Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Matthew should be able to continue to Journal until you get home in May.  We are looking forward to having you back and you have been missed.  I know that it is hard to be away, but you are doing great and you will be stronger for it!  Please know that you can call/text any time.  You will be back "home" before you know it!  


To all the candidates...Congratulations on a great weekend.  

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  27 Hits

Black Belt Class

Got a little "hot" in BB class tonight.  Too much chatter, not enough ki-haps.  Wasn't happy.  Didn't keep my cool.  They were lucky that my Mom showed up....had to be nice after

  1234 Hits


Busy day of errands, work outs and classes.  Practiced creative form with Natasya.  Busy weekend ahead with the Masters' Testing in Greensboro.  This next week is going to fly by!

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Getting so Close

We are so close to testing! 11 days and counting.  Working on some of my higher belt poom saes.  Have to get them more fluid.  Need to work with my self defense partner.  Feeling good about my weapons forms.  

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No work out this morning with Master went to the Dojang and worked on poom saes.  Did my requirements.  Got caught up on some emails.  Looking forward to the MAIA seminar this weekend.  

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Good work out day

Had a good work out day yesterday...Crossfit in the am, then ran 2 miles with Ms. Theresa (she makes me go "fast").  Then joined in with the adult class for some kicks and poom saes.  Master Schneider was able to join us, so we worked on all the Black Belt Pooms so that she could get up on the modifications.  It really helps me learn the poom sae better, when I get to teach it.   Worked out with Lauren this morning...cardio and strength.  Looking a work out # 2 at 6:30 tonight.

  1275 Hits

Cold Day

Was not happy with the chilly day today.  Supposed to warm up again this week.  Using my new lap top.  It has been a frustrating couple of Proud and happy with the Physical and written test this weekend.  The next month will fly by!

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Studying for the written test and finishing up my book essay.  

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Physical Test

Did my Physical test on Wednesday am with Master Evins.  3 minutes faster on my run and did better on everything else except my sit ups...which was the same.  Funny, because the only thing I was worried about going in was my push ups.  I am not going to say that I rocked those out, but I did significantly better with the push ups.  So, I was surprised that I couldn't get in a good rhythm with my sit ups.  Pull ups are still at zero....can't even hang from the bar.  Gonna keep working on those. 

  1042 Hits

essays, and more essays

Busy week trying to finish up some essays and study for my anatomy test. I am not great at anatomy.  Watching Hannah do her bolo forms right now.  No one showed up for sparring class....I guess it is just too nice outside!

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Good work out at Crossfit this morning. Hard morning at King Tiger since my computer is dead.  Frustrated without it.  On my second Spark and its only 3:00.  Need to work on essays this week.

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Instructors Camp

Instructors camp was great!  I love seeing all the people from the far away schools!  I love that King Tiger is such a huge family.  People that you only see once or twice  a year....but it's like you are the best of friends...or siblings.  So tired at the end, but sad to go! Master Evins awarded fantastic credits for those who attended:   4 Weekend BB Classes 2 Weekday BB Classess 4 Sparring Classes 2 Leadership 1 Credits 2 Leadership 2 Credits 3 Bonus Class Credits   WHOOOOO HOOOOO!  Thank you sir!    

  1042 Hits

Hump Day

Love Wednesdays.  Get to start my day working out with Master Evins and end the day with my Adult class.  Work out number 2 this morning with Ms.Theresa.  I was worried about getting in my requirements today, so she incorporated them into the work out.  Packed all my meals again today.  Got the schedule from Master Evins for Instructors Camp (don't ask cuz I won't tell), getting excited!  

  1041 Hits


I love Mondays....I always seem to get a lot done on Monday.  Start the day by prepping all my meals, then head to Cross Fit.  Then, head to the school and work on the Pick up schedule for the After School Kiddos.  Then I just start knocking things off the "to do" list.  Finally got smart and added my requirements to my  list...makes it easier to get them done in between phone calls and a new After School kiddo tonight, so feeling pretty good!

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Two great classes this morning at North Charlotte.  Ran with Master Hartle and Inst Lloyd after class. Was very ready to get home and eat some lunch.  Dinner out tonight with the Goulds.  Time for shower and a nap!

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Hip Flexers and Gluts

So sore from practicing all the dynamic kicks.  Will need to get super stretched out before black belt class tomorrow.  Looking forward to a nice weather weekend.  

  881 Hits

Jr Instructors Camp

What a great 2 days with our future Instructors.  I loved seeing my group getting dressed for classes today and putting on their new Jr Instructor uniforms.  They were so proud!  And so happy to tell anyone that would listen about their weekend!  I also heard some great stories about kiddos falling asleep on the way home......sign of a good time!  We wore them out!

  964 Hits

Hump Day?

Wednesdays always start good when training with Master Evins!  Worked on Poom says today.....I always mess up 5 times more often when he is watching me.  Need to practice more.  Ended the day with Adult class and self defenses, pal gwes and basic forms.  Jr. Instructors camp only 2 days away!

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Ready for this weekend

So excited about Jr Instructor's Camp this weekend.  Lake Norman has about 16 students going and they are so excited!  We are going to have so much fun!

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Busy Weekend

Very busy, but good, weekend. 2 Birthday parties at the school. Both went well. Had grand baby and my Dad spend the night on Saturday.  Good family time. Ready to hit it Monday am!

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Loving the Challenges

Loving all the  challenges!  The extra work out is great, the credits are even better....but I really love how everyone is getting into them! Not just the peeps on the cycle, but even my other students! Today, even the black belts that are not on the cycle wanted to do it....yesterday,  after we finished, my after school kiddos all grabbed jump ropes! Every time I went into the back they would tell me who had the most rounds! Too much fun!

  1023 Hits

Another Day, Another Challenge

Started the day forcing myself out the door to run my 3.2 miles....made it in 39:27.  I was a little surprised,  I thought I would be closer to 42 or 43  minutes,  but I had Inst Dege's 40:23 stuck in my head, so....thanks for the push, ma'am! Got to the school and did some push ups, sit ups and kicks.  Wanted to do the challenge, but thought it better to wait for my other peeps so that we could do it together.   So at about 5:00, me, Master Hartle, Jaylen, Jason and Hannah did our challenge, went great.......until I realized that we did it wrong!!!!!!  I forgot to have us do the we did 4 rounds of jump ropes, air squats and pistol squats all in 5 to 7 minutes.......just enough to get good and sweaty.... Luckily, just before I posted the video, I noticed that it took Mr. Foster 10 ish...

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  1011 Hits

Facebook Challenge

Long day, but good day.  Proud of my peeps for doing the challenge.  Looking forward to working out with some of the Master Instructors tomorrow morning!  Master Evins just posted some extra credits for doing the challenge on the Black Belt Facebook site....woo hoo!   Today is my Dad's 70th birthday.......and tomorrow, Tyce's Birthday!  Much Love!

  1018 Hits

Monday, snow day

Already tired of the snow....I prefer the warmer weather!  Have had a sinus infection thingy going on.  Felt better today and plan on doing my pre-test tomorrow.  Great job to all those who have done it....I fear that my numbers will not look that good !

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Snow day!

Bogged down with lots of Girl Scout Cookie orders today.  Got in some requirements early.  Had to make a decision on classes tomorrow in Lake Norman and then alert everyone to the cancellations.  Still working now on Girl Scout stuff. Will do physical test tomorrow with the family. 

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Had a great Weekend in Atlanta for the AdvoNation Event.  Took almost 7 hours to get to Atlanta because of an ver-turned Tractor-Trailer.  But, time went by quickly with good company and conversation.  Seminar was great.  Had a good Sunday.  Birthday party at the school and then spent time with family.  My dad's 70th Birthday is next weekend and making it special for him is on my mind.  

  962 Hits

Got a little cold

Feeling less that 100% today. Woke up stuffy.  Still did stuff,  still worked, just felt pouty about it.  Did a little of sparring class.  Gotta start checking out my competition....

  984 Hits

Week 2 of 24 Day Challenge

Today starts the 2nd week of my 24 Day Challenge.  Lost 5.5 lbs in the 1st week...very happy with that!  Will be even happier if I lose another 5 in the 2nd week.  Crossfit this morning, but didn't get much done after that...will have to make up for it tomorrow.  Tired now and still have to write some Girl Scout emails.....

  896 Hits

PMAA Seminar

Great Seminar today.  Fun with the kids and the adults!  Love hanging with Foster and Weeks...they make me laugh! Glad to see Mr. Eric today, who has been out for a couple of months and Captain Awesome (Mr. Gould), who has been out for a couple of years!  Good start to the actual cycle!  Mabuhay!

  891 Hits

A Schedule eludes me

Just reading the Journals from about Inst Dege not being able to get into a good schedule...I am feeling the same way.  Every day is very different and there isn't a "same time" that is good daily!  I am sure that many of you are having this issue.  So I have just been looking at my requirements and seeing what I need to do "most" today.  Today,We  I have been alternating between jump ropes and kicks, with an a poom sae thrown in here and there.  I have to do a certain number of push ups and sit ups a day, because there is no "making up" for those.  I seriously don't think I can do more that 150 push ups in one day and still be able to move my arms the next day.  Black Belt class tonight at Lake Norman....want to work on some staff training.  

  865 Hits

Journaling at night

I am not doing a good job journaling at night.  I get home and get busy....So, I am going to try to journal in the morning about the previous day.  Good day yesterday. Meeting and work out with the other school owners.  Had prepped all my food again for the day and that really helps me stay on track. Challenging part is getting in all my water. Today I need to do some jump ropes. 

  960 Hits

50 more Burpees down

Worked out with my Burn Boot Camp ladies today...10 exercises, 50 reps part about it was getting the burpees in!  Had another good food day.  Was able to prep my meals and snacks this morning and that helps.  Wanted to run both yesterday and today, but it was too cold and I kept finding other things to do.  I hope it warms up for the Pre-Test! 

  972 Hits

24 day challenge

First day of the 24 day challenge. Good food day and stayed well hydrated.  Good work out this morning at Cross fit.  I like it when there are Burpees in the work out....well, really I hate it...but it forces me to do them!  Then worked at the school, which was freezing, so I had no problem getting my push ups and sit ups in because I was trying to get warm. Also very happy that I got my computer back!   

  907 Hits

Boot Camp

Boot Camp was great! Lots of burpees to add to my requirements makes me happy. Starting the 24 day challenge on Monday with my family. 

  918 Hits

Rainy Monday

CrossFit this morning. 5 sets of ring rows. Made my sets of push ups and sit ups difficult later in the day. Couldn't force myself to do any burpees.  Was just about to head out for a run when the rain started. I don't mind a little rain....but this was drenching!  Never made it out after that.

  836 Hits

Gonna be Sore tomorrow!

Crossfit this morning. Worked on pull ups and double unders (jump rope passing under your feet twice).  I did Ring Rows for the pull ups and tried to really concentrate on using my lats and not my biceps. It was harder, but I really need to strengthen my lats for regular pull ups.  I want to be able to do at least one for my pre-test.

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Requirements done for today

No sparring class, but had to hang around the school for the 7:30 was able to pump out some requirements.  That can be hard late in the day for me. Crossfit tomorrow and need to get in a run. Tomorrow is the last full schedule day. Looking forward to a few days off!

  825 Hits

Winter Break Time

Last day of school before the Winter Break. Only had about 1/3 of our kiddos in after school, but they were wide open!  Had a great Black Belt class...last one of 2015. Won't make it to Black Belt class tomorrow....have a birthday party at the school. 

  917 Hits

The New Cycle Begins!

So excited to be starting a new cycle!  We have some wonderful people on this cycle and it will be great!  i am a little behind putting in my requirements and need to work on that this weekend.  I have some friends helping me with my work outs.  I stay sore and stiff all the time......getting old I guess.  But having the 5th stripe on my belt will be worth it!  

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1 more day till Testing!!!

I love overnight testing!  So exciting!  I love seeing everyone "step up" and "bring it"!  Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow night!

  1171 Hits


Long day today! Worked it out to get to Crossfit while summer camp kids went to the splash park. 50 Burpees in the work out of the day just about killed me! Martial fit in the evening. Practice Koreo with the WTF requirements.

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Poom Sae Heaven

I love a class that concentrates on poom saes! But I was so tired! Had a tough work out at Crossfit on Friday that killed my all the stances were killing me! I think I have my brain wrapped around most of the WTF style changes....kind of makes me feel like a white belt again! So hard to break those old habits, too! So, that will be my focus this week...practicing the high belt poom saes with the WTF requirements! Did a 3 mile run today. It was slow, but steady. Ready for Week 6 of Summer Camp!

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Week 5 of Summer Camp

Trucking through the summer! Week 5 of summer camp...looking forward to mini golf on Thursday and then Magic week next week! Loving the cooler weather! Ran 2 miles with Master Schneider yesterday. My Crossfit schedule has been hit and miss. Can't always get there during summer camp hours. Did kickboxing last night with the Hutchinsons and Nicholas. Martial Fit tonight.

  926 Hits

Great trai...

Great training with Master Evins today. Worked on Pal Gwe forms and Hapkido. Crossfit and Kickboxing. Worn out right now!

  897 Hits

Swim Day a...

Swim Day at Summer a little burnt, even though I used sun screen! Ran/walked 2.5 at Mazeppa Park before going to the pool. There is no shade there and it was about 92 degrees...made it about 2 miles before I had to stop and walk. Martial Fit tonight with my peeps. Looking forward to training tomorrow with Sa Bum Nim. Happy Birthday to Instructor Tucker! Good Job today! Had one of my favorite Junior Tigers in for Testing today. Congrats to Aaron and thank you to Andre for working with your little brother for his next belt!

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Pull ups and Burpees

Tough morning at CrossFit. Running, burpees and Pull ups ...well, ring rows for me...but got 45 of each in so that was nice! Second week of summer camp also started today. Went to a park that we hadn't been to since last summer. They had put in awesome new equipment and the kiddos had fun....and it was shady! A little piece of chicken and a little piece of pork with some asparagus and beans for lunch. Should have a kickboxing class later to get in some sparring rounds!

  838 Hits


WOW.... I just can't get into a good habit of journaling! I am on my lap top every single day. I even log on to the King Tiger Black Belt site almost every day. But I can't seem to get into a good journaling habit. Week One of summer camp is done and it was great. It was a little hectic though...getting into a groove. Hopefully we can get on a good schedule so that I can go to CrossFit this week. I can't wait for the Fall Candidates to start their Pre-Cycle because my summer campers and instructors that are on the cycle will motivate me to get so many more requirements done.

  967 Hits

Fun weekend

Had a great weekend! Parents' Night out on Friday night...went mini golfing. Birthday party on Saturday night with good food and good friends. Cook out at the parents house on Sunday. Ran 4 miles on Friday (skipped crossfit because I couldn't lift my arms above my head). Ran 3 on Saturday and took the day off on Sunday.

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Kukkiwon Weekend

Had a great weekend at the Kukkiwon Cup! Had a great time working in the Holding Area with GM Jung Ho. Great food and great company all weekend.

  804 Hits

Excited to...

Excited to see who shows up to the BB Cycle meeting tonight! Every cycle is unique...every group wonderful in their own way. I love it!!!!

  823 Hits

Crossfit t...

Crossfit this morning, 2 mile run and kickboxing....good day of exercise. Lettuce wraps for dinner... day 17 of the 24 day challenge. Down 10 pounds. Can't wait for the tournament this weekend!'t

  911 Hits

Sore from ...

Sore from yesterday's "murph" work out at cross fit. Gonna have to do something today to work out the soreness a bit.

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Day 12 o...

Day 12 of the 24 day challenge. I have lost 10 pounds. Very happy about that. Have run 9 miles so far this week, need to get some good miles in this weekend. Crossfit was not too bad today....but the Monday work out promises to be Cray-Cray......

  881 Hits

getting ex...

getting excited about Kukkiwon Cup....only about days away. Not competing, but have been practicing my ref skills.

  935 Hits

Tough day ...

Tough day at Crossfit....1 mile run and 58 ring pulls....had to modify a bit because of time constraints....should have been a mile and a half run. Will work in another mile or so into the Martial Fit class tonight. Day 9 of 24 day challenge. Feeling good!

  963 Hits

Excited ab...

Excited about the 24 day challenge. Day 8 and I have already lost 6 lbs! Crossfit was hard today....54 burpees to add to my totals. Ran with Master Schneider, slowly. Still have kickboxing I am off to have some spark and catalyst! Then, early to bed I think!

  907 Hits

Excited ab...

Excited about the 24 day challenge. Day 8 and I have already lost 6 lbs! Crossfit was hard today....54 burpees to add to my totals. Ran with Master Schneider, slowly. Still have kickboxing I am off to have some spark and catalyst! Then, early to bed I think!

  929 Hits

Feeling be...

Feeling better. Cant wait for BB class today! Only about 7 more weeks.....

  979 Hits

Soooooo Cooooooold!

Too cold to run outside today! I know....bad excuse. Good day yesterday....1st day of 24 day challenge, ran with Master Schneider, did a kick boxing class in the evening. Have a Martial fit class tonight and tomorrow finish up my Foundation class at Cross Fit NorthLake and then head to Atlanta for the Advocare "AdvoNation" event! Super excited!

  861 Hits

24 Day Challenge starts tomorrow!

So excited to start the 24 Day Challenge tomorrow. I have sort of started already, cutting calories and adding work outs for the last two days. I started Cross Fit this morning, then took class with Master Evins. Funny how you can do something every day (like teach Martial Arts) and then feel like you miss it......then worked out with the Huchinson's at a Martial Fit work out! Tired now but feeling good. Must admit that I am still feeling the effects of the boot camp on Saturday!

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Another day of requirements with the twins and Marcus. Kiddos are wearing me out :) In a good way! ready for testing to be here! so proud of all the candidates!

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Good Day!

Had a great day with the Hedlund sisters and Marcus! Picked them up from school, and did requirements for about 7 hours.....seriously! Marcus also ran 4 miles and worked on his creative form. We did a kick boxing class for our sparring rounds, did push ups and sit ups in sets of 20. Did an hour straight of poom saes, did jump ropes and rolls and falls! While classes were going on, they did more requirements, and since it was green stripe, they got to do alot of kicks with all the little kids! They did a great job, and even agreed to come back tomorrow to do some more!

  1036 Hits

Looking forward to Wednesday

Looking forward to tomorrow cuz I got a couple of candidates that need some extra work on their requirements, and they just happen to have a half day at school, soooooo they are coming in to do some extra stuff. I am hoping that it will put them on track to finish everything up by Friday the 24th! Also, I get to work out with Master Evins in the morning:)

  1000 Hits

less than 2 weeks

Wow~ I can't believe that there are only 12 days left until the 2014 Fall Black Belt Test. Time flies when you are having fun. I can't wait for the 25th! Just trying to rally the troops and get all the requirements done!

  889 Hits

less than 2 weeks

Wow~ I can't believe that there are only 12 days left until the 2014 Fall Black Belt Test. Time flies when you are having fun. I can't wait for the 25th! Just trying to rally the troops and get all the requirements done!

  939 Hits

Martial fi...

Martial fit class helped me with my requirements today. Otherwise, they may not have gotten done. Short staffed, so that keeps me off the mat and in the back with the after school kiddos. Love em.....but they keep ya hopping! Worrying about some of the candidates getting finished with their requirements. Most are doing so well, but some are close to not finishing on time! Only 18 more days!

  994 Hits

8 miles

Did 8 miles on Sunday. Only 1 month left until the half marathon in Savannah. I am still running sooooooo slowly. Did a consistent 13 minute miles for the first 7 miles, then ended up stopping to talk to a the last mile was even slower, and I was so ready to be home! It was a beautiful day though! Getting excited about testing....soooo close!

  972 Hits

Sore from ...

Sore from martial fit last night...worrying about all the candidates. Hope everyone knows what they need to know! No over-night testing this time.....makes most people happy. I personally would rather stay up most of the night than wake up at 4 am, but I know that I am weird :}

  1018 Hits

Legs are t...

Legs are tired today! Did a long run on Sunday and then a 3.7 today. Working on the Pal Gwe forms, but need to work on Wang Ho forms.

  934 Hits

Credits for the weekend

Credits for attending the PMAA weekend.....4 PMAA Classes4 Hyper Pro Classes4 Black Belt Classes (Saturday or Weekend, whatever you need)4 Sparring Classes2 Leadership 1 Credits2 Leadership 2 CreditsCredits for attending the Hyper Pro Event.....2 Hyper Pro Classes1 BB Class1 Sparring ClassTHANK YOU MASTER EVINS!!!!!!

  931 Hits

Great Weekend at Myrtle Beach

Great weekend of training in Myrtle Beach. I really love the PMAA stuff. I am usually teaching TKD classes when the PMAA classes are being taught, so I don't train very regularly, but then when we do a concentrated training like this weekend, I get re-energized and feel the need for regular training again! Going to try to change up some scheduling after the BB cycle so that I can get back on a schedule with PMAA and maybe be able to test for my 2nd Lakan sometime next year! Great time this weekend with all of our King Tiger Peeps! Met some new friends and hung out with some old.....I was happy to see so many of our BB candidates there. I think they had fun!

  907 Hits

Hurt my ba...

Hurt my back this morning and didn't get much done because of it. Plus we had color belt testing so, yeah, day was a bust as far as requirements go. But we did have an hour in between testings so I made the Lake Norman candidates do their stuff :) Gonna try and get to the chiropractor tomorrow!

  934 Hits

3 mile Run

So glad that my running partners are back (Master Schneider and Roxy). We upped our usual 2 miles to 3 today. We were tired, but still managed to practice some Pal Gwe forms afterwards. Mentor session with the Lake Norman group before black belt class....Hap Ki Do, Pal Gwe forms and Wang Ho forms.

  948 Hits

Fantasy Football.....

Long day....had demos for 2 Chesterbrook Academy Schools. Still trying to get everything straight for the After School Peeps. Top Team work out in the evening. Day 3 of 24 Day Challenge. Ate well, slept well last night. Tired right now, but it is almost midnight. Looking forward to the weekend. Started a Fantasy Football league today....woo hoo!

  905 Hits

Day 2 of 24 Day Challenge

Today is day 2 of my Advocare Challenge! Have a ton of energy and feel great, got a lot done today, except for my run. Thought I was going to do a kick boxing class tonight with some of the candidates to get in some extra sparring rounds but it didn't happen, so then I was irritated with myself for not running. Will run tomorrow for sure. Had a great class with Master Evins this morning. I miss working out with him during the summer! Listened to 102.9 on and off as I could today to try to hear our new King Tiger radio commercials! So exciting! Let me know if you hear one!

  918 Hits

24 Day Challenge

Started my 24 Day Challenge today. Ate well and had plenty of Spark! Ran at noon.....yes, it was hot! Going to try to run before my work out with Master Evins tomorrow! Maybe it will be cooler! Did a Core Fitness work out with the Gang. Staying on the busy side with the new After School students and new employees. I am sure that it will all settle into a good routine here in a week or two, but until then having some trouble getting my requirements in.

  943 Hits

Back to School time

Wow! Busy week last week and super busy day today with the start of CMS school! We had a lot of new kiddos and new schools that we were picking up was super busy, so I did not get a lot of requirements done. But I will try and make up for it tomorrow. Can't wait to start training again with Master Evins and the other Master Instructors. We always suspend our training during the summer. Great job from everyone this weekend for the physical tests......a lot of you need to retake the written part.....make sure you study up and get that done this week!

  980 Hits

Back to School time

Wow! Busy week last week and super busy day today with the start of CMS school! We had a lot of new kiddos and new schools that we were picking up was super busy, so I did not get a lot of requirements done. But I will try and make up for it tomorrow. Can't wait to start training again with Master Evins and the other Master Instructors. We always suspend our training during the summer. Great job from everyone this weekend for the physical tests......a lot of you need to retake the written part.....make sure you study up and get that done this week!

  862 Hits

Not feeling well today

Woke up not feeling well! Had a long night of the sniffles and now have a killer headache. Will probably not run today but will still try to get in some jump roping along with my other requirements. In Monday night's adult class(where I have a lot of bb candidates) we did 5 rounds of jump rope. But I better not do that again tonight or they all might stop coming to my class :)

  870 Hits

Is today Tuesday?

I am very confused because we usually go swimming on Tuesday and go to the Movies on Wednesday.....but because of the weather, we decided to do go to the movies today and then go swimming tomorrow. Now my brain cannot decide what day it is. I got a mile in with the summer campers, but the bottom fell out of the sky right when I was leaving the school for a couple of extra miles. Finding it hard to do consistent journals during the summer. A lot of nights, I don't even take home my computer, because I know I will be back here first thing in the morning. Hopefully when school starts, I will get on a better routine!

  844 Hits

Push ups are hard....mmmKay?

I really dislike my push ups...... I am trying to do them more military style (triceps), but they just are not getting any easier! I haven't even started to do pull ups yet....Our pull up bar is in the back (where the Summer Campers hang). I don't want to do my pitiful pull ups in front of them! So, I will probably hold off until school starts and do them when alone:) On the smiley side, I am excited to be teaching the Saturday black belt here is a hint (we will see who reads this stuff).... the only weapon you will need on Saturday is a Short Stick.....we will concentrate on short stick forms and pal gwe forms! If we can get to it, we will do some drills for 2 on 1 sparring! If you need to do a Leadership 2.....let me know and I will work you...

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  918 Hits

Hump Day

Ran a couple of miles and worked out with Master Schneider at noon time. It is our last work out for awhile since she will be leaving for England for the month of August and then a quick trip at the beginning of September:( So much harder to work out all by yourself. Going skating tomorrow with the summer campers...that is always a work out. My candidates are all doing their white belt challenge this week. It is also a challenge for the Instructors to keep them with white belt curriculum. I love it because you can really concentrate on the basics.....

  922 Hits

Great Clas...

Great Class on Saturday with Master Evins! I love being a higher belt....allowing me to be on the floor for a lot of the class. It was a great work out....especially doing the Short Stick form with everyone! If your right quad doesn't feel sore the next day, you are not doing it right!!!! I love cycle time, when we have really big classes and lots of energy. I am still trying to learn everyone's name.....but getting there! Ran before class, but took off on Sunday. Back at it this week with a two mile run with Master Schneider and Inst. Lloyd on Monday. Went to dinner with some friends that I hadn't seen since last November on Monday night. So good to see old friends. Only 4 more weeks till school starts.........

  910 Hits


After a rainy start to the week, the rest is getting better. Don't mind the rain, but it keeps me from running....and it keeps the Summer Campers inside and that is not good:) Magic show today at camp. Fun times. Have Top Team tonight. Feeling pretty good right now, but will need some Spark pretty soon:)

  926 Hits

Hot Day

Ran and worked Wang Ho Pooms and Pal Gwe Pooms with Inst LLoyd. Bailey Road Park is always a hot run. Not much shade on the route. Feeling good on the Pal Gwe forms. Need to work on my Wang Ho forms more. I am blending them way to much!

  918 Hits

Rest Day

Still sore from the run yesterday, so no run today. I have been happy with how much running I have been doing, but sometimes you need a rest day! This week has gone by quickly (Thank goodness). Looking forward to Black Belt class on Saturday!

  873 Hits

Rest Day

Still sore from the run yesterday, so no run today. I have been happy with how much running I have been doing, but sometimes you need a rest day! This week has gone by quickly (Thank goodness). Looking forward to Black Belt class on Saturday!

  1017 Hits

A long, hard trail run!

Started the day with a 1 mile walk with the summer campers to go to watch "The Lego Movie". Then master Schneider and I took a new route for our run at the park. We decided to try the bike trail......It ended up being a 3.2 mile loop. A long, hard 3 mile loop! Took all of our time, probably even ran her a little late getting back to her work least it was shady and only 84 degrees out. So not a terrible work out, but very tiring!!!!

  1025 Hits

Good Exersise Day

Good day today. Nice day for a run, but only got a couple of miles in. Need to step up to doing a 3 mile run per day.... Still loving watching my counselor candidates and summer camp candidates jumping at chances to do their requirements! We are short on "adult" counselorsthis week, so we can't work together as much at the park...but they took two opportunities to run today, so I was proud. Got to work out with Master Schneider (and Jessi) at the park and then got to do a Top Team class. Had a good number of people for my 7:30 family class, so got a little extra sweat on! Only 2 kiddos showed up for Hyper Pro.....would love to see a few more of you for that class....

  936 Hits

Back to the Grind:)

Back from Texas vacation and very tired! I am disappointed that I didn't get more requirements done while I was gone. But happy that everything seemed to go well at the school while we were gone! A really big THANKS to all of our Instructors and Counselors for helping out! Worked out today at lunchtime with Master Schneider....ran, worked on the Stick Forms and Pal Gwe forms. Ended up "taking" the family class tonight while Master Schneider taught...did a lot of poom saes and self defenses. Looking forward to going to bed early tonight!

  993 Hits

Texas Vacation

Been in San Antonio since Saturday. Been nice to see the family and have Grandbaby Christian here. Did not get to run yesterday, but made up for it with a long, hot 4 mile run today. Topped that off with an afternoon at Sea World and I am exhausted. I don't think I will get many other requirements done today!

  937 Hits

Hump Day

Super tired today! Just told the hubby that I am skipping dinner tonight, hitting the shower and going to bed when I get home! Well, I will do a couple of loads of laundry too......ran a couple of miles with Master Schneider, did pal gwe forms, wang ho forms and nai bi gin forms. Will see what else I can get in through the rest of the day.

  889 Hits

Day 2 with the Summer Camp Kiddos

Kids did great again today. Went to a new park, so I ran by myself to establish a route. Kids ended up waiting until back at the school to run. We worked on Stick forms while at the park. A little worried about my candidates that are out of the country this summer. Four of them. I hope they can still take advantage of the pre-cycle time! Went to a former students first MMA fight this past Saturday. He did great (Austin Munsch...for those of you who remember him) and won with a TKO in the second round. We were proud.

  995 Hits

Very good ...

Very good day! Worked my crew pretty hard (and by extension, myself)! They were all doing push ups, sit ups, jumping rope by 9 am (without me telling them to) . Let them have some fun at the park and then pulled them away for some poom sae and self defense work. Only meant to work for about 20 minutes but ended up being about 40! Then we ran (walked/ran) 2 miles together around 4:15. It was tough, but now we know what we need to work on! The camper candidates had a Hyper Pro class and the Counselors stayed late and helped with family class and then took the adult class. It was blue stripe (sparring) so.......Did 3 assisted pull ups today. So hard, but I guess you have to start somewhere. The King Tiger 5K was great. Have a tradition of running it with Inst Dege, always good to...

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  909 Hits

Tomorrow i...

Tomorrow is the 5K! Didn't get to run today, so looking forward to getting in a little extra tomorrow. I have only been going about 2miles a day during the week. Had some soreness today from my Top Team work out last night. Moved up to 15 lb kettle bells, so I am feeling it today. Going into the school early on Wednesdays and Fridays so that Conrad can go to Cross Fit. It is a good time for me to do some jump ropes, burpees, etc. Next week I will be doing them with my counselors and summer campers that are on the cycle..whoo Hoo!

  901 Hits

Added in t...

Added in the credits that we got for going to the GoodWill games yesterday. Fun to see the numbers change, even if not by much percentage-wise. Have run 9 of the last 11 days! Short runs, but it is a start. Lost a couple of pounds too. Happy face! Worked out 4 days already this week with Master Schneider, but now she has work peeps coming in town and will have to miss a few of our scheduled work outs. Sad face!

  1107 Hits

Summer Camp

Yesterday was only the 2nd day of summer camp and I am already exhausted! Tuesdays are our swimming days and it just wore me out. 8 am meeting with Keith, ran and worked out at the park with Master Schneider and then Top Team at 6:30. Still haven't even attempted a pull up, but I did stare at the bar for a few minutes this morning:) I keep telling myself that I need to get a little better at my push ups before I tackle my pull least I am able to get alot of poomsaes and other stuff done while hanging out with the kids and I am excited for next week when I have 2 Summer Campers and 3 Counselors that go on the cycle. It will really push me to get some more stuff done.

  1144 Hits

Color belt...

Color belt testing at Lake Norman. Went well! Hutchinsons tested for their High Red Belts and did great. I was very happy with the day...but did not get alot of Journey requirements done. Managed a "quick" run. Only 2 miles, but it felt like to get over my mental hatred for the running. I actually like it once I get passed the first mile or so, but forcing myself to take those first few steps.....

  963 Hits

Very excit...

Very excited to start my Master's Journey! But a bit slow getting started! Easily getting in my poom saes....loving learning and practicing the Pal Gwe Poom Saes that the black belts will learn. Push ups are proving to be the most challenging! Can't wait for June 21st so that some of my summer camp black belt candidates can start doing stuff with me.

  955 Hits