draws on Cade and Chol's furniture. I hadn't done that before. It felt great knowing that I accomplished something. Looking forward to meeting with my Mentor tomorow.

  858 Hits

hopefully this works

Hoefully this journal entry goes through. It hasnt for the past few days. Aaahhh. Anyways I wish we didn't have school tomorrow. But we do. Today went well! Cant wait till testing

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I spent a good portion of the day trying to finish up essays and as of tonight I have finished all of my essays excluding the one for our community service project.  Done! I have an extremely busy work week ahead of me and wanted to get as much off my plate as possible.  This feels like a bunch of weight off of my shoulders. Today was like most Sundays have been after taking a black belt class and a sparring class I have struggled with requirements.  I still find I am always more sore after taking two classes back to back.Next weekend is the written and physical test. I have been studying, again I know I have a crazy work week too I think I am prepared and hope I dont panic.  On the physical side, this has been a tough process and to be honest my body feels tired....

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  750 Hits

35th journal entry

Well, today I found out that one of my neighbors died and was buried leaving his wife and two sons in a tough financial situation as his illness was an extended and costly one. As a neighborhood we are standing up and helping in any way that we can this incredible family. It gives you pause to think how short life is, that you should not waste any time on things of no importance, that family is the most important thing in life. Love one another. Be good to each other. Support each other. Love, laught, live!!

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today was a great day the sun was shining and i got alot of stuff done. realy tired right now sorry gonna be short :) bye

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Done, Done, and Done

I am done with all of my essays. Yessir, I am a very good student. I will be home doing requirements for the cycle and I will be tired by the end of the week, but I can do it. The only thing that I can do is get them done by Apr 5th. I WILL NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!

  1080 Hits

Great day !!!!

today i went to my other audition it was awesome because they accepted me and know i am going to do a commercial but know i am waiting for an agent to call me so i can do a commercial well i felt happy,after that i went to church AND WHEN I WAS DONE with that i went back home and know i am watching the hunger games catching fire witch is a pretty great movie so far wow!!! this was a short 

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Really Tough Day

Today was a really tough day. Today I did my empathy training and I bound my left arm in a sling. So the day was a challenge in that regard but then we had my Uncle Sonny's memorial service this afternoon. Only "having one arm" was so difficult. One good thing about doing the empathy challenge today was being able to share with my friends at church about why my arm was in a sling and therefore I was able to share more about King Tiger and the Black Belt cycle. After church I met my dad at Uncle Sonny & Aunt Jackie's house along with the rest of the family. While there my dad gave me some pictures of Uncle Sonny and their mom (my step-grandmother). I was not expecting to see a picture of my mom amongst the pictures. It immediately brought tears to my eyes. I don't know...

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  862 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a very calm day,pretty much i woke up and ate breakfast went outside and tanned. then i finished an essay and a half of another one. then i had calledtwo of my friends to see if they could hang out but both of them were busy sothe rest of my day i just chilled.

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Essay Day

Today I focused on essays. I have been writing them throughout the cycle, but as of yesterday I still had the 3rd dan specific essays to write. Well, to be fair, I had written about 7 pages of my Korean history paper, but I still had 3+ to go. The research is what takes the longest. I also needed to help a friend, do some cleaning, go to BJ's, and watch Jess' tennis match today. At this point I still have 1 essay to go. But it's only 7pm...the night is young...

  876 Hits

"Running w...

"Running water never goes stale, so you gotta be like water and keep on flowing..." Bruce LeeMore aches and pains today.. I am still recouping from Thursday night's sparring class.  Ha.Even still I had a good day and I did get two classes in and was able to get a good bit of requirements done. I was also able to make up some miles thanks to the weather and managed to shave a few seconds off my time. Still not able to run an entire mile but am working on a run/walk program. I did some pull ups yesterday and today that I have never been able to do before without the assistance of a band. I'm Still not able to do the required pull up but I feel like I have made some improvement.  Since the weather was so nice I spent some more time outside working on my punching...

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  708 Hits


I think today was one of the best and most challenging days of this cycle. It started with my 1.5 mile run and I did it in 22:47.82 which just made my morning. I thought yesterday was a fluke but when I broke 23 minutes again today, I knew it wasn't a fluke and I wasn't dreaming. I went to Saturday Black Belt class and stayed for sparring. I always enjoy working with Master Randle and Pam Russ. After class I stopped and got some lunch and when I got home Hans and I went for a 2 mile walk (some jogging) in the awesome weather. After we got home I practiced both staff forms, single stick, bolo, attack & defend, staff attack & defend and some other poomsaes on my patio in the back yard. That was so peaceful and relaxing to be outside practicing. I would take breaks and...

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  837 Hits


today i went to a audition well i thought i did horrible but it turns out i did pretty good they called and said i was one of the top 5  and that know i haft to sign a contract so i feel proud of my self for accomplishing my goal well know i haft to go tomorrow i haft to go to anther audition at 10 well know i might be on tv! witch makes me happy so HAPPy.

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Just tired.....

Today Was NOT the best day. I woke up tired and didn't seem like I got any rest. I got to KT and was in a really bad mood. It just wasn't a good day but I did get a lot of work done. I didn't feel like I did too well in sparring class but I know it's just one bad day. I got my fingers kicked and jammed and it really hurt. My Mom told me it was OK and I needed to just get some rest and re-group. That's just what I'm going to do because I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

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Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, sometimes I over think things. Had black belt class and I think I left my brain at home. My sparring class was AWESOME! I believe my strength is Sparring. I learned a lot. Just got off work and about to head home. Wish I could go some place quiet to study and rest. Need to get the rest of my requirements in before next weekend. Study, Study Study.

  931 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Woke up and felt much better. Took my workout light today. Did not want to regress. Went to the YMCA and only ran a mile. Had lots to think about. Defnitely to finish the course and need be a little better at time management. I had Bible Talk after work and was encouraged by Spirit of the women I help lead. They are all rooting for me. I cant wait to see what unfolds over the next few weeks.

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A little class

Tonight I went to Black Belt class. It was a Small Class ... only 3 of Us students,I like it when I get to attend a "little'' class, it gives opportunity for more personal critiquing:  We worked on our Poomsaes and Self defenses. ...Tomorrow, Saturday Black Belt class and another Sparring class, My body is running tired. I am calling its night,. Need the rest.

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International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day. At work, our company has a Women's Network and we met for lunch to listen to a speaker and celebrate the advances of women. The speaker was full of energy and good stories. One of her suggestions was to travel abroad to broaden your perspective. I totally agree with that. I can really appreciate life in the US after staying in many other countries. We are so fortunate in the US. Our daily complaints are really put in perspective when you think of the air quality in China, women's equality in Saudi Arabia, the violence and theft in Brazil. We really have it good.

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Wahoo! A new record for me

So, I bet you think that since it was pouring rain and cold this morning that I didn't run, well, you are wrong. I ran this evening when I got home. It was so different running in the daylight, with my contacts in and with traffic. I really enjoyed the change of scenery even though I ran the same route, just in the daylight. I am so excited that I ran my 1.5 mile loop, the same one that I have been running, (remember that up to now my best time was 23:50) tonight I ran it in 22:46.50 !!!! Well, I am going to go finish up with 45 more push-ups, some sit-ups, etc. I am so happy with my new running habit that whatever happens with the rest of the cycle & test, I have already won.

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Scary ride

I went to KT Lake Norman today for Sparring class. It was a lot of fun! We did kick boxing in class, which I really liked. It was raining really hard and we left a litle early to try to get to black belt class. I made it just in time. I also finished my volunteer project essay today too. I'm really tired but I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!!

  852 Hits

One big bandage

I have a torn meniscus in my left knee and always wear a brace when training. Since starting the cycle my right knee has started troubling me so now I wear a bandage on it.  I have hurt my right hand, I am wearing a bandage on my hand to assist and make pushups more bearable.  My back is an on going problem and many days I am wearing a back brace.  Tonight at sparring class during warm ups I felt my ankle twist... Tried not to pay it too much attention, I have enough body parts screaming so one more really didnt seem like much, but, as I was leaving The pain began to increase.  Tonight I am icing my ankle.  Looks like I may be adding another brace to my lineup.   Whew, I keep this up and I may need a one big full body brace.  The only...

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  751 Hits


its been raining almost all day, its freezing to. i have been practicing the hole day i had some home work but not a lot, i had a great day at school it was a pretty fun day i did great on my math test i think i made a 100 i know for sure i did after math i went to P.E i had a great time there because i was shooting 3 pointers all day after that i went home did my homework and when i was done with my homework i did a little mine work out for my self i was really fit they workout was only about an 1hr for me it felt like 20 min TIME GOUSE FAST QUIck!!!

  689 Hits

35th journal entry

I got quite a bit accomplished today with requirements and such. I'm keeping pretty busy at work also. Overall a pretty good day.

  851 Hits


Rainy day at school today. Had to take a really long test and it was boring. anyways i hope it snows tomorrow the weather man said it would.

  1029 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, I remember when we had our initial BB meeting to discuss what "the cycle" would entail. After leaving the meeting I thought about how in the world I would get through this 10 weeks of physical and mental training when both my knees, shoulders, back, right hip and elbow hurt: virtigo episodes; I have one vehicle, 3 jobs. Sometimes I would ask myself "why am I doing this again?" BUT, Most of the times I found myself being grateful that I have not quit, that I'm making history and I'm a part of something great. I wondered what message am I sending to my family and friends and what legacy to I want to leave behnd in my journey as a Black Belt. I know what I dont want (quitter). I know I have to go the distance. If not for self, then for the others that will come...

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  974 Hits

Very produ...

Very productive day today. I went to school and I had to wear my JROTC uniform:). In second block which is my JROTC class i am platoon leader which is the top person in your class. I led the uniform inspection today because my partner wasn't there, Overall they look nice. then i had to stay after for practice i worked on my hangtime and then simple relay. went home and got ready for sparring class were we were kick boxing. then i had to leave to go to diving practice, i worked pretty hard and i can tell ya'll that im going to be pretty sore tomorrow. so pretty much i was working out all day.

  1030 Hits


This morning I overslept by 20 minutes but I did get up and ran my 1.5 miles. I don't know what is going on. I think I am getting sick. Today I have felt really bad and wiped out. Plus I didn't get a full lunch hour so I did not get in as many requirements. We had a great class tonight and I got a lot of burpees in along with self-defenses. I always enjoy working with the Little Tigers. My mentee was still out sick. I hope to get to work with him next week.

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Ben was my helper today. He asked me questions for the written test while I was taking him to and from school. He also did requirements with me (he did his baseball homework). And he attacked me for self defense. I have to get my essays finished this weekend. And I need to do some deep cleaning in the house!

  988 Hits

had troubl...

had trouble logging in today. Really need a computer.. Did lots of review on old ciriculum. worked really hard to stay abreast. Now need to find time to add dropbox items. Not sleeping much. Can one die from a lack of sleep?

  827 Hits

had troubl...

had trouble logging in today. Really need a computer.. Did lots of review on old ciriculum. worked really hard to stay abreast. Now need to find time to add dropbox items. Not sleeping much. Can one die from a lack of sleep?

  828 Hits

so close

Today went by fast! I hope those who tested today did great! Cant wait to see who got their new belts next week! Cycle is alsmost done. Only a few weeks left. Almost done! Aahhh 3rd dan here I come

  919 Hits

so close

Today went by fast! I hope those who tested today did great! Cant wait to see who got their new belts next week! Cycle is alsmost done. Only a few weeks left. Almost done! Aahhh 3rd dan here I come

  937 Hits

A day of empathy

I did my empathy training today.  I can only say I am glad it is over. Having failed at my first attempt this was my second.  I found the day to be exausting. I tried to do things as I normally would on a Wednesday but found I was constantly having to come up with new methods to do somethings that On a normal day I would have put no thought to at all.  I have had to ask more people to help me today too than I probably would have in a week... Maybe longer, and to boot it was for simple tasks, like tying my belt or opening a snack bar.  Now to finish my essay.Thank You Master Evins !!! For the generous credits from Instructor's camp.. I really did enjoy myself too! I have collected a good number of things for our community service project. Thank you to eveyone who...

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  685 Hits

34th journal entry

Well I'm getting back to a routine after recuperating from instructiors camp. Getting my sleep back to a more normal amount of hours. Is kind of funny what little sleep can do to you.

  879 Hits

SO tired

today i was maybe a bit tired because of all the classwork i had,i am having a test tomorrow *wish me good luck* well my teacher said the test counts twice so i study all day i am still studying but in between that i was doing requirements i got a lot done now i am working on a work sheet thats due tomorrow i had a great day at band to because i learned a new note! it a b flat this note is a really low note on trumpet and it makes one of the weirdest noise ever well tuba has a double b flat witch is so low you cant hear it well i was to tired in band that i count get the high notes out.  

  686 Hits

My day was...

My day was alright, found out i have an A in Spanish which made me happy. I looked at cheek cells and onion cell under a microscope. then i watched a bullying play at school about cyber bullying. then i took a test in civics i feel like i passed it, and hopefully i did. then i stayed after school for feild day, there were only like 10 people there and me and my friend were the only people actually doing something. we both did flexed arm hang then a whole bunch of diffrent kinds of crunches and then some pushup to help our strength. i also ran my 2 miles around the track. my mom and i helped out at family class and afterward we went to teach our mentees. mine loves me alot but i put my foot down when i have to. after that session we went to...

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  911 Hits

Another Essay Down, Two to Go

Whoo! I did a lot of stuff today, and I am almost done with my essays. I just need to get my volunteer and my role model essays done. It is a lot of stuff but I don't think I have a choice if I want to be a 1st degree black belt. I am a little bit tired, but I can see it in my future. Me becoming a 1st degree black belt. Wow! I WILL NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!

  823 Hits

Thank you Master Evins!

Instructor's camp was awesome. And the credits Master Evins allocated to us for participating made it super-duper awesome! Thank you, sir! Today I got a noon class in at LKN, then taught family class this evening. I got about half of my push ups and sit ups in and some poomsaes during classes, but now I need to hit the rest of my physical requirements. Oh, I also reviewed my test questions today...went through them all twice. I also asked my peoples for my letters of recommendation late last night. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

  939 Hits


Good morning. Last night I worked with Kate and Master Chin with our Little Tigers class. We worked on some self defense moves. The little tigers don't understand how important those moves that we are teaching them may be to them someday. I pray they never get grabbed but hopefully they will remember what to do if they do get grabbed. We also worked on self defense in our Senior Wang Ho class. I am getting a little frustrated. Russ, my mentee, has been in class twice in 3 weeks. One week he was out of town, the next week he was sick. The one week he was in class on both Tuesday and Thursday he said he couldn't stay for mentoring after class on Thursday. I was hoping we could work together both days so I could catch up on my number of sessions. Last night he wasn't there someone...

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  852 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Wow!! What a day. Jumped right out the gate and hit the ground running. Went through the ritual of going to the Y, went to adult am class; worked with my mentee before assisting in class; stayed for BB and PMAA class tonight, which was very humbling. Again felt like a White belt. Apparently been only practing new ciriculum so i can build a memory forbut found out its best to practice the old belt cirriculum as well. OMG!! Gotta get on the grind.

  856 Hits

Still playing catch up...

Its been a long day.. I was up early trying to finish uploading an order that shows tomorrow.  Its a slow process but I finished and jumped straight into requirements. I wasnt able to finish the requirements and had to head out to help with the early afternoon class, from there I headed across town hoping to be a little ahead of rush hour traffic. Time enough for a quick and light bite then I did sparring class in Mint Hill.  We did alot of foot work drills. I liked the class and think I did ok but may find I dont walk so good tomorrow after all of the bouncing we did.  After sparring I changed and ran back across town to catch the PMAA class tonight at Master Evin's.. Afterwards I had to make a quick stop at the store and am just getting in.  I still have a...

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  581 Hits

rough day

today i had the ACT. in my opinion it went fairly easy :) i know i got atleast a 28 or higher. had a half day too so came home at 12:30. got a good workout in before black belt and sticks class.only 4 more weeks till cycle ends! cant wait!!

  0 Hits

Long Day

I had to be in the office early today. I had several meetings and then when I was trying to get some work done, I kept getting interrupted. So I didn't get as much done as I needed to. After getting the kids to baseball and softball practices, it was nothing but requirements. Had a good PMAA class tonight. Now if my beloved Wolverines could beat Illinois to clinch the Big Ten Championship, it'll make up for my slow morning. :)

  874 Hits

didn't feel good.......

today i felt sick every were it all happened when i was waiting outside in the cold well i started to cough and then my nose got all stuffed after that my head started to hurt i had the worst day ever well school was ok i didn't like going to P.E today because my stomach started to hurt when we were running i am glade i never throw up well after school i went home and had a nice nap well until my mom woke me up to do my homework i was still sick but i didn't give UP!!! 

  763 Hits

Turning in My Volunteer Stuff

today i finally turned in my voluneer stuff, but there may be more to come. i told people at school and at church, so this is going to be fun. but i have a lot to go with requirements and essays. I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!

  893 Hits


I had so much homework today. i had to do 3 pages in LA that were super hard. Also had science homework and extra credit. And i got a paper to type for social studies tomorrow. Good thing our gym teacher made us run all class today because now i'm 1 day ahead of my running :)  now the other things... I think i will start to do a lot of 1 thing to get it wiped out. i will try it next week.

  991 Hits

I had a re...

I had a really good day today. i had gone to school today and we went to homeroom and watched movies while the juniors had to take the ACT test. then we had lunch and left school early now i am at home eating lunch and studying for school and the tkd written test.

  968 Hits

Terrific Tuesday

Well, I surprised even myself today. I got up at 4:45 (nothing unusual there) did 30 sit-ups and yes, went for my run. It was 22 degrees outside when I started. Yes, I said 22 degrees, that was not a typo. I had double layers, including my silk long johns, glove and 2 hats. The wind was bitter and cut like a knife, however, I did not quit. I had to even pass my house in the loop at the 3/4 of a mile mark and kept running. Oh, I also did my run in less time than yesterday!!! Then I came home did 30 more sit-ups and 10 inclined pull-ups with my "Perfect Pull-up bar". Fed the cat & dog and after this journal entry I need to get in shower.

  940 Hits


I'm behind on everything from my house to my physical requirements ... I still have so much to do before I call it a night.

  777 Hits

ACT tomorrow

Today went by great. Having login issues and the website wont accept my journals or inputs :( emails master hartle so hopefully I get that fixed. Today was a great day. Not mervous at all for my ACT tomorrow. Got a 34 out of 36 the first time I took it. This time shouldnt be hard at all :) not feeling over confident or under confident. I got this.

  840 Hits


My best friend got some shocking, bad news today. It was so painful to watch her because she was hurting so badly. Today I had to remind myself that everything happens for a reason, and that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. She's a strong wonderful person and after this experience she will be even stronger. I only hope that 6 months from now, she will be able to look back be be thankful for this incident. Today, my bumps, bruises, and soreness was nothing compared to the pain in her soul. Life is all about perspective.

  928 Hits


today i had a lot of homework and i went to a soccer game i got mad mad because i got a yellow card the ref said i kicked the guy from the back so i moved on with my life and kept  playing well i scored 3 goals witch is pretty good and when that was over i went back home and ate a big salad thats all about my day!! 

  847 Hits


Today was a normal day. I didn't really do much of anything. All I did was take a vocabulary test and do math. Tonight I think I am going to turn in my volunteer stuff so that I can go ahead and type up my essay for it. I am also pretty much done with a few of my requirements. But I have a long way to go, but I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!!!

  917 Hits

Monday after Instructor's camp

I went to instructor's camp and had a great time. It was a long weekend and full of hard work but so much fun. I got a call from my step-dad (who has been my step-dad since I was a senior in high school) that his brother, Sonny, has died unexpectedly yesterday around noon. I was/am devastated. Yesterday was a great day turn bad. I did not get much done as far as requirements go due to that news. However, I did get up at 4:30 and run in 57 degrees. I ran my 1.5 miles in 25 minutes. You may ask me if I am disappointed that it took me longer this time than it has in a while. I would tell you a firm NO. I am proud that I ran, especially after having missed several days due to instructors camp. I am also proud that I got up...

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  1011 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, played catch up today on my physical and writen requirements. It was intense.I went to church. Dinner was on the stove and went to work for a few hours. Tomorrow starts the day where I have to start doubling up on my classes. Wish me luck

  924 Hits

33rd journal entry

We are back from instructors camp in Greenville NC. Wow am I exhausted!!!! Very little sleep, in two nights just over 10 hours all together. I did enjoyed learning different technics that are taught in the other schools. It was a jam packed Friday from 6:30PM to midnight and a full day the next day that started at around 9 AM (when I mean a full day I mean a full day). We started Saturday by eating breakfast and then going to the pool at ECU, then we went to a school gym and had the majority of a sessions there, had lunch in between sessions. We then went out for dinner. After dinner was done went to the Grand Master Lee's dojang and did some more sessions. The day ended at 12:30 AM. Left Greenville on Sunday 9AM, got home around 1:30 PM and I just crashed for a few...

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  1008 Hits

Lots of donations

I had a lot of donations today from my mom's friends. I'm sure that I have a lot of donations to last the hospital a years worth. I am seriously tired of the non stop requirements and they are all almost done. I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!

  879 Hits

Instructor's Camp

Another instructor' camp is in the books. It was a great camp, great to interact with all the school owners and masters, and see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. The sessions with Master Lee were my favorite...especially the pool session. On the way to and from Greenville, I studied for my written test, too. And the long nights are training for the overnight test! So it was a very productive weekend. I like productive. :)

  930 Hits

Today i wo...

Today i woke up around 7:30 got ready to go home, but boy was i tired. my mom said that i looked chinese because my eyes look so tired. My mom and i got home around 2. We unpacked first then i got to eat because i was starving. then i got settled at my house and went out side to read and enjoy the nice day in my swim suit. my dad made some wings and i ate abot maybe 15. they are delicious:) now my parents and i watching cowboys and aliens its a pretty good movie.

  1343 Hits

great soccer day

today i played soccer i scored no goals but i stool the ball a lot i had a fun time my team won 10 to 0 the team was ok they just didn't have a great defense i played midfielder witch is a hard position after the game i went back home and stared doing some requirements  i did A LOT 0f push ups and sit ups witch made me proud i am really tired from all the work i did well i aways say thats how life is if u don't put any effort then you wont make it,well after that i played some video games and know i am writing this.  

  810 Hits

Weekend Wear

I am on the road Traveling Home from Instructor's Camp... I do love that My Son Can drive now,Im sore, Im Tired but feel rejuvenated at the Same time:. Ive really enjoyed the Conversation with my Son on this morning trip,. what a good Kid he is I am So proud of him. It thrills me that I get to hang out with him during events like this past weekend.... TKD has been Such a bonding agent for us. oh and the memories We are making . We have giggled about the black eye he gave me this weekend. There is a story he will get to tell for years . As for Me, I need to learn to get out of the way after disarming someone: HA, but I will Wear this Shiner with pride ....and what do they Say- " You are not training hard enough if you have...

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  632 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Today was a day to take it easy, reflect on my accomplshments and to be still. Its so easy to loose sight and fall into a state of self-pity. Got to spend some quality time with the family. Cut my workout in half today so not to over do things. Need to pray for God to put on my heart what direction to go. I know ths weekend was a learning leasson, but I still don't know what lesson I'm to learn.

  862 Hits

NEW shoes/work out

today i had a great day it stared out with a great work out witch was awesome i did 300 push ups and 489sit ups and i ran a lot i am having some difficulties on some of my self defense's it was on blue but i looked it up on youtube and it work i was nervous that i didn't know it.i got new shoes witch were cool i got nikes 7.0 there red and black after this i am going try them on again  

  705 Hits

So much done

This Saturday i didn't have anything to do so i just did requirements for a good part of the day. I'm sore right now but i got ALOT done! im so proud im gonna take tomorrow off because i can afford to :) i might do this every saterday from now on. of course i have to do all my hoework on fridays but That means sundays will be free :)

  1011 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Came to realize that if I slow down enough God's will will be done. I guess I'm not really supposed to go to Greenville, and no matter how much I want to go I cant let water flow from a rock. I'm really exhausted and keep pushing myself and now its catching up to me. THe light-headedness is coming back, which is one of the first symtom of Virtigo. My left shoulder is strained from excessive assisted pull-ups. Plan on taking it easy tomorrow, by being still and listen. But Im not quitting. Hope you guys are enjoying Instuctors' Camp. I'm there in spirit.

  945 Hits

Rest Day.....

Today was a very tired day. I just couldn't do much of anything. I did manage to get some running I'm but nothing else. I know I'm going to have to make up what I didn't do but it felt good to rest. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

  901 Hits

the stress is real

Too much school and work to handle. Aaahhhh mp break at all! If im not doing school im working. If im not working im doing tkd. If im not doing tkd Im doing doing school or work. Ugh. Help!

  860 Hits

great day

today i had a wonderful day, school was ok i had homework i feel bad for my teachers for still working it we had the snow storm, i went to PE had to run for 6 min witch is 1.5 miles and we played a game i scored 9 points straight well i was like the only one who new how to play soccer i was scared my team would all get red cards,i had one yellow because i tripped the other guy well my coach said it was a great sacrifice i am glade i didn't get a red card. i did a lot of sit ups and push ups today and i practiced koroy 10 times   

  0 Hits

32nd journal entry

Yesterday did sparring class. Kept on going with anything that I could get caught up with with requirements. I'm getting ready to go to instructors camp. Hopefully I'll have time to update things this weekend. I have a feeling that we will be so busy and tired at the end of the day that the last thing in my mind will be to enter information on the computer. Well I'll keep up with things in writing and then get caught up with the entries. See you on the other side of the Moon!

  858 Hits