Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Brown stripe day, so we did a lot of board breaking and everyone did very well.  Today I have been trying to cut down on the amount of carbs that I am eating because I have been feeling sluggish. We will see how I end up feeling.

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1st Day of Afterschool

Classes went well on the 1st day. Getting the kids to the school was a challenge so i am betting that tomorrow will be another beast! 

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BB Class

Had a good black belt class today with Master Chelly.  We did a lot of review all the way from white belt to 3rd Dan!

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Classes went very well today. Lots of board breaking, and lots of happy kiddos.  I was feeling pretty good :D

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Today I traveled to South Carolina to see the total solar eclipse.  I was so excited to finally witness this phenomenon.  For anyone who hasn't seen it I highly recommend that you go next time! :D Class went swell today.

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Long day today.  I have been pretty tired this weekend planning on catching up on sleep tonight.  Had a birthday party at around 3 which went very well!

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First day of Master Hartle gone, and we had a crazy day.  Sick kids, lots of drama and testing coming up soon. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! ????

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Very good day today. My calfs are feeling much better than they were. Im getting pretty excited for tomorrow's demo class. I have a lot of things i want to try and do!

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Awesome day today! Went on a hike at crowders mountain. Something i dont do very frequently.  Turned out to be very enjoyable, looking forward to doing it again at a later date.

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Class went very well today. Did a lot of review on the stick forms, which was much needed.  Overall a very nice day!

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Good day and class today! We went over all of the color belt curriculum for our inevitable pre-test.  I am prepared for whenever it comes!

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Pretty good day today. I have been sleeping a lot more than usual, not sure what to attribute that to... Planning on doing some conditioning in sparring class tomorrow. Should be a good day!

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Pretty good day today! Classes went awesome today and had long birthday party for Christian Hartle! Tomorrow is going to be a hard work day. Finally got over my "contagion"!

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Happy Valentines Day! â™¥ Been spending the past couple days trying not to get sick, going strong so far. Classes have been going by very smoothly.  We have lost two of our Instructors.  Hope Jessica and Dillon are doing well!

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Today went well! Got a good night sleep last night.  Sister has flu! Hopefully I do not get sick... :(  I am really happy with my running progress so far, my time is getting lower every time I run now!  Tomorrow should be good!

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Long day at school today.  The kids were good today, in demo team we went over dynamic kicks.  I gave everyone in Demo Class a goal to learn a new kick by the end of my 10 week cycle!  

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Marcus Hendricks

So glad testing is finally over. I do still have to finish up a few things. I am so very tired right now. I am about to sleep like a baby tonight.

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Marcus Hendricks

Felt very good today. I ate a lot of food at school because it was mole day! Felt good throughout the entire day :D

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Marcus Hendricks

Grandmaster Lee came over today. I had two classes which him and it was very cool. Thank you Grandmaster!

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Marcus Hendricks

Getting myself mentally prepared for the test on Saturday. Tomorrow and Friday are my only other review sessions. I also need to practice my scissor kick.

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Marcus Hendricks

There practiced a lot of my forms. I'm feeling pretty good about them. Tomorrow I just have to go over hapkido.

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Marcus Hendricks

Had a good amount of practice on my staff forms today. Tommorow the Hartles should be helping me on staff 3 and 4.

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Marcus Hendricks

Had a good amount of practice on my staff forms today. Tommorow the Hartles should be helping me on staff 3 and 4.

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Marcus Hendricks

Had a good amount of practice on my staff forms today. Tommorow the Hartles should be helping me on staff 3 and 4.

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Marcus Hendricks

HAd some really good review of hapkido forms 2 and 3. Tomorrow i should be getting a lot of miles in.

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Marcus Hendricks

Did a lot today and i feel pretty sore.  Tommorow should be a bit of a "rest".

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Marcus Hendricks

Did so many requirments with Master Chelley today. Im feeling a little sore and then tomorrow should be the same drill.

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Marcus Hendricks

Ran 3 miles today and i was pretty tired. Tomorrow is going to be a big workout day so i should get a lot done.

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Marcus Hendricks

Felt a little sore today but it wasn't too bad. I can't believe i only have 2 weeks left. Not sure what music i should do my creative form to.

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Marcus Hendricks

Felt a little sore today but it wasn't too bad. I can't believe i only have 2 weeks left. Not sure what music i should do my creative form to.

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Marcus Hendricks

I crashed on my bed and slept the second i got home.  I think i did pretty well on the pre test i know i improved on most of my activities.  I thought the festival was very cool with the best events i have seen so far. 

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Marcus Hendricks

Got a lot of sparring rounds in for today.   We had a kickboxing class today and we were on the bag for about 30 minutes.   It was a really good workout. 

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Marcus Hendricks

Had some good practice on my poomsaes again. Saw wang ho 5 for the first time today, no bueno. Although it did feel very strange I should have that down by next week.

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Marcus Hendricks

Was very tired today.  My aunt and uncle left today so the house is a lot more quiet.  I practiced my higher level poomsaes to go over tomorrow.

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Marcus Hendricks

Had a nice run in the morning. After that i was able to take class and have Master Evins tweak my poomsaes. Getting ready for this weekend this week.

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Marcus Hendricks

Got braces off today! Also i had my aunt and uncle come over for my birday. In class today we practiced my wang hos and my staff/stick forms.

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Marcus Hendricks

The kids sang happy birthday to me today.  Today went well but i secondarily have to change my diet because i am feeling very fatigued as the day goes on. 

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Marcus Hendricks

I was pretty tired today.  Instead of hyperpro we replaced our class with sparring so kids could get caught up and also to practice for the mini tournament on Saturday.

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Marcus Hendricks

Had a really good workout session today. My legs are so sore from all of the running i have done recently. I also was mute today which found itself to be very annoying.

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Marcus Hendricks

Had a really good workout session today. My legs are so sore from all of the running i have done recently. I also was mute today which found itself to be very annoying.

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Marcus Hendricks

Got a lot of good requirements today.   Went to my schools homecoming game just to see my friend win, after that I left.  Need to work on more if my curriculum tomorrow 

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Marcus Hendricks

MY voice is getting raspy from all of the classes taught this week. Happy that the weekend is pretty much here. I should be getting a lot of training done in the next few days!

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Marcus Hendricks

Today was a mucky day.   The weather was really bad.   Not sure how tomorrow will turn out.  I relived that I haven't contracted strep from my sister so that's always good. 

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Marcus Hendricks

Today felt very nice, I really enjoyed the weather.  Went on a nice run and got some requirements done.  Need to keep working on my hopkido 20-32.

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Marcus Hendricks

Got a good amount of requirements done today. I think I might be allergic to mosquitoes because every time I'm outside I will have a few mosquito bites that are very large. 

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Marcus Hendricks 9/21

Today was long.  Did alot of cleaning around the house in preparation for family coming over. I'm apparently not very sore after yesterday. 

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Marcus Hendricks 9/20

The seminar today was pretty cool. We learned some really good conditioning drills. My hands are now nice and bruised up. I ended up going to the international festival and got to see some capoeira it was a very cool demo.

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Marcus Hendricks 9/19

Had a nice review at BB class today. Im exited for the seminar tomorrow and am curious as to what will happen. Overall my day went well.

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Marcus Hendricks 9/19

Had a nice review at BB class today. Im exited for the seminar tomorrow and am curious as to what will happen. Overall my day went well.

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Marcus Hendricks 9/17

Had a hard day today.  I need to be bringing more food to eat because I'm getting much too fatigued by the end of the day. 

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Marcus Hendricks 9/16

Had a better nights sleep last night.  Today I got a lot of requirements done.  I definitely need to bring more food because I was really hungry. 

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Marcus Hendricks 9/15

Today felt very long and sluggish. Tomorrow should feel more normal. Just realized that we don't have any more BB weekend classes so I'm going to have to train harder during the weekdays.

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Marcus Hendricks 9/15

Today felt very long and sluggish. Tomorrow should feel more normal. Just realized that we don't have any more BB weekend classes so I'm going to have to train harder during the weekdays.

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Marcus Hendricks 9/14

Really enjoyed the seminar.  The ride back went pretty well. Now i got to get back to my routine. 

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Marcus Hendricks - 9/10

Testing went very well and barely anyone cried! :D  I got slot of stuff done between testings.  Hopefully tomorrow goes just as well. 

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Marcus Hendricks - 9/9

Sooo I did a back handspring today :/ One of the moms at our school had enough confidence in me for me to do a back handspring while she spotted me.   I was shocked that I was able to do it.   Other than that today I worked on getting kids ready for testing tomorrow.

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Marcus Hendricks 9/7

Took a really cool drover safety course this morning.   I was drifting and driving a fast BMW.  After that I went home and did some requirements.

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MArcus Hendricks - 9/6

I was really fatigued during class today.  Got a lot of poomsaes today so im happy about that.  I really enjoy the new set up of how classes are now.  It allows higher belts more time to practice their forms which is very helpful.  It also gives the other blackbelts more help when it is time for BoCho Dans and 1st Degrees to take class.

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Marcus Hendricks - 9/5

The weather today was less than ideal.  Today felt pretty long.  Tomorrow I will be waking up early to help out the Hartle's.

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Marcus Hendricks

Didn't get much sleep last night. Today felt very long. Hopefully tomorrow I'm feeling better. I'm planning to have my sparring class outside tomorrow as long as the weather holds up. 

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Marcus Hendricks

We have gotten a lot of new kids to sign up for classes recently.  I'm having to remember many names. I plan to have them down by tomorrow. I was sleepy after our long weekend today. 

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Marcus Hendricks 7/8

Ran 5 miles today. I'm really tired now. Took an Epsom salt bath so I should be good for tomorrow :). Not planning on running that much tomorrow.

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Marcus Hendricks - 7/2

Last day of camp for the week. It was a very dramatic day today :/ I ran the route that i usually run in 18 minutes and i shaved off about 2 1/2 minutes. Spark is amazing!

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Marcus Hendricks - 6/30

Rolled my ankle playing kickball today. It was bothering me on and off the whole day. The day went surprisingly well without the Hartles. I'm hoping tomorrow will run just as smoothly.

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Marcus Hendricks - 6/28

Went to black belt class this morning. Spent the rest of the day celebrating my mother's birthday. I hope she enjoyed herself today!

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Marcus Hendricks - 6/25

Very humid this afternoon when I went running. Summer camp went well. . I think I'm going to take this week easy. I need to get used to the routine.

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Marcus Hendricks - 6/24

Had a very long day today. I'm not used to doing so much during the day. I should get used to it by next week. Thankfully i can get a lot of requirements throughout teaching classes.

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