Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today the broncos lost the super bowl and i lost 20$ i cant believe that the Seahawks won, i ate a hot dog which was good and chips also good my dad ate a hamburger that was not made well he ate it but he didn't like it *bumer* i went to a mexican restaurant which was ok but the food caused me to be gassy and now i fell so sleepy for watching the game and plus the BRONCOS LOST D:<

  790 Hits

10th journal entry

Yesterday we did Saturday Black Belt class and got basic requirements out of the way, did laundry and clean around the house. Today was just fun, I watched Baby Christian for a few hours, I forgot how busy little ones are, but he is a very good baby. It cracked me up, he was fighting taking a nap, so I just sat him on my bed and I laid next to hiim he just folded on himself and fell asleep in a matter of seconds, so we both took a nap together. What a wonderful feeling is to snuggle up with a baby. Afterwards my daughter and I went for a 4 mile walk, I was doing pretty good with my ankle, on the last mile it started to bother me, but nothing that I couldn't handle. I'm still pretty protective of it as I'm concern of further aggravating it.

  918 Hits

A little rough around the edges

Went to Black Belt class yesterday. I am so glad I had done a good number of my requirements before class because my body was exausted afterwards. Today I started on my requirements early... I've tried to stay away from sick family members but it is still in the house, now I feel like I'm catching whatever it is so I wanted to finish up and rest the remainder of the day.   My husband has been hacking, coughing and had a runny nose for about a week now.  i certainly hope it doesnt jump on me so bad.  I've been taking my vitamins too hoping they will help ward the sickness off. I am still struggling with push-ups... I do them in sets of 10s... I'm hoping the popping and grinding is just sounds of age. I did hold myself a little longer in pull-up position, that's improvement, And it does excite...

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  785 Hits


Saturday I went to Black Belt class in North Charlotte and it never fails. I learned something. We worked on Basic 1,2,and 3 as well as Wang Ho 1 & 2 (for my belt level, other belts did belt their appropriate poomsae) We also did Koryo. I don't know what happened, I got distracted and lost my train of thought doing Koryo. Ugh. That is one of my favorite poomsaes, I felt awful and embarrassed. After class I went hiking with some friends and my dog Hans. We went to the National White Water Center. It was a lot of fun. Hans and I were running up and down hills. We really got a good workout in. Then a rest when I got home before doing some more requirements.

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Boring day

woke up late, went downstairs and saw a baby in my house but realized that Shawn Hartle dropped him off. I played with him and looked after him all day till Mrs. Hartle came to pick him up. me and my mom went on a for mile walk today, it was very long. I did most of my requirements, I do a lot of pull-ups a day know I'm getting stronger. my muscles are getting more toned and bigger, so I am happy about that:)

  1019 Hits

Still feel terrible

Ugh. I slept ok once I stopped coughing, but I still feel terrible. I think I've gone through a half a box of tissue just this morning. It's always worse in the morning when everything starts draining, so I'm hoping in a few more hours I feel better. Today I have to run errands, take Jess to a hitting lesson, watch the Michigan basketball game at 1pm (I will do requirements during the game), and then watch the Super Bowl. With me having this cold it's probably best if I watch it alone, but hopefully the rest of the family can go watch with friends. Oh, and I did write another essay last night!

  991 Hits


Well, it all started out at Tae Kwon Do. I had gotten 3 requirements done. I got leadership 1, Hyper Pro, and black belt class. I also got 100 push-ups and sit-ups down, not to mention 20 burpees. REMINDER!!! BLACK BELT CLASS WILL BE A LAKE NORMAN SCHOOL AT 11:30 AM! Also NEVER GIVE UP!

  1081 Hits


I have a cold and feel miserable. My head is going to explode. My nose is runny, I'm tired from coughing, my body hurts,... If this virus can be sweated or flushed out, then I should be better by tomorrow because the sparring seminar had me sweating my behind off. And I drank over 96 oz of water so far today. So let's hope I can kick this fast. I'm ahead in all my physical requirements, so I'm going to give my body the night off and read my book and work on an essay.

  981 Hits

Woke up ar...

Woke up around 10 this morning. had a fruit smoothie for breakfast. went to blackbelt class, haha worked really hard that I actually broke a sweat. when I got home I ate lunch and took a shower I had to get ready for a bonefire that I am about to goto soon with some JROTC buddies. I cant wait I haven't hung out with them well ever and I hope I have fun:)

  916 Hits

Hi Red #1!

At Black Belt Class tonight Dillon my oldest son threw me good! I landed bad! I will feel it tomorrow! I really enjoy doing self defenses with him. He is 16 now and he is a little taller than me and probably stronger than me! I think we both had fun throwing each other around. I had another session with my mentor after class. Instructor Schneider is awesome! We worked on the double stick form. I bet we did 15 times.

  821 Hits

End of week

Boy Scout BBQ today so my morning was spent taking care of BBQ orders. I was able to spend the remainder of the day trying to concentrate on requirements.I guess it was warmer outside today ... Warmer than it has been but I still thought it was quite chilly during my walk/run.   I feel like Rocky when I'm working on my miles.. Toboggan on and hoodie up..And you know I have to play at least once "The Eye of the Tiger".   I've not done the dance at the top of the steps (yet), I will save that for the end of my mile during the physical test in March.  In hopes I am able to better my time from my pretest.I went to Black Belt class tonight.  I found out that I have been practicing a poomsae wrong.. My stances are not right.  I'm frustrated mostly because as slow...

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  762 Hits

9th journal entry

Glad the work week is over. Took black belt class tonight. Went to a community concert and listened to some wonderful music by a young lady named Liz Longley, that was a nice way to unwind a little.

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Woke up at...

Woke up at 5, got ready for school, went to bio, then JROTC, then Spanish and finally civics. we took our first test and quiz in civics. I got a 100 on the quiz he is going to grade my test on Monday. did a lot of requirements today. didn't get time to run but I will make it up this weekend. had a good black belt class today went over some stuff. hopefully I will have a good weekend hangout with some friends or something:)

  979 Hits


Thank goodness it's Friday. I had to get Ben packed and dropped off to school. He's leaving at noon with a friend and going to their family land in the VA mountains. It's a cabin with no electricity or running water. I'm glad it's him and not me! Then I had to go to the office for a few meetings, then this afternoon to the end-of-the-season swim party. I have to send another email or two and then I'm officially done for the season. It was a great season and I really enjoyed the kids (well, most of them) but I need to swap my focus on Tues, Thurs, and Saturdays to TKD. Went to BB class and had a mentoring and mentee session tonight. Now I need to go finish my requirements.

  953 Hits

Last night...

Last night was lots of fun and a great work out. I enjoy the feeling of a good Red Stripe night. I enjoyed working with the Little Tigers/Jr. Tigers on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Three of my students that I have worked with since they started are testing next Friday for their next belt. I am so proud of them. I have to confess something here. I am struggling getting in my running. I know I am not the only one who is in this situation. I leave the house at 7:15 in the morning and get home at or after 8:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Wednesday nights I get home at 7:15. I have been wanting to do it in the morning but it has been so terribly cold. I am struggling getting up and out of the house to run alone in the cold by myself. I...

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  920 Hits

Busy day

It has been a long and busy day.  House work first thing. I'm trying to stay on top of things so my house doesnt turn into total chaos while I am trying to make it through this cycle.  Then I began working on requirements.  Push ups today seemed hard to do.  I have some new grinding and popping sounds radiating from my shoulders.  Oh joy, new sounds, I have so many I could probably start a musical.I had to take a break and move on to office work that needed to be done and some bill paying.  I always dislike bills due day... From there I had to run errands and go by the studio to take care of a few things and then visit a few client accounts.  The afternoon slipped by rather quickly.  I went to Belmont and helped with both classes today... Since the weather caused closings yesterday we...

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  1113 Hits

Short day

day went by fast. Didn't do much except for my. Requirements. Finally went to class and got my bb class and pmaa class in. Can't wait till sparring seminar on Saturday. very tired and sleepy so goodnight!

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I pushed m...

I pushed myself today. Still playing catch up for getting sick. Sparring class went good. Actually any time I spar and don't get hurt its good! I would love to make it through the cycle without any serious injuries! I separated my A.C. joint half way through my last cycle and had wait another six weeks to get surgery to fix it. I still can't do as many push-ups as I could before I separated my shoulder. But I am working on it. I want to be able to do 60 push-ups in 60 seconds again!

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Today i had no school so that means no homework :) and that leads me going to black belt class which is awesome but today i learned hapkido yay!!!!! well i was parters with my friend C.J we did a great job but sometimes i could not remember my self defense and thanks to him he corrected me and sometimes i corrected him. I did a lot of push ups and sit ups i did so many i ended up with 80 push ups and 90 sit ups while i was watching TV like you guys know  I TRY NOT TO BE LAZY :)  

  693 Hits

8th journal entry

Today was a much better day overall. I feel like like my routine is somewhat under control. I'm still limited due to my ankle, but i'm trying to adapt what I can as best as I can. I'm feeling stronger with each day that passes. On my way, not looking back!!

  899 Hits


It doesn't feel like Thursday because of the snow days. But I'm glad it is. Jess had a stomach virus Mon night and Tues. I got home after Ben's basketball game in Concord and it appears Scott may have it. He hasn't thrown up yet, but he feels really sick. I can't afford to get it so I'm staying away. I was the one who stayed home and cleaned up after Jess, so I'm really praying I stay healthy. I got 2 essays done last night and started my book today. Time to get back at my requirements...

  853 Hits

No school again!

School has been canceled again for tomorrow! Yay but on the downside so was tkd class. Atleast I've been able to do some of my push-ups and sit-ups and burpees and pull ups and jumproping and meditation time. LOL but over all my body wants to do more and more. I'm positive I'll catch up to everyone soon enough!

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Snow Day

I did a lot today. Every hour I would do push-ups or sit-ups or jump-rope. I have to make up fo being sick for a couple of days. Another snow day tomorrow. A lot more to do!

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7th journal entry

Much better day at work, getting things under control. No TKD class today due to hazardazous driving conditions. Got physical requirements done.

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Snow day

Everyone was home today. They would have been without the snow since they are sick. I spent a good portion of the day in my office (trying to stay away from the sick folks) and worked on my requirements along with essays. I also was able to spend some time working on a batch from my new skill and got a chapter read in my book. All in all a productive day. I did not get a run/walk done... Not a fan of this weather.

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Snow Day

I did not have to work today because of the snow. I used the time to work on requirements especially my 5+ Essay on the Kwans. I think it was a pretty productive day. I am still having significant pain in the tops of my shoulders. Today it is not worse in either shoulder, just bad in each. If this continues a trip to see Dr. Bill may be required. I could not have made it through my 1st Black Belt cycle without Dr. Bill. Well, I am going go to bed to try to get some rest, if my shoulders let me. Back to work tomorrow.

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Everyone Home

Usually when I work at home, it's just Roxy and I. With school out and our office closed, all 4 of us were home today. I miss my silence! I did requirements throughout the day, between each meeting. With poomsaes I focused on my re chamber during the color belt poomsaes then did all my staff forms twice. I did the color belt self defenses doing all the 1s, then all the 2s, etc. Ben has to do 30 push ups, sit ups and squat jumps every day for baseball, so we've been doing them together and he's my ukie for self defense. Thank goodness Ben is off to school tomorrow. Jess is still out though...

  852 Hits

Snow Day.....

Today seemed like laaaaaazy day. Apparently not to my Mother. She had me WORKING! I got a whole lot of requirements done. Now, I am just going to watch some television. But, as I always say, NEVER GIVE UP!

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No school

Had a day off from school today because of the snow and ice. I slept in, but I got a lot of requirements done today because I had more time to do them. went for a walk and omg was it cold I couldn't feel my face. still have some n=more things to for the rest of the day. wanted one of my friends to come over but she couldn't because her mom didn't want to drive her over so I was a lil bummed for that. overall my day was pretty good.

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rough day

Today i had a really rough day i had so many stuff to do i ran a lot i  and did 3 pull ups *awesome* when to buy some supplies for school the bad part is that i could not go to my friends house that made me so mad that i would rip something with my mouth but i calmed my self and keeped moving forward 

  0 Hits

Summer please

I am SO over this winter weather.  Sickness in the house now too. My son stayed home from school sick. Ive quarantined him in his bedroom. Then my husband came home with the same.  I'm trying my best to stay away from both of them... Lots of hand washing and lysol going on around here. Tonights weather has also effected classes and closing.  Looks like my schedule for the week is going to be changed.  Good ole Mother nature.. BRING SUMMER PLEASE !!!  

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But I'm Tired.......

Today started out at school. I had a test today. I am pretty sure I aced it. But it end out being an " Early closing" kind of day. At least it actually snowed. I know I didn't do anything today because I was too tired. But I will NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

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Snow Day

Mother Nature certainly put a wrinkle in my plan for the day. I was planning to get a weekday black belt class in tonight at LKN. But with schools closing early and the snow coming down, I had to go to plan B. So instead, I did extra requirements. After I got my daily requirements in, I rewarded myself by doing just 5 push ups or 2 burpees or a single poomsae. This way I still ended up above my daily, but it felt great to do the smaller increments. School is cancelled for tomorrow for my kids, so the normal class schedule may be interrupted again. I also have a colleague in from MA and have a business dinner tomorrow, so my evening is shot. :/

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I got this!!!!

Aaahhh no school for me tomorrow !  Thank The Lord for giving us a snow day! Now I have a day o sleep in and wake up fresh and get most of my requirements done! I'm still on track and getting most of my requirements done.the healthy eating is actually helping me a lot and I can see the progress on my body. I know that this will be my best cycle. Too bad class was cancelled today. But that gave me more time to stay home and do a lot of my Push ps and sit-ups. Pacing myself and doing have in the morning and half at night has really been working and I hardly feel the pain of my soreness anymore. I got this !!!!!  Hope everyone else is doing well! 

  939 Hits

6th journal entry

Another busy work day then add inclement weather to the mix and it makes for a very interesting date. I got to do my requirements late tonight and can't wait until I lay down and fall asleep.

  888 Hits

Snow Day!!!!!

woke up at the usual time for school. in 3rd block we had an anouncment that we were going to get out of school early due to snow but it didn't snow at that time. so I had missed the bus I really didn't mean to. my best friend brooke her mom drove me to her house because she was running low on gas. me and brooke were just chilling then my dad came to pick me up. it already started snowing by then, and now it is still snowing we have at least an inch on the ground I am so happy!!!!!!!!

  1041 Hits

5th journal entry

What a day! Pretty busy at work. I had limited time to do all my requirements, so I was only able to accomplish some. Still looking for my groove!

  878 Hits

Only Monday?

Is it really only Monday? It feels like it should be Tuesday or Wednesday already. I'm tired and a bit beat down. I may reward myself with a day off this week. But I hate having requirements hanging over my head, so we will see if I go through with it. The Hartles are all sick so we were a bit short-handed at family class tonight. Thank goodness Instr Lloyd and the Jolly ladies were there!

  965 Hits

Either foo...

Either food poisoning or a stomach bug. Everybody in my house has it.

  927 Hits


Today i hade a great day i went to school and got switch to top locker and i ran in P.E for 6 min my P.E teacher said that it was to 2 miles. In P.E i was playing volleyball it was ok until i got hit in the face by ball i had bloody nose it was horrible i was sitting down for the whole P.E class. When i got home i ate B L T it was delicious. i felt lazy so i got up and went to have a work out which was awesome i did 2 pull ups i felt really proud of my self and i went for 2 mile walk and a 1 mile run i felt better but i took a nap and when i got up i felt lazy again so i lifted wights wile i was watching Tv i was trying hard...

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  1225 Hits


I was so busy with church stuff yesterday and sore that I took a day off from doing physical requirements. I felt extremely guilty and anxious. Therefore I hit the floor running, so to speak this morning. I have already done 130 sit-ups, 130 push-ups, 200 basic kicks, Wang Ho II 6 times and Wang Ho I twice. I have another 30 minutes of my lunch (the 2nd half) to do some more requirements. I took someone's suggestion and set the alarm on my phone to go off every so often and then I drop right here at my desk and do some sit-ups and push-ups. I am thankful that my boss and coworkers at Killo Exterminating are so understanding and supportive. Tonight I will be meeting with Mrs. Tucker for my 2nd mentoring session then Black Belt class at South Charlotte. This week is Red Stripe. I think more requirements...

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  1091 Hits

A good day

Today, like last Sunday I woke up very sore. Two classes back to back on Saturday do take a bit of a toll. A good day though once I was able to get the ole joints moving.  Glad it was a little warmer out, I was able to do my miles outside.  My son worked with me on all of my requirements today. I really enjoyed spending the time with him...being a teenager I'm truly grateful he doesnt mind spending time with me and I doubt he really knows how special it is.  Since beginning our training in TKD it has been great to see him grow.  He is becoming quite a confident young man.  It felt good to get the requirements done earlier today. More time to rest the muscles before starting another long week. So off to bed early I go tonight in hopes of some peaceful sleep.  

  802 Hits

Well, toda...

Well, today started out at church. Since I'm 12 now, I get to go to youth church with the 6-12th graders and I love it. The sermon was about " How to Inject Jesus in Our Daily Lives". I pray to ask God to help me in my life and to guide me to make the right choices. So then we came home, got my first set in, and went to outside to do my 1 1/2 miles. It was cold out there, but I got it done. I really wanted to just chill out and watch TV today because I have been doing a lot, but my Mom got me pumped up to get moving. I got a lot of requirements in this weekend so I was ready to lay around today. But, I had to make up for some push-ups and sit-ups so I dug in. I got everything...

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  891 Hits

new shoes

Today i got new shoes they were vans i got a little mad because this other kid is buying 2 paris of shoes i told my parents if i could get 3 paris they said are you loco well then after all i just got 1 pair of shoes pretty lucky i got something instead of nothing. Well after that i went to run 2 miles pretty fun but just because of the music and then i had a nice apple it was delicious YUM!!!! HOPE ALL OF YOU ARE DOING OK GOOD LUCK    

  791 Hits

4th journal entry

Yesterday had Saturday black belt class followed by sparring class, I was a little apprehensive in taking both classes due to my injury, but I decided to that a limitation was not going to stop me. Adjust, adapt and move forward. Both classes were excellent!

  764 Hits

Great RAOK and Tough Run Day

This morning I had a great RAOK. Usually my RAOK's are picking up trash along the road, putting away shopping carts, hanging up clothes from the floor at stores, etc. But this morning when I was at Walmart shopping, there was an elderly gentleman in an electric wheelchair that I saw trying to reach for something on the shelf. I asked him if I could help and he was grateful. I ended up shopping with him for the next 20 min, getting what he needed for him, debating name brand vs generic, etc. he must have been a bit lonely as well because he shared a lot about himself and asked me questions about my family. I think both of our mornings were 100 times better than planned! I know I walked away feeling great. This afternoon I went for a 4 mile run. The longest I normally run is 2...

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  842 Hits

Doubled up!

Finally the day is done and my body is surprisingly getting used to the soreness... Maybe because I've been on the cycle before and my body knows to prep itself..haha...anyway finally ready to do at least half my requirements in the morning and the rest at night... That way I can double up each day. Good thing about the spring cycle... Anyone on it will have an amazing beach body when summer starts!!!! Yes! Haha dinner will consist of Chinese food and lots of tofu. Then at night I will finish my day with a protein smoothie so when I wake up at 5am I will be ready for my run and some of push ups and sit ups.

  921 Hits

Didn't do ...

Didn't do much today went on a 4 mile run/walk. Had a over all not very healthy lunch. but my dad is making some yummy dinner and boy does it smell delish. I did a lot of my requirements today. also been watching movies and talking to friends.

  975 Hits

It is a great kinda sore.

Yesterday I attended Black Belt class at North Charlotte. It has been a while since I attended one, approximately 6-7 months. (since all this craziness started in my life). I really forgot how much I enjoy being in that atmosphere with those amazing people, the Masters, the instructors and fellow Black Belts. I realized again, just how much I benefit from that and the sparring class. Oh, don't get me wrong, it was not easy, it wasn't meant to be easy. Master Burkart lead a great class and I felt challenged and encouraged at the same time. I am always really self conscience when I am asked to do bear crawls or any exercise that requires my derriere to be up in the air. I feel sorry for the folks who are behind me and I am embarrassed of it. I really enjoyed working with my mentor, Amy Tucker before class....

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  791 Hits

It is a great kinda sore.

Yesterday I attended Black Belt class at North Charlotte. It has been a while since I attended one, approximately 6-7 months. (since all this craziness started in my life). I really forgot how much I enjoy being in that atmosphere with those amazing people, the Masters, the instructors and fellow Black Belts. I realized again, just how much I benefit from that and the sparring class. Oh, don't get me wrong, it was not easy, it wasn't meant to be easy. Master Burkart lead a great class and I felt challenged and encouraged at the same time. I am always really self conscience when I am asked to do bear crawls or any exercise that requires my derriere to be up in the air. I feel sorry for the folks who are behind me and I am embarrassed of it. I really enjoyed working with my mentor, Amy Tucker before class....

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  816 Hits


Heyt 2014 spring black belt candidates!! Yes I am on the cycle for my 3 dan. I know im late :o but in my defense I had AP exams and I was totally lost in my studying. Haha but I have caught up a bit and working hard. QUICK NOTE FOR THOSE LOOKING AT MY REQUIRMENTS! I hav just inputed all my running and pushups and sit ups ect. Haha Ive been awake since 5. I had a good protien shake amd worked out for a good 2 hours. Im going to relax for a bit then start up again this afternoon! Haha hope everyone is doing well!   

  1012 Hits


First order of business yesterday was a visit to the Doctor to try and correct whatever it was I did to my back Thursday night.  I have him on speed dial now.   Last night after finishing my run, poomsaes, and self defenses I suddenly had a feeling I had been hit by a truck and we hit a brick wall.  ...  I woke up this morning feeling edgy.  I met with my mentor first this morning.  She is really awesome and vey patient.  I'm so thankful because I can be a real slow learner.  We worked on Wang Ho material and Staff attack and defenses.   And went over some questions I had on forms.  I'm in good hands.    My back was extremely sore and tight today but I made it through Black Belt class.  We worked more on Wang Ho material.  I am so glad because I think I may...

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  699 Hits

Last Swim Meet

Today after class I ran home and then took the Pine Lake MS swim team to a meet down at Charlotte Latin. Several of my swimmers swam their best times, but I was a really big meet with a lot of talent. Overall, I'm really proud of our team. They are good sports and give great effort. I need to work on the mental toughness for a few of them, but they are young, so there's hope yet. :) When we got back at 7pm, about half the team went to dinner together at Fuel. As soon as I got home, I turned on the recording of the Michigan basketball game and finished out some requirements while watching the game. And my Wolverines won!! Go Blue!

  926 Hits

THE BEST DAY ever!!!!!!

today was a great day but with the cold weather not so much of a "great day" well today i had 3 classes they were super awesome especially black belt classes I had so much fun i learned "wang ho 1 !!!  'but' I had a really rough time learning it sometimes i feel so mad when i mess up. I have ran so many miles that i was about to die i was really hyped up that i was going to run but when i came back I felt really exhausted i felt really tired then i noticed that i have ran for over 1hr and 30 min i felt really proud of myself i got a little mad because my parents didn't do it WITH ME but i forgave them; so pretty much i had a great day!!! hope ALL OF YOU are doing your push ups :)

  743 Hits

Long day

Woke up around 10 this morning, had an egg sandwich for breakfast. went to Saturday black belt class. it was actually pretty fun. then me and my mom stayed after for sparring class this time. I was really tired and sweaty omg. then we went to chickfila for lunch and went home were I did my requirments.

  950 Hits

Sorry this pity party is over, go home.

Today I am struggling. I am getting stronger with my burpees and sit-ups but I am so frustrated with my push-ups. Just being honest here, my stomach/gut whatever you want to call it hinders me. It is very difficult to lift all of that. My right shoulder is screaming out in protest. I have no one to blame but myself and trust me, I am doing that. I am not going to stay in the place of negative self talk and blame but I am striving to move past that. I admit that I have a ways to go with my physical performance however, I can see and feel a difference after only one week. I know, having been down the Black Belt cycle road once, that this is in fact a long road that will seem to take forever but in fact it will go fast. I also know that...

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  880 Hits

3rd journal entry

Yesterday was not as productive as I would like it to be, but not unproductive either. My ankle still not were it should be, but as long I keep it moving the stiffness is not that bad.  I need to walk the fine line on keep on moving and not aggravating it any further.  I'll take one day at a time and do my best.

  864 Hits


So glad it's Friday! I wimped out running today because of the cold. The kids both had basketball games this evening too. So my requirements suffered a bit. But I will make up for it on Sunday.

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I am just relieved today. Found a way to walk/run your miles yet? I did. TIP go to a mall or inside gym or inside track. Another TIP always find a way to get your requirements done in a week to about five weeks. I got 1,000 push ups and sit ups. Yeah I'm that good. But I pray for y'all out there in that cold. NEVER GIVE UP!

  893 Hits

2 hour delay:)..

We had a two hour delay for school due to the cold weather. i was sooo happy. I got to sleep in so i am well rested. i went to school and didnt really learn anything because we just started a new semester. then we had a peprally for our school sports, it was great and loud. then me and my sister got home and i had no homework so i went and did some requirments. ive already seen a diffrence in me so far. that has been my day so far, its been pretty nice.

  909 Hits

Today has ...

Today has been very productive so far. I did not have to work since it is too cold to put trucks on the road so Killo Exterminating closed for the day. I have taken advantage of that and have worked on some of my papers. I am getting tired of sitting so I am going to take a lunch break and get in some of the physical requirements. Then I will do some more writing later. I don't know if I will be going outside to do any of the requirements because it is only 25 degrees and it is 1:31 in the afternoon. Ugh. I want spring.

  860 Hits

Tears to my eyes

Tonight I went to sparring class... First of 15.  Sparring is so tough for me.  I really hope over the next ten weeks I manage to get at least a little better... Tonight during round two I think i twisted too much, the ole back almost sent me to my knees.  It is so painful when it does that... the only description that comes to mind is someone hitting me in the back with a 2x4 loaded with electricity.  I could feel my eyes well up.  Its moments like that when I do have to admit I have doubts about what Im doing, but then I remind myself that I can experience the exact same kind of pain getting up from the couch... And that is not near as much fun. I did actually do my walk/run outside after all today.  I really want summer to hurry up and get here. I timed,...

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  717 Hits

Progress not perfection

I am getting better at burpees and sit-ups. My shoulder and wrist (carpal tunnel) are hurting from the push-ups, but Advil and Aleve to the rescue!! I am reminded of one of my favorite sayings "Progress not perfection". I can see the small changes taking place in my body, yet again. I see it when I look at my forearms and other areas. I realize that this journey teaches me patience with my perseverance. I did not get in this shape over night and will not get out of it over night. Today was a busy day at work. I did not get the benefit of doing requirements at lunch. I met with Mr. Russ, my mentee, after class tonight. We reviewed Yellow Belt self defense and worked on High Yellow self defense. Mr. Russ is a hard worker. Tonight my plans for after class did not materialize. I had planned...

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  832 Hits


BEST DAY EVER!! I had one of the best days of my life! It all started out when I went to school. I had a better time with my classmates than normal. Then I got home and got me some CHILIII!!!!!!!!! Ate it all up. I just loved the rest of the day. I had my first mentor session, leadership 1 credits, and my first leadership 2 credits.I got a looooong way to go. Just under nine weeks left, guys! get your stuff done and NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!

  798 Hits

I feel pre...

I feel pretty good today. Still sore but not too bad. Had a big sparring class tonight. There were 15 of us" kids" smiling as we kicked each other.

  845 Hits

2nd journal entry

Not happy today I twisted my ankle on sparring class. There are certain moves that I should never try and the "Mario" kick is one of them! 

  832 Hits

Half Day

Today I had to go into the office early. I didn't do my first requirement until after 2pm. So I had like a half day vacation for requirements. And since I've been doing a little more than I've needed to daily, I decided to only do about half of my requirements for the day. On the one hand it was kind of nice to have a break. But I don't have the type of personality that can enjoy it stress-free. It stresses me out to have things I know I need to do hanging over my head. Sometimes I wish I wasn't like that. That I could just sit back and relax and forget about it. But, because I'm like that, I accomplish a lot more than I would otherwise. And it makes me happy when I accomplish something. So, its just who I am.

  845 Hits

Half Day

Today I had to go into the office early. I didn't do my first requirement until after 2pm. So I had like a half day vacation for requirements. And since I've been doing a little more than I've needed to daily, I decided to only do about half of my requirements for the day. On the one hand it was kind of nice to have a break. But I don't have the type of personality that can enjoy it stress-free. It stresses me out to have things I know I need to do hanging over my head. Sometimes I wish I wasn't like that. That I could just sit back and relax and forget about it. But, because I'm like that, I accomplish a lot more than I would otherwise. And it makes me happy when I accomplish something. So, its just who I am.

  934 Hits

A little progress

I was SO excited today... Doing a negative pull-up My length of time in pull-up position increased 3 seconds. Party at my house! I was also able to do a few more pushups before my arms totally gave out. I feel like Im making some progress. I did not run today, its so cold and my shins have been really sore so I thought I might give them a chance to recoup. Considering the temp is notgoing up tomorrow I will probably have to get my run/walk in on the treadmill. Not near as much fun as outdoors. I had a Mentee session today. The young man I am working with has been very attentive. I think he is doing good. By rank he is ready to begin attending our advanced classes. He however has been very nervous about doing so and continues to come to lower belt classes. Before starting...

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  916 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a make-up day for yesterday. I ran/walked 3 miles today . It was Cold! I didn't run yesterday. I was really sore yesterday but today is much better. In our noon class today we did our stick, bolo & staff forms. Its kinda nice having class with the Hartles and Inst. Schneider on Monday and Wednsday at noon. I'm so lucky! I can't imagine having a 9 to 5 and being on a Black Belt Cycle. I am at the dojang all of the time and its hard to get all of the requirements done.

  1470 Hits

Rice Krispies

I'm a box of Rice Krispies. I'm all snap, crackle, pop. It takes until midday that I get all soggy and my joints and bones aren't popping and cracking. A sign of age, I suppose. I'm finally over the soreness from push ups. I can tell I'm getting stronger (again). It's so depressing that I know (from experience) that if I were to take two weeks off right now, I'd be back at square one. Sigh. Well, at least I'm making good progress on requirements. I have a short (3 day) business trip coming up the first week of Feb, so I know I'll need to get ahead on a few things anyway.

  915 Hits


Well, today started out with a morning set of push ups and sit ups. Then I went to school. When school was out, I went to the barber shop and then home. I then did another set and then I went to Hyper Pro class and had my first mentor session with Inst. Weeks. I also went home and my mom added my sets and I finally reached over one thousand push ups and sit ups. I will NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!

  916 Hits

1st journal entry

Trying to get in a routine, but with the cold weather and all the other things coming at me at once this week so far it has been a challenge - nothing that I can't master just a little frustrating. Need to find my groove. Being more conscious with my eating habits and water intake.

  751 Hits

Today was a bit crazy

Well I had to go to the doctor. The doctor was very nice, then I got bojangles and went to school. We had fun at school today, its probably because I missed science, its not my BEST subject. Anyways, I went home on the bus and not to tae kwon do today because the doctor said so. I really wanted to go to tae kwon do today but, oh well.

  864 Hits

Makeup day..

Today was a makeup day for finals at school. I had woke up at 5 thinking if I should go or not because id didn't need to makeup anything. I decided that I wanted to stay home, so I went back to sleep. then when I woke up I had went for a 2 mile run/walk. it is really cold outside today my goodness.... then I did a couple poomsas at home and other physical requirments. so yeah that is my day so far

  1000 Hits

I didnt sl...

I didnt sleep well last night so I was up earlier than normal and began my requirements. Im having difficulty with my pushps, my arms are very sore. Im hoping that soon they just give in to the program and i will get better. I walk/ran 2 miles today with my youngest pup. Ive been working on leash training with him so the miles have been good for him too. I worked with my Mentor tonight. And then went to Black Belt class and PMAA. There is so much to learn. It normally Takes me a while to learn new forms, etc. Still sore! Im going to call it a night.

  780 Hits

Long Day

Whew! It's been a long day. Started at 6am, worked all day, went to noon class at N Charlotte, went to Ben's basketball game, brought home a few extra kids to feed, went to swim practice, then did some housework, then started working on meet entries for Saturday. I'm ready for bed! Luckily I got most of my requirements in early in the morning and right after noon class. Only had about 20 min worth I had to do late tonight.

  1273 Hits

A Long Day.....

Today started out pretty slow. While I was at school I got a balloon for a Gravity and Pressure Project. When I got home, I got my homework done I ran and started my sets. I ran 1.52 miles and got 2 sets done before TKD tonight. I helped Master Knight with the Family Class and my Mom actually took the class. I also took Black Belt Class after that. Tonight I asked Intructor Weeks if he would be my mentor. I think that he felt that I would make a great mentee and I know I can learn a lot from him. I am meeting him tomorrow night at 6 pm. I am still pretty excited about being on the cycle and hope I can keep this up. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!

  868 Hits

Interesting Day.

Today I went to Tae Kwon Do for the Day Camp. Then I was picked up and we went to get my haircut. Then we went to Best Buy and I saw 3 people who went to my school. We bought a TV and a DVD Player. Then we went to Zaxbys to get some food. Tomorrow I am going to the doctor because I am not feeling well, wish me luck!

  901 Hits

Lazy Day..

Oh my today was so boring didn't do much but watch movies and do my physical requirements besides my run didn't really have the energy to do that today.  I had a pretty healthy lunch, a quesadilla with broccoli, shrimp, onions and cheese it was delish.

  1014 Hits

Last night...

Last night Hans and I went for a 2 mile walk/run right at dusk after work. It was odd not having class due to the Martin King Luther Jr. holiday. Yesterday was a great day for nutrition and portion control. I am really looking forward to working with the Little Tigers and Jr. Tigers tonight. Tonight I will get my mentee to sign the agreement form and start working with him. I like working with Mr. Russ because he is a motivated student. I have seen great growth in his journey.

  950 Hits

That's it ...

That's it ! .. at least for today. I can't do anymore. Every muscle I have hurts. My back is starting to act real ugly too, so I don't think I should push any further. I really hate that I have to 'listen to my body'. Or maybe I hate more that my body talks so often and so loudly. Even still, I'm doing this! I found out yesterday I passed the pre-test. Woo Hoo! I really was terrified about the whole thing. The mile was freezing. My time was actually better than I had expected. I'm sure wanting to get out of the cold helped my motivation. That and I kept telling myself, "it's black and has one gold bar". Visualize your goal. ...I found out areas I need to work on too; the form I scored the lowest on is probably my least favorite, it must show. I also...

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  780 Hits

I feel lik...

I feel like I have the energy but my muscles say NO! I am doing 10 pushups and situps at a time. Did Basic forms, Wang Ho forms and self defenses today with the Jolly Girls and my son Dillon. There are a lot of stick and staff forms I need to practice too!

  899 Hits

Back At It

Today I didn't have school and I really wanted to just chill out and play my game. My Mom didn't fuss but she told me how hard it would be if I messed around and got behind in doing my daily stuff. I don't want to have to double up on 140 sit ups and push ups so I got started early in the day. I actually finished a lot earlier and was even able to work on my Pal Chang today and a set of kicks. I'm glad I have the Mommy I have because she always loves me! I will NEVER GIVE UP!!

  870 Hits

Monday, but not a Monday

Today was Monday, but it didn't feel like a Monday since the kids were out of school. I had to work this morning, starting at 6am, then at noon I left to go coach my middle school swim team. The swim meet went well...we took 2nd out of 8 teams. I got home about 6:30pm from the swim meet and did requirements for an hour then went to pick up Ben from baseball practice. Now I need to finish my requirements and head to bed...hopefully by about 10pm!

  890 Hits

Pretest & after

Well, the pretest went reasonably well. I did run/walk the 1.5 miles. I now know where I am and I have a goal of where I want to be with regards to my running. We also did the burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, v sit-ups, poomsaes and self defenses. Again, I know where I am and where I want to be in regards to each of those items. I will say this however, even though I have not been as active as I have been in the past, I am still not where I was when I started Tae Kwon Do back in September 2009. So that is great to help me keep things in perspective.On a different note, I am still in pain, not as much as it was on Saturday during the pre-test and the rest of the day. I have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. (That was the earliest I...

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  852 Hits

A Little Tired......

Today is Sunday and man, was I tired today. My Mom tried to wake me up for church but I didn't want to get up. She decided to let me sleep, which felt really good. When I woke up, she had already cooked breakfast and after we let it digest, we went to the track at Ridge Road Middle School to do my run. I did 2 miles today. My time was a llittle slower than it has been but I did it! I got an email from Master Chelly Hartle that I passed my pre-test! Woo hoooo!!! I am officially on the cycle! I have to re-do Pal Chang this week but I know I can do it. I worked on Pal Change a lot today and my Mom says I just need to slow down and concentrate. I still have a long way to go but I'LL NEVER GIVE...

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  931 Hits

More Sore

The soreness from the pre-test started kicking in this evening. I have a spot on my upper thigh that cramped yesterday which is sore and my arms, shoulders, and back are all really sore. So today I broke my requirements into really small bites. This too shall pass... Scott left for a business trip this morning and will be back late Tuesday night. The next 2 days will be crazy shuttling both kids to basketball, baseball, school, etc. It will definitely take some of my spare time that I normally spend on requirements. I tried to cook a lot today so that I don't have to spend time preparing dinners the next 2 days, so hopefully that helps.

  941 Hits

The pre te...

The pre test wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I made a100 on the written and I don't have to redo anything! But I need to take 6 minutes off of my 2.5 miles. I can do it if I run the whole way. I walked a few times on Saturday. I was really sore when I woke up this morning but it has gotten better throughout the day.

  911 Hits


I hope I did good enough to make the CYCLE. this is my greatest day ever. Mom had to get on me 2 times, but all is okay. Help me LORD. I need my family's prayer. I had a great day!!!!

  940 Hits


I needed to catch up on family stuff today so I got up early and left the house at 7am to go grocery shopping. Then, it was off to the pre-test. I don't think I've run 4miles without stopping in 20 years or more. I need to shave about a minute a mile off my time. I'm so sore from the first few days that I did not do very well on my push ups and v-sit ups. I stayed for sparring class then headed home to tackle the laundry. Tonight I'll finish my requirements while watching the Michigan-Wisconsin basketball game.

  899 Hits

I am unbel...

I am unbelievable sore already! Man, I thought I worked out. Whew. I’m okay with muscle soreness… I get very aggravated with my back and knees. Both are going to make sure I keep them in mind during this cycle. I see my Doc again next week and until then I’m continuing to stretch my hamstrings. Working on my requirements to start, my pace might be compared to the pace of a turtle. Fast movements aren’t always so pleasant so I figure slow and sure will have to work. My sit-ups and push-ups have all been in slow sets of 10. I enjoy doing poomsaes and normally try to do whichever I am doing twice. It amazes me though no matter how well I think I know, my mind still goes blank or I catch myself mixing two different poomsaes together. Jump roping.. Oh no ! My shins. Surprising that anyone...

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  795 Hits

Here We Go

I just had the best day ever today. It started out at school like any other friday, then I ran my 1.5 mile run in my neighborhood, ran through my study guide and journaled. I just loved it!!!

  816 Hits

Requirement Evening

I had to go into the office early today and then straight to Ben's basketball game (I was filling in for the scorekeeper). At lunch, I spent an hour with my work mentee and we walked in the business park while we had our mentoring session. So this evening, I had to start from scratch other than my miles. I'm nearly done after just over 2 hrs. With pre-test being tomorrow, I want to get some rest too. Not to mention that our household is already feeling the effects of me being on cycle...laundry is piling up and threes no milk in the house. I'll have to find better balance in the coming weeks.

  904 Hits


Good morning. Today is Friday, the day before pretest. I am excited and a little nervous. I always get nervous when I test especially in front of Master Evins. Today I have an appointment to get my hair done so I will be taking off a little early from work which gives me a little extra time to study, practice and get requirements done. Yesterday was a good day.I love working with the Little Tigers and Jr. Tigers. I did not get in as many push ups and sit ups as I had set for my goal but today is a new day, new goals with new possibilities.

  853 Hits


Good morning. Today is Friday, the day before pretest. I am excited and a little nervous. I always get nervous when I test especially in front of Master Evins. Today I have an appointment to get my hair done so I will be taking off a little early from work which gives me a little extra time to study, practice and get requirements done. Yesterday was a good day.I love working with the Little Tigers and Jr. Tigers. I did not get in as many push ups and sit ups as I had set for my goal but today is a new day, new goals with new possibilities.

  959 Hits

Early Start

I had an EARLY start. Woke up this morning just to do some push ups and sit ups. Plus I got some meditation minutes in so that is pretty good. I helped the little kids in their class. This one student had the hardest belt to tie. I would tie it and it would keep untying. His name was CJ too! Again I have a LOOOOONG road ahead. I will NEVER GIVE UP.

  916 Hits

So The mee...

So The meeting to kick off the spring black belt cycle was Tuesday night. It all seemed a bit surreal. I'm actually "on the cycle". As I listened to Master Evins read 'out-loud' all of the requirements, I could feel my stomach getting tighter and tighter. I've made a lot of positive changes in my life in the last 10 years. Some of those changes were not easy. I've made it through challenges in the past. My experience with TKD have been positive. I've learned a lot about myself and just what my capabilities are. The requirements seem daunting though. I came home Tuesday night and began. I wanted to get started. I've decided I don't have to be fast, just sure. I'm already sore !! ... Oh it could be a looong 10 weeks. I'm going to go to my first black belt class tonight :-)

  820 Hits


I am very motivated today. I am proud to say that I prepared only one serving of grits today for breakfast (working on portion control). I had 2 veggie dogs (for protein) cut up with my grits & some nutritional yeast instead of butter or margarine. It was really good. Lunch was Lentil soup and a banana with some sit ups, push ups, and color belt self defenses for dessert. :-)I am very proud because I have done 15 burpees already today. I am not the best at them because of my tummy but I will get better. I am very thankful to Master Thamm for sharing with me about My fitness pal app for my iPhone. I am using it to log my food and exercise.

  1193 Hits


Day 2 and I'm sore already. I wish I could say I welcome it like an old friend. But truthfully, I'm not feeling that way. It's more like welcoming a necessary, but not enjoyable relative. I have more of a grin and bear it attitude about it now. I'm crazy busy with the kids in the heart of basketball season, I'm coaching the Pine Lake middle school swim team, cycle, and 40-50 hr work weeks. Maybe it'll be better once swim team is over on the 25th.

  902 Hits